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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "9 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "8 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "7 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "6 year old account"
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si è iscritto a 1 utenti
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Freshman"
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ha scritto un messaggio sulla bacheca di
Also, thats uncharacteristically nice.
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Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio sulla bacheca di
You have no idea how close your thinking is to mine, but from the other way around obviously. There's nothing worse than mutual love making yawwwn.... As far as I'm concerned if I ask you for sex then I've instantly destroyed any power I had and status and then what's the point of you saying yes. I think if a guy can't take what he wants then he doesn't deserve it. All you have to say is "I might act like I've changed my mind but I'm into that" and then you've made it real because you have no way out when I meet you. Otherwise what's the point in a way. I can get someone to submit fast and unlike most doms I can do it easily. Relationships are the bit that ruins the sex, the sex alone doesn't get old if it's kept to that because , well long story.....anyhow, I've always thought I know exactly how to tweak vids and get the just that bit better than anything I've seen. I know what people want and the psychology and be been looking for a for ages but noone quite understands...I really don't give a fuck about anything but proving to myself that I can get more viewers than other vids by following the exact plan...and it's a BJ submissive vid that gets the viewers as u know.....but I know I can do it better .
Christ, I don't even wanna be in.it...anyway...if u r ever in the UK ..and see it as just a project like me and none of the bullshit ppl think I'm getting at then get in touch ..and I'll tell you what I mean.....exactly....down to the tiniest detail.....also I hate chat....I believe in sex before words no awkward ....so.it is a bit of a weird one but hell, once I've made you kneel and look me in the eyes as you feel me cum down your throat, then oh, well, this is a mess of a message. Blah blah whatever.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Prophet"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Premium"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Squire"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "3 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "2 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "1 year old account "
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si è iscritto a 6 utenti
si è iscritto a 8 utenti
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Mugshot"
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si è iscritto a 3 utenti
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Immortalised"
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Greetings PornHub community! For a few years now I have been an avid visitor/consumer of this website, and subsequently, all of the amazing user-generated content! I have finally worked up the courage to try and start posting on my own. Please be kind! I am relentlessly an oral addict. There exists in this world nothing hotter in my opinion than a vociferously blowjob followed by a truly massive facial. Probably because it can be a power-play on both sides when you think about it. You're welcome to disagree. Anyhow, I just posted my first couple of compilations of facial clips I've collected. Keep in mind I am very new to this! I just got some new video editing software, and am still figuring everything out. I apologize ahead of time for any kind of editing mistakes. I welcome any suggestions as to how to produce a better product next time around. I'm open to talking about whatever, after all I'm hear to explore my own deviance while also learning from others!

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