With the help of a magic remote, Henry and his mom have fun

Author: JacksonPost

"A magic remote?"
"Yeah, dude!" exclaimed Aaron, my oldest and best friend. Having grown up together, we were closer than most friends got. As such, our conversations tended to be a bit more personal. "You just point it at somebody and you can make them do anything. I saw it on a YouTube video."
I leaned back in my computer chair and rubbed my temples. Aaron could be dumb sometimes, but believing in a magic remote that could control women? That seemed beyond stupid. "You know those things are fake right?"
"No, this was real, Henry, I'm telling you. You could see it in her eyes. One second she hated the dude, and the next thing you know she was sucking his dick."
I raised an eyebrow. "And you saw this on YouTube?"
Even through his crappy webcam I could see him blushing. "Well, not exactly on YouTube. But I'm telling you, dude, it was awesome! I'll send you the link." A link to some porn website I'd never heard of popped into the chat.
"That's not YouTube. Unless they've changed their name to DirtySluts."
Aaron waved his hand dismissively. "If it's a video, I'm gonna call it a YouTube video. That's the culture, man."
Ever since middle school, Aaron and I had become inseparable. The two of us were losers who spent all day watching anime and jerking off, and we liked it. The good life, even if society didn't see it like that. While I attended community college, Aaron started working at his uncle's bookstore. This was our first time apart.
He used to come over to my house and spend every weekend with me. Since starting work and college, neither of us had time to even hang out. Before that, we had made plans to get an apartment together, but that fell through once we saw the price of rent. So, I was still living at my mother's house, a fact he loved to remind me of even though he didn't have his own place either.
Our relationship was close enough that I almost opened the link to see what it was. As I hovered my mouse over it, my mom opened the door with a lunch tray she made. I quickly closed the chat and turned, smiling like I hadn't been caught doing something wrong.
My mom was way too nervous about everything. Finding out I watched porn would have given her a heart attack. Her nerves made it hard to spend any time with her, but I still loved her. I especially loved the fact she made me lunch, and let me live in her house.
"Hi, Mrs. Green," said Aaron through the computer speakers, a huge grin on his face.
Aaron had always had a small crush on my mom, and honestly, I couldn't blame him. My mother was quite the looker. She had dark brown hair that came down past her shoulders. Big brown eyes always playfully taking everything in. Even though she was reaching past 40, she had a curvy body with a fantastic ass and breasts. At home, she always dressed lightly, so I got to see a lot of her body.
Even though she was hot, Mom didn't have much luck with guys. She didn't think she was very good-looking, and so she acted like she wasn't. The only guy she had been able to get with had been my dad. He died when I turned twelve. Since then, it was just me and her.
Surprisingly, Mom never got nervous around Aaron. Neither of us knew why.
Mom smiled and brushed her bangs out of her eyes, placing the tray on the computer table. "Hi, Aaron. How's your mother doing?"
He shrugged. "Still looking for work."
I looked down at the tray, my mouth starting to water. Mom had made me a BLT with the bread lightly toasted, with chips and a coke to wash it down. One of the benefits of living at home was free meals that you didn't have to make. Of course, not everyone had a mom who liked to cook. My mom was one of the good ones.
"Thanks, Mom," I said, taking a large bite of the BLT. Mom liked to spread mayo on all the sandwiches she made, and this was no different. Some of the excess started to drip out and slide down my chin.
Quickly, Mom licked her thumb and cleaned off the mayo. I squirmed out of the way to pretend like I hated it, but it didn't really bother me. Aaron laughed as he watched the antics through his screen. "Aw, little Henry made a mess? Does he need his mommy to help him?"
I shot him a glare, but Mom laughed. "That's why I'm here, to clean up after my perfect little boy," she replied, jokingly squeezing my cheek. I playfully smacked her hand away. "I'll leave you boys to your fun. Make sure you take out the trash later, okay Henry?"
"Yeah, Mom. I got it, thanks for the food."
I watched as she left, closing the door behind her. Already I could hear snickering coming from my speakers. Aaron was barely holding in his laughter, and as soon as I turned to look at him he burst out laughing. In times like this, it was best to let him work it all out. So I endured several minutes of laughter and being compared to a baby.
Aaron finished his laughing fit, wiping a tear from his eyes, and said, "But in all seriousness, dude, you've got a great mom. I wish mine would bring me food."
I shrugged. "If you were nicer to your mother she would do stuff like that for you."
"Nah, your mom's different. Great chief, great person, and great looking? Your dad was one lucky guy. Why haven't you given me her number?"
I frowned. "Aaron, don't even pretend to hit on my Mom."
"Oh come on, dude, you know if she weren't your mom you would tap that. Oh! Maybe you can use the remote on her, or I can," said Aaron in a mocking tone.
"If it existed, too bad it doesn't. You'll have to get women the old-fashioned way." I laughed.
Aaron slammed his desk, causing crumbs to fly into the air. "It is real, dude! Look, I'll send you the link to the shop. I don't have enough money for it, but maybe you will." Another link popped into the chat, this time it was for a website called: Katie's Emporium.
"I'm not gonna spend my money on some scam, but I'll take a look. For you."
Aaron smiled. "Good, but for real you should get it. And then you have to let me use it, otherwise I'll never forgive you." At that moment, Aaron's uncle burst into his room and started to yell at him. He turned around and shook his head. "Sorry, Henry. Got to go, talk to you later?"
"Yeah, man. I'll talk to you later," I replied.
I leaned back in my chair and took another bite of the BLT. A magic remote that made women crazy for you? It sounded too good to be true, but what if it was? Looking back at the screen, I clicked the first link and watched the video. It seemed like a normal porn scenario, but the woman was acting extra weird. Between every order, the busty blonde paused before performing the order perfectly.
The video seemed hot, especially if the product was true, but those things were always fake. Still, what if it was true?
After dusting the crumbs off my hands, I clicked on the other link Aaron sent me. Immediately, the website loaded with one of those age authenticators. Even now that I was in my twenties, I still clicked a random age and pressed enter. Not like any website bothered to double-check.
The front page of the website screamed early 2000s website design. Lots of bright colors and tacky animations in the background. At the top of the page in bright comic sans read, 'Katie's Emporium: Where dreams become reality.' There were pictures of scantily dressed women all over the website. I clicked around until I found my way to the store page. No time for jacking off when curiosity was leading the charge.
Among the sex toys and deviant magazines was the 'magical' remote Aaron talked about. $100. He didn't have $100 dollars? According to the website, it was available for a limited time. A timer counted down to when it would presumably be taken from the store. I wondered if it was a real timer or one of those fake timers they used to make you rush to buy. After a quick reload, it seemed real.
There were only ten minutes left on the timer. I wondered if I should let Aaron know, but decided against it. No reason to bum him out after he got yelled at. Without thinking, I pulled out my debit card and added the remote to my cart. It was like I was in a trance as I entered all my info and proceeded through the checkout. I figured $100 was worth it to lose, especially if it turned out to be true.
Before pressing the final confirmation button, I hesitated. Did I want to waste my money on a gag? A fake item the website sold to suckers? My finger hovered over my mouse, waiting to press left click and confirm my purchase. If it was real...
A knock on the door made me panic. I accidentally pressed the button before closing the tab. Without waiting for an answer, Mom entered the room clearly upset.
"Henry, can you help me with my computer? I need it for work."
"Yes, Mom," I muttered, grabbing the plate and heading past her through the door.
"And don't forget to empty the trash. Maybe clean your room too."
A couple weeks went by with no news about the remote. I found out after I got back to my computer that I had accidentally bought it, but I didn't think much about it. $100 down the drain was the worst case scenario. Already I was thinking of ways to earn the money back.
I could have told Aaron that I'd bought the remote, but I didn't. He would have acted smug about it and I couldn't have handled that. Years ago he recommended an anime about naked pirate girls. At the time, I told him it was lame and made fun of him. Once I watched it on a whim, and liked it, he never let me live it down.
