Stargate SG-1: Legacy's Side Effect

The Cast

Colonel Jack O'Neill Richard Dean Anderson
Doctor Daniel Jackson Michael Shanks
Major Samantha Carter Amanda Tapping
Doctor Janet Fraiser Teryl Rothery
Teal'c Christopher Judge
General Hammond Don S. Davis
Doctor Mackenzie

"Legacy" Episode Synopsis: Episode starts with SG-1
exploring a creepy planet. Daniel notes that the hallway
is of an advanced design but that it has been stripped
and deserted. They come to a sealed door and Teal'c
informs his teammates that it is of an ancient Goa'uld
design. He then finds a way to open the door.

Inside they find nine dead, decaying corpses. Carter
stoops down next to one and notices a Goa'uld entry mark
on the person's neck, so they can safely assume the
bodies were once Goa'uld hosts.

Teal'c identifies a crest on a nearby table as belonging
to the Linveress, a 'minor league' of Goa'ulds who
challenge the System Lords.

Daniel finds one of those Goa'uld tablet-thingies that
change wording when you wave a controller (Page Turning
Device) in front of it. Anyway, he waves the PTD in front
of the tablet but nothing happens. He does, however,
report feeling something brush past him.

"OK," O'Neil says. "That's it. Lets head home. We'll
leave the corpses to the medical containment unit."

Next we see Daniel coming out of the shower. He looks up,
alarmed, as he hears someone call his name. He looks all
around the room but there's nobody there. Leaving the
shower room he notices Major Samantha Carter approaching.

Though you couldn't make it out under all of her military
wear, Samantha Carter is a strikingly beautiful woman.
Her blonde hair and blue eyes just adds to her sexual
beauty. Being a career officer, she is in great physical
shape. With hardly any excess body fat, she has sensual
curves to her body, and fantastic tits that would make
any man water for them.

"Did you just call me, just now?" He asked her.

"No, wasn't me" she responds. "Daniel, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah," he answers, slightly confused. "Yeah sure."

Doctor Fraiser, the beautiful petite brunette head of the
medical staff for the SG-Teams, announces after her
examination that the Goa'uld were dead before the hosts
were. Unfortunately she can't examine the Goa'uld corpses
because there are no dead bodies to examine. They rapidly
decay and are absorbed by the host. Each dead Goa'uld
leaves behind a protein marker inside the host when a
Goa'uld dies. This protein marker records that the person
was once a host, such as the marker left inside Major
Carter from the Touk'ra Jolinar.

The briefing continues with various speculations as to
who might have killed these Goa'ulds. O'Neil suggests the
Ritu, Teal'c suggests the System Lords. General Hammond
instructs Doctor Jackson to keep trying to translate the

During the debriefing, however, Daniel Jackson has been
on edge and is particularly interested in the Stargate
that's dialing up. After the meeting he rushes to the
window as the Stargate engages and sees the members of
SG-7. And what he sees is the returning team looking
exactly like the corpses that they found on the planet.
He glances at Jack to see no reaction from him, and when
he looks again everyone is completely normal.

Cut to Daniel inside his room attempting to translate the
tablet. He refines one of his translations from 'attack'
to 'enter by infiltration'. While he concentrates on his
work he suddenly hears the Stargate dialing, but the
sound is coming from inside his closet. He cautiously
approaches it and opens the doors. He is confronted with
a Gate horizon inside it. Confused by this, he reaches
into the horizon, only to be grabbed by the same corpse
he's been seeing everywhere.

Daniel blacks out and wakes up in the infirmary with
Colonel Jack O'Neil peering down at him.

"Hi," Jack asks. "So, you want to tell me what happened?"

"Do you believe in ghosts, Jack?" Daniel asks.

"No," Jack responds. "Can't say that I do."

"Neither do I," Daniel replies. "So there has to be a
logical reason behind this."

Daniel hesitantly tells Jack what he saw in his closet.
Not surprisingly, Jack doesn't buy it, and from the looks
on his face, neither does Daniel.

The SG-1 team, minus Daniel discusses this situation.
Doctor Fraiser and Doctor Mackenzie are running some
tests as to the possible side effects of Gate travel.
Doctor Mackenzie points out that Colonel O'Neil has been
suffering from headaches lately.

"That's besides the point," Jack responds. "Besides, lots
of people suffer from headaches."

Worried that gating is hazardous to his people's mental
health, General Hammond recalls all off-world teams. He
also orders all SG-Teams to stand-down until they can
figure out what's going on.

"It is possible that Doctor Jackson is suffering from
schizophrenia," Doctor Mackenzie announces. "The symptoms
that he is displaying match all too well."

"While the mental condition doesn't run in Daniel's
family," Doctor Fraiser adds. "It is possible it can be
brought on by stressful environment. Can anyone here say
that Gate travel isn't stressful?"

It is decided that SG-1 will keep an eye on Daniel and
let him get some rest. But they are instructed to be
careful in case he gets dangerous to them, or to himself.

Jack is entertaining Daniel in the VIP room with a game
of chess. Daniel wins (albeit complaining that he
could've won two moves ago), and Jack suggests a game of
gin. Daniel walks over to the closet to get the cards and
hears the sound of the Gate dialing again, just like he
had back in his room. He opens the closet, expecting
he'll find the same thing there he did the last time, but
nothing is inside.

Returning to the table, they begin setting up the game.
However, before they can start, Daniel hears that nasty
squeaking sound the Goa'ulds make. He looks up and sees a
Goa'uld climbing around on Jack's arm.

Jack, remaining oblivious to the creature, deals the
cards while Daniel does his best to ignore the fact that
Jack is about to be attacked by the creepy, slimy

When the worm finally enters Jack, he's still oblivious
to it and Daniel lunges at him to remove it.

The StarGate Command doctors believe that Doctor Jackson
as suffered a breakdown. The scene moves to a mental
institution where we see the remaining member of SG-1
approaching the door to Daniel's padded cell room. They
enter the white, padded room where Daniel is lying on the
ground, shaking.

He can't see very well since they took his glasses to
prevent him from injuring himself. SG-1, in particular,
Samantha Carter who seems on the verge of tears during
this whole scene, is upset with this sight. This is
especially visible when Daniel starts crying in front of
them. He apologizes profusely to his friends.

They talk for a while, Daniel says the Goa'uld are
infiltrating the people in the base. He scrambles raving
albeit very restrained psychotic, hides in a corner, and
sees that nasty corpse standing next to Teal'c.

"There is no one next to me, Doctor Jackson," Teal'c
tells him.

Daniel tries to attack the hallucinatory corpse. Teal'c
grabs him and Daniel sees an iridescent little glob of
goo leave him and enter Teal'c.

The doctors have no choice but to medicate Daniel in
order to restrain him. In the midst of this Daniel hears
another disembodied voice, Ma'Chello's voice, 'thanking
him for delivering him to the vile Goa'uld'.

SG-1 returns to the SGC. More problems arise, however,
when Teal'c keels over.
Back at the asylum, Daniel is having a sudden revelation
about Ma'Chello and his killing devices

Teal'c is taken to the SG-Infirmary.

"Teal'c's larvae is dying," Doctor Fraiser announces. "We
have a day, maybe two, before the larval Goa'uld and
Teal'c die. I'd connect this with Daniel's, except the
symptoms just don't match. We don't know what to do to
help Teal'c."

Daniel, meanwhile, is trying to fight the d**gs out of
his system so he can think clearly again. He declares
himself cured and tells Doctor Mackenzie and asks him to
contact the SGC and find out if Teal'c is sick. If Teal'c
is, in fact, sick, then Daniel demands to talk to Colonel

Doctor Mackenzie reluctantly agrees to this. At the base,
General Hammond informs Colonel O'Neil of Daniel's
request, and O'Neil takes off to talk to him.

