Sebastian and Nicolas A Father/Son Love Story

Sebastian and Nicolas
A Love story between a father and son

Carrying a knapsack with his worldly possessions, fifteen-year-old Nicolas rode up the elevator to the seventh floor with the policeman. The elevator doors open into a broad corridor leading to the apartment, which occupies the entire end of the building. Nicolas has not seen his father since he was three years old, so he had no idea what to expect. His mother had said only negative things about Sebastian his entire life. He was now only walking toward apartment 7B with the Officer because of his mother. Yes, Sebastian had been a professional dominator to support himself through medical school. Sebastian had kept his two lives separate. He was a dedicated student and a man who popped the whip and dropped hot wax on various body parts. In an accidental meeting, a former client meets him with his wife. Inge doesn't buy the old-school pal story and begins doing some investigating. In the process, she discovers Sebastian's former secret life. Inge wants Nicolas, and the courts prevent Sebastian from ever seeing or being in the presence of his son again.

A new man entered Inge's life and clashed with Nicolas. After getting the proper court papers approved on her testimony, Inge evicted Nicolas with what he could carry in a bag. Her influence allowed for a police escort to return Nicolas to Sebastian. Hence, the policeman is standing behind Nicolas.
Sebastian was happy living alone in his spacious apartment with modern Spartan furniture. Several Bjorn Lowgren geometric prints hung on the ultra-white walls. The day the police delivered Nicolas to Sebastian changed Sebastian's life.
Responding to the doorbell ringing, Sebastian, clad in a pair of flimsy workout shorts, answers the door. A police officer and a young man are standing before him. The policeman spoke, "If you are Sebastian Svenson, my orders are to deliver your son into your custody."
Sebastian sees a 15-year-old athlete, his son Nicolas. At just over six feet tall, lithe, square nordic jaw, a blonde youth, Nicolas, stands before Sebastian.
"Oh, yes, I'm Svenson. What's this?" Sebastian replied.
"I'm going to be living with you. Mom's new boyfriend threw me out, and if I stayed with you, I could continue at the same school until the end of the year. What do you think?"
"Do I have a choice? I don't mean that in a mean way. It's such a surprise, that's all.
Taken aback by the situation, Sebastian welcomes his son.
"Of course, you can stay with me. The apartment is plenty big with three bedrooms. Thank you, Officer. Nicolas, come on inside. Sure, you're welcome. We'll have a learning curve until we get to know one another."
Nicolas grabs his bag, passes through the foyer, and enters the living room.
Without Sebastian and Nicolas acknowledging the instantaneous reality, the father felt a deep love for his son, both emotional and sexual, and the son was instantly overwhelmed by his love for his father.
Sebastian, now 47, still had the body of a footballer. Sebastian grew into a six-foot-one-inch tall 190-pound athlete. A terror on the soccer field, he shielded his desires from his teammates and married, a marriage that produced Nicolas. With his somewhat revealing workout shorts, Sebastian couldn't help but notice his son, the slender weightlifter eyeing his endowment. On soft, it was a comfortable seven plump inches, and erect, it was well above nine inches and ungodly thick.
Sebastian begins, "This is an extraordinary situation, and we'll make the best of it. Have a seat on the couch, and I'll get us something to drink."
Sebastian returns and hands Nicolas a Fanta. "So tell me what happened."
"Mom let Sven move in. Sven didn't like all the freedom Mom had given me. We butted heads, and Sven made me out to be disruptive and antagonizing, even when I hadn't done anything wrong."
"I see. Sven wanted to throw me out into the street, but Mom didn't want that, so she got her lawyer friend to vacate the order that prevented you from being in my life. So here I am."
After a more general conversation, Sebastian led Nicolas to his room. Sebastian, however, had to calm himself down as he was feeling a rush of sexual energy and didn't want Nicolas to see him with an erection. When Sebastian could finally relax his dick, he stood up and led Nicolas to his bedroom.
"This is your room. Other than black, you can do with it as you will. There's plenty of closet room, and that door leads to the guest bathroom. I'll move the TV from the kitchen into here. We can talk about eating and other schedules over time. Why don't you rest a little? Boy, your being here is such a surprise. I don't want to mention the obvious, but you were out of my life once my ex-wife got full custody and a lifelong restraining order. Now you have returned, so we are more like two strangers getting to know one another. We'll have to see how things turn out."
