Mom taking hot son to school ends up being late

So it was the first day of high school for my son and being a good mom I am and I made a good breakfast and told him I would take him to school. After I dropped him off I had an interview so I wore a nice little cut blouse that showed off my cleavage of my big tits pretty good and a short white skirt with high heels. Me and my son got in the car and headed to school, and I noticed he was looking at me and I asked is there something wrong with my outfit baby? And he said no Mom you look really really good, I mean really good. That's what I noticed his jeans had a huge bulge in the front and I c… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था kdm112360 7 महीने पूर्व 15

********* Kamera

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द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Paar-NRW 2 वर्षो पूर्व

Step uncle.

 Happened on June 17 2020, I had just stopped by to pick up my usual weed order I was tired and his place was so cold from the heatwave outside so I sat down for a bit ,i watched as his wife left for work I had never been left alone with him before but I watched him so many time I never thought someone that fit would be into me but turns out he did, we were both sitting there watching true crime I then sat beside him and talked about how me and David are done then something came on about mu***r I got so turned on so did he he just mumbled god am so fucking horny , we were joking at first… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था friskymama26 3 वर्षो पूर्व 21

My Nephew

The week before Thanksgiving this year, I was at my sisters for a few days helping her get ready for Dinner on Thanksgiving dinner. It was the day before and I thought I was alone in the house. My brother-in-law has a huge model train set up and I went to the basement to see it. When I got down there I heard some moaning coming from a room off to the side of the set up. I pushed open the door slowly and there was my nephew, home from high school sitting on the floor masturbating. I was stunned and didn't move or say anythng. I was going to back out but I saw how big his cock was. It wasn't big… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था bonniejo 9 वर्षो पूर्व 42

Spying on Auntie "T"

Previously I had told about spying on Mom taking her bath. When I was a teen I wanted to see how she was "put together" so I got the brain fart to watch her through the old larger keyhole our old farmhouse doors had. Worked great, saw what I needed to see. Moving on, a few years later I wanted to see also how her twin sister, a widow, was built. I had been close to her for years and especially since my uncle had passed. Her farmhouse was about a mile from ours, a 15 minute walk through well-kept vineyard driveways. Now it's one thing to spy in your own house, but to do what I planned was prett… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था thighfan 2 वर्षो पूर्व 19

Mom, the Vineyard and Me

Being a g****/raisin farmer's son means a lot of work if you are small farmers, the more you do with family, the better the bottom-line. Well, this day that meant doing some dreaded stoop labor...turning paper trays of almost dried raisins so the back side could finish drying. North and south running rows dry much slower than east west orientation...we just had a few acres of the north south to finish drying. Mom and I were instructed to turn a few rows behind our garage, about 90 minutes work while Dad and my Brother tended to about 2 acres on the end of our home ranch, about a full mornings'… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था thighfan 2 वर्षो पूर्व 23

Mom, Nylons and Me

Growing up on a farm near relatives was fun in the '50's and on, We had a small old home on a g**** vineyard a mile or so from a small town, an aunt and uncle lived a mile further away on a farm and another aunt and uncle were close by also. Our house started out as a two-room cabin in the early 1900's, added on a modernized in the 1930's about 10 years before I arrived on the scene. One could walk around the house to living room, folk's bedroom. my and my brother's bedroom...going thru the bathroom's two doors completed the circle. A large common closet was entered from my be… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था thighfan 2 वर्षो पूर्व 33

Want Meets Need

Jay woke up yet again with a raging hard-on...quite common since his wet dream some months ago. At first he just stood up and rubbed them until he ejaculated, but recently he stumbled onto a new method of getting off. One morning he awoke on his stomach with a hard dick...he simply started thrusting his hips slowly...thinking that was more like real sex. Well, when climax occurred he had a mess in his briefs. Luckily his folks were up and eating breakfast while he dug through the hamper to switch to another and bury the messy ones toward the bottom.. Had he taken a new pair Mom Anna would have… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था thighfan 2 वर्षो पूर्व 14

Help de buuv zit vast

Mijn naam is Jakko, ik woon sinds mijn echtscheiding alleen. Aan seks geen gebrek hoor! Ik ontmoet vele dames als ik mijn hond uitlaat in het park en daar zitten vele stoute moedertjes tussen die graag ‘koffie’ bij mij willen drinken. Sinds een half jaar woont er een jong stel naast mij en zijn echt leuke mensen. We hebben goed contact en komen geregeld bij elkaar langs. Als zij of ik iets nodig hebben dan komen we gewoon achterom binnen. Hij werkt bij Shell en is soms dagen van huis en zij werkt bij ons in de supermarkt waar ik geregeld kom en dan steevast een praatje met haar maak. Nu is Dem… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Strandstel50 1 वर्ष पूर्व 9


