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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub Premiumim just a girl. a girl whose made her fair share of mistakes in life. a girl who has done things that she regrets now. a girl who has learned from these mistakes, grown from them. grown into someone who can understand what is true, what isn't true, what is love, what isn't love. i am still young, and i am sure i will learn more things as time comes. right now. i am scared. scared that who i was, will affect who i am. that then will affect now. that the past will affect the future. that what I did, will affect my life forever. i'm honest and if that bothers you, go away. i'm extremely hilarious. i snort when i laugh. it's grand. if you can't laugh and have a good time. go yourself. my family and friends come before anyone else. i love them to pieces. i do have morals and beliefs. if you don't.. that's alright. i do have a body.. yes i show it off. does that classify me as a whore? no. it doesn't. i say what i want to say, how i want to say and when i want to say it. i'm not changing myself for anyone. you either like it or not. it's a simple choice really.
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