It all started for me when I was a k** and started playing,I’ll show you mine if you show me yours with my cousins and the other neighborhood k**s. I would get a real charge out of exposing myself to other people. Of course as you grow up you learn that it’s wrong to expose yourself to anyone. When I turned 18, I considered becoming a nudist so I could just go around naked all the time, but there were a few problems with that idea. One was that there were no nudist communities anywhere near me. The closest one was about an hour away from my town. The second problem was that I didn’t make enough money to move out of my parents place and I had had to keep going to college for a while too. And lastly, it just didn’t excite me to be exposing myself if everyone else was doing it too. I think it was the fact that I knew it was wrong and that I could get in trouble that turned me on about it.

I didn’t know that my exhibitionist desires would change my life though. And it happened when I was 18. I’m a decent looking guy, about 5’9” and I weigh about 130lbs or so. I have short brown hair that I keep cut in a military style. I also have very light almost hazel brown eyes. My favorite part of my body is my thick eight-inch cock. When I was 16, I started shaving my pubic hair. The first time I did it I just shaved my balls. I liked how smooth they felt afterwards, so I decided to shave off the rest of my pubic hair too, and my cock is eight inches long and pretty thick to top it all off. I knew I wasn’t any GQ model or anything, but I was all right looking.

One night I was laying on my bed masturbating when my dog heard something outside and ran to the window. When he jumped up and put his front paws on the window ledge he got a little tangled in the blinds and before I knew what was happening he knocked my blinds down exposing me to anyone and everyone outside. Fortunately my window didn’t face to street, but it did face our next door neighbor’s house, the Clarks. Even though the window didn’t face the street it was on the side of the house and could still be seen from the street if anyone happened to look. Even though the blinds crashing to the ground surprised me, I was too far gone to stop stroking myself and the thought that someone might see me there naked on the bed stroking my cock for all I was worth turned me on even more. In less than 10 seconds my cock exploded spraying my chest with thick white cum.

As soon as I was recovered, I got up and put my blinds back on the window, and then I went into my bathroom to get cleaned up. After that night, whenever I went to my room to jerk off I would turn off my lights, raise my blinds and position myself in front of the window. It always turned me on to think that someone walking, or driving by might see me and what I was doing. I always got even more turned on when I’d see a car driving by. That never failed to send me over the edge. I went on like this for about a month or so, until one Friday night I was so horny and in such a hurry to get off that I forgot to turn off my bedroom light before I opened the blinds and started stroking my cock. I felt a surge of mixed excitement and fear when I had realized what I had done, I also remember thinking afterwards that I was lucky no one had driven or walked by that night while I was masturbating. I was so excited that my hands were trembling and I was mildly hyperventilating. It took me a good fifteen minutes to calm down. It took me awhile to fall asleep after that. The next afternoon I found out I hadn’t been as lucky as I thought I had, or in hindsight maybe I was luckier then I thought. I guess that all depends on how you look at things.

Over the next week, I “forgot” to turn off the light a couple more times before I masturbated in front of the window. About a week, after the first time it happened, was when things started to really change.

It was a Saturday morning and I was working in our backyard doing some chores for my parents when Mrs. Clark came over to the fence dividing our yards and called out to me, “Bobby! Bobby!”

“Oh. Hi, Mrs. Clark. What’s up?” I asked.

“I was wondering if you could give me a hand over here when you’re done with your chores.” She asked.

“Yeah sure. No problem. I’ll be done in about fifteen, thirty minutes and then I’ll come over. Ok?” I replied.

“That would be great Bobby. Thanks.”

I waved a hand at her to let her know it wasn’t a problem and got back to work. Mrs. Clark just smiled and went back into her house. Twenty minutes later I finished my chores and went was knocking on the Clark’s backdoor.

“Oh Great Bobby, I’m glad you could come over. Would you like a soda or something?” Mrs. Clark asked.

“Ah, a some water or Gatorade would be great.” I replied.

“Have a seat at the table and I’ll get you some.” She said.

I sat at the kitchen table and waited as Mrs. Clark went to her fridge to get my drink.

She turned around with a bottle of Gatorade in her hand and asked, “Would you like a glass or is the bottle ok.”

“The bottle’s fine.” I replied.

She handed me the bottle and sat down across from me at the table.

“So, what do you help with?” I asked.

“Its not so much that I need your help, but I have an offer I want to discuss with you.” She replied.

“Uh, ok.” I replied slightly confused.

Last Friday night, I was looked out of my bedroom window and saw something rather surprising.” She said. “Do you know what that was?” She asked.

At those words all the color drained from my face and my mouth hung agape.

“I see you do.” She said. “When I saw it that first time I figured it was just an accident on your part. A one time thing. Imagine my surprise when I saw it happen a couple of more times this week. It seems you are quite the exhibitionist Bobby.” She explained.

I couldn’t say anything I was speechless. The idea of getting caught masturbating had always been such a turn on for me, but now that it had happened I was scared shitless. I had no idea what she was going to do. If she told my parents what I had been doing I would be in a world of trouble.

“Well Bobby, I figure that I could tell your parents about what you’ve been doing, or I could take advantage of it.” She told me.

Now I was even more confused. My fear addled mind couldn’t comprehend what she was talking about and I just stared at her mutely.

“I thought about this quite a bit over the last week and decided that telling your parents what you’ve been doing wouldn’t serve much to do more that just cause you a lot of trouble. On the other hand, if I were to take advantage of your exhibitionistic desires and that nice young body of yours we could both have some fun.” She said while looking me straight in the eyes.

Now I was totally confused and the look on my face must have shown it, because Mrs. Clark just smiled at me.

“You see Bobby my husband and I are swingers.” She said as if that explained it all.

I still wasn’t sure what she was talking about, and I must have still looked confused because she went on with her explanation after a short pause to see if I knew what she was talking about.

“Swingers are people who like to have sex with lots of other people. In most cases, it’s married couples getting together with other married couples and exchanging partners for sex. Sometimes swingers go to clubs to meet other couples and even single people to have sex. It’s a lot of fun really.” She said.

I wasn’t confused anymore. Now I was just really surprised. Never in a million years would I have thought our straight laced neighbors would be into having sex like that. I started looking at Mrs. Clark in a totally new light. All of the sudden she wasn’t my older married next door neighbor, now she had become this sexy, provocative seductress. I gazed at her 5’7” body with her auburn hair that fell just past her shoulders. Her medium sized breasts sagging slightly on her chest, she was slightly over weight with a little belly pooching out over her waistband. I suddenly found myself wondering what she’d look like without her clothes. My imagination kicked into overdrive and I saw her lying on a bed with her legs spread beckoning me towards her. I heard her softly calling my name. That’s when I came back to reality and remembered where I was. Mrs. Clark was calling my name trying to get me to snap out of my daydream.

“Uh, sorry Mrs. Clark. I was ah..” I stammered off not knowing what to say anymore.

“There’s something else I want to tell you. I’m also a bit of a Dominatrix. Do you know what that means Bobby?” She asked.

I had an idea what she meant, but just to be sure I said, “Not really.”

“Well, the short of it is that, as a Dominatrix, I like to be in charge. Totally in charge. There are plenty of other aspects to it, but that’s the meat of it. Its not always about sex either. Sometimes it has to do with bondage and having other submit to my will. I also punish my submissives when they disobey or disappoint me. Punishment can be anything from verbally chastising and humiliating them to spanking and other more severe forms of discipline.” She explained.

“Ok.” I was all I could manage to say.

“I bet you are wondering why I’m telling you all this instead of just telling your parents and being done with it aren’t you?” she said.

“Uh, yeah.” I said.

“Well, like I said before I don’t think I should waste your young body or your desires to dhow it off.” She said. “What I would like is for you to submit to me and become one of my submissives. If you do that I can guarantee you plenty of outlets for your exhibitionist desires as well as plenty of sex. If you agree to this, you’ll have to keep an open mind and be willing to do what I demand of you. We will discuss elements of your training and what limits you have. Some things though are not negotiable. There are some things that I do insist upon however. You will always have a way of stopping things if it ever becomes to much for you, but I’ll explain all that another time if you agree. Or if you choose, I can simply tell your parents what you’ve been doing and be done with it. It’s your choice.” She told me.

“Not much of a choice. I can either be your slave or you’ll tell my parents what I did and they’ll make my life miserable.” I replied.

“A submissive is not a slave Bobby. A submissive always has a choice and can always stop what’s happening or refuse to do something. A slave cannot. A slave is property and as such has no rights. You’d be my submissive, not my slave.” She replied frankly.

“This is a big decision. Can I have some time to think about it before I decide?” I asked.

“Yes it is, and yes you may. I’ll expect your answer by no later than noon tomorrow.” She told me.

“Ok.” I said.

It was clear that our talk was over so I returned home and took a shower to clean off the sweat and grime I had acquired from working outside. When I was done I laid down on my bed to think about the offer Mrs. Clark had given me. Would it really be that bad being her submissive? I thought about all the things she had said to me. I was so lost in thought that I hadn’t even noticed that the sun had set until my mother called me for dinner.

I went down to the kitchen and ate dinner without tasting it. When my parents asked me if there was anything wrong I just told them that I just had a lot on my mind and apologized. I wasn’t lying one bit I did have a lot on my mind, and it all had to do with Mrs. Clark and her offer. I had just finished my dinner and was about to get up when I realized I had a noticeable bulge in my pants. I reached down and discreetly adjusted myself so my hard-on would be less visible. When I was satisfied that my parents wouldn’t be likely to notice my cock tenting my pants, I excused myself from the table, put my plate in the kitchen and went straight back to my room, where I stripped out of my clothes, climbed on my bed and started stroking my hard cock so I could get some relief. My blinds were up as always, but the light in my room was off. It was already dark so no one would be to see me. I was just starting to get into it when the phone on my nightstand rang. I picked up and was surprised to hear Mrs. Clark’s voice on the other end of the line.

“Hello, Bobby.” She said.

“Ah, hi Mrs. Clark.” I replied, the surprise obvious in my voice.

“What are you up to Bobby?” she asked.

“Nothing. I’m just in my room laying on my bed.” I replied nervously wondering if there was some way she could see into my room even though the light was off.

“And what are you wearing?” She asked.

“Just a pair of sweats.” I lied.

“Hmmm, I was hoping you’d be naked.” She said in obvious mock disappointment. I almost dropped the phone out of shear surprise. Mrs. Clark had obviously heard my fumbling with the phone, because when I put it back to my ear I could hear her laughing softly on the other end.

“Ughhh.” Was all I could get to come out of my mouth.

“What’s the matter Bobby? Cat got your tongue?” She asked teasing me.

“Ah, no! You just took me by surprise. That’s all.” I told her honestly.

“Are you really wearing sweats?” She asked persistently.

“Um, no. I’m naked.” I confessed.

“And what are you doing naked?” she asked. “Be honest with me. If you’re not I’ll have to punish you.” Mrs. Clark told me flatly.

“I was just starting to masturbate.” I confessed.

“I thought so. And tell me, what made you want to masturbate?” She asked bluntly.

“The offer you made me this afternoon. I’ve been thinking about it ever since I left your house and it got me pretty worked up.” I told her honestly.

“I see.” She said. “Would you like a small preview of what you could expect if you agree to that offer?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah. I guess so.” I replied.

“It’s a yes or no question, and the proper way to address me is either as Ma’am, or Mrs. Clark. If you earn the right to wear my collar you’ll be able to address me as Mistress or Miss C.” She told me. “Is that clear?” she asked severely.

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied.

“Now do you want a preview or not?” She asked forcibly.

“Yes ma’am.” I replied softly.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I said more loudly.

“Yes Ma’am what?” she asked harshly.

“Yes Ma’am I’d like for you to give me a preview of what I could expect if I agree to your offer Ma’am.” I said submissively.

“Very good.” She replied.

Turn on your bedroom light and go stand in front of your window.” She ordered.

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied as I got up and turned on the light and then stood in front of my window just as she had ordered. When I got to the window I automatically looked over at Mrs. Clarks house and saw standing in front of her own window wearing a red robe that shined as if it was made out of silk or satin or something.

“Mmmm, very good. I like a boy that can follow orders.” She said into the phone.

I couldn’t help smiling and said, “Thank you Ma’am.”

I saw her give me a quick smile in return and then she said, “Stroke your cock for me Bobby.” Mrs. Clark ordered.

I happily complied with her command and began stoking my hard cock back and forth.

“Bobby, do you normally use any lubricant when you stroke yourself?” Mrs. Clark asked me.

“Yes Ma’am, sometimes.” I replied.

“Is there lube on your cock now?” She asked.

“No Ma’am. I was just about to put some on when you called.” I told her.

“Get your lube and come back to the window. Quickly!” She ordered.

I ran over to my nightstand, pulled open the drawer, grabbed the small bottle of lubricant I kept there and immediately dashed back to the window.

“Very good.” Mrs. Clark said when she saw me standing in front of my window again. “I can already see that I’m going to enjoy using you. Now lube your cock and tart stroking it for me again.”

I blushed and smiled bashfully at her comment as I began stroking myself as Mrs. Clark had ordered.

“Does that feel good? Mrs. Clark asked me in a sultry voice.

“Mmmhmm, yes ma’am it does.” I replied.

“Good. Stroke it faster and squeeze it harder.” She ordered.

I did as she ordered and let out a soft moan of pleasure at the feeling of it.

“Stoke it! Stroke that cock of your for me. Make yourself cum you little slut boy. I want to see your cum spray all over your window.” She said in a sultry yet commanding voice.

“Uh, uh. Yes Ma’am. Uh, uh.” I said between grunts.

“That’s it my little slut boy stroke that cock for me. I wanna see you shoot your load for me.” Mrs. Clark said urging me on.

“Bobby. Look at me my little slut boy, look at your future mistress.” Mrs. Clark commanded.

I did as she said and saw her pull the sash on her robe causing it to fall open, and then she shrugged it off her shoulders and let if fall to the floor exposing her sexy mature naked body to me for the first time.

I couldn’t take it anymore, “Ugghhh!” I grunted as I felt my orgasm exploded out of my cock spraying my bedroom window with thick ropey gobs of cum. I must have shot five of six blasts of cum on the window. I saw it starting to run slowly down the glass as I gasped for breath while I tried to recover from one of the best orgasms I have ever had.

“Mmmm. Very good my little slut boy. Now I want you to clean off your window.” I started to turn away from the window so I could get a towel to wipe off the window with. “Hold it! Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Mrs. Clark said angrily into the phone.

“I was just going to get a towel so I could clean up the mess like you ordered Ma’am.” I said nervously.

