STORY: Falling For My Local Librarian

I made the Librarian pregnant. My first time cumming inside of a woman.

Author's note: Most of my stories are about i****t or about older women in my life. This time I am writing about a librarian. Before you go and say that it is a typical librarian, think again. This one just might fool you. As usual, sit back, crack open your favorite beverage, and enjoy yourself....

CHAPTER 1: Meeting Amanda

I had been downsized from a job of mine in a town called Columbus, Indiana, and it took awhile for me to get my first job offer....I received a job offer across the river in Kentucky. It is only a couple of hours away from where I am from, but it was still a big change for me. After a few weeks of settling in with my job at a University, I decided to start going to the University library to grab a few books to have to read, as well as grabbing some DVD's. I as bored and I didn't want to just go to the movie theater alone. I have never been married, but I did have a few girlfriends in High School and college. I also had been with two sexual partners before my big move.
This story is about me and Amanda. Amanda is the young lady who works in the Library in the Media department. She is usually the person who checks out my books and videos when I go there. She is really attractive to me. I would describe her as shorter than me, with curly blondish hair. Her eyes are so gorgeous. There is something else that I love about women that I really like about her.... Her fingernails! They are so well groomed and painted nicely! That is so sexy to me!
"How are you today?" I asked her as I was checking out my collection of a couple of movies and a Dean Koontz book.
"Hi!" She replied. I bet I was staring at her eyes when she was talking to me. "I love this movie. I like Harrison Ford."
"He is one of my favorites." I replied to her. " Have you seen the new movie about Jackie Robinson yet?"
"No, I don't know that much about baseball, it's about baseball, right?" She asked.
"Yes, about the first African American player in the Major Leagues." I replied, hoping to continue the conversation.
"I am sure it is good, since Harrison Ford is in it." She said as she finished up my transaction. She handed me my three items and I noticed something else about her nice hands....No engagement ring. That made me feel a little better about being so chatty with her. I wanted to keep talking with her but there were a few people lined up with me. I noticed her name tag said AMANDA on it.
I went home and put on one of my movies but I was too distracted from my thoughts of Amanda. She was in my thoughts so much. I thought about kissing her and what she looked like naked. I thought about what it would be like to have sex with her. I wanted to go back to the library to ask her if she wanted to go to the movie with me, but figured that would be way too forward. Besides... I was also employed by the same University in the IT Department. I even thought about if one of us would lose his or her job if we went out on dates. I realized it was too late to go back there, so I finished the movie and went to bed.
The rest of the week was pretty hectic with us being short on a few team members, so I worked extra, and never made it back to the library to see this pretty lady. I finally made it on Monday of the next week, but I didn't see Amanda. That was the main purpose of me going back there!
I went back to my apartment and thought about her some more. When I went to bed, I caught myself holding my cock in my hands thinking about her. The thought of her sexy eyes and pretty face made me quite hard. I closed my eyes thinking about her while I rubbed myself. As I thought about making love to her, I felt my body tightening up and I opened my eyes in time to watch my cock shoot my cum about a foot in the air and land on my chest and all over my stomach and me calling out her name as I had an incredible climax. I had some cleaning up to do. I knew I had to go see her again, very soon.

CHAPTER 2: Seeing her again

"How are you?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was the next day, and I was eating in the huge food court at the school I worked at. I turned around. It was Amanda. She was holding a tray of food. I almost couldn't speak.
"Uh.. Better now that you are here." That was the only thing I could think of saying. "Would you like to sit down next to me?" I asked.
"Is that okay?" She asked. That food court was ALWAYS packed full of people, and it seemed difficult to find spots. "Thank you."
"Oh, no, that is fine. By the way, my name is Chris " I stumbled with my words.
We had some small talk and I was done eating. I was too nervous and I was not going to eat in front of her. We talked about where we were from and why we were there. I was dropping compliments to her to see if she would bite on any of them. She was actually pretty shy. It was very difficult to see if she had feelings for me also.
"Are you eating the rest of your food?" She asked.
"I am not hungry anymore. I am more interested in chatting with you." I told her.
She looked at her phone to see what time it was, and looked over at me.
"I am going to have to go. Thanks for letting me sit with you." She said. I had to try a little harder.
"If I would have known you were eating right at this time each day, I would have bought your lunch." I said to her, hoping to get a positive response. She did something I didn't expect. She grabbed a pen that was on the table and grabbed a napkin and wrote her name and number on it. "I get off at 6pm each night. Give me a call."
With that, she turned around and walked away. That was my opportunity to see her bottom half. She wore a skirt that went below her knees. Her legs were shaped very nicely. Her shape of her rear end was amazing! She was very well put together.
My heart was racing!!! Now I was really starting to have feelings of passion for her.
Not only did I call her that night, but we actually talked a few times that week and I finally got up enough nerve to ask her out. At first, she was not really saying yes, but we chatted and texted over the next few weeks. I got the nerve to ask her again, and she said yes! We just had no idea what to do.

