My First Threesome

I was 19 and went to a friends house, it was late and my car was in the shop so I missed the bus and decided to start walking home. I noticed a car would slow down as it came up to me this happened a cpl of times then it stopped and a sexy older white bbw leaned out the window and asked if i needed a ride, her man was in the car with her. I asked where they were going and they said they were from out of town and staying at a hotel a mile away and if I would like to join them which I said yes. We got to there room and had a cpl of drinks where she went into the shower while she was in there he… További tudnivalók

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Rainy Nite

It was a rainy Friday night and Carl was on the last train. He hadn't planned on staying late so he didn't drive to the station, which meant he had a twenty minute walk home, and it was pouring out. He was hoping when he got to the station a cab would be there, he had tried calling but was told there was a hour wait. The train puled into the station Carl got of the train he noticed something that made him stop for a second and take a deep breath, it was her. He had seen her usually in the mornings they had both passed on the usual pleasentries to each other, like hello, how are you? Nice day,… További tudnivalók

Bejegyzést készítette: iamcontent legutoljára elérhető: 14 év


Just want to say hi to all Will be posting a story soon… További tudnivalók

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