Daniel explains his theory that Ma'Chello must have
developed some kind of Goa'uld killing device and that's
what's been making him go nuts. If it invades a normal
person, as opposed to a Goa'uld host, it just gives the
person schizophrenic symptoms (i.e. hallucinations,
hearing things, yadda-yadda-yadda). If, however, it
invades a Goa'uld host, it kills the Goa'uld. Since the
iridescent blob passed from Daniel to Teal'c, Daniel is
better and now Teal'c is the one who's sick.

Jack brings Daniel back to the SG-Infirmary where Sam is

"How can that be Daniel?" She says. "Ma'Chello has been
dead for the past six months, while these corpses have
only been dead one month."

"Well then, maybe Ma'Chello planted the killing things
months before. Maybe even years," Daniel counters. "Just
waiting for a Goa'uld to come along and free them."

"Like a land mine," Jack interjects.

"Yes," Daniel agrees. "Yes, exactly. People are still
being maimed by mines from World War One, even though
those that laid them have long since died."

"We crated and catalogued everything that we brought back
of Ma'Chello's to Area-51," Sam suggests. "Maybe if we
look through it we may see something familiar."

From this point forward is where my story diverges from
the one that you all saw during the regular broadcast.
Hope you enjoy this alternate storyline which I call
"Legacy's Side Effect".

Chapter One

The SG-1 team scans the computer files of Ma'Chello's
inventions for something that might look familiar to

"Right there!" Colonel Jack O'Neil exclaims, seeing one
of the Ga'ould reading pad on the computer's screen.

"I picked that up in the Linveress chamber," Daniel
Jackson mumbles.

"Why did he make so many Page Turning Devices (PTD)?"
Doctor Fraiser asks.

"Could be our land mines," Major Samantha Carter answers.

It took a few hours to get those items delivered into the
Mountain Base from Area-51.

Doctor Fraiser, Major Carter and Colonel O'Neil moved
into the isolation room to investigate the suspicious
PTDs more closely.

Sam and Doctor Fraiser slip their arms into the isolation
gloves of a smaller containment chamber, where the
Ma'Chello PTDs were waiting for them.

"On the right is the PTD from Linveress," Doctor Fraiser
dictated as she conducted the examination of the device.
"And the one on the left is from Area-51."

"They look exactly like the one's we found on Argos,"
Carter observed. "The Linveress Ga'oulds probably thought
that it was one of their own."

"Good way to hide a mine," Jack added.

"Yeah!" Sam agreed with her commander. "Question is, how
do we set it off?"

Sam tries tapping on the PTD with an instrument to see if
a reaction can be caused. But nothing happened.

"Okay, uhm!" Doctor Fraiser considers what else they
could try next. "Lets see what happens when we use it on
the reading tablet."

Sam passes the PTD over the tablet and ten glowing
organism seem to seep out of the PTD itself. These
creatures look a lot like fast moving slugs.

"There they are," Doctor Fraiser exclaims. "I'm counting
five... eight... ten, uh ten all together. So, if all of
the PTD's are the same, we're looking at ten per device."

"That explains how I got infected," Daniel interjects
from behind the observation window of the hot-room.
"There were nine Ga'oulds on Linveress..."

"And when you activated the device," Sam completed his
thought. "The last one found its way into you."

"Okay then," Doctor Fraiser turns her attention back to
the slugs.

"Lets see if we can immobilize one and put it under the

The ten slugs scurry around the glovebox, but amazingly
they pass through its walls and gloves effortlessly.

Four of them crawl over Sam's body, while Doctor Fraiser
is invaded by three of the Ga'Ould hunting slugs. Both
women pull their arms out of the glovebox in a panic.

"Gloves are breached!" Doctor Fraiser exclaims excitedly,
urgently pulling her hands out of the gloves.

"Woah!" Is Carter's response, as she desperately tries to
brush off the creatures.

But it's too late for both of them. The slugs have
already infiltrated their bodies. The remaining four
creatures scurry across the room and invade Jack's body
as well.

The creatures can be seen as they travel under their

"Great!" Jack said nonchalantly.

General Hammond joins Doctor Jackson in the observation

"We have a breach," Daniel informs the General.

"Is there any chance of further contamination to the
Base?" The General asks the three infected officers.

"Judging by what happened to Daniel Sir," Doctor Fraiser
explains. "As long as we stay in here. That we don't go
near anybody else. The Base is probably secure."

The General orders the remaining medical staff to the
observation booth of the hot-room to help in the crisis.

"Anything we can do from in here?" Jack asks.

"Nothing Colonel," Doctor Fraiser answered him. "All of
the specimens are inside of us. Since we are infected by
multiple organisms, we can expect our symptoms to be
rapidly acute."

Chapter Two

Doctor Fraiser slumps to the floor in despair of their
predicament. Having witnessed how these creatures
affected Doctor Jackson, and what was to overcome them

"I'd like to apologize in advance," Colonel O'Neil
responds sarcastically, though honestly, to their
predicament. "For anything I might say, or do, that may
be construed as offensive as I slowly go NUTS!"

"Likewise Colonel," Doctor Fraiser concurs.

Within moments Jack and the doctor begin feeling the
first effects of the creatures that have invaded their
bodies. It starts with their vision blurring. All the
while, Major Carter seems unaffected by any side-effects
that the others are experiencing. Sam approaches her two
fallen comrades in concern.

"Colonel?" Sam asks, and then turned towards the doctor.

"Carter?" Jack asks wearily.

"Sir," Carter responds. "There's nothing wrong with me,

"Sam," Daniel interjects through the speakers. "You've
got four of those things in you."

"Well, I..." she responds, puzzled herself. "I know that.
But I feel fine."
Just then, Colonel O'Neil crashes to the floor.

"You... you're not seeing..." Jack questions Sam. "Or
hearing any of this stuff."

Jack is of course referring to the blurred visions that
he is experiencing.

"No sir," Carter answers him. "I feel completely normal.

Somehow, I must be immune to them."

The other Base physicians finally arrive in the
observation booth. After an update on the crisis from
General Hammond, they begin to consider what they can do
to assist.

"Doctor Fraiser," Doctor Mackenzie calls out via the

"What can I do to assist?"

"Uh?" She responds. "Not much I'm afraid."

"Doctor," Carter interrupts. "There's nothing wrong with

Sir, I'd like Doctor Mackenzie to... to take some test on

Maybe he can figure out why I seem to be immune."

"I'm afraid that's not possible Major," General Hammond
breaks in. "That would jeopardize another person from
being contaminated, if not the entire base."
Inside the observation booth, they confer for a few
moments. Trying to consider that options still available
to them in this emergency.

"Doctor Mackenzie will stay here," the General informs
Sam. "We'll get whoever else you think that might be able
to help. But you're going to have to figure it out from
in there Major Carter."

"I understand Sir," Carter acknowledges his decision.

She turns and starts pacing, when a sharp pain hits her

As powerful a migraine as she had ever felt.

"Woah!" She exclaims. "I think I spoke too soon."

"What's wrong?" Daniel ask, concerned.

"Yeow God!" Sam tries to describe her symptoms.

"Something's happening."

Just then, the leech-like creatures seep out of her ear.
They glopped to the ground like globs of goo. One after
another they land on the ground and seemingly die.

Carter experimentally prods at them, getting no reaction.

"I think they're dead," Sam informs them. "Daniel, I
could have sworn that I heard..."

"Ma'Chello!" Daniel finishes her sentence.