“I didn’t tell you to get a towel! Clean it off with your tongue. I want to see you lick that window clean!” She commanded so forcibly that even though the thought of licking my cum off my bedroom window didn’t appeal to me, I never even thought about disobeying her. I dropped to my knees in front of the window and immediately began licking it clean of my cum.

“That’s better.” She said crossly. “Lick it all off then swallow it down like a good slut.”

I licked and licked my cum from the cool glass. Whenever my mouth got full enough I swallowed it down. Within a few moments, I had cleaned the entire window of my cum. the window no longer had any cum on it, but my saliva had made a mess of it’s own.

“Are you done yet?” Mrs. Clark asked impatiently.

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied.

“Good. On your feet.” She ordered.

I immediately got back to my feet and was once again standing naked in front of the window. My cock had lost some of its firmness after my orgasm, but it was still semi-hard.

“Good Boy. Now I want you to go take a shower and when you are done use the damp towel to clean off the window. I expect to see you at my house by noon tomorrow Bobby. Now do as I said and get some sleep, because if you agree to my offer you’re going to need it.” Mrs. Clark said and before I could answer she hung up.

Mrs. Clark may have hung up the phone, but she still watched from her window to see that I obeyed her orders. I did as she said and took another quick shower and then I put on some underwear and a t-shirt before I wiped the window clean with my damp towel and got into bed. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.


The next thing I knew, my mom was calling me for breakfast and I put on a pair of sweats and went down to the kitchen and ate a quick breakfast.

“So, what have you got planned for today, Honey?” My mother asked as we ate.

“Not much. I promised Mrs. Clark that I’d help her around her house today.” I answered.

“Oh, that’s nice of you, Sweetie.” My mom said with one of her motherly smiles.

“Its no big deal. She asked me yesterday, and I didn’t have anything planned so I told her I would.” I said.

“What does she want you to do?” My mom asked.

“I have no idea, but she said it might take awhile so I don’t know when I’ll be done.”

“Ok Honey. Your dad and I are going to go hit the mall. There’s some good sales starting today, and then we’re going to do the grocery shopping. We should be back by…” She trailed off as she looked at the clock and saw that it was almost eleven o’clock. “Five or six.” She finished.

“Ok, no problem.” I replied.

I thought about going to Mrs. Clark’s house as I ate. I was wondering if I should put on some different clothes before I headed over there or if my sweats and a tee would be all right. She hadn’t said to dress any particular way so I figured my sweats would be ok for today. After last night, I knew there was no way I was going to turn down her offer to become one of her submissives. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice in the first place. If I said no she’d tell my parents that I was purposely jerking off in front of my bedroom window with the blinds up, but after last night, I knew I really wanted to be one of her submissives and that I would have agreed to it even without the threat of her narking on me.

Around eleven-thirty, I walked over to her house and knocked on her front door. I waited a few moments and then she opened the door and invited me in with a sweeping gesture.

“Let’s go to the kitchen.” She said, and I followed a few steps behind her as she led the way. “Have a seat.” She said, indicating one of the chairs around the kitchen table.

I sat where she indicated and she sat in another chair across from me and then asked, “So, have you come to a decision?”

“Yes Ma’am, I have.” I told her.

“Good. So, what will it be? Are you going to be one of my submissives or shall I tell your parents about your night time activities?”

“I want to be one of your submissives Ma’am.” I replied.

“Excellent.” Mrs. Clark said in a pleased tone that also said that she had known I would make that choice.

“Ma’am, may I tell you something?” I asked.

“Yes, you may.” She replied.

“I would have agreed to be one of your submissives even without the threat of you telling my parents.” I said honestly.

Mrs. Clark smiled and said, “Yes Bobby, I knew you would. I just thought you might need that extra push to start you down the path of submission.”

We smiled at each other and then she stood and said, “Take off your clothes and follow me.”

I stood and pulled my t-shirt off over my head and placed it on the chair I had been sitting on, and then I hooked my thumbs in the waistbands of both my sweatpants and my underwear and pushed them down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and piled them on top of my shirt in the chair. As soon as I was naked, Mrs. Clark led the way out of the kitchen and down a hall to a door that led down to her basement. I followed her through the door and down the stairs. She flicked a switch and lights came on in the stairwell and the room waiting below. When I turned the corner following Mrs. Clark into the room at the bottom of the stairs, my jaw just dropped. The room was unlike any I had ever seen before. There was a padded table towards the center of the room and, in the corner, diagonally across from where I was standing, there was some kind of leather chair hanging from chains, which were attached to the ceiling (I found out later that it’s called a sling). In the corner to my left, there was a series of straps also hanging from the ceiling (this I found out was a love swing). In the corner to my right, was what looked like the vaulting horse we used occasionally in gym class, except that, in addition to the padded top, there were also padded ledges that I’d later find out were knee and forearm rests. Along one wall were hung various whips, paddles and floggers. On another, were shelves that held almost every sex toy you could imagine from butt plugs and dildos in every size to things I had never seen before, but in time would become intimately familiar with and come to enjoy very much.

On the third wall was a series of cabinets that I’d later found out held various other S&M equipment like nipple clamps, cock rings, chastity equipment and a bunch of other toys for pain and pleasure. What I didn’t know was that in the center of the cabinets what I took for a large cabinet was really a Murphy Bed that Mrs. Clark would pull down on occasion. And on the wall that had the stairs behind it was a coiled black garden house with a spray nozzle on one while the other end was attached to a faucet in the wall. That’s when I noticed that the floor angled slightly inward towards the center of the room where there was a drain in the floor. There was also a small closet under the stairs that held various cleaning supplies for the playroom out of view. There was also another door that lead to a storage room that held even more equipment that I would find out about later.

“Well what do you think of my playroom Bobby?” Mrs. Clark asked expectantly.

“I, uh… It’s pretty wild. What’s all this stuff used for?” I replied.

“You’ll find out soon enough my little slut.” She said teasingly.

Mrs. Clark walked over to the wall with the cabinets and pulled the Murphy Bed down, and then removed her clothes and laid down in the center of the bed with her legs spread and patted between them with one hand and said, “Come over here Bobby its time you learned how to give me pleasure.”

I quickly did as she said and climbed onto the bed between her legs and looked at her expectantly waiting to be told what to do next while my eyes kept shifting up and down between her pussy, tits and face. I noticed something I hadn’t the other night when she exposed herself to me, Mrs. Clark had her pubic hair trimmed so that it formed a narrow strip of hair about two inches wide above her pussy while everything else was smooth as a baby.

“I want you to eat my pussy Bobby. I want you to make me cum and cum hard.” She told me, and then warned, “If you don’t do a good job I’ll have to punish you.”

Never having eaten pussy before I was determined to do the best I could and practically dove into her wet cunt in my eagerness to please her. I slid my arms under her thighs and cupped her ass in my hands as I bought my mouth to her waiting pussy. Then I stuck my tongue out and licked her from the bottom of her slit to the top and back down again. I did this several times until I finally pushed my tongue as deep into her pussy as I could. As my tongue entered her I got my first taste of pussy, that tang that’s slightly bitter, while at the same time pleasingly sweet. As I moved my tongue around inside her, her pussy was deluging my mouth with copious amounts of her natural juices.

“Ohhh yes, not much in the way of technique yet, but you definitely make up for it with your enthusiasm.” She moaned.

I continued moving my tongue around inside her pussy trying to taste every last bit of her I could. I pushed my tongue in and out, ran it around in circles one way and then the other, and then waggled it up and down and back and forth. I much have been doing something right, because Mrs. Clark started moaning louder and louder as I went and her hands went to the back of my head pressing my face tightly against her sopping wet cunt while she guided me so that I hit all the right places. As I was tonguing her, my nose brushed against her clit and Mrs. Clark moaned loudly and arched her back up off the mattress. I didn’t notice it the first time, but when it happened again, I realized what had happened and moved my mouth up and sucked her clit in between my lips and flicked it with the tip of my tongue. Mrs. Clark went nuts! She began thrashing about wildly on the bed, arching her back up off it, and crushing my face into her crotch with her hands as she pulled my hair with her clenched fists.

“Ohhh! Ahhhhh! That’s it suck my clit and make me cum you little fucker! Suck my clit hard! Ahhhhhhh!” She screamed loudly as I followed her commands and sucked her clit hard into my mouth while flicking it with the tip of my tongue.

My hard cock was rubbing against my belly where it was pinned between me and the mattress leaking pre-cum like a faucet.

My grip on Mrs. Clark’s ass tightened as I tried to pull her even closer to me and also to keep her from pulling away from me in the troughs of her passion.

“Ugghhh! God, I’m coming you little fuck! You better not fucking stop!” She screamed.

I kept licking and sucking at her pussy and clit through all through her orgasm as she thrashed around screaming and moaning with the pleasure I was giving her.

“AHHHHH! OHHHHHH FUCK! OH GOD YES! OHHHHHHHHH!” She screamed at the top of her lungs before falling back to the bed in a sweaty heap with my head still between her legs and me still licking away at her pussy and clit. Finall,y she pushed my head away from her and I rolled on to my side to lie beside her at her feet.

“Oh Bobby, what a great little clit licker you are.” She said breathlessly. I looked up at her beaming with the entire lower part of my face soaked and gleaming with her cum.

“Mmmm. Keep that up and you’ll definitely prove yourself worthy of being one of my submissives.” She said softly, still partially out of breath from the massive orgasm I had just given her.

The smile on my face only grew bigger at her complement. Several minutes later, Mrs. Clark rolled over and got on all fours and said, “Alright, now lets see how well you can eat my ass.”

I was surprised by this command and just laid there for a few seconds confused. I had never heard of someone eating someone else’s ass before.

“What are you waiting for? Get over here and put that fucking slut tongue of yours to work on my ass Dammit!” she said irritably.

Still not sure what to do, I climbed up behind her on all fours, placed a hand on each of her ass cheeks pulling them apart so I could see her tight hole winking slightly at me.

“You better shove that fucking tongue of yours up my ass right now or I’ll make sure you regret it for days to come!” Mrs. Clark demanded.

Fearing what she might do if I refused or delayed any longer I brought my face to her ass and gingerly flicked my tongue over her puckered anus tasting it for the first time.

“Ohhh.” She moaned softly as my tongue dragged over the nerve endings of her clutching hole. “That’s it keep going. Work my hole with your tongue.” She encouraged.

I started licking circles around her hole occasionally swiping my tongue over it every now and then.

“Mmmm, yes. That’s the ticket. Now push your tongue inside me.” She said softly.

Obediently, I brought my tongue to the center of her tight hole, stiffened my tongue and pushed it inside her.

“Oh yes. That feels so fucking good.” She moaned softly.

I started working my tongue in and out of her ass, tongue fucking her tight hole. I’d try and force it in deeper each time. Her ass didn’t taste ass good as her pussy, but it was nowhere near ass bad as I thought it would be. I could taste a little of what I was sure had to be shit especially on some of my deeper tongue strokes, but it was very faint, and it was making Mrs. Clark happy so I kept on working her ass with my tongue just like I had with her pussy. Pushing my tongue in and out, circling one way and then the other. Waggling it back and forth up and down and all around. “Oh yes that feels so good. Now use your hand to play with my clit while you’re licking my ass. Make me cum on your tongue again.” She instructed.

I brought my right hand down and pushed it between her legs from behind, running it over her dripping cunt until I found her clit at the top. Once I found her clit I started rubbing it.

“OH! Not so fast and hard. Slow down and take your time slut I want to enjoy this.” She commanded.

I stopped rubbing her clit so hard and fast and began doing it slower and more gently. Working her clit with my fingers just like I had with my tongue only moments ago.

“Mmmmmmmm. Much better.” She said softly. “Yes! Keep doing it like that. Work my ass with your tongue. Oh yes!”

Before long, Mrs. Clark was writhing beneath me and pushing her ass back towards me trying to get my tongue as deep inside her as she could. It didn’t take long before Mrs. Clark had reached her second orgasm.

“OH YES! OH FUCK YES I’M CUMMING!” Mrs. Clark screamed for the second time today.

As her orgasm rocked her body, Mrs. Clark’s arms gave out on her and she fell to her elbows with her head resting between her arms on the mattress. I could feel her ass spasming as it clenched and released my tongue over and over again. I kept working her clit with my hand as her body shuttered and convulsed beneath me. I could feel her clit twitching as her pussy gushed its cum all over my hand soaking my palm and fingers with her cum. when her orgasm finally subsided Mrs. Clark collapsed forward pulling her body away from my mouth and hand and laying flat on her stomach panting heavily.

“Mmmmm, I bet the girls love you.” She said breathlessly.

I gave a kind of half smile but didn’t say anything. When she turned her head to look at me Mrs. Clark could see that something was wrong.

“What’s the matter Bobby? Don’t you like eating my pussy and ass and making me feel good?” She asked in a slightly mocking but still concerned voice.

“Oh no Ma’am its not that at all. I love eating you. Its awesome.” I assured her truthfully.

“Then what’s the matter?” she asked.

“I’ve just never been with a girl before. None of them will give me the time of day. They all think I’m just some skinny geek.” I said somewhat bitterly.

“Ah, I see. Well Bobby don’t worry about it. Sooner or later those dumb girls will figure out you’re a cute little hottie that can drive them wild in bed and then they’ll be sorry that they hadn’t given you a chance sooner. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.” She assured me.

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied half-heartedly.

“Well, since you have done such a good job bringing me pleasure I think it’s about time I gave you a reward. What do you think?” She said.

“Yes Ma’am that would be great.” I replied more enthusiastically.

“Lay down over here on your back.” Mrs. Clark said as she patted a spot in the center of the bed.

I did as she told me and laid down where she indicated my hard cock pointing at the ceiling with a stream of my clear pre-cum running down it’s shaft.

Mrs. Clark took my cock in her hand and gently stroked up and down it’s length a few times. “Mmmmm. I wonder how many of those girls would change their minds if they knew what a big cock you had?” she said to herself before bending over and taking the head of it into her mouth and swirling her tongue around the rim of it.

“Ohhhh God!” I moaned.

“You like that huh?” she asked.

“Oh yes Ma’am I love it!” I replied fervently.

“Well that’s only the beginning of what I have in store for you.” She said devilishly.

With that she plunged her mouth down on my hard cock taking it entirely in her mouth until her nose was pressed into my pubic area. She held it like that for a few seconds using her throat muscles to massage my cock in her mouth, and then she pulled herself off my cock took in a deep breath and plunged back down on it bobbing her head all the way down on my cock and then all the way back up several times. When she came off my cock this time she licked down the shaft to my balls and took each one in her mouth, swirled it around before letting it fall out and taking the other one in her mouth. She did this a couple of times and then licked back up the other side of my shaft to the head of my cock where she swirled her tongue around the crown. Then flicked her tongue over my piss slit a few time before she pushed it a little way into the hole before she plunged her mouth back down to the rot of my cock.

