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Throughout my adult life I have been a sex addict with or without partner. Mostly with, have been married twice and am currently single. Lately I have come out as Bisexual even though I mostly prefer women. The fact that I look good dressed as both a man and a woman caused me to do both. Both of my women partners were actually into it believe it or not causing them to both say,"I think your turning me into a lesbian." Anyhow I grew tired of always hiding and decided to come out by putting up videos. I am not ashamed to go out in public though there are sertain lines I won't cross like if I know that i'm going in front of a bunch of straight guys I know how to be a guy to and i'm ok with that. That, for me gets boring and I want to have some fun and when you look the way I do it gets difficult not looking like a . Even when I don't up all the way I look like a girl sometimes so what is the point? I have a lot of fantasies about both men and women, really though i'm a .
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