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This is continuation from ExhibAsian20. So far, I had 5 accounts deleted already from psylockeXXX, AsianX23 and ExhibAsian18 and ExhibAsian19 and ExhibAsian21. Basically the rules are the same. If I rejecting your friend request, it means either you don't have any videos uploaded, you have uploaded videos that I don't like, or you have uploaded videos that I like but not much (I want you to have uploaded at least 7 videos), I want more videos since I will upload many videos. I will also uploaded previous videos from previous accounts. The videos that I like include exhibitionism/ public webcam/ public nudity/ caught/ asian(chinese/korean/japanese). I WILL BLOCK ANY STUPID REPEATED FRIEND REQUESTS!! I ALSO WILL BLOCK ANY USERS WHO PROMOTE THEMSELVES OR POST ANY LINKS TO PHOTOS OR VIDEOS ON MY VIDEO'S COMMENT!!! I HAVE BLOCK MORE THAN 100 USERS FROM MY PREVIOUS EXHIBASIAN19 ACCOUNT!! SO TAKE FULL NOTICE BEFORE YOU EVER SEND YOUR FRIEND REQUEST AGAIN
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