"Yes," Sam agrees with him. "He told me that 'my Ga'Ould
captor was dead'. But I... I don't have a Ga'Ould."

"You did," Daniel says after a moments thought.

Carter takes a moment to reflect on that statement.

"That has to be it," Carter concludes. "Janet said that
when a Ga'Ould dies, it dissolves into a host and leaves
a unique protein marker."

"Then, the Ga'Ould killing inventions died because they
detected the protein marker," Daniel asks.

Carter confirms his conclusion by shacking her head
Now with an apparent solution in sight, Sam approaches a
now shacking Doctor Fraiser lying on the floor.

"Janet," Carter asks. "Can you hear me?" She pauses. "Can
we extract my blood and inject it into everyone that is

"No, your blood types don't match," Doctor Mackenzie
interrupts. "You'd have to separate the protein from the
rest of the blood."

"Okay," Sam understands the details. "Ho... how do I do

Doctor Mackenzie give Major Carter an extensive list on
the reasons why she couldn't possibly do that. He goes on
to explain the lack of the necessary equipment in the
hot-room that she is confined in. Then, he goes on into
the amount of time that it would require to separate the
right protein markers. Not to mention identifying the
specific marker itself.

"Okay, okay," Carter shakes her head in frustration. "I
get the point."

"Cent... centrifuge," Doctor Fraiser utters shakily from
the floor.

"What?" Sam rushes to Janet. "What about the centrifuge?"

Doctor Mackenzie soon realizes what Doctor Fraiser is
trying to convey to them.

"If you can separate your plasma from your red cells,"
Doctor Mackenzie explains quickly. "We can use that.
There won't be any need to locate the specific protein.
We'll simply inject them all into them."

Sam starts to work immediately on drawing her own blood
in order to retrieve her plasma. This plasma is hoped to
free her comrades of Ma'Chello's Ga'Ould killing slugs.

While she works frantically on this cure, her two friends
were just shaking humps on the floor. Unknown to her, at
her back, Doctor Fraiser was stripping off her uniform.

"Hot, so hot," Janet was complaining as she tore at her

Chapter Three

While Major Samantha Carter was busy concentrating on
preparing her blood for the centrifuge to separate the
plasma, to be used as a cure for her two comrades, behind
her Doctor Janet Fraiser and Colonel Jack O'Neil were
falling deeper into a psychotic episode. This was being
caused by the Ga'Ould killing slugs that had invaded
their bodies.

By now, Doctor Fraiser had literally ripped her shirt off
of her chest and was frantically pulling on her bra.
Colonel O'Neil was in no better shape, he was rubbing his
crotch with one hand while trying to pry open its
waistband with the other.

Carter was unaware of what they were doing to themselves,
nor were the observers behind the observation booths
glass. They were all paying closer attention on how she
was doing in her medical preparation, and nobody was
keeping an eye on the inflicted patients.

Samantha was just getting finished preparing the test-
tubes of her blood for the centrifuge when all hell broke

Jack had reached Janet's position and was ripping her
skirt off, just as the petite doctor was crawling towards
Sam's position. Before she even got close to Carter, her
skirt was pulled off, and her panties were following suit
thanks to Jack's pulling and clawing hands. Her tits were
hanging under her chest now that her bra had gone the
route of her shirt just moments before.

The two inflicted people approached Major Carter's
position stealthily, hidden from site by the interments
and tables that blocked them from view to the observation

"What now?" Carter asked Doctor Mackenzie, holding up her

"Insert them in the centrifuge and turn it on," he
instructed her.

"It should only take a few minutes."

She did as instructed, but before she could switch on the
centrifuge she was grabbed from behind at her waist and
dragged to the floor. When she turned around to see who
had assaulted her, she was shocked to see the petite
brunette doctor was the culprit. She was also surprised
to see her state of undress.

"Janet," she shouted. "Wha... what are you doing? Stop
Stop it right now."

"Hot, so hot," was all that Janet Fraiser could say.

"Major!" The General shouted in alarm when he saw her
being pulled behind the table so suddenly. "Major Carter,
is everything all right?"

"Ungh! It's Doctor Fraiser, General," Sam yelled back.
"Sh... she seems in a... a state of... of sexual

Turning back to the others in the observation booth, the
General began asking questions.

"I thought that the devices only created a schizophrenic
symptom?" He asked.

"Well, General," Doctor Mackenzie interjected. "To be
perfectly frank, we only had Doctor Jackson's experience
to determine that. It is possible that they will react
differently according to the individual."

"Or it might be the number that invaded their bodies that
is causing this different reaction," Daniel added.

The General turned back to the window, searching for the
three trapped people. But they were hidden from view at
the moment.

"Major Carter," he called out. "Are you all right?"

"Ye... yes Sir," she uttered to them. "It's a... a bit of
an emb... embarrassing situation though."

"Understood," he told her. "I'm going to switch off the
surveillance cameras. No need to traumatize anybody with
video of this."

"Tha... thank you Sir," Sam breathed a sigh of relief.
'At least there is that,' she thought to herself.

"I want everybody but Doctor Mackenzie out of the
observation booth," the General ordered. "I MEAN NOW,

As the people evacuated the booth, giving Major Carter
and the others some measure of privacy, Sam would now
have to try to get back to the centrifuge to switch it on
and get what is hoped to be a cure for her comrades.

She turned her attention back to Janet who was trying to
undo her waistband of her combat pants. She had to
continuously pull the doctor's hands away from her pants
to save herself from this attack.

"Damn, I'm horny," she heard Jack's voice.

When Samantha looked up, she saw Jack climbing over Janet
towards her. His pants down around his ankles and his
nine-inch cock poking at the Janet's ass as he came

'Oh no!' She screamed in her mind. 'Both of them are in a
sexual frenzy.'

Jack landed hard on her, slamming her on her back to the
floor. He landed on her in such a position that her arms
were pinned to her side by his knees. She was now
helpless to prevent Janet from pulling at her pants,
while Jack was ripping her shirt off of her chest,
exposing her bra confined tits.

She could feel her combat pants sliding down her calves,
exposing her panties to the excited doctor.

"Don... don't," Carter pleads. "Please Janet, don't do

Jack, you have to control yourself, please."

Disregarding her pleas, Jack squeezes her tits painfully,
causing her to moan out in agony.

At that same instant, Doctor Fraiser buried her face in
Sam's crotch, licking her pussy lips hungrily. And all
that she can do was squirm anxiously against her captors.

Doctor Fraiser began rubbing her hands along Carter's,
now exposed calves. She seemed to know what she was doing
with her, and Sam begins to wonder about her sexual
orientation during her off time.

'Is Janet a lesbian?' She considered that for a moment.
'Or maybe she's bisexual?'

Jack bends over and begins sucking on Carter's exposed
tits, taking in one nipple then the other into his mouth.
Sam can only squirm more at this double attack that she
has to endure. She looks up for any sign of help from the
others, but she knows that they couldn't risk coming into
the hot-room, for fear on infecting the whole Base with
Ma'Chello's slugs.

Whatever is to happen here, she is on her own.

"Ugnnh! Oh God!" She yells out, as Janet bites her clit.

Jack chooses this moment to slide himself higher on her
chest. His stiff hot cock is now resting in the cleavage
of her tit-mounds. As she looks down Samantha can see the
one-eye monster of his cock aimed at her face. She
instinctively closes her eyes to protect them.

With her eyes now closed, she wasn't prepared for what
happened next. She felt Jack's hand pushing against the
side of her tits and crushing his hardon between her two
globes. When she opened her eyes to see what was going
on, he started rocking himself across her chest. Fucking
his cock in and out of her cleavage for a titty-fuck.