Right when I had forgotten all about the remote, it came. Early in the morning I heard a knock on the front door and the sound of a truck driving away. I wasn't happy to be woken up by the noise, but Mom was gone for work and there was no one else home to get the package. Crawling out of bed, I meandered my way to the front door. Lying on the ground was a small cardboard box with my name on it.
The packaging was plain, as such items usually were, and small. It seemed like it was barely large enough to fit a regular-sized remote. Heading back to my room, I opened the box to find another smaller box inside. Emblazoned on the side was the title of the website I bought it from and the words, Magical Remote. Otherwise the pale blue box was quite plain.
It didn't take long for me to tear open the packaging and pull out the small silver remote and its instructions. The remote was barely longer than my middle finger, and there were only a few buttons. Up and down arrows, numbers, a red power button, a button labeled info, and a button with 3 Z's meant to be some kind of snooze button.
I pressed some of the buttons, but nothing happened. Reading the instructions wasn't much help. All it said was to point the remote at the subject and press the power button. Commands could be issued verbally, but simple commands could be issued using the remote. The snooze button was actually a sleep button, meant to put someone to sleep. The arrows and numbers were an intensity rating, I guess for sex or something.
At the very back of the instructions was a link to a website. Since there was no one home I could test the remote on, and I didn't want to leave the house, I decided to take a look. Carefully, I typed in the web address and pressed enter. Instead of going to a website, a pop-up appeared asking to download a video file. My anti-virus didn't activate so I shrugged and let it download.
Throwing caution to the wind, I opened the video as soon as it finished downloading. It began with an older looking man sitting on a white couch in the center of a white room. On either side of him were two bored looking women. One had red hair and freckles, the other was a brunette. Both were gorgeous and completely uninterested in what was happening.
The man smiled and held up his own magical remote. "Hello. If you're watching this, that means you read the instructions. For that, I thank you. I know they seemed bare-bones, but that was on purpose. This remote operates on voice commands. As such, it's difficult to write down all the functions it can perform. I hope this video will suffice.
"I'm sure you noticed the two beautiful ladies sitting beside me." He gestured to the red head. "This is Lily and my friend on the other side is Susan." Neither of the girls made any sign that they had noticed.
"As you can see, they don't seem interested in me. But, with this remote. I can change that." Pointing the remote at Lily, he smiled as he pressed the red power button. She froze, her face changing to a neutral expression. Then he pointed the remote at Susan and pressed the button again. The effect was the same.
"This is known as standby mode. Until an order is given, they will remain like this for ten minutes. This can be changed if you so wish. After coming out of standby mode, they will have no memory of what happened. This can also be changed.
"Orders can be given in a variety of ways. You can give a simple command, or a complex command. You can even change a person's attitude or demeanor. I'll show you a simple command first."
Holding the remote towards Lily, the man said, "Strip."
Standing up from the couch. Lily pulled down her pants and panties, stepping out of them mindlessly. Then she pulled off her shirt, throwing it on her pants. After unclasping her bra, she dropped it to the floor. Lily made no attempt to cover herself, nor did she seem embarrassed to be standing naked on camera.
"The strip command is great to get things started," said the man. "Some other one word commands are: suck, kiss, lick, and orgasm. Yes that's right, you can force a person to orgasm using this remote. Watch."
He pointed the remote at Susan and said, "Orgasm."
Bucking her hips, she moaned as a dark spot grew on the front of her pants. Her breath grew ragged and she slumped over in the chair. Still feeling the after effects of the orgasm, she occasionally shuddered. Once a couple seconds had passed, she regained her composure and returned to her blank stare.
"You can set the intensity of the orgasm using voice commands. Don't be afraid to experiment. Now let's try a more complex command. This remote is special in that it knows your intent behind a command, but it still needs some help. Use clear diction and a strong tone when giving a command. Remember how uninterested in me they were before? Let's change that with a complex command."
Again, he pointed the remote at Lily. "Act like you love me."
Lily blinked a couple of times as she looked around. Once she spotted the man, she sat down in his lap and stroked his face. In a sultry tone of voice, she said, "Hey handsome. You know, I'm feeling kind of worked up. Maybe I can do that thing you like? Maybe you can return the favor?" She licked her lips and ground her ass on his cock.
"As you can see," said the man, not paying attention to the beautiful naked women sitting on his lap. "She is now interested in me. I can continue to give commands without the remote, but she will only obey if they coincide with her being my lover. For example, she would suck my dick if I asked, but she wouldn't have sex with Susan unless she was interested in her. You can give her another command using the remote if you want her to do something else.
"The sleep and info buttons are pretty self-explanatory. Sleep puts them to sleep, and the info button answers any questions you have about a subject. Use voice commands after pressing the button for it to work. I'm sure you're itching to see what this remote can do, so I'll end the tutorial here. If you have any questions--"
I stopped the video and sat back in my chair, staring at the unassuming silver remote sitting on my desk. Could it be real? It was easy to fake such a scenario on video, so I wasn't fully convinced it was real, but part of me wanted it to be real. As I was wondering who I should try it on, I heard Mom calling me from the hallway.
"Henry! Can you help me bring in groceries?"
I glanced down at the remote before placing it in my pocket. My curiosity got the better of me, I needed to test the remote. Of course, I waited until I had helped Mom bring in the groceries before I did. It was the right thing to do, and I didn't want to risk them going bad if I had too much fun.
Once the two of us were done, we sat down on the couch and breathed a sigh of relief. There weren't that many groceries, but it was hot and I tried to go way too fast. Mom leaned over and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a hug.
"Thanks, Henry. I don't think I could have brought all those bags in by myself."
"No problem." We sat in silence for a bit while I tried to build up the courage to bring out the remote. Sitting this close to Mom, I realized how nice she smelled. Like an ice cream shop on a hot summer day. Sweet and inviting. After taking a deep breath, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the remote.
"What's th--" Before Mom could finish speaking, I pointed the remote at her and pressed the power button. She froze, her face going blank. I honestly hadn't expected the remote to work, so I jumped back in shock. Mom, who had been leaning on me, fell down onto the couch.
I waited for her to get up, say something, but she didn't. Looking down at the remote in amazement, I decided to test the voice commands.
"Uh, sit up, Mom," I said nervously.
The command took a second to register, maybe because I hadn't pointed the remote at her, but she did sit up. Because I hadn't specified how she should sit up, she leaned back against the couch cushions. My mouth was dry as I watched her obey my command. I thought about going to get some water from the kitchen, but had a better idea.
"Mom, get me some water."
After a second, she stood up and headed to the kitchen. I could hear her pull out a cup from the cupboard and fill it with water from the fridge. The entire time she stayed silent, with the same blank expression on her face. It was unnerving. When she returned with the water, she held it out for me to take. As I drank, she continued to stand in front of me.
I wasn't ready to get real naughty, but I did want to see what I could make her do. First, I had to fix the blank look on her face. Thinking of what Aaron would do, I had a fun idea come to mind, but first I needed to ask Mom something.
Holding the info button, I said, "Does Mom own a maid outfit?" I wasn't sure if Mom and Dad were into that kind of bedroom play, but I had to see. Of course, it was possible that she would have thrown it away after Dad died, but I had to be sure.
A feminine voice answered from the remote. "Yes." I pumped my fist, glad that my parents were a bit kinky. A couple of days ago, that would have grossed me out, but right now I was too excited. Honestly, I didn't think Mom had it in her to be kinky. What with her nerves and all. But I guess even the most anxious among us could enjoy foreplay.
I pointed the remote at Mom. "Go put on your maid outfit and then come back here."
Instantly, Mom left for her room. I had a clear idea of what I wanted her to do. Earlier this month, she had told me to clean my room. Did I do it, no. Now she would clean not only my room, but the whole house. I ran to my room to grab my phone. No way was I going to miss the chance to record this. Maybe I would send it to Aaron. That would be worth bragging rights for years.
