Older black dominant female. Black goddess worship

I met a dominant older 52 year old Black goddess with a big round but and big titties and a huge clit, on a Chicago party line. I must of spent about 300 dollars over the summer on those chat lines and spoke to many many pay to play women. But that's not what I was looking for. I was looking for a sincere dominant woman who wanted to explore with a masculine man who wanted to be submissive and serve his black goddess. She was not into the pay to play but was looking to enjoy a guy her style.

We finally met at her place. It was a short dan ryan expressway ride to her house.
I brought my bag of dildos, butt plug, nipple clamps and flog. I have a huge red 8" thick jelly dildo. ( the one in my Videos) Well we met and chatted a bit in her living room and got comfortable. I was very nervous but horny and willing. We then went upstairs to her bed room and she put on rubber gloves and began to lube her hand. She instructed me undress and I immediately obeyed.
She then ordered me in from of her as my cock was at attention.

She grabbed my nipples and squeezed them. Then she grabbed my nuts and gently but firmly squeezed them also. She clamped my nipples and I knew the best was coming. She then had me get doggy style and lubed my asshole and pulled out the red dildo. She pressed the cock head against my tight puckered asshole. It popped in in with a little effort! It hurt sooo good as she slowly opened me up. It hurt soooo good and and in no time she was fucking me forcefully and deep. I felt like cumming just from her dildoing me!!! I think she was hitting my prostate, and was really about to cum.
She then got on the bed's edge and ordered me to lick ONLY her asshole !
She did not allow me to lick her humongous dick like clit!!!!! And I mean a huge penis looking erect clit. I wanted to so bad and was begging her permission to suck on it! But she said that was not for me, only for her boyfriend. I continued to suck and tongue fuck her sweet black asshole for a minimum of 30 minutes until my jaw was hurting badly. I heard and felt her cumming !!
I kept sucking my mistress's asshole !!! She then ordered me to jag off and cum in my hand. She then had me dress and sent me on my merry way!!!
I met with her another two time and had similar experiences and realy enjoyed her. !!!!

This is a real story and one of my best experiences to date !!
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