Sam was mesmerized at the sight of his cockhead popping
in and out of the top of the cleavage, nearly brushing
her lips with each stroke.

With her attention drawn to Jack's fucking cock, she was
forgetting all about Janet ravishing her pussy. Then she
felt her petite friend drive her tongue into her cunt.

"Oh shiiit!" She exclaimed involuntarily. "That feels

She was losing her self-control over this situation.
Though she was no longer being affected by the Ga'Ould
killing slugs, she was still human. And now her body was
betraying her. She could feel a wetness building between
her legs, and she was sure that Janet could smell her by
now too. She could feel her nipples stiffening under
Jack's manipulating hands.

And the sight of Jack's raging hardon at her face wasn't
helping matters any either. She was starting to succumb
to her own desires because of their attack on her. She
was beginning to wonder how Colonel O'Neil's cock would
taste, and his cum. For that matter, she was beginning to
wonder what Doctor Fraiser's pussy might taste like.
Maybe she'd have a chance to find out for herself at a
later date.

"Oh yeah!" Jack groaned. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I love

"Mmmmmmmmh!" Doctor Fraiser moaned as she continued
licking Carter's cunt.

"Ohhh! Gggoddd!" Carter groans under the double attack.

Without any conscious thought, Sam leaned her head
forward and licked Jack's cock the next time it poked out
of her cleavage. And then again the next time, and the
next time after that.

Jack could feel her tongue on his cockhead and decided to
change things around a bit. He released her tits and
crawled further up her chest, until his cock was at the
entrance to Major Carter's mouth.

Samantha realized what he was looking for, and she was
too far gone to control herself by now. So, willingly,
she parted her lips slightly and let him gain entry to
her mouth.

Jack didn't miss this invitation. He lunged forward and
shoved half his cock past her lips, into her mouth. Sam
choked on that initial lunge. Their present position
didn't allow him to enter her throat, so his cock could
only hit bottom at the back of her mouth.

Then, without warning, Janet stuck her middle finger up
Samantha's ass.
"Ohh!" Carter exclaimed at the surprise intrusion.

She had never had anything up her ass, ever. Though
sexually active when she could find the time, she was
always against the idea of sodomy. And with her combat
training, she never had any problem convincing her sexual
partner of the moment to not even consider trying it.

But on this occasion, she found herself helpless to
prevent Janet from prodding her anal passage. And being a
doctor, Janet knew just what to do to excite the blonde
beauty with her finger. She shoved her finger past her
first knuckle, while still licking Sam's clit and pussy.

"Mmmmh!" Was all Sam could utter, with her mouth still
plugged by Jack's cock.

She found herself lifting her knees off of the ground and
opening herself further for Janet. Making it easier for
the petite doctor to explore her groin.
Jack grabbed her short hair and pulled her head up higher
off the ground. This allowed him to fuck another few
inches of cock down her gullet.

Carter could only look up, pleadingly, at him. She began
slurping her tongue around his cockhead every chance she
had. She knew that she shouldn't be doing this, but she
couldn't help herself.

Janet didn't waste any time with subjugating her lover.
She buried her finger to the next knuckle, while shoving
another in her now gaping pussy. While at the same time
she sucked on Sam's blood engorged clit.

Jack reaches behind him and pinches Sam's nipples
painfully. But rather than be outraged at his inflicting
of pain, she starts to find the pain enjoyable. It
excites her more and more. She can just imagine how wet
her pussy must look to Janet by now.

"Oh suck it," Jack says. "Suck my cock. I like being
sucked, don't you?"

"Mmmmmmmmh! Mmmmmmm!" Is all that escapes her mouth.

In his sexual daze, Jack takes that to mean yes, though
she might well have meant; 'get off me you mother

Major Carter suddenly arches her back as she exploded
into the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced.
Janet plastered her mouth to Sam's pussy, not willing to
lose a drop of her friend's female cum as it came
shooting out of the blonde Major.

At that same moment, Jack begins shooting his cum in her
gulping mouth. At first she chokes a bit on this sudden
surge of jism, but she soon recomposes herself and begins
to swallow the warm fluid feverishly.

"Oh yeah!" Jack groans. "Swallow it. Drink all of my seed
Carter. You don't know how long I've wanted to shut your
mouth with my cock. You with all that techno-mumbo-

"Mmmmmm!" Was Carter's only response.

Meanwhile, Doctor Fraiser was still busily sucking the
life-fluids out of her seeping pussy. Major Carter had
lost count on how many times she had orgasmed so far, but
she knew that it was the most of any sexual encounter she
had ever had before.

Janet stuffed a second finger into Samantha's virgin ass,
and did the same with her hand at her pussy. She would
occasionally bite down on Carter's clit, sending an
electric shock into the helpless blonde's heart.

Finally, Samantha could feel, and taste, cum shooting
into her mouth. Jack was shooting hard spurts of jism
into his captive's mouth, all the while he kept humping
her face with his still hard cock. He would grab her
short blonde hair and force her face further into his

Carter let him do this, knowing that the sooner she got
him soft, the sooner she would be free of his mind
altered sexual aggressiveness.

Janet then shoved a third, then a fourth finger past
Sam's over-stretched pussy. She didn't know how much more
of this she could handle. But the petite doctor didn't
seem to care for her blonde friend, she continued to
ravage both her rear entrances ferociously.

"Ohhhh! Mmmmmmmm!" Carter groaned as Janet continued her

Before Colonel O'Neil finished cumming into her mouth, he
unexpectedly pulled his spurting cock out of her mouth
and proceeded filling a large test-tube with his seed.

Carter could only stare at his spurting cock as it filled
the transparent container just over her head.

'What a waste,' she embarrassingly thought to herself.

When he finally finished cumming, the test-tube was
almost filled to capacity. He then grabbed a rubber plug
from the table and sealed the creamy jism, for freshness.
Then he got off of Carter's chest and sat back to watch
Doctor Fraiser and her antics with the beautiful Major.

By this time Janet was trying to fit her whole hand past
Sam's tight cunt.

"Ohhh! Goddd, Janet," Sam groaned. "Stop! Please stop.
You're killing me."

Janet's only response was to bite hard on Sam's blood
engorged clit.

"Aiieeee!" Sam screamed in pain.

Her momentary lapse of resistance, to concentrate on the
pain Janet had just caused, was all that the good doctor
needed. Sam's pussy muscles relaxed just enough to allow
her to shove her whole fist into Major Carter's pussy.

"Fucking shit!" She heard Jack exclaim. "I always knew
you were a loose bitch."

When she looked over at him, she was shocked to see that
his cock was back to its full hardness once more. She
felt sure that he would have been put out of action for a
while after having just shot such an impressive amount of

"I love your pussy Sam," she heard Janet say. "I want to
empty your cum. Give me all of your cum sweetie."

Sam had never heard Janet using any foul language in all
the time she had know her. She couldn't believe the
aggressiveness that she was using on her poor vagina.
That this petite woman, whom she felt was one of her best
friends here at the base, would betray her in such a
depraved fashion.

Then she remembered that both of her comrades were not
acting normally. They were being influenced by
Ma'Chello's damn Ga'Ould killing slugs. Then she also
recalled that the cure was just a few feet away. If only
she could get back to the centrifuge so that she could
turn it on.

But now, she had more things to worry about.
Specifically, Janet's fist, that was now ramming itself
feverishly into her pussy. Like a gigantic cock, the
doctor's hand slid in and out of her wet, squishing cunt.

