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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI'm looking for a roleplay partner who would have the same tastes and desire as me. Go check this list to know what I like. (I found this on another profile but I have exactly the same) : Any and all forms of combat/compeititon, as long as it's not one-sided. Nothing gets me going like a struggle for supremacy between two equals. Things I love/am willing to do: Catfights Titfights Sexfights Clashing body against body Futa battles (and by extension cockfights, nutfights) Dirty, nasty battles Tests of strength/endurance/wills Brawls Wrestling battles - even to the death if you want to take it that far Trashtalk Pitting body part vs body part, no matter how strange (nipplefights? nosefights? earfights even? I'm fine with anything!) No limits fights (And I mean it when I say I have no limits - so it's up to you where we draw the line) Mutual holds, mutual attacks Hatred, emotion, and creative plots. I'm not really that interested in pro style matches.
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