Mijn vrouw ( 29 jaar ) en ik ( 33 jaar ) hadden besloten om dit weekend naar mij schoonouders Ben & Ina te gaan. Het was te warm in de stad en aangezien zij een villa hebben aan met grote tuin inclusief zwembad is dit een betere optie dan op een appartement te zitten met een klein balkon. Omdat het wat later was geworden op mijn werk kwamen we pas om half acht aan. Ina had geen zin om te koken dus werd er besloten om naar een restaurant te gaan. Aangekomen bij het restaurant bleek onze serveerster een oude schoolvriendin van mijn vrouw te zijn. Na afloop van het diner vroeg mijn vrouw mij… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Strandstel50 2 वर्षो पूर्व 8

Meine Mutter fickt mir ihrem Vater (Netzfund)

Meine Mutter fickt mit ihrem Vater Au backe, meine Mutter fickt mit ihrem eigenen Vater. Ich muss heute einfach etwas loswerden und mit jemanden Reden, sonst werde ich noch ganz verrückt. Deswegen schreibe ich diesen Brief an euch. Ich würde mich über eine Antwort von euch, oder euren treuen Lesern sehr Freuen. Ich stelle mich erstmal vor, ich bin die Monika aus Essen, und bin 23 Jahre alt und habe noch einen Bruder von 26 Jahren, meine Mutter ist seit acht Jahren geschieden von unserem Vater. So ca. vor einem Jahr, kann auch etwas mehr sein, stellte ich damals unter bedauern fest… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Max79 1 वर्ष पूर्व 36


Ich war mal wieder in der Nähe und besuchte meine Mutter. Sie öffnete mir die Türe, begrüßte mich. Sie trug nur eine Kittelschürze und Strumpfhosen. Ich sah, wie sich ihre großen Brüste darunter bewegten. Auch ihr Hintern wackelte kräftig. Ich konnte nicht widerstehen und gab ihr einen Klaps drauf. Weich und trotzdem fest ist ihr Arsch. Mutti lächelte nur. Auf der Couch sitzend unterhalten wir uns. Ihre dunkelbraune dünne Strumpfhose reizte mich, ich legte eine Hand auf ihr Bein. Verwundert sah sie mich an, drückte aber ihre Titten weiter raus. Ich wurde mutiger, streichelte ihr Bein weiter n… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था 15denFSH 3 वर्षो पूर्व 196

Geiler Familienfick

Geiler Familien Fick Es war am 19. Geburtstag meiner Schwester. Unsere Eltern und wir saßen am Frühstücks-Tisch. Ich war erst gestern nach einer Woche mit der Klasse aus einer Jugendherberge in Marienhagen zurückgekommen. Unsere Eltern waren nicht zu Hause. Sie waren bei Bekannten, deren Mann gestern Geburtstag hatte. Tanja war nicht mitgefahren, weil sie auf mich gewartet hatte. Erstens hatten wir uns eine ganze Woche nicht gesehen und zweitens wollten wir zusammen in ihren Geburtstag reinfeiern. Wir haben nicht nur reingefeiert, sondern auch reingevögelt. „Und, hat dich deine Schwester ges… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था lartiste1954 2 वर्षो पूर्व 66

Caught Masturbating By Mom

Anyone else ever get caught in your room masturbating by your mom? Please share! It was 1974 when mom opened my door at night and caught me red handed stroking my hard cock. She didn't bat an eye. She said, "What are you doing?" I was mortified. Then she quickly said, "Come with me!" My sister was in bed asleep as I walked down the hallway naked following my mom to her bedroom. She stopped next to her bed and turned to me. "Lay down!" As I did she pulled her night gown up over her head exposing her very hairy black muff then her creamy white breasts. I was nervous. She climbed over me. I could… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था fuckaholic100 3 वर्षो पूर्व 9

Ontmaagd door 55 jarige Trui

Hierbij wil ik mijn ontmaagding delen, toen ik bijna 19 was. Trui had mij ontmaagd, ze was de 55 jarige moeder van mijn toenmalige beste vriend. Zoals vaak was ik met Trui weer eens alleen, haar man en zoon waren naar een treinenbeurs in Duitsland. Nee, ik wilde niet mee, toen ze me mee vroegen, ik voelde tussen Trui en mij de laatste tijd een prettige spanning. Ik was er al kind aan huis, niks verdachts dat ik bij Trui bleef. Wat had ik me van jongs af aan toch suf gerukt, bij de gedachte dat zij en ik geile sex zouden hebben. Vond je t gek? Trui had borstenmaat 38GG, uiers gewoon dus. Ze had… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Mature_Lover_1980 2 वर्षो पूर्व 4

Mom, Yet Again!