“OH GOD! OH MAN! I’M GONNA CUM!” I cried out. When she started sucking my cock even harder, I couldn’t take it anymore and my cum exploded out of my cock into her mouth and down her throat as she swallowed every last drop. She smiled as she was swallowing blast after blast of my cum while hearing me let out a throaty moan at the same time my eyes rolled back into my head. When my cock finally stopped throbbing and shooting cum she let it fall from her mouth and slap wetly against my thigh. When she saw one last drop of cum at the tip of my cock she took my cock in her hand, leaned over and swiped the drop of cum off with her tongue causing my cock to twitch and me to let out another deep moan. “Ohhhhhhh!”

“Well now that you have both given and received pleasure it time for you to receive some discipline.” Mrs. Clark told me.

“Ma’am?” I asked confused.

“You delayed in obeying my command when I told you to eat my ass. For that you must be punished. When I give a command I expect it to be obey without question or delay.” She explained. “Is that understood?”

“Yes Ma’am. I understand.” I replied.

Mrs. Clark went to the storage room and came out carrying a sawhorse with a black leather padded top and placed it in a clear area of the room. Then she went to one of the cabinets and pulled out a set of four black leather cuffs.

“Come here.” She ordered sternly.

Not wanting to displease her again I quickly got off the bed and moved to stand in front of her.

“Hold out your arms.” She told me.

I did as I was told and held my arms out in front of me. When I did so she fasten one of the leather cuffs around each of my wrists, and then she bent down and fastened a cuff to each ankle and stood back up.

“In the future you will put these on yourself whenever you come into the playroom. See how I have them fastened so that they are tight, but not so tight that they will cause you to lose blood circulation? This is how you will put them on every time. Understand?”

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied.

“Very good. Now I want you to come over here and bend over the saw horse.” She instructed.

I did as she told me and walked over the few steps over to the sawhorse. It was just a little more than waist high on me and I carefully bent over it. I felt the top edge of the sawhorse dig into me just above my hips as I bent over it.

“Spread your legs so that your feet are touching to legs of the sawhorse.” Mrs. Clark instructed.

I did as she said and slid my feet a few inches to each side until I felt them touch the wooden legs of the sawhorse.

“Good. Now I want you to hold on to the other legs with your hands.” She said.

Again I did as I was told. While I was doing that I felt her more than saw Mrs. Clark bend down behind me, and then I felt a slight tug at each of my ankles and she stood back up and walked around in front of me. I tried to move my feet a little bit but found that I couldn’t. That’s when I realized that she had attached the ankle cuffs to the legs of the sawhorse. Right about the same time she was bending over in front of me and securing the wrist cuffs to the other sawhorse legs. Now I was totally helpless. I couldn’t move to save my life. I felt a sudden jolt of fear rush through me at that realization that she could do whatever she wanted to do to me and I wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing to stop her.

“Normally when I do any kind of S&M or discipline I give my submissive a safe word so that they can stop things if they become to intense for them. But since you did so well in pleasing me and it’s your first time being disciplined your punishment isn’t going to be severe enough that you will need one.” She told me.

Then I saw her turn away form me and walk over to the wall where her whips and paddles were hung. Because of how I was positioned I had to strain my neck to see what she was doing. Mrs. Clark took several minutes to pick out what she wanted to use. From my position I couldn’t see what she had picked until she turned around and was walking back to me. In one hand she held a long thick wooden paddle, in the other she was carrying a whip that had several tails dangling from the handle. I swallowed heavily anticipating what was about to happen to me.

“Before we get started with your punishment I’m going to explain something to you.” She said.

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied listening carefully to her explanation.

“There are various degrees of punishment for disobeying me and for delaying in obeying me.” She said.

I nodded to show that I understood that much.

“When you delay in obeying any command that I give you, you automatically earn ten strikes. A strike equals one hit with a paddle or whip. If you delay a second time you earn twenty more strikes in addition to the original ten. If you are foolish enough to delay a third time you earn thirty more strikes in addition to the thirty you have already earned for a total of sixty strikes. A forth would earn you forty more strikes for a total of one hundred. You get the idea?”

I nodded and said, “Yes Ma’am.”

“Ok, so how many strikes have you earned so far today?” she asked.

She was testing me to see if I really understood what she was telling me or if I was just saying I did. I had delayed in obeying her twice, so that meant thirty strikes.

“Thirty strikes Ma’am.” I answered.

“Excellent. The punishments vary for disobeying a command I have given you depending on the command and the extent to which you have disobeyed it. I might decide that your punishment is that you won’t be allowed to cum for a month, or I may decide that you have earned a hundred strikes. Disobeying a command is never treated lightly though. It is a sign of disrespect to me and I will not stand for it. Is that understood?” she explained.

“Yes Ma’am I understand completely.” I replied.

“Excellent. There are other things you can be punished for also such as, embarrassing me in front of guests, failure to address me or any guests I may have properly or forgetting to do something like putting on your cuffs when you enter this room. Those punishments vary also. They might range from a simple strike of a crop to something more serious depending on the situation. Do you understand?”

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied again. I was beginning to wonder if agreeing to be one of Mrs. Clark’s submissives was really as good an idea as I had thought it had been earlier.

“As disobedience has its punishments, obedience has its rewards. But I like those to come as surprises” She said mischievously.

Mrs. Clark walked around behind me out of my sight I felt that fear of what was to come growing stronger. That’s when it happened. There was no warning other than a soft whistling sound and then a loud CRACK! As that paddle came down on my bare ass cheeks.

“AHHHHH!” I cried out in pain.

CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Ten times she brought the paddle down swiftly across my naked and now bright red ass. By the tenth strike of the paddle tears were streaming freely down my cheeks. Mrs. Clark walked back around to stand in front of me once again. The sawhorse dug into my body as I sobbed from the spanking I had just received. Mrs. Clark bent over and paced the paddle on the floor below my head and between my bound arms.

Once again, she moved behind me out of my sight. I was literally trembling with the fear of what was going to come next. Before I knew it, I felt and heard the whip slapping down quickly on each of my thighs. Slap, slap. Slap, slap. Slap, slap. These strikes weren’t done as hard as those with the paddle were, but they still stung quite a bit. Before I knew it, it was over and Mrs. Clark was standing in front of me once again. She bent over and picked up the paddle from where she had placed it before and then walked back over to the wall that haled the whips and paddles and replaced both items back where they had come from.

Mrs. Clark walked back over to me and released m my wrists and ankles from where they were secured to the sawhorse and helped me to stand.

“Now that you have experienced both punishment and pleasure do you still want to be one of my submissives?” she asked me tenderly.

“Yes (sniff) Ma’am (sniff) I do.” I replied.

Mrs. Clark smiled and said, “Good I’m glad. I would have hated to lose you so soon.”

I smiled back at hers still sniffling back my tears and trying to get my sobs under control.

“Now, kneel down, clasp your right wrist with your left hand behind your back and bow your head.” She told me.

I did as I was told and got to me knees in front of her, and then I put my arms behind my back and clasped my right wrist with my left hand and bowed my head. Mrs. Clark walked a circle around me inspecting my position to see if I had obeyed her correctly.

“Very good.” She said as she completed her circle.

Mrs. Clark then walked away from me and went to one of her cabinets. When she returned she was carrying a black leather collar in her hands before her.

“By accepting this collar you are agreeing to become my submissive. You will wear this collar at all times when you are in my home and at any other time I direct you to. This collar is a sign of our commitment to each other not only to you and I, but also to others who live this lifestyle. They will know that you have committed yourself to my service. By wearing my collar you are swearing to obey all my commands, wishes and desires. By presenting you with this collar I am swearing to you that I will train you in the ways of this lifestyle and that I will respect any limits we set upon ourselves. I also swear to protect you from others who may wish to use your submission to cause you harm. This collar is a symbol to ourselves as well as to others f our commitment to each other.” Mrs. Clark said almost ritualistically.

“Do you wish to accept my collar?” she asked as she held it out before me.

“Yes Ma’am I do.” I replied almost reverently.

With that she walked around behind me and fastened the collar to my neck. I don’t know how to explain it, but when Mrs. Clark fastened that collar around my neck I was filled with a sense of pride and joy.

“You may now address me as Mistress.” She informed me.

“Yes Mistress.” I replied with a smile.

Mrs. Clark smiled back at me and said, “Come and lay down on the bed.”

I climbed onto the bed and gingerly rolled over on my back, my abused ass and thighs stinging as they came into contact with the bed. Mrs. Clark climbed onto the bed next to me and then swung her leg over my body and straddled my waist. Then Mrs. Clark reached down between her legs and grasped my hard cock in her hand and gave it a few quick strokes before holding it at the base and slowly lowering her pussy onto it. I don’t know how to describe how it felt as she lowered herself down on me and inch by inch my cock was swallowed by her tight hot wet pussy. It was like dying and going to heaven.

“Ohhhhhhh.” I moaned softly as her pussy slowly engulfed my cock and her ass cheeks came to rest on my thighs.

“Mmmm. I love your hard cock Bobby. Did you it was hard the whole time I was punishing you?” She said.

“Ohhhh.” I moaned in response. My mind was able to put together any more coherent then that right at that moment.

Mrs. Clark leaned forward and put her hands on the bed just over my shoulders causing her big tits to hang down and as she started moving up and down on my cock her nipples to drag back and forth on my chest. Mrs. Clark would raise her pussy up until just the head of my cock was inside her and then sink back down. She rode my cock up and down increasing the speed and force of her downward thrusts on my cock so her ass cheeks were slapping loudly against my thighs every time she dropped down. Then she dropped all the way down on my cock and slid backward and forward making my cock move inside her in a different way. She did that for a few minutes and then went back to riding me up and down again. This time she went all the way up on my cock until it was just barely inside her anymore and she rode just the tip of my cock. Her pussy never went lower then the head of my cock. The sensation that caused in my cock cause me to moan loudly as my eyes rolled back in my skull and I arched my back instinctively trying to thrust my cock deeper inside her pussy, but Mrs. Clark wasn’t done teasing me and wouldn’t let me get anymore of my cock in side her. Then without warning she dropped all the way down on my cock slapping her ass on my thighs and then bouncing back up to ride just the tip of my cock again. She did this several times driving me out of my mind with pleasure. When she finally had enough of teasing me Mrs. Clark dropped back down on my cock and rode me hard and fast. We were both grunting and moaning she rode my cock like a runaway horse, I brought my hands up to play with her tits. I mauled her big tits with my hands has she continued to ride me. Sweat was dripping off her body on to mine. Before long both of our bodies were slick with the perspiration of our lust.

“OHHHHH! AHHHHH! OH GOD! I’M CUMMING AGAIN! YOUR FUCKING COCK IS MAKING ME CUM AGAIN!” Mrs. Clark cried out as her pussy spasmed around my cock.

I couldn’t take anymore and my cock erupted inside her convulsing pussy.

“UHHHHHHH!” I groaned as I arched my back so that just my feet and my head and shoulders were the only parts of my body touching the bed almost lifting Mrs. Clark completely off the bed. My hands on her tits and her knees barely touching the bed were all that kept her from losing her balance and falling right off me. As my orgasm passed I collapsed back onto the bed and Mrs. Clark collapsed right on top of me. Both of us were totally drained from our orgasms and were unable to move for a while and Mrs. Clark just rested on top of me with her breasts squashed between our sweat slicked panting bodies.

When she finally recovered enough Mrs. Clark rolled off me and laid beside me for a while.

“Damn Bobby! If I had known you were that good I’d have fucked you a long time ago.” She said with a laugh.

I just looked at her with a huge grin on my face still unable to really say anything intelligent yet. A few minutes later Mrs. Clark got out of the bed and said, “Alright its time to get you cleaned up so you can go home. Stand over the and put your hands behind your head with your elbows out like the cops have the bad guys do on TV.” She said as indicating for me to stand over the drain in the center of the room as she walked over to the wall where the hose was.

Not wanting to be punished again I quickly did as she said. I must have looked funny as I stumbled over to where the drain was. My legs were still a little unsteady from the sex I had just had. With out any real warning a jet of cold water sprayed my body from head to toe.

“AHH!” I cried out in surprise as the water hit my body startling me and bringing my mind back into focus.

In seconds I was soaked to the bone and shivering like crazy.

“Stay right there.” Mrs. Clark commanded.

I stood where I was as she went into the closed and came out with a soapy loofah and handed it to me.

“Scrub yourself with this.” She said.

I did as she told me and scrubbed as much of my body as I could. When I was done Mrs. Clark took the loofah from me and quickly but thoroughly scrubbed my back before taking the loofah back into the closet. When she came back out she sprayed me with the cold water from the hose rinsing my body clean. She ordered me to turn around in a slow circle as she sprayed me. When she was confident that I was completely rinsed off she turned off the water, rolled the hose back up and stepped back into the closet. When she came back out she was carrying a large fluffy towel.

“Here. Dry yourself off with this.” She said as she handed me the towel.

I quickly dried myself off with the towel as I stood shivering in the middle of the room. When I was done Mrs. Clark took the towel from me and returned it to the closet and then ordered me to follow her once more. I followed her back up the stairs and into her kitchen.

“You may get dressed now Bobby.” She said almost tenderly.

I dressed as quickly as I could wanting to get warm again. As I dressed Mrs. Clark asked, “Will you be able to come here tomorrow?”

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied.

“Excellent.” She said with a smiled. “What time do you think you will be able to be here?”

“My last class is over at eleven, so around twelve-thirty or one o’clock Ma’am.” I replied.

“Perfect. Go to sleep early tonight. You’re going to need a lot of rest for what I have planned for tomorrow.” She said with a wicked grin.

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied submissively.

Mrs. Clark walked over and stood right in front of me. With one hand she reached up and roughly grabbed me by the hair at the back of my head and gave me a rough but very passionate French kiss. When she released me from her kiss she said, “Alright Bobby you may leave.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I replied, and then I left her house and walked the short distance back to my own house. When I checked the clock it was almost six o’clock. About fifteen minutes after I got home my parents came home. We ate dinner while making a little small talk. Afterwards I went up to my room finished what little homework I had left and then went straight to bed.

It was the day after my first experience as a submissive to Mrs. Clark and I couldn't keep my mind on any of my classes. Fortunately none of the classes I had that day were very demanding. I was sitting in my last class of the day, Film Appreciation and we were watching Star Wars. Like most people I have seen the movie about a hundred times so I could afford to let my mind wander even though we were supposed to watching it from the aspect of how it changed film making. I couldn't help but think about what had done with Mrs. Clark the day before, how she had introduced me to the world of BDSM, and also how she had taken my virginity. I didn't think she knew that though. I was also thinking about how when we finished she told me to get a lot of rest for today because I would need it for what she had planned. Those words both thrilled me and scared me.

