It's fucking Huge Wife Cheats Blacken

At fifty years of age, I was married, had two grown up k**s, a beautiful home, and a loving husband Ian, who provided for my every wish. Yet here I was being fucked senseless by a youth almost half my age, not only that but I loved it, the sex, the excitement, fearing the possibility of being caught, yet I couldn't stop myself.

Ian, my husband and I had built a successful family construction company, and we had just moved into the international market. This in itself created the problem I now found myself in. Ian had been informed that our host's home would provide our accommodation whilst visiting our newly acquired business contact in Detroit, America. He had called Ian, and spoken to him many times and even asked if I, his wife would like to join him, as a sort of holiday whilst He and Ian spent time going over things. Despite my trepidation initially, we had willingly agreed, and once everything had been sorted for our time away, we set off to the airport.

I had to agree that it was exciting to be visiting Detroit, in America, when we arrived; we were not only filled with excitement but also apprehension as to what to expect. We were greeted by a large coloured guy who introduced himself as Trey, informed us that he was our host and contact for this visit. I felt my legs go weak, this guy was extremely good looking, well built and carried himself extremely well, just seeming to ooze sex appeal. I had to shake myself from my daydream as Ian introduced me to Trey, "This is Lucy, my wife Trey."

"Pleased to meet you Trey," I replied, shaking him by his huge hand.

I almost stammered getting the words out, only managing to save my blushes by pretending to stumble and grabbing my husband, Ian's arm. Trey had automatically grabbed my arm as well.

"Careful, Mrs Thomson!" said Trey.

"Ooops so sorry I'm fine honest just a stumble!" as I pulled myself together.

The journey back to Trey's home was filled with the two men talking business, so I had time to look around and enjoy the journey in Trey's air conditioned extremely large 4x4, from the airport. My concentration was broken when Trey spoke to me, "Mrs...Sorry Lucy, I hope you don't mind but my son is home from college, he is staying with me at the moment. He has however offered to take you to see the sights. Is that okay with you guys?" the latter part being directed at both Ian and myself.

"Sounds great Trey, I am sure that will work out just fine. What's his name?"

"It's Trey Junior or TJ as most everyone calls him that"

"Okay by me, TJ sounds just fine." My mind already starting to wonder, if he was as well built and constructed as his father. I need not have worried I wasn't to be disappointed. My mind was working overtime at first sight of Trey's son. Nineteen years of age and an Adonis, his sculpted body greeted us at the door with a smile that would melt even the hardest ice maiden. Once we had been shown our room, I made the excuse I wanted to shower and freshen up, one cold almost freezing shower later I was sat outside in the sun, drinking a chilled wine, watching the three guys cook up a meal on the outside barbeque. This was the life I thought, thinking of the wet and windy weather we were used to back home.

Lying out here on the lounger wearing my white boob tube, along with my shorts. TJ, she had noticed, was wearing a t-shirt now, and his knee length shorts, at times she noticed him giving her long glances. On those occasions she noticed his shorts bulge and the he had to adjust himself. At fifty she smiled to herself, thinking that as flattering, that the lad would even look at her, far less get aroused. In all the years of marriage I had never once strayed from my marriage to Ian, and frankly I had no wish to do so now. However it was fun to tease the young lad, all the same. I turned and twisted on the lounger allowing my legs to open and close or my breasts to fill out whenever he was looking.

Eventually TJ made his excuses and disappeared inside. I grinned to myself, thinking; now I wonder where he is away to. TJ appeared some time later with clean shorts on and I knew then. The lad had been away releasing his pent up sexual frustration. When he looked over I smiled and gave a knowing nod of my head. TJ's face visibly brightened and he busied himself helping the other two guys.

The rest of the day was one of sunning myself, as Trey, my Husband and TJ took a ride out to one of the sites. I was left to myself and I just laid back and let the sun do its work. Every now and then I would rub sun cream in and once or twice I helped myself to another drink from the bottle in the fridge. As the day passed I took a wander throughout the house, we had already had a tour but I wanted to see it by myself. It was a lovely home, all wood panelling, glass, stainless steel and hardwood flooring.

There were six bedrooms, all with en-suite. A huge lounge area, with the biggest TV I had ever seen, a large dining room two bathrooms, huge kitchen with breakfast bar, double garage and a huge basement which is where TJ had his accommodation. He didn't even have to come into the house to enter or leave there was a set of patio doors that led out onto the pool area. The doors had dark tinted one way glass in them, Trey had put it in so no-one could look in from the secluded lower access point and break in without at least wondering if someone was in there.

