Revisiting my teenage years

I was reviewing earlier posts and this caught my attention.

When I was 19 I worked as at a regional airport as one of the ground staff. I loved my uniform, which resembled a pilots, it was tight fitting jacket, shortish skirt, white shirt and a silky looking scarf, with a couple of stripes. It was great fun, with lots of banter with the baggage handlers and special branch officers. I was young, naive and loved being part of this world. A couple of the handlers had a real thing for me and looking back I was flattered by their interest as I had led a sheltered c***dhood. I was an outrageous flirt, enjoying their attention, a cock tease, but not realising that men don’t always get it. Looking back, my inner slut was there from an early age. I have always craved attention from guys and dressed to appeal.

Revisiting my teenage years
The ground crew girls raised funds for c***dren in need, with fancy dress - St Trinians look obviously. We thought it would be fun to go commando, but I hadn’t thought my outfit through. Very short pleated skirt, no panties on a windy airport, the baggage handlers saw a lot of me. The event ended with some drinks, a little canoodling, snogging with Pat a thirtysomething guy’s fingers wherever he could get to. He came in his pants. After that he was on a mission.

Whenever there was a lull in flight arrivals or departures me and the other groundcrew would join the baggage handlers for a break and play cards or darts. One day I could hear a couple of the guys sniggering while looking at me and I pushed and pushed to find out what they’ve been saying about me. They didn’t want to say, but eventually they admitted that they wanted to fuck the arse off me. I was a bit taken aback by their openness, I was flattered by the remarks but I wasn’t really sure how to respond to them, but just flirted all the more.

I remember one event probably around Christmas time as the airport was fairly quiet and we had seen the last flights depart and were waiting for the final arrival. The baggage handlers invited the groundcrew girls to join them for a bit of a party. We were all up for a bit of fun as we really got on very well with them all, and a couple of the girls had quick shags in their small office. A couple of special Branch guys were also invited, and I knew that my older colleague Sandra had fucked at least a couple of special branch guys.

We shouldn’t have been drinking on duty, but there were a few bottles of vodka circulating and we started have a drink. One of the guys suggested we have a game of darts, suggesting that we do the clock, where you have to work your way around the board from 1 to 20. We gave it a go With girls versus boys and a forfeit of drinking a shot every time the thrower didn’t get any number in the sequence with three darts.

Not surprisingly as ladies we were not as good as the guys at playing darts. Before long we were all getting pissed on the vodka shots. There was a lot of laughter and a lot more flirting and crude language from the boys-well man is there a good 10 to 15 years older than me.

Someone suggested that rather than us all take turns in a game that should we should have one of the girls against one of the lads, but with a new forfeit that for every miss The thrower would have to remove an item of clothing. We all laughed.

Cocky girl that I was on a bit pissed on the vodka I volunteered to go.

looking back, the dare devil was there from the start - I was a slut from teenage, it’s just that the older I get the sluttier I have got.

A couple of the other girls were already seeing a couple of the guys on the side took the opportunity to find a quiet spot. They’re all married but working so closely together had a bit of extra fun.

I am sure that you can work out what happened next. I knew I lookedsexy in my cabin crew uniform but then again I imagine that’s almost every man’s dream to fuck a stewardess and whilst I wasn’t a stewardess I was pretty much dressed as one.

I went first and missed each one. That was my hat off. Pat, who I was playing, also missed on his turn and off came hishigh viz vest. I missed a second time and I removed my Jacket and unbuttoning it slowly and allowing it fall from my arms. Pat didn’t miss And it was back to me. I missed again, and I was trying hard, because although I was pissed I could see where this was going and I not planned for this.

There were only a few guys left and a couple of the girls, all watching me to see what item of clothing I would remove next. I surprise them, and I took in a short intake of breath as I un buttoned the back of my skirt, lowered it and stepped over it and placed it on the back of the chair.

I was now in a white blouse, and my silky scarf and high heels and the obligatory stockings. And I could sense attention in the air and I was passed another shot which I drank straight down. Pat threw again and missed. Off came his T-shirt.

It was now my turn again and somehow I managed to get it right. Pat Didn’t miss with his next throw and is my turn again. I missed and the guys whooped As I slowly unbuttoned my white shirt and Pat eagerly eased it off my shoulders placing it on on the back of the chair. I was handed another shot as I watched Pat hit the mark again.

