I strolled down Folsom street heading towards one of the better known gay S&M stores nestled in the heart of San Francisco. Though I had no idea what the weekend held in store for me, I found myself nonetheless excited to be visiting again and yet, just beneath that electric excitement was a sense of nervousness about entering a gay adult shop.

I was after some poppers, some must have lube and finally a new butt plug to replace the last one I'd thrown away in a fit of guilt. I wanted to enjoy the shop, then relax over a beer or two before retiring to the hotel room to enjoy working on getting the on the new plug fully inserted into me for the first time.

I found myself standing before the doors to the shop, so lost in my thoughts I hadn't realized how brief the walk was. A shiver of anticipation and self-consciousness ran down my spine as I opened the doors and stepped inside to hand my backpack to the store clerk behind the counter. They don't want people stealing merchandise.

Ah, but I am getting ahead of myself. An introduction is in order, on the surface of things, I might seem like an unassuming sort of fellow. A straight-looking and acting married man who likes to take make the most of business trips half-way across the world in order to indulge in my proclivities without any prying eyes to see my dirty inclinations. You'd think being 48 and married with c***dren that I would be a bit vanilla, but there is a dark side that I have a burning need to entertain as I travel the world for work. My primary interests lie with fetishes: professional Femme Dommes for instance, latex, and anal. What got me started with anal in particular was finding some gay leather magazines when I was at college some 30 years ago. Although I'd already begun to explore using a range different household objects to fill my asshole as a teen. I became an avid reader of the magazines during my college days. The exciting new images flooding my fantasies then and to this day: hoods, funnels, nipple clamps, butt plugs, and when I tried them for the first-time after what seemed far too long a time to wait - I was helplessly and wantonly desperate to explore even more of this hedonistic path I now still follow.


As I began this journey of alternate sexuality it was the early '90's - well before internet porn was available. Google hadn't even been started, Yahoo didn't come on the scene until 1994, in those early years all you could do was buy the right magazines which were all laid out in full technicolor in adult bookstores. I was looking through the myriad of magazines and I came across a new one I had yet to see called "Serious Mistresses." My interest was piqued completely and absolutely. I thumbed through the sleek pages, my heart thumped with anticipation. My eyes came to rest on a number for a local dominatrix who called herself Mistress Cruella (yes, really) and offered domination sessions.

I quickly jotted the number down and made my way to a phone to give this Mistress a ring. I was delighted to hear the sweet seductive voice of a well-spoken woman who, after brief introductions, asked me what my interests were. I felt like a tongue tied k** and clumsily stammered out my confession that I truly did not know much about domination - only that I wanted to be dominated by a woman and was interested in anal being a part of that package.

"Oh," she purred softly into the receiver, I could almost hear a smile cross her wet lips, "You will make a perfect little pet. You have absolutely no idea just how much I adore anal sluts and using them."

My hardon was instantaneous and just as quickly as it started it was at full-mast. I k** you not when I say I practically came on the spot. She whispered seductively into the phone specific instructions on how to get to her. I wrote down every detail, desperate to see this hot and experienced woman who would open my world - not to mention my asshole. The instructions were such that I was to drive to a specific phone booth and call her from there, she'd be watching from nearby . She wanted to be careful about giving out her address which was an understandable precaution I thought. I wanted to change before meeting her, I had to look my best for my first time with a Mistress, I desperately wanted to impress her. I had no idea this would be the start of my spiral into depravity and I'd never look back once it began.

Once I met the Mistress - it quickly became a long-term mutual bond of submission and dominance. Over the years small thin dildos were replaced with bigger ones. There was much use of butt plugs of ever increasing size over greater extended periods of time as I became accustomed to her use and abuse of my ass. My sexual evolution rose then to a Mistress (not Cruella) fucking me hard with a beautiful big black strapon: naked, padlocked to a sling which was suspended from the ceiling, nipple clamps on, and all the while rocking to and fro - hurting my nipples more with each rock.

"Would you take a real cock for me now slut?"

She cooed temptingly into my ear one night, "Would you?" Her question barely registered to my conscious mind through the sexual haze induced by a generous helping of huffed poppers, but in my well-trained sub-space frame of mind I found the words tumbling out with automatic ease.

"Yes my Mistress! Please make me take real cock for you like the good slut I am!"

Turns out she meant it literally, not figuratively. She continued to pound me, pushing the sling I was shackled upon away from her until the tip of her cock just left my ass pussy (as she'd ordered me to think and refer to my asshole) then she'd pull me back onto her 8 inches of rubber slamming forward at the same time as she pulled me onto her rigid cock, causing me to scream in ecstasy. That is when I felt a hand on

my forehead accompanied by an order, "Turn this way slut." I turned to see a semi-hard black cut cock at least 7 inches long and wide, and wow I mean wide. The monstrously thick dick obscured my entire field of vision.

"Open up slut," came my Mistresses firm command. The excitement was clear in her voice,

"It's time to please me and make me wet. Suck him for me. Show me how much of a cock slut you are for me".

Physically my legs were opened wide but it was mentally where my horizons grew: from those first professional Femme Dommes, to worshiping the subs of those Dommes, to exploring TV Mistresses, and finally, to where I should have been all along, worshipping real gay Masters.

So here I was years later facing a single massive room with several side rooms branching off from it. Each room was full of every depraved piece of equipment my pig mind could have possibly imagined. It was Friday afternoon, my work finished, and with the weekend stretching ahead of me in a city full of gay opportunities, I could only think - how lucky am I.


"First time here," inquired the guy manning the counter as I passed my backpack across. Eyeing him up and down I saw he was a solidly built 5-foot 11-inch chiseled frame of muscle and sporting a singlet with accentuating short-shorts. His piercing blue eyes were framed by luxuriously thick black hair and despite all that masculine energy and strength he exuded he seemed more of a bottom than top to my untrained eye.

"Nope," came my easy response, "been here once before on a trip to San Fran." I found I was growing in confidence. My once deeply held concerns were gone allowing me to feel more and more excited about the items I could see. I'd read that they sold the little bottles of brown I so greedily craved, it was an understatement to say I wanted poppers a lot. Still - there were some nerves as I pondered if what I wanted to do might be an issue or not in the establishment. Push coming to shove I considered a way to imply that I wanted to buy poppers in order to intermittently sniff whilst walking around the shop to feed into my inner heathenistic sexual fires and desires.

"Could I buy a bottle of brown now but continue to look around and peruse more of the items please?"

"Sure, cash only though." The store clerk reached under the counter and brought out a tray with varied brands of poppers.

"Don't have too many of these in here," he quipped with a mischievous gleam in his eyes and flirtation in his voice, "you never know what might happen if you do!" The addition of a wicked grin on his handsome face caused my cock to jerk to life of its own accord. My only thoughts were how things seemed to be getting more interesting by the minute. After some cute small talk and a few moments of deciding which poppers I wanted, we completed the sale.

"Enjoy looking around and let me know if you need any help or information," he offered helpfully as we concluded things, "there's a lot of fun to be had for a naughty little boy like you." He seemed to know that I was a total bottom with much more certainty than I had been thinking he was a bottom. I couldn't say how he knew and for all my guesswork - he could be a complete top.

Then I realized I slunk into the shop like a nervous schoolboy, it must have been obvious for anyone that I was clearly a bottom - and a nervous one at that!

"Thanks!" I called over my shoulder at the last moment before I completely forgot myself, "I'll keep your offer in mind. I have the whole weekend to have some fun after all." Shit! Why had I blurted that out? I looked at my unopened bottle of poppers; I couldn't even blame it on them yet for not thinking clearly.

"Well, well," he laughed playfully as he placed his elbows on the counter and leaned forward, "lucky you! Did you mean that you're free from this point on for the whole weekend? Or are you just done for today but will have to work again at some point?" Admittedly I thought the question a strange one to ask me, but at the same time it seemed harmless enough.

"Oh no," I now turned as my confidence grew, "No more work for me this evening or the rest of the weekend. I'm just footloose and fancy free." Could you blame me for enjoying the flirtatious exchange between us, even though I did prefer the company of more overtly domineering men.

"Well then, I am sure you'll find someone to give you a hot and fun weekend," he promised with that same inviting smile and flirtatious tone.

"I hope so, though it's not always easy to find the right guy, with everyone into such different things." I had to wonder, even as I said it, was it my ever growing erection or the stud behind the counter that was causing me be so much more risque than I would normally be. Finally I questioned why it mattered at all. Not only was it fun, but my ass pussy twitched with every exchange between us. In my past experiences with the clerks at adult shops, I'd find myself overwhelmed with embarrassment at even being in a place like that and so I would hurriedly bring the conversation to an end to get what I wanted and then scurry out as swiftly as possible - and that went double for the gay stores. It was almost odd that I didn't have that same sense of cold dread I'd come to feel so accustomed to in stores like these.

"With so many things to explore that can be all too true," he gave a small nod as he tilted his head with a look of open curiosity on his face,

"What about you? What are you into? Oh-but first I should introduce myself! I'm Steve and I have to ask - where's that cute accent

of yours from?"

"A pleasure to meet you Steve," I began as I now came back towards him since our conversation didn't seem to be ending anytime soon, "I'm Pete and as for the accent, I'm British. When it comes to my 'vices' we'll say I'm finding that I'm into more aspects than ever as

of late. In fact, I just don't even know where to start at times."

He'd called my accent 'cute.' I was liking him more with each interaction, the way he moved, his way with words. It all was beginning to make me feel more of a sub to him compared to how I'd felt when I arrived. It'd be much later by the time the thought would dawn on me that perhaps that was his entire reason for saying things as he did.

"Well, you're in luck," he said exuberantly with a small slap of his hand on the counter, "because that I can help with. So, why don't we just have a little sniff of those poppers you bought and I'll give you the 'grand tour' shall we say."

SHIT - this was getting real! The shop was empty of customers save for one extraordinarily nerdy, overly tall and lanky looking guy who was examining some heavy leather wear whilst stealing the occasional glance at the two of us. There was one other guy who I could only assume was an employee too because he was stacking shelves with merchandise and wore nothing but leather.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed whilst taking the wrapping from the cap and unscrewing the bottle. The two of us walked further into the store now side-by-side. I handed the bottle to Steve to do the honors before myself.

"Oh no, no - you should go first," he insisted. I took a little hit of the aromatic vapors instantly loving the feel as I sniffed.

"Come on," Steve said devilishly "take a good long hit for me. You might as well feel it working." I dutifully complied and took a long pull from the bottle holding one nostril closed while breathing in through the other, all the while he counted.

"One... Two... Three... Four..." I knew from watching countless 'Sissy Hypno' videos that he meant for me to sniff continuously during the count, so I did as ordered, " Five...Six...And Hold." I stopped bringing the strong fumes of the bottle into my lungs and held my breath. I was awash with the warming glow of the amyl nitrate and gave into the torrent that spread in both directions to my chin and forehead simultaneously. My head was already beginning to pound a little.

"Now release," Steve instructed.

As I exhaled I was struck now by the true force of the poppers and found myself giddily light-headed, much to my companion's delight, "That's my good boi."

Perhaps it is strange to say, but I distinctly got the feeling I could hear that he was saying "boi" with an 'I' instead of a 'Y' as though I was a fun little play thing. It was then I felt the pecking order had been well and truly established by Steve. I then realised he had called me, 'His' and that tantalizing detail made things so much more interesting. My initial ideal of going for a beer from earlier now became an afterthought as I relaxed more and more in the presence of this sexual creature was so sexily charming and the added benefit of the poppers pushing my mind and body towards a state of complete horniness.

Steve loosened my grasp on the poppers, taking them to his nose now and inhaling deeply and readily as a pleasured moan sneaked from his full lips, "God I love this feeling," he added after sighing and looked to me expectantly, "That reminds me...what would you like to do first?"

"I really need a new plug and some lube." Without going into details of my sordid past for Steve, I left out the fact that I had thrown away several items after a particularly strong plague of guilt over my deviant nature when I concluded a previous business trip. For me, that was a standard process: excitement from buying new toys and clothes, wildly and frantically using them time and time again, then becoming riddled with feelings of guilt and self-doubt until I drowned beneath the overwhelming tides of my mind and ultimately was compelled to throw all the evidence away. The only plus side was for the vendors of the products I bought because it led to me to being a regular purchaser of their goods worldwide.

"What size can you take Pete, are you a beginner with all this?" It was baffling to me that somehow this was feeling like a normal conversation two guys, God it felt good. I was loving every second of it, with every consecutive question I relaxed more (with the added bonus of the poppers to boot.)

"I had gone up to the 'TitanMen Master Number Four' last time, but it was just a little too large," I recounted to him my most recent venture with anal toys. "I got it all the way in only on one once out of the many times I tried it, and the last ring was just too big for me to have it in for any decent length of time."

"As soon as I managed to get it in all the way, I came buckets," I continued onward. "Not only that, but immediately after I came, it just felt too huge inside me. I just had to get it out as quickly as I could at that point." Once again I couldn't help but be struck by the oddity of the entire situation. Here I was confessing all to a complete stranger, my sordid and (I felt) embarrassing details of my sexual exploits and misadventures and despite that feeling I was becoming increasingly loose lipped with every sniff of the poppers I took. Naturally losing my inhibitions was a reward in and off itself - but it was a pleasant surprise for me as I rarely dropped my guard this way.

"Shit," Steve swore with a good natured laugh, "You can take quite a lot slut, can't you? "And you're sure it wasn't the Trainer version Number Four as opposed to the Master one my good little Slut, because that one is a lot smaller," Steve chuckled.

I noted the change from 'boi' to 'slut' which once again pushed me lower in the scheme of things for sexual submission, but what could I say? I had just told a stranger I could and indeed had managed to stuff a massive butt plug with a circumference of 8.1 inches into my ass. Just thinking about my hole being eight inches around made it seem huge let alone talking about the length. I marveled momentarily that my ass pussy could even be stretched that wide.

"Yes it was the Master type Steve, honest! But I only just took it - it was a real stretch," I added with some pride, then going on to add, "I thought I might try the 'TitanMen Master Number 5' this time since it's over half an inch smaller in circumference." I couldn't tell you why I had the strong compulsive desire to be certain he believed me and took me seriously. His laughing brought up the piggish urge to prove beyond all doubt just how much of an ass slut I could be.

"Well, you certainly know your stuff," Steve admitted with an approving nod of his head, "However, I am sure if you're well fed with poppers you'll be able to take it. After all - you'll need to be able to wear it for awhile." I was now aware of him stating rather than asking that I'd be taking it and with poppers being fed to me to boot, which would mean someone to feed me.

"On that note," Steve commanded firmly, "take four long sniffs. Two in each nostril for five seconds a piece. Hold each breath for another five seconds following each inhalation of the poppers before moving onto the next side."

I had my orders and didn't even think to look around my immediate surroundings - I was so taken with this man by this point I was oblivious to much of anything else. I merely complied with what I was told and took long, hard breaths and descended deeper into what I could only describe as of mental fog of compliance. I didn't think of what he was saying as an order, nor did I register that I was acting upon these orders. Even the smiles of the single customer from earlier as well as the only other employee was completely lost on me while they observed the exhibition that was taking place.

If I had been aware of this it would have been all too obvious just how titillated they were by our display. I also failed to realize for the time being that Steve now had not only given the poppers back to me but was no longer taking any hits - it was just me.

"Okay Size-Queen, you pick up the butt plug while I get the lube and then I have something I want to show you which I think you'll just love,"

"Yes Master." Fuck. I called him Master! I didn't intend to, but the words somehow spilled out. God only knows what he was going to say now.

"I'm not your Master," he informed me decidedly after a pause that seemed like an eternity, "Although, if that feels right to you then you may call me Sir. We still have to find a Master for you...Don't we slut?"

"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!" I whispered meekly.

My head was still spinning, I just agreed with him that I needed to find a Master. He continued to lead and I blindly followed as I hung onto his every word. Steve looked at me while holding my arm. I wasn't sure if this was to show I was "His" or if it was to stop me from falling over as I became a little unsteady thanks to the poppers; either way I liked his firm hold.

"Tell me a little more about yourself then and what you're going to be up to this weekend," Steve picked up our initial conversation "You said you had the whole weekend ahead of you and that you did you put it? Footloose and fancy free?" He chuckled.

I was so turned on - I gushed - giving all details, "Nothing planned today after this, I did have an idea to go to a bar for a drink and a meal - then maybe go back to play with my toys in my Hotel in the Castro District. That's ... unless of course you can recommend a club maybe? Or bathhouse where I might have some 'fun,' or even someone to have said fun with?" I took a breath for a moment to think but decided to add more.

"Also a bit of sightseeing on Saturday, with Sunday as a day to chill after visiting Alcatraz and I'll end it all with a call home that evening."

"So, no real commitments at all until Sunday evening. Is that correct slut? You've not arranged to meet anyone between now and then," he questioned pointedly.

"That's correct Sir, no one at all. Just hoping to find some fun and enjoy myself. I'm looking forward to Alcatraz though." He seemed very keen to clarify just exactly what I was going to do and if anyone else was involved. At this point I just wanted to please him as much as I could. Amazing that a hard cock and a newly opened bottle of poppers kept me from doing any real thinking, other than how I could get my hole filled and dick wet.

"Right then, let's get on with preparing you for your Master," Steve continued. "How does that sound?" It seemed to me he had a tone of "fait accompli". No thought. No discussion. It was merely a matter of fact. I had only just agreed that I needed to find a Master two minutes ago and suddenly here he was talking about preparing me for one immediately.

"Aren't We getting ahead of ourselves?" I found myself pointing out. "We have to find Master before I'm to prepared for one, is that not correct Sir?"

"Instead of We - why not let me worry about that slut. That'll be my job and..." Steve leaned in close to me lowering his voice to a silky suggestive whisper, "...I think I can help you find exactly that if you'll let me.""

"God, yes! Please Sir!" I begged all too eagerly at his proposition, he sure knew how to make me think all kinds of lurid thoughts, "Please find me a Master to serve tonight." That was that. I had told him exactly what I wanted - what he wanted.

Once again Steve took me by the elbow and guided me away from the anal section over to a basket of handkerchiefs. I knew what they were for in a sexual context. I'd read enough about the 'Hanky Code' as it were and had also taken a look through the various colors available in the store the last time I had visited.

"You know what these are for slut as well as what they mean?"

"Yes Sir, I do. They are to show what you like sexually for fetishes and whether you are the dominant or submissive in each scenario depending on the side you place the handkerchief."

"OK then," he agreed apparently happy with my explanation, "let's pick enough to signal to any Master what you're all about."

"Yes Sir!" My head was spinning in more ways than one not to mention with questions. What did I want to do for a Master? What turned me on as a submissive the most?

"I know you understand just how important this stage is since it'll be establishing all that can come afterwards, so I want you to be in the same head space you'll be in while getting owned and submitting to your Master. So take up that bottle of slut juice and inhale just as I instructed you to previously and hold between each breath for four seconds."

I hesitated unsure. I was already high from the last hits I took and for the first time since overcoming my initial butterflies, I was nervous.

"I said sniff slut!" Steve barked sharply for my obedience. "Get it done right now or there will be consequences. It's time to sniff and choose your future - or walk out of here this instant." It was the first time Steve had been truly forceful with me and I loved it (as any proper slut would) so I was desperate to please him.

I almost dropped the lid to the poppers as I frantically opened the bottle, still completely oblivious to anyone else apart from Steve. I didn't even register the comment regarding choosing my future that Steve had made. My truly submissive frame of mind was completely restored as I inhaled as long and deep as he had instructed, following each detail to the letter.

I stared longingly at the beautiful collection of coloured handkerchiefs that were waiting for me to choose from. I wanted so many! Knowing their meanings and that for a bottom like myself they would practically all go in my right hand pocket. The fact that I could not wear them all at once was lost on me in this thoughtless trance I was in, otherwise I might have thought to ask why he wanted me to get as many as I had an interest in.

"So, which first?" Steve prompted me, "I want you not only to tell me all of your interests, but put them in order of preference as well with your most desired first." My response came like clockwork to his inquiry:

Light blue - expert cock sucker

Charcoal - latex fetish bottom

Light grey - bondage bottom

Navy Blue - anal fuckee

Light Pink - dildo fuckee

As I picked each corresponding color, I imagined the activities of each handkerchief, with every mental picture getting hotter and more wild as I picked them up and placed them in order on Steve's outstretched hand.

"Any more slut? You sure you don't want to be a little nastier?" he checked with a dark and quizzical tone, again I wanted to please. He led me e downward into the sinful pit I would never find my way out of:

Black with white stripes - likes black tops

Yellow - piss freak

Cream - cum lover

Black velvet - prepared to be on cam

As I picked the final black velvet one Steve moaned with a barely audible exhalation of pleasure, "Oh, well done. That's a perfect set. In fact - I just need to check something important at the counter. Wait here."

I was rooted to the spot, this was getting wilder by the minute and nothing had happened yet, I was breathing heavily as the poppers were making my body and face feel flush and light. I couldn't be sure how long I waited in this impaired state I was in. I think Steve was talking on the phone for a few minutes and I presumed it was to a customer, but couldn't recall the phone ringing. Steve put the phone down and turned to me with a disarming playboy-type smile and said

"You've won! You've done it - you've cracked the Hanky code! That last one finished it."

I was utterly confused to say the least, "...I've done what, Sir?"

"We have a prize here for anyone buying a lot of the hankies. It's like a lottery prize. If they get that week's chosen set that our Owner personally designates, then they have "cracked" the code. As a prize they get the items they were going to buy for free and even an extra $500 to spend in the store. BUT - only If they are happy to stay for a few hours and meet him."

"So, what do you say?" Steve asked expectantly, "I think he'll like you Pete."

"So I get the hankies, butt plug, and lube for free? All I have to do is stay here longer and meet the boss?" I gawked with incredulity at Steve who just nodded smiling with silent affirmation to me. I breathed in heavily feeling the fog surrounding my brain more with each moment.

"OK. Sounds like fun. Count me in!" I exclaimed with jubilation. After all, it was an easy decision. I was loving it here. My cock was incredibly hard in my jeans - but as hard as my cock was - my ass was even more desperate to have the plug in it. This was turning out to be an even more amazing afternoon than I ever believed possible. Even if it stopped now I would have had a great time - and that was without adding in the fact I was high as a kite!

I could see that I'd pleased Steve. Not only did he seem happy, it was almost too happy I might say, but seeing that pants dropping smile of his, made me happier and hornier still.

"Ok Pete, considering your fine selection of colors I think we can dispense with your name altogether and just call you slut from here on in," Steve commented.

"Yes Sir I think that would be appropriate," I bowed my head slightly as I said it, loving the gradually increasing degradation and humiliation he made me feel. How the dynamic had changed since I walked in not too long ago.

"Now, follow me slut..." he turned and walked to the back of the shop where he punched a series of numbers into a keypad which opened a door marked "Private Staff Only." As I made my way into what lay beyond I could not help but think - it was all or nothing now.

I followed him down a black painted and dimly lit hallway which lead to one large steel door that seemed rather imposing. A nameplate on the door read, 'Master S.'

I gulped standing there. Maybe saying yes was not the best of ideas. Though I was having second thoughts they evaporated quickly. Who was I trying to k**? This was so much better than any fantasy, after all it was truly happening. I had read so many Literotica stories about incredibly wild things and often imagined myself there in the place of the submissive one in the story. My favorite categories: gay male, transsexual, cross-dressing, BDSM, and anal - but here I was starring in my own tale, this was no time to back out.

"Now slut, this is the point of no return," Steve stated bluntly as he looked directly into my eyes, "If you knock on this door, you'll have one wild ride of a weekend. More fun and nastiness than you can imagine. Not to mention an extra $500 to spend in the store. Even if you choose not to knock you still can keep the items you've chosen so far for free and you can leave right now."

Which will it be slut? Dirty or Vanilla? Mild or Wild? You can head to that bar you thought of earlier and keep wondering what could have been."

"Dirty, please Sir," I whispered, my voice small but full of wanton desire to my own ears.

"Speak up slut, I couldn't hear that," Steve taunted me with a lurid smile, "and I bet Master S couldn't hear it either."

His eyes glanced upward and I followed them to a camera which stared back at us. I had not noticed it until now - it was on - the red light blinked every second. Now looking at the camera, presuming Master S was watching I did my best to convey my absolute conviction.

"I want to be dirty Sir, really dirty!"

"Your wish is our command slut, now knock," came the gruff order. I rapped on the steel door loudly hurting my knuckles.

"Enter!" The singular order came from a booming voice beyond the door. The door clicked once and opened with the sound of slight squealing metal upon metal.

"Go on in slut," Steve urged.

"Aren't you coming, Sir?" I questioned hesitantly.

"I'll be bringing in your purchases and stay to receive the Master's orders to prepare you," Steve explained.

Though my mind was still in a haze, I understood his words and pushed onward into the room. I entered a clinical looking office and lounging in its center was a stunning specimen of a man. He must have stood about 6'4" and weighed just over 200 lbs of pure muscle. To me he looked like a god and would have been the kind of guy where if I had seen him at a bathhouse or bar, I would have thought was completely out of my league. My mouth merely hung open.

"Come forward and kneel sub," was his first order. I obediently strode forward, dropping to my knees before him, my eyes cast downward staying trained on his feet.

"Steve," the strong handsome man continued to speak, "show me the code he solved, how perfect was his answer?"

"It's all there Master," Steve replied coming forward with whatever he had for the Master, "I wasn't certain he was going to be a suitable candidate with the first few he choose, but bless his soul - he choose the black with white stripes, yellow, and cream almost stopping before he committed completely with the black velvet which rounded off the perfect set."

"Excellent," the Master praised me

"Then it is time we explained the rules for the winners...don't you think?" I could hear the sly smile in his words though I kept my eyes at his feet.

"Yes Master, we should," Steve was clearly submissive to Master S, but played an important role in the scheme of things. Though I could not see, the Master looked down at me and lifted my chin upwards with his fingers so that I met his deep hazel eyes. I stared longingly into them as he continued to steadily gaze down to me.

"Steve tells me that you're here in San Francisco on business for the weekend," the Master told me as he cupped my face, "you have no commitments at all this weekend, except for some sightseeing, is that correct slut? If it is, let's get one thing quite clear, there will be no one trying to contact anyone outside this room until you contact your family on Sunday, am I understood?"

I had to wonder when Steve told him this. The telephone conversation sprang to mind suddenly. I remembered the details I had given, indeed I had spilled numerous things about myself and my plans. Finally I answered the Master.

"Yes Sir, that is correct and I understand your terms."

"Master is how you shall respond to me you faggot," he boomed suddenly, "Master! Have you got that into that pretty little stupid head?"

"Yes Master," I stammered out my apology anxiously, "Sorry Master."

Looking down at me, the smallest of smiles flickered across his face. He could see I was quite mentally subjugated and perhaps he even realized that I would be an easy target for him. I stared back into those eyes and was not truly conscious of what could happen.

All I knew as I knelt there was that my erection had shrunk to nothing with the excessive poppers and now all my feelings were focused on my asshole and the fact that I wanted to have it completely and utterly filled as soon as possible.

The room was warm. I could feel my body and face heat up, the poppers effects abated somewhat and allowed me to think a touch more clearly. As though reading my mind, Steve bent over to my side and prised the bottle of poppers out of my tightly closed hand and opened it. This entire time I was looking transfixed into Master S's eyes. Steve then reached around my head with his left hand closing over my left nostril and he held the bottle against my right nostril.

"Take the longest breath that you can slut, and you hold it until the Master allows you to release that breath," Steve commanded calmly, "We need to feed you more of your slut juice to get your head in the right place for your Master."

Exhaling through my mouth to empty my lungs, I obediently breathed in hard and made sure to breathe as deeply and long as I could as well. I was taking my biggest hit of the poppers yet.

Master reached down to pinch my nipples applying a great amount of pressure through the shirt I wore. I moaned as Steve held the poppers and waited until the Master whispered the word, 'release.' The hit of poppers was incredibly intense and while twisting my nipples the Master lifted me higher off my knees.

Steve swapped the poppers from one hand to the next and closed my opposite nostril as he placed the poppers under the other nose. He commanded that I inhale again and I automatically began to do so even as my head start to swim.

"Ok slut, now for the rules," the Master began, "You have won the things on the table over there. You have also won $500 to spend in the shop once I've had my way with you. To get that I need you from this moment on until late Sunday afternoon. Once you've committed to this there is no backing out."

"You've already chosen your lack of limits via the hankies you've chosen. I want you to explain what each means to me so that we may agree on what you have no choice over whilst you remain in my care. Nod that you understand if you do."

I nodded like a dumb slut. Shit, a full weekend! That was beyond even my wildest dreams. I was happy to suck one cock and then get off myself or be fucked by Master, but all weekend? I was agreeing to something way more intense than I had ever experienced, but how could I say no. This was every amazing fantasy I had ever thought of for a forty-eight hour period. I had not considered how many of the forty-eight hours I would be in actual use for though.

"Explain your understanding of the hankies one by one and your relative experience with each type of fetish," the Master instructed in a leisurely tone," I will ask you questions in order to push and test your limits."

I looked at the stack of hankies on the desk which Steve had spread out when we initially came in the room.

Then looking back up into his eyes I started with the color I recalled most easily, "Light-blue means that I'm a cocksucker Master."

"Not just any cock sucker," he corrected me, "It should mean you're an expert cocksucker, but if you are not... I ensure you by the end of the weekend you will be. Understand slut? Now on to the next." I nodded my assent again.

Each and every second of this interaction was being recorded by the ever watchful eye of a surveillance camera. It was not just outside the room in the hall but also inside as well I noticed.

Now my cock was hardening again with this talk, I knew that my gag reflex wasn't brilliant but hoped I could please him, otherwise I thought I may be in trouble or in for some serious training at the very least.

"Charcoal is to show that I have a latex fetish, and I love to be in latex and when doing bondage so I chose the light grey as well, Sir."

Master nodded and smile, "They do go quite well together in fact. I am certain in the next couple of days you'll see just how well they go together." His words reminded me of the limited timeframe in which to explore the range of sexuality I had handpicked.

Things would have to progress quickly. The reality of my situation was seeping into my brain despite the haziness from the poppers.

"Navy blue for anal and pink for a dildo," I continued my descriptions dutifully but then thoughtfully added, "I do so love anal most of all Master."

"That is wonderful to hear," Master complimented me pleasantly. "Your ass pussy will be used a lot and stretched beyond anything that has come before. I noticed you didn't get a red hanky. That's a real shame."

"I think you'd make a good fisting slut for me to train and enjoy. As a matter of fact, I'd love to be your puppet Master - elbow deep in your ass pussy as you scream for mercy."

It was at this point I should have said nothing and moved straight onto the description of the black and white hanky, but I couldn't stop myself. So keen to please and submit in the nastiest ways possible my horny impulses got the better of me.

I told Master that I had been fisted on three different occasions though each time only after a long session of electric butt plugs fucking my ass. Most importantly it was one very petite Mistress with small hands who did the fisting. I shouldn't have shared this information at all, realizing this all too late.

"Steve," came the Master's order decisively, "Go and get a red hanky for slut here. We wouldn't want him to miss out on any fun." Steve left to get the handkerchief.

"Master," I timidly begged, "Please I couldn't take your hands, they're too large. I was just trying to show I had some experience of fisting."

"The decision is made slut," Master yawned while dismissively waving a hand as if to dispel my objection from the air. "You've been fisted before - so you can be again. Now, move onto the next hanky slut."

My true folly was laid bare to me then, I had naively thought it was saying too much that was my error but no; it was thinking I had any choice in what took place here and now that I had submitted myself to the Master's will for the next 48 hours.

"Black with white stripes means I like black tops, Master"

In truth, up to now I had only been with a few white guys in saunas and visited three different gay Masters. The vast majority of my sexual experiences had been with Mistresses. My choice in handkerchiefs most likely conveyed a deeper level of desire and fantasy rather than actual experiences that I could claim.

I may have had some experiences of all the fetishes I chose, but never with a black Master in particular. At the risk of saying too much again, I kept the superfluous details to myself.

"That's good slut. Some of my clients have a particular love for interracial sex, especially when the one being used and abused is a white faggot."

Maybe the words he used should have shocked me, but I merely nodded my acquiescence to him and the mention of clients.

"Yellow means I like piss and cream means I like," I paused at the word momentarily thinking better of just saying cream. "I mean cum, Sir."

"You'd better not just like it," the Master growled in his gruff and husky voice. "You'd better love it slut. Your protein for the next two days will come mostly from cum and you won't be left thirsty with the amount of piss you'll be forced to drink." I shivered involuntarily, my hole clenching for a moment in anticipation as he went on.

"When I've broken you completely I'll have you begging to be fed more cum and wanting to swallow every drop of piss you can get in your slutty little pig mouth." His language, just like Steve's, was getting ever more depraved preparing me for the eventuality of accepting all that was to come.

Ironically, I was the only who had no idea of just how much was to come.

"Now, my faggot slut - what's the last and most important handkerchief to describe for me on this lovely Friday afternoon?" As he finished the question the Master gazed expectantly at me.

My thoughts went back to the moment Steve told me I was committing fully by choosing the black velvet handkerchief. Involuntarily I glanced sideways at the still blinking red light just beneath the camera lens that was trained fixed upon me. The look brought a torrential flood of anxiety and thoughts of uncertain dreaded scenarios if this were to end up on the net.

"Master please, I will go on cam for you, but I beg you - say it won't go on the net for everyone to see Master! Please!"

I looked up pleadingly towards this powerful man knowing I must look so pathetic grovelling before him, and getting the feeling that is just the kind of thing he would be so turned on to see. Master tutted softly shaking his head with this deliciously mischievous grin across his face.

"Tsk. Tsk. Begging so soon slut?" He leaned forward ever so slightly leering down at me," I haven't even begun to punish you. Stretch you. Wreck you. No boy, you had best save your begging for later." I felt cold at the thoughts of what I'd really agreed to.

"Don't worry though, it won't be going out on the net to be freely accessed by just anyone," the Master's assurance came as a wave of relief.

I almost felt bashful as he seemingly suppressed a laugh knowing that he'd had me going for a few seconds.

"This will just be films for a hand-selected few special clients with highly developed palates for the unique taste of fetish I love to bring out of my sluts and put on display."

Though there was the clamour of alarm bells clanging madly in my head, it was all but drowned out by the even louder raging pulse of my hormones and the extended use of poppers.

Steve returned dropping the red handkerchief onto the pile.

"Excellent. Now we can get onto the one formality of our night," Master pointed at the camera I had not looked at earlier, it was off to the side on the table he sat at and had probably been recording the entire time, as well.

My eyes looked at it as he spoke. "You will need to state that you are of sound mind and body, giving your willing consent to participate in every act as you described for each hanky you have chosen."

"As such, you are also relinquishing any legal rights to object to me going as far as I care to within the bounds of any and all sexual acts previously described until the end of our session. Do you understand slut?"

"Yes, Master." So basically I could not cry **** later, at least he was thorough.

"Then give your consent in full, using your full name for the record, and detail all the fetishes of the hankies you have chosen."

I took in a deep and full breath, holding it for just a moment.

The pause before the plunge.

"I, Peter Johnson, do hereby confirm that I am of sound mind and body and without any form of duress. That I willingly relinquish complete control of my faculties and give my consent to any degree of or form taken in regards to the following activities: to be trained as a cocksucker, to be used as a latex fetish slut, to be restrained in bondage whilst I am trained in any and all other sexual acts I have chosen. Also to be taken anally repeatedly with cocks, dildos, or anything other object the Master designates." I took another deep breath.

"I agree to be a white slut faggot for Black Masters, to be forced to drink piss and cum in any amount as Master commands and for all these activities to be recorded for Master's pleasure and at his discretion. Even should I beg Master to stop, it will not negate the fact I have relinquished any and all rights to object and cannot revoke this standing testament I hereby enact."

It was a marvel I could sound so well-spoken and coherent because I was far too high and horned up to even contemplate disagreeing. It was just all good fun at this point and he was probably putting on a show for me, making it sound far more drastic than anything it was going to be.

"Haven't you missed one slut?" Master hinted to me with the not so subtle display of pumping a balled fist into the air while he patted on his well-defined bicep.

"I, Peter Johnson, also consent to being trained as a fisting slut for and by Master S." I uttered this last one with real trepidation, real fear of the thought of having his fist in me.

"Now that we have taken care of the 'business' end of things, I will have Steve take you to get prepared for the coming escapades. However, I want you to undress fully so I can inspect you and choose your treatments." That sounded innocuous enough. Treatments brought to mind the imagery of a spa treatment but if I had to hazard a guess I was fairly certain that was not what he was referring to.

By now I had agreed to so much and I was practically on autopilot and did not even question his order. I simply stood and removed my shirt, then folded it up. Taking my phone and wallet I placed them on Master's table next to the pile of handkerchiefs and the butt plug.

I removed my shoes and socks before the almost imperceptible creeping of the all-too-familiar nerves found its way back into my mind. Somewhat hesitantly I undid my belt, dropped my jeans, and folded them before taking a moment to consciously take in a breath. It was only when my briefs were down that the absolute and stark humiliation washed over me.

The constant poppers I was fed not only got me high but had the added consequence of shrinking my erection to nothing. They always had this effect on me when I had a lot of poppers. My cock was flaccid, small.

This was unbearably embarrassing. For the first time through the whole process the fact I hardly had anything I could call abs and carried a few too many pounds hit home. Head bowed and naked before Master S I had to consider the desolate possibility he may not want me now that he saw me laid bare.

"As we thought Steve," the Master addressed the other man as though I was not there, "not well endowed. That'll make him perfect for the Birdlocked mini-cage. He'll need milking of course. Don't waste any, though I want him to have his protein. The short gag should be perfect for him to feed from while he's being cleaned out. Is the Birdlocked-mini still the smallest we have?"

Before Steve could reply Master S continued commandingly "Although I'm not sure you'll be able to get him into it. I know the ring is pretty small in diameter compared to his balls size."

My knees threatened to buckle beneath the mounting weight of humiliation he piled on me. Worst of all was that hearing about what I could only presume to be a cock cage, was having the unforeseen effect of slowly but surely make my cock erect.

Once a TV Mistress had forced me into one and it did acutely amplify the humiliation, making me realize that my only pleasure ought to come from pleasing Dominants while giving them access to my mouth and ass pussy. Her forcing my erect cock into the cage also hurt like hell. As I was lost in my reveries Steve looked down at my growing cock.

"He's not that small Master, and we have this new item in stock that is even shorter than the Birdlocked you mentioned," Steve casually spoke as he leaned against a wall

"The feature I think you'll enjoy most is the good sized urethral sound that comes with it. It's also made of metal, I think you'll prefer the way it looks and the intensity of stimulation it will give our slut here. There's even the added advantage, that you can use heat or cold on the metal as you see fit."

"His growing cocklet will help me with milking and I'll thoroughly enjoy forcing it down in size if that's OK with you Master. I have to admit his cock is not quite as small as I thought, the smallest cage we have will be sufficient for making his cock into a piggie clit for the clients."

"All you'll see is his shaved big balls and the cock head - which will fill the cage completely. The rest of his cock will be tucked inside his body completely confined." Steve had now walked forward regarding Master S and stroked my cock to full hardness.

"That sounds ideal Steve, I can't wait to see him in it. I want him completely cleaned. Deeply. I want him completely hairless from the neck down. Start the widening exercises after you've had him cleaned out and empty his bladder too so he can have a drink as the cleaning takes place. We wouldn't want him thirsty now would we?" The familiar laughter colored with dark perverse intentions came from the Master

"I also want you to pay some serious attention to his nipples. Every pig needs a pair of big teats to torture. Work them to give as much volume as possible. His tits as well as his nipples. As for the sounding coat the metal well to help him feel it. Obviously, I want him completely topped up with his slut juice as well. Nice and high for me - ready to get down and dirty."

"Steve take this excuse for a man away and bring me back a pink, smooth, fed, watered, wide open, caged, big nippled piggie."

"Wow Master! You want the whole hog straight away?" Steve questioned uncharacteristically.

"Might that be too much for him to take?" Steve seemed almost concerned.

"Steve," Master S assured him firmly but in a patient and measured tone, "I've advertised this weekend as a complete pig fest. The more prepared he is...the more he'll please. Now get on with it."

I could barely follow what was going on. Between the poppers and my cock being stroked, I felt I was nearing the point of no return but as Steve had said, before I stepped through the door to the Master's room I had long since passed the point of no return.

The main points I had taken from Masters instructions was no hair from neck down. All I can hope is that it grows back quickly. It also sounded like I was going to get a taste of my own piss, which I always enjoyed especially when I was force fed it. I was not sure about his comment about the urethral sound and did not have much experience with them. How bad could it be? As Steve gave my cock a particularly hard pull I moaned in pleasure and almost grunted as he pulled the foreskin back with equal force.

"See Steve, this faggot is so desperate for everything we can give him, he's moaning like a whore as we describe the dirtiest depravities. I thought as much as soon as I saw him, the straight married ones are my favourite ones to train."

Master S picked up my Samsung phone from the desk and held it out. Steve held my hand and pushed my thumb onto the home button. I didn't try to stop him or even mentally register this,while he still had my cock in his hand. The thumbprint opened the phone to the home page.

"Take him away and I'll see you in the dungeon in an hour." His word was final as he turned seemingly ready to leave, but I was not sure where he would go from here.

"That will be perfect Master, I can do a very thorough job in an hour on this slut." Replied Steve.

"As can I now this phone is opened" came the reply from Master S.

Steve pulled me by my cock and I followed him like an obedient puppy.

"I told you I'd see a lot of you slut. Now it's time for me to explore every nook and cranny of you as we prepare you for Master S," Steve said with a notable mirth to his words

"I think you'll like that... well some of it anyway."

It had been more than a few minutes since my last indulgence of poppers which had allowed the haze in my brain to clear. I was almost surprised to find myself completely unworried about the implied discomfort. The things Master S had described had sounded wonderfully kinky, at least the ones I remembered anyway.

I almost felt disappointed that Steve possibly doubted my resolve. Later I would come to find just how misplaced my competitive spirit was at that moment. It was the on-going theme of the entire affair, my absolute naivety at just what could happen and how much more serious it could be than my wildest fantasies, I didn't know it but I was well out of my depth.

Steve pushed open another door leading to a large white-tiled wash room with a bewildering array of equipment made of stainless steel. There was a wide range of butt plugs and dildos lined up in size order on a shelf, the smallest appeared to be the same size as the one I'd chosen to purchase, the biggest one was immense. In a side room sat what I thought was a fucking-machine, and also a Sybian machine (like the ones I'd seen in porn films.) Fuck! They had everything here.

Placed in the far left corner of the room we were more stainless steel shelves packed with lubricants, soaps, razors, and all manner of other toiletries. The back wall had floor-to-ceiling stainless steel cupboards. I had died and gone to sub-heaven, everything seemed truly possible.

There were multiple side rooms I came to realize but Steve took me to one on the right with a shower area and a large drain. There was a contraption that looked like a horse saddle on a stand with 4 legs. I half-expected to see an enema bag hanging there but instead there was a hose hooked straight into the wall. There was a silver LED panel on the wall with a variety of knobs and buttons.

There were all sorts of other stainless steel attachments and holes in the wall for God only knows what. I also noticed a camera perched in each of the corners blinked away to show they were recording. A number of attachment points and D rings set into the ceiling, floor and walls would allow subs to be restrained in any possible position.

The I noticed the lower cameras aimed at the enema saddle from a height just below - there to record the enema action close up so that the subs ass pussy was clearly visible in the shot.

"Well, you no doubt recognize the enema machine slut, but you've probably not seen one quite like this," Steve proclaimed proudly

"Master S had it specially made to his specifications."

"It looks amazing," was the only response I could muster.

"Right. Time to get you prepped. First, I think we need to sort out keeping your slut juice topped up as Master S instructed. This will ensure you're not seeing what's happening but you'll hear everything I say," Steve informed me

"Stand facing the wall next to the enema horse with your eyes closed. Stay there until I move you." I simply did as I was told as Steve walked to the cupboards.

He came back with a small table which he set down beside me. Back to the cupboard and then he returned and started to pull a face mask over me with straps over the back of my head. The addition of a small cock gag was built into the mask. I automatically opened my mouth to allow the gag.

Steve hadn't even asked me. What a slut I was.

I stood upright as commanded while he tightened the straps to pull the mask taught over my face. I opened my eyes realizing it was a gas mask of sorts, but now I couldn't see anything. The glasses were blacked out or covered.

"This is just to allow me to give you a constant, steady, and heavy supply of poppers - or your slut juice as you should now think of it," Steve told me

"What you'll be getting through the mask is different from the brown from the bottle. Stronger. We can get you far deeper with this formula and without the headaches or other side effects. Now not having most of those side effects is good news for you, but one - not so much. This formula won't stop you from getting an erection. Normally that's good news, but not if you're in a cock cage. Guess who'll be wearing one of those."

I remembered the comments of Master S about the cage and the small size of it with a shudder.

"I won't stop giving you more slut juice even if you beg, so don't get too excited and just breathe steadily. Master has instructed me to keep you heavily dosed so that's what I'll do."

"I'm sure you've noticed the gag for me to feed you liquids? If you try to block the hole with your tongue I will simply inflate the gag to fill your whole mouth. I don't think you'll like that." I guessed he was referring to force feeding me piss.

Oh Lord, this was getting serious. He turned me to face back into the room and lifted my wrist to put a thick leather cuff on it, which he fastened tightly around it. I heard the snap of a padlock. Lifting my arm up I heard him clip it onto a chain hanging down from the ceiling, the process was repeated on the opposite side. I found myself helpless strung up to the ceiling. My concern still was mixed with total and utter excitement.

My cock stood rigid to attention as hard as it had ever been, so hard in fact it ached. Not having had poppers for some time had helped. My mind wandered back to the thought of Steve trying to constrain it inside a cock cage. I couldn't even fathom how that could be done in its present turgid state.