Sebastian was so impressed with Nicolas's presence that he went into his bathroom and jacked his dick. Sebastian also put on underwear that hid his package. He didn't want Nicolas to get any sexual ideas.
Nicolas put his items in the dresser and hung his shirts and trousers in the closet. Sebastian's image remained at the forefront of Nicolas's mind. Nicolas rubbed his dick, which had become erect, only thinking about how hot his Dad was. Nicolas grabbed some toilet paper, returned to the bed, lowered his pants and underwear, and shot a big load while concentrating on his Dad.
Despite Sebastian's love, coupled with a tenacious lust, Sebastian didn't want to respond to the desire he felt. However, now there is a constant undercurrent of sex and passion. Nicolas looked forward to being with his Dad. They breakfasted together. Nicolas left to catch the bus, and Sebastian went to his office. After work, Sebastian returned home to prepare dinner for the pair. TV, a little conversation, and a healthy amount of video games filled the evenings.
The times were not always compatible. Some evenings Sebastian would work out at the Sturebadet gym. Some afternoons, Nicolas would practice with his soccer mates or work out at the school gym. If it were a day Sebastian worked out and Nicolas didn't have practice, Nicolas would have the apartment alone for at least three hours. Most of the time, Nicolas would do homework and game online until Sebastian returned home.
One afternoon, however, after practice ended early, Nicolas invited one of his teammates to visit, which turned into an intimate encounter. Unknown to Nicolas and his friend Dolph, Sebastian's office lost its electricity, so Sebastian headed home for a relaxing afternoon as Nicolas was playing soccer. With no particular reason for quiet behavior, Sebastian thrust the key into the lock in a prolonged and subtle manner. The door swung open in total silence. Sebastian closed the door without making any noise. Expecting silence, Sebastian hears low, muffled tones as a distant echo through the rock-hard brilliant white Spartan walls. Sebastian walks toward the kitchen, but the sounds don't get louder. The sounds got louder as Sebastian headed down the hallway to the two suites and a bedroom. The muffled sounds have vanished, but Sebastian hears a quiet slurping sound. Sebastian discovers Nicolas on his knees sucking Dolph Lundquist's dick. Sebastian, taken back by the present moment, freezes, retreats, and leaves the apartment.
Sebastian has the answer to the question that has been gnawing at him since he first laid eyes on Nicolas. "What were Nicolas's sexual inclinations?" Sebastian's quandary became greater. The activity of his dominating men boiled up from the depths of his memory. To satisfy his periodic sexual needs, Sebastian would occasionally go to a gay bar and find a companion for the evening to get his rocks off. Despite his love and lust for Nicolas, Sebastian convinced himself that the gay bar pattern would satisfy his desires. Sebastian would suppress any urge to engage with Nicolas on a sexual level. Despite the allure his son engendered, Sebastian would not cross that bridge, the great taboo.
However, while rummaging around the storage room in the apartment, Nicolas finds Sebastian's old trunk with an assortment of sexual toys.
After a few weeks of keeping his knowledge of the toy trunk hidden inside him, Nicolas decided to bring the subject to Sebastian's attention.
"Dad, there's something I want to ask you about."
"What's that, Son?"
"A couple of weeks ago, I thought I'd rearrange the storage room. We threw the new TV box in there, and I wanted to get rid of it. In straightening things up, I discovered an old trunk."
"That trunk."
"Yes, and like any curious person, I opened it and found quite a few sex toys. Why do you have them? Are you going to use them on me?"
"No. Those toys are from another time in my life, and I don't know why I keep them."
"But why would you have them?"
"I have a confession I have to make; they are why your mother threw me out of your life. To support myself through medical school, I earned my way by being a dominator. I wasn't happy with the work, but it paid well, and I always had clients. Look at me. Men wanted me to dominate them; I did it to support myself."
"Will you dominate me? That's the type of father I have wanted all along."
"Are you sure you know what you're saying?"
Sebastian holds back and remains quiet.
"Please say you will. Won't you spank me with that short whip? Bend my virgin ass over your knee and swat me with the whip, not to bring blood or anything. Or at least not now."
Nicolas's openness with Sebastian causes Sebastian to become instantly erect.