CHAPTER 3: Our first dates

We ended to a big public dance at the school that she felt safe to be at. She really was kind of shy. I told her while we were there that I was with the most gorgeous woman there. We both were kind of nervous, but when she and I danced slowly, I did not want the night to end. It is like we just fit. I walked her out to her car, and she gave me a nice hug, and she got in her car and left. I figured that was the end of it. I figured if she had any interest in me, she would have at least given me a peck on the cheek. I went home kind of feeling down about it even though I had a great night with her. I didn't even feel like watching any TV so I just went to bed. Before I fell asleep, I received the text....
"Thank you so much for the wonderful evening! I hope you had as good of a time as I had. I hope to see you again real soon. XOXOXO, Amanda"
I could not believe it. I re-read it a few times to make sure I read it correctly. I was so happy because I knew in my heart I was falling for this cute Librarian. We actually had a few other small dates, completely in public, more as friends than what I was hoping for, and we kept learning about each other. We finally had the chance to see a movie in a theater together, but it was one of those 930pm showings, so when it was over it was pretty quiet outside in our small town in Kentucky. It was storming like crazy so I ran out to her car with her and she hit her remote to unlock the door and I opened it to let her in. I started to walk away to my car when her window rolled down.
"Aren't you going to say goodbye?" She barked out at me while the rain poured down.
"I figured I would try to keep you as dry as possible." I said, not thinking about her wanting to say goodbye at all.
"I can drive you to your car."
"It's a deal." I ran to the other side of her car and hopped in. I felt like a wet dog. "Thank you." I offered her.
"I didn't expect you to just walk away like that." She said. It kind of made me feel bad because I just didn't think about it.
"I am sorry, I figured you just wanted to get home to get to bed since it is midnight." I didn't have much of an excuse for just not thinking about my actions.
"I am good. I just wanted to say goodbye to you properly." She said. Her car was running, but out of gear. We were looking right at each other.
"Kiss me." I said confidently to her. I didn't wait for her to respond. I moved my upper body to her seat in her car and reached my lips to her lips. I could have sworn I heard a soft moan from her when our lips touched. Her lips were soft...VERY VERY soft! We kissed for awhile in her car...Not saying anything. Amanda always wore skirts or dresses, depending on the weather. Tonight she had a skirt and a nice blouse. She did not have panty hose on. I decided to make a little move. I rested my hand on one of her knees, which made her eyes pop open.
"Is that okay?" I asked.
"Yes." She whispered.
"You have very nice knees." I jokingly said to her. She slightly pulled away from me.
"You have nice lips." She came back to me with this compliment.
"I bet you have really really nice lips." This was my attempt to try to go a little further with her.
"Mmm Hmm." she said.
I started kissing her again, this time a little firmer and stronger with my tongue. Our tongues explored one another's and it was at this time I slid my hand up her leg, under her skirt. As I reached her panties, she started to bite my lip. She bit my lip painfully hard, and I did not know what that meant, so I pulled my hand back out. She immediately grabbed my hand and pulled away from my face a little.
"It's okay. I just can't control myself sometimes. I didn't hurt you, did I?" I guess now was the time to be a macho guy and let her know it did not hurt at all, which was a total lie.
"I am okay. I thought you did that to tell me no." I said to her.
"No, I just was in another world and out of control. It's okay what you were doing. I just don't want it to go too far since we are in a car."
"I agree. If someone were to walk by, it would be very bad. But then again, who is going to walk by when it is raining like this outside?" I asked her.
