More videos

Hi all, finally had some time to upload more videos. They going through review and hopefully will be available to view soon??… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: stephenmodel50 legutoljára elérhető: 3 hónap

Profile Views

Hi all and big thanks for getting me to 1K profile views ??? when I get the chance I will upload more videos, I’ve just been very busy with work, sorry???… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: stephenmodel50 legutoljára elérhető: 3 hónap

100 subscribers met

Hi all and thanks for the 101 subscribers ???? as promised I’ll upload the most latest video I’ve made for you all and hopefully it will be on here after it’s been accepted. Hope you all enjoy it??? More so get turned on and cum???? even women ???… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: stephenmodel50 legutoljára elérhető: 3 hónap 2

Upload a video

Hi all, hope you all are well and cumming loads???? just wanted to say if I reach 100 subscribers (7 more needed), I will upload my latest video earlier than I was going to. It involves rings and my cock very hard???? and of course cum as well????… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: stephenmodel50 legutoljára elérhető: 3 hónap


Hi all, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you that has subscribed, comment, friended me and mailed me??? The response has really surprised me in just 10 days on here to have 58 subscribers and over 400 views???? THANK YOU SO MUCH ?? hopefully some of you will be interested in my website and will also want to book me sometime. I’m also hoping that some women will start being interested as well, so if any of you know some women that may like what I do please share here and my website with them. Once again thank you so much???… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: stephenmodel50 legutoljára elérhető: 4 hónap

Here and my website

Hi all, Here you will see my videos that I upload, on my website you will see my photos and be able to read all about me. Also to see what I’m offering at cheap prices. To those that have got here via my website, hi and enjoy the videos and hopefully I’ll be hearing from you very soon to see what can be arranged. All the best and hope you will be pleasured.… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: stephenmodel50 legutoljára elérhető: 4 hónap