"I can see you are erect. Will you show it to me? I know it's big. And looking at a big dick is so satisfying. You want me satisfied, don't you?"
"Do you realize what you are suggesting? Do you recognize if I get sexual with you, we are about to cross one of the greatest taboos of western culture - i****t? If I show you my dick and want to show you my dick, you don't know how bad I want to show you my dick, and the primitive urge would override tradition. What can I say? I fell in love with you when you stood before me in the doorway the day you came to live with me."
"And what do you think I felt when I saw my father? I drank in your manliness, athletic build, and handsome face. I fell in love, also. I'm not asking for sex; I only want you to show me your dick."
Overcome by Nicolas's emotional plea, Sebastian undoes his zipper, lowers his drawers, and reveals his majestic log to show his son.
"Dad, you could choke me with that. You could kill me if you put that down my throat and didn't remove it."
"I'm not giving you a chance."
"But, Dad, I love you. Won't you at least let me hold it?"
"If I do that, I know what your mouth will do. You'll go down on me, and then we will have sex. I'm not ready to cross that line," Sebastian replies as he places his erection back in his pants.
"Oh, Dad, why are you teasing me? Why are you treating me so mean?"
"I'm not treating you so mean. You have Dolph to enjoy."
"How do you know about Dolph?"
"I came home early a while ago. For some reason, I was in the mood to be completely quiet when I entered the apartment. I expected you to be at practice. After I stepped inside, I heard mumbling and followed the sound to your bedroom. You were on your knees when I looked through the open door, sucking Dolph. It's what I would expect from two well-buffed youthful athletes."
"Practice ended early that day, and I thought you'd go from the office to the gym."
"We have quite a dilemma here. A dad has fallen in love with his son, and the son has fallen in love with the father. If we act on that love, we violate the harshest taboos in our culture. Let's take some time to come to grips with this situation."
"I know what the solution will be. I love you, and you love me, so what's the problem? It's all in your mind."
"Enough. Your teenage enthusiasm wants what it wants. We have to think of society."
"Do you think of society when you pick up a strange man at a gay bar?"
"I'm not going to argue over love. We're talking about sex."
"And what's wrong with sex?"
"Nothing, but not between father and son."
"That's the way you see things. I don't care what other people think. I want you to possess me. I want you to dominate me, and I know you will. Maybe not now, maybe not today, but you can't resist me any more than I can resist you."
Sebastian turned and walked away.
Nicolas felt defeated, but he wouldn't let this conclusion rest. Despite his athletic build and physical beauty, Nicolas was also brilliant.
Weeks passed, and Nicolas didn't bring up the subject again. Sebastian avoided any situation that would place him in naked proximity to Nicolas. Sebastian locked his bathroom door when he showered, so Nicolas couldn't barge in and get close to him. However, the undercurrent of sexual tension remained. Nicolas was not above accidentally brushing up against Sebastian when they were preparing meals in the kitchen. Sebastian knew what Nicolas was doing.
Sebastian spoke openly to Nicolas, "If you are so horny for sex, I have no problems with you and Dolph getting together in the apartment. Just let me know so I don't walk in on you. Get your sex with Dolph. He's a good-looking young athlete."
"But, Dad, you don't understand. Dolph doesn't want to fuck. The most he'll do is jack off or suck dick, and that's not what gets me going. I want you to dominate me."
"Nicolas, I want you to know I'm having difficulty being around you. Your presence causes me to think about the seriousness of i****t. You don't see us doing anything wrong, but it's not right."
"So the problem is not my desire and openness but your old-fashioned idea about remaining pure regarding your son. Your son is not pure. He's had several sexual encounters growing up. Boys want to explore sex once they learn what their dicks can do."
"My mind is made up. Nothing is going to happen between us."
"It's your loss."
"Don’t I know it? You’re aggressive, hot, and handsome. If I could choose a young man for sex, I would choose you.”
“There. You’ve made my argument.”
That conversation ended in a draw. Nicolas accepted his momentary defeat, but he still had another idea. He would catch Sebastian off guard. Nicolas calculated Sebastian’s movements and chose a moment when Nicolas would have a slight advantage.
When Sebastian came home in the evening, he would enter the foyer and place his items on the bench. Nicolas calculated Sebastian’s vulnerability at that time because Sebastian wouldn’t expect Nicolas to be anywhere around.
