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I’m not a bot and I’m not gonna report you
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Abstaining from porn (Deleting $600+ of porn)

Good morning/evening, whenever you're reading this:
The title is right, I'm going to be giving up porn. It's something that I been wanting to do for awhile now. I've racked up a pretty decent collection over a few years and I've been watching porn religiously since I was 13. I still love checking up on updates from the c4s store, girl farting reddits, and new uploads on many different sites. But what really made me want to reform is the fact that my girlfriend and I had a falling out. It was mutual, but it was devastating. Coupled with the fact that my obsession with porn made us grow farther apart. It wasn't the main thing that broke us up, but recovering from this, I don't want to rely even more on porn through this process. It would be unhealthy and I want to look for a different passion in my life to replace it with. SO with all the porn I have left on my computer, I'm going to be creating a different account where I'll be uploading it all. I apologize if there is any reuploads of videos you've seen. But once they're on there, I'll be deleting them off my computer. So feel free to download them yourselves ifi you'd like, I'm not sure how long that account will be up due to DMCA, but I'll be accepting all invites. The name will be ZGODSKF. Just want to say thank you for all the wonderful people in this community who've contributed towards this fetish and uploading amazing videos. This is Aj signing off, thank you once again. Goodbye and take care :,]
  • 24
5 anni fa
Account still going?
  • 0
6 anni fa
is the account still up?
  • 0
6 anni fa
Added, not a bot. Good luck in future 😉
  • 0
6 anni fa
All the best dude!
  • 0
6 anni fa
  • 0
6 anni fa
Good for you, man. 
  • 0
6 anni fa
Thx for sharing your experience 🙂
  • 0
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Not a bot and never reported anyone,you got nice vids and good luck with your girl!
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Not a bot and would never report you or anyone, Cheers
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Can you add me back? They took down my other account
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Please add me! Thanks!
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You have some really cool videos. Please add me as a friend
  • 1
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Hi I was wondering if you could add me? thanks!
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Hello, thanks for the videos please accept me I would appreciate it i love girl fart. I am from Argentina I will be uploading some videos
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I would love it if you could add me.. awesome videos. Please add me thanks for your vidoes I will be uploading something I am from Argentina
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can u send my friend request i cant send any idk y
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could u send me request trying to get readded
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Not a bot please accept request! Thanks
  • 0
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Hey I’m not a bot I was wondering if you could accept my request
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Hi! Would really appreciate if you added me
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hey friend I'm not a bot I'm grateful if you accept the request for friendship
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can u send me a request i cant send them
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Questo messaggio è appuntato
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Hi, can you add me, I love fart fetish
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I'd really love an add, love me some fart vids
  • 0
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Hey newer to the fart fetish community, I'm not a bot and will not report anything. Just here to share and trade like everyone else, hoping for an add!!
  • 0

Fart fetish enthusiast, I'm open to friend requests and sharing my building video archive. Just shoot me a short friendly message when you go to add me, so I know you're not gonna report me or are a bot (not necessary but definitely appreciated). Take care and enjoy the content (:

Ultimo Accesso:
2 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
San DIego
"United States"
Interessi e Hobby:
Playing music, gym, golf, and porn.
Musica Preferita:
Jazz, Rap, Hip Hop, RnB
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Farts, Burps, (Slightly) Feet and Vore
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Nothing in particular, pretty open to a lot of things
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
20 573
Video Guardati:
Termini di Servizio<\/a> lo rimuoveremo.","successButton":"Ho capito","btnCancel":"Annulla","btnSubmit":"Invia","btnNext":"Avanti","loginto":"Accedi per segnalare contenuti inappropriati","loginUrl":"\/login?redirect=QH9Xf4T5FLZOC9bpWsqRjng%2FXqszVYVkuJiTU4PidUItfGSVavYo2C%2BaakEJiT6ldFV%2FPgNskhikHQU4c7V7qmyu6bGfZ6HBdX5kiOLe8g2Le%2BepTsnsYD%2FbqndMt5Y8znRo","login":"Accedi","reason":"Dicci perch\u00e9","error":"Sei pregato di fornire una motivazione","reasonBox":"Aiutaci a capire perch\u00e9 sei convinto che questo utente stia violando i nostri Termini di Servizio fornendoci ulteriori informazioni qui sotto.","reasonChannel":"Please provide URL and any additional information to help us locate and address the reason for flagging.","readAbout":"Ottieni maggiori informazioni su come segnalare violazioni e abusi","title":"Segnala questo utente","subtitle":"Segnalando un contenuto che credi sia inappropriato ci aiuti a proteggere la community di Pornhub e l'integrit\u00e0 stessa della nostra piattaforma. Grazie! La segnalazione \u00e8 completamente anonima, nessun utente potr\u00e0 sapere chi l'ha fatta. Spiegaci perch\u00e9 vorresti segnalare questo contenuto:","desc":"Pornhub \u00e8 una piattaforma che si affida ai contenuti caricati dagli utenti e il cui obiettivo \u00e8 proprio quello di fornire un ambiente sex-positive per utenti responsabili. \n Potresti non approvare alcune cose che vedi su Pornhub e altre potrebbero non essere di tuo gradimento. Ci\u00f2 non significa che questi contenuti siano illegali
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