Then for the first time I breathed Master S's special slut juice formula, finding it similar to poppers but with a heady note too.

I breathed in deeply, intensely, loving it, loving the waves of elation that washed over me. The previous times I'd had poppers through a gas mask I remembered as some of the most intense sessions I'd had. I felt like I was floating. My whole body warmed up as if I was in a sauna, any last vestiges of worry melted away. I continued breathing fully and deeply as instructed. As I stood hanging from the ceiling I decided, I would be the best slut I could be. I was free to be a complete whore.

I heard Steve moving around and clicking or screwing things in preparation for what was to come. He held my shoulders and told me to turn and straddle the enema horse, guiding me with his hands. I turned and lifted my leg and straddled the saddle. I heard a release of air and the saddle lowered down about another foot, so that I could feel it touching between my knees.

"Can you guess why I have lowered the saddle on the enema horse slut?"

I nodded.

"I thought you'd guess being the depraved little slut you are, but let me explain in detail as you continue to feast on your slut juice. I have just attached a two inch diameter enema nozzle"

"When I say it's 2 inches in diameter I mean that for the full 6 inches of length of it, it is 2 inches wide. The length is to ensure that the water is in very deep to clean your hole fully for Master. It will really fill you and then your hole will close onto the neck which is only ¾ of an inch wide as I want a very good seal."

"The major advantage of the saddle is that once you are impaled on the nozzle, I can raise it back up pneumatically lifting your feet off the floor so that your weight on the enema nozzle and saddle will make a perfect seal." He almost chuckled as he shared this piece of knowledge.

"Even if you try to expel in desperation as I fill you, you won't be able to expel more than a few drops until I lower you and unplug you. Nod if you understand, oh before you do, one last thing if you dare to try to expel before I give you permission I will fill you even further, now nod if you understand slut." Steve was in his serious mood again.

I nodded my hooded head and breathed in as though it were perfume. Steve moved my hips back and then I felt a cold lubed finger from behind me tracing down my pussy crack to my hole and then gently opening my hole and pushing into ass pussy. Groaning into the mask, I tilted my pelvis backwards to give more access to my hole. I had no idea how long had passed since this whole adventure started but finally I was getting some action on my ass pussy. I moaned like a $10 whore desperate for some crack.

"That's it slut, now the fun really starts, let's get you nicely lubed up and then I can prepare the rest of you, time is ticking by." Steve worked his finger in deep and then pulled it out, then two fingers rotating and opening.

When he pulled those out, I moaned at the empty feeling inside my hole, I so wanted to be filled completely. Steve posed me in order to place a plug at my teased opened hole, just the head barely pushing and opening my sphincter..

"Now you know the drill slut, breathe, hold, then pretend you are shitting. Don't worry if you do actually shit a little I'll simply shower you off," Steve instructed as though it was just another day in the park.

"We haven't worked to open you up at all for this and it is quite large, so breathe and hold then pretend you are shitting as you lower down onto it, don't worry if you do shit a little I'll simply shower you off." His instructions were so matter of fact, as though nothing was out of the ordinary

I did as I was told taking on a massive hit of juice and pushing out as I pushed down, thank goodness nothing came out, at least I didn't feel anything other than the monster enema plug making its way inexorably inch by glorious inch into my ass. As I lowered down taking in the first few inches my ass opened wide as if to welcome the plug, fuck the slut juice must be good, I'd never been relaxed enough to take something of this size without first working my way up to it.

I was just savoring the moment, staying where I was with 3 inches inside me, just loving the feeling of fullness for a moment, when I felt Steve's hand holding my shoulder and pressing down, my knees were holding me where I was on the plug until I felt the saddle rising, Steve must be doing it automatically, I couldn't even control how fast it went in.

The saddle rose in a second and the plug slammed into me, I gasped into the mask and shouted fuccccckkkk as my feet were lifted from the floor. With me feeling as high as I could on the beautiful slut juice the pain wasn't as bad as it would normally have been.

The plug although not the widest I had taken, was the same width for the whole six inches and the volume of it made me feel completely and overwhelmingly full. As my ass pussy made it over the bulb and clenched onto the smaller neck I felt totally full and satiated, little did I know that this was far from the most full feeling I'd have in the next 2 hours let alone the next two days.

"Quiet slut unless you want that gag inflated sooner than planned." Steve admonished, I ceased my shouting.

I then felt cuffs going on my ankles and then they were clipped D rings by the base of the legs of the horse and felt the chains being tightened so that my legs were at full stretch pulling me down hard on the saddle creating the seal Steve spoke about. The chains attached to my wrists were then also tightened so that I was stretched from floor to ceiling.

"You look like a very kinky, strange cowboy riding your invisible horse." Now things were really surreal.

"Time for you to be filled up slut." I felt the flow of warm water into my bowels through the holes at the top of the plug, as always, initially it just felt pleasant. I knew the cramps would follow, especially if Steve really was going to fill me with a lot of water.

The flow of water was nice and slow, so I just concentrating on breathing in more slut juice to keep myself high. I was incapable of coherent thought, simply couldn't process what might happen to me. I'd also lost track of time and had no notion that I'd only been in the shop for less than an hour and a half and so much had happened. If I'd realized that another 48 more hours of use and abuse lay ahead of me, I would have been frightened rather than in the sub slut heaven I was languishing in.

I then heard the unmistakable snap of latex gloves going onto a hand, then felt Steve's hand moving around my butt, it was slick with some liquid and he pushed between the saddle and my ass trying to touch all of my ass and even tightly around the base of the plug. He was having to force his hand in to lift each cheek momentarily from the saddle to coat them in the liquid. I felt him around my balls massaging them carefully and felt the wetness there too, then my cock. As he moved to my arm pits I began to feel a tingling on my ass and balls and groaned again.

"That's right slut we're in the hair removal process now, it will tingle, but I'll shower it off before it really begins to burn, you will be as smooth as a baby when I'm finished with you."

More liquid was applied to my armpits, my arms, then chest and finally to my legs and toes, I really wouldn't have any hair below my neck. As I'd shaved my head a couple of days earlier I would be pretty smooth all over.

I couldn't decide if the pressure building in my bowels or the tingling of my ass, cock and balls was worse, both were getting to be truly unpleasant. Then after a break of ten minutes of both of them building in pain levels as I groaned more and more I felt myself being showered down from head to toes.

"Ummm such a lovely smooth pink piggie, our preparations our going well slut, now time for your drink and then I'll move onto your nipples."

As for the drink, I felt sure I knew what was coming, but could only think nipple clamps for the other comment, although Master S had said something about volume I vaguely remembered.

I heard a new glove being snapped into place then the opening of some packet, I had a fair idea of what was in the packet if it was for giving me a drink. I'd been catheterized in sessions a couple of times by Masters.

Steve started to give my cock a stroke and it was raging, then I felt him pull back my foreskin and start to spread some lube on my piss hole. "Ok slut nod your head if you know what I'm doing now", I nodded to show that I was aware of what was going on.

I felt the head of the lubed catheter being pressed into my cock and then felt more pressure as Steve gently pressed home the catheter into my bladder.

"As you have probably guessed slut it's a Foley, so now that I've got it in, I'll inflate the balloon with saline and it'll be locked in place until happy hour is over for you... ahhh there we go, she's nicely in and inflated, time to get that flow going into you piss pig mouth".

All I could do was groan, partly from the now full feeling in my cock, partly from discomfort in my cock and partly because I was just loving most of this. I felt Steve push the other end of the catheter into the cock dildo in my mouth and then felt the tip come through with my tongue, hearing the click of a tap being turned, the flow of piss started into my mouth, breathing in more slut juice as I swallowed

I felt like a true thirsty degenerate, I realized I wasn't just swallowing when my mouth was full, I was actually sucking on the gag like a cock shaped straw, sucking the piss down my piggie throat. To have the guilt removed and be able to wallow in being a gay fuck pig was a complete freedom I had never known before. My mind was becoming that of a gay piss pig, it was only full of thoughts of cocks, piss and cum, just as Master S wanted.It was the ultimate humiliation, I was enjoying being transformed, in fact loving it.

"So slut, the water continues to fill you up and now you're being filled from the mouth too, enjoy the flavor, you'll get used to it a lot more over the weekend. You'll be spending some time as a full recycling urinal. Which although I'm sure the idea of makes you feel very horny, the reality may not be quite so much to your liking when it actually happens. For now though Master just wants your bladder empty and once we have that completed in a few minutes we'll get your cocklet under control as Master instructed." Steve just said all of these completely depraved kinky things completely matter of fact way.

I drank and breathed, drank and breathed, trying to breathe through the cramps which were building, then the flow of piss dropped to a trickle. Steve took the tube from my mouth and started to remove the catheter, some more discomfort for me but not really pain, in the sate I was in.

He then started to stroke my cock firmly and told me it was milking time. I had purposely not cum for over two weeks, as always before a work trip, wanting to build up a massive load of spunk which I could enjoy unleashing in a hotel room once my travels started.

Steve knew what he was doing and with the addition of my rather full ass pussy and the lovely d**gs I was enjoying, I was approaching orgasm quickly. It didn't take more than a couple of minutes and I came as hard as I ever had, spurting powerfully, my ass pussy clenching and then releasing the plug with each spurt.

I felt Steve put something over my cock just before I came, but didn't know it was a wide syringe which he used to collect my heavy load of cum." Then I felt him doing something around my cock gag, I felt the stream of cum flow onto my tongue as he squirted all my cum into the gag in one go. It was hard to swallow with the gag in and coated my mouth and throat.

"There you are slut your first faggot injection of protein, the first of many."

"I really shouldn't tell you this, but Master is hoping to get a new record on film with you, he wants you to take a whole gallon of spunk over the weekend." Steve paused for effect, letting the word gallon sink in to my hazy mind, shit he said a gallon, surely he was joking.

"Master wants you to be walking out of the shop with a pregnant distended belly, full of cum and piss, like the cum whore you will be when we're finished with you, how does that sound piggie?" Steve giggled a little as he asked the rhetorical question.

I was just trying to swallow the cum and get as much of the taste out of my mouth, cum was never my favorite thing in reality, the fantasy always better than the actuality.

Although I had longed to suck a cock or two when I entered the shop, I never even thought about consuming more than a couple of loads of cum let alone a bucket full. The way my mind could go from a total acceptance of my new pig status, back to being a worried straight guy in a situation out of his control was not lost on me. How could I do this?

Although I liked to be forced to eat a little spunk, i'd never liked the idea of big quantities. Shit how many men would a gallon of cum mean, surely he was joking or trying to scare me. As the enormity of the situation hit me I took the only course of action I could, I breathed in even more heavily taking on as much slut juice as I possibly could to extinguish my worries.

Now I was just leaning forward my head bowed, the chains and saddle the only things holding me up, none of my muscles helping to support my body now. I felt broken, but not compared to how broken I'd feel in the coming hours.

Steve leaned into my ear and whispered "In case you're wondering, to get a gallon of spunk, you need a hell of a lot of real men who haven't cum for at least a week." pausing for effect to let the words enter my mind.

"Now a lot of your clients will have done just that. For Friday's special of "the Gallon Piggie" that we started to advertise two weeks ago. Some guys will have seen the advert and stopped touching their cocks to build up a huge load for tonight's fun." This was sounding more like a serious porn film by the second.

"Master had hoped we'd find a suitable candidate earlier but we couldn't until you chose your hankies and won the piggie position in time for tonight's live show. I cannot tell you how relieved I was when you chose the black velvet, otherwise it might have been me in your position as a punishment for not finding a suitable cum pig."

"I found you in the nick of time, the perfect candidate or should I say cumdidate. The main thing is you agreed to all of this so readily, so easily, you fucking slut. We gave you the free options and you just dived straight in.

I could hear the relief and amusement in Steve's voice, shit he just described me as a cum pig, I didn't even like the taste of cum, the thought of it, but not the taste, what had I got myself into.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to say that on average for 1 full gallon you need 120-150 guys, real men, full of man seed. If the pile of email replies I've had to the advert are anything to go by we should easily manage that in the next 12 hours or so."

"Although no doubt Master has sent your details and maybe a pic or two of your preparations out to our special mouth fucking client list whilst we've been in here and more and more will have signed up in the last hour." Steve was undoubtedly enjoying detailing the exact implications of the depravities facing me.

So he'd have been the piggie, no wonder he was so nice to me and guided me around the store as soon as he clapped eyes on me and thought I was a potential candidate. I didn't so much as fall into the trap as jump into it with both feet, loving shopping and flirting with him.

Look where that had got me. All I'd wanted was an evening of fun, well now I was getting way more than I bargained for.

"You'll be working right through the night so that before breakfast on Saturday morning you should have earned your blue, your cream, your black and white striped hankies and when I say earned I mean in all the raw, dirty, pig ways you can earn them."

"It's going to be very intense, so many cocks to please, we're given the guys specific times to come in and have the first 5 hours solidly booked but the most we think you'll be able to do in that time is 80-100 and for that you'll only have a few minutes to get them off and swallow before the next one."

"We'll help you with that, they'll have been stroking watching a live stream of you sucking before they come to be standing in front of you to get them fluffed and ready to spurt. You see slut we do try to make it as easy as possible for you." All i could think was who was he trying to k**.

As much as I'd enjoyed everything so far and had been in a complete slutty and happy haze up to now, the comment on 120-150 guys really did hit home and what's more both excited and scared me.

The thought of even one full pint of cum being poured down my throat was overwhelming, but in the crazy state i was in it still somehow excited me.

I'd seen some bukkake scenes with sluts faces covered in cum and being forced to try to swallow more after being fed loads of cum. It looked so hard to do, but now I realized it was my duty to do it to please Master S.

Also there seemed to be nothing I could do to stop it now, apart from groan and even that might get me into trouble. I couldn't really concentrate enough to do the math, but even in the state I was in realized it was a man every few minutes to hit the target timeframes. But what could I do now? I'd readily agreed to this and even consented completely and fully on camera, how could I back out now as I sat still being filled with an enema.

As the cramps built, I thought I'd try and communicate that I wanted out, that the idea of what faced me, was just too much for me. That my slut sub mind couldn't deal with it. That it was time to say sorry, I made a mistake and got in far too deep and beg to be set free.

I tried to make some noises to say no, no, please no, but all that came out was completely incoherent. Steve held my cock and then I heard metal on metal and felt ice being put on my flaccid cock and held tightly to it. I tried to scream but couldn't. But I also knew deep in my soul that I wanted this degradation, in fact i knew that I needed it and deserved it.

"I said shut up slut you'll have enough to scream about later, but if you make too much noise that gag will get inflated so that it is all you can think about, do you understand, you cock whore." I could only weakly nod again.

I felt a ring placed around my scrotum which was then clicked shut and I heard the click of the padlock as it was locked closed. Then I smelled the unmistakable aroma of deep heat and hoped that I didn't know what it was for.

As Steve started to push the metal urethral sound into my cock I realized it was for what I thought it was for what I had presumed. I had previously used Tiger balm and deep heat on my cock and balls but never into my cock. The sound was big anyway and he obviously coated it liberally in deep heat. It took him time to fiddle and persuade the metal rod deep into my cock. By then the burning sensation was utterly excruciating.

I remembered Masters earlier words of "to help him feel it" ohhh fuck was I feeling it. Then I felt Steve crushing my cock into the smallest of cages, at first it just wouldn't go, I had no idea how he could do this.

He was crushing my balls, pushing and forcing my cock shaft inside my body and using the ice to make my cock wilt. Finally he started to win the battle.

Then I felt him pull back my foreskin completely and very tightly, my cock head was throbbing and the inside of it burning. I felt him flicking the cock head trying to make it get larger even with the shaft of my cock pushed into my body.

I could feel every bar of the cage on my sensitive cock head, again the click of a padlock and my cock felt completely constrained. It felt like the head of the cock cage was right next to my body and completely filled with the engorged head of my cock pushing against the bars.

Now all I could concentrate on was the burning inside my cock and the throbbing of my cock head and the tightness of my foreskin stretching under the glans, nothing else registered. Each time I thought something completely filled up my brain, Steve would do something to take it to another level, or focus on another part of my body.

"Right time to take some weight on your feet bitch, you can't lean any more, stand up and I'll lower the saddle and then move it out of the way for you to expel over the drain. As the plug comes out you clench as hard as you can so that I can move the saddle before you expel. As the last inch comes out I will slow down so you can clench really tightly, if too much comes out I'll feed it to you, nod if you understand".

This time I nodded vigorously, I did not want to be fed the contents of my bowels. Any thoughts of backing out of this had been erased from my brain by the pain in my insides.

The saddle lowered and I stood up again, the chains cuffed to my hands keeping me upright. As he lowered it the first inch or so my ass pussy had to stretch again to accommodate the widest part of the plug, this time it did it so easily that there was virtually no resistance.

Steve did as he said and lowered for the final inches telling me to get ready to clench. I did it with all my might as he lowered the saddle and only felt a little water trickling down my legs, I hoped that wasn't too much.

"Good slut, you did very well there, I know from experience that it is not an easy thing to do, you still have some control of your ass pussy muscles. That's good for now, but I will take that control away from you shortly, as we take control of all your bodily functions, one by one this weekend."

Steve was relishing this situation it seemed and to think I thought he was on my side, how stupid and niaïve could I be.

"I am so pleased that you came into the shop on my watch, seeing you arrive all innocent, embarrassed and horny. Then guiding you through your choices had me so hard, I can't wait for my chance to enjoy both your holes repeatedly." I could hear the horniness in his voice.

"Now I'll lower you down into a squatting position, so that you can expel the large amount of water inside you. Breathe heavily and take in as much slut juice as you can, 4 good long breaths in and hold."

"When I lower you I want your hole to open on its own. It's time for you to lose the last vestiges of control slut." All I could think of was the relief I would feel to get this water out of me.

As the chains extended and my hands lowered, my knees started to buckle and I slumped down still with my feet on the floor and my legs spread well apart. As is always the case for me when I've had a lot of poppers, my ass hole just opened as I opened my legs wider and I started to expel before I was ordered to, I just couldn't control it.

No threats of punishment, I think Steve understood that with the training I had taken so far, I just couldn't control that function any more. In fact he'd was pleased. I was a dribbling wreck, hanging from the chains, the last water and shit dropping out of my open hole without me even pushing, covering myself in waste like a proper pink pig.

"Good little piggie, now I'll lower you into a kneeling position and as you kneel I'll push a hose up into you to clean you out a few more times." I felt him push the hose into my gaping red ass pussy, it felt like a snake slithering inside me, then he began to flush me out further. He had me try to clench but I couldn't do that anymore, my ass pussy just gaped wide open. I so hoped this would be the end of the enema.

He then told me to get to my feet which I did by pulling up on the chains and then he started to pull the chains back into the ceiling lifting me to a squatting position telling me to stand bow legged so he could push the saddle under me again.

Fuck I was spent I couldn't believe I had to ride the saddle again, but I felt the tip of the bulb against my open hole. With no warning, once the plug was lined up I felt the saddle lifting me off the ground as my ass slammed onto the plug. I breathed in as deep as I could repeatedly taking on as much slut juice as I could. My still burning cocklet coming back into my thoughts as the cage was squashed into me by the saddle.

"Off we go again slut, but this one should do the trick and whilst you are filling up I'll work on your nipples and lips for some volume. So let me explain what will happen on these, as I think I like the idea of you knowing and anticipating what is coming."

"It'll make that cocklet of yours try to harden in its very, very little cage. I should have said your cage for the weekend is only about 1 inch long, just enough to tightly hold your engorged cock head, you look so cute in it. I'm sure your customers will appreciate that all your fun now comes from your ass pussy and mouth. How's the deep heat working, I bet a slut like you is loving that." He left that question hanging, not expecting any answer.

"So now for the next stage, first of all I'm going to attach 2 nipple suckers to those little nipples of yours. These are our biggest and best ones, Oxballs Hog-Nips nipple suckers they are, how appropriate is that for a prize piggie like you. Once these are on they'll increase the size of you little nipples dramatically." He said this like it was a good thing.

"As you have a good pair of tits we'll be able to really inflate your nipples and then I'll inject the nipples with saline. They'll stick out like organ stops and be so, so fucking sensitive for your clients to enjoy and for Master to clamp. This is, I should say slut, one of my absolute favorite things to do, torturing you whilst making you much more attractive for your clients ummmm such fun."

Steve had well and truly warmed to his job, he was loving this now, nowhere near the bottom I first thought he was. How long would my nipples be bigger, shit injections, whatever next?

"Now you might be wondering how long these injections will last, worry not slut, only for a week or so, they'll start to go down by the end of the weekend and won't be very noticeable when you're at work, nothing permanent".

I felt him attach the two nipple suckers and it felt like my nipples were being pulled off my chest. At least I knew this wasn't permanent knowing it would only for a while.

"You also need to have a fuck me mouth and fuck me lips slut, so the same process as your nipples, first suction then injection. If you're going to be a proper cocksucker, you need to have proper cocksucker lips, so we plump then fill, plump then fill, until that mouth of yours just looks like a hole purposely made for lots and lots and lots of cocks to fuck."

As he repeated these sordid details of his plans, all I could think to do was feast on more slut juice breathing, in as deeply as a I possibly could.

I'd been programmed to do this by watching too many "Sissy Hypno" videos over the last few years. I just wanted to descend deeper and deeper and block out the pain and the thoughts of what was coming next.

He was still filling me up, the cramping getting worse, as he took off the first nipple sucker and I felt him roughly pulling my nipple and then felt the needle enter it, the pressure as he was presumably pushing the syringe plunger in was horrible a deep burning sensation. This was repeated 5 times in different positions on the right nipple and the tit around it. As he finished he smacked my tit and I screamed into the cock gag.

"Excellent those nipples are now twice the size and thickness and I think I can make them even bigger with a bit more effort. I'll need more in this tit, but I'll do that after I've started on the other one. Nice and sensitive too, this next bit is going to hurt a lot, I'm going to re-attach the nipple sucker which will inflate the nipple still further as I work on the other tit. You'll love them when you see them, they'll look so impressive."

The same painful process and then the nipple sucker was re-attached. Even though the situation was getting more serious, with the slut juice flowing in constantly, I was being kept in a constant state of arousal despite the pain.Even in this state I was completely horny.

Unfortunately my supply was about to be cut off as he ordered me to close my eyes and took the gas mask off. He replaced the mask with a blindfold, presumably from the table he had put down earlier.

Steve then applied lip suckers to each part of the lip and then injected into the plumped up tissue, I couldn't tell how long this took. I lost count of the times the needle went in and I felt the pressure of the injection and now without my slut juice I felt so much more of the pain, but in my suspended, plugged state I was too broken to do anything. My lips felt completely swollen and were tingling.

After what seemed like an absolute age, he stopped and seemed to admire his handy work on my mouth, then pulling the nipple suckers off, he held both nipples and tits in turn caressing them and weighing them with his hand.

"How absolutely perfect, a pair of lovely pink swollen tits with piggie nipples on the end, Master will love these, perfect little b cups and chewable nipples, fuck you might need a bra when you leave here." Steve was laughing now.

"Ok pig we're nearly finished with your conversion now, same process with the saddle lowering, clench again if you can, although we both know full well that's no longer an option for this pig."

This time, he lowered it without me having the benefit of the slut juice, but I didn't notice the plug leaving me much, with the pain inside my cock and the absolute sensitivity of my new tits and extended nipples.

He was right as soon as the plug left my ass I had no control of my ass pussy, it was no longer mine. I just expelled over the saddle with my hole still gaping wide open.

I then felt Steve shower it and me down. He moved the saddle out of the way and told me to squat again to expel the last of the liquid inside me. Again I squatted then he lowered me into a kneeling position with me just hanging spent from the chains and cuffs.

The last dregs of water dribbled out from my insides and he repeated his earlier trick with the hose. He seemed satisfied I was thoroughly clean.

The I felt the wetness on his hand again on and around my ass pussy and balls.

"Just the last bits of man hair to remove, a piggie, faggot slut has to be smooth for use, not hairy like a real man."

The smell and then the tell-tale tingling were there, before he showered me down again and washed me with some feminine smelling body wash all over.

"Perfectly smooth, I can't see any stray hairs now, how lovely, now at least you smell nice for Master. Before you end up stinking of cock, cum and piss, let's get you dried off." He again lifted me with the chains as they retracted into the ceiling and pulled me to my feet.

I felt a posture collar being tightened around my neck, the strangest of feelings for anyone who's not worn one, making it impossible to rotate your head any more, or even to lower it, another loss of control. He roughly dried me with a towel paying particular attention to my caged cock.

"The final piece for Master, the plug you yourself chose for your ass pussy, how appropriate, you probably thought you'd be squatting over this in your hotel room sniffing brown and watching some ""Sissy Hypno" videos well not quite slut, legs apart for me, now."

I widened my stance and felt the tip of the plug at my entrance before Steve applied a lot of upward pressure lifting me to my tiptoes, when I couldn't rise any more a low groan escaped my bloated lips as he pushed it home in one go.

"See slut after just one hour of intense training you took that like a porn star, no widening, no lube, it just pushed straight into your slut hole."

"Just think how good you'll be in another 48 hours, because that's what we still have to go, you've only been in the shop for just over 2 hours, can you believe that? How much fun are we going to have by the end? Let's get you cuffed and taken to Master for his full inspection."

He undid the clips to my wrist cuffs but then took my hands and clipped them to the side of the posture collar, so that the inside of my wrist was attached to the collar and my hands were touching around the back of my head.

The impact of this was to lift my sore newly engorged tits which I could actually feel weighing me down. I wasn't sure how much saline he'd pumped into them, but it felt like a lot as I stood swaying slightly, so many parts of my body burning with pain.

Steve took the blindfold off, but I could only look forward and not down with the posture collar on so I couldn't look at his handiwork. He just told me to follow him out and back into the corridor and down two more doors, the sign on this door just simply said dungeon.

I walked in after Steve and he told me to stand in the corner looking to the door, with my feet apart. My hands held to my neck, my newly acquired tits wobbling in from of me, my walk forced to be bow legged by the big b**st of a plug that was clenched by my hungry hole.

Master S walked in a minute or two later and stopped in front of me, crossing his muscular arms and smiling a wide satisfied smile.

"Steve you have surpassed yourself, this is your very best piggie yet, especially bearing in mind what you had to work with. That cock cage is a revelation, it just looks fantastic."

Master S moved in closer to look, "To only be able to see the swollen sensitive head filling that cage, ripe to be tortured, I love it. It's amazing and with my slut juice coursing through his system and still keeping his cock trying to get erect he must be in agony." He smiled lasciviously as he said this.

"Those nice big balls dangling down ready for who knows what, so beautifully smooth, in fact that gives me an idea, I think your saline should be more extensive, although this one would be better as a warm infusion, what do you think?."

Steve simply nodded and said "yes Master" and promptly left the room.

Oh fuck did that mean what I thought it meant, infusions into my scrotum, which although I'd read about and seen photos, I'd never experienced yet. As Steve came back in with a stand for an IV, an IV bag full of saline and some large sized syringes I realized that now was the time I was likely to get that experience.

Master squatted down in front of me, I felt him hold my balls in his hand, "Overall his cock is now so small, it's as though you've completely removed the shaft of his cock. Well done you."

He sounded so, so pleased. How him talking like this turned me on I had no idea, and yet it did. I was even thinking like the complete slut I was being transformed into.

Master S continued "Pulling the foreskin back so tightly so that the engorged head won't allow the foreskin back over it, keeping it locked in place once you've retracted it, is a piece of genius. You can see the foreskin really stretched tightly under the glans as the head which is so swollen, fuck I love this look." It was as though Master was inspecting a prize pig, which I suppose he was in a way.

"Do you think it will it stay like that or do you think the foreskin will work itself back over the head?" asked Master S.

Steve beamed with pride and even though I should have just been feeling abject humiliation overall, incredibly I was pleased that Master S was pleased with me and liked the way I looked. Fuck what was happening to me, I was reveling in being turned into a slut pig without any say in the process, how low had a sunk and how much lower would I sink over the weekend.

"As you say Master so long as the d**gs keep his cock trying to get erect, all the available blood is going to the glans and keeping the foreskin excruciatingly tight so it can't go back over, we just have to keep the pig well topped up Master, then I think it will remain there as his big purple pig clit."

"Excellent, let's hope that's the case. Now Sit him down on the chair, strap him in and set up the infusion for his balls while I talk him through the weekend's activities and hanky challenges." Master S commanded.

Steve guided my by the shoulder to a chair in the corner and pushed me down into it, there was a hole where the plug would sit in my ass pussy, at last some relief I thought the plug wouldn't get pushed in too hard. Again I was wrong.

"Steve for good measure set up the Hitachi wand on the stand to be pressing hard against his plug, oh and while we're at it another one just onto his little clit, let's try and make it break out of the cage, wouldn't want him not having enough stimulation, now would we. Take his blind fold off now too."

Master squatted down to the side of me, cradling my balls in his big hand feeling the weight of them. "These balls really are quite impressive, but I think we can make them look so much more impressive once we have infused them, don't you Steve?"

"I do Master, it's a perfect addition to his modifications, how much do you want me to infuse into his sac Master?" Said Steve as he positioned the two Hitachi wands and turned them on.

"Let's try 500ml to start and see how that looks I think, I also want more into his tits, let's make those bigger." demanded Master S.

Steve got the IV stand and brought it over, taking a fresh needle out and attaching it to the hose, then ensuring that the hose was full of warm saline, without any air bubbles he pushed the needle into my sac being careful not to hit my balls. Then he strapped me to the chair, I was trying to not be in too much contact with the Hitachis, but was now held tight onto the two of them as they vibrated madly on my plug and clit cage.

"This will take some time pig, but then rather than two balls in one nice smooth sack , you'll have one big ball making you look even more extreme with your little purple piggie clit."

"By the way how is that feeling, with the Hitachi on it, I'm guessing you are longing for more slut juice?" Master asked the question but had little interest in my response as I nodded weakly, hoping he wasn't teasing and that he would feed his pig more d**gs.

"OK Steve make his pig teats and tits bigger so he looks great for the opening shot of the "Gallon Piggie""

I sat broken, a wretch, my ass pussy so full and vibrating on the Hitachi, my clit (jesus now I was thinking of it as a clit, not a tortured cock head, they had me in such a deep sub-space) trying to break out of my body and on fire.

Now my clit was just a source of pain, no longer pleasure. I couldn't see the piggie teats or tits he was talking about but boy could I feel them, sore and heavy weighting me down.

Master S pulled a chair over and sat opposite me, looking into my eyes. He held out two tablets and said open wide I did so and swallowed with difficulty because of the posture collar.

"Good pig, now what I have just given you is similar in effect to the slut juice you were breathing in, but with much stronger effects and also some added advantages."

"Obviously you can't wear a gas mask for the coming few hours, clients like to see your tears as they skull fuck you, they love to see the pain for real." He was smiling as he said this.

"The d**gs will make you even hornier than the ones you breathed in, you'll be desperate to be full of cock in both holes. believe me. Your naturally submissive tendencies will be amplified hugely so that you don't even think about not pleasing anyone I put in front of you."

"Your clit head will remain full of blood trying to grow, holding your foreskin fully retracted, despite your clit cage. Your teats and tits will be so much more sensitive. Perfect for torture by any of your clients, they will love playing with them I think."

Master S was speaking in a low voice looking deep into my glazed eyes.

"But just in case you were having any second thoughts I'm going to bring in a mirror so you can see your pathetic pig self." He nodded to Steve to indicate for him to get the mirror.

Steve wheeled the full length mirror in front of me and as I saw the reflection of the smooth big titted pig who was restrained to the chair. Legs wide open, purple angry clit head between pigs smooth thighs, I moaned, not a scared moan, but a low sexual moan, deep from in my soul.

Although I was horrified at how I looked, the transformation into Master S's piggie was also a complete turn on, it was amazing. My thoughts were so torn, I didn't know what to think, but the d**gs were having an effect and each time he said, cock, cum or piss, I salivated longing to be filled in both my holes and to be fed and watered. It was as though I'd been hypnotized and those words had been implanted as triggers to control me and my desires.

"See Steve he even likes the look, his clit is twitching at seeing himself in all his piggie glory. Just work more on the size of the nipples and tits and then we'll take him through to his work station for the first session." Again the matter of fact statement from Master S.

"Now finally and to just make sure you understand your position and options. Throughout the process I have videoed everything from your choice of hankies, through to you smiling as you picked up the butt plug. The moans and groans that have left your mouth would leave no one in any doubt who views your video, that all we have done is at your own request. They will know that you desperately wanted this."

"The video shows you moaning like a complete slut as you underwent the various treatments. You wouldn't believe how much you moaned in pleasure as the saddle rose and plugged you."

The thought hit me that if anyone I knew saw that video, that would be it for me, I could not be allow that to happen, I could never explain this away.

"I have all your contacts from your phone, your wife, family, parents, friends and colleagues, if you so much as hesitate at any stage I will press send on an email to all of them. Tell me that you understand fully and completely piggie" Master looked deep into my eyes as he said this. I nodded.

"So you understand the email situation piggie, you are faced with the fact that I love nothing more than taking straightish, married, innocent little sluts like you. Ones who think they have way more experience than they really do and then showing them the complete error of their ways."

"Illustrating to them that this whole scene is so much more depraved than their wildest fantasies and getting them to the stage you are at now. One of complete desperation to be as dirty as you can be, look at you you're loving this, you slut" I knew deep in my heart that Master was right, I needed this, deserved this.

Master S continued "I love turning them into pussy bois, complete cock whores and desperate cum and piss pigs. That's what you chose." he nodded as he said this making the point.

"You did this to yourself, not us, with each slutty choice you made, you stepped closer to this reality. You have to accept that you are now my pig and will be whenever you travel to San Francisco."

"I own you, body and soul and what's more you like it, you want it, you need it, you fucking whore." With each statement Master S pushed me further down, making me understand my deviant desires and my true gay pig nature.

"Look at you, now you don't even control your body, I do, your ass pussy muscles are no longer yours to clench. Your cock is gone, now I control your clit completely, your balls are now longer yours, they are now just one big bag for me to torture. Your nipples transformed into pig teats, your pecs to piggie udders and you into my complete fuck pig" Although he stated it as fact I thought he expected an answer.

I took in a deep breath, I had to convince him that I fully submitted at this point "piggie fully understands Master, that pig needs and wants to do everything to please you. That anything however extreme from the hanky code pig chose, is in play. Piggie understands that should pig fail to completely satisfy you, or anyone you put in front of me, that my life as I know it will be ended by an email going out showing the piggie slut that pig has become." I was trying so hard to please him and to convince him that my desire was to serve him and satisfy his wildest demands.

As I sat that, looking at my reflection, I realized absolutely that there was no way out. Also the d**gs were taking over, I felt so massively horny and desperate to be fucked, referring to myself as pig, just seemed right in the circumstances.

I now felt like a pig and wanted to feast on cock, piss and cum. The transformation was nearly complete. Master S looked very pleased with their work in progress.

I looked again at the mirror and I could barely recognize myself, what faced me was a completely hairless chubby pig, with tits that by now must be a full size C or D and angry dark nipples at least 1 ½ cm in length and 7-8 mm in diameter.

As I took in this view the weird thought that came into my mind, was would I be able to lick my own nipples.

All I could see between my legs was an angry purple clit head straining against a metal cage. Then the posture collar holding pigs head up straight, to top it all off an outlandish pair of lips on the face, swollen and welcoming for cock, lots of cock.

"It's time Steve, take pig through and set him up, the 6 inch guys are here and desperate for release.

Steve unstrapped me and lifted me off the Hitachis, some small relief but then the plug felt so much bigger now I was standing. Even though it had gone in reasonably easily it now felt as though it would take a great effort to get it expelled, my ass was so hungry under the influence of the d**gs it was clenching onto the neck of the plug very tightly.

Take him through and get him attached to his work station for me and I'll come and address the first face fuckers.

Steve took my elbow and led me out of the room and down to the end of the corridor, again the usual sign on the door, this time with the one word Stage. I waddled behind him with little steps, my legs forced wide apart by the massive base of the plug.

Steve entered and inside was a dimly lit room with a circular stage in the center with restraining points on the floor. They were set inside some sort of large meter wide tray with a drain hole in the bottom. 4 cameras at the points of the compass were set up on tripods at waist height to capture everything that happened in glorious, close up detail.

All around the outside of the room stood an amazing collection of men in various states of undress, some in full leather gear, some suits, others naked and a few in different bondage outfits.

All though looking to my eyes as unmistakably tops. I should have felt completely humiliated, but by now I was reveling in my new status as a pig and the center of attention.

Steve took me onto the stage and told me to kneel in the tray, he helped me down and then un-clipped one cuff from the posture collar pulling my hand to my side and attaching it to the floor, he did the same with the other side and then took off the collar. I looked around the room as much as I could and saw a lot of the men had cocks hanging down out of their trousers in semi hard states.

As he removed the posture collar he told me "it's impossible to get cock all the way down your throat with this on pig." almost as though it was for my benefit.

I heard the door behind me swing open again and the booming voice of Master Steve who now stood beside me, hand on my shaven head, his hand gripping my head firmly, I could feel the strength in his finger massaging my scalp.

"Welcome to you all, great to see the first set of lucky patrons to try out our new pig here, we have sorted the night based on cock size to start pig off slowly. Knowing that you guys like to go hard on new pigs, I can only tell you this one is ripe for that."

"Please no holds barred as we all want to make a great film, as we aim for the full gallon of cum inside pigs stomach." Master S let the words hang in the air, I wasn't sure if that was for my benefit or theirs.

"No worries if you'd rather finish with a facial, any cum that is not immediately swallowed will end up in the tray which I designed with a pull out feeder. That will be attached to pigs mouth when it's full or in any break to ensure that not one drop of cum is wasted."

Master continued "As you all know the weekend will be filled with a number of other sessions this is merely the taster so to speak and so this one is purely about cum and cock sucking. Pig is earning his light blue and cream hankies. No other stimulation allowed on this one. So please start your engines and then proceed as per the numbers you have been given, please go as hard and fast as you can, so we can make our gallon target. Enjoy the first go at his mouth number 1."

Fuck here I was, it was for real and like being a real pig surrounded by hungry hounds, but at least I was as high as a kite and horny to boot, I wanted to be devoured by them.

A small stocky guy stepped forward in leather trousers and a body harness, firm large nipples standing proud on a hairy chest, jesus I was thinking about suckling on his nipples. I was undoubtedly sinking deeper into pigdom.

Then I focused on the 6 inch clean cut cock standing rock hard to attention out of the fly of his well-worn leather jeans.

He stepped up onto the stage to a cheer from the surrounding guys and walked forward, the glans of his circumcised cock an inch from my mouth, the gentle musky smell entering my nostrils. I could see a few drops of pre-cum which he thoughtfully smeared over the head with his thumb for me to taste.

"Open wide pig it's face fucking time"

I dutifully opened my mouth looking up into his eyes as he gently put his cock head in my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the head sucking off all the precum and dipping my tongue into his piss slit to taste a little more.

A nice gentle way to start I thought, until he moved one hand to my chin and the other to the back of my head and pulled me down fully onto his cock. At this size I could deep throat it, but still gagged a little, he held me on his cock, my lips at his stomach and his hairy nuts on my chin as I gagged hard he told me to breathe through it.

I tried to relax but also not to vomit over his cock. Then he let rip and fucked my face hard using his hands to pull me as he rammed his cock head down into my throat.

I was scared but the d**gs were helping and as I felt him tense after only a few strokes and hold me completely on his cock as it spasmed and he injected cum straight down my throat.

He pulled out and walked away a contented smile on his face. My lips we're already dripping with the saliva from his forced face fucking, that dribbled down my tits and into the tray below me.

I knelt, hands cuffed, clipped to the floor, head down and waited for the next one, only 119 minimum more to go. I was no longer Pete, now I was just a piggie, a hole for use, to be filled and fed.

The next guy was in a suit, cock just hanging limply out of his fly. Shit I was going to have to work for this one and I knew the time pressure would build unless I could keep them cumming quickly. As he reached me, the smell of stale piss was the first thing I noticed, but that didn't worry me, in my current state it was like perfume."

"I craved his cum. I leaned forward straining against my chains and just got his foreskin covered head in my mouth sucking it in as hard as I could desperate to get him hard.

"Woah piggie, give me a chance, you're like a fucking vacuum cleaner there." He moved forward pushing his hardening cock into my mouth, then putting both his hands behind my head and rocking gently to and fro until his cock was fully hard.

He made me gag with each stroke although that was reducing a little as I relaxed into my work. Then he became more forceful for only a few more minutes of skull fucking before making deposit number 2.

This continued with the 40 odd guys in the room, all roughly the same size, most reasonably clean and all bar 3 happy to deposit straight down my throat or into my mouth. A few insisted on me putting my head back and jerking their own cocks into my mouth then having me roll the cum deposit in my mouth and gargle it before swallowing my protein.

Fuck I was enjoying this in the fog of d**gs I was in, loving the feeling of the plug in my ass pussy and not really noticing my clit too much.

As Each guy left the stage I was intrigued to see the shape and size of the next cock and also to smell and taste their cock for the first time.

The three other guys wanted to paint my face with their ropes of cum, all of them came copiously and the cum dripped down my face and over my tits and into the tray below and now I knew that would be force fed to me later. It would have been a shame to waste it.

Master S came over to me as the first group left the room, "those 43 guys have the smallest cocks you'll see tonight, the next group will be harder to deal with at 7 inches, so that will take your gag reflex a little further. As well as hurt you more and take you deep into subspace. They will be deeper in your piggie throat, opening it up wide."

"You have done well, for your first session, but it took too long, so speed it up slut or there will be consequences. I calculate you've taken your first two pints of cum you whore and only another 6 to go."

Again hearing these words that should have repulsed me, in actuality made me proud, I was serving Master as his pig and doing a good job, the mental transformation was moving at pace.

Any doubts or thoughts of me being a man and a straightish one at that had evaporated completely.

I tried to think of what time it was and realized that it was probably only 8.30 at night, it was going to be a long one if I wasn't going to be given a rest, fuck this was going to be tough. I could already feel my stomach was full with the cum I had swallowed, how on earth was I going to manage to swallow 3 times as much as that again. It would be almost impossible, but I had to succeed, I wanted to succeed and please Master S, as a good pig should.

The next group filed in through a door straight in front of me again, then the cocks began to appear, as they pulled them out from jeans, leather chaps, jock straps and suits. Again the first number was called and pig opened its mouth and waited.

The first guy had a stunning 7 ½ inch cock (by my estimation) cut and so clean, but that was the only good thing about this guy. He loved the feeling of power over me, holding me completely impaled and gagging continuously as I struggled for breath.

I gagged so hard, obviously straining every sinew so much that the plug was pushed hard out of my ass pussy and dropped to the floor of the tray with a bang.

Wow, I felt high as a kite as it stretched me to my absolute limit as the widest part of the plug opened me up and made me gape.

Then I hate to admit it, but as the plug dropped to the floor, I felt empty, bereft and I was desperate to be filled again as soon as possible. I shouldn't have worried my silly little piggie head about that.

Steve whispered in my ear "Master S said this might happen so I have a range of plugs all larger than the last. Each time you lose one, we go up in size, now we'll use TitenMen Master no 4, that's the one you had in the past and only managed to get in that one time."

He then asked the guy to withdraw his cock and Steve put the new plug on the floor, with the tip of the smallest bulb at my ass pussy.

"Sir if you could now use your cock to fuck his face downwards so he has no choice but to impale himself on the new plug that would be great."

"Fuck that'll be my pleasure." Said the guy smiling eagerly.

He stood astride my face, one muscly, hairy leg either side of my head. He took the head of his cock and introduced it again into my piggy mouth. Before starting to squat down on my face, his heavy, sweaty balls banging on my chin. Forcing me to sit down further onto my haunches and then the second bulb was in, one more thrust and then the third large bulb was embedded in me.

The 4th bulb, the largest one, gave some real resistance, but after a few downward slams by him, the plug found its way home deep into my pig ass pussy as his cock head went past the back of my throat. My hole clamped onto the neck of the plug seating it in deeply.

Although it hadn't been easy, the last time I had this size plug in, I was off my tits on poppers and it took an hour of me fucking up and down, whilst avidly watching "Sissy Hypno " videos and sniffing half a bottle of poppers just to get it in. Once it was in that night, I had been desperate to get it out as soon as possible.

Tonight though it was just forced in, painfully but still it went in much more easily, god I hoped that it wouldn't come out as easily. That would mean an even bigger plug again. I imagined the circle of my ass pussy, over 8 inches in circumference, the size of a tennis ball and thought about the horrifying idea that it would stretched much further still.

The guy really enjoyed his time after that and was obviously pretty turned on as he shot by far the biggest load all over my face and body, now my face was completely covering in cum which then dripped onto my new big creamy white tits with the big nipples sticking out. Cum dripped from the tips of my nipples into the tray.

The 7 inch crowd were keen to show that an extra inch made all the difference and a lot seemed to enjoy having a piggie convulsing on their cocks as they held me tight against their bellies with their meat deep down my throat.

I was coming to the end of the 7 inches when one leather guy stepped up and it wasn't the length that was frightening, it was the girth, much wider than any of the others. The head glistening with piss. I could smell the piss as he approached and licked my lips in anticipation. He looked at Master S and said "can I give the pig a drink before his protein shot?"

Master S replied that he could empty his bladder as fast as he liked, even though the piss pig stage wasn't until later on in the weekend. I was in heaven, I should have been horrified, but the smell of piss had me excited, made me want to suck the piss from him.

Ever since I was first forced to drink a Mistresses piss from the source years earlier, I just loved the smell and taste. I suckled on his cock head and he let the first dribbles be sucked out by me, god how I loved the taste.

It was always the sheer dirtiness of the act I adored. In the state of sluttiness that I was in, as his stream grew stronger I repeatedly swallowed as quickly as I could, just wanting to drink it all, thirsty for him and his piss.

