Eva 9 - The Eyes

The next picture was a close-up of a pair of eyes. Eva could tell right away that they were Miho's eyes. No cocks, tits, or pussy - just Miho's naked eyes. But the more Eva looked, the more she saw. In some ways, it was one of the sexier pictures Eva had seen in the book. Miho began to take on a new understanding to Eva. Each photo had provided a new insight, a new freedom, a new power. This photo held even more. If the eyes are a 'window to the soul', this picture spoke volumes of Miho's history. While Miho was a beautiful woman, she was not a glamorous star - but she had the aura and glow o… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 8 - Dessert

"Dude!" Harold shouted to Peter, as they met outside the ice cream shop. "Hey, Harold!" Peter smiled. The boys knew each other well. In fact, their mothers had delivered the boys in the same hospital on the same night. Harold was born shortly before midnight, while Peter's mother gave birth just before sunup the next morning. Eva entered 'Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe' with the two boys in tow. It was one of those places with wrought iron chairs painted white, and dainty little tables with red and white checkered plastic tablecloths. "Welcome!" Smiled the girl behind the counter. Her name tag re… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 7 - Kathy and Peter

The next photo showed three men. The first man was on his knees, eyes closed, his lips around the tip of a cock head. The face of the man being sucked was not in the picture. His pubic area was shaved smooth, and he was pushing forward, trying to get more of his stiff cock into the sucker's mouth. Eva's breathing deepened as she saw the third man in the photo. Naked, sitting upright, a leather collar around his neck, and his legs spread by a bamboo pole. His ankles were secured to the pole with rough looking ropes. His helpless cock stood at attention. Eva could sense the emotion in each of t… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 6 - The Power

The next photo in the book was of Miho. She was bent, breasts tied in a 'rope bra' fashion, with her hands secured behind. The picture was an action shot, with a black leather whip less than a foot from hitting Miho's ass. A man stood in the foreground, his wet cock standing straight out, pointed directly at Miho's face. Eva fell into the picture, as before. She got out her magnifying glass, and looked at the details closely. A woman was wielding the whip. The man's cock was wet with saliva, and pussy juice. Miho's breasts were not too big, and not too small. They were perfect - and the rope… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 5 - The Book

Eva spent the next day off from school studying the book Miho had given her. It wasn't the sort of book that could be flipped through. Each page could be focused on for several minutes, fifteen minutes, even an hour or more. Eva got out a magnifying glass. While most book pictures were composed of tiny dots making up a full image, the photos in this book were different. Magnifying a rope offered detail of each strand in the rope - and each thread in a strand. The colors, and shapes in each picture played a role in the full story. It was as though Eva was discovering a new language, a new mean… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 4 - Miho

Eva was looking forward to seeing her friend Wadeen. Eva showered, put on some makeup, and got into her new black dress, hose, and shoes which Harold had paid for - not to mention one of her new thongs. Eva was still a short, pudgy, pignosed girl, but she felt hot. At about 3:45, a car pulled up outside, and a nicely-dress man knocked on the door. Eva had explained to her mother she'd be going to a holiday party with 'some of the girls', and her mother was actually pleased to learn her daughter had been invited to a social event. "Miss Eva?" The driver asked. "Your car is ready, Ma'am." Eva… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 3 - Continuing Education

"Made him squirt just by squeezin' his nuts, honey? You GO, girl!" Wadeen was surprised, but pleased to hear from Eva. "Keep him hungry, girl - keep a boner on that boy!" Eva spilled out every detail she could remember about her experience with Harold. The bus ride. The magazine. Teasing him, and making him wait. Eva also had more questions for Wadeen. What was it like to get paid for sex? What were the mechanics of that, how did it work? It wasn't that Eva wanted to pursue a life of prostitution, she was just curious. Wadeen answered Eva's questions as honestly as she could. Maurice was pre… Baca selanjutnya

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The Inheritance - 5 - Denouement

Kirina reached over to the wall, and took down a white terry cloth robe. It was similar to one she had at home, but this one was of a much higher quality. It felt thick and soft. "Do you realize just what sort of legal cliff you are teetering on?" Kirina stated to the man. He could only shake his head. "Do you ever check identification when someone enters?" Kirina questioned, staring ahead. "B-but, you entered with a key..." The man grasped for an answer. "That sounds like more of a security issue." Kirina noted. "And, I don't think you are in a position to argue at the moment. Just how m… Baca selanjutnya

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The Inheritance - 4 - The Realization

