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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumSilly, loving, romantic, anxious... dirty minded. ;D I love watching intimacy between women. Flirting, kissing, desire, seduction... sex. This is why I am here, to find sources of "inspiration" whenever I´m alone in the house, and... you know, in the mood. :) Oh... and as I am also a visual artist, enjoying making a bit of erotic art. I intend to start sharing some of my drawings in here pretty soon; relatively simple drawings, themes based on some of my own sexual fantasies and/or experiences, depictions of myself (my cartoony self, that is) in the company of other women. On that note; My new profile picture is a "self portrait". Most of the before mentioned drawings are done in a variation of this style. :)
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