"See what a piss pig we have guys, although let's see how this pig gets on once we have installed him in the urinals for a few hours. I think you'll enjoy using him though, as we break this little piggies mind bit by bit, stage by stage."

"You can all see he's descending quite rapidly into pigdom, reveling in his depravity like a pig wallows in mud. How much lower can we take him boys?" Master S was clearly the Man here, enjoying being the ringmaster of this strange circus.

As he said that, my concentration lapsed and I couldn't keep up with the stream, but the guy had my head clamped over his cock and wouldn't release me, so the piss came out of my nostrils and down my tits and into the tray. Then he forced the girth to the back of my throat, again I couldn't take it. In trying to I accidentally forced the plug out for a second time. Steve was already waiting with the next plug.

"If I could just explain the process as we go on Gents, as the pigs face is fucked, if it's violent enough to force him to expel the plug then he has to have the next size up inserted. So lots of fun for all of us watching piggie try and keep each plug in, I'll ensure that the pigs pussy is well lubed and his ass pussy muscles are almost useless, so he'll have to work hard or that pussy will get stretched ever further.

The next plug goes up in size to 2.8 inches in diameter so not a big increase from the last one, but the circumference of his ass pussy will have be just over half an inch bigger to take this one compared to the last one gents, we're nearly up to 9 inches in diameter. The last plug was the biggest he's ever taken, so this should be fun to watch." Steve said this with a huge grin on his face, apparently enjoying every bit of my humiliation and descent.

He asked the current guy to repeat the downward face fucking from earlier to force me onto the next plug up in size and this guy was just as happy as the first guy. To make sure he brought his weight to bear down onto my face. He stood over me as I looked up at him with real fear in my eyes, almost begging him not to do it.

Steve held the plug and nuzzled it into me gaping hole, with the first bulb going straight in, the second slipped in almost as easily as I started to bear down onto the plug, then the third, but the 4th bulb was the big one, eye wateringly large. I tried to bear down, but it wouldn't slide home.

The guys cock was so wide I didn't think it would ever get past the back of my throat, but as he pushed even harder and almost sat down on me, my pussy finally gave up the fight and in went the last bulb. At the very same moment the back of my throat opened wide enough to let the mushroom head of his cock deep into my throat for the first time. I was completely filled.

He then lifted me up by the chin so that I rose off the last bulb of the plug (I could only presume it had a suction cup base to hold it down on the tray). I groaned as loudly as I could with a throat full of cock head, just as he slammed further into my throat as I gagged over and over, pushing the plug back in. Effectively one guy was spit-roasting me.

He repeated this process, giving me short breaks with the 4th bulb of the plug and short breaths with the head of his cock just out of me then forcing both back in hard. Effectively fucking me from both ends at the same time. Despite how horny I was, I was sobbing uncontrollably, as he came and filled my mouth with cum.

He ordered me too swallow and held my nose, I dutifully swallowed his massive load to a round of loud applause. As he walked off, my head slumped forward, cum and saliva dripping from my swollen lips. Tears dropping from my cheeks onto my tits and into the tray below. My ass pussy now more wide open than ever before and held that way by the massive plug lodged deep inside.

Master S addressed the assorted company "Gents please take a moment or two, as we just need to empty the tray, I think we have an extra pint of pigs protein shake ready to break his mind a little further. As I'm sure you're all aware, the effort to swallow one load of spunk one at a time, is very different to downing a pint in one." I gulped at the thought.

"In fact it is this pint treatment that often pushes my pigs over the edge. It can take them well beyond their limits and break them. Their mind finally giving up any last vestige of hope as they drink more and more. Finally knowing that is all they are fit for.

In this case even if piggie here is well beyond his limits and is mentally broken, we'll still just set him up for the final group, the Mustard hankies. Please feel free to enjoy watching the feeding of this pint, the pigs 5th by my reckoning."

With that Steve came forward with the urinal gag I'd seen before and set it down next to me.

"This is really going to push you pig, so let's give you lots of extra poppers to go with the d**gs already in your system." He held a hood of some sort with a bottle of poppers on each side leading through 2 small hoses into the nostrils of a pig nose on what I could now see was a pig mask.

It amused the crowd, who roared their approval, some choosing this time to snort like horny pigs. Steve strapped it onto my head and then pushed the hoses in deeply, which completely filled and sealed my nostrils. All the air I could breathe in through my nose was very, very heavily laced with poppers now to add to the d**gs I'd been given earlier.

Then he attached the black rubber cup to my chin which had a cock gag at the base which he pushed into my open mouth and strapped the cup tightly to my head. I was breathing very quickly now with anxiety, almost hyper ventilating but all this did was cause me to take on more and more poppers as he began to pour the white and yellow mixture into my feeding cup.

Just seeing the awful liquid being poured in shocked me, I couldn't do it and blocked the large hole on the cock gag by sticking my tongue in it. For the first time for an hour I was thinking rationally again. But at the same time as I breathed in heavily those doubts were washed away by the huge waves of poppers washing over my pig brain. I was breathing in so deeply that the increased level of poppers was taking me deeper and deeper back into my pig zone.

"Oh look he's trying to block the hole, silly little slut as though he has a choice." Said Steve who then took one of my distended nipples between two fingers and pinched so hard, I cried out getting a huge mouthful of the awful mixture which I had no choice but to swallow.

Steve then pinched one of my nipples each time he expected me to swallow as he continued to top the cup up with more and more of the cum and piss mixture.

I nearly vomited up the slime a few times, but Steve just kept forcing me to swallow as I breathed in more pig d**gs. With his fingers working my extended nipples as a milkmaid works on a cows teats it seemed like a surreal change with me taking on the milk with each pull on my piggie nipples, instead of the milk coming out of my tits. He kept working them as I desperately cried, the tears just adding to the liquid.

When the tray was empty he raised it telling the crowd that was the 5th pint reached, that we were on target now and it was time for the big boys to cum, the mustard hankies.

With my distended stomach hanging down as I knelt there in the tray, I was the picture of heavily pregnant sow.

Cum, piss and saliva dripping from my chin and big swollen cock sucking lips and down my stomach to coat my clit in its miniature metal cage.

I knew even in the state I was in that the mustard hankies denoted that all the future crowd would all be packing more than 8 inch cocks and as I looked up to survey the crowd coming in, I could see that the majority were black.

Steve leaned down to my ear and whispered "now to earn your black and white hanky, you fucking white faggot."

His comment scared me and excited me in equal measure, this was my proper place in complete subjugation to superior black Masters, my last lingering thoughts as a man, leaving my mind, pushed out by piggie thoughts.

As I surveyed the crowd I could see so many black cocks, a sprinkling of white cocks, but not many. The mustard hankies it would seem were mostly black.

Master S addressed the new crowd "Now gents we come to the denouement of the Gallon Piggie. He's taken 5 pints but I think this collection of big black balls in front of him will be more than able to inject a further 3 pints of seed into his faggot pig throat, are you up for that gents?"

A roar rose up from the 40 guys, it seemed they were more than up for it.

Again I should have been horrified, frightened and worried, but I was already thinking about the taste of the first BBC of the night, salivating more at the thought. As I looked out from the center stage one of the guys advanced.

He was a big man in every way, he wouldn't have looked out of place as a line backer, wide and solid rather than muscular, the bulge in his trousers suggested he was packing a lot below too.

He didn't open the fly of his suit pants, but just walked forward to pig and took pigs face in his huge hands. "Now unzip my trousers with you lips bitch!" he almost shouted it.

I reached forward with my swollen lips and grasped the proffered zipper and tried to lower it, but to no avail. I then felt the smack to the side of my head from his hand, reeling from the shock.

"Shit, what use is this white faggot bitch if she can't even open my pants?"

The massive fingers from one hand were thrust into pigs mouth, opening it wide. The guy pulled out his flaccid cock with the other hand. Even in its unaroused state the girth was huge. "Now it's time you fed on a black snake bitch, suck on this like it's your pacifier you white whore."

The cock smelled of strongly of pussy and tasted of it too, a taste pig still loved, licking very last trace of it from the monster cock head in front of me. I suckled hungrily on his cock as it hardened in my mouth.

The head alone stretching my jaw as it swelled. Fuck how was I ever going to get this any further into my throat. My ears still ringing from the blow and I had my answer, he was simply going to force his horse cock ever further down my throat with brute force.

Thank the gods I was so high with the poppers, with my pig mask on feeding me pure poppers with any breath I managed to take in, I was flying so high and acting so low. I had now become the cock pig, Master S was talking about. Not a single thought of anything other than a complete need to suck cock and eat what I was fed. I was as desperate for cock, as a man in the desert is for water.

He was skull fucking me now, saliva covering his magnificent ebony rod, dripping in strings from my mouth and nose. I must have looked like the dirtiest pig from the most depraved gay pig video. Then again that's what I was now, simply a pig faggot. He held both my ears, ramming his horse cock down my throat, making me cry even more.

After a few minutes of skull fucking I'd hoped he was about to spurt as he slowed down, but no such luck. He made sure that the back of my throat was well opened and ready for bigger cocks by taking his massive cock head just out from the back of my throat then forcing it back in, then out again. Just working my throat muscles and gag reflex and stretching them, further and further. I still gagged with all the longest thrusts, but even my gag reflex was being taken away by forced practice and massive levels of poppers.

Finally he said, "here bitch time for you to eat your black protein and to really be my bitch." With that his snake of a cock pulsed 7 or 8 times filling my mouth and throat. He held my head, his cock deep down my throat stopping me breathing then pulled out slowly forcing me to take in a huge breath through my nostrils of my pig mask taking me even higher.

He held his hand over my mouth, holding it closed and held his other hand over my nipple. The order was clear, I was to swallow my feed. I simply did so.

Master S walked up to me as the linebacker wandered back into the crowd tucking his huge cock away, he bent down to my pig masked face and asked me loudly enough for the assembled company to hear.

"Now pig that was your first big black cock of the night, as you can see you still have nearly 40 big cocks to go and most of them black. Please tell the audience what you are and what you deserve."

I breathed in more and more poppers to top up the d**gs Master S gave me earlier. I was in total pig heaven.

"I am a complete cum and cock pig, Master, desperate for more cock, black cock, huge black cocks. Please have them all force their huge cocks deep into my throat and to fill my pig throat and stomach with their superior black man seed. Make me their white faggot pig." I said it with a mixture of pride and lustful longing, what's more I really meant it. "I want to be a white faggot bitch pig for all of them Master."

The most amazing thing was this was not forced at all, any threat of exposure had long receded from my addled pig mind. Now I was speaking from my wildest fantasies, set completely free by Master to embrace being a true pig, to wallow in the dirtiness, the filth, to embrace my true nature.

No thought of safety or condoms, just cum and cocks, more cocks and more cum, needing, craving to be fed more even though my stomach was so, so full and distended.

What a sight I must have looked, the pig mask on, heaving in big breaths of poppers my head rocking up and down with each inward breath. Saliva mixed with cum dripping in ropes from my swollen cock sucking lips.

My extended nipples on the end of my udders jutting out and hanging down from my chest covered in the slime coming from my mouth, then my distended belly hanging down and over my angry purple clit again covered in the slime of cum, saliva and piss.

My hands still chained to the floor, on my knees, my pig pussy stretched so wide by the big plug which fastened me to the floor with the suction cup. Kneeling in my piggie stall waiting for my next feed.

Master S again addressed the mainly black crowd. "So there you have it gentlemen, it is broken, his mind as a man erased for now. It is simply a pig for use by all of us, with so many different tasks still facing it, which it still has to complete, before I set it free again."

"But as you can see it has no thought of getting away or being set free, it wants this, chose this, craves this and deserves this. I have actually set it free to be the true pig it longs to be, needs to be. So please help me work quickly on finishing this film with the final 3 pints of pig protein. Before we move onto the next film of the weekend."

Again his words should have registered, The next film he said, what was that to be, how depraved could it get. But in my current porcine state, that was irrelevant compared to my next injection of black man seed.

Almost before Master stopped talking the next black guy strode towards the pig, ready to feed me more protein.

Skinny, tall and wearing a hoodie and sweats he looked like he would have been at home on a basketball court. The sweatpants swayed as he walked and I could see the outline of a magnificent cock I thought.

My dirty huge lips, broke into a smile at the thought as he pulled out a cock which must have been 10 inches long, not that thick, but this one might reach into my stomach.

He stood feet apart in front of me and without putting his hands on his cock, he raised it to my lips, he just stood there making the cock bob in front of my mouth, despite its weight.

I opened wide and he timed it as the cock bobbed up rocking forward and forcing 6 inches straight in, his sculptured abs were still 4 inches away and the distance felt like to big a gap to close as I was already gagging. The speed with which he had rammed into me meant I didn't even savor the taste of his cock.

He pushed forward and I rocked back as far as the chains to my hand cuffs would allow, it was not far enough and he pushed beyond the back of my throat and all the way in so that my mask rested on his abs, holding me gagging there. He must have enjoyed the feeling of me gagging on his cock as he came almost straight away, injecting it deep into my belly as I almost passed out through lack of oxygen.

As he took his cock out all I could do was breathe in through my nose as fast as I could, taking in the most poppers I had ever done in one go. Any tenuous grip I had on reality continued to slip more with each snort.

A constant stream of black cock interspersed with the odd impressively huge white cock was forced one by one into my throat. Each culminating in a big load deposited as I neared the gallon target.

As the last of the mustard hankies came up, Master S looked at Steve and said he's done almost too well with his plugs don't you think Steve.

Steve knew what Master was suggesting as the last and largest cock at 11 inches started to fuck my face, Steve was pulling gently on the plug inside my pussy. Not enough to force it out, but enough to open me back to the widest I had been, it hurt like hell but the hurt was a wonderful one in the state I was in, reminiscent of the past when I had been fisted.

As the last BBC was forced deep within me the strain finally told and out came the plug, I knew the result and began to sob onto the cock, taking him over the edge and getting my last injection of cum for moment.

"Oh dear the plug has come out again Steve, how unfortunate for our pig. Now for the most appropriate plug for our fat piggie here. Gentlemen the next one is called the Man in the barrel plug, some of you may know it". He held it up for everyone to see including me.

"It certainly isn't for the faint-hearted but is perfect for the next stage when pig becomes a latex recycling urinal, for the full time of that it will fill him absolutely. I have to share size with you all and with pig so he can anticipate it going in. It weighs 1.6 full lbs, and has a maximum circumference of 10.25 inches and 6.5 inches of insertable length, this will keep pig completely full and it's perfect preparation for fisting. A baseball wouldn't even touch the sides going in after this bad boy."

He handed the plug to Steve who knelt behind me and pushed in the first bulb that my ass pussy stretched straight over.

Then Steve stood up and picked up the urinal gag again and moved in front of me, I couldn't help but back away, but he clipped it to my chin and inserted the cock gag straight into my mouth. I breathed deeply, needing more of my slut juice for this.

"Now gents if there is anyone who likes to get rid of two loads in close succession I would ask you to come forward and paint our pig and try to fill the tray again for his last protein injection. I think we are very close to the gallon target, but just to make sure another pint wouldn't go amiss."

As he finished speaking 10 of the guys came forward eagerly wanking their cocks, the view through my piggie mask eyes was again surreal as 10 cocks advanced on me. One guy barely made it to me before shooting over my tits, then over the next couple of minutes I felt spurt after spurt which then dripped from me into the tray.

One of the men seemed to take the fact that I had been pissed on before as an OK to do so again and let his stream go straight onto my face and into the urinal gag. I swallowed like the good piss pig I was.

Steve then used his hand to wipe most of the cum into the tray, smearing what was on his hand onto the edge of the urinal gag to trickling inexorably into my throat. Then again he raised the tray to the crowd. I did all I could and breathed in like it was my last air ever filling my lungs with as much poppers as possible.

He poured the last pint or so of cum steadily into the gag, I eagerly swallowed again and again, not wanting to be milked by my tits. Steve then held the empty tray aloft to the cheer of the crowd.

"Well gents that's almost the end of the Gallon Piggie film, there is only one last thing to do and that is to have pig re-plugged with the huge Man in a barrel plug which is currently at the entrance to his fat pig pussy, but this time it will be done differently."

Master S, bent to my face and looked deeply into my eyes.

He spoke to me but loudly enough for all to hear "Pig you have done very well, but now the final test of this film, to show just how low you have sunk as my pig, you will impale yourself on this massive plug. It will stretch you a full inch further than the last and will hurt so much going in." he smiled at me and tilted his head to one side.

"Neither I nor anyone else will force you down on this, you have to show everyone here who has fed you that you are my pig. You must bear down with all your strength and **** your own ass pussy for me. Do you understand pig."

I made the only noise I could with the urinal gag in, I snorted, like a good piggie.

I started to try to bear down on it to get the main barrel like segment of the plug in. It didn't taper it just jutted straight out and didn't want to go in easily. I took 10 quick breaths in holding the last big one in to maximize the hit of poppers and then pulled down on the chains with my hands and the last of my strength. I released my breath and the hit of the poppers was huge, as huge as the ring of my pig pussy as it accepted the main thickness of the plug.

But it wasn't in yet, I had to go down 4 inches of that barrel with another wider ripple at about 3 inches. I reached that and then stopped almost afraid to go on. Master S simply nodded his head.

Pig knew what to do and raised my body slightly with my knees and then dropped down on the plug as hard as I could impaling my piggie self completely filling me more than ever before. I screamed at the top of my lungs into the gag, a garbled shriek. I began to sob and Master looked into tear soaked eyes and said.

"Now you are my pig, forever, this is your choice pig."

A round of applause went through the room accompanied by some cheering. It seemed I had done well as Masters' pig.

As I squatted, completely spent, with my ass pussy completely filled by the huge barrel, filled with nearly 2lbs of rubber, not just stretching my actual pussy but also my insides. My lips still covered in cum and piss, I was still involuntarily suckling on the cock gag in my mouth as though it were the most natural thing for me to do.

My tits huge and swollen and tipped with very, very large nipples, matched only in obscene glory, by my cum filled distended belly hanging over and hiding my clit/ cock head from my view, it was swollen to its maximum size, fighting to break out of the metal bars of its cage.

My eyes staring out from the pig mask still breathing in huge hits of poppers with every single breath I took,

I was a sight to behold, a truly, broken but trained pig. No longer thinking of any pain in my clit, tits or pussy just of pleasing Master S and the men he put in front of me.

In fact the thought that passed through my pig addled brain was now only that I was thirsty for piss. Shame I didn't realise that with everything that had been said, I need not have worried about getting enough piss to drink. I really, really, shouldn't have worried about that.

Steve unshackled my wrists and began to help me up. This was easier said than done, I slipped in the slime of cum and piss and was barely able to stand up with my legs so stiff after kneeling shackled for the session of cock sucking and cum eating. Steve got me to my feet slowly and massaged my legs to get the blood flowing again.

It was then, I realised fully the size and impact of the Man in a Barrel, I could no longer stand with my feet any closer than 2 feet apart the base of the plug was huge and forced a strange bow legged waddle from me. When I had been squatting with my legs wide apart it was far less noticeable, but now the actual pain in my pussy throbbed into my mind. I did what all pigs do at such a time, I took in more poppers.

As the guys filed out of the room, Steve helped me down from the tray.

"Steve you know what to do to get him ready for his yellow and gray hankies? Oh and include the recycling option?"

"Yes Master S, no problem I will go and prepare him, you want him in the middle stall Master?"

"Yes I think so, that has the best view from both sides and the point of view camera next to where his head will be too. I do want him entirely encased though, tight black latex, the full suit, hood, gloves, the whole nine yards."

"Oh and have him astride the Sybian, that'll start the process of him earning his pink hanky too" Master S smiled his most wicked smile at this point.

Steve attached a leash to my cock cage and led me forward with a gentle tug. For the first time for 5 or 6 hours I was completely aware of my clit and the pain from it. In my heart of hearts though I knew I deserved this, this treatment was what I was meant for, this was my place. Master S had freed my mind to be a true pig.

I was led back to the preparation room and Steve opened the door and told me to sit in a chair to the left of the door. I waddled over and ever so gingerly lowered my pained body down so as not to push the massive plug any deeper. The major problem of this plug though was that the base, as well as being 3.25 inches in diameter it is at least 2 inches deep, just the base.

So from where my ass pussy was clenching onto the snap back of the plug, a thick 2 inches of Rubber was hitting the chair before my butt touched it, then pushing upwards. So sitting on a chair was going to be pushing the huge plug in deeper and deeper, stretching my ass hole and putting more pressure making it almost open wide enough to retake the barrel.

As I set all my weight onto the plug, I felt like the entire thing was re-fucking me forcing my ass pussy to reopen to the widest it had ever been when the plug went in. All I could do was breathe in as heavily as possible and top up my slut juice levels.

Steve collected a range of black latex clothes from the cupboards and brought them over to where I was with a large bottle of talc. He then pulled out the breathing tubes from my nose and removed the pig mask.

"Don't worry slut we'll get more juice going into you soon."

"Time to get you dressed as a beautiful shiny black latex, urinal slut, I think you'll look fabulous in this. Now time to put the suit on first."

Steve used the talc on my smooth legs and started to pull the stockings of a full rubber suit onto my feet and up my legs, he then had me stand and pulled it up to my hips. My arms were next as the suit came over my shoulders and he zipped the front up.

The rubber was not the thin sort, but much more heavy duty, once he zipped the it over my distended belly I realised that the stomach was even designed for a big belly. It was the only part that wasn't tight as though allowing room for my stomach to grow even more.

My new full tits were straining the rubber and filling both the bra inserts in the suit and the nipple shapes built into the suit. If anyone wanted to tweak a nipple or clamp it, that would be easy.

Steve then pulled a full face hood over, with eye, nostril holes and a mouth hole. As the hood went over he had to hitch the whole suit up ramming the Man plug deeper into me and then holding it in tight. I was overwhelmed by the claustrophobia of being enclosed completely and the sheer hugeness of the mass inside my pig pussy.

Then a little relief as he unzipped a separate zip from my belly button to the small of my back, releasing the plug a little, much to my relief and also I realized giving him access to my clit and ass.

Steve then sat me down heavily on the chair forcefully fucking me with the plug once again, the relief only having lasted a few seconds as the base of the plug almost penetrated me.

He fitted heavy rubber mittens to my hands locking them in place with padlocks.

Then he started to fiddle with my clit, removing the sound first, oh what a feeling as that came out. I hoped against hope that it wasn't going straight back in.

Almost reading my piggie mind Steve said "Now you can enjoy not having anything in your piss hole for a few minutes, before the Foley goes back in" shit that was what Master S meant by the recycling function.

"So to just explain slut, in case you haven't thought through the implications in your current state. The Foley catheter will be inside your bladder letting every last drop of piss that enters your bladder flow straight out and into your piss craving mouth. You'll have an ever increasing amount of piss to recirculate through your system as a perfectly self-contained urinal."

As he told me this he had removed the clit cage and with the range of d**gs in my system which had had my clit desperate to be an erect cock again, I was rapidly becoming hard.

Steve smiled looking straight into my eyes, "By the end of this session you will be so full of piss, that the rubber suit you are wearing will be tightly stretched over your belly, full of cum from the last film and then so much piss on top of that."

"You'll be installed in the gay night club toilets next door and be there for all to use. It's now 3.45am and you'll be working through until the early morning. This is the heaviest period of use in the club a lot of drunk and horny people, desperate for release of one sort or another, you'll be well worked pig."

The pain as my cock regrew was intense, as was the wave of pleasure that swept over me. The foreskin was still held back by the size of the swollen head. Steve started to work my cock hard and I knew it was milking time again.

He stroked me hard, and with my pussy clenching onto the plug deep inside me, I came very hard and quickly into his hand. He smiled and then dipped the index finger of the other hand in my cum and proceeded to smear it around the inside of my nostril, pushing as much cum in as he could, first in one nostril then the other.

I didn't understand what was happening, until I breathed in and the absolute essence of cum filled my airways.

"You see slut, just when you though we couldn't give you a more intense cum experience, now you'll smell cum for the whole time your drinking piss."

Steve then raised his cum covered hand to my mouth and said nothing, simply looking expectantly.

In my current pig state I simply rocked forward and sucked his fingers clean.

"That was the action of a truly trained pig, well done." He said it with real pride at the way I was embracing my degradation no longer fighting it in any way.

He then put new latex gloves on, opened a new Foley catheter and repeated the insertion of earlier into my softening clit. The internal bag was then inflated with saline and I saw liquid starting to run through the tube filling it with a deeply coloured, cloudy piss. Once the piss had filled the tube he closed the valve to ensure that he didn't lose a drop.

Steve pulled me to my feet again with the wide legged stance and my cock hardening by the second despite the Foley, my cock standing to attention with the catheter going up almost vertically. I looked at the golden tube and longed for a taste.

Steve then refitted the posture collar and clipped the mittens to it again raising my tits painfully, making the nipples rub on the inside of the latex.

"Time to go to the club now slut, we have a back entrance we can go through, you might get a crowd around you if we took you into the street in this state. But first we need you shiny like a true latex urinal."

Steve sprayed a can all over my latex clad body and then buffed it to a high sheen with a cloth, paying particular attention to my tits, belly and working my nipples so much that I groaned "Ohhhhhh fuck I love that"

"I know slut, I know you love it, but just wait for the Sybian, you were born for that, I'm almost jealous." He sounded genuine in that, but I was too far gone to tell.

He picked up the urinal gag and fixed the cock tube into my mouth and the urinal gag to my chin, fastening it tightly to ensure a good seal. Once that was fixed he took the end of the tube coming from the catheter and fastened it into a hole at the side of the urinal gag.

He smiled that smile again and said "Thirsty?"

I simply nodded and he opened the valve, the smell of piss and cum mixed together assailed my nostrils and I loved it. I started to suckle on the cock to make sure that the urinal didn't overflow. The flow was constant and I kept drinking.

He took a rubber sleeve one inch wide and retracted my foreskin fully and stretched the sleeve around the base of my clit head, snapping the pop studs into place. Now the head of my clit was kept fully engorged and out in the open, the foreskin could no longer retract at all. If I could have seen how I looked I would have loved the extreme look with the catheter protruding and feeding me.

His final modification was to take a head harness again holding my two beloved bottles of poppers on the side of my head, both bottles with a black rubber tube coming from them into two nose plugs which he pushed firmly into my cum soaked nostrils and my slut juice began to flow again, making my ass pussy twitch.

He clipped the leash to the front of the posture collar and led me forward slowly, my wide legged stance making my erect cock sway from side to side as I waddled after him.

We walked the full length of the corridor in the opposite direction to the stage, even with the muffling effect of the rubber suit I could to feel the beat of the bass of the music in the club.

As he punched in the number and opened the door the volume was magnified as was the bass and heat. I was already starting to perspire and realised that being encased in rubber would be a very sweaty business again all I could think was that was appropriate for a real pig, to be encased in raunch.

Steve led me through the club and around the dance floor in what seemed an exhibition to the assembled raving dancers. So many heads turned our way and I figured I'd get a different viewpoint of many of the customers that morning.

Steve led me to the toilets, most of the cubicles without doors, others with glory holes in them, then onto the urinal stalls. All 6 of them standard white porcelain urinals, but with a place in the centre already prepared by some unknown helper for the addition of a 7th urinal. All the time I just kept on drinking my piss, although the flow was slowing.

There was a Sybian sex machine locked onto a plate on the floor to ensure it didn't move. I recognized it from a number of film clips I'd seen of hands free orgasms for gay men. This one didn't have a large dildo attachment on it so I wasn't sure how that would work with me.

There were also various attachment points and a metal bar at what would presumably be my head height coming out of the wall with an attachment at the end which I presumed the back of my hood would be locked onto. I also could see cameras which would be all around my head height to record the action for the piss pig film for Master S.

"Now kneel down facing outward slut posiition yourself right over the middle of the Sybian."

I carefully complied and straddled the Sybian with the plug just above the plate on the machine. Steve kneeling beside me started to pull the butt plug base and seemed to be screwing something into it.

He then, as I suspected he would, fastened the metal bar to the back of my posture collar keeping my head completely still. He then cuffed my mittens together behind my back, stretching my aching tits out hard in front of me.

The final adjustments of locking both my knees and ankles to the floor and I was absolutely immobilized, completely helpless. Sucking on a cock to get piss, feeling the sweat building inside my lovely latex prison and longing for some sort of sexual release now that my cock was released from its prison.

As always over the last 11 hours or so I should have been careful what I wished for. Very careful.

"Now slut, this will all feel ok at the moment, but make sure you breathe in a lot of slut juice, a queue of piss filled guys is building outside and they are desperate to release piss and no doubt some loads of cum into you lovely urinal gag. Pplease make sure you drink as fast as you can and get the recycling going well, Master S wants to see a sustainable urinal in use."

"Sorry I should have said, I'm about to turn on the Sybian on a low setting, I have attached your Man in a barrel plug to the machine, which will vibrate the plug at up to 6500 rpm which by the way will fuck with your mind and ass pussy if we go that high. But the real fun is we can rotate the plug at 120 rpm, so 2 revolutions every second that will open you so beautifully, wide open and gaping, you'll be begging to be fisted by Master S in the end.

I groaned, my worst fears coming to fruition, but as the pig I was now, I longed for Steve to turn it on. I drank my ever flowing piss, which was now just a dribble until my body reprocessed it again, I breathed in my slut juice, how bad could this be, I thought, I'm going to love this.

Then it happened, Steve turned on the vibration low and my ass pussy, prostate and balls began to be massaged and stimulated.

"One more thing slut, you will be able to orgasm with the Foley in, but your cum will be forced to remain in your scrotum. You'll feel the complete orgasm but not the relief of release and then the stimulation will continue and take you back to orgasm. Now I know that sounds wonderful, but after the 10th dry orgasm, you'll be begging for release from the urinal." Steve chuckled as he said this.

Now breathe deeply and settle in for the ride of your life pig.

The vibrations were going through my entire body, even making my nipples vibrate against my latex prison. Then the door opened and a guy came staggering towards me, taking his cock out and dr****g it over the cup of the urinal gag and then letting his stream go, straight into my face, my eyes and nose, then most of it dribbling into the cup. I sucked eagerly trying to keep the level down on the piss.

My head was no longer in the game though, the Sybian was driving me mad, as the second guy came stroking his cock, I waited for his piss, but then I couldn't believe how quickly the machine had me to the edge as the movement of the plug directly on my prostate took me over the edge of orgasm. I gasped out load but couldn't move a single muscle as I came.

As Steve had said there was an intense orgasm but no feeling of release or satisfaction, just straight back on the train to stimulation town. Not being able to move as I came, was like being fastened in tightly by a seatbelt in a car as you sneezed, the whole body felt it, every single muscle tightened and spasmed.

The guy was still stroking and obviously enjoyed watching a pig orgasm as he added a good load of cum to my urinal gag. I was no longer concerned about the mixture of cum and piss, just thirstily sucked his load down. Then he waited until he softened and proceeded to piss for what seemed like an age, strong dehydrated piss, I gagged a little but just had to suck it down.

Master S then stood in front of me as I started to move inexorably closer to orgasm again.

"You look beautiful pig, a perfect orgasming urinal, your groans may result in you getting a lot of cum as well as piss, but we know you love that. So we'll just make that beautiful pregnant belly of yours grow still further. I can't wait to see how much you manage to take overall when we drain you in a few hours."

"Moan if you want this to continue slut."

There was no conscious thought, I simply did as I was told and moaned loudly and repeatedly into the gag.

"I thought so slut, that will sound wonderful on cam, people watching the video and seeing you in this most depraved situation, just moaning for more. Enjoy your rivers of piss, my little piss pig, oh and really revel in the Sybian, it will melt your brain after a few hours."

"Steve start the rotating part, after his 5th orgasm please, break him down still further. God he's some pig."

Then there was a constant stream of guys, some still dancing as they pissed, missing with some of their precious amber nectar, others who simply directed their strong streams directly at my face to let them dribble and drip into the urinal gag and the odd one who put their cock straight at the bottom of the gag to force the liquid down the urinal as quickly as possible.

At first I saw them as guys with cocks giving me their piss. But then slowly but surely I began to feel like a urinal focussing on recycling, drinking as fast as I could to get the piss flowing back out of my bladder and back into my throat. The constant stream from my catheter was building and barely abated now, my whole system filled with piss, circulating.

But still they kept coming.

I approached my 5th dry orgasm and groaned as for the first time ever, I experienced a multiple orgasm, or what I presumed was one as the spasms just came in wave after wave of sensations. I'd never felt anything like it, my entire body, shaking but totally restrained. It seemed to last an age and left me breathless. Then with the Man in the barrel plug still vibrating on my prostate the inexorable climb up to orgasm began again.

At least that's what I thought until Steve turned on the rotation too, whispering in my ear "Now to start the prep for your red flag, slut."

The intensity as the plug rotated every second was immense, it took me to a new plane, hard to even concentrate on sucking the piss down, but if I slowed too much, Steve blocked my nose tubes so I had to swallow more quickly to get popper laced oxygen again.

I drank and drank, no doubt some of the piss laced with second hand d**gs, not sure if that had any effect on me with the level of adrenaline, poppers and d**gs already in my pig system. My entire mind was addled and I had no idea what was going on, I was simply on auto pig pilot, sucking, drinking and recycling.

I couldn't help it I was focussed on the plug fucking me and rotating, stretching my ass pussy wider and wider, the snap back or neck of the plug pulling at my hole, teasing it, opening it, making it gape, without the pain I had experienced when Master S had me impale myself.

In fact now as the vibrations and rotations forced the pussy muscle to give up its final token resistance, I knew I no longer had any form of bodily control. I thought that if they took it out my pussy would just gape at the maximum 10 inch opening with no strength to close again.

Even my sucking was an involuntary action, my mind not making me do it, just my natural dirty pigginess coming out.

Steve then led another sub to the wall across from me, another white guy, but slim, I saw his cock cage was not as restrictive as mine and he had no other modifications.

He was strapped over a bench and locked in place directly in my view his ass facing the door and the queue of guys.

Steve drizzled copious quantities of lube on his ass, slapped it hard and said that the next pig was open for use.

Then Steve asked guys to use other urinals while I watched the slaves use.

He took the first cock with a grunt and what must have been a good load of cum soon after, as some of it dribbled from his ass down his leg. The next guy slipped in much more easily with the added lube of some cum and he enjoyed a long hard fuck of the sub.

Having this living porn film in front of me, the piss still recycling from my hard cock, my prostate being pummelled had me so horny, I breathed long and deep breaths keeping my on a high which would be shattered with each ruined orgasm I had. The guy had taken 10 guys of assorted sizes in his ass and I was just beginning to wonder why Steve had put him there, when I got my answer.

"Clench slave." Steve ordered and unstrapped the sub who stood up.

"Now you know what to do, feed the pig slut."

Oh lord, now it all made sense and even in the pig state I was in it appalled me, but I knew there was simply nothing I could do but accept the feed I was going to be given and suck it all down.

The sub walked over to me, turned away from me and backed over my urinal cup pulling his ass cheeks apart so I could see his cum glistening rosebud as he stood with a leg either side of my cup. I then saw his ass hole flex as he was obviously bearing down as though to take a shit and forcing globule after globule of fresh cum from his ass, he stayed there for a good ten minutes. Flexing and feeding over and over again. With probably another half pint of protein for pig.

"See pig you never can have too much cum in you, enjoy the lovely taste."

"Only another hour to go slut in here, you've done well and Master S will love your success and your fetish piss pig look when you are finished, it will be perfect for the cover of your second DVD."

I almost tuned out for the next hour, just drinking what I was given and what flowed from my catheter, recycling and stretching my stomach ever further, although I couldn't see how much with the posture collar on.

The queue never seemed to die down, just a constant stream of guys in need of release into my begging cup.

For the first time I entered the deepest sub space I'd ever been in, no longer conscious of anything, just sucking the liquid down, at one with my place as a urinal. Awoken from this state every quarter of an hour as an orgasm ripped through me completely against my will.

The Sybian was relentless, it was like a Terminator sex machine, incapable of stopping, just milking my prostate over and over again, now as I released another dry ruined orgasm, I started to whimper. I couldn't keep myself in sub space the Sybian was breaking me, taking me to the next stage.

I started to long for release, to be allowed off this dreadful machine. What had been wonderful at the start was breaking my will now.

More guys for what seemed like an age, just pint after pint of warm piss, some dilute, some strong. All the time the relentless Sybian making me it's bitch. I moaned constantly on the edge of orgasm most of the time, despite my balls being empty long ago.

My final customer was a drag queen standing tall in stilettos who simply raised her skirt putting it over my head and rested her huge horse cock and almost sat on the cup, my head in darkness as she fed me. She shook her cock and climbed off, bent to my ear and said that she hoped to see me again later, I could barely hear her but understood the idea.

As I drained the urinal cup, by now my body was processing a steady flow of so much piss, it was simply flowing straight through me in a perfect cycle, I was swallowing pretty constantly to keep the level of piss down in the cup.

Steve came to me and started to undo the bar from my posture collar and my cuffs from the floor.

Was this the time for release from the Sybian, would he take the massive plug out of me, god I hoped so with all of my heart.

Steve instead turned the rotation to its maximum of 120 rotations a minute and increased the vibrations to 6500 rpm the maximum on both settings. As I reached another crushing climax, he lifted me up an inch or two so that the Man in the Barrel had me fully opened and he held me there with my pussy at its maximum stretch for an eternity as the Sybian did its worst.

Finally he turned the b**stly machine off and allowed me to rise slowly up off the massive plug that had been pounding me for so long, I could feel the large ridge as my pussy opened wide to allow the plug to drop out of me.

As I carefully rose to a standing position I could feel the air entering my pussy, I just knew it was gaping wide open. This was confirmed as Steve bent down and pushed most of his hand in, just testing to see how far gone I was in preparation for Master S's huge fist I presumed.

"Umm you're well dilated now pig, perfect for the next challenge of the Pink and Navy blue hankies."

"But first time for a rest for you, you'll need some sleep before the fun for today starts, you've been slutting yourself out for the best part of 15 hours it's Saturday morning and time for you to sleep for a few hours to get back some strength for your next 2 films."

I was relieved to hear that I would finally get some respite, but also wondered what form the rest would take and just what the next two films would be.

My legs were wobbling and as he took the posture collar off I looked down for the first time to see my black shiny pregnant belly and still full tits to the side of the urinal gag. The latex over my stomach which had been so loose, was now stretched tight over what looked like a belly carrying triplets let alone one c***d.

"See slut, you've been bred well, your stomach full of piss and real men's seed, as a slut should be. Time to show you to Master S for the final shot of the film and before your sleep."

Steve led me through the club the catheter still feeding me all of the piss in my stomach. My pussy on show and groped constantly as we walked through the club. I had countless hands reaching up from behind to try to get their fists into this sluts pussy.

We went back through the doors to the shop to a chorus of boos from the crowd, it appeared that they had enjoyed their slut.

Steve led me back to the stage room and towards the tray I knew so well.

I knelt as he pushed me down, incapable of standing anyway.

Master S entered and looked at me as I knelt with my legs wide apart and my pussy gaping. Seeing the black shiny latex urinal in front of him. My tits and stomach stretching my latex suit to the maximum making me look like a pregnant sow, but for the raging cock fitted with the catheter.

He smiled and nodded his head. "Better than we could have hoped for Steve, this one is a real pig, not a pretend one, we'll never lose him, he'll be ours for years now and he will long to come back to serve as soon as he boards a plane for home. We have freed his inner pig and allowed it to wallow in filth and depravity without any concerns, that truly is a gift."

"This as the final shot is perfect, now please drain the pig and put him to bed for a few hours before the auction."

Not sure what it meant but feeling the horniness building up and the emptiness of my pussy, I needed to be filled again.

Steve took out the feeding tube from my urinal gag and put it to drain into a large bucket. Then he took off the urinal gag and set it aside. He removed the cock ring around my glans.

The flow from my catheter just continued and he began to fill a second bucket as my stomach began to go down.

The flow of piss and cum was slowing and finally came to a drizzle as it filled the second bucket.

Master S looked on and whistled at the amount that I had managed to hold in my piggie stomach.

"You have done well piggie, these films will sell well for us, of that I am sure and the perfect auditions for the auction later today, now sleep well piggie." With that he left the room.

Steve removed the catheter and began to work my cock again.

I moaned " no please not that." Steve simply replied that it was Masters command.

He proceeded to milk me to completion which although I was almost spent, gave me the most complete release after all the dry orgasms i had suffered on the Sybian. This felt amazing until Steve coated a huge ball gag in my cum and wedged it into my mouth strapping it tightly in place. He then repeated his earlier trick of coating my nostrils with cum so that I had the smell completely in my head.

Steve reached behind me and massaged some lotion into my pussy, I felt the gape closing up under his ministrations, surely I'd be plugged again, but I hoped not.

Steve lifted me up again and tucked my cock inside the rubber suit, zipping up the suit over my butt and covering my pussy, which for the first time for some time wasn't filled.

He led me down the corridor to yet another room, this one with black walls and a black rubber narrow bed which he told me to lie on. I almost collapsed onto it and he began to position my in the desired position, spread-eagled on the bed.

"Now it's time to sleep piggie, you'll need it."

As he pulled the other end of the rubber bag over me I felt as though I was going to bed relatively normally albeit in a rubber kink bed. But then he d****d the sheet over my face and pushed a breathing tubes into my nostrils I realized all too late that it was not.

I felt the sheet pulled tight on all four corners and then the buzz of the vacuum could be felt through the sheets. I was in a vacbed and could feel the top rubber sheet tightening and encasing me although I could no longer see anything.

I couldn't move my arms any more or my legs.

Once the extraction of air was complete Steve stroked my clit through the rubber until it hardened, which wasn't easy with the rubber pulling down against it. Then he concentrated on my nipples working them hard through the two layers of rubber and then finishing off by stroking them so gently that I could tell that they were protruding very proudly.

His final stroking had both excited me and yet relaxed me. I was starting to feel sleepy despite my current predicament. Then I felt his hand whisper over my face and the outline of the cum covered ball gag and my lips. The way he traced my face was still so sensual through the layers of rubber.

I then realised that he had reconnected some poppers to my nose tubes and breathed in happily, time to be relaxed horny and asleep.

I drifted quickly off to sleep, spent and exhausted by my work.

I woke with a start, someone stroking my cock through the rubber. It's one thing to go to sleep exhausted, d**gged and horny in a rubber Vacbed, but entirely something else to wake up in one.

The claustrophobia was immediate and intense, not being able to move was frightening at first, then as I realized where I was, I began to calm a little.

My breathing was so elevated though that I'd inadvertently taken in massive doses of poppers in the last couple of minutes, I was completely high again.

I tried to slow my breathing down as I heard a zip being used and then felt hands actually on my cock, the vacuum was broken and the sheets began to loosen, then I felt the unmistakable entry of a Foley catheter into my cock.

Presumably I would be drinking again. I felt whoever it was inflate the bag inside my bladder and then the rubber over my face was unzipped.

The once cum covered ball gag, which I'd licked and sucked clean was removed, much to my relief with the aching jaw I had. Then a cock gag was placed in my mouth and inflated to lock it into place, before the stream of warm salty piss flowed through it.

The taste was so intense that normally I'd have gagged, but in the current state I was in, the extra flavor was satisfying me.

Satiating my need for sluttiness. Making me feel so dirty as I thirstily sucked it down.

It seemed fitting that I should be drinking something so intensely flavoured as the starter to the next session of earning my next hankies, the ones I had walked into the shop fantasising about most of all. The pink dildo fuckee one and the Navy Blue anal fuckee one.

I had no idea of the time, as I was released from the constraints of the rubber, but presumed it must be Saturday afternoon.

Only 24 hours or so since I'd first walked into the shop as a real man. I felt that was the last time I would ever feel like a real man again.

There was no going back, even though I would go back to work and my married life after this amazing weekend. Something deep inside me had changed, or been released.

I was now a pig, not a wannabe straight slut looking for something a little out of the ordinary, but instead a complete gay pig in my mind.

One who craved complete and utter degradation at hands of real men. I imagined sitting in a business meeting in the future and thinking about the guy I'd be negotiating with.

I thought I'd be wondering if he was a top, how big his cock would be, how it would feel in my mouth and thirsting for the taste of his cum and piss.

The next question I asked myself though, really revealed just how far I had gone, how deep I now was. I imagined how I would try to think of making those dirty fantasies come true. Trying to hint to the guy I'm negotiating with that I'd happily be his slut, that he could use me as he liked.

I was a pig, a real pig, now in my mind. No longer one being forced or trained to be a pig.

Fuck what had they done to me, or what had I done to myself?

The hood was removed and as I felt the air on my face I realized just how sweaty it was in the rubber suit.

As Steve removed it I was completely covered in perspiration, glistening in the light.

"Perfect slut, you're sweating like the proverbial pig, just as Master S said you would. We want you to smell raunchy as we put you up for auction. The cum coating your nostrils must still be giving you a lovely aroma of your pig spunk and the taste of piss filling your mouth and throat."

"You really are a dirty, sweaty, smelly, little pig, just how I hoped you'd turn out when I first thought you were a candidate."

I stood head bowed as he peeled the rest of the rubber off my sweaty smooth body.

My muscles felt rested and with the poppers I'd inhaled I felt horny again, my cock standing to attention with the catheter in feeding me the last of the contents of my bladder, which Steve then removed followed by the gag.

"Hold a large mouthful of piss slut."

I did as instructed and kept a full mouthful of strong piss in my mouth.

"Open wide and take these two tablets from Master S."

I open my mouth tilting my head back and Steve popped the pills into my mouth and I swallowed them with the mouthful of piss.

I knew these would take me back to the heavenly pig state I had been in, going deeper with the additional d**gs, reaching my full piggie potential.

As he peeled the rubber suit from my tits, the rubber clung to them and my nipples, pulling hard and drawing a gasp and moans from me. There was real pain, but it felt so, so good.