The mans's demeanor softened a little as he and Kirina approached the stairs. "It was me in that room, just less than twenty years ago." The man said, almost to himself. "Another boy and I had been caught at school with a girlie magazine. Nothing like the stuff they have nowadays." The man handed Kirina the box containing her things, and continued as they walked. "We were both stripped naked, and placed in that room together. I was never so scared in my life. We had to witness each other's punishment, which may have been the worst part of all." Kirina looked into the box, containing her clo… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh kb7 1 bulan lalu 3

The Inheritance - 3 - The Bad Boy

The flogger didn't feel as bad as it sounded. The leather lashes were heavy, and rained down on Kirina's back, but felt almost like a massage. The whipper was striking the blows with a perfect mix of pain and pleasure. While the feeling was new to Kirina, it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Kirina was still on her knees, licking a woman's cleft - another sensation which was new to her. The woman in front of Kirina had undergone a thorough flogging, her breasts and belly marked. Kirina felt a strange mix of humiliation and honor, in that she was able to protect the woman from the pain by taking som… Baca selanjutnya

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The Inheritance - 2 - The Man

Kirina stood in front of the man, who was now rubbing the front of his pants, tending to the erection underneath. "Are you in charge here?" Asked Kirina, innocently. "Yes, I suppose you could say that." Chuckled the man. "I'm certainly in charge of you!" Kirina's confusion was only overtaken by her arousal. "In charge? And what do you expect of me?" "Well, for one thing, you should be on your knees, ready to give me a blowjob." The man answered, a bit more sternly this time. Kirina dropped to her knees, as if hypnotized. Even so, she couldn't bring herself to consider a blowjob! She had o… Baca selanjutnya

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The Inheritance - 1 - Max

Kirina was sad to learn her Uncle Max had passed. Max was the younger brother of Kirina's father, who had died several years prior. The cancer that claimed Max was ruthless, but quick. An attorney notified Kirina she was the primary beneficiary of Max's estate. Max was quite wealthy, known as a good international businessman in the textile industry. Kirina and her boyfriend were comfortable on their own, but Max had specified that as Kirina was his sole surviving relative, she could 'cherry pick' anything from his home that was of personal interest. The rest would be sold through an estate s… Baca selanjutnya

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Glamour Makeover - For Kirina

'Exotic Makeover' - 'Glamour Photo Session' - The advertisement on the social media page catches Kirina's eye, and she looks further. The ads show before and after shots of several women, magically transformed from plain Janes into knockouts. 'Call for appointment - only 20 Euros!' The sessions are being offered locally for this week only... Intrigued and excited, Kirina makes the call. A young woman answers, and it turns out, Kirina is in luck! "Yes, we have one appointment left!" The young woman notes. "Does tomorrow afternoon at one work for you?" "Yes!" Kirina answers, quite thrilled to… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 2 - Harold

It was dark when Eva boarded the crosstown bus to head back home. Rush hour was long past. As she paid the bus fare, she noticed there were only three other people on the bus. One of them looked familiar. It was Harold, from her fourth period math class. He was pretty good looking, and smart. Eva wondered what he was doing coming out of the 'bad' section of town. Harold had been dating Molly McGregor, but Eva heard a rumor Molly had dumped Harold after he tried to grab her tit and french kiss her at a party. As the bus started to move, Eva walked down the aisle, and noticed Harold was focuse… Baca selanjutnya

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Eva 1 - Meeting Wadeen

Eva stood out front of the Rialto Theater, and started to sob. Eva had taken the bus downtown in hope of a movie date with a boy from school, who had mentioned a movie he'd wanted to see - Eva had even offered to buy the tickets. This wasn't the first time Eva had been stood up, but this one felt even worse than usual. On the chubby side, Eva had been a 'late bloomer'. Her breasts were small, her skin was pale, and her thin blonde hair was cut short in a manner that made her look even fatter. It didn't help that Eva's mother dressed her in long, floral-print, flour sack dresses. Once a prou… Baca selanjutnya

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Dinner Invitation - for Chrissie

The dinner invitation included instructions to dress all in black. You knew exactly what to wear, with your special 'little black dress', black bra, and panties - not to mention the black heels. The dinner was held at a lovely private home, and the dinner was catered by a chef and his two assistants. The meal consisted of a very tasty fresh salad, an extremely delicious soup, (but too small of a cup!) and a main dish of a chicken in wine sauce, and roasted fresh vegetables. Dessert was a rich cheesecake, with a dollop of whipped creamcheese frosting. A white wine provided the perfect accompan… Baca selanjutnya

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