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why I loathe men sometimes

so the last guy I wrote about briefly, three weeks ago, pissed me off again. I spent a few days at his place, and his 'fiance' was there. I thought they both got into polyamory but that sow was full of crap. Once I entered their house I knew she was HATING me fiercely. Yet she pretended to like me. The first night he fingered me while we all watched a movie, but quietly. the second night he went into her room and didn't come out until the morning. He came over to the couch, got right on top of me and began kissing my neck and nipples. My legs wrapped around him, I could feel his hardness. Their other roommate was lying on the couch a few yards away, i knew he was watching us.. my lover soon had his fingers in my hole, making me squirt but he would NOT fuck me with his cock. He moved so he was right on top of me, tenderly kissing my mouth when SHE walked into the room. I knew that I would soon be leaving by the sound of her voice when she spoke to him. I did leave, feeling like hell. this was two days ago. Today I received some very hateful messages from her. She told me to leave him be, he's her HUSBAND, etc. To top it off she said that that night he was in her room he fucked her all night, and ate her out, "he sucked my throbbing pussy" with the same mouth he had kissed me with. I do enjoy women, but you have to see what she looks like- she's got dentures, overweight, flabby, I could go on. How a hot guy like that wound up with her i have no fucking clue. She further added that she wishes I would have sucked his dick that morning so I could taste her pussy juice on it.
Why am I sharing this I do not know. It seems like I am constantly scrutinized for my looks, can't help it if I ooze sex appeal. I keep getting my heart broken too. It has a lot to do with why I am such a slut? I will be blogging again as requested but not tonight. I do miss writing for you filthy sex fiends. lots of love,
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who wants to fist me?
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I love it when my tits are sucked, and getting fingered and pounded
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I'm a nymphomaniac. Sometimes I'll be on tour with your favorite band (no rap or country though, just rock). Call me whatever you want- I don't give a . I love the lifestyle I lead and I have more fun than you! NO I DO NOT do IM/MSN or WEBCAM!!!!!!

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