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I'm an ordinary older guy who is really into BBWs. My favorite porn stars on PornHub.com are Gwen Adora, Lisa Spraxxx, Twothornedrose, and Krystal Swift. I also love BBWs who are at least 5' - 9" or taller. In addition, I am into hucow especially breeding the hucow videos, My ultimate fantasies are: (a) being able to find the one woman that I can fall deeply in love with and to be able to creampie her; and (b) having the woman I love act out with me the opening scene of the classic 1992 movie "Basic Instinct." I know that my fantasies are weird but I want a woman that I can love forever more. And one more thing: the reason why I love BBWs is that when it comes to womens' T & A, I am greedy. To me, more is more.
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