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Leave me to the wolves, for they must surely be much than this wretched world. Swiftly they would devour me. Unlike the days I must remain here. Each passing day has become a mental struggle. Depression, anxiety and self loathing have become the norm and attribute to my abysmal existence. Try as I might, I have found no lasting remedy for the torment I put myself through. Though I pray for relief, no solace is granted within me. If I were to taste the sweet release of death, this very day, few would miss my presence. As fast pace as the world is these days, those few would swiftly move on with barely a memory of me. I feel the longer I am left to writhe within myself, the closer death does creep. Oh death, that which does evade me, deliver me from my self loathing. Release the hold that this life doth me with. Hold me within thy grasp, until my soul is delivered.
Heavy is the head that wears a crown of sorrow. Heartfelt are the words of his wisdom. Forgotten are the days of his existence.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "8 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Two Thumbs Up"
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si è iscritto a 1 utenti
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Junior"
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si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "7 year old account"
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si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
si è iscritto a 1 pornostar

Looking to broaden my interests in the sinful pleasures of the 'flesh' and make a few like minded friends. I'm an open minded individual with more submissive tendencies. That being established, I maintain a genuine respect for women and behave accordingly with a gentlemanly and casual tone, outside the bedroom. == Results from bdsmtest.org == 92% Switch 84% Rigger 76% Experimentalist 76% Rope bunny 70% Exhibitionist 69% Primal (Hunter) 69% Masochist 66% Dominant 65% Submissive 65% Voyeur 60% Non-monogamist 59% Sadist 58% Brat tamer 48% Master/Mistress 40% Primal (Prey) 37% Ageplayer 35% Daddy/Mommy 30% Vanilla 29% Brat 27% Owner 25% Slave /Boy 14% Degrader 12% Degradee 12% Pet

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