Holly Willoughby and The Work Experience Lad Part

Holly Willoughby and The Work Experience Lad Part 21

We were sat in Fearne's spacious living room, Holly and Fearne still had their uniforms on. They both looked so beautiful. Fearne then got a text, confirming that the new house that they had bought was there's and that we could do as we pleased with it. Holly and Fearne already had there ideas and they were amazing ones.
"Jack me and you need to go now." Holly said to me.
"Come and look at the house tomorrow then, I'll send you the address." Fearne said.
Me and Holly left Fearne's house but before we left Holly got changed into something more appropriate for going out in public in. She changed into some black heels with black trousers and a white and pink patterned top.
"Come on Jack we need to go shopping." Holly said.
We drove from Fearne's house into central London and decided to go shopping on Oxford street and Carnaby Street. Holly heeded for Topshop to buy some clothes for this morning. I sat and waited and when she came out of the fitting room. She'd ask me if the outfit looked good. Every outfit looked amazing on her and Holly must have spent a hell of a lot of money in there.
"You hungry Jack I know I am." Holly said.
"Yeah I am." I replied.
"Mum will you pick the k**s up from school please." Holly said on the phone.
"My mum will pick the k**s up we've got loads of time Jack." Holly said.
We headed into this beautiful little cafe on the corner of a side street. Holly knew the owner and we were greeted with a warm welcome.
"Hello Holly how are you." The owner says walking over to us.
"Hello Dave this is Jack." Holly says pointing at me.
"Lovely to meet you Jack." He says shaking my hand.
"Lovely to meet you to Dave." I reply in a quiet voice.
"What would you like then guys." Dave says.
"Erm I'll have the club sandwich and a coke please." Holly said.
"Brown or white bread." Dave says.
"Brown please." Holly replies.
"What about you Jack." He asks.
"The same please." I reply.
"Ok then coming right up." He says.
"So Jack how did you like Zoe's and how did you like earlier." Holly asked me.
"They were both amazing, thanks for all of this you have all gone above and beyond for me and I really appreciate it thank you." I say.
"Awh that's ok sweet pea, we all love having you around." Holly replies.
Not long afterwards the food arrives. The sandwiches look delicious we sit and tuck in and carry on talking.
"Yeah Jack we all love having you around." Holly says.
"Are you sure I feel like I'm a burden on you all." I reply.
"Don't be daft, you are amazing Jack so amazing, lovely, kind helpful, belle came up to me yesterday and said she really likes you." Holly said.
"Awh thanks you've made me feel really at home here." I say
After lunch we decide to continue shopping and Holly has some places she wants to go.
"Jack id like to go to a couple of shops Ann summers being one and some others I'll buy you some stuff as well." Holly said.
We walked down Oxford street and we found Ann summers. I'd never been in one before and I was intrigued at what Holly wanted to buy. Holly and I headed inside the shop was a large one. We headed for the lingerie section and unsurprisingly Holly had been recognised.
"Oh my god it's Holly Willoughby." One of the girls working in the shop said.
"Can I have a photo please." She asked.
"Of course you can darling." Holly said.
They took a couple of selfies together and I stood watching.
"I need your help." Holly said to the girl.
"What with." The girl replied.
"I need some things for a party later." Holly said.
Did I here this right a party. I became immediately excited by the prospect of another party. The previous ones had turned out to be fun to say the least.
"Oh ok what sort of things are you after." The girl asked.
"Naughty lingerie, maybe some bondage stuff and some sex toys and some naughty uniforms." Holly whispered to the girl.
We walked around the shop and Holly bought a lot of stuff for this party later. I think she must of spent over a £1000 in the shop.
"We having a party." I asked as we were leaving the shop.
"Yeah a house warming one." Holly replied.
"Oh ok who's invited." I ask.
"That's a surprise my dear boy." Holly replied.
"Let's get you some stuff then Jack eh." Holly said.
We walked around central London and I picked up some clothes a new tailor fitted suit along with a car. I'd recently passed my test and Holly Willoughby bought me my first car. I needed to get her something in return.
"Holly I'll be back in a minute I need the toilet." I said.
I'd hatched a plan to get something if this didn't work or if Holly didn't like what I was getting her I'd have been the most stupid man in Britain. I had some money on me a couple of hundred pounds. I headed into a jewellers and found exactly what I was looking for a beautiful necklace and a ring they both looked beautiful and perfect for Holly. I bought them both there and then. I'd been gone about 15 minutes and began making my way back to Holly I'd hidden the bag so that she wouldn't know what I'd bought her.
"Ah there you are." Holly said.
We continued to walk around central London and the sun began to set. We were outside Waterloo Station as it did and we kissed under the Waterloo sunset it was extremely beautiful.
Ah Waterloo sunsets fine.
We headed back to Holly's car and headed home. After all we had a party to host.
"k**s your at grans tonight." Holly said walking in.
"Ok." Her eldest replied.
I felt kind of bad because Holly had been spending less and less time with those who were the most important to her and I think that was down to me.
"Holly I feel like I'm interfering with you and your little ones time together." I say.
"You're not Jack really your not we've had this party planed since we got the house. Tomorrow and Sunday me you and the little ones can head out that sound good." Holly said.
"Yeah it does anyway let's get ready then." Holly said.
We headed straight upstairs into the bathroom and undressed. Each other. I remove her White and pink patterned top and her bra exposing those lovely breasts of hers. Holly meanwhile removes my t shirt not with force gently exposing my skinny body. I the begin to gently caress Holly's lovely bottom with my hands and then gently lower the trousers. Holly kicks her shoes off and quick removes my jeans and my boxer shorts. I'm now naked in front of Holly Willoughby.
"Jack remove my knickers lovely." Holly says.
I had gone into a trance my eyes focused on exactly what was in front of me. Holly should be named the eighth wonder of the world. I did exactly what she said and we stepped inside the steaming hot shower. The water covered our bodies and we grabbed a sponge and some soap and got each other lovely and soapy. Running our bodies over one and other we slid everywhere. Holly let's her boobs near my face. I'm surprised I didn't suffocate underneath them.
"You like that Jack." Holly asked.
"Yes I can't believe your doing all of this with me." I say.
"Well I am and you deserve it sweet pea." Holly says.
The water hits the soap suds and makes them run off our bodies. I grab some shampoo and so does Holly and we set about on doing each other's hair.
I begin to massage the shampoo into Holly's long blonde hair it feels amazing. Holly does the same with me she rubs the shampoo into my short black hair. Then we lean back and let the water do its thing.
We step outside of the shower and grab a towel each and dry off.
"Come on Jack let's decide what to wear." Holly says.
"Jack just wear something casual sweet pea." Holly says.
I decide to wear some jeans a polo shirt and some trousers meanwhile Holly decides to wear a black leather skirt with a black top and black heels.
"I've gone for the evil look Jack." Holly said.
She applied some sexy dark burgundy lipstick she looked like a villain but a beautiful one.
"Jack stay still." Holly said.
She decided to make look like she'd given me a love bite on my neck. Or at least that's what I thought. I felt her teeth sink in however it didn't hurt I had a love bite from a goddess. We were ready to go. Holly's mum had been and gone the car was full of the things for the party.
"Let's go then Jack." Holly said

To be continued xxx
❤️ Jack xxxxx
द्वारा प्रकाशित JackRoden
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