My Father Asked Me To Get His New Wife Pregnant

I've never told anyone what I’m about to tell you, but I need to get this off my chest.

When I was 18-years old, my father married a nice woman I will call Lisa who was 35-years old and was OK looking. She was a pleasant woman and made my father, who'd been divorced from my mother for about ten years. Being his only offspring, it was important to him that I got along with her, so to his utter relief when I first met her and began saying over their home on weekends we found that we liked each other. After their marriage I'd often stay at their house on the weekends and even during the summers while I was going to college.

My father had the misfortune to have gotten a vasectomy many years prior when he was married to my mother. He’d attempted to have it reversed shortly after he married, but it obviously failed due to scar tissue.

My step-mother Lisa wanted a baby in the worst way, and after the failed vasectomy reversal they briefly considered adoption, but the cost and time was just too much. Then my father told her why not have her artificially inseminated and at least half of the new offspring would be biologically hers. To be honest, I think the cost of adoption and time required put him off.

They tried several attempts at artificial insemination using sperm from a sperm bank but each time it failed. What Lisa didn't like was the hormone shots she was required to give herself several times over the course of three days before the attempted insemination at the doctor's office. She later described it to me as a very sterile procedure that didn't sit well with her. They continued with trying various methods for the next two years and nothing was working.

When I was about 20-years old, two years after they married, while I was staying at their home during the summer vacation, my father called the house on the phone to talk to Lisa. He was on a business trip in San Francisco and after talking to Lisa for a bit he asked to speak to me. Lisa handed me the phone and disappeared upstairs.

My father started out with small talk and then I heard him hesitate before he told me about the failed vasectomy reversal as well as the artificial insemination attempts that he and my step mother had done. He said she was absolutely heartbroken, and they were at their wits end since. He said that medically, Lisa should be able to get pregnant but that it just wasn’t working using artificial methods. It was then that he mentioned that it might take the “old fashioned” way to get her pregnant.

It didn’t click in my mind what he was saying so I just listened silently to my father until he stopped speaking. I think he was hoping that I’d connect the dots and he wouldn’t have to say anything more. When I remained silent, he then sighed a bit and told me that he and Lisa had spoken a few weeks back and wanted to know if I would be willing to donate my sperm to her. He said that I'd be a great candidate to donate my sperm so the k** would be blood related to our family, rather than being a stranger. I was shocked but he sounded so desperate that I finally agreed. I assumed that Lisa was going to have another round of artificial insemination with my sperm, but then he said something that absolutely shocked me to my very core when he suggested that I should try to impregnate her naturally.

At first, I thought it was a test or maybe a joke. I remember just staring at the phone for a moment while listening to him in unbelief.

He told me Lisa was upstairs in the bedroom and was waiting for me if I should decide to do this. My father said that he would never bring up the subject again whether or not I decided to go through with it or not. And if a pregnancy should occur then he would be the acknowledged father and be on the birth certificate and I’d be the honored big brother.

I told my father I did not think I could do this, but he countered saying that Lisa was so desperate that he was worried that this would prove too much strain for the marriage to continue if he didn’t at least try everything possible to have a baby.

I really didn’t want to do this but to stall for time I told him that I'd consider it. He said that she is ovulating now so this had to be done today if possible. I told him again I’d consider it and hung up the phone.

I sat there for a moment thinking what I should do. The thought of having sex with Lisa and getting her pregnant was strangely appealing to me as I did find Lisa attractive. I’m ashamed to say but my lust, rather than any altruistic intentions, took hold of me and I felt a sudden wave of lust rush through my body as I realized that I was actually considering doing this.

As my face got red with my growing lust, I realized I had a huge erection and any doubts that crossed into my mind suddenly vanished as I realized that I was going to do this thing.

I quickly rushed upstairs, took a shower, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, went to my father and Lisa's bedroom, and knocked on the door.