When I glanced around the room I noticed that I wasn't the only one who was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to watch the movie, Julie Moore looked like she was a thousand miles away. I have always thought she was one of the hottest girls on campus and I wasn't alone. The only problem was that she never gave any of the guys the time of day. We all figured she was either a real bitch or a lezzie. Regardless, though, she was definitely hot as hell. She was 18 or 19 years old and about five foot seven. She had a slender body, I'd guess she weighed something like a hundred forty pounds or so. Her breasts were nice too, very firm and medium sized, I'd guess a C cup at least. To top it all off, her skin was lightly tanned with a smattering of freckles. Another thing about her that all the guys liked was that she always dressed sexy. Usually, she wore tight jeans or shorts with a halter or a top that showed off her cleavage. This time she was wearing a pair of blue jeans that were so tight they gave her a camel toe, and a white halter top that showed off her navel piercing and it was also thin enough that you could see that she had both of her nipples pierced.

Before I knew it, the credits were rolling and the teacher was giving us our homework, a two page essay on how the making of Star Wars changed the way movies were made to be handed in on Friday.

As we were leaving the room, someone bumped into Julie and she dropped her books on the floor. I was walking buy, so I stopped to help her.

"Thanks." She said with a smile as I handed her a few of her books and we stood up.

"No problem." I said and returned her smile.

We walked together to the parking lot neither of us saying much as we walked.

"Bye, see you on Wednesday." I said as I headed over to my car.

"Bye, thanks again for your help." Julie said as she walked over to a red Honda motorcycle.

I was a bit surprised to see her attach her bag to the gas tank and then pull on a helmet. As she started the bike and revved the engine a couple of times I called out, "Nice bike!"

She waved her thanks and then started to maneuver her bike out of the parking space. Once she got out Julie gunned the throttle and rode past me and out of the parking lot. As she went past me, I saw 600RR on the back of the bike just under the seat. Something about it seemed familiar, but I dismissed it as I walked the rest of the way to my car I heard the high pitched whine of Julie's motorcycle fade down the street. I climbed into my own Honda Civic and headed home for a quick shower and a bite to eat before going next door to Mrs. Clark's house.

As promised, I was at Mrs. Clark's house at twelve thirty. I rang the doorbell at her back door and she let me in. She was wearing a black leather corset, with a matching black leather thong, and a pair of black leather boots that were thigh high and had spiked heels. Her red hair was also pulled back in a severe ponytail.

"Bobby. I do love when a sub is on time. Now get out of those clothes and meet me down stairs in the playroom." She said

"Yes Ma'am." I replied and began stripping as she left me and went down to the playroom.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard Mrs. Clark talking to someone and the distinctive slapping sound of leather on skin. I suddenly became self conscious about being naked in front of someone I didn't know. I knew if I didn't do as she told me Mrs. Clark would be unhappy with me and I'd be punished, so I took a deep breath and finished walking down the stairs and what I saw as I turned and gasped in surprise.

Mrs. Clark had a sexy redhead strapped onto a piece of bondage furniture I had learned was called a kneeler, it forced her to kneel with her legs spread and bound to the sides, and her arms out in from of her and bound to the front corners of the kneeler and her head was hanging down. When she heard me gasp, the redhead picked up her head to see who had come into the playroom and my jaw dropped, as I saw that the person Mrs. Clark had strapped to the kneeler was Julie. That's when I realized why Julie's bike seemed familiar, I had seen it driving down are street a bunch of times.

Both of our faces went bright red in embarrassment as we recognized each other.

"Your collar and cuffs are in the cabinet over here." Mrs. Clark said as she pointed to one of the cabinets behind her with a black leather slapper she held in her right hand.

As I walked past Mrs. Clark and Julie, I noticed that Julie had on not only a collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, but she also had on thigh cuffs, a wide leather belt around her waist and a leather cupless bra that was attached to the collar around her neck. I quickly took out my own collar and cuffs and put them on when I turned around to walk over and stand in front of the kneeler I was surprised to see that Julie had both of her outer labia pierced with rings. Attached to the rings were thin chains and they were wrapped around her legs in such away that they held her pussy wide open. Julie's pussy was a bright pick, and it was so wet it was literally dripping with her juices. I walked to a spot a few feet in front of the kneeler and got to my knees on the floor, clasped my left hand in my right behind my back, bowed my head and waited for Mrs. Clark to give me a command.

Mrs. Clark continued slapping Julie's ass with her slapper for several minutes before she stopped and addressed me again.

"So Bobby, what do you think of my other sub slut Julie here? She's beautiful isn't she?" Mrs. Clark asked.

"Oh yes Ma'am. Very beautiful Ma'am." I said eagerly and truthfully.

Julie's face turned an even brighter shade of red at my words.

"She's such a wonderful sub slut. She'll do anything I ask her to." She said to me. And then, to Julie, she asked, "Won't you my pet?"

"Yes Ma'am." Julie said softly.

Mrs. Clark smiled and said, "Bobby come stand over here in front of Julie so she can suck that wonderful cock of yours."

I was surprised, but very happy to receive that command. I stood up and walked the few feet to stand right in front of Julie's face. Julie moved her head so that she could get my cock in her mouth and sucked it into her mouth.

"Ohhhhhhh." I moaned in pleasure as Julie's tongue performed it's magic on my cock. I was totally hard in a microsecond. Julie worked her head back and forth in short bobbing strokes on my cock.

My head was back and my eyes were closed as I enjoyed Julie's talented mouth. I could hear her sucking and slurping all over my cock as she continued to suck on it.

"That's enough for now." Mrs. Clark said, and Julie pulled her head back and left me cock fall from her mouth and bob up and down in front of her face.

"Bobby, come back here." Mrs. Clark said.

"Yes Ma'am." I said as I walked around the kneeler to stand behind and slightly to the side of Mrs. Clark.

Mrs. Clark quickly and professionally unhooked Julie's cuffs from the kneeler and had her roll over on her back before she reattached the cuffs. Now Julie's ankles were attached to the legs of the kneeler, her thigh cuffs were attached to the front corners of the kneeler so that her pussy was right at the edge, and her wrist cuffs were now attached to the middle set of legs so that her hands were almost touching the floor.

Mrs. Clark came behind me and clipped my wrist cuffs together behind my back. "Bobby, I want you to get on your knees, crawl between Julie's legs and eat her pussy until I tell you to stop. I want to hear her begging me to tell you to stop." She told me.

"Yes Ma'am." I said as I dropped back to my knees and shuffled forward.

I looked greedily at Julie's gorgeous pussy held open before me by those thin chains attached to her piercings. There was a finger thin strip of bright red hair above her pussy about three or four inches long. I also saw for the first time that Julie's Clit hood was pierced vertically with a barbell style piercing, I smiled when I saw the capture bead at one end said "SLUT" in red letters over a black background. When I was close enough, I bent over and dove face forward into her pussy. Unlike Mrs. Clark's pussy, Julie's had no bitter taste at all. She tasted so good I can't even begin to describe it. I pushed my tongue in as deep as I could get it and licked, and licked, and licked. I plunged my tongue in and out of her pussy, fucking her tight hole with my tongue.

From the second I started, Julie began moaning, "Oh yes, Oh God. That feels so good. Mmmmmmmm."

I moved up to her clit and flicked it with my tongue.

"AHHHH!" Julie screamed and her muscles strained at her bonds as she tried to arch her back. "OH GOD! OH MISTRESS! CAN I CUM PLEASE?" Julie cried out still straining at her bonds. I could hear the leather creaking and the metal clips and hook clinking as she twisted this way and that.

"No. Not yet." Mrs. Clark said flatly.

"OH GOD! UGHHHHHH!" Julie moaned in pleasure and frustration as she tried not to cum, while at the same time I was trying as hard as I could to make her cum.

I sucked Julie's clit engorged clit rapidly in and out of my mouth like it was a piece of hard candy flicking my tongue over it the whole time.


"Not yet." Mrs. Clark said denying Julie's release once again.

I turned my head slightly to the side so I could look at Mrs. Clark. She saw the question in my eye.Why won't you let her cum? Mrs. Clark just winked at me.

I turned my head back between Julie's legs giving her pussy my full attention once again.

"OHHHHHHHHHH!" Julie scream.

I could feel her clit twitching and throbbing in my mouth as I sucked on it. Julie was writhing on the kneeler now. On one hand, she wanted desperately to cum and cum hard. On the other, she wanted to obey Mrs. Clark.

"Ugghhhhhh" Julie moaned as she bit her bottom lip desperately trying to keep from cumming. She was breathing hard through her nose, almost panting as she strained to keep control. It must have been like trying to stop a tidal wave with your bare hands.

"Ummmmm. Please?" she whimpered.

Mrs. Clark stepped up behind me and grabbed the hair on top of my head roughly with her left hand. "Cum." was all she said as she roughly yanked my head back and brought the slapper down on Julie's clit with a loud wetSMACK!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Julie screamed as she released her control and let her orgasm crash into her like a runaway freight train. I was taken totally by surprise as a powerful thick stream of liquid shot out of her pussy and soaked my chest. It felt like someone was spraying me with a garden hose!

"OHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!" Julie screamed moaned and gasped.

When Julie stopped squirting, the entire front of my body was soaked from head to toe in Julie's cum. At first, I thought she had pissed on me, but when some of it got in my mouth it tasted sweet and I knew it wasn't piss. Julie's eyes had rolled into the back of her head, her eyelids twitching as her body trembled and twitched like her nervous system had short circuited. About ten minutes or so later, Julie's body totally collapsed on the kneeler.

"She'll be worn out for a while after an orgasm like that." Mrs. Clark told me. She pulled up on my hair guiding me to my feet. Mrs. Clark grabbed a chain lead from the cabinet and clipped it to the ring on the front of my collar. "On over here." She said as she pulled lightly on the lead.

I followed her to a padded black leather table about waist high. She unclipped my wrist cuffs freeing my hands and said, "Get on the table and lay on your back."

I did as I was told and Mrs. Clark clipped my ankle cuffs to the bottom corners of the table, and then did the same with my wrists at the top of the table.

"Did you enjoy eating Julie's pussy?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am. Very much Ma'am." I replied.

"Mmmm, I thought so." She said absent mindedly as she walked away from me and began picking out various toys from different places on the walls. My cock was straight and stiff like a flagpole between my legs. Precum was leaking freely from the tip of my cock and dripping down to my thighs in long thin clingy strings. Mrs. Clark walked back over the where I was bound to the table carrying several toys. She set the toys down on a small table next to the bigger one that I was on.

"Bobby, before we start I'm going to explain a couple of things to you. The first of those is a safeword and how it's used. In this playroom, we always use the safeword PIZZA." She explained. "A safeword is used whenever things become too much for you and you want me or one of my guests who may be dom'ing you to stop. Everyone will always respect your safeword at all times. Anyone who doesn't is kicked out and never ever allowed to return, period. Saying stop or no will not get anyone to stop, but if you say pizza everything stops right away and you're released and we'll make sure you're ok. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am. I say pizza and everything stops." I replied.

"Excellent!" She said, happy that I understood. "Are you ready to start today's session?"

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

"Good. Oh, one more thing. As you saw with Julie, you must ask for permission to cum. if you don't or you cum before I give you permission you will be punished." Mrs. Clark explained.

"Yes, Ma'am. I understand." I told her.

"Good. Most subs have a hard time with this at first, but you'll learn. They all learn sooner or later." She said malicious smile.

I felt a spike of fear course through my spine and out in to the rest of my body when I heard those words. Mrs. Clark picked something up off the small table, it looked like a black rubber cord loop with some kind of fastener attached to it. Mrs. Clark slipped the rubber loop over my cock and balls, and then cinched it tight behind my balls.

"That was a cockring. It will not only delay your orgasm, but it will also make you cock a little bigger by constricting the blood flow exiting your cock and causing it to become more engorged then normal." She said by way of explanation as she moved back to the small table to pick up another item she had placed there. She picked up a pair of wide clips connected to each other by s small piece of chain, and then attached one clap to each of my nipples. "These are nipples clamps. The ones I'm using on you are more for beginners. That's why they're so wide. As you progress, I'll begin using more painful clips on you." She saw the look of apprehension cross my face and said, "Don't worry my pet. You'll come to love these little nasties."

Next, Mrs. Clark picked up a leather blindfold and fastened it over my head completely blocking off any view I might have had of what was happening to me. "I do so love blindfolds. I find it greatly intensifies the sensation you receive when you can't see what is happening." Mrs. Clark said with a touch of delight in her voice.

To prove her point, Mrs. Clark sc****d her nails lightly over my thigh and up my chest to my neck. The unexpected sensation caused me to flinch slightly when I first felt it. Mrs. Clark leaned down close to my ear, I could feel the heat of her body on the side of my face and then the moist heat of her breath as she whispered in my ear. "See what I mean?"

"Yes Ma'am." I replied in a soft shuddering breath.

She didn't say anything, but I could almost feel Mrs. Clark's smile as she stood back up. Much to my surprise and disappointment I Heard Mrs. Clark walk away from me, and then I heard her speaking to Julie.

"And how are you doing over here little one? Have you recovered from your orgasm yet?" Mrs. Clark asked.

"Yes Ma'am. I'm fine thank you man." I heard Julie reply.

"Good. Are you ready for more?" Mrs. Clark asked.

"Yes Ma'am." Julie replied eagerly.

"Good." Mrs. Clark replied.

I couldn't see anything, but Mrs. Clark released Julie from the kneeler and walked her over to a spot in the playroom right under a heavy duty metal hook attached to the ceiling.

"Stay here and assume the position." Mrs. Clark ordered.

I pictured Julie getting down on her knees, grasping her left wrist in her right hand and bowing her head like I did when I was given that same command, but that's not what was happening at all. When Julie was told to assume the position she spread her legs just a little more than shoulder's width apart, then she laced her hands behind her head with her elbows pointing straight out to the sides while she arched her back slightly and then bowed her head.

This position made Julie's breasts and ass stick out and left her no way to shield herself from anyone who wanted to look at her body. Mrs. Clark came back to Julie carrying to spreader bars in one hand. One was eighteen inches long and the other was thirty six. And in her other hand Mrs. Clark was carrying a short length of chain.

"Hold your arms out for me." Mrs. Clark commanded.

