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Albuquerque, United States
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Seeking Our Unicorn

                   We are a happily married couple. Our home is old and small, our bed is large, and we are k*d free. Well, except for our three awesome dogs. We are very sexual, and the wife is very bi-sexual. The husband is straight. 
The wife has been craving another woman, it has been a while. We are seeking a friend, and a sex partner. Somebody to hang out with, eat dinner with [ and breakfast], go to a local Albuquerque brewery with, etc... You must be willing to play with both of us, and be drug and disease free. Marijuana is OK. 
We have done this before, but it has been a while. We are secure enough in our marriage, and trust each other so much that we know this will not hurt our marriage, but rather enhances our sex life. 
We would both meet with you in public, for your safety and ours. If we click, we would spend a bit of time as a threesome. After that, one on one time is a real possibility, with either of us, depending on work schedules. We are inviting you in to our marriage as a friend and lover. If this is something you are interested in, and are serious, please respond. We are serious, and appreciate same.                
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There is a horny gal over on newtmbl.com that would like some positive attention. She is cute, and very horny. 
This is her profile: https://girliegirl123.newtumbl.com/
If you get a chance, go on over and say hi. Maybe she can post some content here as well?
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Follow Us: https://BabesBeerBacon505.tumblr.com My wife and I are looking for another woman to join us in bed for some fun. She has been with women before. If you are interested, let us know. Women only please. We are not interested in women that want us to sign up to some site to see their profile.

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