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ADDICTED TO GUYS IN A LITTLE CLOTHING Just permanently horny and addicted to x-tube. Bi guy but not too experienced with guys. Have a part time GF & a butch bartender around the corner from house who likes to visit once in a while :-)He"s bi too but likes me to fuck him. I want to fuck him while he"s fucking one of the girls from the bar! I"ll keep ya"ll posted.??I"ve gotten some requests for more pics. Would love to share but gotta keep the privacy thing (for work reasons).But I keep on posting more pics guys I"d do! Check out my picks ? each set has at least 30 pics of what gets me going!Cheers Guys! OK! The "butch bartender from "round the corner came by yesterday. (01.08.09) He"s "straight" but likes to get fucked and gets girls all the time.I haven"t seen him since Thanskgiving and then he called me out of no where last night at 8:30pm and said he wanted to come over. "OK", I said.Well he showed up at 8:45pm and left at 5:50am and we had the weirdest but hottest sex ever!!He was all, "don"t kiss me ? I"m straight ? but play with my ass." It lasted for hours and we both came 4 or five times but I wasn"t allowed to touch him except for his ass. It was his rules I just went along.? He kept insisting he wasn"t gay when I had 2 fingers up his butt and he was begging for me to fuck him.Truth... He"s a straight guy who needs some attention spent on his butt.I was happy to assist :-)He watched straight porn the whole night while I played with his butt and eventually fucked him. As soon as it was over he bolted! (Even hotter)So my first "meal" of 2009" it only took 8 days!!!AND I ATE MY FIRST ASS!!! Male or female ? never did it before. COOL ? It tasted like lube! LOL NOW I"M DUDE CERTIFIED! Just ate my first ass ever and it was a straight butch dude. Turn Ons Hairy guys in underwear, wife beaters, briefs boxers, etc would love to find a butch guy in briefs and a wifebeater in my living room and start with his smelly pits and work my way down. Love looking at bulges and checking guys packages on the street. Definitely have an obsession with bulges....and now striaght guys asses. LOL Turn Offs overly shaven -trimming pubes is ok but when you look like an barbie doll... Ugh!? I like the BUSH! and I aint talking about George. Double UGH!!! Movies Dr. Strangelove ? "you seem to have missed the point...What is the use of a doomsday device. if no one knows about it?: Hobbies X-TUBE!!! I need to get a life :-))) Seducing straight bartenders from the neighborhood and writing about it on Dude Certified. LOL Music everything but country music

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