"As you can see pig your tits are still pretty much the same nice D cup, God I love the look of them on you, they actually suit you, they really do."

"You never know you might want to keep them slut."

What he said almost made sense in the state I was in, how it would feel on Sunday afternoon was another matter, but for the moment I was proud of my tits and my huge nipples.

"But your pig belly has shrunk a lot, as I released all that piss from you last night. We won't fill you up quite as much, but you will be fed more cum and piss in the films to come, no doubt of that."

"So we should see it grow nice and swollen again" Steve was enjoying being the pig master I thought.

"So let me look at you, still smooth, nice big pig udders and teats, sweating liberally, smelling of cum and piss, ummmm all very good, but for one thing."

I had a fair idea of what that might entail and this time it not only didn't scare me, I wanted it.

"Time to turn your hard little faggot cock back into a clit, isn't it slut."

"Yes please Sir." The staggering thing is I meant it, it was what I wanted. I knew that would please Master S and make him happy and I longed to make Master happy.

Steve smiled at me, that was what he'd wanted to hear, no pathetic begging to not have my cock transformed, instead a good piggie, knowing it's place and the way things should be.

That is knowing that what is good for pig is what pig is told is good for it.

"It's so good that you now realise that any pleasure you get, comes only from satisfying real men."

"Sucking your protein reward from them, being fed and watered, or being a hole to be fucked." I nodded as Steve told me the reality of my situation.

"That's all you are now. A tongue, a throat, a pussy, a toilet, that's what you chose to be."

"No one else chose this for you, your dirty, little, slutty, choices of hankies have resulted in this. You're living your own personal dirty fantasy aren't you pig?"

I simply replied "Yes Sir, I made all these choices. I deserve to be a pig, it is my true place. Please make my cock go away and give me my piggie clit back Sir."

Steve looked at me and smiled, realizing that I now knew my true position in life. That I genuinely realized that I was and deserved to be a pig.

He knew I was completely mentally and physically broken, he and Master S had dismantled me piece by piece.

To have me request that particular humiliation and pain, meant he now knew they owned my mind, my body and my soul completely.

"Sit down on the bed then slut."

Steve bent down and started to milk me, long almost tender strokes at first, then speeding up and pulling painfully on the foreskin, wanking me hard. I was naked and free, my hands and arms my own, if only I had wanted to stop him.

I didn't, I simply sat there waiting for the inevitable release, wanting to see the transformation of my cock in full this time.

He milked me to completion and again used his cum dipped finger to anoint my nasal passages liberally with as much cum as they could take.

He pushed his coated finger a full half inch into my nostrils, repeatedly to coat them in my pig muck. Then he held his fingers to my mouth which I licked and sucked.

The taste of cum almost a constant in my mouth and throat as much as the aroma of cum was in my nostrils. I'd had this taste and smell assaulting my senses for hours and hours now. He then took the final bit of residue and coated my swollen lips.

"There, perfect lip gloss for the perfect slut."

Steve stood and brought a small box over to the bed, containing the small metal chastity cage from earlier, deep heat, an ice pack, all the necessary equipment for the transformation of my cock.

He was on his knees in front of me and seeing him there had my cock starting to harden again, until he took the ice and wrapped the flexible pack around my cock.

Again an intense feeling, which made me moan more. It also had the desired result withering my cock, making it shrink from the hard 6 inch rod it was to a pathetic little worm, the head covered in a full baggy foreskin.

Steve then took the urethral plug and coated it in deep heat, the smell reminding me of the pain I had felt as he had done that for the first time. This should have frightened me and made me flinch, but I knew I needed this.

He picked up the metal cuff and carefully forced my swollen sac into it, locking it in place with a small padlock. Making the single sac bulge obscenely. Then he took my flaccid cock, pulled back the foreskin between thumb and forefinger as fully as he could revealing the purple head which would become my pig clit.

He held the cage with the urethral plug in it and slowly teased the coated plug into my piss hole, the deep heat warming up and warning of the pain to come.

As he gently forced the plug into me, the head of my cock started to swell, but before the shaft could swell, he locked the cage tightly against my belly and locked it securely to the ring around my ball sac.

Now only an inch of head was showing above the big ball sac, the rest of the shaft was forced to remain out of sight inside my body.

The purple head was now straining against the bars of its cage with the deep heat warming up my entire groin area.

Steve flicked the cage with his finger making me shudder. "There you go pig, you have your clit back and that pathetic excuse for a cock is now gone, as it should be."

The head was swelling more and more as the d**gs he'd recently given me began to course through my veins.

"Thank you Sir, I feel much better now." I meant it, the process of removing my manhood was now directly linked in my brain to being free to wallow in the humiliation of being a true gay pig.

I didn't realise it at the time, but I had been programmed to accept and embrace that freedom, to be the most wanton, pig slut that I could possibly be for my Master.

Seeing myself in my own mind as a smooth, fat, big nippled, titted pig, with a clit, a mouth and pussy to be used purely for real men's pleasure.

That was how I now thought of myself, just as Master S had wanted. How I would think of myself in the future would be the real question.

When I had first walked into the shop, what I truly fantasised about was having my ass stuffed with dildos and cocks.

Now was the time for that dream to become a reality over and over again. I was actually looking forward to the auction, not really knowing what it meant.

If I'd only chosen two hankies it would have been these two, so my mind was in a very happy place. I stupidly thought I'd earned the hard hankies.

Steve walked across to the equipment cupboard and came back to me holding a large O-ring gag and told me to open wide. I did as instructed and he only just managed to fit the large O ring into my mouth holding it wide open for use. He then strapped it in place tightly.

"Now slut I get to use that pig throat of yours, I've been waiting for this and I have very full balls that I need to empty. I think some poppers first though slut, just to top up your levels."

He brought my pig mask out from the cupboard and strapped that over my head fitting the nose plugs into my cum soaked nostrils, the tightness of the fit ensuring that I would be breathing in pure poppers from now on.

I was proud to be wearing it, it felt right to show my true position to all who saw me.

He pushed me back onto the bed and told me lie on my back and to put my head over the end of the bed.

As he stood behind me, he pushed my head back and down and my tongue was running around the metal ring of the O-ring gag desperate for a taste of his cock.

"Just look at you whore, you're so desperate for my cock aren't you slut, it's like watching a crack whore, desperate for her next fix, you dirty little bitch?"

I just nodded eagerly looking up at his body, I was completely turned on by his humiliation of me. I must have been a picture, lying there, smooth, pink, my huge ball sac swollen and above it the angry purple head of my piggie clit. My impressive breasts, topped off by long swollen nipples and my still almost pregnant belly, what a sight on the black rubber bed.

He opened his trousers and although hard to see with the mask on and lying on my back his cock was stunning and huge. So, so thick that even in its half hard state I wasn't sure it would go through the big O-ring.

Steve let the blood flow into his newly released cock and it started to rise until it stood horizontal at my open mouth, not quite fully erect. I groaned into my gag, trying to move closer to his cock to get my fix.

He smiled down at me as I began to almost hyper ventilate taking on huge lung fulls of poppers. As he smiled at me, he moved his hips forward until just the glistening cut head of his magnificent cock was inside the O-ring, between my swollen lips.

I could taste his last piss and probed his piss hole with my tongue, which pleased him greatly if the groan he emitted was anything to go by.

I swirled my tongue around the hard swelling head of his cock, licking every little crevice around the glans of his cock. The flavor was that of a proper man, a man to whom I was just a piece of meat to be used.

He then leant in more, pushing his cock to the back of my throat where it met resistance, he rocked to and fro making me gag each time. Each stroke was a little deeper and held there for a fraction longer.

The saliva was building in my mouth coating his cock, each time he took it out the saliva was building in ropes, covering his cock and my lips dripping onto the nose hoses feeding me poppers in my nostrils.

I wasn't restrained in any way other than the gag and clit cage. I no longer needed to be restrained, I simply lay limp on the bed, hands by my side as submissive as I could be, just a hole to fuck and fill.

Steve took his time, he simply wasn't in a hurry, apparently enjoying using his pigs hole for his pleasure.

His beautiful cock was swelling further and was rock hard now, the ring was now providing him with a lot of stimulation as it was tight around his cock as he fucked my face.

I'd lost any feeling for time. In the gallon cum session earlier it had simply been a matter of satisfying cocks and getting through them.

Now though, I desperately wanted to please Steve. As I looked up at his tight abs my tongue on the top of his cock as he slid it down my gullet, I tried to use my tongue to stimulate him further to get my fix of protein.

I felt the need deep inside me, for the injection of his man spunk, it was a pure craving now, I knew I needed it, I was hungry to be fed, completely addicted.

He held my head in two hands with long languid strokes of his cock now beyond the back of my throat, going deep down my straightened hole.

As he bottomed out the pig nose of my mask nearly at his arsehole, his balls resting on the eye holes in the mask, another level of subjugation was achieved.

As he rested there. Me gagging gently on his cock and stimulating him still further I realized that I was no longer scared by this.

Now my dirty thoughts were that I wanted to taste his arse hole to stick my tongue in there and taste my superior.

Steve pulled out and then had a last few frantic but long strokes before he bottomed out again and fed me my meal. His massive cock pulsed a number of times, breeding my throat again.

He pulled out leaving my face covered in in a mix of saliva and cum.

"Now that was very, very good piggie, you took my cock like a pro, you really are improving hour by hour. By the time we're finished with you, you'll be a very popular little piggie."

Hearing the words had my clit straining again, it simply turned me on to be pleasing him.

He reached behind my mask and undid the O-Ring gag, taking it out leaning down over me, looking into my eyes before he kissed me deeply, his tongue reaching into my mouth and sharing the cum in with me.

My heart leapt at this first example of anything more than humiliation of a pig. For a brief moment he treated me as a human. As he continued to kiss me, he pinched my nipples hard and I cried out with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

My nipples now seemed to be totally connected to my clit and it throbbed as he pinched them.

"Now I'm in need of a good rimming slut." As he said this he dropped his shorts completely to the floor and stood astride my face facing my clit, he pulled his muscly cheeks apart to show me his tight rosebud.

I tried to lift my head but couldn't reach as he teased me a little before lowering his hole onto my willing and eager tongue.

I wanted to taste him, delving my tongue as deeply into his sweaty hole as I could, swirling and circling. Trying with all my might to please him.

He started to blow onto my clit making it twitch in its cage. Then I felt him lick the head through the bars, my clit head straining against the cage as it tried in vain to grow.

I continued to lick and worship his arse, desperate to satisfy him. Hearing the moans from Steve, convincing me that I was indeed doing a good job. He ground down on my face, rubbing his ass on my mouth and face and working my nipples as hard as he could all the time.

The taste of sweat and a dominants ass made me hungry for more, I delved in as deeply as I could, trying to open his ass hole with my tongue, driving in as deeply as I could.

As he moved off my face, I had obviously done a good job if his raging hard cock was anything to go by.

"Well done pig, now it's time to get you ready for the auction."

He had me sit up on the bed and sit with my legs over the side. He tucked his package back into his shorts with difficulty thanks to his erect cock.

"Firstly let's get those nipples looking even more perkier." He took out the Oxballs Hog nipple suckers from earlier and attached the first one to my right nipple.

The pain was intense as the sucker, pulled the nipple out further, but I knew the look would be good. He applied the other one to my left nipple and then had me stand up, the big nipple suckers jutting out from my inflated tits like a Madonna bra.

"We need you to glisten for this auction, so I'll use this oil all over your body. It'll also make your body even more sensitive for the next session."

As I stood there he slowly oiled my calves and thighs, paying particular attention to my upper thighs. He then coated my balls liberally in the oil so they almost shone. More attention was lavished on my pussy working the oil into the hole with 3 or 4 fingers, working it in deeply and re-opening my pussy again.

Stroking my ass cheeks and coating them well before he smacked both ass cheeks 3 times firmly just to pink them up a little.

He worked on my back, shoulders then my stomach, before coating each breast well, but leaving the nipples hidden under their persistent suckers. When he took the nipple suckers off and stood back to admire his work he smiled.

Judging by the extreme way both nipples protruded on the end of my new tits and the fact that he had not oiled my nipples I presumed that they might be in for some work of another kind shortly.

"Excellent, you look like a greased pig at a county fair. Time for your pig harness now slut."

Steve pulled a leather harness out from the cupboard.

"Here this will show you off to the best effect for the bidders."

He started to attach the harness, 2 straps over my shoulders coming down and meeting between my tits in an O ring with two other straps from the O ring going under my tits and attached to a further O ring in the middle of my back, which also had the back of the shoulder straps attached to them.

The straps at the front were effectively forming a tight bra for me, pushing my piggie tits out further and upwards, accentuating them.

Another large strap went down from the O ring beneath my tits and locked into place on the top of the ring surrounding my ball sac. The final strap went down my back to a third O ring with two straps then forming a tight belt (with D rings) around my waist and attaching to the strap at the front just above my clit.

The main strap on the back had a large handle, presumably for pulling the sub closer or onto a hard waiting cock.

I felt that the harness showed off my assets as much as it restrained me. As Steve locked, strapped and clipped everything in place, I simply kept on breathing in my endless supply of poppers to get myself ready for the session ahead.

His final adjustment was to cup each breast in his hand in turn, pulling them out of the bra and tightening that as much as he possibly could to really push my tits up and together.

"There, that's much better slut, now they will pay top dollar for you and we'll get excellent film footage."

Steve then attached two leather cuffs to my hands, padlocking them in place. He connected those to the D rings on the belt of the harness and finally he put my posture collar back on.

"Now you're ready for the showing, all we have to do is get you plugged."

Thank goodness for that, my pussy was still gaping slightly after his lusty fingering and I longed to be properly filled again.

Steve led me back into the stage room, but this time there was a strange looking bench of three slim pieces of leather clad padded steel. The top slim bench was to lie my pregnant belly on, whilst at the top it narrowed still further to allow my tits to hang down either side of the 2 inches of padded steel.

My legs were on two benches coming out in a Y shape, ensuring that my legs were wide apart and allowing full and complete access to my pussy once I was strapped in.

Steve unclipped my hands from the belt and had me kneel down and gingerly rest my stomach on the bench, as I lowered my tits to it, he pulled each one to the side to have them as obviously shown off as possible.

He then locked my hands to the two front legs securing my upper body. He followed that with a wide strap across my back holding my belly tight to the bench. This was repeated at my knees and ankles.

I was thus restrained kneeling, my pussy at cock height as was my mouth. My tits hanging down ready to be used and abused.

My entire body glistening in the light, my pig mask feeding me constantly with poppers and the harness making the most of my assets.

I was completely immobile and I loved that feeling as I always had whenever I had been restrained by a Domme or Dom in the past.

"Ok slut you look lovely but I want to start getting you ready for guests and your next hanky challenge."

He took out a box and opened it in front of my eyes.

"Do you recognise this slut."

"Yes Sir I do it's a Folsom electric butt plug."

"That's right pig, this one has two electrodes, it's a bipolar plug so we can use this one on its own. Have you experienced one before pig?"

I nodded.

"Good I knew a little dirty fuck slut like you would have. Now this is the biggest metal plug size they produce, but your slack pussy will eat it happily."

"As you know once I turn this joker on, it will be as though a massive cock is fucking you vigorously. This is to get you in the mood to show off to the bidders but also to start the final preparations for your red hanky later on tomorrow."

Shit I'd forgotten about the red hanky all that time ago. Could I really do that with someone of Master S's size?

Then again, more to the point, I realized I simply had no choice in the matter. As Master S's pig I would take his fist, repeatedly.

Steve took the metal butt plug and without lube he started to rub this against my ass pussy. Once he had the head of the plug lined up he simply pushed firmly and continued to push until the plug opened me back up.

My pussy took the plug in greedily and then clenched onto the snap back.

The weight was so noticeable weighing on my pussy from the inside.

"Now time to get your plug attached to the box, to get you in the mood to meet your bidders."

I knew what was coming and longed for it, I always loved the feeling of electro plugs and so wanted him to turn it on soon, the craving was building in me to feel my pussy being fucked by the machine.

He brought the Estim box and attached it to a steel tray jutting off the outside of one of the steel legs of the bench and made the necessary connections.

I breathed in more to get as much poppers as I could, holding my breath to maximise the hit, not knowing if Steve would start this off slowly.

He turned it on relatively gently and the plug began to do its thing. The periodic current forcing my ass muscles to clench completely involuntarily.

That control left me a long time ago. But now the muscles contracted and relaxed at the plugs bidding. The effect of this was to make me feel that a good sized cock was fucking my pussy.

I knew from previous times that should he turn the dial higher I would truly feel that I was being gang ****d on the maximum setting.

As one Mistress Valeska had once said to me with glee "It will feel like a gang of big black guys are fucking you at the same time slut". It turned out she was right.

Steve then attached two vibrating nipple clamps to my big nipples, hanging weights off them too, to ensure that I had stimulation in a couple of different ways.

I moaned like the pig slut I had become, as he set the weights swinging from side to side.

I closed my eyes and wallowed in my piggie state, loving the high I was experiencing. I tuned out for some time and had no idea how long.

I was just focusing on the swinging of the weights stretching my massive nipples still further and the exquisite ministrations of the butt plug fucking my pussy so beautifully. I was in absolute heaven and would happily have been left like that overnight.

That was not to be the case though.

As I felt a strong hand on my head, squeezing my scalp through the pig mask, I realized that Master S was standing by me. I came out of the reverie I was in and realised that in my d**gged state I hadn't even noticed the groups of guys who had filed in.

I also realised that I was moaning with every contraction of the plug, feeling my pussy being worked over and my nipples being stretched. I just couldn't help the moaning and grunting, now I even sounded like a pig on heat.

This was my happiest place, the lovely warmth of the poppers, the heady feelings, breathing in so deeply and holding my breath for the release to hit me as hard as possible.

The feeling of all control taken away, not being able to move a muscle of my own volition. Being completely controlled by my Master and his machine. I loved every second of it and would have been happy to be left there for the next night, but I had to earn my remaining hankies.

Master S addressed the crowd "Here we all are again gents, I hope that you have your credit cards ready as I'm going to auction off my new pig for the next 6 hours, for him to earn his Navy blue and pink hankies."

"So let's just set out the rules before the bidding starts, any hanky that he has already earned is fair game. The light blue hanky means as much hard and heavy cock sucking as you like and feel free to use any latex and bondage equipment in the cupboards around the room for his light grey and charcoal hankies."

The heads around the room just nodded as they smiled at the thought of using me.

"This slutty pig loved earning his cream and yellow hankies, so please feel free to enjoy force feeding him as much piss and cum as you possibly can. I'd love to see his pregnant sow belly even bigger than it was before. So please make sure he's refed any piss that he passes."

"The requirements of the groups were that all of you have some black guys, so the black and white hanky will be covered. Of course the entire event is being filmed so he'll earn his black velvet hanky that way."

"Now to what is not covered, no one can fist him, that is my treat after all you have got him ready for me. He didn't choose a brown one so s**t is out, but we of course allow him to be used for rimming."

"He's not a complete pain pig, so not too much serious punishment, unless it comes in the form of the hankies already described."

"Do we all understand the rules?"

A general murmur of agreement went around the room, heads nodded to make the point.

As this happened I looked carefully around the room and studied the groups each of 8 guys. It was like the Warriors film with each group dressed in one particular style.

The first a set of skin heads in denim and leather harnesses. The second a set of suits. Then a group of big bears. Finally a leather men set.

As I surveyed the room I should have been terrified but I had been conditioned to my current situation, as a pig I couldn't decide which group looked the best to train me, not that it mattered, I didn't have any say in it.

"Let the bidding begin at a ridiculously low $100 then."

Master S received the first bid from the Leather men, then one arm after another rose denoting new bids, Skinheads, Leather, Bears, Leather, Bears, Skin heads, Bears, Skin heads, Leather.

Master S called out the $1000 bid with gusto, he was clearly pleased with the level of the bids.

No more hands were raised, "Going once,"

Then up went the leader of the suits, $2000 dollars he called out.

The skin heads shook their heads as did the bears, the leader of the leather men looked at his colleagues most of whom gently shook their heads. It seemed that my worth as a pig was $2000 and not a cent more.

"Going once, ... Going twice... sold to the suits, well done gentlemen, enjoy your prize piggie"."

"For all the rest of you feel free to retire to the bar where there will be a live feed of the session so you can enjoy watching."

Surely I thought these would be the easiest and most civilized group to be used by. Funny as with most of the thoughts I'd had, that turned out to be a long way from the truth.

I was still strapped to the bench and completely helpless, the electric butt plug fucking my pussy steadily and the weights from my long extended nipples swinging gently on the end of my huge D size saline injected tits. My moans were steady and constant, those of a complete pig in pure sexual heaven. I was in my perfect place, wallowing in the degradation and humiliation, simply craving more abuse, much more.

The harness I was strapped so tightly into, was holding my new breasts firmly and pushing them out and the handles and belts on the harness, were there for any tops to get a good hold of for leverage should they need it. I felt that the harness just finished the look off perfectly.

The only guys left as I opened my eyes were the 8 suited ones, elegant, smart tailored suits and crisp white shirts. All 8 of them, good looking guys and all athletic. Looking at them I realised the cost they had just spent on me, would have been a fraction of the cost of just one of their suits.

I wondered how this would all work, 6 hours of trying to satisfy 8 guys, could be interesting, I thought in true pig mode. Not having had a real cock in my pussy for the 24 hours since my adventure began, meant it was becoming an itch I longed to have scratched, over and over again.

They had pulled a table up off to the side but in my vision, chairs were pulled up and then a waiter came in with food and drinks and cards. Shit they were settling in for a poker night.

I couldn't tell if they were even bothered about me at all. Instead of relief, I felt loss and desperation, I longed to be used. I shouldn't have worried.

I realized one of the guys was by my side, as he started to stroke my oiled back and ass, cupping each cheek in turn. He then gave the base of the plug a good push upwards and that squeezed a louder moan from me. He continued his ministrations pushing the plug up deeper in time with the electrical contractions.

"Shhhh slut, be quiet or we'll have to gag you, won't we piggie."

I got the distinct feeling the gagging was inevitable from the way he said it. Then he reached down to the Estim box and turned the dial up higher and turned a second dial. The effect of this was both immediate and intense to me. The electrical contractions of the plug speeded up considerably and the strength of them was so much greater.

Now instead of me being in a gentle soporific, horny state, I suddenly felt as though my pussy was being ****d by a horse. The speed of the contractions was mind blowing, not only that but every few seconds a rapid pulse of contractions would make it feel like my pussy was being stretched beyond its limits. I guess a pig doesn't have limits. I couldn't help it, I screamed out loudly with a mix of sexual ecstasy and pain.

"No that's far too loud slut, I told you we'd gag you bitch".

At this stage I hadn't even seen the guy, I saw his elegant pants and the back of the crisp white shirt walking away from me as he went to the equipment cupboard, coming back with a butterfly gag in his hand.

The 2 inch wide black rubber butterfly bulb was pushed into my mouth as I let out another load moan at the fucking I was taking. Then he proceeded to inflate the gag to fill my entire mouth and absorb my louder cries. I couldn't get it out of my mouth even if I tried now, it held my jaw wide open and was effectively locked inside my mouth by my teeth.

With the chance to breathe through my mouth gone totally, all the air I could get now was completely and heavily saturated with poppers from my mask. The level I had been taking on was greatly increased.

I was entering the state where all I wanted to do was to give myself over to being a complete popper pig as I had in the past so many times alone in my hotel room whilst eagerly watching "Sissy Hypno videos" and bouncing on various anal toys.

Nothing mattered more to my addled mind than getting more poppers into my system, maximising the levels in my blood stream. I could feel my nipples, clit and pussy being worked and I loved it, every single second of it. It was hugely intense but I was levelling out at the new higher level of pain and pleasure, growing to not just accept it but also to like being in that new place.

He walked away and sat down leaving the butt plug on the higher power level. I was being fucked royally without anyone even near me.

Moaning into the gag, building me to the edge of orgasm as my prostate reacted to the electrical reaming of my pussy. I could no longer focus on anything other than the feeling of the horse cock in my ass (even though it was simply a 2 inch wide metal plug) fucking me. It was all consuming, the only thing in my mind as my pussy, clenched and relaxed, clenched and relaxed, violently every second or so.

The it washed over me, alone, restrained, harnessed and with no one even near me, no one touching me, I came, long, hard and repeatedly. It was undoubtedly the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

An all-consuming, multiple orgasm took hold of me, as I bucked against my bondage,so tightly restrained, the orgasm crashed through me like a tsunami of pleasure.

The same guy in the white shirt came back over "Look guys our little piggie is so turned on at the thought of taking all of our cocks, it's cum, without even being touched." I think it's ready for round 1 don't you.

With that two of the other suits stood and stripped and folded their expensive trousers and shirts carefully, dr****g them over the chairs until they were completely naked. I stared hungrily at their swinging dicks as they walked over.

It seemed that these guys were the ones after the mustard hankies, both packing a good 10 inches of hardening man meat. One white and one black, both with rock hard abs and powerful legs. Both obviously athletic, toned and with their dicks above smoothly shaved balls, they were beautiful to look at in my current state. Master S had turned me into a complete fuck pig.

I remembered the time I'd been in session with Mistress Valeska and she'd told me that the plug on its highest setting would feel like I was being gang ****d by a group of horny black guys. That was the day she's first fisted me with her petite hand. She'd then said she would invite her black big cocked boyfriend to come and make me his bitch. I had screamed no at the time as I reached a huge orgasm and she laughed saying maybe next time I'd beg for it to actually happen.

I'd moved on from that mistake (looking back I'd always wished I had asked Mistress Valeska to get her boyfriend to make me his bitch., now I knew that I wanted their meat, I wanted it in my mouth and down my pig throat. The guy who had spoken removed my gag and I moaned loudly. He turned the butt plug off and swiftly pulled it out, leaving my pussy gaping wide open like a true slut, ready to be ravaged.

The shirt guy picked up the tray that had been underneath me and had caught the copious ejaculate that had made it past the urethral plug and to my amazed eyes he lovingly coated the black guys cock head with my pig cum. Seemed that they were very good friends.

The massive black circumcised rod in front of me was jutting skywards, with my cum having made the cock head a creamy mocha colour, which I was hungry for, desperate for.

All I could do was strain to get closer to it, I needed to be fed more. I breathed in as many poppers as I could loving the descent into depravity.

The beautiful black guy, just smiled down at me and moved a step closer. I could smell my cum on his cock and wanted to clean it off, with my tongue and devour it.

The salty, bitter aroma, instead of revolting me as it had earlier, made me ravenously hungry, I had been re-programmed for this over the last day. Knowing this was just my pig appetizer before I started the main course of load after load of spunk to fill and make my belly pregnant once more.

I was reaching out with my tongue, much to their amusement until he deigned to put his cock head into my mouth, at which point I sucked and licked every last crevice of his cock to get my fix.

Lovingly sucking on the head, working my tongue in 360 degree motion under the glans, trying to make love to this magnificent black cock which made my clit look so pathetic, but also showed my true place as a white pig faggot. I cleaned every part of his cock head, revelling in the manly taste, knowing that I was just inferior to this God.

In my mind I had truly become what Master S had set out to turn me into, a gay pig. I was licking the cock clean and was glad it hadn't been washed perfectly clean, I was enjoying tasting the heady cocktail mix of cum, sweat and piss, it was what I deserved, all I was good for, that I now knew.

I stretched my neck forward in an attempt to straighten my pig gullet to take more of his manhood. He put his hand under my chin and forcefully lifted it a little further. He then gripped the strap of my harness with his other hand and in one single, swift motion, he rocked forward and sunk his entire shaft deep into my throat.

In all the times I had taken cock kin my throat in the last 24 hours, there had been some working up to get past the muscles at the back of my throat, but not for this man, in that one movement he owned me, I was his completely.

As I gagged and gagged unable to breathe, massaging his manhood with the contractions of my throat, I marvelled that I was managing to do this and was no longer scared out of my wits by not being able to draw breath.

As he withdrew until only the head was between my lips, instead of finding it to be a respite, I felt bereft. Then he and the white guy, who I had not noticed behind me lining up his own impressive cock at my pussy, both took me with one single thrust. Within one second the breath was squeezed out of me from both ends. I swear I could feel their cocks almost touching deep inside my piggy body.

I'd been spit-roasted before but only by one cock and a strap-on, never by two cocks, and I'd never had one this size let alone two. The pain was phenomenal and without the dulling effect of the huge levels of poppers I'd had, I would have been unable to cope.

The crest of the wave of the d**gs though meant the pain melded with pleasure as the strokes continued. Thank God the Electric butt plug had given my pussy such a work out stretching and contracting the muscles in preparation for what I was being fucked with now.

They settled into a rhythm whereby both rammed into me at exactly the same moment, overwhelming my senses completely. The harness provided great traction for both of them allowing them to lever themselves relentlessly deep into my body.

The cock in my pussy was so big that I felt sure if I could see it, my pussy hole would be clinging to it on every out stroke and distending outwards. He was pushing with both hands on each of my butt cheeks prising the big globes apart to ensure that he sank every last morsel of his beautiful rod into my willing hole.

My nipples were on fire as the weights swung wildly both ways, stretching my already distended tits and nipples mercilessly. What a movie this stage was going to make. I no longer cared that many people would see my degradation, I revelled in it.

I was just a pig in a harness to be fucked, to be used, ravaged and hopefully filled and fed, the only noise I could make being to grunt with each thrust of my superiors cocks. As they proceeded to work together, they encouraged each other to harder and harder strokes and getting themselves to the right position where they could feed me simultaneously, I focussed only on taking in any poppers I could, when I got a brief chance to breathe.

Master S, must be loving watching his pig get properly fucked, I wondered briefly if he'd be hard himself whilst watching this stage of his pigs training now. The man I was when I walked into the shop, had gone and been completely replaced now. Just a glistening oiled, white, pregnant pig ready for breeding by real men.

Their pace quickened if that was possible.

"You ready to give this bitch his feed Drey?"

"Fuck yeah Mike, let's give it both barrels."

Their use of "it" rather than "he" to describe me, was becoming more of a common theme, it seemed appropriate to me.

At that moment, I felt my pussy being filled with what felt like a pint of hot cum, whilst the black cock in my throat spat out its load in a number of pulses, delivering it straight to my sow stomach without me really even tasting it.

As the cock finished spurting my gagging increased as I ran out of breath, Drey just rested there enjoying the moment. I gagged more and more urgently like someone under water for too long, until Drey finally let me breathe once again. As he withdrew my tongue washed most of the slime from his cock.

"Just remember bitch, I'll withdraw when I'm good and ready, you pull that again and I'll stay deep inside your piggie throat until you pass out faggot, you got that?" slapping my face hard after the question.

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir I weekly added."

Mike took his deflated cock from my pussy and then instructed me to clench if I could. My pussy could no longer do that, I felt him holding something to my pussy hole and he instructed me to try to expel my feed from my pussy. Only one thing that could mean, feeding time again for pig.

I did as instructed and when I'd finished pushing out my pussy as much as I could, he came around to the front with a big babies dummy, the teat of which was full of his cum straight from my ass pussy. He pushed it into my willing mouth. The ultimate humiliation.

"Now suckle on that piggie, get your feed now." I did as I was told eagerly.

The two guys sauntered over to the card table, apparently happy with round 1. Fuck I was exhausted, how many rounds would there be. They simply sat down naked to play the next hand, apparently waiting for their next turn.

As I lay on my stomach, tethered I felt the desperate need to piss, and just like a pig, I couldn't stop myself even if I'd tried. The urethral plug meant it came out in a constant dribble coating my massive ball sac and dripping rather than a stream and collected in a tray below me mixing with a little of the cum still dripping from my red raw pussy. The first guy in the shirt and slacks strolled across to me.

"Hey guys you fucked the piss out of the pig."

"Time to drink up and clear that mess piggie, now open wide."

I knew that the urinal gag was going in, presumably before round 2 started. Once he had the black shiny latex urinal gag strapped over my pig mask I was again only breathing poppers and he then began to pour from the tray below me, all the piss I had just passed into my urinal gag.

"Ok guys the piss pig is open if any of you want a comfort break from the cards.

3 guy stood up and walked over one, by one treating me to a pint or so of warm salty piss to make sure my stomach not only didn't shrink, but positively grew back to its former pregnant glory.

As I gulped down one after the other, desperate to do my job and keep up with their streams, the guy leaned in saying "You really are a dirty fucking whore pig aren't you, you'd do anything your told won't you pig."

I could only nod fractionally with the urinal gag full of piss, but I did so.

"I thought as much, you dirty little bitch, I might just have to buy you from Master S, I could use you at home you fucking cum slut. Ohhh the things I will do to you and make you end up loving, make you end up begging for. Let's see how you get on over the next few hours and see if you can be enough of a pig to satisfy me."

He was obviously the Alpha male of the group and determined to push my limits still further, something which should in reality have frightened me, but in my current headspace it just made my clit harder.

I was desperately trying to drink the last of the piss as he poured more in, but I had reached that stage where my stomach felt it would burst, where you just don't want to drink, where you can't drink and I slowed down my consumption, the level of the piss rising in my urinal.

It seemed this man wanted to encourage me to drink more as he pulled hard on the weights attached to my nipples, stretching them still further and sending pain coursing through every fibre of my body. The salt from the piss had dried my mouth out and weirdly made me feel dehydrated but just getting more piss down into my pig stomach was getting harder and harder.

I swallowed each mouthful with real effort, just to get the warm liquid down, as he worked my tits using the pain to force me to take on more and more piss into my squashed pig belly. I was wishing I was lying on my back rather than my stomach now.

As always in this trial I should have been careful what I wished for.

He snapped on a rubber glove and reached behind me to scoop out any remaining cum which he then scrapped onto the edge of the urinal gag so that it mixed with the last of the piss I had to drink. I realised for the first time that all I'd had to eat for 15 hours or so was cum, but I certainly felt full on it.

I was left empty, sucking the last few remaining drops of my pig cocktail, my pussy gaping wide open if the feeling I had was anything to go by.

"Time to prep for round 2 guys, get the equipment from the corner." Again the guy in control ordered the others around, he was plainly in charge.

I could see the sturdy metal frame they brought out from the dark corner. A rectangular shaped frame, 3 m tall, by 3m square, with springs hanging from the 4 top corners and a leather sling attached to those springs. Stirrups hung from one end to support the legs of the sub too. I had a basic idea of slings having been in a couple during a couple of sessions. At last I wouldn't be resting on my huge pregnant belly, I would be able to lie back and relax. Well maybe not...

The bench I was on was wheeled from over the tray with me still attached to it. Then it was replaced with the sling positioning the edge of the sling over the tray, not a drop to be wasted again.

The nipple clamps were removed and caused me to gasp out in pain, as much as they hurt so much whilst they are on they always hurt so much more intensely when they come off. I was moaning in pain as the Alpha male pinched my nipples bringing them back to full erections, with the amount of saline in them they were now more impressive than ever after the torture they had received whilst I was spit-roasted.

Straps were unbuckled from my thighs and I was unlocked from the bench and lifted up by 4 guys, two under my arms and two under my knees. The two on my arms, lifted me up and backwards as the other two hooked their hands under my knees, effectively lying me on my back and they rotated to position me to be laid on the sling.

I presumed that they didn't think I'd be able to walk, but then thought it might just be about complete control of my body.

As they lifted me into place and began to padlock my cuffs to the straps in each corner, my arms were lifted to full extension up and out to my sides. Then my legs were lifted into the stirrups and buckled tightly. This lifted my knees out and up and to the side of my big belly allowing total access to my ass pussy which was right at the edge of the leather sling. My feet held high and wide, out of the way.

I looked up an there was a massive convex mirror reflecting me in all my piggie glory, so that I could see whatever was done to me, every stroke, every jiggle of my fat white pig body.

My sow belly reflected the lighting and looked huge in front of me, obscenely rounded, massive but also beautiful, to me in the state I was in, just like a truly pregnant pig. The piss and cum wallowing around in their meant the belly was as tight as a drum, with the leather harness forming a perfect push up bra for my big udders topped off by the two swollen purple almost inch long nipples.

I looked completely different to when I had walked in and the look turned me on. I was loving being a pig without any concerns about health, safety or privacy, just an absolute longing to be a complete pig for Master. To excite him, to please him and eventually to satisfy him I hoped.

I thought he'd be watching judging by all the cameras capturing various different angles of my degradation.

My raging purple clit head, still stretching the foreskin and keeping it place as Steve had said it would was desperately pushing against its metal jail, the head trying to expand all the time.

This was a top of the range sling, no chains, just straps to the springs so not the usual clanking as I rocked gently in it. I felt soporific after all I had been through and wondered if I could close my eyes and just breathe in the poppers. The various guys were getting other bits of equipment ready but I just closed my eyes and relaxed my head on the leather pillow of the sling. I felt almost weightless on this sling, it was amazing, I could rock back and forth, side to side and up and down.

Then the Alpha guy was standing at my side, tweaking one engorged nipple in his fingers.

"Wake up slut it's time for your next trial, take a look at what is going to be fucking you next."

I raised my pig masked head and looked between my legs, there was a fucking machine locked in place between my legs.

" Now look at this lovely machine, you ever been fucked by one before?"

I simply shook my head, this was yet another of my fantasies, I'd always wanted to try one of these having seen the fucking machines website. I was excited, stupidly it turned out.

"Well let me explain, this is a state of the art machine, the Shockspot. It's also one of the reasons I bought you, I wanted to try out a lot of Master S's wares, especially this one." He smiled so intensely at me, he was very turned on by what was about to happen.

"Let me tell you a little about the specs of this slut. The depth of the stroke can be as little as 1/8th of an inch or be set at 2 inches or a massive 4 inch stroke. Now I know the 0.2 inch doesn't sound like much, that's because it isn't but at that depth, it can do 1060 strokes per minute. Can you even fathom that, it's 17 strokes per second, but it's only moving an 1/8th of an inch, so pretty much a huge super fast vibrator at that level."

"At the full 4 inches it can still do 250 strokes per minute, so even at that depth, it can still fuck you 4 times a second. Fuck I cannot wait to see you on this, we'll start slow and then build up bitch, how does that sound."

I knew he didn't want any negative comments even though the numbers scared me witless.

"It sounds like what a pig deserves Sir."

"That's so right pig, now that was the good news, here's the bad news, the dildo I'm attaching to this to **** you, is the Cyborg Thunderbolt 8.5 inch. Just take a look."

He lifted the black dildo right up to my lips, my tongue darting out to lick the tip, as I presumed he wanted.

It was like an alien cock, in black but a strange shape, crucially it had three large bumps which I presumed would be doing the damage on my poor raw pussy.

"Slut, this beauty is just a fraction over 2 and ½ inches in diameter at its widest point, that's a beautiful 8.5 inch circumference for the size of your ass pussy. So something the size just smaller than a baseball will be fucking you 4 times per second, how fabulous does that sound? You'll be as loose as if a horse had fucked you, which will be good for what's in store for you later."

It sounded both ominous and truly horrifying, how on earth could I take that even after all I had been through. This might be where I failed. I couldn't help it, I whimpered in fear, trying to shrink back from this huge cock he held right in front of me. I did all I could, I breathed in the longest breath I could and held it. I moaned a fearful moan.

"I thought this might worry you, but I have to see if you are worth me investing more money in to buy you from Master S. This is a crucial test of your abilities as a pig. So take it like a good pig."

"I think you should kiss it for luck slut." He gave me now choice holding it to my lips, I couldn't help myself I licked the head.

"Here we go then pig, put your seatbelt on, for you, it's going to be a very bumpy ride, but a great watch for us. I'd say you'll love it, but I might be lying if I say that."

"I'm going to lube you up very well for this slut, you don't want to run dry when this is turned up full."

Mike then brought the biggest syringe I'd seen full of a cum coloured liquid, the syringe had a long flexible tip on it, all of 4 inches long to get in deep. and a bottle of lube over and passed it to the Alpha guy. He also had a huge bottle with Cum Lube written on the side.

"Here you are Bill, here's the biggest lube shooter I could find."

So the Alpha guy was Bill, older but obviously the man. He took the syringe and inserted it swiftly and fully into my welcoming pussy. Then he depressed the plunger, filling me with a good few ounces of Cum lube. He then told me to clench, which I tried to do, but only succeeded in closing my hole a little but I could see this in full technicolor in the mirror above.

He'd attached the big alien dildo to the machine and Mike was positioning the machine at my pussy entrance and changing the angle of the shaft so that it would work with my body.

Bill Watched and then instructed Mike, "Bring the tip of the cock to this bitches hole, stop any of the cum lube leaking out."

Mike did as he was instructed and placed the head of the cock inside my open pussy blocking the lube in.

To be honest it felt good to just have the head in my pussy, just opening me a fraction but feeling right. Then the two of them pushed the machine forward ensuring that the dildo was inserted 2 inches into my pussy.

"Now turn it on slut nice and slow. Ohhh I should have said this is voice controlled, I can change it from the card table by just telling it to go faster or deeper, how does that sound. Now let's get some poppers on board for you."

"Breath in for a count of 10, then hold."

I did it as instructed











Breathing in all the time, taking as much into my lungs as I possibly could. Then Bill put his hand over my mouth and clamped my nostrils closed.

"Hold it slut, hold it."

I had no choice, I couldn't breathe even if I wanted to, I just held, held and held.

Then after what felt like minutes, but I think was closer to 30 seconds he moved his hands letting me breathe in. The hit of the poppers was like being slapped hard in the face, it was immense. I was just wallowing in this moment as Bill turned the machine on and it began to vibrate moving in and out just 1/8th of an inch at am amazing rate.

The feeling was insane, not at the widest part of the dildo, but the movement on my pussy was amazing, It was fantastic.

Bill and Mike turned and walked back to the card table leaving me on the edge and getting fucked with the smallest strokes possible.

They continued to play cards and laugh and joke, but I was only vaguely aware of that on the periphery of my consciousness.

The Cyborg cock in my ass pussy was all consuming, the way it had been positioned, with the cock 2 inches in my ass, the neck of the head which was only 6 inches or so around was just inside me and the small movements meant the ridge of the head which at its widest was 6.5 inches in circumference was entering me a number of times a second. Although the depth was so small the fact it was stretching my ass pussy ½ an inch on every stroke meant I knew all about it.

The feeling was simply phenomenal, I'd never experienced anything like it, the whole process of me being fucked relentlessly was similar to being on the Sybian earlier, with the much bigger Man in a barrel plug. In that case though the plug was in me, not stretching my hole at its limits, the sheer speed of the Cyborg was creating a complete sensory overload. I was moaning and groaning constantly.

"Seems like the Thunderbolt is working for you slut, you sound like you're enjoying round 2, hey guess what speed that is on pig."

I could only give out a moaned grunt.

"That's right bitch, only on 1/8 the speed, so only a mere 2 times per second slut."

Fuck if that was two times per second on the shallowest setting what would ½ speed feel like, I had a deepening dread that I might be about to find out.

"Quiet everyone." Bill ordered. "Shockspot, increase speed to 250 rpm."

The machine gave out a slick hum then a click and then I knew all about voice control. His orders had just been carried out remotely by this Cyborg machine which had doubled its efforts.

Still the same depth, but the increased speed had a secondary effect and that one had serious implications for this pig. More specifically implications for just how wide my ass pussy was being stretched.

As the machine increased in speed the movement of the Cyborg cock, set my whole body rocking gently in the sling, not much but enough to get the second head or bump of the cock to stretch me, not on every stroke as I was rocking much more slowly than the cock was thrusting.

The outcome though was that I was being fucked much more deeply on every 10th or 20th stroke depending on the swing of the sling. That increased depth of stroke meant my pig pussy was stretched another ½ an inch on those particular strokes, something I felt to my core.

I was helpless, there was nothing I could do but overload my senses with as much poppers as possible, the horrible thought struck me that the two bottles on the side of my mask must almost be used up by now. How on earth would I cope if they ran out, I needed my pig juice more than ever now.

I breathed in as deeply as I could with breath, occasionally holding my breath to increase the effect of the poppers. Still the relentless Cyborg cock took me harder and harder, God how I hoped someone would want to fuck me soon, instead of this infernal machine. No matter how big they were, that would be a blessed relief.

I thought about Master S watching this and imagined his cock hard, but then realized I had no idea if he was packing a big cock or something as pathetic as mine. I thought probably the former and as I began to feel more and more Master S's pig and property I hoped against hope that he would be the biggest I ever experienced.

The machine just continued to stretch and work my pussy, widening it ever more, the description of how this machine worked was so far, true to the mark and I was all too well aware that I hadn't experienced all it could do by any means yet.

My concern about the poppers running out was soon dealt with as Mike came back and replaced the two nearly empty bottles with brand new bottles.

Even though the others had only been open for a few hours, the new ones still felt even more potent, beautiful fresh slut juice taking me higher and higher. How I loved wallowing in this place, the brand new poppers took the edge off for a few seconds, but then the enormity of the reaming I was taking encroached on my thoughts.

The speed and power of this machine was amazing, breath-taking. I didn't know how long I could go on.

I opened my eyes and Bill was standing by me smiling, looking down at me, he seemed pleased with my progress and possibly with the fact that I was controlling my noise to a low constant groan.

"You are doing well piggie, have you looked closely in the mirror at how with every out stroke your pussy hole is pulled outwards, clinging to your Cyborg cock as though it doesn't want to let go. It's sucking it back in to you. You have a whore pussy, a pig pussy, just there to be filled, you dirty little bitch."

I loved how he talked to me, revelled in the constant humiliation, the female references there to show that my pleasure was now to come from my pussy, tits, nipples and clit, not from my cock when I was a man.

The pig references and the pronoun "it" there to show how low I had sunk, that I was just a piece of meat, an a****l, there for my superiors use and pleasure. The change in the references had been a constant from when I first walked into be called boi by Steve, now I was just pig, or bitch, or slut, or whore. I loved them all. It was after all, who or what I now was.