It was really coming down at the time. I reached up to hold her cheek and started kissing her again. I moved my hand back to her leg. She actually grabbed my hand and started pushing it up her skirt. I decided to try something. I stopped kissing her, and I moved my head to start kissing her neck. Her head fell sideway like her neck lost all strength. She actually did moan quite audibly. At this point, I reached her panties with my index finger. She was so warm and moist! I started to lightly caress her area that would be her pussy. She worked to open up her legs even more to make it easier for me, so I changed up the angle of my hand and rubbed her with my index and middle finger. I was still kissing her neck, so I started rubbing my cheek against her cheek.
"What are you doing to me?" She whispered.
"I was thinking the same thing"
"But you are touching me. You are making my body shake and shiver." She said.
"No, it's just the cold rain." I tried to bring in some humor. "I am just trying to warm up my cold hands and found a very warm spot on you to warm my hands."
"It is also very very achy. It really likes your attention. I hope it feels okay to you." She said that like a person who was not experienced at all.
" It is wonderful because it is on you." I replied back. I pressed my fingers harder against her pussy which caused her to use her feet to plant onto her floorboard of her car to push her body against her seat. It was the opportunity I had to kiss her some more. We kissed like this for about 4 or 5 minutes.
I noticed her body was moving to moves my fingers made. The longer I did it, the more pronounced her movements were to me. It wasn't long before her breathing picked up also, and I could feel her breath out of her nose pushing harder against my skin.
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" She hummed and moaned loudly and we kept kissing. All of a sudden she started biting my lip again with more force than before. It was at that point that I noticed that her entire lower body had lifted off of her seat and then magically it slammed down onto her seat, and her wave of orgasm took over her body. My first thought was how proud I was of myself for giving her an orgasm. Then I opened my eyes to find her BIG BLUE eyes staring at me. It startled me at first. I thought she might be mad or something because I didn't ask to do that, even though she never really said no.
"I want you so bad right now, but not in a car." She said. Her gorgeous blue eyes could not have been any bigger.
"Me too." Was all I could get out of my mouth to say. I pulled my hand from out from under her skirt. As she went to adjust her skirt, I decided to see what she would do if I tried something. While she was concentrating on her skirt, I put my index and middle finger in my mouth and started licking those fingers. She saw what I was doing.
"Are you trying to make me attack you?" She asked.
"Nope, just wanted to taste how wonderful you are." I replied back.
"But you didn't put your fingers inside of me." She surprisingly said to me.
"Your panties are very wet. You will certainly need to change those when you get home." I told her. "Or I will be happy to slide them off of you now to save you a little time."
"No, I think my body has had enough for one day. I am totally exhausted." She said as she looked at her car stereo. "It is almost 1am!"
"Huh?" I didn't believe it. We actually were in the car much longer than I thought. "Wow, we were in here a long time."
"Yea. By the way, thank you." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"I have never had an orgasm from a man. That felt really good." She smiled as she told me.
"Oh, you have many, many more of those that I will get out of you. You can trust me on that." I told her.
" I believe you. I cannot wait to feel them. But not now. I am too frazzled to drive right now."
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked her.
"I think so, I need to get going though." I kissed her again, and hopped out of her car. It wasn't really raining too much then and I left for my car.

