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Hunting down a video!

I’m looking for a bdsm video with I’m pretty a guy called Master Len in it. In the video he uses rubber bands on the girls tits, she has a pierced belly button and clit and her build is athletic!
He then proceeds to add weights to her clit. She is also wearing a very small school skirt. I can’t seem to find the video anywhere, can you help me? xxx
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I did it, #onlyfans

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HELP- looking for video

I’m looking for a link or something to the video that has a guy called Master Len in it, it’s got bondage in it.
He’s got a girl in a tiny school skirt, looks like she workout professionally, like pretty muscular. From what I can remember she’s got a clit piercing that he hangs weights from, uses rubber bands around her tits, and at the end uses like a butterfly contraption to open her pussy up?
I’m really needing to locate thus video
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Opinions on dildos

I’m looking too get some new ones for my collection- but unsure which ones, so would greatly appreciate it people can send me links or tell me which ones they have used and loved and why etc
Thanks babes xox
  • 4
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What butt plug should I get? Suggestions please!

Post photos and/or links of ones you like and think I should get. As well as possible evidence of them in use 😉
  • 3
7 anni fa
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7 anni fa
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2330/6113/products/product-image-327037361_1cd93b66-7bef-4b74-a0c6-e81c80663438_1024x1024.jpg?v=1515465790 you should try this!
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If a friend and I were to make a film, what do you guys wanna see? Give me some tips/suggestions
  • 6
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should I buy a butt plug or a new dildo? Decisions decisions...
  • 4
7 anni fa
Hope you went with the butt plug.  Nice ass like that deserves it 🙂
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Borgore you'll have my heart forever
  • 6
7 anni fa
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Need opinions ? ?

What do you guys reckon is the best way to rub a girls clit, just wondering....
  • 2
7 anni fa
i much rather sucking than rubbing 😉
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7 anni fa
Always start with some wicked tongue teasing .... satisfaction is essential 
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Story time 😉

So what I would really like is if someone could tell me the dirtiest story about how they would make cum, squirt and how they would fuck me etc to help me cum so I can go to soon 😉
  • 3
7 anni fa
Message me
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7 anni fa
Come in inbox darling
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Can someone find me a better link to the video thaaaaaanks
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Anyone know the video with master Len, girl is in a school skirt, with a clit piercing
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I wanna hear about the dirtiest things someone would do to me.
I'm in the mood for a bit of bondage 😉 so get too it!
  • 4
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Just wondering if anyone has a link to video I'm searching for.
It's a doctor one, girl is wearing a blue tshirt, think her names Jenny, on her tshirt it says I luv boys. Her hair is in plaits
If someone knows wgat I'm talking about and can send me a link that would make my night anaxing 😉
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