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Montreal, Canada
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si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "4 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "3 year old account"
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si è iscritto a 19 utenti
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "2 year old account"
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Glad to hear Pornhub will be taking steps to counter/stop the spread of content on their site. I don't want to see ANY content that involves , or reallife acts which have not been negotiated ahead of time, as part of a scene. I may be a lover of dark and twisted things, but this site should be, first and foremost, a place where consenting adults enjoy content produced by consenting adults.
  • 1
si è iscritto a 1 utenti
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, has it been a year already since I joined? / , ça fait déjà que je suis ici?
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si è iscritto a 24 utenti
si è iscritto a 6 utenti
si è iscritto a 1 utenti
si è iscritto a 1 utenti
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Critic"
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                               Holy . Lots of fake bitches around here. No offense to the real ones.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Gatherer"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Freshman"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Scribe"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Philosopher"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Porn Buff "
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Questo messaggio è appuntato
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It occurs to me there are few objectification videos on Pornhub. I wonder why that is. Perhaps because the fetish is of a less sexual, or at least 'sexual' nature? Not many folks liking to see a Dominant use a submissive as an object? I do note a bit more content from the Femdom perspective, but little in the maledom realm. I can think of a few ideas that would make for some pretty dirty/nasty videos.
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4 anni fa
it is thisway not only here, but also on otherwebsites. Just some examples of femdom, never anything of maledom, sadly... I'd need it sometimes 😉
  • 1

BDSM aficionado with pronounced sadistic tendencies. Recently caught the Shibari bug, and always up to practice on curious/experienced girls (for platonic rope, or something more / Mordu du BDSM avec tendances sadiques prononcées. J'ai découvert le Shibari récemment, et toujours prêt à pratiquer sur des filles curieuses ou expérimentées (pour pratiques platoniques, ou sinon plus encore).

Harsh Gentleman
Ultimo Accesso:
7 mesi fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Masters degree
Interessi e Hobby:
Books, reading and literature. Obscure cultural references. Nekkid gurlz (surprised?). Arguing about who would win in a fight between cavemen and astronauts. / Livres, lecture, littérature. Références culturelles obscures. Femmes toutes nues (surpris?). Je ne traduirais pas la dernière joke, mais points bonis pour l'identification de la référence.
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
Too many to list. If it's geek related, chances can talk for three hours about it. / Trop de titres sur la liste. Si c'est à saveur geek, je peux en parler sans arrêt (filles cochones et geek, prière de ne *pas* s'abstenir).
Musica Preferita:
Medieval Jive Rap / Fusion Hip Hop Jazz de la Renaissance
Libri Preferiti:
The Necronomicon.
Cosa Mi Eccita:
A clever girl who knows what she likes, and has a good sense of humor. / Une fille fûtée qui sait ce qu'elle veut, et a un bon sens de l'humour.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Nuclear fallout. Badly subtitled movies. / Hivers Nucléaires (ouache). Films mal sous-titrés.
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