Mom returned, dressed in costume. She wore a classic black colored maid dress with a white frilly trim accentuating the design. The dress was more like a skirt as it barely covered her ass. The neckline on the outfit was lowered, and her breasts were pushed upwards by the built in bra. They looked massive compared to their normal size. She wore a matching bow, garter belt, and stockings to complete the look. Covering her privates was a black thong made of lace with tasteful transparency. Black pubic hairs stuck out from behind the thong.

My dick grew hard. I almost moved to cover it, but since she was still under the remote's control, I let it be. Mom didn't seem to care. Not about my boner, or about the sexy costume she was wearing. Probably the first time in her life she hadn't cared. Remembering that I wanted to record this, I pulled up my phone's camera and pushed record. It was difficult to get a clear image with how bad my hands were shaking. I stopped the recording and went to grab my tripod.
After setting it up facing the couch, I pushed record and sat down. I would have to edit that out later to make it look better, but I didn't care. Aaron would never believe me unless I had proof. And what a proof it would be.
"Aaron, I have a confession to make. I bought the magical remote. I know I said it was stupid and fake. I was wrong. Here in my hands is the device in question, and well, let me show you how well it works. Why don't you sit next to me, Mom?"
Mom sat down next to me, crossing her legs and putting her arm around me. I guess she had chosen to sit like that, because I didn't tell her to. Maybe it was her subconscious. Either way, it worked for the video.
"Like what you see? I can make her do anything. I can make anyone do anything. I-- hold on one second."
I ran to my computer and typed in the address to Katie's Emporium. I would have been a bad friend if I didn't try and get one for Aaron. He was my best friend, and he was the one who told me about it. The chances that it was still up were slim, but I had to check.
When the website loaded, my heart sank as I could no longer find the remote on the store page. All I found was a message saying it was coming back soon. Defeated, I went back to the couch and sat down next to Mom. Without prompting, she put her arm around me again. I leaned into her embrace.
I felt bad for Aaron, I really did. If he had the money to buy it, he would have. Maybe the site would restock, maybe they wouldn't. I didn't know. The idea of giving him the remote crossed my mind, but something caught my eyes that cleared my head. Boobs, it was boobs. My mother's breasts to be exact. Sitting nice and comfortable, probably not to be honest, in her outfit.
"Mom, take out your breasts." I said it without thinking. Before I could change my mind, Mom pulled down the top of her dress, letting her breasts flop out. They were a good size, full and not too saggy. Small blue veins could be seen under the surface, but that didn't gross me out. Dark pink nipples stuck out from the center, hardening now that they were exposed.
With a shaking hand I grabbed the closest breast to me. I looked up to see if she had any reaction, but there was none. She was totally under my control. Slowly, I squeezed it. Not hard enough to hard, but hard enough to try and cause her to feel something. If she did, she made no sign.
Reaching my hand around to squeeze her breast was kind of annoying. "Mom, I want you to sit on my lap, facing me." Sure enough, within seconds she positioned herself onto my lap. There wasn't much room for her legs, beyond kneeling them on the couch, so she had to push against me to stay on. Her boobs pushed against my face for a couple seconds as she got comfortable, but then she leaned back.
My hands cupped her ass as I took one of her nipples in my mouth. Her ass was amazing, something I'd dreamed of holding since I had started to pay attention to girls. I'd never admit that out loud, but it was true. Here I was, sucking on her tit while kneading her ass. The only problem was that she wasn't reacting to my touch. She wasn't reacting to anything.
I gave her nipple one final flick with my tongue before leaning back against the couch. Mom continued to stare outwards, her face expressionless. It was hard to enjoy this with her like that. Felt like I was r****g her. Was it ****? Pondering that question made my dick soften, when before it had strained against my pants. Sighing, I motioned for Mom to get off me as I tried to figure out what to do.
Was it right for me to mind control my own mother? In all the porn comics I'd read, videos I'd watched, it seemed fun. And to be honest, it was. But I'd never considered the women's point of view in that scenario. Could Mom see everything that was happening but couldn't stop it? I had to know.
She turned to me with a familiar smile on her face, like the mom I'd always known. "Yes, Henry?"
Hearing her say my name made it even harder to continue. "Do you know what is happening? What I am doing to you?"
"I'm not sure what you're asking."
I wracked my brain for a better way to explain it. "Does your conscious self know that you're being mind controlled?"
After a brief moment, she said no.
"Are you sure? If I stopped using this remote would you remember anything?"
"I don't know."
Trying to have a serious conversation was difficult when her breasts were out and she was wearing a sexy costume. "Mom, go change back into your clothes and then come back." Silently, she stood up and walked to her bedroom.
I sighed. It was doubtful the remote would let the individual remember unless I wanted them to, but I could never be sure. Aaron wouldn't have these kinds of doubts. He would take full advantage of the opportunity and have some fun. Did that make him a bad person? How could I be a better person when I had already done so much? I made a vow to stop using the remote.
Mom returned wearing a loose camisole and gym shorts. That wasn't the clothing she had been in before, but I guessed that was my fault. Mind control required specificity. Though, I thought I remembered from the tutorial that the remote recognized intent? Maybe u*********sly I still wanted Mom to dress loosely.
Before I ended the remote's control, I had one last question. Holding the info button, I pointed the remote at her and asked, "Did you enjoy what I was doing?"
Mom smiled, blushing slightly. "Yes. It's been some time since someone touched me like that. I wish we could have continued."
That was surprising, the lack of reaction from her had made me think she wasn't feeling anything. Hearing that she wanted to keep going made my dick harden."
"What about the maid outfit?" I asked, u*********sly rubbing my cock through my pants.
She nodded. "I enjoyed wearing my costume too. The last time I wore that was when your father was still alive. It was always his favorite."
"Does it make you feel guilty, doing this with your son?"
"I don't know. I would never initiate this myself, too worried you would hate me. But I did enjoy this. If I wasn't being controlled, I would still enjoy this. That I know for sure. Though it would take a lot to get me to that point."
"Wait, are you in love with me?"
"I love you, but I can't say I'm in love with you. I think you are very handsome, and after seeing your penis, have imagined having sex with you."
"You saw my penis?" I asked, shocked.
"Yes. I walked in on you in the shower. You have a very nice penis."
While I wanted to believe that, I was suspicious of the effect the remote was having. "Is that really how you feel? Or is it because you are being controlled?"
"I don't know how I'm being controlled, but I know how I feel. Unless you had changed how I would feel, these are my true feelings."
I guess that was as close to consent as I was going to get. My dick was starting to take control, so I let my desires take hold. Putting the remote down, I pulled off my shorts. Like a spring, my cock bounced up. Small drops of precum flew through the air, landing on my stomach.
"If you weren't being controlled and saw me as a lover, show me what you would do."
She blinked, her eyes seeming to focus. Mom looked down at me, nervously sitting back with my cock out. Her expressions turned from confusion to hunger as she saw my erection. Licking her lips, she took a step forward.
"Aw, did I make my poor baby hard? I'm sorry, baby. Mommy didn't realize these clothes would get you going. Do you need Mommy to help you out?"
I eagerly nodded, which made her laugh. "Let Mommy handle this."
She slid down onto her knees, her hand finding its place at the base of my penis. I moaned as she rubbed her hand on my cock, taking care to play with the tip. Mom brushed aside her hair, bringing her face closer. The feeling of her warm breath on my cock caused it to twitch. The corners of her lips curled as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.
Pleasure shot through my body as her tongue made contact. It circled around the head of my shaft, tasting every inch. Her eyes met mine as her wet tongue explored. Never would I have imagined my Mom being this good. I'd had a couple of blowjobs before, but this was something else.
She brought her lips down on my cock, enveloping the head. Mom's tongue continued its circular motion as her lips slid closer to the base. I watched the muscles around her throat expand to take in the invading object. After realizing that I was just sitting there, I put a hand on her head and pushed down. Her eyes widened as my cock hit the back of her throat.
She moaned in pleasure, sending vibrations across my entire shaft. Without taking her mouth off my dick, she shimmied out of her shorts. Mom was still wearing the same thong from before, which now fell to the ground. One of her hands moved to her vagina, while the other grasped my balls. As she rubbed her clit, she massaged my balls at the same time. Gently, she played with the skin between her fingers.
