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The Sexionnaire - I

1. Your Name -{}- 2. Your . How old were you when you lost your virginity? -{}- 4. How many guy partners have you had (guys and girls)? -{}- 5. Do you usually have an orgasm during oral, fucking, anal, masturbation? How many times? -{}-
  • 1
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The Sexionnaire - II

6. Do you usually have sex on a first date? -{}-
7. Do you like to give oral pleasures? -{}-
8. Do you like to receive oral pleasures? -{}-
9. What are your favorite position(s)? -{}-
10. Do you like slow passionate sex or hard fast sex? -{}-
  • 1
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The Sexionaire - III

11. What is the wildest thing you've done sexually? -{}-
12. Where was the craziest place you have had sex? -{}-
13. Do you like to play with sex toys? Which? -{}-
14. Do you think I'm hot? -{}-
15. What do you think is the sexiest thing about me? -{}-
  • 0
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The Sexionnaire - IV

16. Would you have sex with me? -{}-
17. Would you want me to use a condom, or do you prefer skin on skin? -{}-
18. Where do you want me to fuck you: pussy, ass, or both? -{}-
19. Would you kiss me during sex? -{}-
20. Would you want the lights on or off? -{}-
  • 0

Creative, Sensual, Goofy, Extremely Friendly, Giving. Always have a smile on my face. Somewhat self-reserved, probably about 78%. I sometimes shy away from social gatherings. If I go, I stick to myself, unintentionally, but it happens. Confrontational when need be. Never smoked. Hate being around smoke. Hurts my lungs. Love to draw, though I have slacked up a lot lately. I have the urge to get back into the swing of things. Just need some inspiration. I think I may have found just what I needed in the AWN Forums. There are some really talented artists there.

Ultimo Accesso:
7 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach
"United States"
Cockstomer Service
Interessi e Hobby:
I enjoy singing, writing songs/stories. Reading erotica or paranormal romance. I love to walk around my room in my birthday suit, or with my tits hanging out of the top of my shirt/bra. My nipples be so hard, and sensitive, begging for my attention.
Libri Preferiti:
"Bought by the Billionaire Brothers" Trilogy by Alexx Andria
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Tentacle Sex, , Sucking Cock, Anal Sex, Having my pussy fingered and sucked, Erotica, Snuggling, Touching, Hugs & Kisses, Being Fucked Fast and Hard, Having my nipples sucked, flicked and twirled, Bossy Men in The Bedroom, Public Affection, Taboo, Would love to be double penetrated.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Being spoken down to like I'm an idiot or a .
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
1 235
Video Guardati:
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