She told me to come in, so I slowly opened the door and peeked in as I really didn’t know what to expect. I saw her on the bed watching TV. She smiled at me and told me to come in, which I did with great hesitation. Lisa was dressed in a nightgown but it was opened in the front and I saw that she was wearing a long, white lingerie that showed off her cleavage from her rather large breast.

She just smiled and asked if I had "the conversation" with my father.

I told her I had, and she said asked if I was all right with this. My lust was red hot now and I was having such an adrenaline rush I almost felt faint. I did have the presence of mind to at least voice my concerns and that I didn’t want this to ruin my relationship with my father or her.

She assured me that if we did this thing it was for a baby and nothing more. She promised me that we could try this for a few days and if it didn’t work and I was still uncomfortable doing it she wouldn’t ask me again.
I looked at her and nodded my head.

She smiled at me, patted the bed next to her indicating she wanted me to sit next to her, turned off the TV and the light. She got up to open the curtains to let in the natural light. It was then that she stopped at the window and looked outside and stared into space. She turned around after a few moments and I saw her take off her rob and slip off her lingerie. She walked over to the bed and by the time she returned to the bed my eyes were adjusting to the low level of light and I was able to get a detailed glimpse of her body. She wasn’t thin, but she wasn’t overweight. This was a real woman standing before me. Her hips were ample, she had a slightly fat tummy but her large natural breasts, which were slightly hidden by her long brown hair, hung down her chest without the support of a bra.

She stopped and stood right in front of me while I was still sitting on the bed staring straight into her lower belly button area but I could make out her rather massive bush of pubic hair between her legs that made me a lover of women with bushy pubic regions from then on. My cock was in full ready mode, and could feel it pulsating with anticipation. She reached down and pulled off my t-shirt and then took my head and pulled me towards her tummy and held me there.

Lisa asked in whispered tones me how many women I’ve been with, and I told her I’d been with two girls so far. She ran her fingers through my hair first and then onto my back. Her fingers electrified my body as she continued to lightly touch me. I repaid her touch with my own touch along her back and bottom.

I did look up at one point and saw her standing there with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she awoke from her trance and had me stand up where she slipped off my shorts from my body so that I was now naked before her, as she was. As we stood there facing each other, she reached down with her hand and took a hold of my very swollen cock and began fondling it for a few moments making me groan. She smiled and then told me that we could do anything but kiss on the lips or have oral sex. I was fine with that.

She then got onto the bed, and things were a blur for me after that.

I sucked her breasts, kissed her neck, and slipped my hand between her legs. She enjoyed that and encouraged me to rub a certain spot (I later realized it was her clitoris) and from her reaction I knew I was hitting the right place. A few minutes of doing that and she tilted her head back, closed her eyes tightly, and told me she was coming. Judging from her rather intense vocal reaction, it must have been a very good orgasm.

When she recovered, she told me that she wished we could do more together sexually, but she’d promised my father that we wouldn’t go too far in things. She said that having an orgasm with me was probably the line she didn’t want to cross and we’d better stop. She then got onto her back and asked me to enter her.

I quickly mounted her and I was in the push-up position above trying to find her entrance hole. When I proved unable to find it she reached in, took my dangling cock into her hand, and guided it to her very wet entrance, planting it firmly into her hole. When she let go, I took that as a sign to push in, so I did and she made a sharp cry that sounded painful. I asked her if she was OK, and she said she was and to let her get used to me for a moment.

She adjusted her body a bit and told me to push in deeper. I did and once I was in all the way then I began to thrust slowly between her legs building up speed and in no time, and soon I was giving her a sound pounding between her legs.

I hadn’t masturbated that day, plus my lust levels were at an all-time high due to the situation I found myself in. I not only was having sex with a hot older woman but I was purposely trying to get her pregnant as well. Add to the fact that the woman in question was my step-mother, I was here at my father’s request, and Lisa really seemed to be into this, it was a recipe for a premature ejaculation.

So, within a minute or two of entering her, I felt my orgasm about to explode and apologized saying I couldn’t help it. She told me not to worry as the important thing was to come inside of her. She asked me to go in as deeply as possible when I came, and I told her I would.