Mom started to suck my cock, going from the tip all the way down to the base. Her tongue continued its circular motions as she went up and down. When she reached the tip, she kissed all around the head. At the base, she moaned.
I had never seen Mom so confident, so in control. It was like I was getting a blowjob from someone else. Was this how Mom was with Dad? I didn't care at that moment, but the thought did cross my mind.
Soon, I felt my climax approaching. The pleasure was too much. I grasped the couch cushion, digging my fingertips in to hold on. Mom brought herself back to the tip and looked up at me, laying kisses on my penis each time she paused. Her hand rubbed along the shaft.
"Are you close, Henry?" she asked, breathless. I nodded, I didn't think I could have spoken if I tried. "Do you think you can try and hold it longer? I want to have some more fun."
Without waiting for an answer, Mom blew one final kiss on my penis. She got up from her knees, sliding her hands across my body. I struggled to keep my cool, there was no way I was going to mess this up. Her eyes met mine as she pulled me up into a passionate kiss, our lips each fighting for control of the other's. Mom's tongue slid across my lips before gently forcing its way inside.
Our tongue's wrestled as she jumped into my lap. Our passionate kiss only broke for a second as she pulled off her camisole. She tugged at the edge of my shirt and pulled it off. With the two of us now fully naked, we resumed our kissing. Her ass rubbed against my cock as her breasts squished against my chest.
We separated again, a single strand of saliva led from my mouth to hers. She smiled seductively at me, before pushing me back onto the couch.
Mom reached back and grabbed my cock pointing it up towards her pussy. Her face was red as she rubbed the tip against her outer lips, coating it in her juices. My eyes met hers, pleasure evident in her expression. It was everything I had dreamed about.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
She laughed. "What are you waiting for? I'm all yours."
I thrust upwards causing both of us to moan.
Mom's inner walls surrounded my penis, which slid easily through the cavern. A loud slap ran through the house as my groin met her ass. I pulled myself out leaving just the tip. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I rammed upwards. Mom gasped, placing a hand on my chest for balance. Instead of waiting for me to continue fucking her, she bounced her ass on my cock. It was wild, it was sexy, it was amazing.
"Oh yes!" screamed Mom. "Fuck me, Henry, fuck your mother!"
I increased my pace, slamming my dick into her pussy. Mom's moans of pleasure got even louder.
Since the moment I found out the remote had worked, I had been at the edge. Now, I could no longer hold back. I slammed my cock all the way in. Mom's inner walls squeezed my dick as she screamed out, "Oh god yes!"
I came violently, pumping thick ropes of cum into her. I grabbed onto her ass and held her as the pleasure surged through my body. We both shuddered as it hit one final time, before collapsing on the couch in a sweaty heap. She grabbed my face and kissed me wildly.
Fading in and out of consciousness, I wrapped my arms around my mom and laid back. The two of us let exhaustion take us. But my cock stayed inside her for some time.
The next morning I woke up on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. I didn't even realize I had slept the rest of the day till I checked my phone. It was still set-up on the tripod, pointing toward the couch. As I scrolled through my phone, I noticed the camera app was open. I clicked on the tab and was shocked when an image of my Mom wearing a maid outfit popped up. Then it hit me, I had fucked my Mom.
The escapades of the previous day slowly came back to me. Getting the remote, using it on my Mom, and the passionate lovemaking that followed. I looked around for Mom, but she wasn't around. Checking my texts, she hadn't texted me either. I wondered if the mind control effect had ended, I didn't remember turning it off.
Soft hands found their way onto my shoulders, rubbing them gently. I jumped, flipping around to see the smiling face of my mother. Her dark brown hair was wet, sticking to her skin. She was wearing a purple robe, tightly wrapped around her body. I looked down and covered myself once I realized I was still nude. She laughed and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek.
"About time you woke up. I was worried I'd killed you," she said, moving to the kitchen.
I looked around for my clothes, but they weren't there. Neither were hers.
"I threw your clothes in the washer. You can thank me later," said Mom, her voice coming from the kitchen. "I'll have breakfast ready in a bit. Eggs and bacon okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine," I replied, looking for the magical remote I had purchased by chance. It was still on the couch, right where I had left it. I wondered if Mom had noticed it when she was grabbing my clothes. Grabbing the remote, I went to my room to put some clothes on. Mom didn't seem to mind that I was naked, but I wasn't fully comfortable with it.
I threw on a t-shirt and shorts. Today was Sunday, tomorrow I would be going to the local community college for my classes. While the cliques that permeated high school didn't exist at community college, I wouldn't say I was popular. My classmates didn't talk to me outside of class, and I found it hard to talk to them. Aaron had been one of my only friends in high school, and now he was my only friend.
But this remote changed everything. I could force people to be my friend, make them worship the ground I walked on. Become God. I chuckled to myself. Becoming God had never been one of my plans, but maybe I would let the power get to me. After all, didn't I deserve it? Before I left my room, remote in my pocket, ready to conquer the world, I tripped over some old comic books of mine.
The cover featured a terrifying picture of Batman looming over Gotham. Beyond the cover, the story was about the Mad Hatter taking over Gotham using his own mind control device. One of the lines in that story stood out to me at that moment. "It's easy to be a villain when you have nothing left to lose. Becoming the hero? Now that's a true sign of willpower."
I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a villain, I wanted to have fun with my new power. But at the end of the day, wasn't I hurting people? Taking away their free will? Sure, Mom said she enjoyed it, and might have done it without the remote's control, but was it true? My head started to hurt as I pondered these things. Sitting on my bed, I tried to sleep until the smell of bacon wafted into the room.
Figuring that a good meal would set things straight, I walked to the kitchen. Mom was in the process of making plates for the both of us. Once it was safe to, I pointed the remote at her and said, "Stop."
Mom froze. It still shocked me to see the remote work, but I guessed I would get used to it.
"I want you to forget we had sex yesterday. In your mind, you invited a nice man over and had sex with him. You have no desire to contact him again. When I press the power button, you will return to being my mother. Do you understand?"
"Yes," she replied, no emotion in her voice.
"Good." Before I pressed the button, another thought came to mind. "Uh, Mom? Can you still..."
"I bought plan B this morning while you were asleep."
I breathed a sigh of relief. Since I couldn't think of anything else, I pointed the remote at her and ended my control. Instantly, she returned to what she was doing. It was like the moment never happened, and the two of us were never lovers. But I remembered. Was I guilty? Maybe. For now, I vowed to never mind control my mother ever again. For now.
The two of us ate in silence. I noticed that Mom was being more careful holding her robe closed than she had been before I ended control. Maybe she was naked under there, I mused. Then I realized she was absolutely naked under her robe. She had expected to eat breakfast with her lover, not her son. Though they were the same thing not too long ago.
Not wanting to stew in the awkwardness any longer, I ate quickly. Once I was done, I cleaned off my plate, thanked Mom for the meal, and went to my room. I collapsed on my bed and tossed the remote next to the computer.
Once classes started tomorrow, I would pick out my next target. Yeah I still wanted to use the remote. There were plenty of cute girls at the college. One of them was sure to catch my eye. Then it was just a matter of pressing a button. It was almost too easy. I yawned. Before long, I was fast asleep.

Author JacksonPost
"I finished cleaning your room, Master."
Okay, so I used the remote again.
Mom bowed, standing to the side of the TV so she didn't block my view. She wore her maid outfit, the same outfit she used to wear for my father. It had been a couple of years since he had died. Thanks to a magic remote I purchased online, my mother did whatever I asked, whenever I asked.
"Excellent work," I replied. "Come cuddle next to me."
Eagerly, Mom hopped onto the couch and snuggled into my arm. Resting her head on my shoulder, she turned toward the TV. It was a tradition of mine to spend the morning of the first day of school watching cartoons. My first class of the day was at one, so I had plenty of time to waste. If you could call spending time with my mother a waste.
Could this be considered spending time with her?
"Oh, Master," said Mom, rubbing her hand on my leg. "Megan is coming over this evening to celebrate the new pool."