Sam couldn't believe that her pussy could handle
something so large, so easily. She expected it to be
unbearable. But instead, she was finding the whole
experience the most exciting thing that she had ever felt
before. She found herself orgasming just at the thought
of it. The added female cum helped lubricate Janet's fist
that much more.

"Oh shit Janet," Sam moaned this time. "That makes me so
hot. Don't stop. Don't you ever stop."

On the sideline, Colonel O'neil was busily stroking his
cock while watching the female action before him. Before
long he started cumming again. He reached over and
grabbed a large beaker and started filling that one as

Without any conscious thought, Major Carter's hand
reached down and began stroking Janet's hair, as the
petite brunette kept fucking into the blonde's pussy and
ass with her fingers and hands. All the while keeping her
mouth busy on Sam's clit.

In response to the doctor's multiple attack, Sam began
humping her groin in time with her friend's fucking hand.
She wanted to be fucked by her fist. She wanted to feel
those fingers invading her ass. She was in ecstasy.

Chapter Four

Doctor Janet Fraiser had been viciously ravaging Major
Samantha Carter's rear orifices for close to an hour
already. And she was showing no sign off slacking off on

Sam had lost count of her orgasms a long time ago. Now
she could only concentrate on the next one to come. She
had completely forgotten about Colonel O'Neil, who had
just emptied his balls for a second time just moments
Her attention was brought back to his presence when she
felt lips and tongue around her stiff nipples. When she
opened her eyes she wasn't surprised to see her commander
busily suckling on her ripe breast. His initial contact
to her sensitive nipples was enough to cause her to arch
her back in ecstasy.

"Oh yessss Jack," she moaned. "Lick my tits. Suck on
them. Bite them."

He was only to happy to comply. He brought his mouth to
one hard nipple bud and bit down on it. And with his free
hand he pinched the other.

"Ohhhhhh!" Carter groaned.

Janet had managed to shove her fist past her wrist. But
still she tried pushing more in.

"You fucking blonde tease," Jack said. "You deserve what
you're getting."

"Yes Jack," she agreed with him. "Teach me a lesson. Bite
my other tit."

Jack followed her directions and switched to the other
nipple and bit on that one, leaving his teeth marks on

"You see bitch," he told her. "I just branded you with my

"Yes Jack," Sam groaned. "That means that I'm yours now.
I'm your property to do with as you please."

Jack reached behind him and grabbed the cum-filled beaker
and pulled Janet's ass around so that it was at his side.
Then he pulled the rubber-stopper and stuffed the
beaker's mouth at the doctor's pussy and shoved it in.

Sam could see what Jack was doing to Janet, but the
doctor didn't seem to care what was going on at her pussy
entrance. She was too engrossed in Samantha's pussy to

Carter just watched mesmerized as she could see Jack's
creamy jism empty into her petite friend's pussy.

'What is Jack trying to do?' She tried to figure out his

'Is he trying to impregnate her?'

Having no idea what his true intentions were, and with
her concentration being split in so many directions. Sam
soon lost interest in the emptying beaker of cum. She
just returned her attention to the fisting she was
receiving, and the suckling he was giving her tits.

Then, without any forewarning, Jack pulled away from her
tits and roughly pulled Doctor Fraiser's fist out of
Sam's tight pussy.

"Aiiiieeee!" Carter yelled. "What the fuck do you think
you're doing Jack O'Neil?"

"Shut up, you stuck up bitch," he shouted back.

He shoved Janet towards Samantha's head and took position
at Sam's groin. Carter understood what he wanted to do
next. He wanted to bury his nine-inch cock in her now
loosened pussy. But what will Janet do now?

Her question was soon answered when she saw Janet
straddle her head. Looking up, she could see how wet the
petite doctor's pussy was. She could also see Jack's cum
leaking out of her friend's pussy.

'Now I know why Jack did what he did,' she concluded.

Then she felt Jack's probing cockhead stroking along her
sensitive pussylips.
'It wouldn't be long now,' she thought. 'I'll be getting
his cock any second now.'

She wasn't mistaken in her analysis. In one swift stroke,
he buried all of his nine inches into her now over-
stretched pussy.

"Ohhhh fuck," Sam moaned.

In the middle of her utterance, a drop of Jack's cum
landed in her open mouth. Followed only moments later by
Janet's pussylips smashing around her mouth. At first she
resisted the temptation of doing anything of the lesbian
nature, but then she thought how good Janet was at
sucking her pussy earlier. It made her wonder what her
friend found so good about woman loving. So,
experimentally, Sam slipped her tongue out and ran it
across the doctor's overexcited pussylips.

'Mmmmm!' She thought to herself. 'That's not so bad.'

But after further consideration, she realized that she
was actually tasting more of Jack's seeping sperm, rather
than Janet's feminine fluids.

'Guess the only way to get a real taste of her is to
clean her out first,' she concluded.

Without giving any further thought to it, Sam plastered
her mouth to Janet's pussy with the voluntary notion of
eating her friend out as fast as she could.

"Mmmmmm!" Janet moaned at Sam's tonguing.

Meanwhile, Jack was busily humping his ass off trying to
make Sam feel his sturdiness inside of her. That would be
a major challenge, since his cock would prove
insufficient to match the girth of Janet's fist from
earlier. So, thanks to Doctor Fraiser's overworking her
pussy, Sam barely noticed Jack's fucking.

Janet was undulating her hips over Sam's face. Trying to
get her pussy sucked deeper by the novice pussy lapper.

Sam tried to comply by stretching her tongue muscle to
its limit. As curious as she was about tasting female cum
for the first time, all that she could taste still was
Jack's cum that had filled the doctor's cunt.

Without realizing it, Sam had reached her hands up and
was masticating Janet's stiff nipples.

"Mmmmm!" The doctor moaned. "Yes Sam. Rub my tits. Pinch
my nipples if you want."

As if hypnotized, Sam did just that. She began pinching
Janet's hardened nipples until she heard the doctor
squeal in delight.

Jack was getting frustrated that Carter wasn't feeling
his cock in her pussy. So he pulled out and decided on
another course of action.

Lifting her legs by the knees, up to Janet's back, he
aimed his cock to her virgin asshole. He moved forward
till his cockhead began pushing against the tight opening
of her sphincter. Then he began pushing forward, trying
to break past the tight opening.

"Mmmmmh!" Carter tried objecting to his forward movement,
past Janet's pussy. "Donmmmm."

But regardless, he wouldn't have paid any attention to
her objections in his present mental condition anyway. He
continued trying to break past her resistance.

Janet was feeling Sam relaxing too much on her pussy, so
she reached back and twisted the Major's nipples to
remind her of her duty to her wanting pussy. Sam had no
choice but to resume sucking on the petite doctor's cum
filled pussy. She could only hope that the Colonel would
stop before things went to far.

She had no such luck. She finally felt his cockhead get
past her tight sphincter. And in his state of mind, he
didn't give her an opportunity to get accustomed to his
large presence in her ass. He immediately began thrusting
his nine inch cock into her virgin ass.

"Godmmmmm!" She groaned at the invading cock through her
pussy stuffed mouth.

She hadn't even noticed that she had cleaned out the last
of Jack's cum of Doctor Fraiser's cunt. That she was
finally getting a taste of Janet's juices. She was
finally tasting female cum for the first time in her

Jack pushed her legs back until Janet could take hold of
them and placed them under her armpit, almost bending her
in half at the waist. This gave Jack a perfect angle of
attack into her poor asshole.

Sam was beginning to feel her back muscles ache from the
strain of such an awkward position. But she was in no
position to even voice her objections, as Janet's cunt
squashed down even harder down on her face. So, she gave
up trying to break free, and rather concentrated on
getting her two infected comrades satisfied enough so
that she could reach the centrifuge.

