More Thoughts on Spiritual Bliss and Worship of Co

More Thoughts on Spiritual Bliss and Worship of Cock and Cum

I just Favorited a Post from another xhamster member called "The Sacrament of Semen".
If you're interested in this subject, I'd recommend reading it in my Favorite blogs too.

I was once again thinking about this subject day before yesterday when I was on my knees sucking a very nice man's cock and hearing him moan with pleasure. I thought about how I was essentially making love to him with my mouth, that I was on my knees worshiping his manhood. And we were BOTH in heaven. And how much I totally loved it when I made him cum and swallowed every drop of his load. He had to go back into work and I knew he was going back happier and more relieved! And I certainly was super happy myself too!

I thought about how men love their cocks in a warm, wet oriface and in this case, a blowjob by someone who LOVES giving them -- me! What man doesn't love a blowjob? Only about 99% of us. Just because I am a cocksucker doesn't mean that even I don't enjoy being sucked. I do! It's just that given a choice between sucking and being sucked, I'd choose the former and I don't mind whatsoever if the man doesn't wish to reciprocate. But doesn't mean I don't like being sucked if the other man enjoys sucking too. In fact, lengthy quality time in 69 with another man is quite spiritual and wonderful.

I have given a lot of thought about why my sexual wiring is so different than how I was taught it should be. How, I somehow have the ability to sublimate my masculine pride, kneel before a man, take his dick into my mouth and please him until he cums in my mouth. You do remember that the vast majority of men would sooner die than do what I love doing? Right?

Because of my upbringing and training and once mistakenly thinking I was 100% str8, I am still amazed and fascinated by how much I love the feel of that rock hard velvety softness of a hard cock in my mouth, not to mention loving hearing a man moan from the pleasure I am giving him. And, for me, the biggest sexual thrill I have is when I help a man to orgasm and he gives me his cum! I know he is in ecstasy and for some darn reason and probably why I am primarily a receiver of cock and cum (a bottom), I am ALSO in ecstacy knowing I just helped me a man the greatest thing there is in manly pleasure -- cumming!

Men love to cum. They need to cum. They stroke off constantly, if no one is around to help them cum. They will pay prositutes just to cum (obviously not enlightened to the fact that guys like me are around and we are totally FREE!). It is a driving biological force. For some reason, my personal preference is to receive cum than give cum, but I tell you, I love cumming too! But I get a huge orgasm myself when I help a man cum! Again, probably why I ended up a bottom.

I just get such a high when a man is cumming in me. Just feels so spiritual to me. So validating for my sexuality. So useful sexually. So fulfilling, like it is my sexual purpose in life. And I can't get enough cum. And it seems the more I get, the more I want. I love that inner glow I feel, knowing I have a man's sperm in my tummy or soaking my little bottom. I know I gave a man something he wanted and needed and is a tremendous release and relief to him. And I love it and need it every bit as much as he does!

And strangely enough, it is something women fall short in doing for their men for the most part. Believe it or not {grin}, some women like sucking dick, swallowing loads and taking it up the ass -- almost 2% of them! And they are few and far apart and seem to only exist here on xhamster! I did meet a few back when I was str8, but the vast majority are not nearly as horny for cock as I ALWAYS am! That's understandable, as that is their biological wiring too, but it doesn't help horny men out as much as they need. Girls just don't seem to really love cock like I do. They don't seem to view cum as a sacred sacrament like I do. They don't seem to be as horny for it as I am. And all that adds up to is that if you love doing something, you get good at it and I have been told I am a better cocksucker and even better "pussy" than a lot of women! The most memorable statement was, "You couldn't be better pussy if you had a vagina!" Now, don't mistake all that for ANY desire to be a woman! NOT! My dick is what makes me horny all the time and I love EVERYthing about being a guy, except for maybe the sex part and yes, I know I perform closer sexually to how a woman is "supposed" to than how a man is "supposed" to, but that's simply the way it is and the way it is for a LOT of us guys that love cock and cum. We still love being men, even if we prefer sex with men. Or in my case, love serving men.

Taking cock and being penetrated by another man's cock, be it in my mouth or my bottom, is just not something we were ever taught, as males, as something we should do. Quite the contrary! Heck, even the plugs in the hardware store are referred to as the male plug (with the prongs) and the female plug (with the holes) and guess which plug I am!? LOL!