Julie did as she was told and Mrs. Clark attached the ends of the smaller spreader bar to Julie's wrist cuffs. Next she bent down and attached the longer bar to Julie's ankle cuffs. When she was done Mrs. Clark stood back up and clipped the short length of chain to a ring in the center of the smaller bar, and then attached the other end of the chain to the hook in the ceiling. The chain was just short enough that Julie had to stand on her toes from time to time so she could take some of the strain off her wrists. Mrs. Clark went back to her cabinets again and came back to Julie carrying a couple of weights with clover clamps attached to the by short chains. Mrs. Clark attached the clover clamps to Julie's outer labia and gently lowered each weight until only the clamp attached to Julie's labia supported it.

"Ugghhh." Julie groaned softly as the weights tugged on her pussy lips, stretching and pulling them away from her body.

Anyone who has ever had a clover clamp attached to them knows that the harder you pull on them, or the more weight attached to them the tighter they get. The weights attached to Julie's pussy lips weighed about a pound each.

After a quick check to make sure Julie was ok, Mrs. Clark retrieved another item from her cabinet. When she came back, Mrs. Clark was carrying three small plastic cups that looked like little domes with a chimney on top, and something that looked like a weird gun. Mrs. Clark attached on of the cups to the end of the gun and placed it over one of Julie's nipples. She squeezed the trigger and the gun, which was really a suction pump sucked Julie's nipple into the cup. When Julie's nipple and most of her areola had been sucked into the cup half filling it Mrs. Clark disconnected the pump from the cup, which sealed itself and kept Julie's nipple sucked inside it. Mrs. Clark did the same thing to Julie's other nipple, and then she squatted in front of Julie and proceeded to do the same thing to Julie's clit.

"Ugghhh." Julie moaned again as her clit was sucked hard into the small plastic cup, even the curved barbell that was vertically pierced through Julie's clit hood had been sucked into the small cup.

After she put away the pump Mrs. Clark came back with a multi-tailed whip and began flicking back and forth in a left to right motion whipping Julie's stomach. From were I was I could hear the soft Slap, slap. Slap, slap of the whip as Mrs. Clark worked Julie over.

After awhile Mrs. Clark moved behind Julie and began whipping her shoulders in a figure eight pattern, while every so often she would change and whip her upper back in a side to side motion, and then back to her shoulders in the figure eight pattern again. I could still hear the rapid slapping sound as Mrs. Clark worked her magic with her whip. When Julie's back and shoulders were a nice bright red Mrs. Clark stopped and said, "I want you to turn so you can watch me and Bobby for awhile."

Julie did as she was told and shuffle stepped in a small circle until she was facing where I lay on the bondage table. The spreader bar attached to her ankles had kept her from moving normally. Julie watched as Mrs. Clark took a long blue feather and ran it over my body stimulating my nerves. She watched as my engorged cock that had now turned a very dark red color due to the cock ring Mrs. Clark had put on me twitched in response to the stimulation she was giving me.

As Mrs. Clark ran the feather over my cock and balls she used her free hand to lightly tug on the chain attached to the nipples clips.

"Ohhhh." I moaned softly and precum flowed freely from the tip of my cock as Mrs. Clark continued to tease and torment my body.

"Mmmm, delightful isn't it?" Mrs. Clark asked.

"Ohhhh, yes Ma'am." I replied.

Mrs. Clark set the feather back down on the table and then picked up a riding crop and walked down to stand by my knees. Then with no warning I heard a soft whistling and then a loud THWACK, followed by a sharp burning, stinging feeling on at my lower thigh just a few inches above my knee. I jumped in my bonds as I felt the crop hit my thigh, but I was fastened so securely to the table that I didn't really move more then a few inches.

Mrs. Clark continued to work the crop up my thigh striping my skin as she went. When she reached the top of my thigh Mrs. Clark started working on my torso and then back down to my other thigh leaving bright red marks on my flesh as she went.

"Gruhhhhh." I groaned through clenched teeth every time Mrs. Clark brought her riding crop down on my body each time it made a loud crisp THWACK!

I don't know how long it lasted, it was almost like I left my body and was floating in space. When it was over my thighs and torso were covered with crisscrossing thin red welts. Mrs. Clark set her riding crop back down on the table and left me on the table to come down from where ever I was and walked back over to Julie.

"So what do you think of him my pretty little slut?" Mrs. Clark asked Julie.

"What do you mean Mistress?" Julie asked not quite sure of what was being asked.

"I mean do you think he's cute? Will he make a good sub?"

"He's definitely cute and I think he has the potential to make a good sub from what I have seen so far Mistress." Julie answered.

"Yes, I agree." Mrs. Clark replied.

Mrs. Clark reached up over Julie's head and unhooked the chain from her spreader bar leaving the chain hanging from the hook in the ceiling. Julie dutifully held her hands high over her head while waiting for Mrs. Clark to allow her to lower them.

"Bend over and place your hands on the floor between your feet." Mrs. Clark ordered.

Julie did as she was commanded and placed her hands on the floor between her feet. This bent her over double. Once she was in position Mrs. Clark bent down and fastened a double ended clip so that an end was clipped to the rings on both spreader bars. The simple clip held Julie in that position unable to free herself since each of her hands was nine inches away from the clip and rings.

"Good. Stay just like that." Mrs. Clark said.

"Yes Mistress." Julie said in a voice that was slightly strained do to being bent nearly in half.

Mrs. Clark walked over to the wall that held her disciplinary tools and chose a leather covered paddle with the word "SLUT" embossed in sunken letters across the paddle.

On her way back to Julie she stopped at one of her cabinets and took out a couple more items before continuing on her way back to Julie.

Mrs. Clark stood behind Julie and asked, "Have you been a good little sub slut since our last scene?"

"No Mistress." Julie said apprehensively.

"Noooo?" Mrs. Clark asked intrigued. "How have you misbehaved little one?"

"I masturbated my dirty little cunt until I came." Julie confessed.

"Just once?" Mrs. Clark asked.

"Um, sort of Mistress." Julie said timidly.

"Sort of? What do you mean by sort of?" Mrs. Clark asked, her agitation beginning to show in the tone her voice.

"I only masturbated once, but I did it until I came twice Mistress." Julie confessed.

"I see. And why did you disobey my command for you not to masturbate without my permission?" Mrs. Clark asked, the agitation still evident in her tone of voice.

"Mistress I couldn't help it. I got so turned on thinking about seeing you again that I had to do something." Julie said, her voice pleading for understanding.

"Understandable, but you should have asked my permission. You know that don't you?" Mrs. Clark said in a tone that left it perfectly clear there could be only one answer.

"Yes Mistress. I'm sorry I have disappointed you. I beg your forgiveness." Julie said submissively.

"Very well, I forgive you. But you understand that you must still be punished don't you?" Mrs. Clark said.

"Yes Mistress. Of course, it must be so. I disobeyed you and I must pay the price for it." Julie replied matter of factly.

With no warning what so ever Mrs. Clark roughly shoved a large butt plug deep in Julie's ass until it was all the way in and only the flared base remained outside Julie's ass.

"AHHHH!" Julie cried out in both pain and surprise.

Then Mrs. Clark picked up the paddle and swung it hard against Julie's ass, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! Mrs. Clark swung the paddle against Julie's ass over and over again, each time the paddle struck Julie's ass it left the word "SLUT" across her cheeks in red swollen letters. Julie's ass was spanked so many times that the letters overlapped each other so much so that they were unreadable. By the time Mrs. Clark was finished Julie was sobbing uncontrollably, and Mrs. Clark was sweating with the effort it had taken to spank Julie so many times. Every time the paddle hit the butt plug in Julie's ass it drove it deeper inside and was only stopped from completely penetrating her ass by its flared base.

When she was finished punishing Julie Mrs. Clark returned her paddle to its place on the wall, and then she returned to Julie and unclipped the spreader bars. Julie was so worn out from the spanking she had just received that Mrs. Clark had to help her straighten her body and stand up. Mrs. Clark then unclipped Julie's cuffs from both spreader bars and led her over to the wall containing the Murphy Bed where she then lowered the bed and helped Julie to lay down in the center of the bed.

"Rest for a few minutes while I release Bobby from the table." Mrs. Clark told her softly.

Julie nodded her head to show she had heard what Mrs. Clark had said and would obey.

Satisfied, Mrs. Clark walked over to the table were Bobby still lay bound and marked with the stripes Mrs. Clark had given him just a little while before.

"And how about you? Have you recovered from your first trip in to sub space my little boy slut?" Mrs. Clark asked.

"Yes Ma'am." Bobby replied.

"Good." She said as she leaned over and removed the blindfold from his head.

I blinked his eyes a few times as they adjusted to the light of the room. Mrs. Clark then unclipped first his wrist cuffs from the table and then his ankle cuffs. Unsure of what to do I just laid there afraid to move without her permission and risk being punished like had had just heard happen to Julie.

"Get off the table and stand up." Mrs. Clark said.

I quickly did as I was told and stood in front of her with my head bowed respectfully and my hands clasped behind my back. With no warning Mrs. Clark reached up and grabbed the chain connecting the two nipple clips that were attached to my nipples and yanked down on it hard rippling the clips off my nipples.

"AHHHHH!" I cried out in pain and surprise.

Mrs. Clark then reached down to my hard swollen cock, which was now a very deep dark almost purple red from being constricted by the cockring, and released the cockring and tossed it on the table. Mrs. Clark then took my cock in her hand and said, "Come with me."

I followed behind her as she used my cock like a leash to lead me to the bed where Julie was laying. She lead my right up to the foot of the bed and said, "I want you to get up there and fuck her filthy little cunt."

"Yes Ma'am." I said with a grin.

I climbed onto the bed between Julie's spread open legs and positioned myself over her. I reached down with one hand and guided my cock to the opening of Julie's sopping wet pussy and rubbed the head of my cock up and down over her slit wetting it with her lubrication. When my cock was wet enough I guided it down to her hole and slowly pushed myself inside her.

"Ohhhhhhh." We moaned together as my cock entered her pussy for the first time.

Julie's pussy was so wet that I was easily able to slide the full length of my cock into her with one slow easy stroke. I felt like I was sliding my cock into a warm, wet velvety glove, and I could feel the butt plug in her ass rubbing the underside of my cock through the thin membrane wall the separated her pussy and ass. When I felt our pelvises all the lust and desire I have ever had since the first time I laid my eyes on Julie erupted like a volcano in my mind. I was actually fucking one of the hottest girls I had ever seen. My cock started sliding in and out of her pussy in a slow, steady rhythm. I leaned my head down and Julie and I met in a passionate french kiss. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths. I pulled away from her lips and began kissing down her neck, over her shoulder and down to her breasts. I took one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked on it while flicking the ring with my tongue.

"Ohhhh. Oh yes." Julie moaned.

I started pumping my cock a little faster and harder in and out of her pussy. I pushed myself up with my arms as I continued pumping my cock in and out of Julie's pussy when I saw Mrs. Clark who was now naked get on the bed by Julie's head. Mrs. Clark carefully straddled Julie's head facing me and lowered her pussy to Julie's waiting mouth.

"Mmmmm, oh yes." Mrs. Clark moaned as her pussy came in contact with Julie's hungry mouth and waiting tongue.

Mrs. Clark reached forward and grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me to her and gave me a very passionate and lusty kiss. Our tongues dueled in each other's mouths as I continued pumping my cock in and out of Julie's pussy while at the same time Mrs. Clark was grinding her pussy down on Julie's mouth. Mrs. Clark released her grip on the back of my head and slid her hands down my neck, over my shoulders, and down my chest until she found my nipples. When her fingers brushed over my nipples I felt Mrs. Clark smile as we were kissing, and then I felt her pinch my nipples. Then she pulled them away from my body and twisted them both cruelly making my moan into her mouth with a combination of pleasure and pain without releasing me from our kiss.

I could see Mrs. Clark grinding her pussy down harder and harder, and leaning forward more so that Julie had better access to her clit.

"Mmmm. Yeah, that it. Lick my clit slut." She said to Julie.

I was pumping my cock hard and fast in and out of Julie's pussy. I was so turned on I thought I'd lose my mind. I was fucking one of the hottest girls I knew. A girl I had a crush on and lusted after from the first moment I had seen her. And at the same time she was eating the pussy of my hot dominatrix next door neighbor. Does life get any better then this?

"Bobby?" Mrs. Clark called my name and I looked up into her eyes. "Did I tell you that Julie's my niece?" My eyes went wide in disbelief while my cock throbbed in Julie's pussy as I fucked her. "That's right. She's my sister's daughter. Couldn't you see the resemblance?" the look in my eyes must have told her what my cock was telling me, I was gonna cum. "Mmmm yes, cum in her pussy. Flood her cunt with your sperm Bobby."

From her lips to God's ears, with a loud groan I rammed my cock deep and it exploded in Julie's pussy. There was just no other way to describe it. It felt like I saw spraying gallons of cum inside her. I came so hard that I was seeing spots before my eyes. My cum was leaking out of her pussy around my cock while it was still buried deep in her pussy. As I was coming down from my orgasm I could feel Julie's pussy convulsing around my cock as her own orgasm rocked her body, her screams muffled by her aunt's pussy.

It wasn't even a minute later when Mrs. Clark started moaning and screaming from her orgasm.


When Mrs. Clark finished cumming I pulled my cock from Julie's cum drenched pussy with a loud wet squelching sound. Mrs. Clark climbed off of Julie's face and kneeled beside her head. Julie just laid where she was panting hard and gasping for air.

"Bobby, lay down on here on your back." Mrs. Clark said as she pointed to the center of the bed where Julie was currently laying. "Move out of the way my little whore." She told Julie softly. Julie rolled over so that she was laying on the edge of the bed facing Mrs. Clark and me. I laid down where on my back where Mrs. Clark instructed. "Julie, get over here and clean his cock off. Make it hard for me, I want some of that luscious cock of his too." She said.

Julie did as she was told and crawled over to my cock and with no hesitation she took it in her mouth and began sucking clean of our combined cum. I watched as Julie's gorgeous redhead bobbed up and down on my limp cock cleaning away all traces of our cum with her lips and tongue and swallowing them down.

With Julie's talented mouth working it's magic on my cock I was hard again in no time at all. When I was hard enough for Mrs. Clark's satisfaction she said, "Ok little one you may stop now." Reluctantly Julie lifted her mouth from my cock and kneeled on the bed beside me waiting for Mrs. Clark's next command. She didn't have to wait long though as Mrs. Clark straddled my hips and lowered her pussy onto my cock she said, "Julie, sit on his face and let him clean your pussy for you."

Julie wasted no time straddling my face and lowering her sloppy cunt to my mouth. She was facing away from Mrs. Clark so that when I looked up I could see her thin strip of red pubic hair above her pussy, her sexy pierced nipples at the ends of her beautiful tits, and best of all her gorgeous face framed by her mane of red hair as she looked down into my eyes. I dug my tongue deep in her pussy tasting my own cum mixed with hers. My cum leaked out of Julie's pussy into my mouth a large gobs. There was a connection between us as our eyes met in the throws of our passion. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, but before I knew Julie broke the bond by throwing her head back and moaning deeply from her throat.