"Shock spot, slow to 50 rpm."

The machine hummed and then clicked down a few notches, it felt wonderful once again, not like it was trying to fuck me to death.

Bill gave me a few minutes at that speed as he caressed my belly and tits, tweaking my nipples and fingering my clit. He ran his strong hands over my pregnant belly as he smiled into my eyes, if I hadn't known better I would have said that his strokes were sensual, but I knew that they were the preliminary to more serious degradation.

"Ummm what would you like next pig, some deeper fucking or faster fucking for you to enjoy?"

Before I really thought about the question I focussed only on the speed. "Please not any faster Sir, I can't take it any faster."

"You can and you will bitch, but for now your wish is my command."

I was relieved for a few seconds before he said.

"So no faster for you slut... deeper it is then slut."

"Shockspot increase depth to 2 inches."

Again the hum and click which I was getting used to. But nothing could have prepared me for what came next, 2 inches at 50 rpm, meant I again felt like the biggest cock I had ever taken was impaling me.

I hadn't got anywhere near to getting used to the new speed, then...

"Shockspot increase speed to 120 rpm."

This was now mind blowing, the rocking of the sling getting more violent and taking the plug at least 3 inches into me despite the setting only being at 2 inches.

Now the plug must be stretching my pussy to well over 7 inches in circumference and it was relentless again. This time though my prostate was getting touched and worked over twice a second, it didn't take long.

I moaned a long low moan.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeee pleaaseeeeeeeeee Sirrrr." I could do nothing else, think of nothing else, I had to get them to stop this machine.

Then as my prostate continued to be hammered I came, again a multiple orgasm. No cum left in me but a dry orgasm, leaving me still on the edge and with no satisfaction.

"Listen guys, it's nearly ready for round 3, it wants us to fuck it, thinking that will be easier that the machine."

I heard laughter from the guys, I couldn't know how true the comments Bill had made were.

"Charlie and Marcus, you're up I think he needs sensibly sized cocks for this one."

I heard that and was relieved, the machine would stop it's remorseless assault on my ass pussy and I'd get a breather, thank goodness and by the sound of it smaller cocks, bring them on I naively thought.

"Shockspot reduce speed to 6 rpm."

Again the hum and the click as the settings changed, God it felt good now, now longer testing me as much, the swinging stopped of the sling and just a pleasurable slow 2 inch stroke.

"One last bit of fun for you slut before I turn this off for now. Shockspot increase depth to 4 inches."

Fuck as I heard the noises I wondered how much wider this would stretch my poor raw hole. The beautiful Cyborg cock, became the ass splitter, as I had to take the full width. The three bulges first then the bottom part of the cock which was the size of a beer bottle. A full 8.5 inches in circumference.

Normally to get a pussy to stretch that far would be the work of a few hours of steady effort and slight gradual increases of size, but not with Bill in charge of the Shockspot and Cyborg.

I couldn't believe the pain, as it began its final assault to stretch me further. There was no forgiveness, the cock just pushed and pushed, forcing the sling back as my pussy tried in vain to not allow full access. As the sling was forced back, swinging more and more, my weight was pushing back on the sling and against my Cyborg Master cock. Gravity and the rocking motion were both helping the Shockspot to take this pig to the next level of openness.

The relentless power of the Shockspot pushing then retreating and then ploughing forward once again was having an effect, still forcing the sling back against gravity as my ass pussy fought against its final violation. Fought against the moment it had to stretch to a massive 8.5 inches in circumference.

Bill was smiling at me as I watched the Cyborg continue its efforts to open me to the full extent.

"Ohhh that's it pig boi, let it in, it will have you in the end, it is inevitable. Become the machines bitch before you take two cocks in that pussy of yours, at once for me."

Fuck now I wasn't sure which scared me more, taking my Cyborg Master fully or having two cocks in my pussy. I'd never even thought of that, let alone tried it. I'd seen plenty of female porn with DP in pussies, but that was a hole that stretched far enough for babies, surely my ass pussy couldn't take that.

As I rocked back and forth he rubbed my massive swollen nipples roughly, adding another layer of pain and pleasure to the complete assault on my senses.

I was concentrating on his ministrations on my nipples loving the moment, as he clamped down with his fingers on both, pinching them and twisting them as I rocked. I yelled out in pain, the effect of that release of pain and passion, was enough. The Shockspot took its chance and finally had its victim completely, it was deep within this slut, fully and completely. I was the machine's bitch, its pig. The widest part of the Cyborg cock, was now fucking me relentlessly, pounding me and stretching me to the limit.

Just imagine a hole with a circumference of 8.5inches, a baseball bat would be swallowed up and a baseball would only just stretch the sides.

"There you go, pig, I knew you were worth it, now how does that feel, to be so fucking wide down there. God it's beautiful." He was enraptured by the sight of the Cyborg taking me, he loved it. His massive cock standing erect to attention too far from my mouth for me to suck, causing me to salivate at the mere sight of his manhood and it's glistening head.

"Take a good look in the mirror, slut at how much of an ass whore you have become. Most gay sluts take a full year of training to get to this. You've made it in one day you dirty fucking bitch. You are a complete cock whore and I'm going to buy you if I can"

My senses were totally overwhelmed now, not entirely pain, but only a small element of pleasure as I was fucked so roughly. That small seed of pleasure was growing though as I became used to the stretching, although it was almost too much to take, it felt so fucking good, so dirty. I breathed in more and more slut juice to help me to take it.

"Shockspot, increase speed to 30 rpm."

The hum, then the click, then the new speed this machine was amazing and I wanted more. That is until the new speed settled in. With the full 4 inch strokes and still a slight rock on the sling, on the deep stroke as the sling bore down on the cock I was taking the plug 6 inches or so. My pussy was having to take all 4 bulbs of the Cyborg, stretching more with each one and then tightening on the slimmer parts of the cock. All this was happening every 2 seconds on every stroke.

Again I took in as many poppers as I could, just to get through this.

"Boys come and watch, this slut is just taking on as much of the fresh slut juice as it possibly can and taking this fucking like the complete faggot pig he is. It's a sight to behold."

I looked up into the mirror as all 8 guys stood around me, all naked now and ready for the next round, whatever that might be. I could see my pussy in all its raw glory, clinging to the contours of the cock as it fucked in and out of me. The beautiful purple ring stretching outwards on every out stroke. My white butt cheeks moving in sync with the cock.

As I watched my reflection in the mirror it was almost an out of body experience, I could see the pig being fucked and watching turned me on.

Then Bill brought me back down to earth, and took it to the level where everything became too much for me.

"Shockspot increase speed to 60 rpm"

Oh my Lord, one stroke in and out every second, taking the full length and girth of my Cyborg Masters cock, it was insanely intense, I couldn't feel or think about anything else, this had to be the most I would ever take, this machine made the Sybian look easy.

Little did I know, this was not the most I would take, merely an appetizer as Bill worked my hole harder and harder.

I was on the edge of orgasm as I had been for so long, just the pain keeping me from going over the top. I was growing more and more desperate for relief, longing for that special release, it was not to be.

After what felt like an hour, but was closer to 15 minutes, Bill decided that I was ready for the next round, he'd been stretching me further for a reason.

"Shockspot reduce depth to 1/8 inch."

The relief was immense, now I could only feel pleasure, as I started to feel so wonderful getting close once again to orgasm.

"Shockspot stop."

Fuccckkkk I was so close, so very close to blessed relief, Bill must have known and wanted to edge me further and keep me in that special state of piggish horniness.

"Remove the machine Mike and bring it around back."

When Bill said that I wasn't sure where he was having Mike move the machine to.

As Mike wheeled the machine out, slowly removing the Cyborg inch by inch from my tortured ass pussy, I watched as my pussy sucked at every last contour and ripple of the Cyborg as he gently pulled it out.

I looked up to the mirror and saw the biggest gape on my ass I had ever seen. It was huge and showing no signs of closing at all, once the cock was removed. Any elasticity in the muscles had long since been fucked out of them. That last little element of bodily control was completely gone. I tried to see is I could even get it to clench a little, but as I watched the gape remained stubbornly wide. Only Master S controlled my pig pussy now.

Mike wheeled the Shockspot away and somewhere out of view behind me.

I could see some of the lube which had been vigorously stirred by the machine, dripping from my gaping hole.

"How much of a gape Drey?" asked Bill.

The sculptured figure of Drey stepped forward and reached into my pussy holding his 4 fingers together and pushing them gently at the entrance of my pussy.

"Just over 3 Bill, nearly 4, but then again I have got big fingers." He held up the 4 fingers together to the amusement of his buddies and raised them to my mouth for me to clean the cum lube from them.

I not only knew what was expected of me, but I was also as horny as hell and wanted to taste my depravity, licking his fingers clean one by one as though it were caviar I was licking from his black fingers. Tasting the cum lube (which was not bad at all in my current horned up state) and realising that I need to be fed and watered again.

"We're getting there, Master S will be as pleased as I am with the results slut, let's get you completely ready though."

How could I need to take more to get me ready, I longed for a cock, not a machine, my senses had been overwhelmed for too long, now I needed to be gently fucked. A silly piggy dream, it wasn't going to be that kind of fairy tale.

"Are you ready Tim, has the ice pack worked to calm you down."

"Yes boss, nice and softish now."

Tim came forward a skinny white guy, still with good abs, but the slender frame he had looked slightly ridiculous with the pendulous cock he had, long and thin (well thin in its current semi flacid state) , it must have been 9 inches even as it was.

"OK Tim lie on the bench as we discussed."

What the fuck was going on, Tim lay face up on a leather clad bench on wheels with a leather pillow for his head and Mike wheeled him under the sling. His head must have been under mine and then Mike raised the bench until I felt his thighs touching my butt cheeks.

"Now feed it in Mike get it in as far as you can without turning Tim on too much." Bill was definitely in charge.

I could see Mikes hands pick up Tim's semi soft cock and start to feed it into my gaping pussy, it went in easily with the serious size of my slutbox, he simply pushed it all the way in and raised the table so that I was almost lying on Tim's stomach. Not all of his cock was in with the angle, but a good 7 inches or so were hardening in my pussy, I could feel him starting to twitch.

"Ok Charlie, now for the surprise for slut." Bill was beside himself with glee at this point.

Then I saw why, one of the guys from the back stepped forward, a big man, 6' 4" at least and 300lbs of black muscle with a little extra padding. Then I looked between Charlies legs, a black mamba of a cock, longer than Tims, at least 10 inches and already showing an impressive girth.

Just taking this one before the Cyborg would have been a huge challenge, but this and Tim at the same time, fuck how was that going to work?

Bill leaned into my ear, "Now slut take on as much juice as you can, breathe like it's your last slut juice ever, because what's going to happen is that Charlie is going to violently **** your pussy. After the Cyborg had its way with you, you're ready for Charlie. The problem is Tim although only soft now is a grower as well as a shower."

Bill couldn't contain himself, he was so pleased with this little plan of his.

"So as Charlie takes you hard, he'll stimulate Tim's soft cock and will effectively fuck it to hardness. When I tell you Tim's cock when raging is a good couple of inches more in circumference that Charlies, which as you can see is like a small babies arm, you might have some little idea of what is in store for you pig boi."

Fuck now I got why he was so happy, I'd begged for cock and now the two together DP'ing me would be even thicker than the Cyborg. I'd effectively begged to be taken and stretched wider, wider than I'd ever been stretched.

"You should be able to feel it growing inside you, not forcing it's way in but slowly, slowly stretching you, I cannot wait to see this."

Nothing I could do but accept my place.

"Thank you Sir Bill, I hope I can please you and them."

"Fuck the most polite pig ever, go to it Charlie, show no mercy."

As he said that I looked forward and I admired Charlies black body, that sheen of sweat from the warmth of the room, that big dominating body, now I would be his bitch until he bred me with his seed. Skinny Tim just there to make up the thickness and help breed the gape. Then I felt Tim's hands on my tits, needing them and pinching the nipples. Tim proceeded to pull the two nipples outwards stretching my tits out to each side, it was excruciating.

I cried out in pain and Bill shook his head, so I quietened down immediately, that is until Charlie lined up his cock head and without lubing it up, shoved forward with one stroke. His hands under my thighs, pulling me to him as he rammed forward to ensure that he was embedded balls deep in my pussy in one push.

I couldn't breathe, the enormity of the two cocks was more than the man in the barrel plug or the Cyborg, it was immense. I let out a long low soulful moan.

Charlie took to his work as though he'd just been released after a long stretch in solitary. He pounded my hole and almost imperceptibly Mike's cock was stirred into life. It was a monster judging from the stretch I was feeling in my pussy. With each of Charlies he strokes I felt Tim's cock inflate, stretching me with every movement.

As I looked up at the mirror in horror, I could see Charlies mighty rod, impaling me with each thrust, but the staggering thing was I could see the sides of Tim's white cock on either side of Charlies ebony cock. Tim's cock was huge and the effect of it growing from within my pussy was incredible.

I felt like I was giving birth and tried to breathe again and get some slut juice when I realised I'd been holding my breath. I f I wasn't careful I'd black out.

Bill looked to the other guys, "Fill his mouth with cream boys."

The first was eager for release and moved his cock over my face raising up on his tip toes to reach, stroking his lovely cock quickly.

"Now pig keep all of this seed in your mouth, don't swallow a drop. You understand cum whore."

I loved the names and just nodded imperceptibly.

As I did the first guy, who must have been desperate for relief came into my mouth missing with only the first spurt, he carefully stroked the last drops of cum from his cock and then scooped up the missing amount and sc****d it on my lower teeth into my mouth.

3 more big cocks including Drey and Mike emptied their men balls into my accommodating mouth, then Bill took a large ball gag and gagged me tightly with it.

For those who've never had a ball gag in place with a mouth full of liquid, you might not know it's almost impossible to swallow. The saliva just builds up and with the amount of cum in my mouth all I could taste was their seed as it slowly dribbled down my piggie throat.

The taste combined with the pain from the fucking I was taking from two cocks had me in a strange place, I was a low as I'd been so far, not much further to go, when would this all stop?

At least I could moan into the gag without pissing off Bill, he seemed happy with my efforts to take the two fuckers at the same time, not that I had one iota of choice.

The fucking was absolute, a complete r****g of my hole, I could see the cum lube oozing out with each of Charlies thrusts, Mike was working my nipples like a man possessed, as I gasped for air, I'd take in small mouthfuls of pig protein.

I almost blacked out from the pain and then it happened, again the change from pure pain to a mix of pain and some pleasure, how could that be that with the sheer size my ass pussy was being stretched to. The constant pressure on my prostate was amazing and the release of an orgasm beckoned, even with my clit in its cage.

Bill was encouraging the two to fill me with their seed to make me their white faggot pig bitch.

True to form, just before I reached my own climax, both Charlie and Tim came within a few seconds of each other, filling my insides and then relaxing in place and their cocks softened.

"Ok guys pull out slowly and let's feed piggie once more."

Again I was feeling so full, I didn't know how I would eat more cum, but I wanted to, in the slutty state I was in, I still had a mouthful of cum as the gag was taken off.

As Charlie pulled his magnificent black monster from my depths, the cum started to ooze onto Tim's cock, then Mike wheeled him out from under me and Bill held a cup under my pussy catching the dripping goodies.

Mike removed the ball gag and told me to swallow, then Bill began to pour the cum and cum lube mix that had oozed from my ravaged hole into my open mouth. Eagerly I swallowed as much as I could needing my pig feed and to show my depraved state to my betters.

Ok boys now plug him up again before the final round.

Ohh God he meant the machine again, I was exhausted, I couldn't take much more.

"Please Sir not the machine, I can't take any more." I begged in a whisper, hoping it wouldn't mean more punishment.

As I looked into Bills eyes, I realised my mistake, if I thought I had any influence in what happened by now I was an idiot, worse than a pig, how stupid could I be, it was and never had been my choice.

The last choices I had were the color of the hankies, since then I gave away all my control and indeed asked for it to be stripped from me.

Now I just had to face the consequences of my ignorance and be the pig I was being programmed to be. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable.

The Shockspot machine was wheeled back around to my pussy and this time the Cyborg was pushed so that only 4 inches remained outside, I took it easily after the two cocks, maybe this stage wouldn't be so bad. Then again.

The pillow under my head on the sling was removed and a semi-circular cut out below my head so that my head was no longer supported and it lolled back. Then they lowered the top end of my sling still further lowering my head and as I looked backwards I saw with dread another Shockspot machine.

I was more frightened than I'd been so far, two of these infernal machines, how the fuck would I take these two b**sts in both ends, at the same time?

With some tinkering on the angles by two of the guys the Shockspot at my head was lined up wiih my throat and a 8 inch basic black dildo was fixed to the end of the shaft and coated with cum lube by Mike for good measure. Mike then moved the second Shockspot into place with the head just in my mouth.

My breathing was now racing, taking in as much extra help as I could. I knew I needed as much slut juice as possible for what I was about to experience.

Once the angles were right, they left me, no longer swinging. Just held in place by the two cocks in either end of me.

I couldn't turn my head with the cock in my mouth, but heard the guys laughing as they stood around me.

"Well here we go boys the culmination of our work of pig training, after this it will be the most depraved gay pig capable of satisfying an entire bath house in a night. Are you ready to watch the fun boys."

Murmurs of approval and a "Hell Yeah" from Drey.

"Shockspot depth 2 inches." The now familiar hum and click, but the difference this time was it came from two machines one at my pussy, one by my head.

"Shockspot increase speed to 30 rpm." The machines just did as commanded by Bill.

They simply spit roasted the pig in front of them, mercilessly.

As two inches I could take the cock in my throat easily, it was only going 3 inches deep with the way Mike had set it up.

"Shockspot increase depth to 4 inches."

Now it was hitting the back of my throat with every stroke, but my gag reflex had been fucked out of my throat earlier in the evening. My throat was nice and straight due to the angle of my laid back head and I was taking it relatively easily in both ends. I realised that now I really had become the absolute pig Master S wanted.

As I lay in my harness locked to the sling, sweating all over, my pregnant belly having been completely bred and now full of my superiors seed mixed with their tasty piss. My tits pushed forward obscenely in my leather harness bra, with the nipples an angry purple and now over 1 and ½ inches long.

I must have looked like I'd really been knocked up and also had a very serious breast augmentation. Master S had crafted me into a complete white faggot, cock pig. A few simple choices and here I was, no longer naïve, now an experienced programmed pig.

Just as I was taking the punishment in my stride and thinking about my look and state. I should have realised if it ever felt easy over the last day and a half, that was always the moment just before the storm.

This time was no exception.

"Shockspot increase depth to 6 inches."

"Shockspot increase speed to 60 rpm."

Ohhhh fuccckkk what had he done, now the ease had gone from the process, this was both punishment, training and programing at the same time.

My mind was being fucked and finally broken completely as these machines took to their work. Nothing but Bills voice could help me know, I could no longer think.

Not even being aware of trying to survive this onslaught, instead I gave up all hope and gave up thinking, I was a piece of meat to be abused.

Finally Master S as he looked on saw that I really was a total pig now. Not even capable of thought, choice went a long time ago, but now my rationale mind was gone, replaced by a pig mind.

The fucking was extreme, if I had been aware I would have seen that even these experienced dominant tops were worried by how far Bill was taking me.

I didn't hear as Mike said "Woah Bill fuck that's hard, can he take this."

"What the fuck do you mean Mike, it's a fucking pig, it won't kill it, this is what it is made for, this is the pigs destiny. It's training and re-programming is nearly complete and I will buy it, fuck look at it, it's stunning."

"Ok Bill you're the boss."

"Too bloody right I am, now let's give the machines time to fuck any last bits of its mind out of the pig and we'll play some cards before we all fill that pig pussy with one last load, we've got half an hour left before we have to give it back for its red hanky training."

The 8 guys walked over to the card table without a backward glance, leaving the machines to complete this training session.

I had no comprehension of the time this abuse lasted. I didn't even try to take it or manage it, or do anything, I just lay there.

My two mechanical Masters reamed my throat and pussy simultaneously so that both the ends of the two cocks wouldn't have been more than a few inches apart at the end of their in stroke. If I'd been aware of the situation I would have realised that I was the perfect spit roasted pig, I would have found it amusing in other circumstances.

Bill had talked about the two machines fucking the last semblances of my mind from me. They succeeded, I was no longer thinking in any rational way, I wasn't even hoping for it to stop. I knew it was what I was programmed for, what I deserved as a pig, what I had chosen with glee and a hard cock, was this full transformation.

Bill strode back over to the sling.

"What a magnificent pig we've got now guys. Look at it, it isn't even fighting, not trying to take the strokes in the least painful way. It is simply accepting of its fate and its true place in life." The other 7 guys simply nodded and looked on in some amazement.

"You were right boss, these machines were the final step to getting this pig trained, I admit I thought it was too much, but the pig is just taking it, in fact its clit is still trying to get hard." Mike was admitting he was wrong, wanting to stay on the good side of Bill and also impressed at the culmination of the training.

"Ok guys get those cocks hard, this pig needs 8 more loads in the next 15 minutes to send him back even fuller to Master S for the final session."

The 7 guys started to stroke their cocks back to complete erections, not that it needed much with the live porno in front of them.

" Shockspot increase speed to 200 rpm."

That was it, I didn't even hear, or worry, or feel.

The machines worked faster and the depth of the cocks going in was amazing to watch for the assembled company.

"Fuck would you believe it can even take this, it's amazing." Mike again sounded just a little worried, but in awe of Bill at the intensity of the training.

"What a fucking throat whore it is now, look 6 inches and not even a hint of a gag, this toy is perfect for absolute abuse now. Master S is a fucking genius. I'm going to have to upgrade the machines at the farm, these definitely take it to the ultimate level." Bill was smiling sadistically, he plainly loved the transformation, the complete removal of will, of thought, of mind.

"Shockspot cease."

The final thrust and the two machines were embedded deep in me. The cock being so deep in my throat made breathing harder, forcing me to take on copious quantities of poppers.

Then finally the machines were wheeled out. I didn't even feel relief, so far gone was I, in fact if I felt anything it was just emptiness, I craved more use in the depths of my soul.

"OK pig no swallowing the cum you get."

Three of the guys lined up at my head and started to stroke to feed me once more, whilst Charlie lined up on my sore pussy.

"Fuck it's like fucking after a horse has been through, hope it tightens a little."

It must have been enough for him, as after a couple of minutes he shot another load into my pussy. The next guy Mike, took his place as Bill replaced the ball gag over my mouth full of cum. Bill then had them lower my head so that my pussy was higher than my head simply to keep as much cum in my pussy as possible.

By now they were all so turned on having watched the machines working that none of them lasted long, just a perfunctory fuck and deposit of more cum within my pussy.

That was until Bill dropped his trousers and showed off by far the thickest cock I'd ever seen. He'd needed me to be so open, just so he could get his short but insanely thick circumcised cock in me. As he'd not cum so far, he lasted a long time and enjoyed the roughest fuck from a guy that I'd taken so far.

A true pounding which before the machines would have caused me all sorts of pain, but in my current state had me delirious with pleasure. He was in deep enough and just at the right angle to hit my prostrate with every stroke.

My clit was full to bursting and finally gave up the resistance as I came heavily, with the clit cage still on all this did was coat my clit head in copious quantities of cum which Bill happily scooped up and coated my lips and face with my pig juice. Just In case the mouthful of cum I had under the ball gag wasn't enough.

Bill was warming to his task and enjoying the encouragement of his guys until I felt him slam in one last time, burying himself deep, I was so euphoric by then that I was almost sorry the ploughing seemed to be coming to an end. It was not to be though, he was just taking a breather and them warmed again to his task of stretching my pig pussy even further.

"Fuck this pussy is good boys, ummmmm I am enjoying stretching this cunt wider and wider."

Bill then concentrated on pummelling my insides, not deep but all encompassing, stretched to the absolute limit with him pistoning in and out as fast as he could. He kept changing the angle with the specific aim of loosening my slut hole more, stretching it wider and wider for Master S to use.

He was so strong in pulling my thighs hard against him making sure he squashed my arse cheeks apart to get in as deep as he could. When he bottomed out in my cunt, the feeling was one of being completely owned, being possessed by my superior and I loved it.

He pulled my big swollen ball sac out of the way, roughly holding that and my straining clit out of the way so he could see his cock stretching me to my new limits. With the thickness of his cock, I couldn't believe that many people could take him as fully as I was being forced to and that made me strangely proud of my new piggie depths.

With my head still lower than my pussy the cum was only just dripping down my throat as I tried in vain to swallow more. All I could taste and smell was other men's cum, for the last 24 hours cum had become part of my essence, my big belly full to bursting with it, my nostrils coated in it.

Cum lip gloss on my slutty swollen cock sucking lips, I was a total cum whore now, ready to be whored out by Master S to the most depraved Masters. I was almost ready, the transformation almost complete.

My prostate was being fucked mercilessly by Bill, turning me on more and more.

"Guys work on the pigs udders, slap them, make them red, work those fucking pig nipples for me, whilst I breed this pig slut. I want it to have some pain to go with the pleasure I'm giving it."

Mike and Charlie took their orders seriously slapping my tits hard, making the nipples get even more erect, not that they could go down in their saline injected state. I couldn't think at the time, but if I had been able to I'd have worried about how long my modifications would take to go.

Walking into a business meeting with these huge erect 1 ½ inch beautiful nipples would raise more than a few eyebrows, especially on the end of my stunning double D tits that Master S and Steve had given me.

I couldn't think about that in my current whorish state, all I thought about was the taste and aroma of cum, the pounding of my pussy, the pleasure I was feeling deep in my body.

The assault on my pig udders continued, slapping , tweaking, hurting, I was afraid to admit it to myself, I was loving it. Revelling in the pain mixed with pleasure, getting attention from three studs, being worked over completely, I was in heaven again, even with the levels of pain.

I'd never been a pain slut, up until now, but now that warping of my mind was being completed. Soon I'd crave more pain to go with the guilty pleasure I got when my pussy or throat was being heavily worked. The actual satisfaction would come from being a virtually no limits gay whore.

My tits were bright red now and the obscene nipples purple and angry. My belly still jutting up and glistening with the sheen of sweat. My dirty clit and sac covered in cum and still caged. I was a dirty, whorish pig doing what I was now good for, living my new life.

Each new level of the degradation I was being forced to love, took me deeper and deeper into the pig mindset. Each little stage taking me further from the straight married guy who walked unsuspecting and horny into the store. Look where that horniness had got me.

Even though much of this had been in my fantasies, it was so much more serious than I had even imagined even in my dirtiest dreams.

With a final frantic set of thrusts Bill got ready to breed my pussy. When he finally filled me with his spunk I felt like he was pissing inside me, the quantity of cum felt so large.

"Boys get the pig plug for me, I want this pig full of cum in every hole when Master S sees it."

Drey walked over with a very wide screw shaped plug with a pig tail on the, this really was the next level of humiliation.

As Bill pulled out allowing my pussy to close a lot, Drey started to screw the piggie plug into my pussy, opening it wider with every turn, but sealing in the breeding juice inside my cunt.

Two of the guys started to unlock me from the sling and picked me up by the harness then setting me on the floor on all fours.

I could barely move a muscle everything ached, the cum filling my mouth was now easier to swallow so I concentrated on getting my protein fix.

As I did this Mike and Drey lifted my feet to my ass and strapped my ankles to my thighs so that my knees became my trotters as did my hands. Now I couldn't have walked if I'd tried.

I had to move around on all fours, just like the pig I had chosen to become. Then they brought over a pair of leather closed fist gloves and locked them in place on my hands. Now I really did have trotters.

There I was with a pig tail, my pig mask (still sniffing as many poppers as I could to keep myself high), no longer able to walk or stand, harnessed and my tits and belly sticking down towards the floor. My clit still in its cock cage, leaking cum everywhere.

The ball gag retaining what was left of the loads of cum in my mouth as I tried in vain to swallow all of it. My ass full of a few loads too and my stomach still swollen by the copious amounts of cum and piss I'd been forced to drink.

I was a fed and watered little piggie, hairless, glistening with sweat from the exertions of being fucked countless times. I had been prepared for the final part of the transformation, the Red hanky, I had been prepared for Master S as a real pig is prepared for an agricultural show.

I kneeled on all fours breathing in more poppers, unsure of what was to happen as I heard the creak of the door open.

I was facing the other way and so couldn't see who had walked in.

Then Master S whistled a long low appreciative whistle.

"Well Bill you have done me proud, this pig is almost perfect for the future role, thanks for doing that stage of the training. We all loved watching it and that film will sell like hot cakes once I have it on the website."

"I love the touch of the leg strapping, just perfect and the pig tail, nicely holding in the extra cum until I feed the pig in a while."

"Please feel free to stay in here for the next stage of training, I could do with a few hands to help, although the film will focus on me doing the last, most extreme training for the pig."

"One question Master S, will the pig be for sale after the training is completed?" Bill sounded very keen to get his hands on me.

"Why? are you thinking of taking him to the farm Bill?"

"That was exactly my thought, I'd love to have it there and use it extensively, I'd sell it by the hour to some of my more extreme clients."

"He'd be perfect for that, although you'll need him to be able to take the full fist won't you?" Master S seemed as though he was happy to sell me, like a prize pig. Which I guess I now was.

"Hell yeah, if the pig is going to take on the boars I have, the dogs and hopefully one of the horses I'll need it capable of taking those without being split in two."

Even in my completely d**gged state I realized they were talking about a real farm and real a****ls. That I had not signed on for, or chosen any hankie to suggest that would be ok. I had to let them know I wouldn't do it.

I breathed in heavily almost collapsing as the poppers hit me so hard, fuck I loved this feeling, being completely filled by the plug, soaked in cum, full of it. The thought I'd just had was gone, what had I not been happy with???

I kept trying to remember what it was, but each deep breath of poppers took me deeper, I was almost hyper ventilating in my current state, this simply removed the thought from my addled brain.

Fuck what was it, what was it. Then I remembered with dread, fuck, pigs, dogs, horses, oh my God what had I got myself into. Shit I had to tell them it was not for me, but how? I tried to talk, but the mouthful of cum and the gag, just made me only capable of grunts and snuffles.

"Hey Bill see how excited the pig is just at that thought of being a proper pig and servicing your more outrageous clients and some of your farm a****ls, I think it's time to take the clit cage off and to see how excited it really is."

Shit the thought of my clit being freed after 20 odd hours was immense, but not if Bill and Master were going to use that against me. If they said my arousal proved how much I wanted to take my pig role further, that wouldn't be fair, they wouldn't do that, would they? I wasn't ready for that.

Master S reached around my thigh and touched my clit, I grunted at the touch.

"Fuck this pig is ready for release" he used both hands and unlocked the cage, pulling out the urethral plug which I'd worn for so long.

Then off came the cage from my turgid clit head which started to swell immediately. Master S's d**gs were still swilling around my system, I couldn't prevent an erection. He left the ring around my ball sac and cock, still tight and not going to come off without my balls swelling going down some.

As my clit head had swollen it had kept my foreskin retracted and now that wasn't going back over until my entire clit had softened again, not that there was any chance of that happening anytime soon.

The shaft of my clit which had been forced inside my body for so long, it was plainly desperate for relief and it grew and grew until it was 6 inches of rock hard clit, topped off by a bright purple straining clit head, holding the taut foreskin tight under the glans. It didn't even look human with the raging cock head and tight foreskin.

Now the talk of pigs, dogs and horses disgusted me and I wanted no part of it. But I couldn't stop my clit from betraying me.

"Just look at the whorish pig, it's clit is rock hard, it obviously likes the idea of a weekend at the farm S." Bill was using this against me, but he knew all I could do was grunt.

I looked even more obscene than before and my arousal was plain for all to see. No one who saw me on video would believe that I was anything other than a completely horned up pig, desperate for the most depraved use.

"Well looks as though you have your answer Bill, we have the pig growing to full erection on camera, just as we mentioned it being fucked by pigs, dogs and horses. In fact I can't tell which turned it on the most, I think it was the mention of a horse don't you, a real size queen piggie we have here."

I squealed out to show that was not what I wanted, not what I meant, begging them to change their minds with my high pitched squeal.

"Ahhhhh look, it's squealing at how happy it is, a really excited pig, it really is desperate for a full horse cock, I'm already thinking about the possibilities. Just the thought of seeing a horse behind your piggie, fuck that'll be good. Has me fucking hard at the thought." Bill was taunting me smiling straight into my eyes now.

"Don't forget Bill you'll have every single one of the pigs contacts, most importantly his darling wife, but also family, friends, colleagues, the full house. If you can afford my pig, then you can blackmail it into anything, anything your dirty fucking mind can think of." Master S was plainly so pleased with the ongoing transformation.

"In truth I don't think you'll have to threaten blackmail, it's nearly completely reprogrammed, just the fisting for tonight, then the a****l taboo next time it's here in San Fran on business. Then the pig will have been completely broken in."

"Do you think there's any chance the pig won't return to San Fran and come back to you S?" Bill was obviously concerned he might lose his chance at the me.

"No, that won't happen. It's been fully trained. It'll long for me to use it again. Long to be fed and watered properly and to look like the pig it is now. It simply won't be able to fight its own a****l urges."

"Look at it Bill, this is it's life now, dirty little whorish cum soaked pig that it chose to be."

"It'll be wandering along in its boring vanilla life. Then it'll pass a gay sex shop and it won't be able to resist popping in, just for a look around it'll think."

"The first time it does that, it's mine. It'll nervously ask to buy some poppers, I don't think it will even be a conscious choice for the pig, it will need its slut juice."

"Just think about the first time it unwraps the bottle of brown, taking off the wrapper and opening the first bottle after this weekend. It'll know it shouldn't. But it won't be able to help itself, it's programmed to sniff and sniff deeply. As soon as it does the genie will be out of the bottle, if you'll pardon the pun." Master S wasn't really speculating, more just stating facts as he saw them.

"Each and every hit of poppers will bring it back, it'll think of this weekend and its Master. I guarantee it'll want to taste piss and cum every day from now on."

I was listening and realized I was no longer squealing or grunting in objection, there I was on all fours, my pig tail plug in. My distended pregnant belly hanging below me, my luscious tits framed by the tight leather bra and my nipples jutting down obscenely. I really did look like a pig as well as act like one. I was breathing my slut juice deeply, savouring it and nodding my piggie head. Pete was gone, he was no more.

"It simply won't have a choice, it'll need to be fed and watered, like a crack whore who can't function without her next fix. The difference being for this whore, loads of semen and piss will be the only respite from its addiction."

"The funniest thing is, I think at first it may even think that its own piss and spunk will do, but it will need a true man's cum, not a sissies or a pigs. If it tries that it will realise after a few days that the craving, the hunger is deepening.

Becoming all-consuming for the loads of real men, that's all that will satisfy its cravings. That's the only way it will be able to scratch the incessant itch I've placed deep within its psyche."

"Just look at it listening to us Bill, it's not disagreeing, now it knows it's place, its functions and is taking it all in, happy to be my dirty fat fucked pig."

"It'll associate abuse with pleasure, knowing that it's cunt and throat needs to be ploughed and ****d to give any form of pleasure. Focussing on sucking as many men's cocks as its whorish mouth can take. No vanilla life for this pig now. No sexual pleasure at all without pain and abuse."

The way Master S said it, left not room for debate, it was a fait accompli. Choice was now a thing of the past.

"Ok guys, the final programming let's get this pig fully earning it's red hanky, fuck I'm going to enjoy looking deep into those beautiful blue pig eyes as I open its cunt with my fist."

Master S stared into my eyes as he said this, I just breathed more slut juice, I knew deep within that I'd need as much as possible.

"Guys put the pig in the hoist."

Master S was stripping off, that big beautiful heavily muscled and tattooed body. I couldn't take my eyes off him, this was the sort of fucking I'd longed for. From an absolute Adonis of a man, my superior in every single little way.

Each time I'd tentatively visited a gay bathhouse in the past, these were the sort of guys I'd longed to want me. It had never happened though, they'd always been interested in the young, slender twinks. Here I was a fat pig about to be used completely by this magnificent man. It was a dream come true for this piggie.

He was putting on a harness, not the same as mine, but heavy leather straps with a number of heavy d rings and locks over his upper torso.

As he turned and I saw for the first time his cock and balls I knew why he was last one for me to take, he was immense in size. Nothing I had seen or suffered prepared me for this Master.

His cockhead was swinging between his knees and stiffening by the second, his balls the size of big plums, obviously full of cum. His cock was hardening as he looked at his pig, he really did seem pleased with the outcome and that made me so proud. To please Master S was my ultimate goal.

As I was staring intently I was picked up by two of the bigger guys as though I were a small c***d, they picked me up by the straps of my leather harness and carried me into a dark corner.

Here was a contraption I'd not seen before, straps and clips hanging from the ceiling, d rings were attached to the ceiling straps and my shoulder straps and I was suspended. My ankles still strapped to my upper thighs so that my hands were free hanging by my sides.

The strapping of my ankles had the effect of my legs being spread wide showing off my rampant pig clit and giving complete access to my pig pussy. My pussy bulged out filled as it was by copious quantities of cum all held in by the big pig tail plug.

Then the mittens on my hands were locked to my ankles, forcing my legs wider apart and pulling my ass cheeks wide for full and total access to my cunt.

A chair, well more like a black leather throne was lifted underneath me, with a remote on one arm of the chair. Then a full length mirror was placed directly in front of me so I could see everything that went on in crystal clear detail. The at least half a dozen cameras on tripods were set up to capture the next

I was swinging ever so gently, enjoying the sensation and seeing the rod of my clit bobbing up and down leaking pre cum all the time in a steady stream, I was completely horned up.

Then Master S in all his naked glory walked in front of me and stood an inch or so away from my face, looking deep into my eyes.

He unbuckled the ball gag, as he took it off my jaw hung open, not able to close it straight away, I still had half a mouthful of cum and saliva that I hadn't been able to swallow, I tilted my head back to stop it leaking out.

"Good pig, now keep it open, I want you to take this pink pig pill. Look it even has the picture of a pig on it just for you, this ones ecstasy and the other two pills of my usual formula. We need you very high for what is about to happen."

I opened wide and he popped the three pills into my eager mouth.

"Now swallow your feed and the ecstasy and that will just help release the your total inner pig and help you take this big fucking fist of mine." He held up his hairy, huge hand in front of me, the fist clenched.

I looked at his hand, worried, and without a thought swallowed the mix of pills, cum and saliva, savouring the salty taste of a number of real men as it slid down my pig throat.

"This will take effect pretty quickly as all you've eaten this entire weekend is cum and taken in so much poppers and my special formula, 5 minutes and we'll see how dirty you really are. Perfect for this last film of the weekend, before I set you free, back into your vanilla world."

I was so conflicted, first I'd focussed on his hand in front of my face, fuck it was huge, a giant of a hand, how on earth could I take that. Then it dawned on me he'd mentioned ecstasy a new first for me, so I had absolutely no idea how that would affect me.

Then the awful realisation that he mentioned freedom, to my old world, shit I couldn't even remember it, I wanted to please Master S, why was he getting rid of me.

This stream of consciousness, addled and morphed by the poppers just kept circulating in my brain, one second I was the pig desperate to be fed, longing not to me freed, then the scared little boy at the thought of Masters fist fucking. Then admiring the obscene sight I made hanging and swinging back and forth. The thoughts only lasting a couple of seconds, before my mind lost its grasp and they slipped away to be replaced by the next thought that popped into my piggie brain.

Then all thoughts stopped.

The cocktail of poppers, Master S's formula and my pig pill hit me like a freight train.

I looked up to the ceiling and then closed my eyes, breathing in deeply, savouring the moment and the intense feelings in my pussy, nipples, clit, tits, belly, legs, head, fingers, jeez feelings everywhere, my entire body was so alive. As though an electric current was running through me all extremities connected to my pig clit, which was dribbling a steady stream of fluid.

Master S, was stroking my body, down my cheek, hands clenching around my neck taking the breath out of me, then tracing the leather bra straps around my swollen breasts, cupping them and lifting them out and up.

Onto the ends of my nipples, his fingers closing on the pig nipples and squeezing and twisting, so hard I would normally have screamed the entire place down, but I was somewhere else. I was in heaven, the feeling of intense pain, was morphing with pleasure, I was longing to be fucked, not just filled as the plug was doing but properly and royally fucked.

Master S leant into me, I could feel his ragged breath on my ear as he twisted my nipples more and more.

"What do you want pig, what do you need pig? Tell me, beg me."

I knew what I needed, I knew it deep within.

"Master please complete my transformation, get me ready for the farm and fist the fuck out of me, please Master S I beg you to open my cunt up with your manly hands. Make me your glove puppet."

I moaned as he twisted still further and as he went even harder, a little high pitched squeal escaped my mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh now the pig is here, now the man is gone, you are absolutely mine now, mine to whore out, around the world, what limits do you have now pig?"

"Nothing Master S, a pig cannot have limits, I will do whatever, whoever you send me to do, wherever in the world you send me."

"Tell me more slut, what about if I brought a dog in here now and told you to suck? What would you feel."

"I'd want the cock in my throat and in my pig pussy, the knot holding it in tight."

The most frightening thing, had I been watching on, would have been that I really meant it. I hadn't ever thought about that level of horror before, but now just talking about it had my clit straining ever harder and my mouth watering. In the past a question like that one would have repulsed me, but no longer.

"So you're ready for your red hanky slut?"

"God yes Master, please make me earn it now, on cam for all to see, enter me deeply, fuck me hard." I was moaning and squealing as I said these debauched things, the ecstasy had added another pig level that's for sure.

"First I get to fuck you, my cock will be the door opener to my fist, are you ready?"

"Please Master fuck me, put it inside me, make me your bitch pig, breed me, I beg you Master, breed your pig."

There were others in the room witnessing this, but in the shadows, I forgot all about them, the cameras, I forgot it all, now I needed to be ploughed by my Master.

He sat on the chair directly under my pussy.

"Watch in front of you pig, look into the camera on the top of the mirror, tell the folks out there your full name and what you want."

I should have hesitated, but that was never going to happen now, I needed filling and soon.

"My name was Peter Johnson, now I'm Master S's pig to be whored out as much as he chooses. I want to drink real men's piss, eat real men's cum, be fucked and throat fucked by as many men as possible. To be fisted and trained to take on all comers, Men, pigs, dogs, and horses."

"Gooood, gooood piggie,, you are nearly there my little fat one. Now for your biggest cock challenge so far, not quite a horse, but not far off."

As he said this he picked up the remote, his massive mushroom cock head, which was the size of a small apple rose as he flexed his cock and lined it up below my plugged pussy.

"Don't worry about clenching as I unscrew the plug, the cum inside your pussy will be enough lube for what is about to happen."

I felt Master unscrewing the pig tail leaving a large gape of my pussy which he lined the head of his cock up with. I could see in the mirror it was way wider that the plug. I was grateful for this as I needed to be stretched and to be hurt, I longed for it.

I was trying to strain and lower my cunt onto his beautiful cock, but my restraints held me firm, all I was doing was making myself rock slightly.

Master S was taking the loads of cum dripping out of me into his lap and smearing his cock head and cock with it, there was more than enough, and he still had a full handful of it.

"Ohhhh so eager pig, I love it, you so want this inside your cunt don't you?"

"Please Master I beg you give it to me, give it all to me."

At that I saw Master S with the remote in his hand, he pressed a button once.

I was immediately lowered 3 inches or so, in one millisecond the head opened me wider than before.

Master S had lifted his handful of cum to my mouth, whilst I'd been concentrating on the remote. At the very same second he lowered my willing body onto his cock head, he clamped his cum covered hand over my mouth to stop my scream coming out in full.

It was still clear for the cameras though, a shriek of pain as I was stretched so, so far.

He removed his hand and I moaned as he pressed the remote and I was lifted roughly off his cock.

My cunt lips had clenched onto his cock head as it retreated trying to suck it back in, the sight was beautiful to me in the slutty haze I was in.

As the cock head popped out with an audible squelch, I felt empty, lost, bereft... not for long though.

This time he pressed the remote again but I dropped 6 inches this time, taking 4 inches of his cock deep in me.

The scream was one of pain, but also passion, I was lost to the moment, loving being taken.

"Give me it all Master S, make me your pig, take me."

Well he listened to me and the hoist dropped me, not lowered me, but slammed me down into his lap, I could feel the scratch of his pubic hairs on my smooth pig ass cheeks again making the contrast of this stunning man and my pathetic pigginess.

His entire 11+ inches was sunk into me, my not inconsiderable weight bearing down on him. I was completely impaled, no build up, but totally fucked after a couple of minutes from when he started, my cunt was now capable of taking on all comers.

He was far from finished though. He was clipping my harness to the one he was wearing. Locking us together in the position we were in.

Then he stood, his cock went even deeper, r****g my hole still more.

Two of the shadow guys came and un-clipped me from the hoist, leaving me suspended on his chest his giant cock spike deep inside me. What a sight we made in the mirror, like something from the Mad Max series.

Then the real fucking started, he flexed his knees and that lifted me 6 inches of his cock and he then let gravity bring my pig body slamming down onto his cockspike.

I had never been tossed around like a ragdoll before, I'd only ever done that to women, enjoying the power it made me feel to lift and fuck the breath out of them. Now I was the rag doll.

He simply stood in front of the mirror, legs apart (prying my legs further apart) knees flexed, and then he simply did squats as though he was at the gym. He went down slowly then powered up, the effect of that lifting me up in the air as he sank his legs down again and waited for me to drop back onto him.

It looked like this was the strangest most sexual workout ever, his huge thighs flexing and rippling. My belly, tits and clit bouncing as a I slammed back home.

The pain of every stroke brought gasps and screams from me, but he seemed to want this and did nothing to reduce my noise level.

The pounding on my pig prostate had the effect he was after, stream after stream of cum mixed with piss shot out of me with each upward thrust of his cock as he massaged my belly at the same time.