I was standing there in a pretty pink bra, with matching panties and stockings. I noticed that a couple of the girls and a couple of the guys had gone looking for a quieter place for a Christmas shag.

There were still 4 or 5 of us in there and I was now playing to stop my tits from being put on public display. I missed and thought about trying to opt out of carrying on. It was pressure from the guys and the fact that had a lot to drink it eventually lead to me undoing the clasp on my bra from behind and slowly letting it fall to reveal my tits.

It was Pats turn and this time he missed and quick as a shot there with his jeans off, revealing a bulge in his pants. I threw again, and missed. I was offered a vodka shot before I removed another item. I flashed my pussy at them, expecting that to be enough, but they insisted that my panties came off. I realised that I was alone with Pat and the special branch guys.

I was in a vulnerable position. My clothes were bundled up behind the guys. Pat threw again and missed by a mile, deliberately. Off came his pants, revealing his stiffy.

‘Tut tut Katie, look what you’ve done to me” he said as his boner twitched. He came closer to me.

“You’re a right fucking prick tease aren’t you, Katie” I was lost for words.

“Love your tits Katie” said Barry, a special branch guy.

‘“How about you sitting on the table and show us how wet your cunt is” he said.

I was wet, but I wasn’t ready to be fucked.

They moved like a pincer movement and I stepped back towards the table. I pretended to be brave,

“If you think you’re hard enough” i said with a tremor in my voice. Not the best thing to say with his raging stiffy.

“You know you want to you little slut tease” said Pat “you’ve led me on for months and now it’s my time”

To be honest I froze as the table was pushed back against the wall. Pat forcibly pushed me into squat mode and his cock was in my mouth. I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t, I thought that they might just touch me up and then leave it at that, so I took the path of least resistance. But I had no choice as he held my head firmly. Barry was squatting down beside me, fingering my cunt, three or four fingers

“You’ve a lovely tight pussy Katie, I think it needs stretching” said Barry.

i closed my legs, well as far as I could.

I wanted to say no, but I was confused. I had led them on for sure, but I knew that I was out of my depth.

Barry took his turn with my mouth while Pat pinched my nipples, fingered my cunt.

Barry’s cock filled my mouth as Pat said “let’s do it”

The next move was Barry sitting on the table, his cock in my mouth. I was bent over, legs closed as the guys were fingering my wet cunt. Slowly my legs were pushed apart, I was firmly pinned in position, a strong arm pushed down on the small of my back.

Pat slammed into my cunt. He pushed down on the small of my back, I was going nowhere. The other special branch guy, Dave,I think was watching, and added his own strength as I struggled a little. I felt Pat harden and I realised that the more I struggled the harder he got. So I struggled more and the three guys increased their holds on me. I must admit that I got excited, really turned on, the hardest cock I had felt in my life at that point.

Pat fucked me hard and came with a series of powerful thrusts pumped his buckets of seed into my little used, tight pussy.

“Job done” Pat said as he pulled out

“Your turn, every holes a goal” I heard Barry say to Dave.

Barry’s grip was firm and I sensed that Dave was undoing his trousers and belt ready to fuck me. I don’t think I had ever seen him before, just a random copper, old enough to be my dads, wanting a free fuck. I thought that he was going to take up up the ass so I reached a hand back to stop him. Pat took hold of my arms to give Dave the option. He gripped my young, slim hips and pummelled my cunt, balls slapping against my arse. Barry had grabbed my hair so that my eyes looked into his, he was watching my expressions, hearing me sequels, moan, and then watched as my breath was taken over as Dave emptied his load inside me. I was held so firmly that there was no give, Dave’s cock hitting my cervix, my immovable cunt, it fucking hurt yet stimulated an orgasm as I called out in pain and ecstasy.

Barry moved behind me now, taking my arms behind my back as his main grip on me. He was tall and struggled to get the right angle. So I was forced to the floor on to all fours and he fucked me there, tits swinging and Pat and Dave egging him on. then. He took me by the hips and pulled me back hard onto his cock as he thrust forcefully. Thought I was going to split open. He came and came and came, pulled out with a huge smirk on
Diterbitkan oleh Harry58
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hyep me too wondering how an airport could run if all the staff were at it ...just glad air traffic tend to be out of the game
Good little young cum slut, nice wee taster of what was to cum your way later in your life Katie :smile:
Such a horny recount Katie, loved how they pinned you down for a proper fucking and used you like a cock-teasing slut.