3rd - My Second Training

Hello everyone. This experience takes place back early July (2020). This was my 3rd post on the site, but as explained in a couple of other posts, something happened that caused a few of my first posts to be deleted.

So as some of you know, I went again last night for another training session. As I was leaving my house, him and I were texting, and he reminded me to leave my stuff in my car, and for me to text him when I pulled up. He also said the door would be unlocked and for me to go wait in the shower like I did last time. Throughout the week he had been talking and he had mentioned that we'd be pretty much redoing a lot of the same stuff we did last time, with possibly trying something new because he wanted to go a little deeper. I won't go into as much detail about this one as I did last time, but I'll just share the main parts, and the new things.

I arrived at his place around 8:12 pm, texted him, stripped, put everything on the floorboard of my car, walked in and then went and knelt in the shower. I had been thinking about my last training session a lot, and so I wanted to make sure to not use my hands. He came in, and again because of the water, all I could see was his cock, and I immediately began sucking him. I did good for the most part. I didn't use my hands, and I tried deepthroating him as often as possible as deep and as long as I could go. I only sucked him for about 5 mins the first time, before he said he wanted to do things a little different. He had me to deep-throat a few more times a little longer, which I did (or attempted too), but was starting to struggle. So he grabbed my head and guided me down as far as he could go and held me for 5-10 secs. He did this 7-8 times, and by the 5th or 6th one I was really starting to feel it, and by the last one I put my hands up to help and apply some resistance. He then reached over, and the shower-head hitting my back immediately went to ice cold. I took in a huge breath and tried to squirm but he used that to his advantage and guided me down and held me down 4 more times. He then angled the shower-head that was spraying me, down a little bit, and had me turn around and get in downward dog.

The water eventually went back to warm, and he went from standing to sitting down. He again let me suck him on my own, but it was getting hard to deep-throat and hold. After some time passed, he grabbed my head again and proceeded to slow and steady like, masturbate with my mouth for a good long while, like he had the first training session. Things seemed to be going rather well for a bit, but when he started really getting into it is when I started to struggle. He pushed himself deeper down my throat, and was only coming up half way off his cock before bringing my head back down again. He then started holding me down longer and deeper. I lost count how many times he did it, but eventually I put my hands up, and he turned the water back to cold.

He then had me get into downward dog, and then angled the sower-head so it was spraying my upper back, neck and head. He then proceeded to fuck me for 10-15 mins. This entire back and forth process went on for quit a while. Eventually I realized that every time I used my hands, is when he would have me get in downward dog and fuck while i was sprayed with cold water. But that only happened about 4 times in total. One of the times while he was standing, he did utilize my mouth to relieve himself, which unfortunately, I was not yet able to keep up with it completely. That one was the one where he fucked me the hardest and the longest. At this point I think he was tired of the shower, but he still had me finish by sucking him off until he came in my mouth. And as always I continued to suck him until he was ready to go again. Before he had me get in downward dog, he grabbed my head one last time and jacked himself off with my mouth one more time.

He then fucked me for a good while, to the point that the hot water was starting to run out, before he finally finished. He then got out, handed me my blanket, dried off, and said he would be watching a movie for the rest of the time. So I wrapped myself in my blanket and on my way to kneeling in front of him, I noticed his clock said 10:40. So we were in there almost 2.5 hours. I then sucked him like I normally do. He didn't intervene that much, maybe 1-2 times. I didn't suck him the entirety of the movie. If i had to guess, it was about half way through, before he started thrusting and somewhat grabbing my head to keep me down a little longer, until he came. He told me to keep sucking him, and I then heard him flip from the movie, to porn. I sucked him maybe another 45 mins or longer, while listening to all the different porns he was watching. A lot of it seemed to involve hard fucking, which now makes sense.

He then got up, had me deep throat him 4-5 times on my own and then told me to get down. I got on all fours, but then he said "No, we are going to try something a little different. Remember I said I wanted to go deeper?", which I shook my head, yes. He stacked two pillows on the floor and had me lay on my back with the pillows under my hips and low back. He had me cover up with the blanket while he applied lube to himself. I then felt him insert himself into me as he let out a sigh of relief/pleasure. I'm not very flexible, but by the end of it, he had my toes almost touching the floor by my head.

When he was all the way in, he stopped briefly to turn the porn back on. I still couldn't see anything because of the blanket, but he was casually fucking me like one would a pussy. He did that for a bit, while slowly bending me more and more, and going deeper and deeper. There were a few times during all of this where I did make a sound of discomfort, but he just kind of touch my head and said "you'll be ok". I could tell he was enjoying himself, so I didn't want to ruin that. He then stopped for a second, handed me a pillow under the blanket and told me to cover my face. I didn't understand why at first, but did what he said, and he threw the cover back over me. He then bent me as far as I could go and proceeded to fuck me as hard and deep as he possibly could. I then understood the need for a pillow as I started making very loud noises into it.

He must have built himself up pretty good with the casual fucking, because once he really got into it, it didn't take him long before I could definitely feel his cock get bigger and fatter inside me, and I was starting to feel some discomfort and pulling and deep-poking. He placed himself completely over me, and grabbed my shoulders to push me down into him, making sure to go as deep as possible. I don't know how long he fucked me like this, but it was very intense. I had so many mixed sensations going through me. It felt great, but also hurt. I teared up a little, but at the same time I kind of orgasmed. After he finished, he stayed in me for a while, slowly thrusting back and forth, until his cock softened up, and his breathing settled down. When he was done, he got up and made his way over to the bathroom and said, "Alright. Thanks."

I went to my car, got dressed and started driving home around 1 am (12:59) feeling somewhat accomplished, but also very sore. Despite whatever pain or discomfort I may get during all of this, I absolutely love this. And I love knowing that by the end of all of this I will hopefully be better at providing service. I am still very sore, and hopefully will be mostly recovered by the time Monday comes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, or DM me.
Közzétette: myNewBeginnings
legutoljára elérhető: 3 év
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"Providing service" fascinating learning process 