I finished my look around and sat down in the lounge to await the guys returning. They arrived back not much later and we ate pizza for supper, and spent the evening talking. Before long both Iain and I were all but sleeping so we retired to bed.

When I awoke next morning Ian was gone, so was Trey. TJ was outside when I stepped out onto the decking where we had been the day before. "Hi sleepyhead...what would you like for breakfast?"

"Coffee!" was my response, it being my first and most important starter any day. TJ stepped by me and into the kitchen, he poured me a mug from a coffee maker and as I took a sip he placed some scrambled egg, bacon and a toasted bagel in front of me. I ate without speaking; it was good and tasted brilliant. "You make this?" I asked.

"Yeah surely did. I believe you can't start the day on an empty tank!...everyone needs to be filled right up!" As he stood, with both hands on the edge of the breakfast bar. Without thinking I said out loud, "I agree, especially if it's as impressive as your young tank. I would like to be filled up too!"

I stopped eating and realised just what I had said. Looking shocked, I stuttered... "Eh what I meant was ...Eh you're in good.. Eh shape..Yes shape!" I knew my face was bright red. TJ stood there smiling and before I knew it we were kissing deeply. It was like we had been together forever; this young guy had the passion, the skill and the wherewithal to know exactly what I had meant. The kiss broke the tension, and before I knew it I was groaning his name as he expertly kissed his way around my neck, ears and throat. "Oh god Tj, that so good...oh yes just there."

Moments later I found myself being pushed to my knees. My hands being directed toward the belt holding up his pants. "Open my belt Lucy. Take it out, play with it, you know you want to!"

TJ let go of my hands, and instinctively I placed them over the thickening bulge in his pants. Slowly rubbing my way up that thickening pole, I released the belt buckle, opened the button and slowly ever so slowly, slid the zipper down. My breathing was shallow, I was almost panting as I placed my hand inside his pants and took hold of his young cock. I pulled his shorts down and my eyes must have flew open and stuck out as if on stalks. As his glorious young cock came into full view I gasped, "Oh my god...Oh my's fucking huge!"

Without so much as a second thought, I forgot all about my marriage, my husband, my way of life, I had to have that cock. I began to stroke the shaft with both hands; even sat one on top of the other, there was at least another hand and a half sticking above my second hand. I withdrew my right hand, continuing to stroke that glorious shaft with my left. My right hand dipped under his ball sac and began to play with his balls. "Aaaahhhh,...Oooh Yeahhhhhh," TJ groaned as I played with him this way.

Tj leaned forward, pulled my top off to reveal my tits, nipples hard and stiff almost willing him to suckle on them. I swallowed deeply as I worked his cock and balls, a drop the size of a pearl appeared on the eye of his cock's knob end. The head was bright purple, and roughly the size of a tangerine. The drop grew bigger until it started to slide down over the edge and onto his shaft. Without thinking I leaned forward and licked the droplet up. "Oh yeah, baby that feels fucking good, don't stop do it some more" groaned TJ.

I withdrew my hand from TJ's balls and used both of them to caress his cock shaft trying t encourage more precum to come out of his tip. I need not have worried as it began to flow, harder than my husband actually cums. I fastened my lips around the head, and started to suck like mad, feasting on the free flowing pre-cum, like a right little slut. As I sucked and slurped all over that cock, it seemed to thicken and get harder as I did so. I sucked and sucked like my life depended on it , almost trying to suck the life out of that monster of a cock.

TJ then pulled my head of his cock," Whoa Lucy baby, don't want to cum too soon now do I?" Tj seemed to lift me up strode through to the lounge stood me up and next thing I knew I was as naked as the day I was born. It was then I thought 'shit what am I doing, stop this you fool you'll ruin everything'. But I was already desperate for his cock inside me, god how I wanted that cock, I wanted it to fuck me till I couldn't stand. I continued sucking his cock desperate to please this young man, I wanted, no needed him to be pleased with what I was doing.

TJ had a hold of my head and was shoving more and more of that cock into my mouth, it was in so far it was banging the back of my throat making me gag. I had no idea why but I wanted his cock right down my throat, I wanted to swallow every last inch of it. "You ever suck your hubby's cock? you haven't!..I'm right aren't I?" I could only nod in the negative. My mouth was so full of his cock.