A couple of weeks passed without Nicolas hinting at the potential sexual relationship, but Nicolas had not given up. One evening when Sebastian returned home, Nicolas hid behind the foyer wall. After depositing his coat on the bench, Sebastian stood up. At that moment, Nicolas lunged at his father, wrapping his arms around him and planting a passionate kiss on Sebastian’s lips. Before he could consciously respond, Sebastian kissed Nicolas with the same fervor Nicolas had kissed him.
At that moment, the resistance that had formed his unwavering opinion vanished. The barrier split open, and the wall crumbled as Sebastian accepted the love between Nicolas and him. Sebastian kissed Nicolas with abandon. The kiss was lengthy, even though Sebastian didn’t want to reveal to Nicolas that Nicolas had won. When their lips part, Nicolas looks into Sebastian’s eyes, saying, “You do love me that deeply, don’t you?”
“How could I not love you?” Sebastian replies as he grips Nicolas’s arms, freeing him from the unexpected embrace.
At that point, Sebastian knew that he would have sex with Nicolas. Sebastian didn’t know precisely when that interaction would occur.

The afternoon Sebastian decided was the time to relate entirely to Nicolas. Sabastian was at home when Nicolas returned from practice. Father and son exchanged greetings, and Nicolas announced he would freshen up. Unabashedly, Sebastian waited until he heard the shower was full blast before undressing, tossing his clothes on the sofa, and stepping into the shower beside his son.
“Soap my back” were the words that began the love both men felt for one another. Nicolas immediately grew erect. Sebastian gazed at his six-foot son holding an eight-and-a-half-inch dick of great thickness.
“Now reach a little lower and soap my ass. Reach inside my asscrack, and soap my hole. And I’ll bet you can’t do it without oozing pre-cum. I would enjoy seeing that meat of yours showing how turned on you are.”
Nicolas remained silent but followed Sebastian’s command. As his hand slid between his Dad’s ass cheeks, his dick became engorged. Sebastian looked down proudly at his son’s huge dick, now flooded with blood.
“Down on your knees in front of me. Suck my dick.”
Nicolas could not believe the fantasies he had created about his Dad were coming true. Internally, rushes of joy coupled with unbelievable wonder flooded Nicolas’ thoughts. Without so much as a second of hesitation, he moved to face his father and fell to his knees. Overwhelmed by the ecstasy he was experiencing, Nicolas stared dumbfounded at the idol in front of him.
“So you’re going to look at it? At least put your hand around it if you aren’t going to start sucking it.”
His Dad’s words jarred his consciousness. He didn’t need a second command to hold on to the beefy stone hard monster before him.
Sebastian’s dick was a picture of ideal manhood. Nicolas slowly pulled back the foreskin, exposing a mushroom head that needed sucking. Nicolas grabbed Sebastian’s thighs as he moved forward, absorbing as much of his father’s dick as he could. After sucking him for a while, Nicolas spoke, “I want you to fuck me and rough me up. I want your strength to overwhelm me.”
“For this time, our first time, I want to shoot my load down your throat. I want you to taste my sperm. Fucking and domination will come later.”
Nicolas squeezes his Dad’s dick and continues to suck, taking as much of the thick fat monster as he can.
“As you suck, lick the underside of the head. Now let my foreskin cover the head. Tongue the head under the foreskin.” Sebastian looks down and sees the pre-cum flowing out of Nicolas’s dick. “Son, before you get me off, stand up. I want to taste your pre-cum.” Nicolas starts shaking and trembling as he stands. Sebastian drops to his knees and slurps the pre-cum dripping from Nicolas’s full-sized dick. Nicolas grabs Sebastian’s head to maintain his balance. “Dad, oh, Dad, I can hardly stand.”
Sebastian rises. “On your knees again. You’re going to pull my load into your mouth. You’re going to digest your father’s sperm. Going to bed Tonight, you’ll have something to think about when you jack off. And at your age, you will jack yourself remembering this event. Now, suck with more pressure and work your tongue. I’m getting close. If you want to jack yourself, we can come simultaneously. I’ll let you know when I’m ready. Are you close?”
Nicolas responds, “Just let me know when you’re cumming. I can cum anytime.”
Sebastian thrusts his fully engorged dick into Nicolas’s throat, causing him to gag.
