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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI'm a straightforward guy that doesn't play mind games and of course I'm clean with No Diseases, Drugs and DRAMA. I have a funny sense of humor, if a somewhat warped one. Usually go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week to maintain my mind sharp and body so if I could find a gym partner here it would be great also. I'm also fluent in Spanish if any good people out there wanna speak to me in Spanish. When meeting with a couple, I give complete Respect to both the man and his woman. I know my place and not looking to separate them for play. When with a single woman the same applies. Just wanna Have some good MFM, MF, MFMFM...etc but just to keep being open minded and respectful to oth
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