"Oh fuck, Doc," Jack shouted. "Carter's one damn fine
lay, don't you think?"

"If you say so, Colonel," Janet responded. "Never tried
fucking her myself yet."

"Well, take my word for it," he said. "She is. Maybe you
and she can try a little strap-on fuck later. Off base
that is."

"Now there's a pleasant thought," the doctor answered.

Sam couldn't believe her ears. Despite the obvious
influence of Ma'Chello's slugs, her two friends seemed to
be planning further vulgarities on her for later. Though
the notion of having Janet fuck her with, what did Jack
call it, a strap-on. Whatever that was.

As Jack continued fucking her ass he noticed her pussy
gaping open in shut, looking so much like a heart valve.
He decided to try what the good doctor had earlier.

With his cock still stuck up her ass, he brought his hand
down to her gaping cunt and inserted two fingers inside
of her. Then he added another, then yet a fourth. Finally
he gave the final push and shoved his whole hand inside
her pussy.

"Good Godddd! Mmmmmh!" Carter shouted through Janet's

"You said it sister," Jack added.

Sam couldn't believe the sensation of having Jack's hand
fisting her pussy. It felt like she could feel both his
cock and fist rubbing against each other. But she knew
that there was a membrane separating each. The strange
friction of his members caused her to orgasm once more,
soaking his hand and lubricating it further.

"Ooooh! Suck my juices Samantha," Janet said, orgasming.

"Just drink it all up like a good girl."

Sam didn't really have a choice in the matter. It was
swallow her cum, or drown in it. Swallowing Doctor
Fraiser's cum for the first time triggered yet another
orgasm in herself too. She had given up trying to keep
track of how many she had had already.

"Here it comes baby," Jack exclaimed, as he shot his load
into her ass. "Take it girl. All of it. It's all for

And yet another orgasm hit Carter before the last one had
even subsided yet. She was exhausted from their ****
attack on her. She didn't know how she was going to be
able to finish with the plasma extraction, but she knew
that she had to.

Chapter Five

Doctor Mackenzie could only watch helplessly from behind
the glass partition of the observation booth as Major
Carter suffered through the indignation of ****. Though
he couldn't clearly see what was happening, he could hear
them via the intercom. He could well imagine what the
Colonel and Doctor Fraiser was doing to the beautiful
blonde woman that was Major Carter. Even though he knew
that the attackers weren't in their right frame of mind.

And as disgusted as he was with what he was seeing, his
body reacted as any normal man's would. He had a raging
hardon and he had to relieve himself the best way he
could under these circumstances. So he pulled out a latex
glove from his lab-coat and used it as a condom, shooting
his cum into their fingertips.

He couldn't believe that his colleague, Doctor Janet
Fraiser, which he admired greatly, could be so cruel and
abusive. Many times he had thought about asking her out
to dinner but backed out. Now he realized that she would
have likely turned him down anyway, being lesbian and

He could also see Major Carter's resistance against her
lesbian ****, and he knew that she would have to go
through months of counseling after all of this was done.
Not just for the lesbian ****, but for Colonel O'Neil's
r****g her as well.

Then he saw his female colleague fall off of the prone
Major and drop to the floor exhausted. She was followed
soon after by Colonel O'Neil. He switched on the speakers

"Major?" He called out. "Major Carter? Are you all

Then he saw her slim hand grasp the edge of the table. He
kept watching as she managed to pull herself up to table

"I... I'm here Doctor Mackenzie," she gasped.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

"Uh? Oh, yes sir," she looked up. "I'm fine. A... as good
as can be expected, I guess."

She didn't even take notice of her nudity in front of
Doctor Mackenzie. She just pulled herself along the table
towards the centrifuge machine.

"Can you continue?" He asked her. "You should cover
yourself, Major."

For the first time she remembered that her attackers had
ripped her clothing off of her body. She looked down at
herself and blushed at the knowledge that Doctor
Mackenzie could see her in this state. She could see
globs of Jack's cum along her legs. Even on her tits. And
she suspected that some could be seen on her face and
hair as well.

"I... I guess I have to," she answered him. "Wh... what
do I do next, sir?"

"You only have to switch the centrifuge on," he
instructed her. "It should only take about ten minutes.
While you're waiting, see if you can find some dry-ice in
the freezer."

For the next five minutes he explained the procedure that
she would have to use to separate the plasma from her
red-blood cells. This serum could then be injected safely
into Colonel O'Neil and Doctor Fraiser. Hopefully giving
them the markers that had rendered her immune in the

Carter would occasionally glance back at the slumbering
twosome on the floor to make sure that they were still
u*********s. She was gratified to see that she was still
safe from further assault on their part. At least for the
moment. She returned to concentrating on her primary

'I wish I could spend more time with Janet,' her thoughts
betrayed her.
Glancing back at the naked doctor, she could feel her
loin get damp again from her own arousal. Though that was
her first lesbian experience, she found it an
exhilarating one nonetheless. He eyes kept shooting back
at the petite, naked, brunette on the floor near her.

Glancing over to the observation booth, she could see
that Doctor Mackenzie was still watching what she was
doing. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't see how she
could get away with rejoining Janet on the floor.

Then a thought hit her. Janet was on the floor, hidden
from Doctor Mackenzie's sight. What if she faked being
dragged down again.

The centrifuge was still processing. Everything else was
ready for the next step. Samantha figured she had a
couple of more minutes to spare, so she decided to go
ahead with that plan.

"Ohhh!" She exclaimed as she dropped down behind the

"Major!" Doctor Mackenzie cried out. "Are you all right?"

"I'm... I'm fine doctor," Sam carried through with her
planned charade. "They woke up again. I... I think I'm
going to have to go through it again."

"I'm so sorry Major," Doctor Mackenzie professed his

"I wish there was something I could do to help."

Carter didn't bother answering him, she had already
buried her face in Doctor Fraiser's pussy and was lapping
at her feverishly. She then decided that she wanted her
own pussy taken care of as well. So she flipped herself
around and straddled Janet's face in the hopes that her
friend would waken soon to relieve her own sexual needs.

Carter wasn't to be disappointed. Thanks mostly to her
licking and sucking of Janet's pussy, the petite doctor
was stirring back to life.

The first thing that greeted Janet's sight was Sam's
blonde pussy above her head. She simply smiled and lifted
her mouth to the pussy lips being offered her and began
shooting her tongue inside its folds.

"Oooh! Yessss!" Sam groaned as she felt Janet's tongue in
her wet cunt.
The two women began rocking each other from side to side.
After a few moments of this, they found themselves
rolling on the floor. Now Doctor Fraiser was on top and
Samantha was laying on her back. All the while they never
missed a stroke in each other's pussy.

The aroma of female cum was pungent in the laboratory. So
strong was it that it began to stir Colonel O'Neil from
his own slumber.

Jack's cock had begun stirring to life even before he
started regaining consciousness. By the time he had
awakened completely, his cock was already hard and ready
for action.

It took him a few seconds to get his bearings, but his
arousal by Ma'Chello's slugs didn't allow him any time to
think of what to do. As soon as he saw the two naked,
slurping, women nearby he began to stalk them like a wild
a****l an hands and knees.

Janet and Sam remained oblivious to Jack's stealthy

They were to engrossed in the pussy at their mouths to

As soon as he got behind Doctor Fraiser's upturned ass,
Jack lifted himself up and aimed his stiff cock for her
gaping pussy hole. In one swift move he buried his nine-
inch cock to the hilt in her pussy, blocking access to
Carter's probing tongue.

"Noooh!" Sam complained.