“You wanted some domination. I’m getting ready to shoot.” Sebastian pulls out so Nicolas can breathe. “Take it, Son. Take my load.”
A massive amount of Sebastian’s sperm fills Nicolas’s mouth as Nicolas shoots his load onto the shower stall’s floor. Nicolas swirls the sperm around the inside of his mouth before swallowing the precious fluid. Sebastian looks proudly at the teenage load spreading out around his feet.
Nicolas stands and embraces his father, “Thank you, Dad. Thank you. I knew we would become as one.” Nicolas places his lips against his father’s. The kiss begins softly and intensifies the longer they embrace.
When the lengthy kiss ends, Nicolas pulls back and says, “I know this is only the beginning. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Son.” An embrace ensues with a passionate kiss.
Sebastian and Nicolas leave the shower, dry off, dress casually, and enter the living room. Sebastian seats himself across from Nicolas. “Now, we do have to talk.”
“I’m listening,” Nicolas replies.
“There are a few things we have to get straight.”
“I understand.”
“First, I will be your lover and sex partner.”
“That’s what I have wanted to hear for so long.”
“However, there are a few things we have to get straight. You will be turning 16 shortly. Your only sexual experience has been with Dolph, or have there been others?”
“A couple of boys when I turned 12, but there was no fucking, only jacking and sucking.”
“O.K. We’ll start from the beginning then. You are essentially a virgin, and you want me to plug your ass with my rod. You want me to dominate you. I can do that with my fists and fingers. Later, I can use toys. I want our life together to be a journey that begins with the first step we shared in the shower stall. You want everything at once, and I’m telling you I want to take this trip together in small steps. I know you can’t wait until I fuck you and even jam my fist up your ass. I’m not saying that can’t happen. I’m saying that hardcore sex will happen a little farther down the road as we experience one another. We can kiss and fondle each other at any time, but I will control the type of sex we’ll share. That is the first step in domination. Do you understand?”
“I understand. Won’t I be able to ask you for sex when I want it?”
“Knowing you as I do, you’ll be asking me for sex all the time. Let me tell you one thing. As hot as it is between us, and now that I’ve shed my old ideas, I want to have sex with you often. However, if we are in this relationship for the long haul, we must keep the desire and lust as fresh and new as possible. The way we do that is not to have sex three times a day, every day. We’ll have sex, and plenty of it, but we won’t wear out the desire. No matter how hot we find each other now, sex can grow old with the same partner regardless of your youth and beauty and my sexual gifts.”
Nicolas got the message.
Sebastian, with the perspective of age, controlled the sexual moments. He withheld fucking Nicolas for several months. Nicolas begged Sebastian many times for him to fuck him. Sebastian would single-finger Nicolas’s ass, making Nicolas want his father’s dick more intensely. Sebastian was playing the long game with Nicolas. Sebastian created a mounting desire in his 16-year-old son.
One Saturday at about noontime, standing under the nearly scalding hot water in the Sturebadet gym, Sebastian mused to himself about the attractive youth showering two spaces away. Stepping out of the shower, Sebastian saw a comely youth with a well-honed body, probably in his early twenties. The young man, however, was not a temptation because Sebastian knew what awaited him at home. Oh, how attractive that young man is, he thought, but then his thoughts drifted to the reality of his situation. Sebastian loved his son too much to entertain any dalliance outside their psychological, emotional, and physical bond.
Returning home, Sebastian found Nicolas in the kitchen preparing some light refreshments. Sebastian decided this time they had sex; he would fuck Nicolas. Sebastian wanted to get things going. Standing behind Nicolas, Sebastian embraced him and kissed Nicolas’s neck. To add to the tension, Sebastian, now erect, pressed himself against Nicolas’s ass and rubbed his erection into Nicolas’s clothed asscrack.
“Dad, are you going to fuck me or tease me?”
“We’ll have to see what happens after we eat.”
“Eat each other, maybe?”
Sebastian reaches around and plays with Nicolas’s dick, now filled with blood.
“I’ll bet you’re already oozing pre-cum.”
“Dad, you know when you are this close to me, my body responds involuntarily. Pinch the head and feel the pre-cum spot on my pants.”
