Friend Zone Fee

I was just asked by a female on Snapchat if I would, be her Sugar Daddy and she would my cum slut.... ONLINE! See back in the 90's and early 2000's a Sugar Daddy was a strippers client outside the club. He would pay her bills and she would fuck him. Because of all you Pussymen who think that being nice to a Bitch will Eventually get you laid, which it NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL, and since the introduction of Social Media, these very same Bitches and Bitches who would never be a stripper or fuck somebody for any reason, have discovered that they don't have to fuck you. They just have to let you b… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh RegiMiller 1 bulan lalu 2

I wish I was Teen today!

When I was in HS and hormones where all the rave, girls did not like, therefore did not let you cum in their mouths. I would hear every time. "Just dont come in my mouth" Fuckin hell you wont hear a teenage girl say that anymore. Now they're begging for it! lol And have no problem giving them what they want!… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh RegiMiller 3 bulan lalu

Open Relationships are the Future...?

One dumb user says. Lmao! Yes "Open Relationships" have existed forever but will they be the primary or majority of all relationships? Big Negatory! See, we like many but not most species can, have and will Mate for Life. Meaning two people fall in love and are together until death due them part. The difference between us and Most is we have this "feature" or this sense we call Emotions. You know what I'm talking about. In my opinion these emotions boil down to two... Happy & Sad. From there they branch out covering multiple levels, degrees and factors. Now what makes this Open relationshi… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh RegiMiller 6 bulan lalu


If you approch someone and try to start a conversation but they just look at you, that is just as awkward as it is on social media. Stop being weird or psychotic and act like a normal person and fucking reply!… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh RegiMiller 6 bulan lalu

Fake Profiles xHam admin/devel do nothing about

1. Has the user Verified themselves? Image or Video verification. They can still try to scam you. 2. Read their username out loud! Seems unnecessary but could help new users. If the username doesn't make sense, it was likely created by a random username generator. Most retarded example I've seen so far: "WashableProgress##" 3. Look at the Days on xHamster number. If it's anything Less than 2-3 months, it's likely their intentions are entire for your money. Sometimes the admins will get enough Reports and catch it before 3 months but don't count on it. Note: Any user can try and scam you so… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh RegiMiller 7 bulan lalu

Too Many "Creators"

I'm all for Pornstars and that career path in general. I wouldn't know I like watching porn so much had these people chose any other profession. Where I have to draw the line is when a porn website/Social media platform decides to turn every one of its Female users into a E*****/Hooker and call them "Content Creators". Recently I had a 3 month sub to PoF, because well.... I'm getting pretty lonely in life and waking up next to someone that I want that close to me is starting to sound pretty great! So maybe, hopefully, you can understand why I was/am so upset to find so many arrogant bitches ta… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh RegiMiller 7 bulan lalu 2