"You like sucking my big black cock don't ya? you can't wait till I cum in your slutty mouth can you?" to both questions I moaned "yes!" as best I could. By now my hands were being used to pull this young stud's ass towards me, ensuring he didn't take his cock out of my filthy slut of a mouth. I couldn't help feeling I was a slut, a whore a filthy dirty cheating slutwife. Not twenty minutes ago I was a prim and proper wife, member of the community and a distinguished business woman in my own right. Now here I was on my knees blowing a black youth half my age and desperate for him to fuck the living daylights out of me, whatever the cost. So yes I was feeling one hundred per cent slut.

"If your hubby Ian, could see you now, he'd be amazed how good a cock sucker you really are!" Groaning as I suck harder, "Ooooh... Yeaaaah... That's it you little slut,... Suck it just like that!"

I used one hand to play with his balls again, rolling them in my hand, loving the way the felt, how heavy they were and the way the swung as he forced it down my throat on every forward thrust. "Mmmmmph!...Ummmmph!...Ooomph!" was all the sounds I could hear myself make. After some time my nose was pressed against his groin, and his balls rested against my chin.

I did have a fleeting thought of what Ian would say, if he could have seen me like this. Down on my knees with a huge black cock in my mouth not fighting against it but encouraging its owner to even greater efforts. Slut, Whore, slapper were a few that crossed my mind. TJ, pulled his cock out of my mouth, and I started licking the underside and sides of that sticky saliva and pre-cum coated shaft. I was astonished that I had taken that monster down my throat.

I lifted that thick shaft out of the way and started sucking on his balls as if I had been doing it for years, it was as if something dark and sinister had been awakened in me. I took one of his balls in my mouth, nibbled on it, continued to stroke the shaft with one hand and looked up at his face to see his look of pleasure written across it.

Whilst my nostrils were nearest his balls, I could smell the musky manly smell of his crotch. Inhaling deeply it was like an aphrodisiac to me, my pussy was, I knew absolutely dripping as I enjoyed every minute of this adulterous act. I returned my mouth to the knob end, and began sliding it in and out of my mouth as deep as I could whilst administering as much suction as I could. It seemed to work as TJ began to moan, "Ahhhhhhh, oh Gee...oh my God!...You're fucking good!"

I felt his hands on the back of my head and knew I was about to be face fucked, he soon had his cock pumping in and out of my mouth at high speed. In and out faster and faster it went, banging against my throat, filling my mouth, like a pneumatic drill pumping into me. Then it happened I felt his cock shaft throb and swell, then the knob end spat it's load of young virile cum down my throat into the depths of my married belly. "Ooooh Yeeeah fuck, fuck, fuck, ...that's it bitch swallow it all...don't you dare spill one drop!"

I was swallowing as fast as I could, his cock kept pulsing for what seemed like minutes, I don't know how I managed it but I swallowed every drop, god I felt so proud of myself. Never before had I swallowed such a load, indeed I'd never swallowed before I always spat it out. TJ pulled his cock out of my mouth and wiped it over my face "God that was awesome Lucy. You sure like the black cock don't you, you little slut?"

"Mmmm!...I certainly do." I heard myself say in a voice I hardly recognised as my own. "What now?" I said. I was hoping there was more to come, I needed cock inside my aching cunt, and it felt as if it was on fire. I knew before I even took my knickers off my cunt would be running juice, as my pants had a large damp stain on them. "Looks like you've pee'd yourself Lucy!" said TJ.

I playfully slapped his arm and said, "Nothing of the kind, you did that to me my pussy is dripping wet! needs fed!.. With cock!" with that he pushed me up against the breakfast bar. His hands soon had my shorts, underwear and top removed leaving me also completely naked. He pushed me up onto the bar, so my legs were hanging over the sides. I had to lie back to be comfortable, and as I did I felt his hands pull my legs apart revealing my clean shaved cunt to him.

Then I felt Tj's breath, on my most intimate of parts, as he then slid his tongue from my asshole to my pussy, "Ooooooh...Goddd...Yeeeeeesss!" I yelled out as he clamped his mouth over my pussy and began eating me out. I loved being eaten out and Ian, my husband was good at that, but this boy was fuckin amazing. He seemed to know exactly where to go, how long to do it for and where to exert more pressure or less, he was simply masterful. "Uuuurgh!...Oh my Godd!" I squealed as he plunged his tongue deep inside me.