With that, she wrapped her legs around my waist as I pounded between her legs hard and deep for a few more moments before exploding inside of her, making sure go in as deeply as possible as she requested. When my first spurt of semen entered her, Lisa actually moaned and continued moaning while I was making my entire release. I don’t think it was an orgasm, as she didn’t sound the same when she climaxed on my finger, but I think it was more to do with her feeling of relief that perhaps her journey to have a baby was at an end.

Anyway, when I was done, I tried to get off of her, but she told me to stay put for about five minutes so the sperm could get to where they needed to be.

We held each other with me still on top of her and she looked me in the eyes and thanked me for this gift I was giving her.

When she let me get off, she quickly put her legs against the bedroom wall so that my sperm wouldn’t dribble out. She asked if I could do it again soon and I told her I could. I lay next to her talking about things going on in college and in my life.

An hour later we had sex again. I gave her another orgasm using my fingers before entering her. I was also able to last a lot longer inside of her though she didn’t climax.

Afterwards I returned to my room with the promise of more sex the next day.

I ended up having sex with her 3 times the next day and once more the day after that. And then we were done.
I thought things would be awkward, but once my father returned home things fell back into place very quickly. I concentrated on my school work and my father and Lisa returned to their own lives.

I was secretly hoping she would need my help next month if she didn’t get pregnant, but sure enough, she missed her period and a trip to the doctor’s office confirmed her pregnancy.

True to their word, neither my father nor Lisa ever said a word or even hinted at what had happened. When my brother (my son) was born Lisa was the happiest woman in the world. And my father proudly proclaimed his new son to all his friends.

Lisa never flirted with me or ever did anything to indicate my role in the conception of her son.

That was 18 years ago and my son/brother is about to enter college. My father and Lisa are still married as well.
I’m married myself with two daughters, and even now I sometimes lay back and think of those three days of wonderful sex with a wonderful person. I’m glad I did it and I have a close relationship with my “brother.” People do remark how similar we look in appearance, and we just laugh and say we share the same DNA with our father, which is very true.

My big worry is that my "son/brother" will take a DNA test and find out the truth. However, as long as I don't take one of the tests to match us as father and son I think it will be all right. Both Lisa and my father won't take a test as well as well.

So, only if there is a medical issue in the future I think this secret is safe for now.

Thanks everyone for reading this. It serves as my confession to the world of what I'd done.
Közzétette: henrywallace
legutoljára elérhető: 5 év
Kérjük, hogy a hozzászólások közzétételéhez vagy
how brave of you to confess to this act, thought by many to be taboo, which helped cement the relationships within your family
Too bad about the limited itimacy, no kissing, no oral, her not having an orgasm.........all that should be present when one gets pregnant!!  J (the wife)
Thanks for sharing.  I do hope life is good for all of you.  I think you did the right thing.  
Una sabia decisión muy lógica.
You get in in there boy...load her up!
great job
You're a stand up man! Good job!
Very sexy, and if I was in your shoes I would have loved to do the same. As others said, I wish there was more to it. I know I might have tried. But... you did good. 
very well written and very sexy story as well.  I too wish there was a bit more for you and her.
Fascinating story. If the DNA test is taken some day, I think you have a good account of what you did for the best of reasons.
Hi Henry. I think that you did the right thing and don't have to be afraid about anything that could ever happen. After all you did your father and Lisa's will. You gave them the happiness the wanted and needed. They chose you and you must be proud for that. Your father offered you his own wife because he considered you to be the best man to do what he couldn't do, to act as him. I approve what you did because it was the less you could ever do : giving happiness to them. Bravo !
Hot and sexy.
Wonderful story full of love, I was secretly hoping that this story would end up with a regular relationship between you and her and read some crispy and juicy hot details about this relation but this end is better for the whole family and the peace of everyone. Even if some tests are done and the truth is revealed I don't think anyone should be shocked about it, this was done to preserve their couple and that's what happened.