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Fantasy Sexting/Roleplay

Hello all ladies, if you've got a fantasy like medieval/scifi/real/other etc. that you'd want to roleplay/sext, I'm open to your suggestions. If you only list your kinks then I can suggest one of my own. Women only please.
  • 7
1 anno fa
I’m down ;-) I have a lot of naughty roleplays I wanna do
  • 0
3 anni fa
I’m down 😉
  • 1
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Incredible mood

Got a crazy mood for massive boobs. Any ladies with a sweet pair, I'd love to hear about 'em or see them
  • 0
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You know what's great?

Massive girlcock, that's the best, especially the ones that have huge tits as well.
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Titty cravings

Same old same good need of a massive pair of tits. Got a sweet enormous pair? I'd love to know about them, and maybe see them.
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Craving massive tits

Got yourself a sweet giant pair? I'd love to know about it, or see that amazing pair too.
  • 1
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Craving a massive pair

Got yourself a pair of enormous tits? I'd love to hear more about them, or even see them.
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Massive titty craving

Got an amazing pair you're eager to show off? I'd love to see some, the bigger the better.
  • 0
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Craving for massive tits

Got the same need for the biggest tits. Come show them off, I'm eager to see a nice huge pair or massive ones.
  • 0
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Massive titty craving

Any ladies got an amazing pair they'd be eager to show off? I'd love to see them. The bigger the better.
  • 0
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Craving huge black tits

The craving is so massive, I want to see the biggest. Come show them.
  • 0
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Craving for massive tits

Got a huge, massive or even a giant pair yourself? I'd love to hear about them, or see them.
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Craving massive tits

Where are all the ladies with the biggest knockers? Huge, massive, or giant, I want to learn how large you have.
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Craving plump tits

Same old need, massive tits in the mind. Any ladies with a good pair?
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Craving massive tits

I've got the usual need, either you've got a real pair of enormous tits, or you're eager to roleplay with ones, hit me up.
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Massive tits on the mind, any lovely ladies that have 'em?
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New community view is now unvieawable. Shame, I liked browsing new posts.
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Craving for giant tits

Would love to roleplay or chat with massive tits involved. Shoot a message if you're interested.
  • 0
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Huge craving...

And it's giant tits as usual. If you've got an amazing pair, then do shoot a message.
  • 1
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Same raring mood

Giant tits in mind, if you've got a lovely pair, don't be afraid to approach for some good dirty talk, real or not
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I have a large craving

And that's massive tits. If you've got some, real or not, would love to do some nasty dirty talk.
  • 2
2 anni fa
multa löytyis 😉
  • 0

Hung guy with a love for massive tits. Have been roleplaying for years, but I no longer have an interest to do that here - this place has changed, and for the worst. If you want to talk, then find a way that we can chat somewhere better, especially if you've got curves to boot. Otherwise, I'll linger around if things get any better.

Ultimo Accesso:
18 ore fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Cosa Mi Eccita:
I looove huge tits above everything else. I also like interracial, big asses and submissive partners. I have plenty of other kinks that you can ask.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
All the bad filth, not my cup of tea
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4 150
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