The sight was the most lurid one I had ever seen, but also the biggest turn-on as a rolling, multiple orgasm ripped through me, causing more violent streams of piss and cum to shoot up to my face.

I couldn't help it I opened my mouth wide to catch any of the liquid I could. I longed for it, needed it.

Now any vestige of the guy that walked into the shop that Friday afternoon was long gone.

He continued to fuck me hard and long, the screams of pains turned to moans of joy and satisfaction, it was wonderful and perfect and brutal.

Then my pussy did its job and milked the orgasm from him as he pulled himself as deep into me as possible and came in huge amounts.

The cum was sealed in my pussy by his cock and I felt the warmth of it moving through my body, I was in love with this man, I was his.

Whatever, or whoever he put in front of me or sent me to, I would do his bidding no matter how depraved. I was conquered, transformed.

Master S's cock softened a little allowing my pussy to tighten a little.

He sat down heavily on the throne and roughly slapped my tits, ass cheeks and belly bringing me back to reality.

The pain grew as he grew more rough, my clit was still raging hard.

Inflicting the pain though achieved his aim as I cried out over and over again in pain, his erection refilled and re-stretched my cunt to its maximum level.

"You didn't think it was over yet pig did you, now for round two, I always last much longer the second time."

His cock was back up to its huge level, it was all encompassing and felt as though it was running through my entire body a second spine for my body.

He stood up and I expected more of the slamming squats, but it seemed Master S liked a varied gym session. His massive hands cupped my widely spread ass cheeks pulling them apart still further.

He then did short bicep curls lifting me until the harness clips were at full stretch and only his God like cock head was left in me. Rocking me in his hands, pulling my cheeks as wide as he could, so that the tip of his cock gently stretched my pussy to its new found limit. Although the pain was intense, I was beginning to love that pain, to need it.

It wasn't that the pain had changed to pleasure, it was still pain, but that was what I'd been reprogrammed to need. I was just breathing in more poppers and floating on my ecstasy and popper high, genuinely happy and focussing on the sensations ripping through my body, it was amazing.

Then he not only dropped me, he pulled me down as fast and hard as he could, to ensure I was fully impaled.

Every last bit of breath was pushed out from my body, the sheer volume of his cock made the Cyborg seem gentle and small, I felt like I was being ripped in half. My clit still stood to attention, showing to everyone out there that I loved every fucking second of this abuse.

I hadn't made a sound and then it dawned on me that I'd stopped taking any breaths. I was simply an a****l being fucked hard and trained to submit.

I almost blacked out, with not breathing and then he lifted me up again and I could breathe, once more he did his arm exercises keeping me bouncing just on the glans of his head.

It felt amazing, my cunt lips, tightening ever so slightly under the head of his glans then opening again as he lifted me slightly higher. The orgasm which was always near, started to surface and the moment before it finally hit, just before I could wallow in the pleasure, he dropped me again onto that rod of steel.

This time felt even deeper, not that that was possible, but he was so deep within me. This lifting, then the unbridled pleasure following by slamming down in intense, overwhelming pain, carried on for I know not how long.

My emotions ebbed and flowed, I was ecstatic one second and trying to survive the next, this was repeated endlessly. He'd cum once and heavily and obviously the second time for him was going to take much, much, longer, the question was could I survive this shafting.

I was being worked over so hard that I couldn't breathe at times, then would be on the edge of orgasm, only to have Master S rip it away. He was accomplished at edge play it would seem.

He fucked me like this for what seemed like an hour, I was almost delirious, desperate for relief, desperate for an orgasm.

He also used my nipples if I got too close to orgasm, clenching so hard on them that I gasped in pain. The huge nipples I now had were directly wired to my pussy and my clit and the electric shocks ran through my pig body as he mercilessly squashed them with his fingers.

I was in a complete haze, of d**gs, more poppers, pain and the odd moment of pleasure, the feelings amongst the most intense I'd ever experienced. I couldn't hold on to any train of thought for more than a few seconds. No longer capable of coherent thought. Just responding to the stimulation of the **** at that particular second.

I heard Master S's breathing change, become more ragged, but I couldn't make the connection, until he slammed me down one final time and pumped me full of the second load of his bull seed. He really was breeding his pig well.

He sat back down on his throne, giving his legs a rest, but with me fully impaled and full of his cum. He sensually massaged my tits, nipples and stomach.

"Ummmmm such a good pig, now you have my seed in you, now that I have bred you, you'll always need more of my seed. You have been impregnated by your Master. My seed is the strongest you'll ever have in your pussy and you will crave it always."

"Soon I'm going to feed you every last drop that drips from your gaping cunt as my cock withdraws from your bitch body and once you have eaten my cum, it will be the only thing you'll get true satisfaction from."

What he said was hypnotic, as I rested fully on my superiors huge cock. My clit simply twitched and hardened ever more, as he spoke soothingly into my ear. Almost whispering to me, he'd induced a serious hypnotic state in his pig. Now he knew I was completely suggestible and he could plant triggers in my sub conscious.

"Now pig remember, you need my seed, you'll have a deep seated hunger that only my cum will satiate, you will crave it all the time. When you try to satisfy this hunger with other men's cum, you'll need at least 10 full loads just to take the edge off your hunger, do you understand piggie?"

"Yes Master S I understand, I will hunger for your cum, I need your cum, I crave your cum."

"And if you can't get my cum, what will you need?"

"I'll have to get at least 10 men to feed me their cum Master, more and more men to satisfy my hunger and please you."

"Good little slut, that's it, whenever you travel and you're not in San Fran you will be in contact with me and beg me to send you to get your fix of cum from many men, won't you whore?"

"Yes Master I will be on Skype and beg to be sent to satisfy whoever you send me to, just to get my fix."

"Now for your own cum slut, you will always eat every last bit of pig juice that comes from your clit, never waste any, you are allowed to spurt you pig juice when I say, but then you'll eat it all up, every single day. It won't satisfy you though, it will just make you want my cum even more. Every day, in every way you'll want my cum to feed your hunger, now say it."

"Every day, in every way I'll need Masters cum to feed my hunger."

"Every day, in every way I'll eat all of my own pig juice."

"There good little piggie, when you leave here you will want poppers every day, to remind you of me and the amazing fantasy weekend you've had. Each and every time you take a sniff of poppers you'll think of me and what I've done to you. You'll think of my huge cock fucking you, then you'll want more and more poppers and you'll sniff more and more."

"Every day, in every way you'll need more poppers, say it."

"Every day, in every way I'll need to sniff more poppers and be reminded of you Master."

"As your face and body warms up and your clit hardens, you'll think of me r****g your cunt and you'll need to fill you dirty whorish hole immediately, you'll need to have your hole gaping on cam for me."

"Every day, in every way you'll need your pussy, plugged, stretched and gaped. Say it slut."

"Every day, in every way I'll need to plug, stretch and gape my pussy Master S."

"Then the thirst will build, the thirst for my piss. Again just like the cum, only my manly piss will truly satisfy your thirst. You'll need a gallon of other men's piss to get the same effect."

"Every day, in every way you'll thirst for my piss, or you'll have to drink a gallon of real men's piss."

He didn't need to say it again, I simply repeated my new mantra.

"Every day, in every way I'll need Master's piss, or I'll have to drink a gallon of piss from other men to satisfy my thirst."

"Now pig you understand all of these rules for when you travel, what your true role now is, and what your limits are pig?"

"I understand my rules Master and my role as your cum and piss pig to be sent to satisfy anyone you want me to, without any limits."

"Perfect pig, now breathe in more and more poppers, hyperventilate until you feel them over loading your system, it's time for your final training pig."

I focussed on breathing as he'd ordered me to, short sharp breaths to take in as much as I could, remembering watching Sissy Hypno videos with the commands to breathe in and hold and then count. I breathed in and held it, then breathed in more, soaking my brain with poppers to be a good pig for my Master.

My face was flushed, my body heating up, my clit rock hard again, thanks to Masters d**gs and the ecstasy. All I could feel was Masters hands holding my tits, his cock still owning me. I was getting overloaded with d**gs and the words he had made me repeat were swirling around my addled brain.

I need to feed on Masters cum, I need to drink Masters piss, I need poppers, I have to be plugged, to be stretched. The triggers were settling into my subconscious to be brought back to life whenever and wherever Master S pleased. I would have no choice in the matter, just cravings, desperate longings to be satisfied.

"Pig what do you want to be trained in next, tell me out loud, look into the camera lens and tell your audience."

"Master please train me to take your fist, get me ready for the farm and the pigs, the dogs and the horse, please Master S, make me a better pig."

Master S was unlocking the clips that held us together.

"Guys in the sling for the final event please."

The two shadow guys came out and lifted me up and off my magnificent Masters cock, as it left me I felt completely empty and in desperate need to be filled again, which was just as it should be. Just what Master S wanted from his pig.

One of the guys took a pretty large plug and just pushed it into my cunt in one motion, the copious quantities of Masters S's cum proving to be the perfect lube. Now I was plugged me to keep the seed inside me until Master was ready to feed me. His seed staying in me a little longer to ensure I was fully bred.

I was taken to the sling and laid on my back in it, they released my hands and my aching legs were unstrapped and my ankles lifted to the top of the suspension system and padlocked in place, holding my legs wide apart and up in the air. I couldn't even feel my legs after they had been strapped and confined for so long. If they had stood me up I would have fallen to all fours just like the pig I was being turned into.

My hands were raised above my head and the mittens locked in place so that I was spread-eagled. My pussy wide apart, plugged and ready for Master S to enjoy.

As I looked down, the site I saw were the mounds of my beautiful pig tits topped off by the now 1 ½ inch long thick nipples. My distended, piss and cum filled pregnant belly hiding from my view my 6 inch rock hard clit, still with the completely retracted foreskin remaining in place. The black leather of my harness finishing off the picture.

Master S stood in front of me between my legs looking into my eyes.

"Now for the coup de grace slut, time to become my fistee and earn that red hanky you want so much."

"Now tell me pig, you have been fisted before you said?"

"Yes Master S, by two Mistresses in the UK."

"Did you enjoy it pig? I'm guessing we all know the answer to that question."

"I loved the feeling of being completely owned internally by someone Master, but they had very small hands."

"Excellent pig, then with my massive fists you'll really feel owned won't you?"

"Yes Master S, please make my hole even bigger with your fist, so I can take a horse cock for you."

"That's what we all wanted to hear pig, now fill those little lungs of yours with poppers breathe in as much as you possibly can as the time is now."

"But first lets feed you my seed so that your hunger is satisfied, tell me what you need pig?"

"Every day, in every way I need Masters cum to feed my hunger."

Master S had unplugged my pussy and held a cup underneath collecting the globules of his seed as they dripped from my gaping cunt.

"Now start to bear down to get more of this precious food out of your pussy to satisfy your hunger, you need this."

I had so little control of my pussy now, that I wasn't sure if the attempts at clenching made any difference, but still I tried, I needed to be fed my Masters seed, I longed for it.

"That's good pig, some nice big globules of feed coming out for you to feast upon.

As I was bearing down I had no control over my bladder and a constant stream of piss was coming out of my clit and streaming over my belly and covering me in my own piss.

"Get a bottle Drey and collect his drink will you please."

I was simply wallowing in my own waste, a true pig.

Drey walked up and fitted a large bottle over my clit head to collect whatever emitted from it, to then water me with.

Master S took out my nose plugs and coated my nostrils with his cum then replacing them in tightly, the scent of him was intense and I loved it. Then he gave my still slightly swollen lips a coat of lip gloss and then began to pour his food into his pig, nice and slowly so I could see each appetizing morsel as it dropped into my open mouth to be greedily swallowed.

Once Master S had finished feeding me, he clipped a funnel gag to my mouth and strapped it onto my head, then taking the bottle from my clit and pouring the contents into the funnel, before replacing the bottle on my clit to catch the constant stream of piss which was now coming without any help from me. The bottle was to the side of my leg, allowing clear access to my cunt for Master S.

The sliminess of Masters seed which 24 hours ago would have horrified me was now ambrosia, I loved the slight bitterness and longed to have the taste in my mouth for as long as possible, but now it was being washed away by the saltiness of my cloudy piss. The hunger came back I needed to be fed more.

He pulled up the black chair between my legs and lubed up both his hands liberally, rubbing them together and coating his forearms for me to see. My clit was twitching as the piss continued to pour out.

Fed, watered, harnessed and wallowing in my own filth, I was a happy pig, I just longed to be filled properly now.

"See guys pig is not only ready for this, it craves this, it has to have this to be happy now."

I felt Masters fingers of one hand, made into the classic fisting shape, the fingers outstretched to allow access to my cunt, before the inevitable clenching of the fist once at home inside his pig.

He pushed forward rocking me back in the sling as his four fingers met resistance from my pussy, then I felt his thumb pressing under my balls trying to stimulate the prostate from the outside or almost holding me as you would a ten pin bowling ball.

He steadily rocked his hand back and forth, setting the sling rocking and holding his hand firm and slightly further up with each swing, until my stretched cunt gave up the fight and let the full width of his curled fingers in. I then felt his thumb at the outside of my cunt, worming it's way in beside his fingers.

He was using his other hand to wank my clit, which was still issuing forth a steady stream of piss, now that the seal had been broken. Drey simply emptied the bottle once it was full into my funnel and then continued to fill it.

The feelings of Master pulling my foreskin even further back was excruciating and it took my focus slightly from the insanely large fist entering me.

"Ohh well done pig, we're at the knuckles now the final frontier."

Master S sounded truly pleased and so I simply took on as many extra poppers as I could inhaling like a mad man.

"That's it pig, breathe in your juice, here comes my hand, the hand of your God to claim you."

I breathed in over and over again, trying to cover the pain, even after his cock I felt I was being split asunder.

"Here we go pig, now is the time, take my hand."

I swallowed a massive mouthful of piss, breathed in and held it and then tried to bare down on Masters hand as he held his hand firm as my body swung back towards him.

Then the moment we'd been working towards, the ultimate climax for a pig, the amazing feeling as the knuckles entered and my greedy cunt consumed Masters hand. For anyone who's never been fisted, normally the moment is both terrifying and ecstatic, although you have managed to take a fist, you wonder how it will ever come out, it almost feels weirdly claustrophobic.

This time though I felt none of that worry, I was complete, a perfect pig on my Masters arm, it felt simply amazing and I squealed out through the funnel with joy as I swallowed another pint of piss.

"Ohhhh yes my pig, well done, now you really are a true pig, now I can whore you out to the farm, you not only can take on a horse you deserve it you piggy whore. Fuck you will make me some serious money."

Drey removed the gag as I was no longer pissing uncontrollably.

"Are you ready for the true fisting though, the punch fucking of your insides, this will hurt, but you need the pain as much as you need my seed slut, don't you?"

I'd only been fisted hard once, by a sexy Australian Domme called Caprice in London and she was so very small, it had made me cry and whimper at the time, but I loved it.

This by contrast was brutal, as though my insides were in a boxing match with Master. All I could do was breathe and try to survive again.

As he punched forward he was rotating his arm, stretching me still further, a good part of his forearm inside me.

I continued to breathe, swallow on the outward stroke, I could do nothing, concentrate on nothing on the inward stroke.

Then Master slowed down and became more gentle until I felt him removing his hand from me altogether, it should have been a relief, but straight away I wanted him back inside me. I shouldn't have worried.

This time he curled his hand and simply pressed forward pushing the sling back, as my body weight bore down on his hand, finally my cunt accepted him back in and then once again he withdrew. He continued this for stroke after stroke until I was taking his hand like a horse takes a vets hand.

Then he took it a step further clamping both hands together as if he was going to pray and then pushing forward, this time though I simply couldn't accommodate both hands, not by a long chalk.

"I knew that would be too much for you pig, but once you've been to the farm, you'll probably be able to take both hands, I think we should have that as an aim for your next time here, pig, what do you say to that."

"Yes please Master stretch my cunt further next time and please give me a double fisting, I would love that Master."

"I genuinely think you will slut and I'll make sure you do, I've not had many pigs who could even take one of my fists let alone two, you dirty fucking whore. What a job I have done on you, now you are my pig."

"Yes Master S, thank you for transforming me."

"Well slut that's the end of the film, we've finished earlier than I thought, it's only 10 am, so you can go back to your normal life and get ready for your call to family tonight, once you've chosen your $1000 of free toys. That's right I've increased the amount as a reward for your efforts, although Steve and I will choose and fit you with your toys and then send you on your way back to normality."

"Please don't send me away now Sir, I need more."

"Ohh don't worry slut I'm not done with you by a long chalk, you'll be on cam for me later today and doing my bidding all around the world, now that you have contracted to be my pig whenever you travel."

"Thank you Master, thank you so much."

Fuck I meant it, from the bottom of my depraved, fat, smooth body, I meant it, I felt complete. In the haze I was still in, I couldn't even think about the implications facing me, my swollen belly, my tits for fucks sake, the huge fucking nipples, my still slightly swollen lips. I should have been thinking what do I do about these but that was beyond me. I was incapable of rationale thought.

The guys came back to unshackle me, taking off the mittens and the mask, so no more poppers, my legs allowed to dangle down and get the blood flowing once more.

The d**gs were still affecting me hard so I couldn't think straight. My pussy was gaping completely, the natural elasticity gone, a raw open would that needed to be filled to take away the aching loss I was beginning to feel.

Every day in every way I must be plugged, stretched and gaped. Was on a constant loop running through my head.

I was given time to come down a little from the poppers, the other d**gs still in my system working their magic.

Steve was back by my side for the first time for hours.

"Now good little piggie let's see if you can stand and we can go on your shopping spree so that we can get you ready to go back to your lovely hotel and your lovely life."

I gingerly stood up on aching legs, held up by Steve. He then took off the harness, which saddened me, I loved the feeling of it and what it had come to represent.

"Don't worry pig, Master S is throwing in the harness and some other things from your session for free, we just need to fit some things under the harness before you can go on your way."

Wow I was going to get so many additions to my toy box, finally this was beginning to dawn on me that this next stage would be fun too.

Master S was back having got dressed.

"Right Pig follow me, Steve will support you, we don't need to get you dressed for the shop, anyone who sees you will know what a pig you are and have probably been watching this weekend."

Again a comment that should have horrified me, just made me pleased and made my clit twitch.

"Before we start to shop, Steve has informed you that the harness is yours, In fact that is a key part of your pig uniform, you'll sleep in it whenever you are away, it also has extra straps which can be used to lock a big butt plug deep in place which is important to your continued training."

"So is the clit cage and obviously I'll throw in a course of my special tablets, only for use when I specify though and also the man in a barrel plug. The pig mask is yours and you'll be using that quite often on your travels I think. But you do need some other bits to allow you to please some of my more discerning clients. You'll also be taking away 6 bottles of poppers which should keep you going for the next two weeks of fun at least."

It sounded like I was going to be kept busy for the next two weeks and I loved that thought.

The most exciting shopping spree was ahead of me, then I realised I was going to be walking round the shop as I was, my piss covered body, heavy tits, big belly, my raging clit and gaping ass, my bow legged walk, all on show to whoever was there.

Fuck what would Masters customers think, then again as he pointed out most had probably seen me in action, some would have fed, pissed or fucked my pussy. No reason for a pig to be shy of being a pig. That thought even made me proud and I stood just a little taller.

We walked through the door into the shop, it had a smattering of customers, who all turned my way when I walked in. A ripple of applause went around the room. It seemed that many just wanted to watch the new pig get fitted with his toys.

"First your pussy, pig, over here, for walking I've chosen this Mega Milker square peg toy, its circumference is only 7 inches, which you'll take so easily, but as you walk and your pussy tightens onto it the nodules on the front will stimulate your prostate and harden your clit. Now bend over pig."

Steve held my hands as I bent at the waist to present my pussy to Master S.

Steve pulled my cheeks apart and Master S roughly squashed the head of the plug together, which would open wide once it was deep in me, he fitted the plug with one hard shove, I took it easily in my slack open cunt. Master then slapped my cheeks over and over helping my ass to clench at least a little to keep it in.

"Now for these lovely rubber shorts, they are double thickness and designed to ride very tight between your cheeks and to hold the plug deep inside you, in fact as we pull you into them, you'll feel the plug being forced in even deeper."

Steve had me put one leg through the leg hole then the other, then he and Master S struggled to lift them up my legs, pulling my thighs in and then they lifted my cheeks into the shorts, pushing and pulling, so tight were the shorts. It was like a medical operation just to get me into them.

Once they were fully zipped up my erect clit was held vertically upwards, the head still exposed and being rubbed firmly by the rubber constantly, my big ball sac making a huge obscene bulge in the shorts. The extra thick gusset rode so far between my cheeks it separated them entirely and held the plug very firmly inside me. Even if I could try and bear down on the plug it wouldn't move more than a few mm's.

The belt at the top was tightened enough that I had to suck in further. Then I heard the click of a lock at the back.

"There pig now your plug is locked in place and is not coming out until you get the keys back at your hotel."

"Now to control your tits a little and help them to go down ready for your business meetings tomorrow."

He picked up a tight rubber bra and that was fitted onto me, with some difficulty, the same double thickness and so tight to hold my tits tightly squashing them almost flat and presumably helping to reduce the size over the coming day.

"To get this off you'll need help tomorrow morning, but I'll sort that help out for you and the bra should at least reduced the size of you tits enough so that you'll just look a little fatter than normal rather than a pig with full on tits. Then again I'm not sure how long your nipples will take to reduce in size, you may need to tape them down."

I'll need help and he's sorted that, shit what did that actually mean, then again, not a question for me to ask I had no right. If Master S said it was sorted out, it was sorted out.

"Steve we forgot the clover clamps, put the bra down for me to fit them."

Steve pulled the heavy duty rubber out and down slightly showing first one swollen elongated nipple and Master S attached a black japanese clover clamp and then Steve let the rubber tighten back down over the clamp causing me to gasp. This was then repeated with the other nipple, the chain linking the two being tucked into the bra.

"We need your walk home to be fun for you slut don't we." Master S and Steve were laughing as they said this.

I simply nodded. At least the bra wasn't locked in place.

That was until Steve brought the leather harness back and fitted me into it and padlocked it in place. He added an extra leather strap between my legs and running from the O ring in the centre of my belly down under the plug and up to the O ring in the center of my back. The strap was then fully tightened pulling the plug in even deeper and padlocked into place.

"The straps will show through your thin shirt, so probably best to wear your hoodie as you walk back through the tenderloin, you don't want to show off what a pig you are in that area, anything could happen.

"Now the final few things, this one you'll grow to love, but you will need a full complement of d**gs on board. It's an Acorn plug and of course the XL version, at this lovely ridge, which will stimulate you when you walk it's a full 11" in diameter. So it's huge, but that what I need for you to be able to take the horse, so this is now your training plug whenever I say."

"Yes Master S, every day in every way in need to be plugged and stretched for you."

"There is also an Ox Balls woofs plug which has a red doggy cock core that can be removed so you can be pissed in or fucked whilst you are plugged. A good ball gag, a full face mask which we might need for more extreme clients who wish to film you. Ankle cuffs, wrist cuffs, a collar and various straps for securing you when I require it." Now Master S was reeling of the items I could barely take it all in.

"Steve has also procured a couple of more feminine items as some of your future clients may like to see you en femme, which I'm sure a slut like you has experience of, so some lovely PVC 5 inch heeled boots, stockings, a black leather corset, panties, a lovely black bob wig will be perfect." Wow this was getting better and better I loved a little sissy dress up occasionally.

"A large pot of Cum lube, 20 plastic locks which are numbered and will allow me to secure you remotely. The silicon Boi trainer cock cage, which is very, very small for your clit and can be worn through security at the airport and for long term use. You will wear this whenever I say and especially on every plane ride in the future pig."

"Then my personal favourite this lovely heavy metal butt plug, which is blue tooth enables and can not only vibrate but also can give you an electric shock remotely when you are in a WIFI zone, this one is definitely not to be worn through airport security that really would get you stopped. I almost wish we'd put it in now, you'll go through a few WIFI zones on your walk." Master S laughed at his own joke as did the customers who were close enough to listen.

"Now let's get you dressed and on your way pig."

I looked like an extra from a very serious fetish movie, the plug and straps making me walk bow legged and the harness and rubber holding everything tightly in.

Suddenly I didn't want to go, I needed to be fed and watered and fucked.

"Please Master let me stay, I need to be fed Master, please."

"Don't worry your little piggie mind about that, it's all sorted, this locked bottle is full of my cum ready for your feed on later. All you have to do is to walk back to your hotel room and get the key and you can open it and drink it on cam for me, how does that sound."

The hunger was growing, but at least I knew I could walk back and get more food, I needed it more with each passing minute.

Steve had my clothes with him and started to get me dressed, no underwear necessary, my jeans straight on, socks and shoes then the t shirt and hoodie.

"Ok then pig this is just the start of the journey for you, how do you feel after your training?"

Master S seemed genuinely interested.

"I feel complete Master, a pig, but I want to be used more by you Master."

Master S smiled and nodded his head, holding out the amazing collection of Hankies which had started this train of debauchery.

"Don't worry slut, you'll always be mine now, I have enquires about you from all over the world after people have watched you for the last 40 odd hours. In the most depraved circles of pigdom you're getting famous. We'll make sure your kept busy won't we Steve."

"Yes we will Master S, very, very busy indeed." Steve smiled so dirtily as he said this my clit twitched in its confined rubber prison.

"Here's your backpack filled with most of your goodies, we couldn't fit them all in so you'll have one big bag from the shop with our logo. So that the people in the know will be aware of what you are and where you've been. Now walk straight back to the hotel, they keys to let you out will be waiting, then get on cam and I can see you have your feed, OK?"

"Thank you Master S for taking me into your charge, for making me your pig."

Master S, leaned forward and kissed me hard and passionately, I almost fainted, fuck I loved this man.

Steve opened the door into the sunlight of a summer day and I walked out looking back at the two of them smiling as the door closed.

Time for my walk back to a normal life. Even though I was trussed up and plugged, a gay faggot pig.

The warmth of the sun hit me after such a long time in the dark and dirty recesses of Master S's world.

The fact I was wearing heavy duty rubber panties and bra became all too apparent as I started to perspire, not that I could take my hoodie off in the area I was about to walk through and with what I was wearing under my shirt.

I started to walk on my still slightly wobbly legs, the after effects of the poppers apparent and Master S's d**gs and the ecstasy he'd fed me were still in my system, keeping me totally hard and turned on.

With each step the tight rubber crotch of the panties was rubbing firmly on my sensitive clit head, keeping it erect even in its confinement.

The plug had opened wide inside my pussy and the big nodules on the front were indeed rubbing on my prostate as I took each step, the feeling was amazing. That combined with my clit and the nipple clamps under the tight rubber bra, meant I was being overly stimulated with each and every step. It was overwhelming, but I had to get back to the hotel to get out of the locked clothes I was in, to sleep and recover in time for my phone call to family, but more than anything to get my next feed of Master's cum.

I realized that I was hungry, of course all I'd been fed was protein, although a hell of a lot of it. Even though that was the case, I didn't crave a burger or a steak, I needed Masters cum, to taste it sliding down my throat, I looked into the bag at the full locked bottle of his cum, it was a good half pint and I knew once it was open with the key I would find in my room, I would consume it ravenously. I even wondered if I could break the bottle to get my feed now, but worried I would lose some of the precious Gods ambrosia.

So I couldn't eat and I needed to, I couldn't drink piss and I wanted to, but the Tenderloin was no place to look for that sustenance. The other thing I needed now was poppers, thankfully Master had given me 6 bottles.

The worry was that opening a bottle of poppers in the open is quite obvious to those in the know and I figured this area was one where many people would know what I was doing. The paranoia I was feeling was pretty understandable bearing in mind the d**gs coursing through my system.

The sensory overload of the nipple clamps, taste of cum in my throat, the plug, the tight rubber panties all took my focus, but the absolute hunger to be fed, dominated them all, I needed something. That need and hunger had been programmed into me, I had no choice over it.

I had to have poppers, Master had told me that I would need them and now I needed them in my hand just to get home. I carefully took one bottle out of the bag and tried surreptitiously to take the wrapper off the top, whilst concentrating on walking on a straight line and not falling over. I was concentrating on not walking too bow legged and give away the fact I had a huge plug in my pussy.

It was hard, but once the wrapper was off I was so desperate, I had to sniff and sniff hard. I held the bottle in my right fist and unscrewed the top whilst it was in the one hand, I was after all quite practiced at this. Then I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me, no one seemed to be.

I slowed my walk down and lifted the bottle to my right nostril, emptying my lungs as much as I could. Then closing my left nostril with my index finger and holding the full, fresh bottle tight against my right nostril and breathing in for as long as I could to completely fill my lungs with popper soaked air.

I held my breath and walked ten steps, then exhaled. The hit was massive, even after everything I'd taken, it was huge, I could feel every part of my body, and loved all the sensations as I thought of Master clipping the clamps on, stuffing my pussy with the plug and locking me into my bitch costume.

Fuck I was as high as a kite, I felt wonderfully dirty and needed more, but I was after all out in the open and in the Tenderloin. If only some of these down and outs knew what I was wearing under my clothes, I'd be taken into a back alley and used as a convenience and fuckpig. Shit maybe that was Master's aim, surely not, he wanted to whore me out not give me away for free.

I started to walk faster, keen to get to my safe room and be on cam for my Master. Each little while I'd top up my poppers and finally I was through the Tenderloin and heading to the Castro District after 20 minutes or so. Not that I had much of an idea how long it had been at the time.

Just concentrating on walking was so hard now after a couple of miles, my nipples were on fire, I needed to piss and to shit. To get the plug out and these rubber panties off and let my foreskin go back over my clit head. The only way I kept going was to consume more and more poppers to keep my slut juice topped up.

The incessant rubbing of the nodules of the plug finally got to me and as I crossed a rainbow road crossing into the Castro District and saw a rainbow flag in front of me, the small wave of an orgasm washed over me and I came, my slut juice filling my thick rubber panties. The slutty aroma escaping bit by bit as I staggered along, I was breathing it in as though it were perfume.

I relaxed a little, now I was nearing home and sniffing here was less likely to get me in trouble.

I took more poppers on board, but the need to piss and the hunger for cum was growing so much, I thought about entering a gay bar I passed, but Master had ordered me back to the hotel so I had to do that.

Finally I walked onto the street of the hotel, a few more hits of my slut juice and one final one as I walked up the steps to the hotel. Thank God I was back, now where would the keys I needed be.

I walked to the front desk and before I could speak the beautiful girl behind the desk said.

"Ahh Mr Johnson, how lovely too see you, we heard you were having a lovely time in our fair city, here's your door key and we've dropped a note on your bed from a well-wisher. You must be tired after your trip."

Shit what did she know, how could she know, bloody hell what was I supposed to do now, bluff...

I read her name tag "Thanks for that Melinda, yes I am tired I'm off for some much needed sleep."

She was truly stunning, dark haired, tall, beautifully proportioned tits just stretching her jersey a little and the nipples playfully poking out, she looked slightly flushed and turned on. In fact I thought she had that just been fucked look, all could think of was if she had maybe her pussy would be full of some man's cum I could eat. What a fucking cum slut I had become, how low could I go.

"If you need any help getting out of anything please do ring down for me, or if you prefer I can send one of the strong young men up. They'll be able to look after you in full."

There was I thinking the weirdness would end when I got to the hotel, then it dawned on me.

Master S and Steve had been on my phone, the hotel bookings, my business meetings for the next two weeks, everything was on there. They knew every detail of my trip, where I would go, the hotels I would stay in and who I'd see on business. What had my horniness got me into?

He had complete control of my life and Melinda was obviously in on something, she knew what I'd been doing it seemed. That was the only explanation I could think of to explain her innuendo.

She was beautiful though and the thought of her seeing me in my kinky outfit was actually turning me on. Somehow more humiliating her being a beautiful woman after all those men had fucked and pissed on and in me.

"Thanks Melinda, if I need help I'll definitely ring just for you." I couldn't help but flirt in the state of horniness I was in.

"I'll look forward to your call then Mr Johnson or should I call you???" she left the comment hanging making me wonder if she had been going to say, Pete or pig.

I walked across the lobby aware of her eyes watching my every ginger poppered step, I walked with my wide footed unsteady gait, she must be aware of what I had become.

I opened the old fashioned gate to the elevator and ascended to my room, finally swiping the key card and opening the door to my large double room. Ahhh bed, thank God. Then I thought I needed to piss, but how could I undress.

There was an envelope on the middle of the freshly made bed. It was addressed in beautiful script simply to "pig".

I dropped my back pack onto the bed and the bag of toys and clothes alongside it. I had to open the envelope, I could tell the keys were not in there, but maybe it would tell me where they were, I had to piss soon and get this plug out. More importantly I needed to be fed Masters seed that I had in the locked bottle.

I cautiously opened the envelope, it read, "Well, well pig, no doubt a lovely walk back, hope you enjoyed your poppers on the way home. NOW take off your normal clothes so you are just in your bitch gear, I never want to see you on cam dressed as anything other than a slut or pig. Then fire up your computer and put the Skype cam on, I expect you kneeling in front of the keyboard in a couple of minutes. Lastly ring Melinda on reception and say this, pig needs your help to get ready, now please Miss Melinda."

It was signed Master S, which meant not only did he have all my details, but he'd had someone drop this off earlier or whilst I was walking to the hotel.

Ohh jesus this wasn't stopping, I needed to strip shower, and to have a little rest without anything filling my ass, I needed all of these, but it was not to be.

I stripped and fired up the computer, as the computer was warming up, I rang reception and said.

"pig needs your help to get ready, now please Miss Melinda." exactly as I'd been instructed to by Master S."

"Excellent news pig, now put the door on the latch and kneel in front of your computer as Master S as instructed. I'll come and help you get ready."

The obvious question that I should have considered with the note was, what the fuck was she getting me ready for?

Skype was opening so I got up quickly and put the door on the latch, hoping no one other than Miss Melinda would come in. I had no choice though.

I knelt back down and waited for Skype to open fully. Then I saw Master S in my contacts, that hadn't been there before this weekend, they'd been into my account and added it, then again I had all my computer account passwords on my phone.

An incoming video call from Master S.

As I accepted it I heard the door creak slightly and Melinda just said. "Hello piggie, ummmm you look lovely in your bitch uniform."

Master S's face was on camera in front of me smiling.

"Well done pig, I know you need my cum so badly, I realize the urge is growing inside you by the minute. Don't worry, Melinda will feed you shortly. She's one of my subs but is obviously Dominant where you are concerned."

I just nodded.

"Now to tell you about the next few hours until you get to your family phone call. I said earlier that you could rest, but then I received some bids for your time and the lucky winner is on their way to you as we speak. Melinda is there to help you get ready for the session. Do exactly as she says, I'll be watching most of it live on this cam, but she'll also take close up footage for your next film, "Craigslist bareback piggie."

"Yes Master." What else could I say.

Master S walked away from the camera and I looked around at Melinda, she knelt beside me and started to stroke my rubber clad tits and belly pulling at the clamps under the rubber and eliciting a moan from me.

"Ummmm you smell so fucking depraved pig, I love how dirty you are, love the smell of piss, cum and men on you. Let's get you fed first, now take some big hits on the poppers we only have 30 minutes to have you redressed and ready for action."

Finally I was going to be my feed, I was desperate for it.

She took a key from the keyring on her belt and opened the cap to the bottle full of cum. She took a big swig.

I nearly cried out, that was my food, I needed it, but I shouldn't have worried.

She reached behind the back of my head and began to snow ball the cum, back and forth between us before finally depositing the first of the huge load into my mouth to swallow.

It was such a turn on to be doing this with her and getting my feed, my clit was rock hard in the rubber panties once again.

She licked her lips, "God he tastes, good doesn't he, I'm jealous of you getting all this you lucky slut."

"Yes Miss Melinda, he does taste so good, I need more food please."

"Master S did tell me the craving would be huge for you, so I know you want to enjoy the rest of this bottle, I now need you to chug this all in one go bitch. Hold the last mouthful in your open mouth for me to see."

I dutifully drank the beautiful elixir of Master's saved cum and held a huge mouthful for Miss Melinda too inspect, she stood up a spat directly into my mouth to add to the flavour and the humiliation.

"Now swallow you fucking whore and let's get you ready. Kneel there until I tell you to move."

She proceeded to get all the toys, locks, chastity cages, cuffs, straps, pig mask, plugs, ball gag, leather corset, stockings, rubber stockings, panties, mask, electric shock plug, the black bob wig, a bag of makeup I'd not seen previously, a rubber corset and finally the black PVC 5 inch boots.

She walked behind me and unlocked the padlocks on the strap on the harness going between my legs.

"Stand up you stupid slut we haven't got all day, I need to have you smelling like a woman, not a $1 faggot piss and cum whore."

I stood up, still desperate to piss, and trussed up like a gimp.

Melinda unbuckled the harness and removed that first laying it out on the big super kingsize bed with the rest of the toys, then took the padlock off the rubber panties I was wearing.

"I think the next stage will be better in the shower slut, at least it's big enough for both of us. As she said this she stripped off her skirt and top. I was transfixed, as much as I'd been a complete gay faggot whore for 2 days, I still found dominant women's bodies a turn on. She reached behind her back looking straight into my eyes.

"Like what you see pig???"

"Yes Miss Melinda you're truly beautiful."

"Well just remember pig I'm only stripping so I can get you cleaned up without messing up my clothes."

I didn't care why, I just knew my clit was hardening in my panties at the sight in front of me. The off came her tight small wet panties, and I saw her completely bald pussy lips facing me, ummmm what a sight.

She pushed me into the shower and followed me in.

"I'm guessing you need a piss slut?"

"Yes Miss, my belly is so full of piss I'm desperate, please can I go soon Miss."

"You'll hold it until I say bitch, now let's start with your bra, as you can see my tits, I'd like to see yours."

She pulled the bra upwards off my tits and that motion pulled the nipple clamps very firmly causing me to scream out.

"Shut up bitch, we have hotel customers here who won't want to hear your whore moans."

She reached back into the bathroom and picked up her panties from the floor, taking them and opening her legs slightly so I could see her glistening pussy in much more detail. She rubbed the gusset of her lacy panties up and down her pussy, coating them with as many juices as she could.

She then squatted a little more and I could see she was clenching her muscles and she squeezed a number of big globules of male cum out from her pussy onto her panties, until they were completely soaked and coated.

"Open wide pig, put out your tongue." I thought the moist panties were going straight into my mouth, but instead she spread her beautiful shaved pussy lips apart with her fingers and scooped out more globules of cum from her pussy to feed me with, she smeared it in my nostrils, over my lips and in my mouth.

I was still there with my mouth wide open and she carefully placed the cum soaked wet gusset of her panties face down on my tongue to maximize the flavor.

Fuck I loved the taste of cock, but also pussy, this combination was exquisite.

She then went to the bed and brought back the ball gag. As she stood looking at me I could see how flushed her face was, she was so turned on by all of this, my clit was raging inside the runner panty prison. I'd already gone from desperate for release from the confines of my bitch pig uniform to wanting to be used again, so deep were the triggers set by Master S.

"Let's just get your panty gag properly soaked before I add the ball gag bitch, kneel down."

I figured I knew what was coming next, but then again I I was thirsty as Master S had told me I would be.

Melinda held me by the ears pulling me close to her smelly snatch and released her pee straight into my waiting mouth, the first squirts soaking the panties and forcing the last of the cum that had been fucked into her earlier into my mouth. She then let free a full long stream, causing my mouth to overflow as I couldn't swallow. It was more of a piss shower, covering me from head to toe in her juices and piss.

She looked down on me and smiled pleased to have emptied her bladder and filled my mouth. Then she quickly strapped the ball gag in place, squeezing some of the juices in the panties down into my waiting pig throat.

"Right now no more noise slut, we have to get you ready."

She finished taking the bra off over my head, leaving slightly smaller tits than before, but still with their obscene nipples jutting out, heavily clamped in the Japanese clover clamps.

She dropped the rubber bra to the floor to be washed and dried for later use.

Then she had me stand and unlocked the tight belt on the rubber panties and unzipped them from the back. She kneeled behind me in the pool of her own piss and started to pull my rubber prison panties down, having to heave my ass cheeks out of them one at a time. She then had me turn around so I was facing her and started to pull them down revealing my heavily erect clit.

As she peeled them off she saw the pool of pig juice inside the panties from when I had cum as I crossed the road earlier, she leaned in a sucked it all up, then spat it into her hand and reached up smearing it all over my face.

She then took my clit in her mouth as she continued to pull the panties down, jesus I never expected this dynamic. Master S must have ordered her to give me the blow job and I wasn't complaining, but to get pleasure from my clit did seem weird. Then she began to work the plug gently in and out of my pussy as she sucked me off until the inevitable happened and I came in her mouth.

Then I realised why she had done it, I hadn't seen the silicon Boi Trainer clit cage in her hand, she had hidden it in her hand, as it was so, so small. As my cock softened after spurting my pig juice in her mouth, she forcefully retracted the foreskin fully and put the clit cage on me, fiddling, pushing, squashing until I was completely in the cage, then she locked it in place. She looked up at me and smiled with her mouth full of pig juice.

She stood up and in front of me her tits touching mine, our erect nipples battling with each other. Then she took the ball gag off, and the piss soaked panties out, pushed my shoulders down so my head was lower than hers and dribbled my pig juice into my mouth, then replacing the soaked panties and the ball gag.

"That's better, we have your clit in its proper state and you've eaten your load of pig juice today as Master S demanded. He wouldn't want a drop wasted."

She then pushed down on my shoulders to indicate that I should bend over. She pulled my left cheek out of the way, took a firm grip on the plug and in one powerful motion ripped the rippled plug from my pussy. I screamed into her piss soaked panties. It appeared that the walk had encouraged my pussy to tighten hard over the plug and it was much more painful coming out that it was going in.

"Don't be such a baby, you're a fucking whore now, just take it and be grateful, you've had much worse and you'll get much worse before you've earned your keep today bitch."

From what I'd experienced that weekend I was quite sure she was right.

So there I was now naked, just my heavy nipples clamped and my clit back in its proper place, a cage and my mouth gagged with cum and piss soaked panties.

She lifted the chain between the two clover clamps, the effect of which was to tighten the clamps on my poor swollen nipples, I was on tip toes trying to limit the pain as much as I could. But as she moved to unclip the clamps I knew this was when the real pain would start. She roughly took them both off at the same time.

She turned the overhead rain shower on as soon as she removed the clamps and as the blood ebbed back into my nipples bit by bit they were agony as the piss was washed off me.

She reached for a shower attachment to put on the end of the hand held shower and she screwed it on, then getting the temperature right before issuing me with my order.

"On all fours like the pig you are."

I complied and she roughly stuck the shower douche straight into my pussy and told me to clench.

Only having eaten cum for over 36 hours I was unsure what she would extract other than the large quantities of cum which were swilling around my insides. The slime that came out when I was allowed to release suggested just cum was all that was coming out, but after a few attempts she was happy that I was completely clean.

Once washed she pushed her hand into my pussy, stretching it back to a greater gape, she seemed to be enjoying working most of her hand in an out.

"Fuck they weren't joking were they, you will definitely be able to take a horse cock, you dirty little slut pig. A perfect pussy for what's about to happen to you today. But to help get you in the mood I'm going to shelve you"

I'd heard of this before but almost thought it was an urban myth as Melinda took one of the pink piggie ecstasy pills and pushed into my pussy reaching around to spot it close to my prostate.

"This ecstasy will hit you faster and much harder and just be so much more intense, your bulging clit will try and break out of its little silicon prison. I'm going to enjoy turning you on at every possible opportunity."

Now you're clean inside, but before we completely clean the outside I do want you to relieve your bladder completely into this bowl."

She placed a large metal bowl under my clit and as I was so desperate I let fly a stream of piss that seemed to go on forever. The relief was amazing, not having a full bladder for the first time for so long.

"Wow you've nearly filled it, now Master S said your client today, particularly loved your preggie belly look, so now you have to re-drink all of your piss. We have to get it to grow back as much as we can, so I'll keep drinking water and make sure my bladder is completely full to fill you up even more. The client wants you sloshing with piss when they arrive."

I knew full well what was next as she came back into the room with a large funnel gag and removing the ball gag and panties she replaced them with the funnel gag attaching it to my face. She immediately began pouring the few pints of piss I had just expelled desperately into the funnel it. As soon as I emptied it once, she simply refilled it, as I drank I could feel my belly distending once more.

She stroked my belly as I drank, each time I stopped and was finding it hard she clenched her hands hard on my balls to encourage me. I was finding it harder and harder to drink and so she had one hand clenching on my balls and the other on one of my distended nipples, giving me as much pain as she could to encourage me to drink more and more of my piss.

'Excellent, now you're full of piss again, I'm going to get you cleaned and dressed, how lovely is that belly of yours again." She ran her hands over my belly then she removed the funnel and placed it on the shower floor.

She then downed a full water bottle which must have been well over a pint.

"First stand up and we'll get you showered." She washed me down completely head to toe with a heavily perfumed feminine shower gel. She ran her fingers over every part of my body to check I was still smooth. I didn't pass inspection.

She walked back into the bathroom and came back with the hair remover, shaving cream and a razor. As I watched her, I realized I was going back to the very high state I'd been in earlier, the shelved piggie ecstasy was working it's magic on me.

She rubbed hair remover over my arms, chest, pits, pussy crack, clit, balls and legs. Then proceeded to lather my face with shaving gel before carefully removing my days facial growth. Once I was shaved, she rinsed me off with the shower and I was completely smooth once more.

She had me step out of the shower and towelled me dry before leading me by my clit to the side of the bed.

"Now sit down slut, your client wants you En femme today, so let's begin."

I'd been dressed by Mistresses and Masters a number of times and always enjoyed it particularly when the look was of a fetish slut as the attire on the bed suggested.

