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Looking for 1 in 100,000 I don't think of myself as picky, but I hope some one is out there that matches what I want. I'm looking for fun intelligent conversation. A mature woman - that is more of an attitude thing than age, but generally between 30-50. I hope she is good looking, not too tall and in good shape. Someone out going and not shy. In a relation is ok - as I'm looking for a friend to share thoughts and emotions. And, this woman has to be into me. So, I figure that's about one in 100,000 -- I many never find you, but it's worth a shot. Where are you? I have met several nice people on here, but not really hit it off with any. Does that make me picky, I hope not. I don't think of myself as picky - I just know what I want. I'm in very good shape. Well educated and good looking. I get hit on in public places - but that's not what I want. I don't what the world to know I'm in here looking, but will be open and will share everything with those that contact me (and are close to what I'm looking for)
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