Megan had been Mom's friend even before she met Dad. She had long, golden hair that she usually kept in a loose bun. You could get lost in her beautiful blue eyes. Her skin was tanned. It looked natural, unlike other women that only went to tanning booths. The only problem was that she didn't like me. Probably because I stole her panties when I was younger. I gave them back, after getting caught.
As for the pool, it was a gift from my Aunt Kathy. She was rich, which meant that every year on Mom's birthday she got Mom a big expensive gift. Last year it was a vacation to Hawaii, this year it was a pool. It didn't look great in our backyard, surrounded by dead grass, but it was nice to have. Especially when it was still so hot.
"Alright, I'll probably be in my room. Work on schoolwork." I planned on sleeping.
Disappointment flashed across Mom's face. "Okay. Well, if you feel like swimming you're welcome to join us."
"For sure," I replied, patting her ass.
Did I still feel bad about using the remote on my mom? Yes. Did that stop me from doing it? No. I was a horny, horny man. Still, I decided not to use it to have sex with her. That felt like an appropriate line in the sand to draw.
My phone lit up. Sighing, I grabbed it and glanced at the time. Instantly, I jumped from the couch and ran to get ready. The college was ten minutes away without traffic. It was 12:45. I wasn't the type of student who was okay with being late. Not doing my homework? Sure, but being late was crossing the line. I grabbed my binder, I didn't need more than that, and ran to the door.
"Goodbye, Master. Have a good day at school!"
Groaning, I remembered that Mom was still dressed in her costume. Grabbing the remote from my room, I pointed it at Mom. "Once I leave, you'll no longer be under my control. You won't question why you are wearing your maid costume."
Her brown eyes glazed over for a second before she recovered. Satisfied, I dropped the remote in my pocket and left.
Thankfully, the roads were clear and I made good time heading to class. River's Peak Community College wasn't grand or prestigious. It had a few buildings s**ttered across campus with a large grass plaza connecting them all. Most of the buildings were one-story complexes that housed multiple classrooms.
My first class, and only class of the day, was United States History 101. It was a basic class most students skipped due to their high school credits. I flunked all my history classes so I wasn't so lucky. Pulling into the parking lot, I jumped out of my car and raced across campus. Thanks to the lack of traffic, I reached my class with seconds to spare.
The classroom was plain. There were only a few desks since most people didn't need to take the class. I counted five people in all, excluding me and the teacher. All the desks faced toward a whiteboard with a projector screen hanging over it. To the left of the board was the teacher's desk.
The teacher glanced at me before turning back toward her computer. She wore large round glasses and had red hair cut shoulder length. Since it was still hot, she wore a sundress with a small denim jacket for modesty. Even though it was hard to tell, since she was sitting down, I could tell she had a nice body.
I sat down at the back of the class and examined my classmates. There were two other guys and three girls. Both of the guys sat next to each other, chattering mindlessly about some kind of card game. One of the girls was an older Mexican lady. She sat at the front of the class as close to the teacher as she possibly could.
The other two looked to be about my age. They also sat at the front, but they were separated by a few desks. One of them, the one closest to the Mexican lady, was quite muscular. She wore a tight-fitting tank top and a pair of blue jeans. Her black hair was tied into a ponytail, which waved from side to side as she looked around the classroom. Our eyes met for a second before I turned away. Her eyes were green.
As for the other girl, she was pretty overweight. She wore a heavy jacket and tights. I couldn't see any of her other features as her hood was up. She laid her head down on her desk and didn't look up the entire time I was there.
"Hey," whispered the muscular girl.
I glanced at her, only to find she was looking right at me. "What?" I whispered back.
She pointed at the empty seat next to her. "Come sit next to me."
I raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Come sit next to me. Don't be a loser sitting by yourself."
"But you're sitting by yourself."
She shook her head. "No, I'm not. Mia's sitting next to me." The older Mexican lady turned around and waved. I slowly returned the gesture. Sighing, I grabbed my binder and sat down at the front. Even though class was supposed to have started, the teacher still hadn't moved from her computer.
"I'm June."
"Henry," I replied.
June smiled. "Good to meet you, Henry. Now, no more sitting in the back. We're seat partners for the rest of the semester. Got it?"
I nodded, finding it hard to avoid looking down at the ample cleavage her tanktop showed off. Her toned biceps also drew my eyes, but that was fine. Those were more polite to stare at. "Sure, but I gotta ask, why?"
"Because you looked lonely. You can't start college off like that."
"How do you know I started college?" I asked, shocked.
She laughed. "Only freshmen take this class. Besides, I have an eye for these things."
"So, you're a freshman too?"
June nodded, her ponytail bobbing in the air behind her. "Yup! Fresh out of high school and ready to take on the world!"
Finally, the teacher stood up and walked to the front of the class. "Quiet, everyone. Let's begin."
"Talk to you after class," whispered June as she turned to the front.
The first day of class was exactly as I expected. Dr. Carter, the professor, went over the syllabus and laid out her expectations for the class. It was pretty standard as far as college classes went. Unlike high school, there were no homework assignments. Instead, we had a midterm paper and a final exam at the end of the semester. I made sure to take notes, even though Dr. Carter passed out a copy of the syllabus. You never knew where those things would end up after a few weeks.
"On Wednesday, I'll hand out the prompt for your paper," said Dr. Carter, adjusting her glasses. "So you don't put it off till the due date, I'll be expecting your topics next Monday. Please pick something fun, I hate reading about the civil war every year. If you have any questions, my office hours are on the syllabus. Have a good afternoon, everyone."
With that, everyone began packing up their things and heading home. June tapped me on the shoulder. "What's your major?" she asked.
"I haven't decided yet, you?"
"Geology. You should think about being a geology major too." She smiled as she grabbed her notebook. Ripping out a piece of paper, she carefully scribbled something onto it. Once she was done, she slapped it onto my binder. "That's my number. Text me right now so I can have yours. That way, you can text me the notes if I miss a day, and I can do the same for you."
I punched the digits into my phone and texted her a smiley face. Her phone dinged and lit up from the message. She laughed, sending me one back. "Now we're officially seat partners! I'd love to stay and chat, but I got to head to practice."
"Practice for what?" I asked, standing up from my desk.
"Water polo. It's the first year they're having it, so I'm pretty excited."
"What's that?"
June frowned, tilting her head to the side. "You don't know? It's kind of like soccer but in the water. You should try out for the men's team, I've heard they've had some trouble finding members."
I shrugged. "Sports aren't really my thing."
"Maybe for the old you, but it's a new year, Henry. You'll never grow if you don't try new things. Have a good one, bro!"
Hearing her say 'bro' made me feel weird. I couldn't pin down the feeling, so I ignored it in the moment. All I knew was that I didn't hate it.
She waved goodbye as she left. I returned the gesture as I stood by my desk, still thinking over our conversation. In high school, I had tried out for the football team and failed horribly. Dad had always wanted an athletic son, but I had never been that kind of k**. Maybe she was right. Though I still wasn't sure about trying out for a sport I had never heard of before.
I glanced around the classroom, noticing that it was empty except for myself and Dr. Carter. She hadn't seemed to notice I was still there. Her fingers dashed across her keyboard, the clacking noise bouncing off the walls. Picking up my binder and throwing the other hand in my pocket, I started to leave. My plan was to go home until I remembered the remote in my pocket.
The small silver remote felt like a twenty-pound weight in my pocket. Batman's words echoed in my ear, 'Be a hero.' He would want me to leave the classroom and head home. That was what a hero would do. But there were other ways I could be heroic. After all, helping others was a heroic act.
I grinned, pulling out the remote and pointing it at Dr. Carter. Sorry about this, I thought to myself. My thumb pressed the power button causing Dr. Carter to instantly freeze. "Dr. Carter, stand up."
She pushed back her chair and stood up. I almost ordered her to strip before I remembered where I was. "Are there cameras in this room?"
"No. Admin turned them off to save costs. The one on the ceiling is fake," she answered in a monotone voice.