CHAPTER 4: Amanda visits my apartment

Amanda and I had a few more dates, and we had more deep passionate kissing, but we were never in a spot to go any further. We had become very close friends over the 2 months we knew each other. She had become someone I was falling in love with. However she seemed so shy that I could not really figure her out. I thought she really liked me, but she was kind of quiet with her thoughts.
My phone rang Sunday morning. It was Amanda. We weren't really planning out anything for Sunday, so I was kind of dumfounded that she was calling.
"Hi, pretty eyes, how are you?" I asked her.
"I am good. Were you doing anything today? Can I come over?" That immediately scared the heck out of me. She never asked me that before this day.
"Of course! We can go to lunch or anything you want. Do you remember my address that I told you?"
"Sure, how about 15 minutes?"
"Of course." I replied.
UGH! I had to straighten up my place, but I am kind of a neat freak, so it wasn't so bad. She knocked on the door, and I opened up the door. She had the sexiest sundress on. It sat on her in such an amazing way. Usually she dressed someone conservatively, but she was showing some cleavage. Her thin, toned legs were worth a million dollars each to me.
"Is something wrong?" I asked her.
"No, I just wanted to see you." She said.
"Really? I have something for you." I told her. I went to my room to get the gift I had for her. She opened it up. It was just a small necklace with a heart on it, but it was something to let her know I was thinking of her.
"You are going to make me cry." She said. "I wanted to stop by because I could not sleep last night, and I wanted to see you today. I love your apartment! What are these posters?" She asked.
"I am a huge racing fan, and these are mainly prints from old Formula 1 races from the 1950's and 1960's. There are some other sports prints in here like classic vintage Wimbledon prints. It is your typical bachelor pad." I said to her.
"It is really cool... And it is pretty clean!"
"I am kind of OCD about keeping it clean. I love to clean."
We sat on my love seat in my living room. It was a small apartment, but I did not need much space...It was just me. We started kissing again, just as passionately as we were in the rain. Then she pulled away again.
"I told you I was a virgin, didn't I?" She asked.
"Yes, and I respect that, and I can wait until the time is right." I told her. Just as I said that, she stood up again and reached out to me with her right hand.
"Come here." She said.
I stood up and she grabbed me by the hand and we started walking in my apartment. It had only one hallway, and she walked me into my bedroom. I followed her, not knowing what she had planned. We stopped next to my bed. She looked up at me.
"Your eyes. Your eyes look different." She said.
"I have been told they change colors sometimes. They are considered Brown with Gold Flecks. They get pretty Gold when my pupils are dilated." I told her.
"Why do they get this way?" She asked.
"Um, because I am pretty horny. I am thinking about kissing you and touching you and caressing you and giving you orgasms and tasting your skin and, well, just, everything..." I was not able to think straight.
"Sit down, please." She asked.
I did as she asked. She leaned forward and nearly fell on me, lying on top of me as I was lying on my bed. We immediately started deep kissing with our lips and tongues. She is so petite that I could hardly feel her weight on me at all. The emotion I had inside of me was nearly causing me to want to cry because I was so in love and in lust with Amanda. As she was lying on me, she reached down to my pants and started rubbing my crotch area. That caused me to completely be erect inside of my pants. She pulled away from kissing me. She actually completely got off of me and reached down to take my belt off.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"I want to do this." She said.
"You don't have to. Really, you don't" I replied to her.
"I really want to do this." She said again.
By the time she said that, my belt was undone, and she had ahold of my zipper. I grabbed at her to stop.
"Please. You gave me so much pleasure, that I want to return the favor." She said.
"On one condition." I told her. "You climb up on the bed, and let me do that to you the same time you do that to me.
I figured I would offer that because I didn't know how my body would react to receiving oral sex from the beautiful, petite woman. With that, I grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed. It was easy to reach her pussy because of her sundress. She was still messing with my zipper as I was grabbing at her panties to take them off. She had very nice white cotton panties on. Nothing slutty nor sleazy, just very attractive white panties. They felt like heaven in my hands. She still hadn't made it to getting my pants down when I was able to go face first into her beautiful pussy with my tongue. I waited for this moment, and it was better than I could have expected. As my tongue gently stroked her pussy, she stopped trying to get my pants off, and seemed to collapse on my bed. I reached my tongue up and down her labia, and reached her clitoris, and started to hum while I licked her up and down, then side to side, then I gently sucked on her clitoris. She moaned out loud. Instead of continuing to reach for my zipper, she reached for my hair and started massaging the top of my head while I performed cunnilingus on her. My hand was near her upper thigh, so I reached up and slid on of my fingers slowly inside of her.
"No more. No more." She exclaimed. "I can't take it anymore. Please, I mean it. Please. Now." It appeared she could not speak in full sentences, but I knew what she wanted. I sat up next to her and completed the job she started, pulling my pants and underwear off. My cock stuck straight out in attention.
"Oh my." She said. "I don't know if I am ready for that." She said. "Yes, I am, I know I am. I need you, I need you right now." She said.
With that, I climbed on top of her, and held my cock, and guided it into her wet, VERY TIGHT pussy. Her big blue eyes were like saucers. She still had her dress on. As I entered her, I took my shirt off. I reached back down onto my hands and started using my abdomen muscles to pull nearly totally out of her, and then gently pushed all of my 7 inch manhood into her, over and over again. Amanda reached for one of my pillows and squeezed it with all of her strength. Her body was shaking under me.
"Chris." She said
"Yes, Louise" I replied, not know what she wanted.
"I love you." She said.
"I love you Louise. And I love everything about you." I told her.
"Chris" She said again.
"Yes" I replied again.
"Are you going to ejaculate?" She asked. I thought that was kind of formal or clinical with her terminology, but I was okay with it.
"Eventually, why? Are you grossed out by it? I can find a condom if you want me to wear one."
"Chris." She said again. There was a theme here.
"Yes, Louise?"
"Do it inside of me." She said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Are you ready? You saying please is getting me real close real fast."
"FUCK ME!" She exclaimed.
That did it. I don't know what it was about her yelling that, but my cock went off like a cannon inside of her. I could feel every shot of semen going inside of her. I could feel that there had to be 10-15 spurts inside of her. As I was doing that, I noticed her body shaking and starting to orgasm also.
We started kissing after that, with my cock still deep inside of her, not letting any of it escape her body.