She knelt down in front of me and picked up the rubber stockings and a bottle of talc, she liberally sprinkled the stockings with talcum powder and then drew them up my smooth thighs before asking me to stand and get into a small pair of rubber knickers. These just contained my miniscule caged clit head very tightly and happily sat right in my pussy crack at the back. They felt so, so good, snug against my pussy rubbing on it with every movement, god I needed to be filled soon, the desperation to be fucked was building as Master S had told me it would, the deep craving filling my mind.

"Just before the corset goes on, I think that last drink pushed my bladder over the edge, I have to piss right now slut." She went to the bathroom and picked up the funnel gag and came back and fixed the big gag into my mouth and strapped the funnel onto my head.

She straddled the funnel with her bald cunt just inches away from my face, I could smell the beautiful musky aroma of her cunt and see as the petals opened as she let fly a stream of hot fresh piss straight into my drinking vessel.

God how I loved this degradation, I adored being treated this way, this was my new station in life. Again drinking was hard, but I knew I had to focus and get the piss down, she had filled it to the brim and I managed to drink that, then she simply filled it again, the piss splashing all over my face.

Once the stream had faded to a dribble she stood off the funnel and waited until I had managed to drink it all.

She took off the funnel and put it back in the shower, presumably for later.

"Well done slut, your belly is back to its absolutely beautifully, swollen best, your client will love that. You can't piss though now without my permission and any piss you do has to be recycled straight away, you understand piss pig?"

"Yes Miss Melinda, I understand I have to be kept as full as possible with piss."

"OK now stand and we'll get this rubber corset on you to show off that beautiful piss and cum filled pregnant belly of yours."

I stood up, my belly now ever more obscene as it seemed to be accustomed to being stretched and was getting bigger each time I was forced to drink more piss.

"This corset is one designed for pregnant women, so it will fit perfectly and not squash your belly but rather will lift it and show it off perfectly, also lifting your udders and the half cup of the corset will push your udders up and together, giving you great cleavage and allowing your nipples to be on show over the half cup."

I knew full well what that meant, it was so my nipples could be tortured easily.

"I can't wait to see the finished product, now we must press on, your client will be here soon. She wants a fetish slut and that's what I have to give her."

She fitted the dull rubber corset around and over my belly, lifting my tits up into the cups and making sure the swollen salined nipples did show over the top of the cups. The she started to tighten the strings at the back, pulling it very tight around my waist and between my tits and belly and although it was very tight at the top the effect of that was just as she'd described making the most of my new tits.

The garters hanging from the rubber corset were attached to my rubber stockings.

Then she took a can of rubber spray and sprayed my rubber out fit and buffed it to a complete sheen. Looking down the stockings looked amazing.

She then had me sit once again on the chair in front of the mirror this time. She reached over for the 5 inch patent heel boots. She had me raise my feet one by one, to put them on me and then buckled the straps and padlocked them in place. I'd presumably have to earn the keys to be freed from them later.

She went to pick up a number of items from the bed and then said.

"Bugger we forgot your pussy, how remiss of me, it's time to get you something to sit on, whilst I work on completing your fetish slut look.

She picked up a 10 inch black dildo with a suction base, a good 2 inches thick, one that would let me know I was full, once I was sitting on it. She held the base out to me and I knew she wanted me to lick it to help the suction cup stick onto the chair.

She just smiled and stuck it in the middle of the chair and stood astride it, standing on tip toes to get above it. Smiling at me, I was jealous, I thought it was for me, I needed to be full. I was programmed to be stretched and to want to be filled now by Master S's triggers.

She was obviously sopping wet as she swiftly impaled her pussy in one stroke sitting down hard on it until it was balls deep. She rode it for a few strokes and then stood up off it.

"The you go bitch, that's well lubed up for your pussy now. Pull your rubber panties to the side and get yourself on top of it, this instant."

I gingerly stood up on the 5 inch heels, they were pretty big for me and I tottered on them as I walked over to the chair and carefully backed myself over the big black cock, fuck I needed this inside me, I needed to be filled, Every day in every way.

I reached under my smooth balls and purple caged clit and pulled the rubber panties to the left, lining up the cock head with my pussy. It was glistening with her juices and I could smell her arousal as I stood over the cock. Because of the heels I was standing well above the top of the dildo and had to squat down using my quads to let the head enter me. I savoured the moment for a couple of seconds.

Miss Melinda was standing behind me and I felt her petite hands on my shoulders as she virtually lifted herself up and put all her weight onto me. As I was already squatting and rocky on the heels, her extra weight forced me to go the only way I could, down and within one second the cock was slammed balls deep in me.

"That's better slut, now you look much more comfortable. In fact you look serene."

My eyes had watered at the instant invasion, I had tightened up since the plug had been removed and now I was grateful to be full again, although would have enjoyed some poppers to go with the dildo. Then as I sat there, fully impaled I heard Master S's voice telling me that I needed to be filled and that made me feel so good. Thank goodness the ecstasy was taking me higher.

"Now sit still slut, the final touches to your slut transformation need to be done."

She brought a small stool over for her to sit on, she was still naked and the smell of her arousal was turning me on so much, my clit was raging and trying to break out of its silicon prison.

"Before we do your makeup I need to be looked after, I've got a deep itch that needs scratching so get licking my pussy and make it a good job, I need to squirt into that whore mouth of yours.

I leaned forward, the cock in my pussy going in a fraction deeper as my weight shifted and reached out my tongue to trace the line of her lips.

God she tasted so sweet, with just a hint of her last piss. She tasted like nectar to this slut, I needed to drink from her pussy.

She moved forward and straddled me using my nose to rub her clit on. My tongue was working overtime, gentle flicks followed by long full tongue strokes then deep thrusts. I used every trick I knew and with the horned up state Miss Melinda was already in, it didn't take long until a long, intense orgasm ripped through her, flooding my mouth and throat with her squirting fluid. I drank it down like a man in a desert. After all I didn't want to spoil the shine of the rubber.

She rested there, vibrating and letting the intensity subside, as I ever so gently kissed her, aware of the heightened sensitivity she would no doubt have. She then dismounted and kissed me full and passionately tasted her own juices.

"Goodness me, what a talent you have, after all I've seen of you so far, you really will be one of Master S's best earners. A gay faggot pig, who can still make a woman weep with pleasure and yet you still have more training to go."

"Now let's clean your face and finish you off."

She got a flannel from the bathroom and bathed my face, cleaning it well. Then dried it too.

"Right now for your make up, let's make you look like the complete whore you are inside."

She applied extra-long thick black eyelashes first, then plucked and shaped my eyebrows, making them quite severe. Darkening them and then adding smoky black and charcoal grey eyeliner and eye shadow. The lip liner was heavy and the lipstick a deep dark red, making my lips look like they were soaked in dark blood.

The final touch of mascara to accentuate the false eyelashes and then Melinda moved onto my nails. Nail extensions were fitted, filed and shaped and then 3 coats of deep lustrous red to match my lip colour those the only two accents to my black whore uniform.

One last change was desperately needed and on went the wig cap, before Melinda fitted the severe black bob wig to my head. Then Melinda stood up and I could see the full effect in the mirror which she had been blocking my view of. She them put a leather collar on me again padlocking it in place, with the two silver words on it, CUM WHORE.

Now I would never ever be passable, but I really did look like a pregnant fetish slut now and what a hot one I looked. Fuck given the chance I would have ****d me senseless, if I'd seen me, the look was so extreme and totally slutty, I loved it as I sat impaled on my rubber cock.

Melinda then attached the cuffs to my wrists and ankles, locking them in place and told me to stand slowly. As I rose off the dildo, she lifted the suction pad off with one finger and kept me impaled as I stood fully.

"Now walk over to the wooden flooring in front of the door and kneel down facing the door."

She walked with me and bent as I started to kneel down, her pressing the dildo deep into my eager pussy. I knelt on the wooden floor and she pulled the dildo partially out of me and fixed the suction cup onto the floor and then told me to spread my legs and lower myself down until I was balls deep again, I did so.

She then clipped the cuffs on my hands to the cuffs on my feet and I was effectively helpless and stuck on the dildo. Because of the cuffs I couldn't raise myself far enough to get the dildo out of my pussy even if I tried I was imprisoned on it.

"OK now for the last thing, it's time for some heavy popper action."

Miss Melinda popped two nose plugs in each attached to a full bottle of poppers.

"Now my little fat pig whore, saturate that silly sissy brain of yours with poppers, each time I say inhale you will do so and continue to do so until I tell you to stop then you will hold your breath until I tell you to exhale, then we'll start all over again. We have 10 minutes to finish your preparations slut."

In the next ten minutes I must have sniffed half a bottle of poppers, my face was flushed, my pupils must have been hugely dilated, combined with the ecstasy I was in my favorite slutty d**g induced sub-space, I would have done anyone who walked into my room.

I couldn't help but rock on the cock in me, I was rising up off it and then drifting back down, just enjoying the gentle fucking of my pussy, my eyes closed, oblivious Melinda who watched on, or to Master S watching me on cam, fucking myself for his amusement.

"Just look at it Steve, it's taken everything we've thrown at it and now when it should want to curl up in a bed and sleep, it just wants more, that hypnosis course I went on was the best $500 I've ever spent, this whore will bring a fortune in and be the best advert for the shop too."

"You're right as ever Master, when you first mentioned the farm I thought this one was too straight for that, I thought you had to start with a very nasty pig to get them to finally suck a horse cock, but this pig is already thinking about it, fuck it's your best transformation yet, well done Master."

Then the door opened and in walked a sight for sore piggy eyes. I opened mine and saw an Amazonian Goddess in front of me. The same drag queen from the latex night whenever that was. I knew she had a horse cock under her beautiful long trench coat.

She must have been 6 foot 4 in her statuesque thigh high boots over black shiny rubber stockings, The big zip over her nether regions hiding a monstrous bulge which could never be tucked and I hoped against hope was going to be let out to play soon. A stunning rubber corset over her amazing glorious boobs with a massive cleavage.

She was the perfect ideal of a rubber dominatrix shemale.

"Now just look at you slut, ever since I fed you my piss I have wanted you. Wanted to own you even if just for a while. You're mine for the next few hours and I intend to get my monies worth, that's for sure."

Mistress Caprice stood in front of me and looked deep into my glazed eyes, as I rocked up and down on my rubber cock.

"I had to pay a pretty penny for you bitch, after so many people had watched some of your more extreme videos. A lot of very depraved people could see just how much use you might be."

"But I wanted you before your inevitable trip to the farm, I still want to feel you tight on my cock. Not sloppy after you've been properly horse fucked, as you deserve."

"Once I'm finished fucking you and enjoying your slutty holes, we'll be listing your very specific services for some specialist guys on a range of websites to cover my expenses."

"We have 6 hours to whore you out for and now is the time to get some sexy dirty photos and videos for your debut as a paid gay whore."

After everything I'd been through this should have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

Instead I was so horned up on poppers and ecstasy and reveling in riding the black cock I was impaled on, that I just smiled like the dumb fuckslut Master S had turned me into.

I just needed more and more depravity. The triggers placed in my sub-conscious by Master S, kept circling around my brain.

More than anything if I couldn't have Masters Cum to feed on, I needed a mans cum, in fact lots of mens cum, I had to be fed more cum. The craving was growing as I had those hypnotic thoughts on a repeating loop, in my slut brain.

I must suck cock every day, I must drink Masters Cum, I need cum every day, I must be plugged, fucked and stretched each and every day, I am thirsty for piss, I need to drink piss. Every day, in every way, I needed to be a gay pig.

As these thoughts swirled around my brain, I simply knelt, fucking myself. Breathing in heavily, taking huge hits of poppers and then raising up on my knees and slamming my ass pussy down on the cock to impale myself over and over again.

The ecstasy in my pussy was taking me deeper into a d**g induced haze than I'd been before. I was on complete pig autopilot.

I was wantonly fucking myself in front of Mistress Caprice, as she had Melinda videoing me, capturing all the dirty details in close ups.

Filming my heavy breathing, the way my cunt lips were clinging to the cock with every rise of my body.

The aroused grunts and squeals as I slammed down balls deep. I didn't realize it but this was the perfect video to sell my piggy self with.

"Melinda, place the ad for Our Latex Sissy Slut, expert in forced piss drinking, cum eating and rimming. Two holes for stuffing with whatever the client wants, up to and including fisting. Deep throat, cock sucking a speciality."

"The summary should be BAREBACK ONLY PIG. NO LIMITS BONDAGE LATEX SISSY CUM WHORE, extensive toys available, filming compulsory."

"That should bring out the dirtiest b**sts imaginable. Put a link on the ad, to this film you're doing now of pig riding its cock of its own volition, without any instruction or help."

Mistress was now pacing up and down, watching Melinda filming and obviously running out of patience.

"I presume you've have finished the set-up of premium profiles on Grindr, Recon, Bareback, Gaybdsmdate as I ordered, so that all you now have to do is add the photo's and videos?"

"Yes Mistress Caprice, I used some of the footage Master S sent me and tailored the profiles to bring out the most extreme Masters I could , you did say the weirder the better Mistress."

Even as she said these disgusting things I just kept riding my cock, hoping against hope for an orgasm. My clit raging in its cage, my pussy so well lubricated that I was slipping and sliding up and down fluidly.

I was so deep in sub space, I wasn't aware of what the words really meant. I just wanted to please Master S and to do that, I had to please this stunningly beautiful Goddess in front of me and her dirty depraved clients.

"Yes we want weird, and disgusting Masters."

"Fuck it, you must have you got enough footage for the ad Melinda, I'm getting impatient here, I need to empty my she balls into that pig throat."

"Mistress Caprice, I think you face fucking the pig and pissing or cumming in the pig throat, would help us attract the worst b**sts out there, to cum and use the pig. But is that really what you want, the very worst guys out there?"

Melinda sounded genuinely concerned for me, but questioning her Mistress wasn't a good idea.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, questioning me, bitch? The worse the Doms are, the more I'll be paid for the films you stupid slut."

"I was about to let you get dressed but you can stay naked as the dirty skank you are, in fact bring that man in the barrel plug over here right now."

"I'm sorry Mistress, I didn't mean to question you at all. Please not the man in the barrel plug, I can't take that, it's huge."

"Fuck you slut!! bring it now and you'd better get some lube and poppers, you're going to need them. One more question and I'll force it into you dry."

Just hearing this and realising that the plug wasn't going in me was a huge turn on, I couldn't wait to see Melinda stretched and plugged as a total ass slut like me.

Mistress Caprice sat in the chair to the side of me and ordered Melinda on all fours, her asshole facing me, as I ever more eagerly fucked my own slutty hole on the dildo, whilst looking at her shaved asshole and pussy from behind.

"Back onto the pigs face and let it rim you and get you good and wet Melinda. This plug is fucking huge and if you're not turned on it'll split your tight little girly ass in two."

I was already reaching forward at the maximum stretch of my cuffs trying to get to her ass to taste her, fuck I needed that taste on my tongue. I could see it was covered in her pussy juices, I just had to taste her.

As she backed onto my face, Mistress Caprice came in close with one of the cameras, showing very clearly how I was straining forward and my desperation to taste her asshole in close ups, full HD detail. I'd look like a dirty pig in heat, on the video, just as she wanted.

The video ad would show my tongue lunging and searching for its goal.

Then it happened my tongue touched Melinda's asshole and she flinched and moaned, I circled her butt hole with my tongue, loving the mixed taste of her juices and her ass. Melinda moaned and pressed back further, she was plainly a butt slut too.

I buried my face as deeply as I possibly could, working my tongue to open her hole a little more with each dart into her rosebud. The taste was a complete delicacy to me, obviously her pussy juices, but also a hint of cum, sweat and her natural ass taste was a potent cocktail in my piggy, d**gged state.

Melinda was pushing back as hard as possible making sure that I was no longer fucking the dildo but was instead fully impaled on it. As I delved into her ass crack and hole, my tongue trying to get as far up as possible I continued to breathe in large hits of my slut juice.

I wasn't aware at all of what Mistress Caprice was up to but she was carefully getting footage of all of this dirtiness, for my profiles. Filming close ups and all the slurps and grunts as I worked feverishly on Melindas ass.

As Melinda started to pant, the tension built in her and she had a shuddering orgasm, I felt her hole and ass cheeks spasming on my face. She squirted into her hand and then rested for a minute or two.

"Now that's better slut, you'll be ready to be plugged now won't you bitch. Take some big deep hits on these poppers and get some lube on your shit hole and we'll begin."

Melinda was on all fours now in front of Mistress Caprice, she took a big glob of lube and coated her asshole and then lowered her head to the floor.

She held a bottle of poppers to first one nostril, then the other, taking in the biggest longest breaths she possibly could. Over and over again, she overloaded her mind with the slut juice, just as I was doing.

I vaguely realized that I was breathing mine in, in sync with her. Two sluts together.

My fat ass pussy had taken this plug but surely her lithe, athletic, little ass couldn't possibly accommodate this monster plug.

Fuck I was so turned on at the thought of the inevitable pain this was going to cause Melinda and the look on her face as it was forced home.

Mistress Caprice was again seated to my side with Melinda straight in front of me, so I could see every sordid detail of what happened.

I heard the unmistakable sound of a heavy duty zip being undone, I turned to my right, Mistress was letting her she-cock out to play. Even semi-flacid it was one of the biggest and widest cocks I'd seen.

I wasn't sure if a horse would be much bigger than her. Fuck then I saw her huge balls, they were baby makers.

As she stroked its full length with one hand, right in front of Melinda's ass, the girth filled out as though someone were inflating her cock with a pump. All I wanted to do was to drain those beautiful big balls.

It was mesmerizing to behold, I was salivating at the sight, I should have been scared, but I wanted it in me. Whilst she stroked her cock to full size, she spat on the head of the plug and worked it around Melinda's recently rimmed, dripping wet asshole.

Once Mistress had opened her slut a little, she pushed the first head in hard, to a squeal from Melinda.

"Ahhh we have another little piggy in here now don't we pig."

I grunted eagerly in agreement.

Mistress then worked that head in and out rapidly 20 or 30 times, making her ass pop with each intrusion. Then on one of the instrokes she just kept on pushing telling Melinda to bear down at the same time.

As Melinda groaned and tried to bear down the top of the barrel entered her partially, her asshole half over it, by now she was whimpering and begging for mercy.

"Should we stop now pig and let this slut off?"

I wasn't sure what to say, I was almost worried for Melinda, the plug so big it might tear her. But I was also incredibly turned on and wanted to see her impaled on it, fuck my clit was trying to get even harder at the thought.

"I'll let you choose pig, grunt if you want me to stop, squeal if you want to see this monster deep inside Melinda's pretty little whorish ass."

I knew I should have helped Melinda and shown mercy, but the sexy sight in front of me was too much.

I squealed as loudly as I could as I continued to rock on my cock.

"There you see Melinda, you really shouldn't have worried about pig, he longs to see you butt fucked with this monster."

"Maybe now you'll realize he needs a special sort of b**st Master to make the most of his specific talents."

"I think now instead of being squeamish, you'll be quite happy to welcome in some of San Frans most unsavoury characters to use pig, isn't that right slut."

"Fuuuuuccckkkkk yeeessss Mistress, I'll have them **** both his holes and fuck him raw for this. Pint after pint of piss and cum will be forced down the pigs throat and those nipples will be twice as longggggggggg...Arrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Melinda had been so focussed on what revenge she could take out on me, just as Mistress Caprice wanted. Then Mistress forced the rest of the barrel in one huge push and Melinda's ass clenched onto the snap back of the plug.

Holding it deep within Melinda. She was now groaning, broken for the moment, with the feeling of completely overwhelming fullness.

"Now get up you bitch and put on your thick rubber panties, then pull them tight up your asscheeks so that plug is firmly held in. It will stay put until I say so. I suggest you don't question me again if you know what's good for you."

Melinda stood up carefully her legs splayed wide just to accommodate the massive base of the plug between her slender thighs. As she turned to face me I could see the juices running from her pussy down her legs.

Obviously she was in pain, but absolutely turned on by the ass fucking and humiliation she had taken.

"Sorry Mistress. It won't happen again." Melinda sounded truly sorry.

Then she looked into my eyes and whispered. "I'll find the worst men I can for you pig, you'll regret that squeal, I promise you."

"In fact you'll regret it over and over again in the next few hours."

"That's more like it Melinda, glad to have you back onside now. Get working on completing those profiles and as you sit on that huge plug and it reminds you of what choice pig made, choose carefully what you say on the profiles."

"I want specific details on pig, specific to the patrons on each app or site attracts. Put in more details on pig especially on the Bareback and Recon sites."

"I think that's where our fishing will get the biggest baddest fish out there in this sea of sin."

Melinda was sitting at the desk in my hotel room, typing into her computer as Mistress came round in front of me, her she cock now jutting out horizontally as it continued to fill with blood.

Again I was being filmed but this time by the cameras on tripods set around me mainly at my head height.

What they were recording was an a****l desperate for food, my mouth open inches away from the massive purple cock head of Mistresses snake. My slutty cock sucker mouth straining forward to get my taste and food.

"Just look how desperate this whore is Melinda, see you needn't have worried, it's been reprogrammed completely by Master S."

Mistress Caprice rocked forward a little until the huge head was forcing my lips apart.

She stood hands on hips me looking up longingly into her deep dark eyes, and smiled down at me.

"Fuck Mistress, it's started already, the bids are coming in. Shit look at this first profile, this guy is pierced everywhere and tattoo's galore, he says he likes to see his pigs in real pain and needs to see tears to get off properly, is he the kind of guy you want Mistress?"

As Mistress smiled at me with her cock just in my mouth, she nodded and said simply "Yes, just the type."

As she said that, she rocked forward violently as her hands went to the back of my head and held me firmly. I now had 6 inches of huge thick cock in my mouth and pushing at the back of my throat.

No way was that going to actually get down the back of my throat, it was simply too big.

Or so I thought, apparently Mistress didn't care that it was too big, she just kept on pulling my face onto her cock.

Then it broke through the resistance at the back of my throat and a few more inches of snake made their way down my pig throat.

I couldn't breathe and just knelt there gagging on this huge, incredible cock. She rocked back and let me take in a few deep breaths, adding to my slut juice level and then she powered back on in.

This time the back of my throat had no resistance, she moved forward until I felt my nose on her flat corset covered abs.

I hated to admit but even though I was now crying, I was loving it and knew it would look great on film. Fuck that's how far I'd sunk, I was actually turned on and proud by the thought of real men watching me doing this, I was no longer horrified by it.

To describe what Mistress did as a face fucking, would be to understate it, is was a total skull fuck and she was playing to the cameras. Keeping me held tightly, balls deep on her horse cock, not able to breathe for longer and longer periods of time.

When she withdrew I tried desperately to gasp in as many breaths as I possibly could, not knowing when I'd next be able to breathe. The result of this was to completely soak my brain with more and more poppers. The level as high as it had been for the last 2 days.

My lipstick was wrecked, my mascara in streaks down my tear stained face, I looked a complete whore.

All the time she was fucking my face I was being forced to fuck the dildo ever more aggressively.

The sight of a pregnant latex sissy slut rampantly fucking herself with a huge cock whilst her throat was savagely ****d by a beautiful Amazonian Goddess seemed to be having the desired effects, both on Mistress Caprice and the perverted b**st Masters on the internet.

As the pings of interest kept sounding from Melinda's computer, Mistress was approaching orgasm, she allowed me one last huge intake of breath before slamming her she cock deep into my throat.

She held me there as the python pulsed and injected her seed deep into my willing and eager pig throat.

Mistress Caprice moaned out in ownership of her pig.

I was about to black out from the lack of oxygen when she let go of the back of my head and withdrew the softening sissy tamer from my mouth.

I could only gulp in air, long strings of saliva mixed with cum, hung from my mouth and nose, I was a sight.

Mistress stood legs apart in front of me, here huge cock swaying as my eyes were fixed upon it, I was hypnotised by its magnificence.

She then bent and lifted my head by the chin, turning me to face a camera and looked into the camera too saying "Now this is a pig you can enjoy, I've only shown you the one hole, but this pig takes it all, so batter up boys!"

I could no longer lift myself off the rubber cock, I was broken once again, slumped down, fully impaled and heaving for breath. My legs splayed out to the sides, no longer supporting me off the rubber dick.

My clit raging in its cage for some form of release.

The only thing that kept me upright was the dildo attached to the floor.

At least I had been fed some potent Shemale seed, but my Masters programming meant I craved more, I needed more cum, lots more cum.

Those were the only thoughts spinning around my bimbo, sissy brain.

"Melinda pass me a glass of Syrah, I need to recharge my batteries. What interest have we raised so far with that little face fucking scene."

"Some pretty serious interest Mistress, two main guys bidding now for the first hour with the pig. The one I mentioned earlier, seriously sculptured body and obviously a serious sadist."

"Then a much less attractive Master, obesely overweight and so, so sweaty, with a passion for breath control and face sitting combined with electro shock treatment, he says he brings his own Folsom equipment."

"Any other serious ones?"

"Yes a couple, but not the interests Master S sketched out, one likes to use Subs as a punch bag and the other full s**t."

"No interest in either of the second two, let's have a closer look at the first 2 you mentioned. They both sound interesting."

"This first guy has multiple piercings, 6 in his cock alone, I must say though Mistress he's not that well-endowed. The second guy is utterly repulsive, the pic of him here is sweaty and judging by those sweat rings under his arms not that careful about his personal hygiene."

"Neither are dogs, pigs or horses Melinda, he sounds wonderfully disgusting. He'll help show pig how dirty his future now is, better that he realise how low he has sunk sooner rather than later.

Melinda smiled and nodded, obviously pleased with Mistresses choice after pig had agreed to her being plugged, revenge was at hand.

"We both know pig would have chosen the fit Master, so we'll choose the fat one, haha. I think he'll do for some serious raunch and that will help bring out some more dirty bastards to train pig further."

"After I've enjoyed pigs pussy first, I want to really stretch it. So as I fuck pig, make the arrangements with, what's he called, ohhhh how perfect Mr Smotherer. Let him know he has half an hour to get here to enjoy his pig."

I was still impaled on the cock, no longer able to lift myself up off it, just rotating my pussy gently on it, widening it little by little.

"Melinda, once you've sold pig to Mr Smotherer, get the pig up onto the bed, the pussy lined up at the end and strap pigs feet up in the air to the bed head, I want to go deep, very deep."

"Yes Mistress Caprice, he's already responded and he seems very, very excited, he said he has his things packed and will be walking here to work up a good sweat, he really is truly disgusting Mistress."

Mistress Caprice was holding her wine in her left hand and she bent down in front of me and lifted my chin with two fingers of her right hand so that I was looking directly into her eyes.

"Did you hear that pig, your next Master is on his sweaty way, I think your nasal passages may well be overloaded by this one. Fuck I can't wait to see how you cope with this, two days ago this would have appalled you, but now you're such a pig, you might just like it."

What she said was getting through to me a little, I'd taken in snippets, sweaty, overweight, smothering, that was about it though.

Melinda was now unlocking the wrist cuffs from my ankle cuffs and helped me to my feet, supporting my weak legs on the tottering heels.

She then took the popper nose plugs out, no more slut juice for me, it seemed I needed my nasal passages for something else.

She helped me to walk over to the bed and lie on my back, my head on the plump lovely pillows, then she attached the cuffs on my heels to either side of the bed head and tied extra ropes to my knees, bringing my knees up and to either side of my body and my feet well above my head.

My pussy was completely open and ready for use, gaping and raw, just the thin string of the rubber panties splitting the hole in half.

Mistress Caprice downed her wine and placed the glass on the table, as she walked over to the bed her huge cock swung from side to side and stood proudly erect, it seemed that the conversation had excited her again.

Melinda moved the tripods with the cameras to around the bed and set them all filming.

"Just look at our little cum whore, she's loving this, here clit trying desperately to break out of its prison. What a complete fucking slut it is. That choker is so appropriate for it, CUM WHORE indeed."

Mistress was now at full mast and her cock looked huge, but my hole had taken all sorts in the last 2 days so instead of being scared, I was getting hornier and hornier looking at the cock."

Masters hypnotic words that I would need cock each and every day were coursing through my brain like a d**g, I needed it now.

Mistress Caprice knew my dirtiest secrets, it was as though she could read my thoughts.

"Look at the pig Melinda, it's salivating at the thought of me fucking it, time to gape that hole even wider."

Melinda smiled and continued to type some message to some b**st who wanted to know what the limits were, then I saw her wince as she moved forward and the man in the barrel fucked her a little more.

Mistress Caprice walked towards me and in one swift brutal motion she impaled me, my ankles resting on her back as she fucked into my hole until she was balls deep.

I couldn't breathe, simply gasping for air, trying to cope with the massive intrusion, I managed a strangled squeal.

"Melinda have you got some more fish on the hook?"

"Yes Mistress an interesting married couple into a weird cuckolding scene and then a very keen fister and finally a guy with a **** roleplay idea which I think you'll adore."

"Fine go back to them once we have this slut gaping but for now I need you to keep the pig quiet. Get your pretty little ass over here, take as many poppers as you can cope with and then take some more. Remove your rubber panties so we can get to the plug."

"I'm only going to remove the plug so I can use your pretty raw gaping asshole to gag the pig. I think it'll like that, how does that sound to you Melinda."

"It sounds fucking hot thanks Mistress, just frightened of the plug coming out."

"So don't question me again then slut, sniff hard and kneel on the bed next to me."

"Yes Mistress."

Melinda removed the rubber panties and already had the poppers open and was taking in huge sniffs on either nostril to soak up as much poppers as she could to loosen her ass pussy to allow the monster plug to come out.

In the state I was in, I was turned on at the thought of seeing the plug being taken out and at tasting Melinda's ass, God that sounded heavenly to pig.

She climbed onto the bed presenting her filled ass pussy to Mistress and I could see the huge base of the plug splitting her beautiful ass cheeks the plug looked so much bigger and more obscene in her than it did in me, thanks to my big ass cheeks.

It looked beautiful to me, to see a slut like Melinda, completely full, what a turn on to a pig.

Then Mistress still balls deep in me and just moving an inch or two in and out stretching me a little more with each thrust.

She reached across and began to pull a little on the plug, eliciting a deep low moan from Melinda as she sniffed heavily. Her face was near mine and she was looking into my eyes.

Plainly in pain and with revenge clearly etched in them. She obviously blamed me for this monster being inside her and for the pain she would feel when it was removed.

She sniffed deeply on her poppers and then knowing that she would cry out, she pulled the cup of the corset from my right tit and clamped her mouth over it sucking on the nipple as hard as she could.

Elongating it and causing me to breathe in deeply. She suckled on it as though she might encourage a flow of milk, how fantastic it felt as she started to nibble on the swollen nipple,

As she suckled Mistress Caprice pulled the plug and got her asshole to stretch until it was just over the side of the main body of the plug, so that her hole was beginning to gape enough to allow the plug to be withdrawn.

As she bit onto my nipple, transferring the pain I moaned out loud.

Then Mistress Caprice rotated the plug, forcing Melindas asshole to go over the top of the wide part of the plug and pulled more firmly. Melinda threw back her head in a silent scream as her hole expanded fully, just the one more ridge to go.

She took another two big hits of poppers to help and then I could see she was bearing down to aid the plugs exit.

Finally her ass pussy clenched onto the last smaller head of the plug and Mistress withdrew it completely to a sigh and moan of relief from Melinda whose head sank down to the bed.

She took a couple of moments to recover before she took in more poppers.

"Ohh what a beautiful gape you have Melinda, you'll be wearing this plug more often for me and Master S I think, now get that gaping ass covering pigs dirty hungry mouth. We don't want to disturb everyone."

Melinda carefully manoeuvred her body over mine and under the restraining straps until we were in a 69 position with her ass a few inches from my mouth. Then she reversed and sat up slightly, so that her asshole covered my lip-sticked slutty mouth.

I couldn't help myself, my tongue darted out and began to explore the contours of her asshole lips. Licking every crevice, savoring every little taste.

Melinda was moaning and although I couldn't see, she was being kissed roughly by Mistress Caprice who was also working Melinda's erect nipples as though she was milking a cow and fucking my pussy with firm short strokes.

The perfect threesome in my d**gged horny state, I was loving every second of this.

Mistress Caprice continued to fuck me hard, I managed to get the odd breath when Melinda rose enough to allow a little oxygen into my nose. I licked and sucked for all I was worth.

I then felt both Melinda grinding faster on my face as she tweaked my nipples hard, pulling and stretching them and Mistress Caprice speeding her thrusts up as both appeared to be on the edge of orgasm.

I was close too, with the work on my nipples and the strong pounding of my prostate I was approaching a proper release, even though I was caged.

The three orgasms hit, not quite in unison, but not far off. Melinda moved backwards and made sure her ass was firmly on my nose giving a distinctive aroma which I loved, her pussy now over my mouth just as she began to squirt very heavily, drenching me in her juices. I was swallowing a quickly as I could.

Just as Mistress Caprice sank herself balls deep and began to pulse and shake as she injected me with her cum and bred me once more. That final thrust onto my prostate pushed me over the edge and even with the confines of my little clit cage I came a good amount, soaking my nether regions, my sissy juice mixing with Mistresses spunk as she withdrew.

"Now Melinda, if you've quite finished cumming and squirting, get your little whorish mouth down here to pigs cunt to suck up all my cum and pigs juices and recycle them into pig please."

The thought of Mistresses she cum was almost as good as the idea of Master S's.

Melinda carefully extricated herself from my mouth and moved hers to my leaking cunt, slurping up every drop she could, then moving up to my face to kiss me, roughly and completely filling my mouth with our juices, which I dutifully swallowed.

"Quickly Melinda, Mr Smotherer will be here any minute, get the acorn plug and stop what remains of my latest load leaking out of the pigs cunt, Mr Smotherer said he wants a good smelly used pig."

"Then redo the straps so that pig is completely spread eagled ready for some serious face sitting. Oh and redo the pigs makeup. We seem to have smeared it all over the show."

Melinda worked quickly, taking the acorn plug that in the future would really stretch me, but even after the fucking I had just taken it took all Melinda's strength to get the plug fully in, my cunt was well and truly full. She pulled my rubber panties back into place over the plug and my caged clit.

Then the straps were undone and retied as per Mistresses instructions and she set about sorting out my makeup.

The final prep was to replace the nose plugs so that my popper level would be completely topped up. I lay back on the bed, a shiny latex, heavily made up slut. My pregnant piss belly rising up from the bed.

Finally she took the pillow from under my head. I simply lay there topping up my slut juice.

I wasn't sure for how long I lay breathing in, but then I heard a knock at the door and raised my head.

Melinda opened the door to a very large guy, not tall but fat almost round. He waddled in smiling and sweating profusely.

Mistress Caprice said "Welcome Mr Smotherer, I hope you're pleased with your pig."

"Ohhhhh yes, she looks perfect, I really have worked up a sweat on the walk here, ummmm that lovely mouth and nose, ohhh I'm going to enjoy this.

Melinda opened the door to a very large guy, not tall but fat almost round. He waddled in smiling and sweating profusely. He carried a large Gladstone bag giving him the air of an old fashioned Doctor.

Mistress Caprice said "Welcome Mr Smotherer, I hope you're pleased with your pig."

"Ohhhhh yes, she looks perfect, I really have worked up a sweat on the walk here, ummmm that lovely mouth and nose. That pretty little plugged pussy too, I'll have such fun using her."

"You'll both be staying to watch I presume."

"Yes and Melinda will take care of the filming and make sure your privacy is respected, you just enjoy yourself and if you need anything passing, just let Melinda know, we have quite a few toys you can avail yourself of."

"I need to get on that face quickly and scratch the particular itch I have in my ass first."

As he said this he started undressing and hanging his sweaty clothes over the chair to the side of the bed.

I could see his small cock just under his overhanging belly. If I'd seen this guy in a gay bathhouse previously, he would have turned me off completely, but now I just needed piss or cum, I wanted and craved dirtiness. I knew it was my place as a pig. His entire body was covered in a sheen of sweat he really did smell ripe.

Melinda ordered me to take 4 huge hits of poppers before she removed the nose plugs, I knew what was going to be happening so loaded up on as much slut juice as I possibly could.

I was humming again, the shelved ecstasy still affecting me. Then I felt the bed dip massively as he added his sweaty manly bulk to the mattress, he was on all fours next to me and looked like a big fat sweaty pig himself.

Then he lifted one heavy wobbling thigh over my head and positioned his big fat, sweaty ass over my mouth, before pulling his flabby ass cheeks apart to reveal a shaved well-worn asshole with big swollen glistening lips. The aroma was overwhelming, sweat, piss, cum and ass all at once. The smell of dirty gay glory holes or saunas.

I showed my true pig colors lifting my head and extending my tongue, all captured in HD to show what a fucking whore I was.

"Now Sissy pig, you'll only get to breathe when that dirty slutty tongue of yours has opened my butthole up. When you do you'll find not only some nice surprises but also I'll let you breathe."

"Do bear in mind though that if you don't get in really deep, deep enough to open me up, then I'll take your breath until you black out. Then I'll bring you around and start again. So make an effort."

Then he sat down heavily on me, placing his rosebud directly over my mouth. He released both his cheeks from his grip and they clamped over my own cheeks sealing them completely and not allowing me to breathe. My nose deep in his sweaty ass crack only got the occasional sniff of air as he moved back and forth.

Then he realized I was still getting a little air and tutted then moved back to seal that off.

"Get on with it pig!!."

Hearing his muffled order, I tried to raise my head to delve my tongue in deeper, but he held me firmly to the bed. The intensity of the poppers was greatly enhanced by the lack of air.

His aroma was soaking into my pores, saturating my nasal passages, fuck now I really was a dirty faggot pig. I worked my tongue as hard as I could into his ass, getting the surprise of a taste of piss as I opened his shithole a little.

First only a few drops then a full torrent which I tried to swallow, but what I couldn't, soaked my face and filled my nostrils, breathing was becoming harder and harder.

I kept working my tongue but as I couldn't breathe my throat was convulsing as if I were swimming a long way underwater. I needed air.

Mr Smotherer obviously realized this and raised up a little so I could hear again as I gasped in air.

"Now pig, you'll have tasted the piss in my ass which I saved for you, I called in at Steamworks before I came here to get 5 big loads of hot mens cum in my ass, finished off with a piss enema, as I knew you'd be hungry."

"But before I settle back down on you slutty mouth, I am going to replug you. I know the acorn plug you have in is big and will hurt coming out, in fact the way I will yank it out will hurt a lot."

"Because I think whores like you deserve pain, but if you so much as take a moment to stop sucking your treats from my asshole, I'll plunge that plug in and out of you until you pass out."

"If however you can be a good pig and get every last globule of spunk out of my dirty ass and swallow like the good cum whore you are, then I will replace your acorn with my biggest ElektraStim electric plug, the Intimidator."

"I understand you've experienced the Folsom large elctro plug, but that's only 1 ½ inches in diameter, the Intimidator on the other hand is a full 2.75 inches in diameter, it's fucking huge." He was giggling as he said this.

I simply nodded my head to show that I had experienced the complete mindfuck that only electric butt plugs can provide. The plug would be a lot smaller than the Acorn I'd been wearing but solid stainless, I'd certainly feel it.

" So you understand that you have to retrieve your food and then I will let you enjoy being fucked by the electric plug and use the controls to encourage you to go even deeper into my hole."

Again his pig nodded.

"As I've been fucked thoroughly 5 times today, by some lovely big juicy cocks, you shouldn't find it too hard to open me up and get your entire mouth into me to taste your Masters true essence."

"Again if you fail to please me and fail to bring me off anally, then I shall starve you of air until you black out, then bring you around and start again. I suggest you go hard at your work pig."

Mistress Caprice lowered her head to mine, breathing in the aromas as though they were perfume, she loved seeing my utter, dreadful, degradation up close.

"Now please him pig, I don't want you to die on me."

Fuck this was going further and further by the minute.

She then held a bottle of poppers to each nostril in turn allowing me to take on 3 big hits with each nostril, she didn't even have to ask.

Just as I held in the last popper breath, the lights went out once again as Mr Smotherer lowered his sweaty orbs over my face, his heavy lipped asshole straight over my mouth.

I couldn't breathe and having held the poppers in and not being able to exhale they were hitting me in an altogether new way, a pig hit.

I worked my tongue as fast and furiously into his dirty asshole as I could, I knew I'd pass out soon, then I had it open a little way and my first feed of some globules of spunk slid into my open mouth.

Being fed, made me redouble my efforts to get more of the goodness and protein I needed and craved. I opened his hole wider forcing my lips into its slackness. More and more cum mixed with piss filled my mouth. Without air I couldn't swallow the mouthful.

Just as I started to convulse again, he gave me a breath. As he lifted off me I breathed in deeply through my nose and held the goodness in my mouth for him to see.

"Good pig, now swallow your swill and we'll see if we can get you some more."

I swallowed, was made to take 2 more hits of poppers in each nostril as he lowered his ass. I felt my heavy rubber panties being lifted to the side of the plug and then I felt the acorn plug being ripped from me.

At least it felt like it was being ripped when in truth it was being cajoled out of my pussy, it was just so fucking huge it felt like I was being fisted once again.

As it dropped out onto the bed, the feeling of emptiness was limitless. Then immediately I felt the heavy metal of the big ass electric butt plug being forced in.

To be fair it went in pretty easily so sloppy was my used cunt by now.

I was still working my tongue to get every last morsel of spunk from Mr Smotherer's dirty ass.

I felt the plug being fiddled with and presumed the electric box was being fitted to it.

Then I knew it had been as the unmistakable hit of the current caused my pussy to contract and clamp onto the plug. Fuckkkkk I loved this feeling, one of my absolute favourites.

I was slowing a little with the tongue as I savored the feeling of the butt fucking I was getting. This did not please him and he increased the speed of the convulsions.

I heard him shout "Work you bitch."

So I did pushing his asshole wider and wider open to work my lips in as much as I could. Almost lifting his ass from the bed as I pushed my head up and into his arse.

Once in a session with Mistress Valeska in the UK, she had described the feelings that an electric butt plug could induce, as being like being fucked by ten hung black guys in a train, one after another. Fuck she was on the money with that description.

The intensity had been turned way up and I was just licking and slurping as my asshole was reamed by this electric monster. The pummelling was multiple times per second, my cunt contracting and relaxing over and over again.

The feelings were amazing, the plug forcing my cunt to clench completely almost drawing the heavy plug inside my pussy, then the complete release with the weight of the plug bearing down and feeling for a millisecond that it might slip out. Before the inevitable tight clench back onto the neck of the plug. All of this on a continuous repeating loop a few times a second.

The result was that my pussy was becoming slacker and slacker, feeling the plug dominating me as it pummelled my insides. As I'd experienced in the past it was the most effective way to open an ass pussy really wide for fisting.

I was still licking as hard as I could slurping up any little globules of cum that I could feed upon.

Mr Smotherer was enjoying it, riding my face with a fucking motion, in fact he was using my face to fuck his sweaty asshole and loving every second of it.

Then just as suddenly he lifted off, I swallowed and gasped in more slut juice before he returned to fucking his ass with my mouth and nose.

I was in complete pig mode, no longer thinking, just doing what I was born to. Satisfying a Master and serving as a whore for Mistress Caprice and being filmed all the time, showing the depths I had sunk to.

The electrical pounding I was taking was bringing me to the edge of orgasm and as Mr Smotherer finally hit the edge, he moved up and backwards on my head pushing his now turgid, smelly cock deep into my mouth. I opened wide and took his entire length into my throat.

Sucking and licking for all I was worth, his sweaty balls over my eyes, his thighs slamming down on my cheeks as he fucked my throat with all his weight on my.

At the same time he took my caged clit head in his mouth and began to suck. With that and the face fucking I was taking and the massive electric plug in my ass, fucking my prostrate I was pushed over the edge a squirted my sissy juice into Mr Smotherer's mouth, just as he made a large deposit in my throat. It would make great dirty film footage.

He rested for a few seconds before dismounting from his piggy and standing looking down at his dishevelled slut, before he put his mouth over mine. I opened eagerly for my fix of my own sissy juice which I just had to have.

His tongue delved into my mouth, intertwining with mine and letting all my juices flow into my mouth.

As he unlocked his lips from mine, I swallowed involuntarily. He kissed me gently on the lips.

"What a beautiful pig you are, my slut, I truly enjoyed using you today, you have satisfied me wonderfully."

I was still being fucked hard by the plug and having cum, the intensity went up to an extreme level.

"Should I turn the electric plug off Sir." Melinda asked, but I could tell she didn't want to be told to do that as she smiled lasciviously as she said it.

Mr Smotherer looked into my eyes longingly.

"No, I still have more time and slut needs a good long proper fucking, for cumming without permission. Just scoop up any cum that has leaked from the pig pussy and coat the nostrils once more, then put the slut juice nose plugs back in and lets watch the pig squirm."

"Now that I think of it Melinda, put the urinal gag on too and sit the pig up so it can swallow more easily I have a pretty full bladder."

I was being fucked mercilessly and starting to moan as Melinda gagged me effectively with the cock gag at the end of the funnel which she strapped over my wig.

I was a urinal once again, an electrified urinal moaning into the gag.

"Give the pig more to moan about Melinda, put the clover clamps back on and add some weights."

"Yes Sir, with pleasure." Revenge was sweet.

Melinda scooped up the last of the cum beneath where my ass pussy had been and smeared it into my nostrils then pushed the nose plugs in hard so that every breath was soaked in poppers once more. I was being kept at a very high level of sluttiness with the constant heavy intake of poppers.

Even though my natural submissiveness always dipped when I came, the constant level of poppers never allowed the slightest dip. Nor did the hypnotic triggers flying around my d**g addled brain.

Then the clamps and Melinda purposely pulled hard on them pulling me forward slightly straining on my straps. Then she smiled into my eyes and added two weights to the chain joining the clamps before dropping them and hearing me squeal in agony.

"Melinda have you got a full bladder we need some quiet."

" Yes Mr S, I can happily fill the urinal if that's what you'd like?"