"Do you have any other classes today?"
"Yes, I have another class in half an hour."
I sighed. That was plenty of time to have some fun, but I was still worried about someone coming and spoiling the whole thing. Still, I didn't need to use the remote for sex. "Alright, this semester, you're going to give me an A. No matter how bad I do in the class, I will have an A at the end of the semester. Do you understand?"
Dr. Carter nodded. Satisfied, I was about to end my control when another thought came to mind. "And June, you're going to give June an A as well. Repeat back my order."
"I will give you and June an A no matter how bad you do in the class."
Again, I was going to end it there, when another thought hit me. "Put my phone number in your phone. Once a day, you're going to send me a sexy photo or video, your choice. You won't think anything about sending it to a student, and you won't tell anyone about it. Okay?"
"I understand. What is your phone number?"
After she inputted my number she placed her phone down on her desk. "What time should I send the picture?" she asked.
"First chance you get when you get home. Does that work for you?"
Again, Dr. Carter nodded. "That works for me."
"Cool." I pointed the remote at her. "Return to what you were doing."
She blinked, her eyes focusing and unfocusing as she came to her senses. Rubbing her forehead, she looked around the room until her eyes met mine. "Did you have a question?"
I shook my head. "No, have a good day, Dr. Carter."
"You too."
Once I was back in my car, I pulled the remote out again and stared at it. I could do anything I wanted. Money, power, fame, sex, all of it achievable with one press of a button. Still, I wasn't sure how I felt about taking advantage of people. Sure, they would never know, but I would. That guilt ate away at me the entire trip home.
When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed Megan's car parked in front of the house. I sighed. Even with my remote boosting my confidence, I wasn't looking forward to seeing Megan again.
As I walked to the door, I could hear talking and the sound of splashing water coming from the back. Mom and Megan were probably already enjoying the pool. The thought of Megan wearing a tight swimsuit perked me up immediately, but I had to be sneaky about it.
Using the remote did cross my mind, but I decided against it. I wasn't even sure if I could control two people at once, and there was no way I would be able to catch Megan alone. Another day, I decided before heading to the kitchen.
The way to the backyard was through the kitchen. We had a sliding glass door with blinds you could slide for privacy. We never used them, but they were nice to have if we wanted to. I made my way outside, shielding my eyes from the bright sun as I looked out at the field of dead grass. The newly built pool stood out like a sore thumb against the ancient decay surrounding it. Standing out, even more, was Mom and Megan sunbathing on pool chairs nearby. Well, Megan was sunbathing. Mom was doing her best to keep out of the sun.
Megan wore a skimpy red bikini, the top left untied under her as she lay face first.
Mom wore a modest one-piece swimsuit as she sat on her pool chair. A striped umbrella helped keep the sun off her. Even in her modest attire, I could still see the shape of her large breasts.
The two friends stopped their conversation as they noticed me. Megan smirked as she waved her fingers toward me. I waved back nervously as Mom lightly smacked her friend's arm. It wasn't normal to see Megan smiling at me.
"Henry, why don't you fetch your mother and me another glass," called out Megan as she shook her empty wine glass.
I nodded as I turned back inside to grab the bottle. Knowing those two, there was no reason for me to get anything less. They would probably be drinking out there for hours. Megan was usually the one to start their day-long drinking binges. Though I had known Mom to enjoy her liquor. Helped loosen her up, I guessed.
Mom kept all the wine in our cellar. When I was younger, I used to sneak down there at night to play games. I'm sure she knew exactly what I was doing with how loud I must have been. Mom and Dad never called me out on it, which was nice, but maybe they should have. After all, I could have been sneaking down there to drink.
I vaguely remembered that they both preferred red wine, so I grabbed the cheapest bottle I could. Not like there was anything more expensive though. Mom stopped buying expensive wine to help me save up for college. Thinking about that made me feel even more guilty. She was so nice, and I had used her.
I walked back outside to the sound of Megan laughing. "Oh please, Candace," she said. "Your body hasn't changed since high school."
"You're just saying that. I can't even fit into my old jeans anymore," replied Candace.
I waited at the door, listening to their conversation. Mom was anything but fat. This was the first time I had ever heard her talk about this. She usually kept such matters to herself.
"Men like a good ass these days, and you got it," replied Megan. "Hell, they even liked them back then. You would not believe the amount of boys I would have to tell off for staring in the halls. People could have hurt themselves on all the drool falling out of their mouths."
Mom started to blush. "Even if that was true, not one of them had the heart to ask me out." She sighed. "But I guess it all worked out for the best. I eventually found a great guy."
Megan sighed. "You gotta let Abraham go. It's time you find yourself a nice man. Get some dick in your life."
"I don't think that's-"
"Admit it, girl, you're a catch. Any guy would be happy to get some action with you."
Mom blushed. "What makes you think I'm not getting any action?"
"When was the last time you had sex?"
"Well, I-"
"Exactly. Where's your son with that wine?"
Rather than argue with Megan, Mom pursed her lip and stared at the water. Sensing that this was my cue, I loudly opened the screen door. Megan smiled at me, while Mom lowered her blushed face. I wondered how Mom looked in high school since Megan was talking her up so much. She looked fine right now, well maybe a bit more than fine.
I handed the bottle to Megan, who immediately got to work pouring glasses for Mom and her. As I turned to leave, I felt someone grasp the back of my shirt.
"Where do you think you're going, mister? Pull up a chair and spend some time with your mom and me."
I grabbed a folding chair and sat down next to Mom. She gave me a smile as she sipped from her wine glass. Megan gave me a sly look before stretching her arms. The movement caused her breasts to bounce slightly. I quickly averted my eyes, not noticing that hers were on me the entire time.
"So, Henry," Megan began. "What classes are you taking this semester?"
"English 101, College Math, History 101, and Anthropology 101."
Mom raised an eyebrow. "No computer science courses?"
I shrugged. "I'm still not sure if that's what I want to do."
"Do you like it?" asked Megan, sipping from her wine glass.
"Yeah, but I don't know if it's what I want to do with my life. I just don't want to get too far and realize I made a huge mistake." Of course, with the remote, any mistake could be corrected, but they didn't need to know that.
"Well, you have time," replied Mom. "Whatever you want to do, we'll support you. Right, Megan?"
Megan laughed. "Yeah, sure."
We sat in comfortable silence for some time. They sipped their wine, I soaked in the sun. Feeling a bit overheated, I took off my shirt and folded it. I placed it on the ground, glancing at the two ladies. Megan wasn't looking, instead swiping through her phone. Mom kept glancing at my chest, which wasn't great looking to be honest, a light blush starting to appear on her face.
"Did you tell Henry about your new fitness plan, Candace?" asked Megan, looking up from her phone.
"New fitness plan?"
Mom grinned. "Oh yes, I guess I forgot to tell you yesterday. Megan has been telling me all about her yoga group near the mall. I mean just look at her, you can see the results speak for themselves. I've been feeling these joints start to seize up for more than a few years now and I'm tired of it. Starting next weekend, I'm going to be doing some yoga as well."
"That's great, Mom! I'm sure you'll love it, and you'll make a ton of new friends hanging around with Megan's group as well."
Her smile turned to a frown, "Well, about that..."
"Your mother is too scared to join my group," Megan finished.
"What? Why?"
"Well, it's going to be my first time and I don't want to slow down any of the other girls. Like I told Megan, I'd feel a lot more comfortable doing it here. Of course, I need someone to help me with some of the poses. So I have to wait for Megan to come over every weekend to help me. It's going to take me years to get in shape..." Candace sighed.
"You are in shape," said Megan.
"Not as much as you would think."
After seeing Mom bouncing up and down on my lap, I had to disagree.
Megan looked me up and down before getting a playful look on her face, "Well, Candace, I guess there's only one solution. Henry will have to help you with yoga."
Before I could even reply, Mom's face brightened up. "That's a great idea, Megan! What do you think, Henry? This way we can both get in better shape and spend more time together."

"I'm not sure..." I started to say before letting the silence finish the sentence.