Jack began humping into the smallish brunette as hard and
fast as he could. Janet was rocking herself back into his
thrusting loins, wanting to get all of him inside her wet

From beneath the two rutting people, Sam could only watch
frustratingly at her denied pleasure. Luckily for her
Janet continued to service her pussy despite getting
fucked by jack.

'This just isn't fair,' Sam thought to herself. 'This was
supposed to be my turn.'

"Fuck! You're some hot mamma, Doc," Jack groaned as he
continued laying it to her.

"Just keep it up, Colonel," Janet said, pulling off of
Carter's pussy.
Sam was getting really tired of being excluded of this.
Looking up at Jack's thrusting cock, and Janet's sucking
pussy, she decided to try something new, for her.

She lifted her head and wrapped her lips around Jack's
cock shaft at the edge of Janet's pussy. In this position
she had the luxury of feeling Jack's cock slide along her
lips and tongue, while still able to suck and lick
Janet's pussy and clit.

"Oh yeah Major," the Colonel and the Doctor both
exclaimed together. "Suck me just like that."

"Mmmmmmmh! You taste so good Samantha," Janet would moan.

Doctor Mackenzie could only hear what the threesome were
saying, hidden behind the worktable, and his imagination
was picturing Major Carter sucking on Colonel O'Neil's
hard cock. And his colleague, Doctor Janet Fraiser,
sucking the beautiful Major's cunt.

But all that he could see was Jack O'Neil's head above
the table rim as the Colonel kept pumping his loins into
Janet's wanton pussy.

'Oh how I wish the General had kept the cameras rolling,'
he thought lecherously.

Sam reached around Janet's waist and hugged her against
her own body, feeling the warmth of her companion's body
against her own. She could feel her friend's hard nipples
rubbing against her stomach as she knew the she was
getting the same feeling from her own hard tits.

In all of this Jack didn't really care about how the two
women were feeling about all of this. In his deranged
mind all he cared about was sinking his cock in a female
orifice, any orifice, so that he could get his own

Sam kept licking along the length of Jack's humping cock,
never forgetting to suck on Janet's clit every chance she
got. Already she had swallowed two orgasms from the
brunette and was absorbed in getting her to unload once

As for Janet, she too had swallowed two loads from
Samantha in this latest session of lust and was working
on another. Occasionally biting down on her clit or her
pussy lips to arouse her further.

"Ooh! Ugnh!" Sam would groan at Janet's savagery.

Doctor Mackenzie kept stroking his cock earnestly in the
surgical glove he was using as a rubber, as he kept
listening to the happenings of the infected people. But
he still couldn't help but imagine Major Carter being
violated by a man and a woman just a few feet away from
him, not realizing that Samantha had actually instigated
this latest sexual fling by the threesome.

Major Carter was getting more and more aroused at the
treatment she was getting from her two infected
companions. She loved Janet's mouth on her pussy, but she
wanted to suck on something more substantial than the
outside of their fucking joining.

On a whim she decided she wanted to suck on Jack's cock
while Janet kept on eating her out. But how could she do
that if he was still fucking her petite friend. An idea
came to her.

'What if I pull him out,' she thought.

Watching the in and out strokes of his cock, she brought
her hand up to it and wrapped it around his slick hardon.
Jack didn't mind Sam's fingers on his cock. He actually
enjoyed it when she squeezed her fingers tightly around
his hardon. It caused its head to flare with blood.

Sam had to time her next move just right. She would have
to pull his cock out on his out-stroke and suck it back
in her mouth when he humped forward.
It took a few strokes before she managed to time her
move, but finally she succeeded. She managed to pull
Jack's raging hard cock out of Janet's clenching pussy,
and bent it down into her throat.

Colonel O'Neil didn't really much care where is cock
wound up, just as long as it was warm, tight and wet. He
drove his full length down Carter's mouth, down her
throat. Sam sucked hard on the stiff cock hoping to get a
good taste of his sperm once again.

Meanwhile, Doctor Fraiser intensified her sucking of
Sam's upturned cunt. If she couldn't have the Colonel's
cock in her pussy, she sure as hell was going to get some
pussy cum as compensation. But she wasn't about to let
her blonde friend get away with stealing Jack's cock.

As punishment, she bit down hard on Sam's clit. This in
turn made Sam bite down on Jack's mouth stuffing cock.
And he in turn slapped his hand hard on Janet's asscheek,
leaving a red mark behind.

"Go Carter," Jack announced loudly. "Suck my cock, you
fucking mouthy slut."
That was another reference to her constant scientific
mumbo-jumbo that always made him look ignorant.

Doctor Mackenzie came again at hearing Jack's outburst.
The older doctor had already shot three full loads into
the surgical glove. He fell back exhausted in the chair,
sweat pouring down his forehead 'I don't know how I'll be
able to hide this,' Doctor Mackenzie was of course
referring to the glove full of cum in his hand. 'But
that's for later.'

Chapter Six

Major Samantha Carter was still trapped with her two
infected comrades. She knew that they were not acting of
their own volition. Ma'Chello's Ga'Ould killing slugs had
the adverse effect on non-infected people. It would make
them act irrationally.

Her comrade, Daniel Jackson, was the first to have been
affected. But he was cured when his slug transferred
itself into Teal'c's body. There, the slug was slowly
killing the embryotic Ga'Ould that he was host to. At the
same time, Teal'c was slowly dying along with it, for he
needed the snake to act as his immune system.

For that reason, they had decided to study Ma'Chello's
devices in order to discover a means to negate them in
order to save their towering friend.

Unfortunately for them, they too were infected by
numerous slugs each. For some reason Samantha's body
rejected them. They then surmised that the death of the
Tok'Ra that she had been host once had left a protein
marker in her body which told the slug that its mission
was fulfilled.

As she was preparing a means to isolate that marker into
a serum for her two comrades, Colonel Jack O'Neil and
Doctor Janet Fraiser, she was suddenly attacked by them.

They had mistakenly concluded that the slugs presented
symptoms similar to schizophrenia, as was the case with
Daniel. Instead she discovered that the slugs would have
a different reaction on an individual. Maybe it was
because more than one slug had invaded each of them. Or
maybe it was because of an individuals make-up.

But in either case, Samantha Carter found herself the
victim of **** from both of them. A lesbian **** she had
to endure at the hands of her petite friend, Doctor Janet
Fraiser. And a male attack from her commanding officer,
Colonel Jack O'Neil.

She was busily sucking on Jack's long hard cock, while
Janet was doing the same thing to her wet pussy. With
each passing moment she could feel another orgasm
approaching its peak.

She could feel Janet's hard nipples crushing against her
belly, as hers was doing the same to the brunette's body
above her.

She could taste a seeping of Jack' pre-cum buttering her
tongue's taste buds. She couldn't wait to get another
blast of his cum down her throat.
Just then she climaxed, spraying her female juices over
Doctor Fraiser's face before the petite woman could
plaster her mouth over the hosing cunt.

Sam squirmed excitedly under her friend's body as she
tried to concentrate on her sucking off the raging hard
cock in her mouth.

"Suck that cock!" She heard Jack shout. "Suck it down
that big, fat, wordy mouth of yours. Next time you won't
be so cocky to make me look stupid during briefings."

Major Carter was only slightly concerned about what
Doctor Mackenzie would think of the blow-by-blow
description he was getting from Colonel O'Neil. She knew
he couldn't really see the action going on with the three
of them, but Jack was being very descriptive about it

"Oh yeah Doc," Jack was cheering Doctor Fraiser on. "You
suck that golden pussy of hers. She's a hot one, take my
word for it. She just loves getting her pussy sucked,
don't ya Major?"