"Yes please Melinda, as much as you can please I want the pig to stretch the corset before I leave."

Melinda stood up on the bed resting her pubis on the edge of the urinal and released a heavy clear stream of fresh drink for pig into the funnel until it was full. I swallowed and swallowed to drain it. She simply stood there releasing to fill it a few more times.

I was awash with piss.

Mr Smotherer sat there naked, enjoying the view and watching me drinking and being fucked by the plug, the weights swinging forward as I rocked on the plug.

Mistress Caprice was sitting next to him, her pole jutting out from the open zip of her rubber panties.

"May I help you with that my dear, I could do with my ass being filled again."

"That would be my pleasure Mr S." Mistress stood and looked over at me as Mr S knelt across the end of the bed and pulled his cheeks wide apart.

Mistress lined up and without lube or preamble slammed into his piggy rear, he groaned and moaned.

Melinda had a large strap on by now and moved to his head presenting the bulb to his mouth, he opened wide to accept it.

Here I was in the most intense porno scene I could ever imagine, watching another pig being spit-roasted as I was fucked by the unseen electric plug.

The sight was such a turn on I approached another unwanted orgasm. Mistress was fucking him in unison with Melinda and the sight was beautiful a complete turn on for a whore like me.

Mistress Caprice didn't last too long and slammed balls deep into his fat ass and shuddered. Mr S came a few dribbles shortly after.

Melinda removed the 8 inches of rubber from Mr S's throat and he gingerly stood up in the bed like a young elephant and turned away from me, standing over the funnel so I could see in technicolor his ass pulsing to eject my latest feed.

I kept on swallowing into my full stomach straining the corset and longing for the plug to be turned off. Suddenly feeling the thickness of the texture rather than registering the taste, but knowing I was being fed as well as watered made me happy.

Then the Mistress and Mr S sat down breathing heavily to see how their pig coped with the assault and Melinda curled up between Mistresses legs suckling on her semi-flacid cock.

"Well I hope you've enjoyed your time Mr S, but it is coming to an end we have another guest due shortly."

"I've had a delightful time thanks, and pig looks so pretty in all her leather and rubber. Shame her makeup is so smeared but no doubt you'll have Melinda fix that, I suppose I should take the plug out now."

The relief I felt to hear that the plug was coming out was short lived.

""No not yet, you get yourself cleaned up and packed and you can take it out at the last second if you like to give the plug time to really do a job on opening pig up, it'll definitely need that for the next clients."

"Excellent, I'll just get dressed and enjoy watching pig coping with the onslaught."

I'd zoned out, was just taking in as many poppers as I could having emptied the urinal, that is until Mistress Caprice chose to empty her snake into my urinal funnel. I thirstily drank even though I now desperately wanted to piss.

"Mistress the couple I spoke of earlier are very keen to film a cuckolding scene with a difference. She's a hot wife with her very very well endowed black bull and they want to use pig and film it, to show her husband his future under their dominant rule."

"Ummm Melinda, nice find, that sounds so sexy, how do they want pig to be presented?"

"They'd like him kneeling naked and erect so that they can show her husband, how they will modify him and his behaviour as they dress and use pig."

"So do they want his stomach drained of piss, or full as it is now?"

"She has asked that we drain it as much as possible but understands that the stomach will remain somewhat distended, they do want us to retain every drop of piss that comes out of pig, so they can show her husband how he'll be used as a urinal for his wifes constant use and any bulls she brings home."

"Ok then leave the plug in until Mr S is ready to go, remove the clit cage, fit the catheter and drain pig into the bags we brought. Once drained, strip pig, take off the clothes and clean the make-up of his face. Stop the poppers so that pig is desperate to get some more when they arrive."

"Yes Mistress, will do."

First she unlocked the padlocks on my shoes and removed my 5 inch high heels, which was a huge relief. Then my cuffs were removed, Melinda had me stand up and walk into the shower, her carrying the Folsom electro box which controlled the massive butt plug which was currently still assaulting my cunt. The weights hanging from my nipple clamps swinging viciously.

She took off the urinal funnel, putting it to one side. Removed the poppers and nose plugs first, then the wig and nipple clamps. As the clamps were removed my huge swollen nipples were agony. My hands automatically went to press down on my tits, but Melinda swiped my hands away, calling me a stupid slut.

She pulled the rubber panties over the end of the plug to ensure that it stayed firmly in place. She unclipped the garters from the stockings and rolled them down my legs and began to untie the back of the corset.

As she removed that I looked down to see my tortured nipples, still showing the indentations of the clamps little teeth, but will blood flowing back into them.

My saline tits were undoubtedly reducing in size by the hour, now down to a small b cup. The corset was removed and although my tits had reduced in size the nipples were still as obscenely large as last night.

My belly a tight pregnant drum filled with piss and cum.

Finally Melinda took the CUM WHORE choker off my neck. I was naked but for the rubber panties and clit cage.

"Ok Slut, you're next clients are happy for you to keep the false eyelashes and nail extensions on, knowing the work that goes into them, let's get the rest of the make-up off you and the red nail polish. Your clients want a more natural look. Kneel for me."

I carefully did so with the plug still working feverishly away at me inside my tight rubber panties.

"Let's wash some of that makeup off with my special pig make up remover, namely piss."

What a surprise, Melinda was taking every chance she could, pulling my face into her pussy as she let another stream fly into my open mouth, I was forced to swallow what I could and she used the piss to wash my face as much as she could.

Mr S had been standing there.

"Lovely Melinda, but I'm afraid I need my plug. Please can you disconnect the electrical plugs and I'll have pig expel it."

Melinda did as she was ordered.

"Now pig, I love to watch this, no poppers for you, the ones you've had certainly wearing off, it's time to shit the plug out for me."

I began to bear down, automatically obeying the instruction, but in my haste I'd forgotten the rubber panties Melinda had left in place once she removed the wires.

I tried to push it out much to Mr S's amusement, until he relented and told Melinda to pull the panties to the side.

Once she did this I bore down as hard and long as I could and once the plug opened my pussy wide enough the plug shot out into Melinda's hand. She had me suck the end of it purely for a little humiliation, not that I felt humiliated, I was past that.

Again the empty feeling and the nagging message that I needed to be full again and stretched.

Melinda pulled me too my feet and Mr S reached in and held my chin as he kissed me.

"Until next time pig, enjoy the farm."

As he left Melinda pulled my panties down and I was fully naked once more, but for one thing.

She unlocked my clit cage and teased my erect miniature clit out of the cage allowing it to swell once more.

She worked it with her hand and then began the uncomfortable process of catheterizing me until she reached my bladder and inflated the balloon to hold it in place.

The drain went into a large 5 litre bag and quickly began to fill with the constant heavy stream of recycled piss. She filled 2 bags and then partially filled the third before my stream ran out.

The effect on my stomach was immediate and amazing. It shrunk, still not to its original size but way smaller. This though had the effect of making my tits look more noticeable. She removed the catheter.

She had me sit and use the toilet to get any slime out and quickly hosed my cunt out a few times, making sure I was clean inside.

She showered me again in feminine smelling showerwash and gently dried me down.

Looking more like a man than I had for 48 hours or so, my cock was back, although I still thought of it as a clit. The head swelled so hard and quickly that the foreskin was still retracted.

Melinda led me in front of Mistress Caprice and she smiled.

"Perfect a clean pig for the next clients, Melinda get everything as clean as you can and have it set up on the bed ready for Mistress Fiona and Master Robert."

Melinda had me kneel close to one of the camera tripods and simply sit. No cock in me, no d**gs going up my nose.

After a few minutes there came a knock at the door.

"Enter." Called Mistress Caprice as Melinda opened the door.

A lovely couple walked in, the woman 45 possibly 50 but, immaculately dressed, tight business suit, stunning heels, seamed stockings and gorgeous breasts just pushing at the top of the corset she was wearing under her blouse . Deep auburn hair in fact she looked like an older version of Donna from Suits. As for the guy, a beautifully strong black guy, similar smart suit and easily 6 foot 3 tall. He filled the suit out but will muscles.

They were beautiful and I wanted to serve, this would be lovely.

"Hi Fiona and Robert, how does the pig suit your needs."

Mistress Fiona sat opposite Mistress Caprice and said.

"He is perfect, in fact he looks a little like my husband, small cock, overweight, bald, so that should connect with Archie well."

"I take it my emails made it clear what I'm after?"

"Indeed they did, you want to show your husband not only the sexy possibilities but also the very serious consequences of the cuckold porn you've found on his computer. To give him the choice through a little film, is that right."

"Absolutely perfect Caprice, he doesn't know he hasn't got a choice, but I still want him to choose just as this pig did in the store, Archie's mind will then be all the easier to mould."

"God I'm dripping at the thought of making the film and showing Archie just what we're going to do to him, just how we're going to train and transform him. My pussy is soping wet, I need to get fucked and fucked hard soon."

"Well that I can arrange darling." purred Robert.

"Ok well let's get suitably dressed so that Archie loves the look of us both. We'll have his mouth watering."

They both proceeded to strip, Fiona in stockings, high heels and the corset looked simply amazing. Robert stripped completely and a thick circumcised veiny cock swung between his knees, he certainly was very well endowed. I could feel my mouth watering, I knew I needed his cock and his cum and preferably her piss too.

I felt quite strange being naked and empty, but weirdest of all was having my now completely erect clit straining between my legs.

Fiona looking the perfect Dominatrix came to my side and squatted next to me. She looked straight into the camera ahead of me.

"Now Archie, good boy, you've opened the film file I've sent you, so no doubt now you are sitting at your desk in the office at home with your trousers around your knees. That pathetic little cock of yours as big and impressive as this pigs next to me."

"So why am I talking to you on camera rather than in person, well my Darling I've been looking at the porn and erotic stories online that you've been reading, yes I do know all of your passwords. You've been a very naughty boy and should have told me you wanted and needed to take our sub Domme roleplay further. I've seen the countless stories of cuckolding, watersports, forced bi and forced gay scenes and sissy training. I know what you want, I know what you need."

"That's what you're going to get, now stop stroking your little cock until I tell you to. I'm going to introduce you to Robert who will be the Cuckolder in your life, but first meet pig here, he's been trained and transformed in an amazing 2 days and when you see what he's capable off you'll want some of this if not all of it."

Mistress paused, to let the enormity of her comments sink in. What would Archie her husband be doing now?

Would he be stripping at this point or frantically checking on the websites he'd been on and erasing his history. He was caught and if he only knew how his life was going to change, he might not have looked at some of the more extreme sites he had.

"You've been a very naughty boy, you should have told me what you wanted and needed. Then I could have taken our sub/Domme roleplay further, much further."

"I've seen the countless stories of Big black cock cuckolding, water-sports, forced bi and forced gay scenes and sissy training, on your computer Archie. All of them, so many dirty things you've looked at and wanked over."

"As for the hypno sissy videos I've sat and watched the ones you've watched over and over again, to understand exactly what you need. Well you like the idea of being a dirty little slut and sucking huge cocks, now that I can help you with."

"I've even checked how much poppers you use when I'm away overnight. Just realize right at this minute, I know what a slut you want to be."

God he was in deep and now it really would be starting to dawn on him that there was no way out from this. If she knew everything he'd watched, liked and messaged about, he was well and truly fucked.

"Don't forget Archie on Literotica I can see every single comment you've made under your subbiguy alias."

"I've read every single comment you've made in your messages on Collar Space, your profile on Fetlife and every photo you have loved. I know so much about your depravities now."

"But they are no longer your depravities to control, now they are mine, you are mine and unless you submit completely and utterly to me there will be no future for us."

She smiled a predators smile into the camera, then carried on talking to her husband.

"Now just look at what you can become Archie, take a long hard look at pig here. As you can see a little out of shape just like you, a little pathetic cock that could never hope to please a woman just like yours. He is you, just a properly trained and programmed version of you."

She looked into the camera and I felt sure would have her husband transfixed.

"This pig walked into a gay sex shop, not even two full days ago an outwardly straight married guy. Now look at him, or should I say it. Just look at the dirty whore he has become."

I was kneeling looking into the camera, I could hear what she was saying and I was pleased by it.

"Look at these lovely long false eyelashes and these very sexy nail extensions in time you'll have these too. Not to mention pigs beautiful little titties and these fabulously huge nipples, both of which we can achieve with a few little saline injections, which I intend to become proficient at giving you."

My place now was to be the best pig I could be for Master S. I wanted to help her to ensnare her husband. I thought that was what Master S would have wanted.

Now the thoughts, that I wanted to be dressed, to be restrained, to be full and to be watered and fed were circulating in my brain. Even with the low level of poppers in my system. God I needed something big in my ass soon. I needed to be full every day in every way. I needed cum.

Mistress Fiona turned and began to stroke the back of my head, then moving over my shoulder to my B cup tits, caressing me, then down to my nipples. She rolled one in her fingers, I was in heaven and let out a little moan.

"Look Archie, it's not fighting it, even a little, it just accepts what I say. Its mind and soul have been freed so it can be a completely whorish, slutty pig. The one he's always dreamed of being deep down. Just like you've begun to dream Archie."

She massaged my tit and nipple roughly and I did all I could do and simply moaned with pleasure, my cock twitching.

"Archie I know you've fantazised about being just like pig here. You've thought about it each and every time you've wanked your little cocklet, haven't you."

I guessed he'd be nodding his head at this point.

"Well I'm going to set you free to be the best slut you can be. As your Mistress not just your wife."

"So it's time to strip Archie and go to the walk in wardrobe and there is a large box on the floor, get it but don't open it until you're kneeling in front of the computer."

She knew he wouldn't see this until later in the day, but obviously thought he was bound to follow instructions.

She even paused in the film for a couple of minutes to allow him to collect the things.

"Remember Archie, I know what you want, I have what you need."

"So that's what you're going to get now, total and utter control."

"Let's get you prepared, as I dress pig here in front of you for this education session, open the box and everything you need for your first training session is in there. I'll want you to copy what I do, I hope you understand Archie. It's very important."

"Get your poppers Archie and take 5 of the longest breaths you can in alternate nostrils. Hold each breath for a count of 10 before you exhale."

She paused to give her husband time to take his slut juice.

"Robert pass me the choker please."

Robert reached over to the bed and passed the choker to Mistress, now Archie would be able to see him on camera for the first time.

I realized I was staring at the same sight Archie would be looking at.

Those sculptured chocolate abs, muscular thighs, taut butt cheeks and most of all that magnificent swinging club of a black cock.

Circumcised, a big bulbous beautiful head, veins running up and down the length, it was stiffening, swelling and rising by the minute.

Archie would be staring at the cock that was going to fuck his wife in all 3 holes as he watched. I found myself jealous of Archie, what an amazing moment this would be for him.

Mistress Fiona placed the CUM WHORE choker around my neck and tightened it an extra notch compared to earlier. She seemed to appreciate that my breaths were much harder to get in and that it increased the intensity of my breathing, which was presumably her aim.

"Now pig do you want some slut juice to help you?"

"Yes please Mistress, I need my slut juice, please let me have some Mistress Fiona."

"You see Archie, not just a need but a deep seated craving, pig just has to have it."

She got Robert to pass the two bottles of poppers and the nose plugs and shoved them roughly up my nostrils.

I leaned my head back and breathed in for all I was worth, overloading my senses again, ohhhhhhhhhhh pigggie heaven, here I come.

As I leaned back I didn't realize that the result was pushing my smaller tits and big jutting nipples forward and for my clit to be straining up and forward too.

In a****l terms I was on heat, making a show for Robert, trying to get myself bred. The choker pushing forward and shining in the camera lights said it all.

"Now stand pig and let's get these stockings on. She had rolled up the rubber stockings and I put my hand on her shoulder as she gently put them on me and rolled them up in turn."

"Archie I presume you've found your stockings there and that you are putting them on slut. Yours are seamed so make sure the seams at the back are straight."

"Then padlock the wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs on and get the 8 inch black dildo I've bought for you. Its thicker than you pathetic little butt plug so you'll need a lot of slut juice to help you, so load up on those poppers."

"Lube the full length of the dildo then use the suction cup to fix it to the floor in front of your desk, so you can see the screen at all times. Make sure you have the box easily to hand, it has to be within easy reach slut."

"Once you have that, kneel in front of the dildo and put the head just inside your ass pussy for me."

Again a pause to give him chance to catch up.

While she gave him time, Robert passed her the big thick black dildo I'd been impaled on previously for Mistress Caprice. She used the suction cup on the wooden floor and I simply knelt up to allow her access to put the dildo at my pussy entrance.

The contrast on the screen of my small but turgid white cock standing straight up with the huge black dildo below it ready to fuck me would not be lost on Archie.

"Right Archie, whenever pig has to take another inch, so do you, when he does so you will follow immediately, I hope you understand for you sake."

"I want to show you with pig, just what level of depravity is possible, just how low we can aim to go. So take it all in. Study every moment."

"First I want you to understand the psychological cravings placed in pig and how they now control him."

"Robert if you'd be so kind."

Robert replaced Mistress Fiona standing to my left, his cock now at my head height. He used his hands to guide me to face him so that Archie would be able to see every inch going into my slutty throat. I had to rotate carefully to keep the head of the dildo in my cunt.

Mistress Fiona turned to Melinda and asked her to put wrist and ankle cuffs on and attach them to each other.

As Melinda padlocked them all in place and connected each wrist to each ankle, all I could concentrate on was the stunning slightly wet cock head bobbing a few inches from my mouth.

I was leaning forward a little as if to take a little lick when Mistress Fiona strode forward and slapped my face.

"Not yet pig, what about your lipstick and hair."

"Sorry Mistress Fiona but Master Robert looks and smells so good."

"Look at this Archie, look deep, this is your future, he's longing to taste Robert. Knowing that's the only way to get his satisfaction, his ambrosia, but we have a few more improvements to make to show you how those Sissy Hypno videos you love so much, will work out for you."

Melinda got the message and had me turn my head away from the beautiful cock to do my deep red lipstick, to reapply eyeliner and eye shadow, before Mistress Fiona crowned my with my black bob wig.

"Look into the camera bitch and tell Archie who you are and what you want."

I turned from the cock facing me to look directly into the camera.

"My name is Peter Johnson, although now I am pig, or cunt, or slut, or whore. I need to be fucked and to taste cock and to be fed multiple loads of real mens cum everyday and to be forced to drink lots and lots of piss."

"I need to be plugged, stretched or fucked as often as possible and to have my slut juice whenever I can."

As I said these things, the collar was making my breaths short and deep and I was overloading my system with poppers.

To my side, out of view of the camera, Mistress Fiona had opened a laptop and there was a live stream of two cameras in her husband's office.

One to the side of the desk looking at his chair and the other looking straight on at the chair. The computer showed a split screen with both images but no sound.

She was obviously streaming the footage that we were currently filming with me to his computer but with a 20 minute delay. So he was watching the very start of the film.

Archie had just sat down at his office desk and read a note on his desk and had clicked on his email from his wife and was now opening the film file.

He did look a little like me, receding hair, slightly overweight, smart trousers and crisp white shirt, a standard businessman, just as I had been 2 days ago.

The look of first pleasure, then horror on his face as saw his wife dressed as a stunning dominatrix, auburn hair tumbling over her black corset, was priceless. He must have heard the first words from Fiona's mouth, from 20 minutes ago when this all started.

As he heard her tell him that she'd seen every website he'd visited, the photo's he'd liked, the videos he's watched, his look of horror grew. His mouth was agape. He was though rubbing his cock through his trousers.

Then I got the answer to my question of his reaction, he didn't stop the file or start to erase searching history, he simply unzipped his fly and took our his small but ragingly hard cock.

So he was now watching us just 20 minutes behind real time. I'd understand the reason for the 20 minutes as time went on.

"Now let's get on with filming, Robert, time to take your pleasure and feed the pig. Ohh but before you do, put the nipple clamps on pig with the weights, Archie you need you're nipple clamps on now my darling sissy."

"I presume you've applied the lipstick from the box and the eyeliner, don't worry about the nail extensions or false eyelashes, we'll get to those later for you. But do put on your platinum blond wig Archie."

"The pig is yours Robert, Archie watch every second of this, because later Robert is going to cuckold you and do this to you."

I was again straining to lean forward a little but I needn't have tried, Robert held the back of my wigged head and simply said.

"Open wide whore."

I opened as wide as I could and he slammed 6 inches or so of his throbbing manhood into my mouth hitting the back and not getting full access to my entire throat.

Ohh to see Archie's face as he saw this in 20 minutes time. The weights attached to the chain running from one enlarged nipple to the other swung backwards and forwards increasing the level of discomfort.

I sank back onto my dildo taking in more depth as I struggled to take Master Robert fully, he simply carried on ploughing forward until my throat gave up the fight and he was through the blockage.

Mistress Fiona was by the side of my head.

"Look Archie, is your mouth watering for Master Robert's cock do you want to taste it like Cum Whore here, you can stroke a little but don't you dare cum until I order you to."

"Watch Archie, this is your slut maker, the only cock that will be going in my pussy from now on, a real mans cock, you'll get to clean up though, as you love those creampie pics so much."

"Archie you should have at least 4 inches of that dildo in you by now, if not sink lower bitch."

Robert basically fucked my throat as aggressively as Mistress Caprice had earlier. I simply sank fully on the dildo and was content that I was being a good pig, even when I could barely breathe.

"Now pig when Robert cums, I want it all held in your mouth for Archie to see."

I simply moaned some sort of yes Mistress which was unintelligible.

Robert removed most of his length from my throat just before he cock began to pulse and fill my mouth with cream.

I knelt there, make up smeared, wig slightly askew with my mouth wide open and completely full of cum, I turned to face the camera.

Fiona was again kneeling by me and looking into the camera.

"Archie, this will be you later, and this will be your sustenance, your food. Now swallow pig."

I dutifully swallowed my food. The feeling as I swallowed was one of happiness, but I needed more, after all it was not Master S's perfect cum. I needed a few more mens cum to satisfy my hunger.

"Thank you Master Robert for feeding slut."

Mistress Fiona pushed me down hard onto the dildo until I was flat against the floor. "Archie, all of the dildo should be in you now. Get me ready for Master Robert now Pig."

She was standing astride my face, her ass facing the camera and that would be all her husband could see apart from her clenching butt cheeks as I licked her out.

She was soaking wet but so, so tasty, I licked, blew and stroked until she said enough.

She got onto all fours by the side of me and in front of the camera looking into the lens as Robert knelt behind her.

"Archie no tugging on you cocklet, in fact connect your wrists to your ankles, leaving the bottle of poppers open in front of you. Just watch Roberts face as he sinks into my pussy, he's the only one who gets to be inside my pussy from now on."

Robert slammed into her as she pushed back , my cock was aching watching them, such a turn on, how Archie would be feeling was anybodies guess.

Mistress Fiona was in absolute raptures enjoying his huge cock splitting her in half and reaching places her husband could never hope to get to.

He fucked her hard until she came wildly on camera putting on a special show for her husband. Then Robert shuddered for a second time as he filled her with his seed.

She continued to shake until finally her orgasm stopped and again she looked into the lens.

"Now Archie, that's what I look like when I cum properly, you've not seen that for years and now you'll get to see it much more often as your restrained in position to watch Robert fuck me."

"The next treat for later on today is that I'm going to put on some lovely rubber panties and make sure all Roberts many seed is kept in my pussy for you to lap up later."

"I'm saving it so you can show me just how much you like cream pies."

"We have a couple of more aspects of your training to show you first though."

"Melinda please could make up pig as the urinal, I'm sure the 3 of you all have full bladders."

Melinda was only too pleased and raced to the bathroom to get the urinal funnel gag. She came back and I simply opened my mouth in anticipation. Just before she gagged me with the penis gag, Mistress Fiona scooped some of Roberts cum up and coated the gag with it.

Archie would clearly be able to see the glistening gag going into my mouth.

Once I was strapped in place, still impaled and sideways onto the computer Mistress Fiona again came too address Archie on the camera.

"Don't worry Archie I know you don't have a urinal gag there, but I have bought this one and will be bringing it home with me shortly."

"At times you will be kept in it for a few hours at a time when I have the need for a full recycling urinal. Don't even think about arguing with me, I've seen the stories and your comments on them about your desire to be forced to drink piss. As they say, be careful what you wish for bitch."

"So here goes Archie, we're all going to use the urinal one at a time, apart from me, I don't want to lose any of your cream pie."

Melinda stood astride my funnel and purposely aimed her concentrated stream of warm piss at my face for it to drip down and fill the funnel. I did my duty as a urinal. My stomach again growing little by little.

Then Mistress Caprice came onto cam, fuck I wish I could have seen Archie's face as he saw her huge cock spitting out her piss for me to recycle. Finally Master Robert once his cock had deflated a little, pissed into my cup, a long continuous stream filling the funnel to the very brim.

I drank and drank and drank. Each mouthful extending my stomach a little more, rounding it off.

Once I'd finished, Melinda released me from the gag and took it away to wash it for Mistress Fiona.

"Now Archie for the ultimate humiliation for a man, pig is going to be fucked on camera in front of you by Robert. This will be you later on."

She hadn't told her husband when, but now I thought I knew what the 20 minutes of timelag were for. I guess they lived close by.

I could only imagine what Archie was feeling as he went through this experience, the humiliation of being on cam being way less intense, than if Robert were in the room with him.

That's why I understood that on cam he could impale himself on the dildo, would he have been able to do that if Robert were there in the room with him, I doubted it.

It's amazing though what people will do on cam when it feels like the person is miles away, their inhibitions are so much lower than in person. I wondered if Archie might regret that.

My wrist cuffs were unlocked from my ankles and I was told to get on all fours the weights hanging from my nipples swinging vigorously.

Then I was told to lower my head to the floor and my wrists were attached to my collar. I couldn't move even if I'd tried.

I was sideways onto the camera still and felt Master Roberts cock head at my cunt entrance. No lube, no warning, just one deep slam until he was balls deep.

I let out a scream just before Roberts hand clamped over my mouth, Melinda jumped up and from nowhere produced a pair of lacy panties soaked in piss and cum and pushed them into my mouth.

"This is how real men fuck and how sissies fuck Archie, no mercy, taking what the Master wants and crucially fucking the orgasm from the sissy without allowing her to touch her clit."

Would Archie be noticing the change in language, cock, to cocklet, to clit.

My face was rubbing on the floor, I was sucking the piss from the panties with the intensity of the moment, all my breaths further saturating my brain with poppers.

Robert fucked me so hard, long savage strokes with his magnificent cock. The pain had gone it was pure pleasure now apart from when he bottomed out. I was moaning into the panties like a $2 whore loving every second of the reaming I was taking.

Then the inevitable happened, I couldn't ask permission but started to cum which Melinda once again caught in her hand and smeared over my face, nose and mouth.

"Look Archie, how happy is the pig, it doesn't need its clit which is why it has a cage to go back on now. Look at it shrivelling as we watch."

"Melinda please show Archie how the clit cage goes on."

Melinda was practized at this and I was caged once again within a few seconds. It felt good.

Mistress Fiona sat on my back to address her husband.

"So Archie, or Charlie as I've decided to call you around the house. I see that you've been obeying my instructions I can now see you on can fucking yourself on the dildo as you watch this."

As she said this she showed him the laptop and there he was cuffed wrists to ankles, impaled on a dildo, covered in a poor makeup job and his lovely blonde wig. His bottle of poppers in front of him.

He probably didn't realize that he could barely get off the dildo if he tried. It would certainly take time and he was just enjoying it at the moment.

"That's my good girl Charlie, now I have to explain one last thing. The film you are watching was taped 20 minutes ago and as we only live a 10 minute drive away as you watch this part, having seen pig erupting with his sissy juice, you might just hear the door opening behind you."

"That's right Charlie I'm behind you right now, and I have Robert and his amazing cock ready for you, well after you enjoy your creampie.

"So turn around and look at your future destiny bitch."

As she gave the last instruction which Archie wouldn't hear until it was way too late, I marvelled at the idea. So simple, draw him in with the security of being on cam not there in person and get him so turned on he needed release and then get him to secure himself. It was beautiful.

5 minutes later Mistress Fiona and Master Robert had dressed and left. I was again impaled on the dildo, wrists and ankles cuffed and Mistress Caprice and Melinda were relaxing watching Archie copying as much as he could.

Just before the fateful moment when he turned to see his wife in full Dominatrix glory and her friend and his freakishly huge cock, which judging by the state of it was ready to go again.

As he turned to see them, still impaled on his dildo, the look of horror melded into one of ecstasy as he came without even being touched.

His wife walked over to him caressing his head and told him to open wide as she removed her panties and stood astride his face, for his first of many, many creampies. As his tongue snaked out to meet his first feed, Robert was behind him, lifting him off the dildo and replacing it with his somewhat larger rod.

Mistress Caprice smiled.

"Well done pig, you helped turn that one completely, now she'll own him forever, he'll become a piss and cum eating machine for her. I think we can use you to turn husbands all over the world."

Mistress Caprice closed the computer lid and came across to me stroking my cheek.

"You've done so, so well pig, I think we can safely say you've earned your keep today. So we're going to leave you ready for your phone call.

Melinda will help you get undressed and prepared for the call, although Masters S has insisted that the clit cage stays on this week, he has the number of the lock already so you cannot take it off. He also wants you plugged at all times so Melinda will see to that.

She'll put the tight rubber bra on to squash those little titties of yours so that you are ok for your business meeting tomorrow. If there are still a little big I suggest a baggy top.

He also says you don't need to drink more piss as you need your stomach to reduce in size, Melinda will drain you once again and shower you and get you dressed for bed.

"I have to say, it's been amazing and I've loved watching your progress and will follow your films avidly and hopefully use you again sometime in the future. Now goodbye my little fuckpig."

She stood up, picked her bag up, gave Melinda a hug and a kiss and was gone from my life.

I was shell shocked by everything that had gone on, Melinda got me ready. Cleaning out my insides once again and draining me of piss, putting on the bra to squash my body back to its normal size. She packed away the toys, wigs, everything apart from the acorn plug and the rubber panties from earlier.

The she removed my eye lashes, nail extensions and make up, so that I almost looked like a guy again. A guy in a rubber bra that is.

"Bend over the bed pig and pull those whorish cheeks apart."

I did so and felt the acorn plug enter pretty easily. She then had me put on the thick rubber panties with the locking belt and I was confined once more. It was how it should be.

So a rubber bra and panties and a very big butt plug. Wow as normal as I'd been for 48 hours.

No more poppers and a strange reality returning to me. I was exhausted, but had to talk sensibly to my family.

She laid me on the bed with the phone next to me. Everything in the room tidied away.

"I'm not sure Skype is a good idea, your wife might think the bra doesn't suit you, better to say the internet is not working and talk on the phone I'd suggest Mr Johnson."

"Don't have any more poppers until you've had your call, Master S's orders. Then Master S wants you on Skype for him."

With that she was gone. The door closing automatically behind her.

It was over, fuck I was bereft, empty, lost. Then I remembered Master S's words that he would continue to use me. I'd got through the most amazing weekend and loved most of it.

I'd only get more depraved from here on. I just didn't know what to do, I was still so full with the plug. The craving for piss and cum was whizzing around my head again.

I fell fast asleep, so used to being stretched now, even with this huge plug in, I managed to sleep.

The phone rang and jerked me back to sleep, for the most difficult call of my life. I stammered and stuttered my way through the call, making up stories about Alcatraz and restaurants I hadn't visited. General chit chat, nothing more. Ten difficult minutes before we finished the call. Would it ever be the same again.

That should have been all I was worried about but that wasn't who I was now. I had two realities, the thoughts of cum, piss, fucking, stretching and Master S were running through my mind. I needed to be watered and fed soon.

I also wondered how Archie, sorry Charlie was getting on with his new reality, was he already on his knees worshipping his wife's bull, sucking his feed from that truncheon.

I was ohh so tired though an drifted off to sleep again with dreams of cocks, cum and piss floating through my sub conscious.

I was fast asleep, dreaming such sinful, delightful dreams when I felt my hands and ankles being restrained.

Then I felt a heavy body sit astride me and it pulled down hard, forcing a ball gag into my mouth. I tried to resist but my teeth would have been smashed. The ball gag pushed into my mouth and my head was lifted as it was buckled tightly behind me, as I tried in vain to break free.

My eyes were open but the room was dark, all I could see was the shape of a number of guys around me holding my feet and hands and then the guy astride me.

A cloth soaked very heavily in poppers, was placed over my nose and mouth and then a hood tied tightly in place and fixed with what felt like some form of collar which was so tight around my neck that breathing became increasingly laboured.

The guy got off me and I was lifted to my feet. My rubber bra was pulled roughly off me and I felt nipple clamps being attached to my still swollen nipples.

My arms were then pulled into some arms of an and item of clothing, I couldn't tell in my still sleepy state what it was until both arms were pulled over my chest and fixed in place.

Fuck it was a straight-jacket, what the fuck was happening to me. The pressure of the arms over my clamped tits made for an agonising walk.

I tried to shout out but was slapped hard across the head as one of the men then whispered in my ear.

"Shut the fuck up bitch, you've had you fun, now time to pay the pig piper."

I was thinking what the fuck is he talking about, had fun? I'd been through most every degradation possible and dealt with some extreme humiliation and hard core fucking.

Then they bent me over and the lock on the back of the belt of the tight double thickness rubber panties I was imprisoned in was unlocked. Shit how did they have the key for that.

Then the acorn plug was ripped out viciously, my cunt had clamped onto it so hard during my sleep, the motion of it being pulled out so quickly was agony.

It was replaced as brutally with another plug, it felt cold, like metal. Then as the electric shocks started I knew what it was. More to the point it was at a very high setting fucking me as brutally as I'd ever been fucked.

I was moaning not with pleasure but instant agony, the setting was too much and my legs buckled.

Two sets of arms held me up and I felt myself being walked out of the door, along a corridor and into an elevator. I heard the rattling of the old fashioned guard across the door being closed.

I presumed this must be a staff elevator as the one I'd used didn't have such a door.

I could tell that we were descending and for some levels.

The walked me out from the elevator and the concrete was cold beneath my feet. I stumbled forward being fucked so solidly by the electric butt plug, the nipple clamps being rubbed hard by the straight jacket with every step. My clit in its cage was also being rubbed mercilessly by the fabric of the jacket tied between my legs.

The poppers were affecting me, but just heightening my feelings, not making me horny in the least, this was a truly intense experience.

I was walked through a doorway, my shoulders hitting the door jamb as they walked me through.

Then I felt ankle cuffs being locked on, the straight jacket was removed, God it was cold in this room.

I was made to kneel on a bench and then my hands, ankles and thighs strapped or cuffed in place. It must have been one of those Y shaped benches, my legs wide apart, my pussy exposed, there were two holes for my tits to poke through.

The hood was removed and the cloth with poppers but then a pair of some sort of blackout goggles were put over my eyes, my head was tilted up by a pad under my chin, then the ball gag removed, presumably to allow full access to my throat and my head then strapped tightly to the bench.

I couldn't move a muscle. What the fuck was happening.

I felt her breath on my ear, sensing someone was there and had a faint whiff of perfume.

"Now then pig, it's me and now it's time for my real revenge. Mr Smotherer and that lovely couple didn't take you anywhere near far enough for my satisfaction after what you made Mistress Caprice do to my ass."

Shit it was Melinda and she sounded properly pissed off.

"My ass is still as swollen as it was and I just think I'm carrying out Master S's orders, to ensure that you are as trained as you the dirtiest pig you can be."

She let the words sink in, Master S didn't know about this, fuck what might go wrong. What was I in for. I was already feeling the butt plug so much more as it relentlessly fucked me without my constant stream of poppers or ecstasy, I needed my slut juice.

I began to moan more loudly almost crying with the pain of the butt plug fucking me so hard.

"That's it cry bitch, no more poppers to help you, I'm going to starve you of them, this will all feel so much more real without the help of your slut juice."

Now I really was crying, she was so fucking mad with me, what was I in for this time.

The nipple clamps were taken off from below and replaced with others which I felt Melinda adding heavy weights.

"Let's see how long we can make your pig nipples."

I then heard the shuffling of a few sets of feet coming in and could smell the rankness of some one. They smelled of stale sweat and piss and it was not an appealing aroma, it made Mr Smotherer seem hygienic.

Again she whispered in my ear.

"Let me tell you half of what you're in for pig, I have sold you again and I'm sure that won't surprise you, but who i sold you to might surprise you."

"As you know the tenderloin isn't that far away and it's amazing what people there will do for a fix or a fuck. Not exactly a Craigslist ad for them. But one of the guys from the hotel has been down and informed the lowest of the low that there is a human urinal they can use, then all they have to do is turn up here."

"One of them asked if he could come in the urinal and we then told them all that if they want to fuck the urinal throat they should go ahead and enjoy the rich businessman who would normally look down upon them and pass them by."

"You have a line up slut and you'd not believe how disgustingly dirty some of these people are. But look at it this way you'll be giving pleasure to the worst off people in society, almost philanthropic of you."

"I've given them your mouth for the next hour and you will swallow every last drop however disgusting as you know I'll be catching anything you miss and force feeding it with you.

"Try not to vomit as I know that always tastes worse when you're made to swallow it back down."

She was mad, and giggling as she said all of this.

"I said I'd find some b**sts for you and first of them is here, ohh and by the way the nice ones are at the front of the pig line, they get worse and worse at the back of the line. Keep that thought in your tiny little slut mind."

"Ohh and feel free to beg me for poppers, but you're not getting any, it's time for pig reality to hit home on that tiny brain of yours."

Then the full aroma hit me and I tried to turn my head from it but couldn't move at all, the rankest smelling cock head was pushed into my mouth.

The taste was awful and then a stream of some of the strongest salty piss hit the roof of my mouth. I began to swallow as quickly as I could but the unseen person leant forward pushing his smelly cock deep to the back of my throat, making me gag the piss out of my mouth and nose.

"Go ahead fuck his face Sir."

"Fuck me, first time a lady's called me Sir." He chuckled as he rammed into me squirting piss everywhere.

He continued to fuck and thrust holding onto my armpits for leverage, making me gag with his cock and piss filling my mouth. He was loving it and the desperate swinging of the weights on my nipples combined with the electric fucking of the plug had me in a very scary place. I needed the help of some poppers to bring my inner slut out.

Then the three sources of pain all made me think of Master and the need for cum and piss, so although it was awful beyond thought, I was at least going to be doing his bidding.

The taste of unclean cock in my mouth was making me gag more and more and finally the cock was pulled out and I was given a full facial.

"Now that's what a call a business man face" said my assaulter. Slapping me hard for good measure.

Melinda scooped up his cum and fed it to me from her fingers.

"That's it pig, bet you loved that taste, he was the cleanest. While they use the urinal and your throat as a cum deposit, I'm going to try something new."

"Fisting, well new for me to be on this end of it and also I'm going to use both hands on you, no matter how much you scream,no matter how loudly, you will be double fisted tonight."

"How does that sound slut."

"Please no Miss Melinda, I'm so sorry, Master S wouldn't want this, can I have some poppers to help pleassssseeeeeee."

"Ha begging after the first , just think how real this is going to get after 10 and then you'll still have a line, don't ever cross me again pig."

"No Missss I won't, please let me have poppers."

"Maybe when it's all over and you're even more broken that you are now, maybe then I'll take pity whore. But don't you understand, you need to feel all of this and feel it entirely to become a true pig."

I felt the butt plug being turned off and taken out, then what felt like a speculum being slid into my cunt. I felt the 3 or 4 bars of the speculum opening me wider and wider as I heard the ratchet being cranked up.

Without the poppers it was real, fuck so real, but the open air feeling of my gape was exciting as was in some weird way the thought of my ass taking both of Melinda's hands, fuck that would be amazing.

The ripe aroma of another cock hit me, just before the uncircumcised head was pushed into my mouth. Then the horror as I felt the foreskin being retracted and heard the following order.

"Not cleaned under the hood for a while, pig so bathe my cock head for me and clean him up bitch."

It was without doubt the worst thing I'd ever done, truly repulsive but with more weights added to my tits and the extra ratchet every few seconds on the speculum blocking my mind out, I just did as I was told cleaning under the glans as best I could before I received my feed of cum, no piss for this one, but certainly a hell of a lot of cum to go with the treats he'd saved under the hood for me.

I swallowed thinking at least it was food and that process continued with the next guys in the line. Smelling of piss, crusty cum and sweat I was just a pig mouth to be used and used.

If I'd had the poppers I might have even been enjoying the dirtiness and degradation, but now a steady stream of tears was being skull fucked from my eyes.

Melinda had obviously stretched me as far as she wanted and was playfully dipping her full hand into the huge hole she had turned my cunt into , it really was a bucket cunt now, but could it take two hands.

She left the speculum in place and said to the assembled company if any of them preferred pissing into the cunt or cumming in it they were welcome she then added feel free to fuck me through the speculum but warned unless they had very big cocks it wouldn't be very tight.

I heard the shuffling of a few behind me and then the piss started to fill me, as soon as each cock was taken out the pressure of my insides expelled most of the piss or cum, my clit was constantly dripping with other mens piss and cum as it dribbled out of my insides.

Each time there was a new cock in my cunt, a new one would start to fuck my throat, I swallowed as much piss and cum as I possibly could, but no way I could drink it all, no doubt Melinda was saving it for me.

The cocks were getting rougher and rougher at fucking my throat almost as if seeing the last one made them desperate to go even harder.

Then Melinda stopped the men at my ass and loosened and then removed the speculum.

"Don't think I'll need any lube guys, you've done that job for me."

I felt her fist at the entrance hole, because it was a hole and she punched forward getting very little resistance for her petite hand. She punch fucked my ass pussy in time with the guy doing a number on my throat, me crying all the time.

Then she pulled out and spat into the open gaping wound before I felt the extended fingers of both her hands palm to palm as she began to apply pressure.

I would have bellowed out in pain, but the large thick dirty cock fucking me wouldn't allow the sound out.

Melinda just leaned into her work and then feverishly rocked her hands back and forth, rotating them occasionally, opening me wider and wider each minute.

I kept swallowing and she kept rocking backwards and forwards with her hands pressuring my internal sphincter, teasing it, thrusting into it, opening it inch by painful inch. Working harder and harder as she reached both sets of knuckles.

"Now guys I need the biggest most brutal guy to use pigs throat to take pigs mind off what I am about to do."

I was beside myself sobbing into the cock I was gagging on, covered in piss and cum just desperate for a fix of slut juice, my tits having more weights put on them to increase the pain to take my focus from me stretched pussy.

One cock was taken out and another huge thick one replaced it and started to fuck the back of my throat making me almost vomit with every stroke.

It worked in that the weights and the beer bottle thick cock just forcing its way down the back of my throat took most of my focus as Melinda cried out with joy.

The moan I emitted was unlike any I'd ever uttered or ever heard, it was the moan of an a****l in deep distress.

"I wish you could see bitch, although you will later when I show you the footage, but now ¾ of my hands are in you, one last push and I'll own your ass and be able to then open my arms a little and stretch you more than ever before."

She was giddy with excitement and judging by the way the vagrant at my head was using me, he was pretty excited too as he dumped another load of cum deep into my belly.

My pussy gave up its last bit or resistance and I was a broken sobbing mess in absolute agony. The poppers wouldn't have made much of a difference but I now understood why she'd not let me have them. It ensured that I felt the pain that she'd felt, multiplied by ten and Melinda was loving giving that pain to me.

I wanted the feelings of pain to meld into pleasure, but it was too intense. Melinda was almost purring with pleasure, her pussy would be dripping wet at the excitement of her double insertion.

I realized that I was almost blacking out from the lack of air caused by the girth of the cock lodged down my throat, I hadn't even thought about breathing with Melinda's two arms spreading me so wide.

As the cock was withdrawn from my throat Melinda slid one arm out causing more pain, she then clenched her small fist and proceed to punch fuck my pussy. After the two arms, just one felt amazing, my pussy sliding up and down her arm in time with the thrusts of the huge cock in my mouth.

The dirtiness and horniness of the situation was now overcoming me as was the assault on my prostate by Melinda, another orgasm rocked me as I milked a huge load of cum from the big dirty cock in my mouth, I came in my clit cage.

Melinda must have been wanking with her free hand and she screamed in orgasm too as all three of us came quite close to each other.

I was spent, a wreck.

Melinda walked around to my head picking up the bowl from beneath me which was full of piss and cum, she passed the bucket to the remaining guys in the queue and told them the face fucking was over, but they could fill the bucket with cum and piss which would be recycled through the urinal shortly.

Grumbles and moans from them, but most were so turned on with the live porno they had just seen that a few strokes had them unloading into the bucket for my slops.

She came to my head and pushed her dripping pussy to my mouth for me to worship, I simply did so tasting her juices once more.

"Ummmm well done pig, you did well, just one more bucket to drink and I'll lock you up in bed for the night.

I was unstrapped and then yet another big dildo was suctioned to the bench and I was lifted onto it and the urinal gag strapped on once more.

Melinda allowed me some massive hits of poppers saying that I deserved them as she began to pour the piss and cum mixture into my urinal. I swallowed pint after pint, my stomach distending once again.

Once the bucket was empty Melinda unbuckled the urinal.

"There you go slut, full of piss and cum once more as you always should be. Well now that you've been fed so well we can get you back in your rubber attire and off to sleep to get ready for your business day tomorrow."

She had two of the guys redress him in his Rubber bra, they lifted him off the dildo and bent him over. Then Melinda rammed the acorn plug back in place and they pulled up the tight rubber panties.

Take him back to his room and let him get some sleep.

As the two guys left him stuffed on the bed, the door creaked open and Melinda came into the dark room.

"Now sleep bitch and I'll be back in a few hours to get your ready for your business day."
Közzétette: canadianbbw
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GOD I so wish you would do the follow up, would be fantastic to get to know what evolves at the farm!
Dirty, degrading, debasing, disgusting and delightfully delicious. 
I am loving this, I don’t want it to end mmm
I loved this story. I  only wish it was me being used 