And quite frankly I just never feel overly manly or masculine when I have a dick in my mouth or up my little butt. And especially when my man does THE manliest thing a man can do and that is to cum and ejaculate his seed into a hole and I am being the respository for his cum load! Just not the most masculine feeling I have ever had to say the least! It also sometimes feels like there is only one "real" man in the room and it sure isn't me! But, that's my underlying conditioning and beliefs at work. We were conditioned to only have sex with women and vagina and anything else was QUEER! So, how is it that I could overcome all that conditioning and training and STILL end up loving a cock in my mouth and/or bottom and even more love taking a man's cum into my body!?

It is because of that, that I think we are all born with our sexualities and that mine serves a very real and necessary purpose as any man. I don't have better or worse sexual wiring than most men -- just different, because I prefer taking cock and cum to giving it. There was once a time that I would have NEVER thought that to ever be the case, but that falls under the category of you don't know what you don't know, until you have experienced it. And prior to actually experiencing something, you have to have a belief about it and my experience sure belied and blew up my taught beliefs about it!

I remember my first time sexually with a man and the man telling me I would never quite feel the same way about being fully a man again after I had taken his cock and cum. He had seduced me and talked me into it and now he was trying to talk me out of it? I didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about BEFORE he deposited a load into my mouth, then later in my virgin boypussy! All I knew was that his seduction had been successful and I craved his cock! And I wanted it worse than anything I had ever wanted! But, I sure knew what he was talking about afterwards!

Now mind you -- all you proud gay guys out there that think I am disparaging gay/bi folks, I am not! Far from it! If I was, I'd be disparaging myself! It does NOT mean I am a lessor man or lessor human being whatsoever! In fact, I was suddenly and probably MORE of a man and human being because I had allowed expansion and exploring of my sexuality! What I am talking about is that I can never say again that I didn't know what it was like to sublimate my "masculine pride" and everything I was taught about how a man is "supposed" to and "should" have sex, ever again! I now knew for a fact! I am talking about the FACT that I suddenly knew what it was like to not have sex as a 100% str8 man. That "100%" was now gone! And there's no undoing sucking a man off and being bred! I had taken cock and cum like I had always been taught only a woman should do! And that a "real" man should never do!

I have to admit his phrasing of being "fully a man" is a bit prejudicial, but I now knew what he was trying to say. Some disparage anything less than 100% str8 saying those men are REAL men because they only have sex like men are "supposed" to have sex. Again, understand the point of view of the vast majority of society, not my personal opinion.

I am any and everyone's equal as a human being and I am better than no one and no one is better than me. But, I could never again say that I had only had 100% hetero sex! The taste of cum in my mouth and my hole and space between my buttcheeks was wet from my ass being fucked and functioning as pussy for a man! I didn't say I was a pussy, but that my ass had FUNCTIONED as one and that is a fact that I could no longer say I didn't have a clue as to what that felt like! But, I loved it so much, it didn't matter! I was actually proud of myself for being brave enough to explore my sexuality! And much to my surprise didn't feel guilty about it whatsoever!

I also remember one man helping me rationalize and feel better about being a cock and cum slut, telling me that yes, indeed, society considers a male sucking dick and being fucked "queer", but it was NOT "queer" for me personally -- it was right and natural and the way I was supposed to have sex and that I was born this way (apologies to Lady Gaga) !!

That guys like me, who preferred taking cock and cum and pleasing men had been around since the beginning of time and would always be around!

And the man told me that he was 100% a Top and didn't have a clue as to how I sublimated my masculinity to suck dick or take cock in my bottom, but he sure loved the fact I did and that I was different than him! It takes a Top and a bottom to have man2man sex, even if one or both is versatile, one or both of them is topping and bottoming at various times. He liked me, not inspite of the fact I loved cock, but BECAUSE I liked cock! And that I had a LOT of advantages over women sexually! The man actually PREFERRED another man himself sucking his dick or fucking! Don't know whether to call him str8, bi or gay, but he knows what he knows and he knows guys suck dick better and are pretty good fucks and we are always just as horny for his cock and cum as he is for us, with no games to play or hoops to jump thru like women have a tendancy to make their men do just to get a little head or a little pussy.