Carter could only nod her head in admission as she
refused to take her sucking mouth off of his rigid cock.
She would swirl her tongue around the huge cock as he
kept fucking her mouth viciously. And Janet could only
wiggle her as against Jack's thrusting shaft, enjoying
the full penetration he was giving her.

Suddenly, all three fucking participants exploded into
orgasm simultaneously. Jack grunting loudly as his cum
spurt into the petite Doctor's clutching pussy, while
being soaked by her pussy juice. Thus forcing Janet to
dive hard into Samantha's cumming pussy, which she drank
down thirstily.

"Oh! My! God!" Major Carter yelled out as her own orgasm
joined with theirs. "I... I'VE NEVER CUM SO HARD!"

The peeping Doctor Mackenzie couldn't control himself
either as he shot yet another load into the surgical
glove that he had been using as a receptacle. He had his
face plastered against the isolation window to get a
better view of the fucking threesome writhing on the
floor of the lab.

Colonel O'Neil and Doctor Fraiser slumped to the ground,
exhausted. Jack's cock still imbedded in the small
woman's pussy.

Of the three, only Major Carter still had strength enough
to move around. This would be her opportunity to prepare
her plasma for her friends. Hopefully, this serum will
expunge Ma'Chello's devices from their bodies as it had
for her.
She received final instructions from Doctor Mackenzie on
how to separate the key product from her blood and
prepared the syringes.

"Is this it?" Major Carter asked Doctor Mackenzie. "Is
there anything more that need be done?"

"No, that should be it," the doctor told her. "All you
need to do now is inject them with it."

"How much?" Sam asked.

"Try 10ccs each," Doctor Mackenzie said after a moment of
consideration. "If that's not enough we can increase the
dose accordingly."

Sam walked over to her two u*********s comrades and
injected them with the serum. Now all she and Doctor
Mackenzie could do was wait for them to regain

Sam didn't even think of putting any clothing on her as
she paced naked before Doctor Mackenzie's leering eyes.

He couldn't help but admire the firmness of her breast as
she paraded back in forth before him, his cock still
sticking out of his pants, but out of sight of the Major.

It seemed to be taking a long time for the two slumbering
people to rouse themselves. Sam was growing concerned for
their well being. Wanting to make sure that they were
still all right, she bent down to feel for their pulses.
Jack's seemed okay, but when she moved to check on
Janet's she couldn't help but reach down to her bare
chest and tweak the u*********s doctor's tits one last

"Mmmmmh!" Janet mumbled as her eyes fluttered open as Sam
squeezed her tits.

"Oh! Sorry," Sam tried to recuperate herself. "I... I was
just checking for your... your pulse."

"Nice technique," Doctor Fraiser smiled at her. "Maybe I
should give you an examination next week."

Major Carter smiled back at the beautiful brunette, then
suddenly remembered that her hand was still on the
awakening woman's breast and pulled it away rapidly.

"Are... are you okay?" Sam composed herself. "Are the
devices out?"

"I... I think so," Janet said as she tried getting up.

But she was stopped by something imbedded in her rear.
When she looked back she saw Colonel O'Neil still
slumbering behind her, his cock still stuck up her
clenching pussy.

"Oh!" Janet exclaimed, then she remembered everything
that she had done in the past two hours.

She turned back to face Major Carter, blushing profusely.

"Di... did I... did we hurt you?" She asked the beautiful
blonde, noticing for the first time that the Major was
naked before her. "I guess we didn't," she added,

Carter followed the brunette's stare and blushed herself
when she realized that she hadn't put any clothing back
on. She rushed to the locker and pulled out three lab-
coats. Dr****g one over herself, she brought the
remaining two for her friends on the floor.

Finally Colonel O'Neil began to stir from his sexual
slumber. Before he even opened his eyes, his cock
recognized the warm confines of a pussy.

Instinctively, he began humping his hips into Doctor
Fraiser's cunt, causing her to moan slightly in response.

"Colonel," Sam shook him when she saw what was about to
happen. "JACK! Wake up!"

"Unh! What?" Jack's eyes opened and met Sam's gaze. "What
the fuck?"

"It was Ma'chello's devices," Major Carter tried to stir
his memory. "Remember."

"Yeah, yeah, right," he mumbled. "What... what are you
doing in my room? Can't you see I'm with somebody."

"Colonel, its Doctor Fraiser your stuck with," Sam
whispered, not wanting Doctor MacKenzie to hear. "The
bugs reacted differently with you than they had with
Daniel. Try to remember."

Suddenly the things that had happened began flooding his
mind. His assaulting Major Carter, r****g her in fact.
Forcing his subordinate to suck his cock. His plunging
his cock in Doctor Fraiser's pussy as the petite woman
was sucking out Samantha. Then it hit him, his cock was
still stuck in the doctor's cunt.
"Woah!" He yelled out as he pulled harshly out of her
tiny cunt.

"Watch it Colonel," Janet complained. "That hurt."

"Di... did I do what I think I did?" He asked, looking
back at Sam.

"Ye... yes, Sir," she blushed. "But I understand, Sir.
You weren't yourself."

"Anybody else know about this?" Janet asked.

"The General evacuated the booth once he understood what
was happening to you," Sam told her. "Only Doctor
MacKenzie stayed behind to help be concoct the serum."

Janet peered over to the booth to the attending doctor.
Her trained medical eye saw his flushed face and knew
that he had been doing much more than just assisting
Major Carter or observing. She'd have to have a long talk
to him about medical ethics.

"All I want to know is," Jack started. "Can we leave

"I'll have to run a few blood test first," Doctor Fraiser
informed him. "But we should be cleared in a little

"Thanks for not saying anything," Sam whispered in
Janet's ear.

It took Janet a moment to realize what the blonde beauty
was referring to. Then she recalled the compromising
position the Major had been when she had awoken. She
smiled back at Sam and nodded, 'no problem'.

"See me later," Janet whispered back to her. "We'll
finish what you started."
Now it was Samantha's turn to nod in assent.

"Major," Jack interrupted them. "I'll understand if you
wish to transfer from SG-1."

"No Sir," she replied. "I have no desire to transfer. I
realize that these were extenuating circumstances."

"Good," Jack said sheepishly. "Good. Glad to hear it.
looking forward to working on... with you."

"Yes Sir," Sam grinned back. "Me too Sir."

"Its all clear," Doctor Fraiser announced. "We can leave
the isolation lab."

"You sure?" Sam asked.

"Totally," Janet confirmed.

The threesome exited the isolation room to the cheers of
the personnel of Stargate Command. They were immediately
greeted by their comrades of SG-1, Daniel Jackson.

"Welcome back people," General Hammond slapped them on
the shoulders. "We're all happy that you made it through

"Thank you Sir," all three responded together.

Last, but certainly not least, Doctor Fraiser takes the
cure and injects it into Teal'c, hoping Ma'Chello's
device isn't smart enough to figure out he'll have both a
symbiote and the protein marker. It's not, and the blob
falls out of Teal'c's ear. He wakes up better. Everyone
turns out just fine.

They made their way to their quarters on the base to rest
and shower. Samantha especially needed to shower. She had
endured most of the sexual assault during their stay in
isolation. But before Doctor Fraiser parted ways with her
she leaned over and whispered to her ear.

"I have a month's leave due," she whispered. "Care to
join me at my lake cabin?"

Samantha was caught off-guard by such an open invitation.
Before today she would never have considered it, but
after having discovered how wonderful another woman can
be, she couldn't wait to discover what other talents her
petite, brunette friend might know.

And this time it would be a purely natural event, not
influenced by some alien device.

The End
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