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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumMy user name is BigD82012. I go by Bill Black online. I’m a 69 year old retiree living in Plano, Texas. I enjoy watching porn, reading erotic stories, and masturbation. I masturbate at least 3 times a day. First thing when I wake up in the morning at least once, but usually more during the day. And just before going to bed. When I was in my 20’s I used to meet up with couples for threesomes. This was before the internet. People would post cards on bulletin boards in Adult Video stores when they wanted to hook-up. I met a lot of couples that way. I’m straight, but I have tried sucking cock occasionally. It depends on the guy. The first time was at the request of the wife of one of the couples I met. I do NOT enjoy hugging , caressing, or kissing men. I consider myself “Orally Bi.” I’m interested in meeting a companion who enjoys the same things as me. And possibly a “Chaturbate” partner. I'm especially interested in unusual sexual situations. Exibitionism, and public sex. Never tried, but fanticise. @yahoo.
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