Sebastian complies, feels the moistness, pulls away, and sits at the kitchen table. After eating, Sebastian tells Nicolas to stand and tense his stomach muscles. Knowing what he is about to experience, Nicolas willingly obeys. Sebastian stands in front of Nicolas. “Lick my fist.” Nicolas goes weak inside. “Ready?” Sebastian asks. Nicolas nods.
Sebastian rears back and thrusts his fist into Nicolas’s stomach. Nicolas smiles. Sebastian punches him again and again. A fourth time leads Nicolas to embrace his father burying his face in Sebastian’s neck. “Thank you, Dad.” Sebastian places his hand on Nicolas’s scruffed-up hair. Nicolas takes a moment to catch his breath.
Sebastian leaves Nicolas to clean the kitchen while he checks out the cameras covering all angles of the bedroom. Sebastian returns to the living room carrying a 20-inch piece of leather lacing. Sebastian calls Nicolas into the living room and has him strip. Without warning, Sebastian wraps the soft recumbent dick with the lacing. Any arousal is pushing against the leather, causing one’s thoughts to concentrate on the entrapment of the growing dick.
Sebastian flexes his muscles observing Nicolas’s dick pushing beyond the limits of the crisscrossed straps. Both men undress.
Sebastian and Nicolas enter the shower. Sebastian waits for the warm water and maneuvers the wand into Nicolas’s hole, cleaning him out for later activity.
Sebastian is in a particularly tortuous mood. In the bedroom, a gigantic TV shows Daddy/Son porn. Sebastian tells Nicolas to lie on the bed and watch porn with him. No touchy-feely. At about twenty minutes of porn. Sebastian instructs Nicolas to stretch out over his thighs, ass up, and his cock between his legs; Sebastian lays some well-placed swats on Nicolas’s ass.
“You can hit me a little harder. Don’t be afraid. I want to feel you as deeply as I can. There is no pain, only feeling.”
“My son gives me philosophy after I’ve laid a few swats on his ass.”
“I’m serious, Daddy. Make the swats as hard as your punches.”
Sebastian complies. “That’s it, Daddy! Give me one more, please?” Again, he concedes.
“Stay where you are.” Sebastian opens a nearby drawer and pulls out a butt plug. “Lick this plug and make it juicy, so it goes easily into your ass.” Nicolas sucks it and then runs his moistened fingers around the parts he couldn’t reach with his tongue.
Sebastian takes the lubed plug, separates Nicolas’s asscheeks, finds his pink rosebud hole, and inserts the plug. “Now roll over, and we’ll finish watching the movie. Nicolas is in seventh heaven since his asscheeks still burn. His dick sends messages of constraint, and his ass pulsates.
Nicolas has no idea what Sebastian has planned for later.
The two men lie on the bed until the porn video ends. Sebastian reaches over and unties the leather lacings from Nicolas’s dick. A few minutes go by before the indentations on the dick disappear, and the dick explodes in fullness. Sebastian commands Nicolas to roll over on his stomach. Sebastian places several pillows under Nicolas, elevating his ass for easy access. Sebastian attaches Nicolas’s wrists to the headboard.
With the buttplug still in place, Sebastian brings out the short whip and turns Nicolas’s ass an even brighter red than before. Nicolas welcomes the pain of the lashings, which he has longed for since first finding the whip. Without speaking, Sebastian pulls the buttplug out of Nicolas’s ass and pushes it back in again.
“Daddy, I don’t know what you are doing, but I know it’s the proof of love I have wanted for so long.”
Sebastian replies, “Tonight is the night you’ll get my dick up your ass. You’re so young and tight. I’m going to loosen you so you can take me.”
Sebastian brings a box filled with dildos next to the bed. Withdrawing the buttplug for the last time, Sebastian lubes up a small dildo and inserts it into Nicolas’s ass. Sebastian works the dildo until it hits Nicolas’s prostate.
“That’s better than your finger, Daddy.”
“I should hope so. The dildos will get bigger and bigger until your ass opens to take your Daddy’s gift to his son.”
Sebastian plays with the dildo, moving it in and out while twisting it. Another dildo makes its way into Nicolas’s ass. Sebastian leaves this enormous dildo inside Nicolas’s rectum. Sebastian chews on Nicolas’s asscheeks before swatting him again with the short whip. Sebastian releases Nicolas’s bound hands and rolls Nicolas off the pillows, placing his cock next to Nicolas’s mouth.
“Suck it.”
