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TEXAS, United States
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "7 year old account"
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si è iscritto a 8 utenti
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Hey yall i'm in Houston i'm younger bi hmu on Snapchat chrisspison19
Txt (346) 260-3468
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How do y'all go about finding guys for the hook ups? Giving a blowjob is something I've wanted to try for awhile now. I've always felt a couple is the way I want to try it. Didn't really think real couples did this. Yall def proved me wrong. Couples are actually doin this and I'd love to be apart of it. To be coached through it by the woman. To have the guy show me personaly. To watch a couple get off from pleasing me on that level would honestly be mindblowing. Anyways I'm getting carried away But how would you suggest I find a couple like yall. I'm in florida so I doubt yall are an option. I'm young tall good lookin fairly well endowed. And pretty easy goin. Fairly confident I wont disappoint any Input would be highly appreciated
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Very nice videos. I'm in Dallas, Tex. Would love to get together with you guys
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Y’all are too fucking sexy
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I would love to meet you two. I’m in Houston
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Y'all are too fucking hot I want to meet up with you guys get at me if love to blow you guys away
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "4 year old account"
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We are a Bi sexual couple looking to make real friends with possible hook ups. If you aren't Bi then we aint for you. If you request us, say something. We are in this together, we don't want to experience anything seperately. We don't play alone so if you aren't willing to accept both of us then bounce! REAL TALK! We are looking for Bi women, Bi men, Bi couples also CD's, Transexuals are all welcome. All you freaky fucks hit us up! lol...We love all shapes and sizes, we don't discriminate. Not picky, down to earth, so don't be afraid, we don't bite. lol. Feel free to comment our pics and vids there is plenty there for your enjoyment so show love and we will do the same. 96% Dominant 93% Bondage Receiver 93% Daddy/Mommy 93% Master/Mistress 91% Bondage Giver 91% Switch 89% Brat Tamer 88% Degradation Giver 88% Experimentalist 84% Sadist 80% Primal (Predator) 79% Non-monogamist 77% Primal (Prey) 75% Girl/Boy 58% Voyeur 55% Pervert 54% Masochist 50% Slave 49% Brat 41% Exhib

Ultimo Accesso:
4 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Ragazzi e Ragazze
"United States"
Interessi e Hobby:
HIM : I played football in Jr. High and High school so football is my favorite sport. MMA come 2nd. I love music, all kinds of music. I like it all. HER : I love all kinds of music and movies.also watching make-up vlogs
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
Horror comedy and of course PORN
Musica Preferita:
rap anything screwed n chopped Classic Rock sum heavy metal but mostly rap/hiphop n r& b
Libri Preferiti:
anything by Dean Koontz, Stephen King
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Well groomed men n women big sexy asses on men/woman big tits n big dicks..Trannies crossdressers
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
dirty smelly pushy rude ppl
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
138 477
Video Guardati:
1 243
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