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Welcome back!

Guys, I just want to say that I will be uploading giantess videos again. If you guys like giantess videos, then you are in the right place. I'm planning on making this the nexus of the giantess fetish on PornHub
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Videos Taken Down by DMCA

Many videos: GTSFX, GTSFX2, GTSFX3, GTSFX5, GTSFX11, GTSFX12, GTSFX13 and GTSFX14 have been taken down by DMCA and this is disappointing for the channel and its viewers. I am now considering tighter controls on who will be added to the 'friends' list. This is also very annoying for those who visit my channel, if this is you flagging these videos. I would hate it if I had to remove friends and add conditions for being a friend like a lot of channels out there. My policy is soft and it is being of but I will tighten policy if this issue keeps going.
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Hard Coder Exclusive Video

I am nearly there, I have 11 collages already done and I am making 9 more. I will be releasing it soon, I still can't give a date but I am in progress, I am 55% done. This will be a gentle giantess foot domination video which is what I like. Remember all content in this upcoming video has been edited and all collages have been made by myself using existing photos from other people.
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Video Flagging

Someone is flagging my videos and I know it is one of the people I have approved as a 'friend'. If this is you flagging my videos okay because you are stopping me from providing videos to people who closely watch this channel/profile. I will begin to get strict on who I keep as friends if this persists. I know it is a friend because this is twice an uploaded private video got flagged.
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Hard_Coder Exclusive Video

Hey guys, I'm here to announce that I am considering to make giantess photo collages like the ones on Giantessbooru. However I will put them in a video and upload them for public viewing. I am aiming to make about 20 collages for the video all done by myself. The material for the collage; photos of the giantesses and slaves are externally sourced. However, all the collages in terms of photo manipulation and the story behind the images are all original and done by myself. From time to time though, I will be uploading videos as per normal. The theme for the collage will be Gentle Giantess and Foot Worship. The release date is unconfirmed at the moment but I will give you updates on it. It will be titled "EXCLUSIVE".
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Video Name Title Mistake

Sorry, guys but I called two videos "GTSFX12" one is public and one is private but they are NOT the same. One is by GSF and the other one is by Under Giantess Feet and are completely different videos. Currently I am accepting anyone who offers to be a friend however I will be very annoyed and strict if this gets misused.
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I have a compound fetish as I am into giantess and female feet. I primarily upload both videos and photos of giantesses. I prefer gentle giantess over the mean/cruel giantesses but I can also enjoy videos with cruel giantess. Please feel free to add me if my videos interest you.

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