"OHHHHHHH YES! YES! YES! Oh God Bobby, I'm getting close." Julie moaned urgently.

Mrs. Clark was riding up and down on my cock the whole time. At Julie's moans she leaned forward, reached around Julie's body and started playing with her nipples. She pulled, pinched, twisted and rubbed Julie's nipples as she rode my cock and Julie rode my face.

"OH GOD! OH YES! MISTRESS MAY I CUM PLEEEEAAASE?" Julie cried out begging Mrs. Clark to allow her release.

"Yes my little slut cum for me. Cum all over my boy slut's face." Mrs. Clark said breathily as she kept riding my cock.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh." Julie groaned deeply as she let go and her orgasm washed over her body.

Julie's body shook as wave after wave of her orgasm rolled over her body. She fell forward her hands landing on either side of my head as she groaned and ground her pussy hard against my face. Julie's pussy tasted so good as her cum gushed into my mouth. I reached up and took her ass in my hands, squeezing her cheeks and pulling her even tighter to my face. Julie jumped slightly as one of my fingers bumped the butt plug still lodged in her ass.

"Uhhhh!" she moaned into the sheets above my head.

"OH FUCK YES!" I heard Mrs. Clark cry out as she started to cum on my cock.

Mrs. Clark was bouncing wildly up and down on my cock as her pussy convulsed clenching and releasing my hard cock as it slid up and down.

Julie rolled off my face and collapsed on her back beside me with a small groan as the butt plug shifted inside her.

Mrs. Clark leaned forward and rested her hands on my chest for balance and support as she kept riding me. Every once in awhile she would switch from the up and down strokes to a back and forth sliding motion.

"Ohhh." I moaned softly and closed my eyes at the sensations she was giving me.

As she rode my cock Mrs. Clark's pussy muscles started rippling up and down my cock. My eyes popped open at this surprising new feeling. Mrs. Clark just grinned down at me devilishly as she continued riding me and rippling her pussy muscles over my cock. It only took a few more seconds before I felt that familiar sensation growing in my balls and the base of my cock.

"Ma'am! Oh please Ma'am can I cum please?" I asked urgently knowing I wouldn't be able to hold off for more than a few more seconds.

"Yes. Flood my pussy with that delicious cum of yours." She said panting softly.

That was all it took. I let go and my cum surged out of my balls, up through my cock and burst into Mrs. Clarks hot pussy. Mrs. Clark quickly moved a hand to her clit and rubbed it furiously. A second or two later she was moaning as her second orgasm hit her. I could feel her pussy spasm on my cock while I felt her cum gush from her pussy soaking my, thighs, hips and lower abdomen.

When Mrs. Clark's orgasm was over she collapsed on top of me resting her weight on my body because her arms and legs were so drained they couldn't support her anymore. She rested on top of me for about five minutes before she was able to support herself and climb off my body. Mrs. Clark stumbled slightly as she got to her feet beside the bed and walked over to the wall where the hose was kept.

"Okay, both of you in to the center of the room." She commanded in a tone that left no room for discussion.

Julie and I both got off the bed, Julie stopped for a second and lifted the foot of the bed returning it to it's storage place in the wall before joining me at the center of the room. Once we were both in place Mrs. Clark sprayed us both with the hose drenching our bodies with cold water.

"Turn around slowly." Mrs. Clark said.

Julie and I did as we were told and we both turned counter clockwise from Mrs. Clark at the same time and at about the same speed. Mrs. Clark made sure she soaked every inch of our bodies with the cold water leaving no crack or crevice untouched by the cold water. Both Julie and I involuntarily clenched our bodies as Mrs. Clark changed the spray from a stinging wide spray to a harsh narrow stream.

"Bend over and spread your legs." Mrs. Clark commanded.

Julie and I did so facing away from Mrs. Clark as she directed the stream of water over my ass and balls causing me to groan from the pain as the water battered my balls. She then turned the stream on Julie and directed it against her ass and pussy.

"Julie take that plug out of your ass and clean it off." Mrs. Clark told her.

I glanced over at Julie as we were both still bent over and saw her reach around behind her and pull the butt plug from her ass and to my shock she brought it right to her mouth and sucked it inside. I watched as she used her mouth to clean the butt plug of lube and her own shit. She jumped slightly as Mrs. Clark blasted her pussy and ass with the stream of water. When the majority of the plug was clean I was surprised again as she used her tongue to get any lube of shit from the butt plug that she had missed when it was in her mouth. When she was done Julie placed the plug on the floor in front of her. And Mrs. Clark sprayed her ass and pussy with the same harsh stream she had used on my ass and balls.

Suddenly the cold water stopped blasting our bodies and Mrs. Clark handed Julie a soap-lathered loofah and said, "Wash each other."

Julie and I straightened up and Julie and I turned to face each other. I stood there and let Julie softly scrub my body with the loofah from head to toe and then turned around when she softly told me to. Again she softly scrubbed me from head to toe. When she told me she was done I turned around to face her again, she handed me the loofah and I softly scrubbed her body from head to toe front and back just like she had down to me. When I was done Mrs. Clark collected the loofah from me and told us to face her again. When we did she rinsed the soap from our bodies with the cold water and again told us to turn around slowly. When we were once again facing her Mrs. Clark turned off the water and brought us each a large fluffy towel to dry off with.

When we were both dry Mrs. Clark took the towels from us and put them in a hamper she had in the closet.

"Alright, I want to see you both back here Wednesday at one o'clock. Is that a problem for either one of you?" Mrs. Clark said.

"No ma'am. No problem." I replied.

"No Mistress." Julie replied.

"Excellent. Julie I want you to wear a bright red lacy bra and a bright red g-string. Over that you will wear a white dress shirt with only the two buttons closest to your bra buttoned. I also want to you wear a pair of tight low riding hipster jeans and I want your g-string to be showing well above the waistband of your jeans. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress." Julie replied.

"Excellent. Bobby what styles of underwear do you have at home?" Mrs. Clark asked me.

"Um, Boxers and boxer-briefs." I replied.

"Ok. We'll have to change that pretty soon. Wednesday I want you to wear a pair of red boxer-briefs. You do have red ones don't you?"

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

'Good. Wear them under a pair of your tightest jeans. I also want you to wear a white dress shirt, but I want yours buttoned all the way and tucked into your jeans." Mrs. Clark told me.

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

"You may both wear belts if you want to. Booby I want you to wear those combat style boots you wore today. Julie I want you to wear a pair of black lace up knee boots."

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

"Yes Mistress." Julie replied.

"Good. I'll see you both Wednesday. You may go get dressed and leave."

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am." I said.

"Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress." Julie said.

Julie and I left the playroom together and walked upstairs. When we got upstairs I went into the kitchen and Julie turned towards the garage. When I saw that Julie wasn't going to the kitchen I stopped and asked, "Aren't your clothes in the kitchen?"

"No. I park my bike in the garage and Mistress Nancy has me strip in there and leave my clothes with my bike.

"Oh. Well then I guess I'll see you at school on Wednesday." I said lamely.

Julie smiled brightly and said, "You sure will."

I smiled back and said, "Ok. Bye Julie."

"Bye Bobby. See you Wednesday." Julie said warmly and waved before she turned away from me and walked to the garage.

I went into the kitchen and quickly put my clothes on and left. I walked around to the front of the house and a minute later I saw the garage door go up and then heard Julie start her motorcycle start and she rode down the driveway. I waved to her as she reached the end of the driveway and she waved back, and flipped down her helmet's visor before she accelerated down the street and out of sight.

"Wednesday is going to be a great day." I thought to myself as I walked the short distance to my house and got started on my paper about how star wars changed film making.

Wednesday seemed to take forever to come, and to make it worse I couldn't stop thinking about Mrs. Clark and Julie and what we had done together on Monday. Agreeing to be Mrs. Clark's submissive was definitely the best decision I had ever made. I couldn't wait to see what Mrs. Clark had planned for Julie and me on Wednesday. Wednesday finally came and fortunately I only had two classes. I had a hard time focusing on what the professor was saying during his lecture, my mind kept drifting back to Julie and Mrs. Clark. When the bell finally sounded I hurried to my Film Appreciation class. I couldn't wait to see Julie again. She was already in her seat when I walked into the classroom. I decided to sit in the seat next to her instead of my normal chair a few rows over.

"Hey Julie. Mind if I sit here?" I asked hopefully.

"No not at all. I'd like it actually." Julie said as she smiled up at me.

"Cool." I said as I put my books down and slid into the chair.

Julie smiled at me again and said, "Nobody sits next to me for long. All the girls think I'm a slut or a bitch, and the guys all want to get in my pants and when they find out I'm not interested they go sit somewhere else."

"Well if I had known that I would have sat next to you a long time ago." I said with a big smile.

Julie smiled back at me again and I couldn't help but think how beautiful she was.

"Hey, would you like to get something to eat after class before we go over to Mrs. Clark's house?" I asked.

"Uh, sure I guess. Where did you have in mind?" Julie said.

"I don't know. Um, how bout that new diner over on 27th?" I asked.

"Alright, sounds good to me." Julie replied.

Just then our professor walked into the room and began talking more about Star Wars and some other sci-fi movies and how computers have changed how movies are being made and even remade. Professor Roberts was one of the coolest professors I had. She was pretty easy going and her lectures were anything but boring.

When class was over Julie and I walked out to the parking lot together.

"Do you want to drive together or separately?" I asked her.

"Um, I think we should go separately. That way we won't have to come back for my bike or your car." She said.

"Alright, then I'll meet you there in a few minutes." I replied.

"See you there." She said as she swung a leg over the seat of her bike and then pulled on her helmet. I got in my car and followed her to the diner.

We went inside and sat at a booth near the back of the diner away from most of the other customers. The waitress took our drink orders and came back with our drinks a few moments later. She took our orders and left us to ourselves.

"So how did my Aunt Nancy get you in her clutches?" Julie asked playfully.

"Honestly?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Well...she caught me masturbating in front of my bedroom window with the shade up and threatened to tell my parents if I didn't become her sub." I confessed.

"Ahhh, busted and blackmailed." Julie remarked sagely.

"Yeah, pretty much." I replied.

Julie just smiled back at me.

"So, ah, how long have you been a doing stuff with Mrs. Clark?" I asked Julie awkwardly.

"Um, about six months or so I guess." She replied.

"Cool. So how did you get started? If you don't mind my asking." I said.

"Well, I guess it started when I was getting ready to start school here. I came out to find out where the campus was and to register and stuff. I figured I'd stop by and visit aunt Nancy while I was here. I live about a half an hour away from here so I don't get to visit as often as I'd like. Anyways I came over and we talked for a while, and then they had to go out. They asked me if I wanted to hang out at their house and then we'd go out to dinner when they got back. Well, I hadn't seen them in like a month or two so I said ok. Well they left and I started watching some TV and after a while I got bored so I started looking around for something to do. Then I guess I got a little nosy and I ended finding a couple of videos in a cabinet under their coffee table I put them in the VCR and started watching them to see what they were. I figured they'd be some pornos or something that they pulled the labels off of, or maybe even some homemade sex tapes or something. Well when the tape started playing I saw my aunt and uncle with some other people down in their playroom." Julie stopped talking as the waitress brought our food to our table.

"I bet that blew your mind when you realized what you were seeing." I said.

"You have no idea." Julie replied.

"Anyways, I was watching the tapes and I was really getting into it and getting turned on. I figured I was alone and it would be awhile before my aunt and uncle got back so I slid down my pants and started masturbating. Well I got into it and lost track of time. I was so far into my own world that I never even heard my aunt and uncle get home the next thing I knew Aunt Nancy was asking me "Do you like that?"

* * * * *

"Oh my God!" I cried out as I jumped up while pulling my pants up in one motion. "I'm soooooooo sorry. I didn't mean to. I found the tapes by accident." I pleaded.

"Its all right Julie. We're not mad at you. It's partly our fault. We should have hid the tapes better." My Aunt said.

"I'm still sorry. I should've stopped watching the tapes when I saw what they were." I said.

"True. But you didn't, and you still haven't answered my question. Did you like what you were watching?" She persisted.

I stood there dumbstruck that my aunt was actually asking me if I liked watching her act like a dominatrix and have sex with my uncle and some other people.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little confused. I wanted to make sure I knew what she was asking before I gave an answer.

"Did you like it? Did it turn you on?" she said erasing any doubt about her meaning.

I knew I was busted anyways so I figured I might as well tell the truth. "Yeah, I liked it. It was pretty hot. I never would have thought you and Uncle Jim would have been into that kind of wild stuff."

My aunt just smiled and said, "You'd be surprised at what most people are into behind closed doors honey."

"We're not the old fogies you think we are." Uncle Jim put in.

"Well that's a little obvious now Uncle Jim." I said in a mildly sarcastic "no duh" kind of way.

"Have you seen anything like that before, or was this your first time." Aunt Nancy asked as she sat down on the couch I had been sitting on when they caught me.

"Um, I've seen it before online. I just never thought real people did that kind of thing." I replied.

"Well they do." Uncle Jim said.

"Is BDSM something you're interested in?" Aunt Nancy asked curiously.

"I guess so. I always get really turned on whenever I see it online, and sometimes I fantasize about doing some of that stuff." I said. I couldn't believe I was talking about this stuff with my aunt and uncle.

"Is it something you'd like to try if you had the chance?" Aunt Nancy asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I replied honestly.

Aunt Nancy looked up at Uncle Jim and he nodded. "Come with me. I want to show you something." Aunt Nancy said as she got up from the couch.

I followed her down the hall to the basement door, and then down the stairs to the basement. Aunt Nancy flipped the light switch on as she walked down the stairs. When we got to the bottom and I turned the corner to go into the main room of the basement I froze in my tracks. Right in front of me was the dungeon playroom I had seen on the tapes I was watching earlier.

"So what do you think?" Aunt Nancy asked.

"I...uh...I...Wow this is cool!" I said excitedly as I looked around the room taking in the different types of bondage furniture, the toys, whips and paddles hanging on the wall.

"Do you still think you'd like to try BDSM?" Aunt Nancy asked.

"Wha.... you mean right now?" I asked, still in shock.

"Sure. Why not?" Aunt Nancy replied.

"Um, well this is all just so.... weird." I said searching for a way to describe how I was feeling.

"I know this all this must be pretty shocking for you, but we'll take things slow." Aunt Nancy said encouragingly.

