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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumSex robot object, useful to my Owner. Here to keep a diary of depravity that hopefully won't get taken down by the morality police. An exhibitionist, I am more inclined to just share from my little corner of sexual experience. Wouldn't say no to meeting people, but they would have to be really worth my time, in bed, but mostly outside of bed. What interests me are the big questions, serious debates, new ideas. Nature vs. nurture / freedom of speech vs. political correctness / Kirk vs. Picard (golden star for you if you get the reference). Your dick won't impress me, cause I don't lack dick in my life. You trying to dominate me won't impress me cause I have to want it too. But openness, curiosity about my whole person, a cool conversation or offering an experience out of the ordinary, now that will get you places. Also, respect for my D/s 24/7 dynamic with my Owner. He is my God and every fiber of my being worships the very ground he walks on. He has the final say in anything I say, do, post.
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