A period of weeks had passed since that Saturday morning when Mom slipped into bed beside me....and we had our way with each other. That encounter had its genesis in the vineyard one morning earlier in the month. I wondered to myself if any more action was on the horizon. Mom and I played it pretty coy around the house, except for a couple kisses and at me rubbing her ample behind. A possibility arose when a school minimum day was scheduled...Dad was gone for the day with a neighbor to a farm deal and Mom suggested she would take me home after here meeting in town. That noon there she was near… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था thighfan 1 वर्ष पूर्व 25

Annem ve kücük aski Efe

Merhaba adim Hakan, suan 18 yasindayim. Size bundan 2-3 sene önce basimdan gecen bir olayi anlatmak istiyorum. O zamanlar ben 15-16 annem ise 39 yasindaydi. Annem 1,69 m boyunda 62 kilo, dolgun kalcalari, bembeyaz iri ve düzgün memeleri olan bir kadindir. Bir firmada sekreter olarak görev yaptigindan ve kendi de o tarzi sevdiginden devamli olarak etek giyer, incecorap ve topuklu ayakkabilari olmadan disari adimini atmaz. Eteklerinin en uzunu dizlerinin en az iki-üc parmak yukaridadir. O etekleri genelde isyerinde giyer. Dügün, bayram veya yilbasi gibi günlerde mini etegini yada elbisesini, ar… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Hikayecii 1 वर्ष पूर्व 3

Afternoon with mom

I was coming home from work one day and my mom was on the couch playing with herself and she didn't hear me come in the back door I stood there in the kitchen for a good 5 minutes as she played with her pussy. As I stood there and watched her my cock was getting hard as I watched her slide her dildo in and out of her mature hairy pussy. She happened to look up and catch me watching her as she used her dildo on her pussy. She happen to see the buldge in my pants and asked me what I was doing I said I had gotten off work early and had just got home and she said I thought you were at work. She c… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था cobra96must 1 वर्ष पूर्व 24

Caught by mom

Mom and dad had gone to bed early, I was watching tv and said I would stay up a while. After a short while I heard noises coming from upstairs, first a gentle rocking of the bed then the occasional moan and groan, mom and dad were obviously fucking upstairs in bed. As the noises got louder I found myself getting turned on. Listening to my parents fucking is not something that would normally get me horny, but maybe it was just a coincidence. Being a horny fifteen year old I decided it was a good time to watch some porn. I waited a while to make sure my parents wouldn’t come back down before I s… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था cobra96must 1 वर्ष पूर्व 144

Hoe mijn stiefzoon mijn minnaar werd

Het "voorval" waar ik u hier deelgenoot van maak speelde zich af augustus vorig jaar, gewoon hier thuis. Daar erotiek en seks een belangrijke plaats in mij en in mijn relatie inneemt, wordt er bij ons thuis redelijk openlijk over gepraat, maar het is makkelijker als ik eerst even vermeld wie we zijn. Mijn naam is Mirjam, 38 jaar ben ik, zie er goed uit, redelijk slank, door de zon een mooi bruin kleurtje, half lang zwart krullend haar, lekkere stevige tietjes , maat C, en een best wel vrolijke uitstraling. Part time werk ik hier in de plaatselijke bibliotheek. Na mijn scheiding ben ik nu zes… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Strandstel50 2 वर्षो पूर्व 5

Stoeien met mijn zoon

Ik ben een getrouwde vrouw en ik heb een zoon. Wij hangen als klitten aan elkaar, zodat mijn man ons wel eens plaagt of we soms verliefd op elkaar zijn. Nou, dat is niet zo, maar er is onlangs wel iets gebeurd tussen ons. Wij stoeien vaak met elkaar en mijn zoon is er nooit vies van om zogenaamd per ongeluk mis te grijpen naar mijn grote borsten en ook wel eens tussen mijn benen. Maar ik gaf er nooit veel aandacht aan, want ach, wat kun je daar nou van zeggen als moeder ? Maar de laatste tijd ging hij bij het stoeien soms bovenop mij liggen en het voelde alsof hij meer wilde. Hij bedoelde het… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Strandstel50 2 वर्षो पूर्व 9