CHAPTER 5: The next date

The next week we both had time off at the same time and we went out to dinner. We still didn't really eat too much food because we were still nervous around each other. We had sex one time, and we both talked about it so much for the past 7 days. I actually picked her up in my car and we drove together.
"Can we go back to your place? " She asked. "I want to spend some time with you."
"Of course!" I replied. I was hoping like crazy it would be another chance to have sex with her.
While we drove the 15 minutes back to my place, I put my hand on her upper thigh and caressed her leg over her skirt. She seemed to ALWAYS wear skirts, usually the soft cotton type that hugged her legs and rear end so nicely. We both quickly smiled at each other.
"You'd better pay attention to the road." She said.
"I cannot help it. I am thinking about your wonderful body, especially your cute blonde pubic hair. I wanted to say something about it last time, but I was so nervous that I did not know how you would react."
"Oh, yea, I am certainly a natural blonde!" She said, smiling while saying it. "It likes you too, the way you made it feel down there."
"I promise I will last longer this time. I was so nervous and you were so snug and tight down there. I also didn't want to say anything really about when I pulled out of you that there was some blood on my cock."
"I told you I was a virgin, I wasn't lying." She said with a little bit more volume. "I would not lie to you about something like that."
"And I am the luckiest man in the world to be a part of that with you. I was as slow and gentle as I could be and I didn't know how it felt. Heck, I didn't even ask you to take your dress off because I was so nervous." I replied.
We kept driving, and my hand kept sliding up. Thank heavens I have an automatic car!!! By the time we were half way to my place, my fingers were up against her soft panties.
"I only wear normal panties, nothing slutty. I don't like that kind of thing." She said.
"I love that about you. You are so confident in yourself that you know you are sexy without trying. Just looking at your blue eyes makes my stomach go in knots. Every time I kiss you, I cannot help but get an erection."
"Um, yea. You get those a lot, I notice when we hug each other." She said.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.
"No, I just didn't expect it. I haven't really had too many boyfriends so I never paid attention. It is like you are always ready for sex."
"That is the understatement of the day." I laughed. "You are so pretty to me. I mean that. I just want to be around you so much."
"Me too." She replied as we stopped at a stoplight. I looked over at her with a serious look, while having one hand on the wheel and one on her upper thigh.
"I love you, Amanda. I really love you." That was the first time I told her that.
The light turned green and we took off. She reacted in a way I did not expect. She grabbed me by my right hand, and pushed it hard against her pussy, and moaned while she did that. This feeling of warmth was nearly too much for me. Thankfully we were close to my apartment.
Before we got out of the car, I reached over to kiss her.
"No. I want to get in there now." She said, in a very pushy way.
"Oh, Okay." I replied and we got out of the car and headed to my small apartment.
"May I use your restroom first?" She asked.
"Of course." I told her, assuming she just went in to go pee.
She came out and I was sitting on my love seat again.
"Did you want to go to your bedroom?" She asked. I was quickly learning that she was one who got what she wanted, and didn't ask. I loved that about her.
We went into my bedroom and we both sat down on the edge of my bed. She stood up again.
"Lie down for me." She said. I did as she asked. She reached again for my belt and I helped her this time, unzipping my pants. "I want to see what it looks like."
I guess some guys would be total macho and react a certain way. I guess I had a little shyness about me because I was a little nervous. Had she done this before? Had she done this before, and a lot of times? Why was I asking myself these questions. Those thoughts immediately left my mind when I felt the wonderful warmth of her mouth on me. Talk about the butterflies and roller coaster in my tummy, I felt all of it all at once. I was having difficulty letting her do that because I wanted to do that to her. I sat up and she immediately tried to push me back down.
"You don't understand. The more you do that, the less I get to make love to you again. Please let me make love to you." I sat up straighter and tried to even stand up. "Please, let me do that to you now."
"That's not fair, you did that to me already." She said.
"Yes, but I have to see your sexy blonde bush again." I was so horny now.
"Oh yea, I have a little surprise for you about that." She replied.