I thought about how I am never happier than when I have a cock in me -- either end. And I know the other man is totally loving it too.

And I got interested in the spiritual aspect of it -- when two men share such ecstacy and giving and oneness and physical connectivity.

I began to read things about "The Holy Temple Of Priapus". The Priapus ceremony of the sacred sperm. Praise be to the almighty, life giving cock and it's sacred seed.

And about where some men gather to actually worship. Saying, "Our scripture is ancient. We worship the old Greek god of fertility -- Priapus. They practice the rites and rituals involve male bonding of a special sort. Normally ending with an orgy where each member offers himself to the others as a vessel for their sacred sperm, the source of all life."

My core principle is that I am FOR anything that unites us and AGAINST anything that divides us, so never been a big fan of religion since it has historically and still is, one the planet's most divisive institutions and I am talking about ALL the major religions who advocate their dogma that they are right and everyone else is wrong and going to hell. The only exception I can think of is maybe Zen Buddhists where there only dogma is that they don't have any dogma and what is, is and what ain't, ain't and to live in the now and that life unfolds just the way a flower does. You disagree? That's Ok and YOUR experience. But don't go telling everyone that is the right and only way. It's Ok if you like chocolate and I like vanilla and neither of us is "right" or "wrong" about it.

But, worshipping Priapus is a religion I might could get behind! How fun would church be then!? Worshiping cock! And viewing cum as sacred! Fantastic!

I haven't researched it enough to know whether there really is such a thing. But, in this big, wide, wonderful world, I wouldn't be a bit surprised it there wasn't somewhere where men gather and worship Priapus. My imagination is pretty vivid and active, so I bet I could write a story of the Church of Priapus and the rituals men perform in that church -- maybe someday I'll write what I would envision the Chruch of Priapus would be like. Love to hear any of you reader's ideas or thoughts too!

Here are some other things I read about it. Hey, just go to nifty dot org and search on Priapus or cock Worshiping and find out more than I could ever share here in this blog. But here's a few things I found interesting.

That it was based on an ancient pagan religious rite that worshipped fertility, particularly the male organ. It was seen as the giver of life. The god was the symbol for all cocks. Seed is offered up so that the earth would be productive. It believed that sex with other males made them better people and stronger generators of life giving seed.

I've always said that I personally thought that the more men got a nice blowjob now and then, something I believe men richly deserve and I totally loving giving them, the better off this old world would be! Way less stress and tension in the world! So, I am sucking cock for world peace! LOL! Seriously, there is or was a website called "Suck Dick, Save the World" and I should investigate whether it still exists.

And here is one I thought was REALLY great. "It's an honor to be a cum dump. Cum is the holiest of sacraments ... Between a man's legs swings God Himself. The sacrament of life flows through a man's cock in the form of his sacred cum. It is the holiest of CUM-munions. All human life comes from cum. It is the source of life and is to be treated as the holy sacrament that it is. Sacred vessels, known as cum dumps, are a gift to the God of Primal Lust within all men. Some guys were placed here to be cum dumps, to worship and serve the God within us all, and others are here to allow the Lord of the b**sts, the Primal God of Cock - Priapus, to express Himself to the fullest through the GodCock."

I too have always been fascinated by the fact that a man's cum is his seed, his spermal essence, his DNA and it is actually still alive and swimming around inside me for awhile! And it absorbs into my blood stream! Becoming a part of me! Very bonding! And how it sure as hell beats being bonded as blood brothers! I'd rather a man share his semen with me than his blood anyday!

Wow! I wish I knew exactly where all I got all this stuff from, so I could credit them properly, but it's on Nifty. And my apologies to you if you were the original author of any of this stuff and I'll be glad to edit it out if you object.

But, I always somehow HAVE felt it an honor and privilege to be allow to suck dick and take it up my little ass and even more so to be a repository for the results of their pleasure -- their cum! And yes, it always feels VERY spiritual to me. So, to read something like that, to think about someone writing that it is an honor to be a cum dump, a sacred vessel and that we were placed here for that purpose and that men had cum-munions is just frankly hot to me.