Hete geile tante Gerda

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द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था 48Gerda 9 वर्षो पूर्व

Geile tante

De geile tante van Harry is gescheiden van haar rijke echtgenoot en is in zijn geheel niet onverzorgd achtergelaten. Ze heeft genoeg geld op haar bankrekening staan om nooit meer te hoeven werken en ze heeft één van de strandhuizen, met een privéstrand, uit de deal weten te slepen. Het is volop zomer en dit is de eerste keer na haar scheiding dat ze lekker een maandje van de zon gaat genieten op haar eigen strand. Ze vindt het helemaal niets om alleen te gaan, dus heeft ze haar neef gevraagd of hij geen zin had in een geheel verzorgde vakantie. Harry is student, en gezien de povere staat van… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Strandstel50 2 वर्षो पूर्व 3

Taboo with Mother (total work of fiction and not t

Taboo with Mother!!! It was another Christmas day to forget spent with family eating turkey and having a drink. Mom dad and two sisters getting pissed up cause it’s easier to forget the day and arguments that will follow. As I’m getting older I had the usual present from the parents such as socks, boxers and aftershave. Mom and dad had been fighting for years after dad had cheated on her. My eldest sister who had been moved out for over a year now decided to bring some games round and we decided to start playing them after dinner. We sat and played games for around 2-3 hours and was fu… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था cuddlybear1989 11 वर्षो पूर्व 3

Mothers ride

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द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था NaughtyVoyer 9 वर्षो पूर्व

My son

My husband passed away a year ago. My son take over our family business. He is only 19 years old, but very smart. I am officially a widow as of last year. I am 58 years old. I am not planing to re- married or looking. Tonight we comemorating 1 year of my husband departure from this world. My son Joey took me out to dinner. We have pleasant evening and good dinner. As soon as we arrived home, I change my clothes to very sexy nightgown . My son Joe in the living room wearing his boxer and tank-top, sitting in the sofa watching X-Rated movie. I sat next to my son Joey, and Joey hand me… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Js4plsr 10 वर्षो पूर्व 2

Not My Moms Panties

When I was younger (12)I started finding my Moms panties in the bathroom hamper. She wore dresses a lot when I was younger, There were times when we were home alone and she`d be taking a break from cleaning. She would usually sit across me and put her legs up on the ottoman and I would always have a clear view of her panties. I could see her pubic hair sticking out the sides of her panty. I never thought anything sexually about her until I started finding her panties in the bathroom,. One day we were home alone and she said she was going to bath, I watched TV , she was done 20 minutes late… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था Ilvncst69 2 वर्षो पूर्व 13

Moms Panties 2

(First off this is not my story! Found it online and wanted to share it with everyone.) Hope you all enjoy! It was summer and me and mom were going to the coast for a week. We had rented a small villa with it's own private beach a few miles from a small town. It was going to be a week of lounging in the sun and we were both looking forward to it. We just had to get there first. We had been on the road a while, it was a long drive in the hot sun. Mom was driving and I was in the passenger seat next to her. The road was very quiet, we hadn't seen another car for ages, and not much scener… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था cunt1 9 वर्षो पूर्व 49

Moms Panties

(First off this is not my story! Found it online and wanted to share it with everyone.) Hope you all enjoy! I was laying on my bed, naked, I had a pair of black lace panties wrapped around my cock and I was wanking hard. The lace felt amazing against my skin as I imagined the pussy that the unwashed lace had rubbed against. The tension was building inside me and my balls were ready to explode. I couldn't hold it any more and cum spurted from my cock on to my stomach, spurt after spurt. I finally came down from my orgasm and relaxed for a moment... The door swung "Oh my g… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था cunt1 9 वर्षो पूर्व 88

What Happened in Room 415 - Another M/S story

Mom, Happy Valentines Day. It's been an amazing five years. I know you remember this photo I took of you before that weekend that changed our lives. This photo has a story to tell. It is OUR story. * * * * * That weekend I went with you, as your date, to that wedding where you only knew a few people and I knew no one. We joked about how we were crashing the wedding, enjoying the prime rib and free drinks. We laughed so easily, felt so comfortable with each other and then the dance. We had no idea we were the only ones left… अधिक पढ़ें

द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था devlincyde 4 वर्षो पूर्व 18