Mom looked from me to Megan before grabbing her towel and walking back inside. I couldn't see her face, but I could tell she was disappointed. A loud slap rang through the air as I felt a searing pain on the back of my head. I turned to meet the eyes of a furious Megan.
"Now look at what you've done!"
"What have I done? I wasn't the one who suggested doing yoga with her, you did!"
"Oh yeah, put all the blame on me for trying to help you two get closer," replied Megan, shaking her hands in the air. "It's not like I'm asking for much. One hour every day is not gonna kill you."
"Every day! I thought you were helping her on weekends. I can't do it every day, I have school."
"It's one hour. One hour before class is all she needs."
To be honest, it wouldn't have been hard. Worst case scenario I could use the remote to make her do it herself. Still, I didn't like getting volunteered for things. Unless I was getting something of it, which I wasn't here.
I sighed. "Now what? She's gonna be pissed at me no matter what I say."
Megan shook her head. "I don't care if she throws a knife at you and calls it quits. Go inside right now and apologize."
I rolled my eyes as I walked back inside. As I turned, I caught a glimpse of Megan flipping me off. I guess she still didn't like me. I quickly walked around the house looking for Mom. Even though I didn't think I needed to apologize, I figured it would make her feel better.
The sound of running water from behind the bathroom door told me that apologizing would have to wait. I shrugged and went back into my room. It wasn't like I could just walk into the bathroom and talk to her. Well, I could, but I wasn't up to using the remote for something like that. However, now that Megan was alone...
I quickly double-checked that Mom was still in the shower before I walked outside. Megan had gone back to scrolling through her phone, her bikini top still underneath her. She glanced over at me. "Did you apologize?"
In one quick movement, I pulled out the remote, pointed it at her, and pressed the power button. Like all the other women I had used it on, she froze, her expression going blank. Giggling to myself, I sat down on the bench Mom had been laying on.
"Sit up for me, Megan."
Without making any attempt to cover her exposed breasts, Megan sat up facing me. As I had suspected, she didn't have any tan lines. Her nipples hardened as the wind picked up slightly. My eyes scanned her body, committing it to memory until they met the deep blue oceans of her eyes. It was like a dream come true.
With a shaking hand, I inched closer to her until I grasped her breast. She didn't make any noise, or show any discomfort, as I poked and massaged her exposed chest. As I continued to knead her soft boobs, I glanced back toward the house. Mom did like to take long showers, but I didn't want to risk her catching me. I still wasn't sure about the limitations of the remote.
"Alright, first things first. I want you to be nicer to me, understand?" I asked, playing with her nipples with my fingers.
"Okay, Henry. I understand," Megan replied in a monotone voice.
"Good, now, put on your top and follow me into the pool. I have an idea."
While she tied her bikini top, I hid the remote under a towel. I doubted it was waterproof, and I knew I didn't need it for what I had in mind. With one hand on Megan's back, I guided her into the water. It was colder than I thought, but considering how hot it was outside, it wasn't that bad. With her back to the house, we stood in the shallow end face-to-face with each other. My hands grabbed the edges of her bottoms and pulled them down to her knees.
"Are you on birth control?" I asked while I pulled down my own bottoms.
Megan nodded. "Yes, Henry."
"Good, because we're going to fuck, right here, right now. But before we start, I have a question for you." My fingers rubbed against her lower lips. She was shaved, not a speck of hair to be found. "What do you think about me, sexually?"
After a brief pause, she said, "I think you're handsome. But since you're my best friend's son, I've never thought about it more than that. I do think you're a pervert, and that makes me feel bad for your mother. I wish you wouldn't stare at my body so obviously."
I shrugged, that was fair. I did tend to ogle. "Sorry. Would you ever have had sex with me?"
"If Candace was okay with it, yes. But unless it was amazing it would have only been one time."
"Then pretend that this is that one time, only you don't want Mom to know about it."
Her eyes glazed over for a second before they focused back on me. Smirking, she grabbed my cock and began to rub it under the water. "You've got a nice cock, Henry," she said in a sultry voice. "But are you man enough to fuck me with it?"
Smacking her hand away playfully, I lined up with her pussy and pressed against her outer lips. She moaned in my ear, and wrapped her arms around my neck. Grabbing onto her ass for support, I thrust into her. Both of us groaned as I filled her up.
"Fuck! That feels so good," Megan hissed into my ear.
Picking up speed, I pounded her against the wall. Small ripples in the water around us grew in size until they broke against the edge. Without warning, Megan grabbed my face and pushed her lips against mine. Her tongue invaded my mouth, searching every crevice until it found my own tongue. They wrestled in the space between our mouths, both fighting for dominance.
My hands kneaded her ass cheeks, which felt amazing even though it was underwater. Her body was soft, softer than anything I had ever felt. The only thing I knew that came close was Mom's body. While Mom had been tighter, Megan's pussy still felt amazing. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced.
Slowing down, I pulled myself out to the tip and then thrust the entire length back in. After the third time, her entire body shuddered. Her body collapsed against me, but I didn't stop. I continued to fuck her. We didn't have time to waste.
"Henry, you're so good!"
"God, you're so hot, Megan."
She looked up at me and smiled, flashing her perfect white teeth. "And I'm all yours."
Suddenly, the screen door started to open. Megan and I looked at the door, then glanced at each other. Quickly, we separated and moved to different ends of the pool. I pulled up my shorts and tried to act cool, while Megan sat on the steps. She fixed her bikini top before turning toward the door.
"Are you okay, Candace?"
Mom closed the screen door behind her, wearing a camisole and a pair of hot pants. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I just--"
"I'm sorry Mom," I said, trying to look as apologetic as possible. Mom jumped, squinting her eyes to try and see me. "I'll help you with your yoga."
She looked confused for half a second before a wide smile appeared on her face. "You will? Oh, thank you, Henry! Isn't that fantastic, Megan?"
Megan nodded, giving me a quick wink when Mom wasn't looking. "You've got a good son, Candace."
"The best," said Mom. I didn't agree with them, but I wasn't going to argue. I was just glad to see Mom happy.
"Well, I think it's time for me to be heading home," said Megan, stepping out of the pool. Her bikini was a bit askew, but Mom didn't seem to notice.
"Okay, see you next weekend?" asked Mom, giving her friend an air hug.
"Of course, be sure to text me if you have any problems with yoga. Later, Henry," Megan wiggled her fingers at me before wrapping herself in a towel and heading inside. Thankfully, it wasn't the towel I had hid the remote in. Mom followed her in.
Once my boner was gone, I stepped out of the pool and wrapped a towel around myself. Imagine having a magical remote that can control anybody, and you still get blue balls. I needed to figure out the limits of the remote and fast. If I could control two people at once... As my boner was returning, I pushed that thought to the side. All that could be figured out later. I grabbed the remote and stepped inside.
I walked past Mom as I headed to my room. She was sitting on the couch watching the news. One of the straps on her camisole had fallen, revealing a significant amount of cleavage. Taking a deep breath, I ignored the temptation to use the remote again. What if there was a daily limit and I fucked up by using too much in one day? What if it decided not to work? Either way, I knew using it too much wasn't good for my mental health. Even if it felt like a dream come true.
Collapsing on my computer chair, I placed the remote on my desk. It gleamed in a tempting manner as it reflected my computer screen. Shaking my head, I checked my phone to see if Aaron had texted me. We usually gamed around this time. As I had expected, he had. What I hadn't expected was two other messages above his. One of them was from Dr. Carter, whom I remembered I had told to message me, and another was from June.
Deciding to save Aaron for last, I clicked on June's message.
June: "Hey, this is June. From History class? Sorry if I came on a bit strong..."
Me: "Hey, June. Don't worry about it, I thought it was fine."
That was a lie, but I thought she was hot so I didn't really care. Before I could check the message from Dr. Carter, June messaged me back.
June: "Awesome! Hey, did you think about joining the Water Polo team?"
Me: "I haven't had much time to think about it, sorry."
June: "No worries, bro. You should join though. That way we can be on the same team!"
