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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI am a Vixen/Hotwife and my husband is an Alpha Stag. We are seeking Bull playmates primarily but also love and desire the company of kink-oriented couples and single ladies. My husband understands the art of worship but Is far from a cuck. He is not a total wimp with a small cock who could never satisfy a woman. He simply accepts the fact that the insatiable desires and needs of a truly SEXUALLY LIBERATED woman usually require MORE than just one man, a philosophy he wishes not only to endure with sweet agony but encourage. He understands I have an inexhaustible supply of orgasms. He would rather assist in finding me lovers and witness me being pleased by them rather than have sex with any other woman! Watching my unyielding reservoir of sexual hunger finally being fully tapped, my eyes fixed upon him while he suffers, milking in bliss at the sounds and sights, saying without a word spoken, how beautiful it is to see me getting all I deserve.
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