"Ok. I guess I'll give it a shot." I replied.

"Great! This is going to be a lot of fun." Aunt Nancy said excitedly.

"Ah, what do I do first?" I asked not know where to start.

"The first thing you need to do is strip." Aunt Nancy said matter of factly.

"But Uncle Jim..." I said nervously.

"He's not going anywhere dear. So, get used to it. Besides, I bet he's just dying to see that sexy body of yours." Aunt Nancy said firmly.

"Ok." I replied, the uncertainty obvious in my voice as I started removing my Tommy T-shirt and jeans.

"Excellent. I'm going to get some things ready while you undress." Aunt Nancy said.

As I took off my clothes, Aunt Nancy moved around the room selecting various items from the walls and cabinets located around the room. When I was done undressing, Aunt Nancy took my clothes from me and put them in a closet.

"Get on the table and lay down on your back." Aunt Nancy said pointing to a black piece of furniture that looked something like an end table with a horizontal X lying on top of it. The center and the arms and legs of the X looked like they were lightly padded and covered in black leather.

I carefully climbed on the table and maneuvered myself so that I was lying down on my back. Once I was settled, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim moved in and quickly and efficiently secured my wrists and ankles to the end of the X.

"How are you feeling?" Aunt Nancy asked.

"Ok, I guess." I replied.

"Good, then lets get started. We're going to take things real slow, but if things get to be too much for you all you have to do is saysafeword and we'll stop. Do you understand?" Aunt Nancy explained.

"Yeah, if I want things to stop I saysafeword." I replied.

"Excellent. When we're done if you decided you want to continue practicing the BDSM lifestyle with us we'll give you a better safeword than justsafeword, but for now that'll do." She explained further.

Aunt Nancy bent down near my torso and started turning some kind of crank that made the arms and legs of the X spread out taking my arms and legs with them. When she had my limbs spread almost twice my shoulder width she stopped and the crank locked into place. Then she walked down to the end of the table and stood between my spread legs looking at my body in a very hungry and lusty way as though she wanted to devour me on the spot. The way I was positioned I could no longer see my Uncle Jim. I wasn't even really sure he was still in the room with us for that matter.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on, so I was a little surprised when I felt a stinging slap against the inner thigh of my right leg. "Ah!" I cried out more in surprise then pain.

I looked up at my Aunt Nancy standing between my legs holding what looked like a cat o' nine tails in her hand.

Slap, slap, slap.I flinched slightly every time she hit either of my inner thighs with the small multi-tailed whip.

"Mmmm delicious, isn't it?" She asked smiling wickedly down on me.

"Ohhhh." I moaned softly in response.

"Would you like me to continue?" she asked teasingly as she lightly dragged the very ends of the whip down my leg from my upper thigh to my knee.

"Yes." I replied breathily.

"Would you like it harder?" she asked still teasing me as she dragged the whip the same way up my other leg from knee to upper thigh.

"Yes please." I said between quick shallow breaths.

My loving Aunt Nancy just smiled wickedly down on me and quick as lightning she swung the whip in a figure eight and was striking up and down each of my inner thighs just above my knees to just below where my thighs joined my pelvis.Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap.The whip strikes rained down on my tender flesh turning if from a pale white to a tender pink and soon a bright red.

"Ahhhhh, ohhhh, ahhhh!" I cried out as the whip bit into my flesh over and over again.

Without even breaking her rhythm, my aunt moved from thighs and began whipping my stomach.

"Uhhhhhh." I moaned as she abused a new part of my body.

Then, without warning, something hit one of my breasts and then the other causing me to twist against my bonds in a vain attempt to escape my torment. When the stinging hits to my breasts didn't stop, I opened my eyes and looking up I saw my Uncle Jim holding a riding crop that he was using to hit my breasts and nipples with while his wife continued to whip my stomach. He wasn't hitting my hard, but a woman's breasts are so sensitive especially when we're aroused that even a light hit can be a little painful.

"Don't fight it so much. Embrace the pain and let it become pleasure." My Aunt said softly from between my legs.

"Ohhhhhhh." I moaned as I stopped struggling so much.

"That's it my pet, enjoy it." She encouraged.

I stopped struggling against the pain like my Aunt Nancy said, and that's when it happened. The pain gave way to pleasure. It was so weird. Even though what they were doing hurt, it was turning me on. I could feel myself getting wet as they continued to abuse my helpless body.

"Ohhhhhhh." I moaned again without even realizing it.

My eyes were closed again and it was like I started drifting away. I found out later this feeling was call being in sub-space. Then I saw lightning flash against the back of my eyelids as I felt an electric surge run through my entire body. It happened again and again. And, then, my world exploded in a million colors and every nerve ending in my body was tingling like it crazy. My body thrashed and writhed on the table. I gasped loudly and opened my eyes to see Aunt Nancy hitting my pussy and clit with her whip. She was whipping my clit and it was giving me the most powerful orgasm of my life. I couldn't believe it.

"AHHHHHH! OHHHHHH! UGHHHHH!" I cried as I scrunched my eyes shut again as wave after wave of my orgasm crashed into my body.

When it was all over, I laid on the table covered in sweat and panting as heavily as if I had just run a marathon.

"Not bad for your first time, huh?" My Aunt said.

I picked my head up and looked at my aunt where she was still standing between my spread legs. "Oh my God." was all I could manage to say before my head dropped back to the table my body to exhausted to hold it up any longer. Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim both chuckled softly and then, I felt of their hands caressing my body softly.

"Relax honey. That was pretty intense and you need to come down a little before you can do anything." She said softly.

It wasn't until about twenty minutes later that I had recovered enough to be released from the table and Uncle Jim helped me to stand.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asked softly.

"Oh God, yes. That was the most incredible orgasm I have ever had in my life." I replied still awe struck.

My Aunt and Uncle both smiled at me as I looked down at my body and saw that the entire front of my body from my tits down to my knees was a deep red and my pussy and thighs were shiny with my own sticky cum. "Oh God." I said again still amazed at what had happened that afternoon.

Uncle Jim walked me up the shower in their guest bathroom and let me clean and refresh myself before I left.

* * * * *

The waitress brought our orders and set them in front of us at the table.

"Wow, that sounds pretty wild." I told Julie.

"Yeah it was, but you can see why I went back for more." Julie replied.

"Yeah I can." I replied remembering my own first time with her Aunt in the playroom.

Julie chuckled, "It wasn't even a week before I called them and asked when we could do it again."

I smiled at her and chuckled softly myself. I totally knew what she meant.

Does it bother you that way people treat you at school?" I asked.

"Well, sometimes it does. I haven't even gone out with anyone from school since I started here and just because I dress sexy everyone thinks I'm a slut." She replied.

"I think they either wanna get with you or they're just jealous." I told her.

"Why would they be jealous of me?" Julie asked sounding a little confused.

"Uh, in case you haven't noticed it. You're gorgeous Julie." I said truthfully.

"Whatever. I am not." She said, her voice full of disbelief.

"Yes you are. Julie, I have had a huge crush on you since the day I first saw you. You are about the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And, now that I'm getting to know you better, I can see that the outside is nothing compared to what's on the inside." I said blushing slightly, and taking a long sip of my soda to cover the embarrassment I felt from the confession I had just made.

"Are...are you serious Bobby?" she asked, clearly surprised by what I had said.

"Yes." I said quickly, feeling even more embarrassed then I had before. My face felt like it was on fire and I knew it had to be bright red.

"Wow! No one has ever said anything like that to me before unless they were trying to get into my pants or something." She said.

"Well, we've already had sex, and at the time you didn't have any pants on for me to get into." I said with a grin.

Julie laughed. "That's true." She said, smiling back at me.

"So, um...would you maybe like to go out sometime this weekend, if you aren't doing anything?" I asked shyly. A part of me wondered why I still felt shy about asking her out after everything we had done together already, but I did. I think I was just afraid that even after all that she'd still say no for some reason.

Julie face beamed with a huge smile and then she said, "I'd love to."

"Really?" I asked.

Julie laughed at the obvious surprise in my voice. "Sure. I like you a lot, and its kinda hard to find someone who'd understand my lifestyle." She said.

"Cool. Yeah, I guess that could be a problem. I don't imagine too many people would want a girlfriend who was someone else's submissive." I said.

"Yeah, I haven't even thought of a way to tell someone who was interested in me. So, I just turn them down instead." She said.

"Well, that explains a lot." I replied.

Julie just smiled back at me.

"So, what happened when you went back to your aunt's?" I asked eager to hear more of her story.


I called my aunt and asked her, " Aunt Nancy, when can we get together again like we were the other day?"

"Well, I'm available almost anytime hun. We'll just have to work around your school schedule once you start." She replied.

"That's cool. I don't start school for another couple of weeks though. So, can we do it again before then?" I asked.

"Of course we can sweetie. But, we have some things to discuss before that happens though." She said.

"Like what?" I asked eagerly.

"Well, I need to find out what you're interested in as far as sex and BDSM. I also need to find out some more personal information about you like your sex history if you have one and if you're on birth control. Stuff like that." She told me.

"Well, can we do that now?" I asked.

"Are you home alone? Because, I wouldn't want your parents to pick up the phone while we're talking about this stuff." She said.

"Yeah, I'm home alone. And, I don't want them to find out about it either." I said.

"Ok, good. Let's start with the basics. Are you a virgin, and, if not, how many sex partners have you had so far?" she said.

"No, I'm not, and only two so far." I replied.

"Ok. Did you use protection when you had sex with them?" she asked.

"Yes, I did." I replied.

"Every time?" Aunt Nancy persisted.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you on birth control?" she asked.

"Yep." I replied.

"Good. Well, that's the most of the important stuff. When you come over again, I have a questionnaire I'll have you fill out real quick before we start." She said.

"Cool. So, when can I come over again?" I asked.

"How bout tomorrow around eleven-ish?" she suggested.

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you then." I said obviously excited.

"Ok hun. Make sure you get plenty of rest tonight and no masturbation." She instructed.

"Ok, Aunt Nancy." I replied. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I was so horny all day long and I couldn't masturbate. I was going crazy by the time I got to my aunt's house the next day.

When I got there, she brought me into her living room and had me sit at the table where she had the questionnaire and a pencil waiting for me.

"Fill this out completely and honestly. It's very important that you're honest about every thing because you if you lie about something it could cause problems. You could either not get the total fulfillment possible or you might end up doing something you really don't like. So, when you're done, read it over again carefully and check your answers. When you're done, I'll review it and we'll discuss anything I think is necessary. And, if you have any questions about what something is, don't be afraid to ask. Some of the fetishes listed there aren't too well known." She said.

"Ok." I replied and set to work on the questionnaire. It was really comprehensive. It had every sex act and fetish you could probably think of and more that you probably wouldn't. They were separated by category and organized alphabetically. The first category was sex, and the first thing listed was anal. Next to that were two columns with check boxes. The first column asked yes or no. And, the other one asked you to rate it from zero to five. Zero meaning you would never want to try it at all, one means you'd try it but only if your partner really wanted you to, and five meaning it was a big turn on for you or that you really liked doing it. Some things were listed twice with either (give) or (get) next to them in parenthesis.

I went through the various sex acts checking the appropriate answers as I went. I remember thinking it funny that the second sex act listed was armpit sex. Who has sex with their armpits? Oh well, that was a big no. I had never done it, but it didn't gross me out either so I rated it a one. There were also question asking how many partners you have had, and another asking about bareback/unsafe sex. I marked the partners thing two, of course. And, the bareback was a no. And, then being honest with myself like Aunt Nancy told me to be I rated it a five. I really wanted to feel a guy shoot his cum inside me. I also marked no to sex with the same gender and sex with strangers, but I also marked them both with fives. I finished the sex category pretty quickly and then moved onto the next one, Bondage.

This category surprised me a little because I never realized there were so many ways to put someone in bondage. I hadn't done any of these things before and most of them got rated with either a four or five. The only one that got a zero was being in bondage for multiple days. That would just be too much. Ok, onto the next category, Bondage Toys.

"Mmmmm, these sound fun." I thought to myself as I glanced through the list before I started answering the questions. There were things listed like, blindfold and gags. And then there was more intense stuff like straightjackets and plastic wrap. I had seen the plastic wrap thing online. You got wrapped from head to toe with the stuff. And, then, there was everything in between. I went through that list pretty quickly and moved on to S&M, giving and getting pain.

The first thing listed there was abrasion. I asked my Aunt about that one.

"That's when you get your skin scratched. Sometimes they use sandpaper or what they call vampire gloves." She said and when she saw the confusion on my face when she said vampire glove she explained. "Those are gloves that have tiny needles on the palms and fingers. They aren't very sharp or long and you have to press pretty hard to draw blood with them, they can be fun to play with."

I worked my way through this list asking questions now and then when I came across something I didn't know about like bastinado. That's getting your feet tortured. "Not really my thing thanks." I thought to myself.

The next category was, of course, S&M Toys. That included everything from belts, whips, paddles, tens units and urethral sounds. "Wow!" I thought to myself, as I looked at the myriad list of things people used to cause pain. I finished that category and moved on to Fetishes.

The first one listed was abandonment. I asked about that one.

"That's pretty much like it sounds. You get abandoned. In most cases, and always with me, it a temporary thing." Aunt Nancy explained.

There were a lot of things listed here that didn't do anything for me or just plain grossed me out like b********y and brown showers. "Gross!" I thought, when I read those, big no's with big zeros for them. Prostitution was even listed with (real) next to it in parenthesis. "Another big no followed by a zero. I'm not a hooker that for sure." I thought to myself.

The next category was Power Play. In other words, Domination and Submission. That category started off with bathroom use control. It even included being told when you could eat and what kind of food you could have. Another couple of things that I wasn't at all interested in. I did like that part about being told what to wear and being forced to be naked. That was pretty hot. I worked my way through this category too. And, then, I was on the last category, Role Play.

That included everything from student teach and cop prisoner to prostitution and serving as an ashtray. Hit or miss there. I didn't mind pretending to be a prostitute, but I was never going to serve as anyone's ashtray.

The next page asked if I felt there was anything I needed to explain about any of my previous answers. I jotted down a few things real quick, and, then, moved to the next page. This one asked me to list any fantasies that I would like to act out. I thought hard about that for a few minutes and, then, I asked my aunt, "Aunt Nancy, I can't think of any fantasies right now. Can I fill this part out another time when I think of some?"

"Yes, that'll be fine just write that on the paper, so I'll remember." She replied.

I did that quickly and moved to the last page. This looked like a legal contract and asked if I understood what I was agreeing to. It also asked me to provide a safeword that could be used to stop something I didn't like but couldn't be confused with being part of what we were doing at the time. I thought about that for a minute and wrote down MOMMY.