There it was again, "bro." I still didn't understand why it felt off to hear her call me that. I was an only c***d, so I had never had anyone other than close friends call me bro. Maybe that was it? I didn't know.
Me: "It's not divided by gender?"
June: "Nope. Usually, it is, but since the league doesn't have enough players, they made it co-ed this year."
The thought of seeing a bunch of fit women in swimsuits did entice me. Plus, having the remote made getting them out of those suits easy.
Me: "What time is practice?"
June: "Practice starts at 3 most days. Gotta go, but I hope to see you there tomorrow!"
Me: "I'll think about it. Later, June."
She sent me back an animated picture of a dog waving. Doing yoga with Mom in the mornings, and a sport in the afternoon didn't sound fun. Add on schoolwork, and I could easily see myself becoming overwhelmed. I glanced at the silver remote laying on my computer desk. What was I worried about? I had a magic remote that could control anybody. Breathing a sigh of relief, I opened the message from Dr. Carter.
It was a picture of her kneeling on the ground. She was still wearing the sundress she had worn in class, but she had ditched the jacket. With a single finger, she pulled on the top of her dress, showing off a healthy amount of chest. With her other arm, she propped up her breasts so they pushed out toward the camera. It was hard to tell due to the poor lighting, but I swore I could see the top of her light brown areolas. Her eyes looked into the center of the frame, her tongue sticking out playfully.
Smirking, I saved the image and sent Dr. Carter a thumbs-up emoji. She didn't reply back. I shrugged. If I wanted to have a back-and-forth conversation with her, I needed to use the remote more. All I had asked her to do was send the picture.
All of it came back to the remote. Was it going to affect every relationship I had in the future? I tried not to think about it as I opened up the message from Aaron.
Aaron: "Yo, how was the first day my good man!"
Me: "Good, met a cute girl in my history class."
I decided not to tell him about the remote, or anything else that had happened today. Did that make me a bad friend? Maybe. But I wasn't even sure how to explain it if I tried. I needed more time to think about it all. My phone lit up as Aaron responded.
Aaron: "Nice! You get her number?"
Me: "Yeah, I did. Actually, she gave me her number. Said we were seat partners."
Aaron: "Seat partners? Kind of weird, but sure. You said she was cute?"
Me: "For sure, dude. She was hot! I'll see if I can get a picture of her tomorrow."
Aaron: "Sweet, thanks man. How's the teacher? Cool or is it going to be one of those semesters?"
I smiled as I sent him the picture Dr. Carter sent me.
Me: "Seems cool to me."
Aaron: "Holy shit dude! That's your teacher? Where did you find that?"
Me: "One of my classmates shared it with me after class. Supposedly she used to have an OnlyFans, but it's gone now."
It was a stupid lie that I knew didn't make sense, but I couldn't think of a better one. I shouldn't have sent him the picture in the first place, but he was my best friend. What kind of friend was I if I couldn't share some of my spoils?
Aaron: "Damn, well at least you got that pic. Down for some games?"
Throwing on my headset, I leaned back into my computer chair and relaxed. Or it would have been relaxing, had we not gone on a thirteen-game losing streak. Sighing, I said goodnight to Aaron and logged off for the night.
Mom knocked on my door. "Henry? What would you like for dinner?"
I glanced at the remote. "Uh, how about Chinese?"
"Okay, same as usual?"
I waited until I couldn't hear her footsteps anymore. Grabbing the remote, I held down the information button. "Can I use the remote on someone not in the same room as me?"
"Yes. If you think of a subject, you can give commands to them through the remote. However, the remote needs to have been used on them two or more times for it to work," said a feminine voice coming from the remote.
"And they will follow my commands?"
"As you intend them."
So far, Mom was the only person I had used the remote on more than once, but that was fine. I thought about my relationship with her, and how the remote changed everything. Sure, I had thought she was hot, but having sex with her? I never would have imagined it. i****t wasn't a big fetish of mine, but I wasn't against it. Heck, I had cum to a few i****t-themed hentai comics before.
Those had been brother-sister themed though, not mother-son. As an only c***d, I'd never had anything close to a sister. It wasn't like I had never wanted one, but the chance never came up. After having me, my parents decided to stop having k**s. I imagined how fun it would have been to use the remote on my sister. Oh well, I thought.
But what if I could still have that? The remote didn't just give commands, it could change a person. I had told Megan to be nicer to be, and now she would. What if I told her to act like a dog? I asked the remote that question.
"She would act like a dog, as best as she could," it responded. "Personality changes may require more than one direct command, but they still work as you intend."
I sat back in my chair, stunned. A sister. I could force someone to pretend to be my sister. Would I do that just so I could fulfill a minor fetish of mine? Could I force someone to do that permanently? And if I could, and would, who would I do it to?
"Mom, come to my room," I said while pressing the power button on the remote. After a few seconds, I heard her walk down the hall and enter my room.
"Yes, Master?" she asked, folding her arms behind her.
I guessed my previous commands were still in effect. "Would you like a daughter?"
She thought about it for a minute. "I would, but I think I'm too old to be pregnant."
"What if I gave you a daughter around my age? Would that make you happy?"
She nodded. "Yes, Master, I would love to have a daughter."
"Even if I used this remote on them and forced them to be your daughter? Taking away their free will, taking them away from their family?"
Mom frowned. "I wouldn't like that, what if they didn't have a family? Then you would only be taking away their free will."
"And you would be okay with that?"
"No, but having a daughter would be nice."
Could I really take someone's free will and force them to be in my family? It seemed cruel, especially since i****t wasn't a huge fetish of mine. I would have been lying if I said the thought didn't intrigue me. Shrugging, I decided to push that thought away. First, I would have to find a worthy sister.
Pointing the remote at Mom I commanded her to get on her knees and open her mouth. She did so without hesitation. Her tongue licked at the air as she eagerly awaited what I had in store for her. Unzipping my pants, I pulled out my cock and set it on her tongue. Without needing an order, she began kissing and licking it.
Maybe it was the power getting to my head, or the blood rushing to my penis, but I made a plan right then and there. Like the anime protagonists I loved so much, I would give myself a harem. A family harem.
Közzétette: CLAIRSBOY2
legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
Kérjük, hogy a hozzászólások közzétételéhez vagy
CLAIRSBOY2 Közzétevő legutoljára elérhető: 9 hónap
címzett: hottvcarole : Not needed. I always swallow my cum.💖💖😋😋💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
hottvcarole legutoljára elérhető: 9 hónap
címzett: CLAIRSBOY2 : Make sure you have plenty of tissues or wet wipes. For cleaning up after you have cum.
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
CLAIRSBOY2 Közzétevő legutoljára elérhető: 9 hónap
címzett: hottvcarole : Sorry I have not read any of your stories yet but I have downloaded them all to read when I get time.😍😍😘🥰💖💦💦💦
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
hottvcarole legutoljára elérhető: 9 hónap
címzett: CLAIRSBOY2 : Have you read any of my stories sweetheart?
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
CLAIRSBOY2 Közzétevő legutoljára elérhető: 9 hónap
címzett: hottvcarole : If you look the author is Jackson Post not me.🥰🥰🥰
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
hottvcarole legutoljára elérhető: 9 hónap
What a brilliant story, wish I had your imagination.
alan_inlondon legutoljára elérhető: 11 hónap
WOW  amazing and just so hot  hot HOT and exciting 
pussa1957 legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
WOW fantastic this story could run and run!
spec1410 legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
Loved this every guys fantasy to have a magic remote or x-ray specs mmmmmmm. Do we have more of this I hope so sexeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 
Another great story my friend
dmf399 legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
címzett: CLAIRSBOY2 : NO, this stuff is great, really!!!!  Makes me hard!
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
CLAIRSBOY2 Közzétevő legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
címzett: dmf399 : Tell me what you would like to read most and I'll try to get it.
Válasz Eredeti hozzászólás megjelenítése
dmf399 legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
This is great.  BUT the ethical challenges could be overwhelming!  Thanks for Sharing. 