Nicolas, feeling the giant dildo and his enflamed asscheeks, moves quickly to devour Sebastian’s monster cock. With Sebastian's pleasure and pain inflicted upon Nicolas, Nicolas loses himself in the rush of the moment. Sebastian doesn’t back off, pulling Nicolas’s head so far forward that Nicolas gags on the mushroom head, blocking his throat. Sebastian withdraws. Nicolas breathes freely.
Sebastian sees the pre-cum leaking out of Nicolas.
“O.K. Son, now you are ready. Take the pre-cum from your dick and cover my dick with it. After you cover my dick and lube it, I’m getting on my back, and you can straddle my body; I will pull out the large dildo, and your ass will be ready to accept your Daddy’s dick.”
With Nicolas astride Sebastian, Sebastian reaches up and pulls Nicolas’s mouth to his. They kiss intensely. While kissing, Sebastian pulls the dildo from Nicolas’s ass quickly and unexpectedly. Nicolas jerks his entire body while Sebastian holds their mouths together.
“Now, Son, push your ass down on my cock and fill your ass with Daddy’s dick.”
Nicolas loosened to the point of acceptance, he placed the head of Sebastian’s dick against his ass. The bondage of tender love and tortuous lust encompasses Nicolas’s every thought. As Nicolas sits down on his father’s cock, feeling every micro millimeter of assent as he reaches the fuzziness of his father’s pubes, he loses himself in the dream he has imagined since he first saw Sebastian.
With his dick immersed in his son’s ass, Sebastian spreads Nicolas’s pre-cum over his dick as he jacks Nicolas’s engorged cock.
“Oh, Daddy.”
“It’s not over yet,” Sebastian replies as he moves his massive rod inside Nicolas.”
“Yes, Daddy, fuck me. Let me ride you. You feel so good. You know I’ve wanted you inside me since you showed me your huge rod.”
Sebastian’s hand pulls on Nicolas’s well-lubed dick as Nicolas rides his Dad’s cock rapidly and deeply. A rhythm develops.
“Dad, you’re getting me close.”
“And you’re getting me close. Let’s cum together.”
“Oh, Dad, keep fucking me and jacking me, and we’ll cum together.”
Sebastian feels the sperm building inside him. Nicolas feels his Dad’s dick pushing him to the finality of ejaculation.
“Dad, I’m cumming!”
“I’m shooting, too.”
Nicolas, with the youthfulness of a 16-year-old, shoots his first volley into Sebastian’s face. His second volley, enhanced by the throbbing in his ass from Sebastian’s dick, lands on Sebastian’s chest. The third sumptuous volley hits Sebastian’s stomach. The remaining sperm ejects with lesser force. Sebastian’s dick pumps and pumps his cum into Nicolas’s ass. Before withdrawing from Nicolas’s ass, Sebastian’s enormous load leaks out of Nicolas’s ass and covers Sebastian’s pubes.
Nicolas leans forward to kiss Sebastian as Sebastian’s dick slides easily out of Nicolas’s rear. Nicolas stretches out on Sebastian’s body during a kiss that cements this unbelievable moment between the two lovers.
They remain in each other’s arms for a warm afterglow. Leisurely, the men separate. Later, in the shower stall together, the men wash each other’s bodies amid embraces and kisses. Sebastian gives Nicolas one final slap on his ass before the men dry off and get ready for bed.
Father and Son sleep together that night and all the nights afterward.
द्वारा प्रकाशित niceonehere
1 वर्ष पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
प्रति frenchyparis : A Swedish person contacted me... gave me the scenario he wanted me to write, so I learned more about Stockholm.... and voila' the story materialized.  Thank you for your positive comment.
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
Well written, such a wonderful secret mmmmm
जवाब दें
प्रति DadGuyMaddix : A stimulant, to say the least.
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
प्रति niceonehere : It's a ball jolter!
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
प्रति rhubarb10w : Thank you for your extremely complimentary response.
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
प्रति DadGuyMaddix : Glad you enjoyed.  A Swedish guy read some of my stories on GayDemon and asked me to write a father/son story... this is the result.
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
Man, I'm so totally SOLD on this kind of sex... young spunk like that- it's fucking HONEY!  Thanks for posting, Buck!
जवाब दें
Erotic and magnificent - like to be in a threeway with them!
जवाब दें