Enough for now. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
द्वारा प्रकाशित Jami-DFW
7 वर्षो पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
towanda 1 महीना पूर्व
प्रति phalluster : I’ve cum in a few women’s mouth but only one enjoyed me doing it. But men on the other hand are normally quite excited about me cumming in their mouth. It is a very wonderful feeling of having a man cum in my mouth. I love sucking cock and the oral sex isn’t complete until I’ve had the chance of sucking them after they cum. 
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं
phalluster 1 महीना पूर्व
प्रति towanda : So we’ll said. I’ve only cum in one woman’s mouth, and that is a big part of why I married her. I came in 20 or 30 men’s mouths before that and several more after. Now my desire is to make a man cum in my mouth. The ultimate act of masculinity.
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं
phalluster 1 महीना पूर्व
I love your philosophy. To me men sharing their cocks with each other is the ultimate in masculinity.
जवाब दें
black4porn 1 वर्ष पूर्व
Your words give New meaning to dick suckers. From your experiences, meanings, explanations I WOULD SURELY LOVE for you to suck my dick and give ME to give you My Essence
जवाब दें
Dreadfaggotrobert 1 वर्ष पूर्व
प्रति viddy33 : Kneeling before a man, taking his soft cock in my mouth, worshiping it, coaxing it to hardness. I show my devotion to every inch of the Phallus until I am rewarded by feeling it swell in my mouth before spurts of sweet semen flood my mouth enriching my soul as I eagerly swallow it down
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं
towanda 2 वर्षो पूर्व
You are a great writer. I believe what you are saying is true.  To me there is no better experience that m2m oral sex. Cumming in another man’s mouth is the greatest feeling a man could have. I also crave having a man’s cock in my mouth, for me pleasure it the best way he likes it. The first time I came in a person’s mouth it was a man. It was such a great feeling. After I came he continued sucking on my cock just the way I liked it, and he kept sucking me even after I became soft. I am fascinated when I see videos of men cumming because I know exactly how he is feeling when the cum flow starts. I don’t have a lot of experience but I believe you 100% when you say men suck cock better than women. Saying only 2% of women enjoy sucking cock and letting you cum in their mouth is pretty close. I have had sex with many women and I have only met one woman who enjoyed my cumming in her mouth. And she swallowed my cum without missing a stoke. She even sucked me until I became soft after I told her I thought it would feel wonderful. When she did keep sucking me, I proved to myself that the enjoyment was everything I thought it would be. I long to have a cock in my mouth and do all I can do to pleasure another man, knowing that he wants to do the same for me. You are right in that the world needs more of that. I have only let 2 men cum in my mouth and I am looking forward to the day when I am with another man I feel comfortable with, and someone I share interests with, to suck his cock for as long as he can hold back and then have a very intense orgasm in my mouth. I also look forward to meeting another man who feels the same way I do. 
जवाब दें
viddy33 3 वर्षो पूर्व
LOVE   guys like you that   take this a to a deeper/higher level  ..personally the idea  of ritual , worship  in a communal  sense with others is soooo much more erotic  not to mention bonding on more levels then just the mere physical ..i could on about sex majic   but yeah  enjoyed that post immensely !!
जवाब दें
CumFetishFag 4 वर्षो पूर्व
Yes exactly the spiritual ritual ancient rite and desire for cum
जवाब दें
Cumsperma666 5 वर्षो पूर्व
worship cum and cock!
जवाब दें
renegadebob2 5 वर्षो पूर्व
love cock
जवाब दें
Mexbule2007 5 वर्षो पूर्व
beautiful writing
जवाब दें
SissyGurl1 7 वर्षो पूर्व
Hot writing it has me going. I love nothing more than to get dressed up for my daddy. Pretty panties, pantyhose and little bra. Where will he cum is something I always wonder as daddy has come in my mouth, shot it all over my face, you name it. But I think I like it best when he sperms my little butthole. Grunting while balls deep up my dirty ass hole. I'm going to have to stroke my cock right now just thinking about this lol. Daddy on top of me, me out flat on my tummy taking his big thick penis. He has me whimpering like a little gurl. His sissy gurl.
जवाब दें
I always feel more sublimated, more submissive when I have a cock up my ass. I love being able to turn a guy on and have him use my body to get off . Thanks for this insightful posting.
जवाब दें
billieearls 7 वर्षो पूर्व
I also love having a cock in my mouth and making it explode into my mouth. I woulod do this every day if I had the chance but I don't.
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