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Asian. Married. Funny. Curious. Fetish. Exhibitionist.... I'm here for a little bit of fun apart from watching videos. Fun to me is sharing my photos, videos, stories, experiences. Even though i'm married, i still love to masturbate. To me it is a very enjoyable activity. It's also an exercise to keep the body specifically the cock in tip top condition. How is it an exercise? Read on. Mention men masturbation and automatically "stroking the cock" comes to mind. Yes every guy does that and i did that in the initial stage when i first discover masturbation around the age of 13. Fast forward to present day, i prefer fucking my home made sex toy pussy. See, compare to the "stroking method" there is much more body movement. Thus it's an exercise. Helps tone/firm up the lower body. (haha, space limitation, can't write on, i'll continue under "Interests & Hobbies"

Ultimo Accesso:
4 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
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Interessi e Hobby:
I have this lingerie fetish since i was in my early teens. Fast forward to present day. thank goodness for online shopping. I dont need to go "borrow" or worse, steal bras & panties. My wife knows about my lingerie fetish. I just can't recall how i let her know about it. But all these while, she'd never really see me wearing them until now. With my 2kids away, it's just me and my wife at home. These days, i'd wear just panties and walk around the house. Thank heaven, she's cool about that. At least that's what i think...LoL. Who knows what lurks in women's mind? She could be jealous cause i have a nicer butt than her and i'm quite sure i look better than her wear those panties (sobs). Lately i've been on a shopping binge for panties. Already i bought more than 10pcs and i plan to buy more. Some are for her but sadly, she told me that she don't really like wearing thongs or g-string as she finds them uncomfortable. I can understand why. Well, her lost, my gain, More thongs/g-string for me :P
Cosa Mi Eccita:
1) Big boobs but not too big though. Ideally cup C or D 2) Big ass, again not too big 3) Women's sexual moaning and facial expression 4) A shaven pussy - so much more yummy to "eat" 5) 69 with man on top, the best position where the angle the cock enters the mouth is just nice & perfect for thrusting in and out of it :P 6) Sexy panties, me wearing them... LoL
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