I initialed were I was supposed to and printed and signed my name at the bottom. When I was done, Aunt Nancy took the questionnaire from me and looked it over for several minutes.

"Looks good to me." She said, and signed at the bottom where it said she had read all my answers and agreed to abide by them. "Shall we go downstairs?" she asked.

"I'd love to." I replied, and I followed Aunt Nancy as she led the way to the playroom.

"Strip." Aunt Nancy commanded as soon as we were in the playroom.

I did as I was told while my Aunt Nancy watched me. I was wearing my typical outfit of a T-shirts and jeans. "Do you have any sexier underwear than that?" Aunt Nancy asked.

I looked down at the underwear I was wearing, a pair of light pink string bikini panties. "Uh, no. These are the sexiest kind I have." I replied a little self-consciously.

"Ok, we'll take care of that another time." Aunt Nancy said unconcernedly.

"Ooook." I replied as I continued pulling off my underwear.

"Hmmm, we'll have to do something about that bush of yours too." She said as my bright red pubic hair came into view. Stand over there with your legs spread slightly wider then shoulder width." She told me pointing to the center of the room.

I did I was told and hen she said, "Now I want you to lace your fingers behind your head with your elbows pointing straight out to the sides, then I want you to arch your back slightly and bow your head." Aunt Nancy instructed me.

I did as she told me as she told me to do it. "Excellent. Whenever I tell you to assume the position this is what I want you to do. Do you understand?" she said.

"Yes. Ma'am." I replied.

"Very good." She said as she walked around me in a slow circle lightly tracing her fingertips over my body as she did so. "You have a wonderfully sexy body Julie." She said.

"Thank you Ma'am." I replied blushing slightly, embarrassed.

Aunt Nancy stood in front of me and slowly reached out with her hands and took my nipples in her hands and began pinching them, softly at first and then gradually harder and harder until I gasped from the pain. She smiled at me and released my nipples.

"When was your last period?" Aunt Nancy asked.

"I finished it last Saturday." I replied.

"Have you ever had an enema before?" She asked.

"No Ma'am." I replied.

"Well, I'm going to give you one today so you be all nice and cleaned out. Come with me." She said as she walked towards a closet.

I followed her into the closet and saw that it had a small shower and a toilet along with one of those large laundry room sinks.

"Get in the shower on all fours." She told me as she turned on the water in the sink, every once in awhile she would stick her hand under the stream to check the temperature. When she was satisfied that the water was at the right temperature she took a red hot water bottle and filled it with water. When the bag was full she screwed a hose with a narrow tip onto the top of the bottle. Then she hung the bottle from the shower rod let some water out of the hose before she clamped it shut and lubricated the tip with some K-Y jelly before she carefully inserted it in my ass.

"When I release the clamp warm water is going to flood your bowels. I want you to take as much of it as you can. I'd really like to see you take the whole bottle though. As the water fills you, you might feel some cramping, but it'll pass before long, so just try and ride it out. When you've either taken as much as you can or the bottle's empty I'm going to take the take the tip out of your ass and I want you to hold it until I tell you that you can release it. Do you understand?" she asked after explaining everything.

"Yes ma'am." I replied nervously.

"Good. Here it comes." She said and a heard a soft click as she released the clamp and a second later I felt the warm water pouring into my ass and flooding my bowels.

"Ughhh." I groaned softly as I felt the first of the cramps hit my abdomen.

I looked over my shoulder at the bag and saw that only about a quarter of it had drained into me. "Ohhhh." I moaned in a mixture of pain and apprehension about taking the rest of the water in my bowels.

"Come on. You can take it. Just relax. Rub your abdomen if you have to. It'll help ease the cramping." Aunt Nancy said emotionlessly.

I did as she told me and it helped a little. A few minutes later, I heard a gurgling sound and I looked back up again and saw that the bag was empty.

"Very good Julie." Aunt Nancy said as she bent over and slid the tip out of my ass. "Now I want you to try and hold it until I tell you that you can release it."

"Yes Ma'am." I said in a pained voice that was strained by the effort of holding the water in.

Aunt Nancy walked out of the small room and I could hear her moving about in the playroom. I think it was about ten minutes or so later that she came back in and after looking to make sure I had not let any water escape my ass she said, "Very good you may release."

I started to get up so I could move to the toilet when she grabbed me by the shoulder and held me down. "Where do you think you're going? I didn't tell you that you could move."

I... I ... Was going to sit on the toilet." I said almost weeping from the water cramping in my bowels and the effort of holding it in.

"I never said you could sit on the toilet. Now you'll just have to hold it for a little longer. The next time I tell you to release I expect you to do just that. Not to move anywhere, but to let it go where you are."

"Yes Ma'am." I replied my voice still strained.

Aunt Nancy leaned back against the wall and watched me as I tried desperately to keep the water from escaping. I leaned forward resting on my forearms and rested my forehead on the floor of the shower between my arms.

"Release." My Aunt said a few moments later.

"Ohhhhhhh." I moaned loudly as I relaxed my sphincter and let the dirty water spray in a strong jet from my ass. More and more of the dirty water emptied out of my ass with less force this time. When the last of the water was out of my body my legs from my upper thighs to me feet was covered by the scummy smelly water.

"Good. Now take a shower and wash that shit from your body. Make sure you're clean, because you'll be punished if you're not." Aunt Nancy commanded.

I turned the water on and lathered my body with the bar of soap I found in the dish. When I was done, I stepped out of the shower stall and found that my Aunt had left me a towel to dry off with. I used it to quickly dry my body before I stepped out into the playroom, where my Aunt was waiting for me.

"Assume the position." My Aunt said, as she pointed to a spot on the floor a few feet in front of her.

I did as I was told and she looked over my body checking to see if I had cleaned myself properly or if I had missed any spots. When she was satisfied, she stood in front of me and then attached to wide clamps connected by a thin chain to my nipples.

"Ahhh." I gasped as the clamps pinched my nipples between their jaws.

Next she fastened a leather collar around my neck. The collar was about two inches wide, buckled in the back and had a heavy duty metal ring attached to the front. She also fastened matching leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles. After she attached the last cuff to my ankle, Aunt Nancy stood in front of me again and clipped a long leather leash to the ring at the front of my collar, and then led me over to a piece of furniture that I would end up becoming intimately familiar with during future sessions. Aunt Nancy told me to get on the large kneeler table with my knees on the lower padded rest and spread to the edges, and then she had me lay my upper body on the higher padded rest of the table with my arms bent and spread to the edges of the table. When I was positioned the way she wanted me, Aunt Nancy fastened cuffs to my ankles, thighs, elbows and wrists. She then secured each of the cuffs to the sides of the table with double ended clips. When I tested my restraints, I found I could only move about an inch or so in any direction. I was totally at her mercy, the only thing protecting me was my safeword and her promise to honor it.

The almost total loss of control was a turn-on for me. I had no idea what my Aunt was going to do to me today, but I had faith that I'd enjoy it. Aunt Nancy walked away from me to a wall out of my sight and took something from it before returning to me.

"Well tell me little slut, are you ready for your second session with me?" she asked.

"Yes Ma'am." I answered.

She didn't say anything else. But, a second or two later, I felt the bite of her flogger (a short multi-tailed whip) as it struck one of my thighs and then the other. Back and forth she whipped one thigh and then the other. Aunt Nancy did this over and over again gradually hitting me harder and harder until thighs were bright red and felt like they were on fire. When she was satisfied with her work on my thighs, she moved to my ass and gave it the same treatment. My ass was beet red and burning like bad sunburn when she was finished with it. Then, she moved up to my shoulders, and once again gave them the same treatment. By the time she had finished using the flogger on me, tears were freely running down my cheeks and I was doing my best to stifle my sobbing.

"Well slut, my arm's tired now so I think its time to move onto something else for a while. Yes, I think we'll try out a set of nipple clamps on those sexy nipples of yours." She said.

Suiting actions to words Aunt Nancy quickly retrieved a set of nipple clamps and showed them to me before she put them on my nipples. I remember seeing the clamps for the first time. They were big! I could just imagine them crushing my nipples almost to the point where they were gonna fall off as they bit down on them, but in actuality these larger clamps were the least intense of all the nipple clamps my aunt owned. Because they are so wide, they spread the pressure out over a wider area of my breast and nipple. When she actually attached the clamps to my nipples I could feel them squeezing down on my nipples and areolas. I'm not sure exactly how to describe how it felt, but it was nowhere near as bad as I had feared it would be.

"Hmmm, are you enjoying yourself my pet?" Aunt Nancy asked as she moved behind me. Before I could even respond, in felt her hand rubbing against my pussy. "Oh yes, I think you are. Your pussy is positively dripping you little slut."

I could feel myself blushing at what she had said. My face must have been as red as my sore ass. My aunt once again moved away from me to get something else to use on me. I heard her moving around somewhere behind me. I could feel a spike of anxiety surge through my body, as I wondered what she had in store for me next. A flinched slightly as I felt her hands on my hips, and then I felt something nudging against my pussy. I could feel it rubbing up and down against my wet slit. I felt one of Aunt Nancy's hands leave my hip for a second as she guided whatever was nudging me into my pussy. When she found my hole I could feel her push forward with her hips as her hand came back to my hip. That's when it dawned on me. My aunt was fucking me with a strap-on!

"Ohhhhhhh!" I moaned out in both pleasure and comprehension.

"You like that don't you, you little slut?" She said.

"Oh, yes Ma'am." I answered softly, as I felt her slowly thrusting the fake cock in and out of my pussy. The dildo must have been about seven inches long and was decently thick enough to fill my pussy up pretty well. It didn't really feel like a real cock, it wasn't warm and it was a little too hard, but it still felt pretty good as my aunt pumped it in and out of my hungry pussy.

"Ohhh." I sighed in disappointment as my aunt pulled her fake cock from my pussy. I heard a slight pop! And then a second or two later my aunt shoved a new fake cock deep into my pussy. This one was only about an inch longer, but it was quite a bit thicker and the head was more pronounced.

"Uhhhh!" I grunted as this new cock got rammed deep inside me and stretched my horny pussy.

My aunt wasn't as slow or gentle with this bigger cock as she rammed it in and out of my pussy.

"Do you know what's so great about getting fucked with a strap-on slut?" she asked. Once again, before I could answer, she did it for me, "It's that you can get fucked by so many different sized and shaped cock in one session. All you have to do is pop the old one off and slip a new one on and your getting fucked by a different cock. It's like getting gangbanged, but by just one person."

The whole time she was telling me this, my aunt was ramming my pussy with her fake cock. When she finished what she was saying she pulled out again and I heard her popping off the cock she had been using on me and then slid a new one onto her harness and shoved it roughly into my pussy.

"Ugghhh! Oh God! You're ripping my pussy apart!" I cried out.

Aunt Nancy had switched to a huge ten fucking inch cock that felt like it was as big around as a fucking baseball bat.

"Yeah! You like my big cock don't you, you fucking whore?" she called out cruelly as she pounded away at my poor stretched pussy with her monster fake cock

All I could do was moan, groan and gasp for air as she fucked my cunt with that huge monster cock. Every few thrusts I would grunt in pain as the head of her cock hit my cervix. Despite the pain I was feeling from that monster, I soon found myself quickly building towards a powerful orgasm and without warning Aunt Nancy pulled the cock from my pussy. Only this time there was no popping noise and no bigger cock or even smaller cock replaced it.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned softly out of frustration from an orgasm denied.

The next thing I knew my pussy and clit were being hit by the flogger. Every time the flogger hit my clit I jumped. Aunt Nancy was swinging the flogger underhanded between my legs hitting my engorged pussy and clit.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" I cried out with every hit.

Aunt Nancy gradually increased the force she was hitting me with, and before long, I felt my orgasm building rapidly once again. And, then, it happened, my orgasm hit me like a runaway train!

"OH! OH MY GOD! OHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as my orgasm ripped through my body. It felt like I was being washed away into abyss of excruciating pleasure. When I came down from my orgasmic high, Aunt Nancy released me from the kneeler table and had me stand in the center of the room where she sprayed me down with a hose while I washed myself. When I was finished and dried myself off, Aunt Nancy told me when to be back at her house. Over the next few sessions with Aunt Nancy, she came to my house and went through my wardrobe and discarded all my underwear. Then she took me shopping and bought me all new underwear that was composed solely of different types of thongs and g-strings. She did the same for my bras and replaced them with push-ups, and sheer bras. She also bought me some sexier clothes for me to wear when she told me to. After that, she took me to a salon where she had me wax from head to toe. She had the girl doing the waxing leave me a short narrow strip of pubic hair just above my pussy.

* * * * *

The waitress came over to our table and refilled our drinks for us before leaving us alone again.

"Wow, that's some pretty wild shit Julie." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." She replied.

"So, when did you get your piercings?" I asked.

"My aunt and uncle threw a lifestyle party as a sort of initiation slash introduction for their new sub, and at the end of the night I got all my piercings as a sign of my submission." Julie said.

"Cool." I replied. Julie just smiled at me with her eyes twinkling. "So, uh, when or how did you start squirting?" I asked.

"Well, Aunt Nancy told me to start doing Kegel exercises. She told me the next time I went pee to stop and hold it for a couple of seconds after it started flowing. She said that would show me which muscles I had to use. She told me to do that ten times every morning after I got up, and every afternoon after lunch, and every night before I go to bed. I also had do them whenever I was driving and came to a stop light or stop sign. She told me to up the reps by ten whenever the number I was doing got too easy until a reached a hundred at a time. She told me I could do them when I was riding a guy and my pussy could massage his cock without me having to move. It has the added benefit of making my orgasms a lot stronger and making me squirt when I cum." She explained.

"Cool." I said amazed.

"Yeah it is." She said grinning at me.

"What about your uncle? Has he ever joined in at all besides the first time?" I asked.

"Yeah, he has. He's joined us in the playroom quite a few times. He's even fucked me a couple of times during our sessions." Julie said.

"Wow, that's pretty wild." I said.

"Yeah. That doesn't bother you does it?" She asked a little nervously.

"No, not at all. I think its kinda cool. I've always been turned on by i****t stories and the idea of i****t in general." I told her honestly.

"Good." Julie said, her smile returning to her face once again.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost time to get going and I told her so. We got up, paid the check and left for Mrs. Clark's house.
Közzétette: canadianbbw
legutoljára elérhető: 1 év
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This should be made into a film....very hot !!
What an amazing story. Very stimulating.  Can't wait to read more.  Thank you
Fantastic, on to chapter 2, many thanks.
SWEET GEEZUZ !!! What an INCREDIBLE  story to share with us !!! 
Thanks, another great story. Hope it turns into a series
Another fantastic tale, hoping there will be more chapters