She lied down on my bed on her back and gently pulled up her skirt. She took her panties off in the restroom and didn't put them back on! She also appeared to have trimmed her hair a little.
"It looks so perfect" I told her while looking her in the eyes.
I went down on her, tongue first. She was very wet. Her labia lips were shaped perfectly. I started by licking them on one side, then the other, then back to the other side. I did this for about 15 seconds, then I reached my tongue as far inside of her as I could. She was extremely wet. While my tongue was sticking out that far, I slid it up to her clitoris and licked with a long, slow motion. I thought in my head how I wanted to do this to her. I did not know if she would like what I was doing and how I was doing it, but I assumed she would like it.
"You are so good at that. " She moaned. "How did you get so good at that?"
" I guess maybe I watched a few too many adult videos." I told her after raising up from her pelvic region. "I love doing this. There is no way you could like this as much as I like doing it."
"Entirely not true. I am totally in bliss right now. I feel like I am floating."
I took this opportunity to reach up and caress one of her breasts. She was on her back, so it felt different than it usually would, especially with her shirt and bra on. It caused her to moan a little. I pulled my hand back down, and slid my hand up her shirt and caressed her breast again.
"Here, hold on a second." She said as she sat up and reached under her shirt and she unlatched her bra. "Um, my breasts are small. I hope that is okay."
"If they are on you, they are perfect regardless how they looo....." She pulled off her shirt as I said that.
They were perfect. They were so perfect and perky and her nipple stuck out, almost upward . Her nipples were a little puffy. They had to be sucked by me. I moved over and lowered my head and reached and gently grabbed one of them and sucked on her nipple while firmly gripping it. I heard her breath in real hard when I did that. She put on hand on top of my head while I nursed on her. She seemed to really enjoy it.
"Make love to me now. " She said. "I have to have you inside of me."
I took my shirt off, and I held onto her, and rolled onto my bed with her on top of me. She looked very confused by what I was doing. I reached down and pulled her left leg over my right leg. With my cock sticking straight up, she lowered herself onto me. I grabbed my cock and positioned it so it slid right into her tight, wet pussy. I was looking directly at her breasts while she did that.
"You have the sexiest breasts I have ever seen. They are so firm and tight and I love your pink nipples. I just want to suck on them all the time. And I love your tight pussy. I feel like I can barely fit inside of it." I told her. She was not thinking that way.
"Give me all your love, Chris, give it to me. Give it to me. I want you to give it to me so hard and good." She growled.
I reached up and grabbed her body and held it tight against me, and started pumping my lower body up and down, making my cock work like a piston hard and fast inside of her. Her long blonde hair was all over my face. I was enjoying this sex more than I could imagine. I grabbed her tighter against me and my lips were next to her neck and I started sucking and licking and nibbling on her neck and shoulders. I wanted to bite her so badly!!! I pulled her body down so hard onto my cock so every single inch of me deep inside of her. It made her respond very positively. My cock was rubbing against her clit and it was causing her to get very close to having an orgasm.
We had been going on like this for about 10 or 15 minutes when her body clenched up.
"Oh, yes, oh, yes, Chris. Yes, Chris, keep doing it. Keep doing it. Yes!" She exclaimed.
I decided to try something to see if it would help her have an orgasm.
That was all it took. Her body started to shake and rattle and roll on top of me. She moaned and screamed and shook and lost all control. Her muscles tightening up was actually too much for me, too.
"Oh GOOODDDD" I exclaimed. I was so close.
"Cum inside of me, Chris. I mean it. Cum inside of me." She said to me. "I want your cum in me. I want to have your baby. I love you so much!"
My cock started shooting my cum hard inside of her, just like last time, just as powerful. It was so perfect. We started kissing while I was ejaculating inside of her. I wanted to impress her as much as I could, so I started pumping inside of her again as much as I could. The head of my cock was sensitive, but I didn't care. All I could think about was making love to her for every minute of every day. I loved the feeling of her long hair all over my face and chest while I gripped her tightly against me, giving her all of my manhood that I could give her.
"No more...No more." She said as she rolled off of me. " I am so thirsty. I need something to drink."
We both had a laugh about that and finished our amazing love making.
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