"Yeeeeeeessssssssssssss...For fucks sake!... Eaaat MEEEEEEEE!" I cried out. "Eat that fucking pussy... you bastard!"I screamed, clamping his head onto my pussy by crossing my legs behind his head. God did that fucker ever eat me, he ate me like I had never experienced in my life. He teased, nibbled and sucked on my sensitive clit, till I was Cumming and Cumming, over and over again and again. I was lost in seventh heaven as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through me. " Yeeeeeeeeess!" I screamed as a huge wave hit me. I felt my body go limp and almost passed out. Never before had I had such an orgasm as that young stud gave me, me a fifty year old woman and him a nineteen year old boy, come man.

If I thought it was the end I was sadly mistaken, TJ lifted me off the bar, wrapping my legs around his waist, I could feel his cock banging against my tender pussy. "Please TJ, put it in me...PLEASE!" I pleaded with him. All he did was grin at me, and walked over to the sofa where he placed me over the back of it. I felt his hands adjust my legs and then I felt his legs position himself in between my legs. "Ho! My little slut you ready for a black cocking?" TJ was growing in confidence as I gave into this studs pussy pleaser.

"Give it to me TJ, give me that cock NOW!" I yelled. With that TJ began rubbing his cock all over my dripping snatch. Then he eased a couple of inches into me, "Oh Fuck TJ baby...That's good real good!...more please... give me more!"

Over the next few minutes TJ gave me it all right, every last fucking inch. I could feel him banging against then forcing open my cervix until I had that monster cock inside me, and his balls slapped against the top of my cunt on every in stroke. I was being fucked harder and harder, again like of which I had never ever had in my whole life. I was uttering all sorts of perverted oaths, "Fuck me ..Fuck me ...yeah go on fuck the arse of me"..."fucking bury that cock right up me!"..."Come on you bastard fucking make my cunt ache... Make it hurt, make my cunt hurt...YEEEEESSSssssssss!"

TJ, had sweat dripping from his brow, his body glistened with sweat as well. "Jeesus, bitch, your still so fuck'n tight!" Despite the moisture which seemed to flow freely from my ravaged cunt, I could see his point I still felt incredibly tight in places. "Uugh don't worry slut, you'll be tight first time but ye'll cum alright!" TJ grunted almost laughing.

TJ grabbed my hips and held on firmly as he fucked the living daylights out of me. TJ laughed as he then spoke in gasps, "Hope Ian wasn't looking to fuck you tonight, your pussy's going to be no good to him for a while."

I knew he was right I would need to keep Ian away for a while until my aching pussy returned to its normal proportions, after this big cock had abused, used and ravaged it. I felt TJ adjust my position slightly, which seemed to add to the penetration he was getting, and the pleasure I was receiving. "Oh Fuck T'J... fuck my brains out...fuck me, fuck me!" I cried out as his cock found previously untouched areas inside my intimate parts.

"Okay asked for it!" he grunted. He began hammering my pussy so fucking hard the sofa was moving across the floor. I was crying out in both pain and pleasure as TJ pleasured his slut wife with his huge pussy pleaser. My head was laid on the sofa my arms flopping around uselessly and my legs were like jelly as he fucked me senseless. "You like that slut...You like that don't you?

I could only moan in the affirmative. " You fucking little whore, I'm going to fuck you so you can't walk straight!"

"Oh Fuck, Fuck me good...fuck me with that big black cock you bastard!" I managed to grunt. "Give it to me hard... harder...harder you cunt... fill me with that monster cock big boy!"

By now I was well gone, I had cum so many times I had lost count, they seemed to be never-ending, every thrust into my ravaged cunt, set another one off. Then Tj thrust extra hard, held himself deep inside my womb and emptied his ball into me. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...Ohhhhh Yeeeesss" TJ grunted. "That's it bitch take it all every last fuckin drop... Ohhhh Yeeeah take it you slut!"

TJ knew there was no way he could knock up Lucy, but that didn't stop him filling her womb with his young load of cum. "That's it TJ, ..Shoot you're cum into my belly. Fill me up baby, fill me up!" I groaned. "So deep, so deep...God I feel so full of cock!"

I had started to cum as TJ shot his load into me, then he started to fuck me again, it took me right over the edge, I was screaming like a stuck pig. The pleasure that was flowing through me was nothing I had experienced before. Usually when Ian and I make love it's cum, cuddle sleep! Here was totally different, TJ was taking me to places I had never even imagined. I soared into my state of pleasure, arousal and ecstasy. I haven't a clue what I was shouting but I could make out various words which I assume were coming from me, "!"

I felt myself floating and then starting to come down, having been in my own outer space with the fucking this young stud had given me. Slowly, but surely I returned to planet earth. To find TJ grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Welcome back Lucy" said TJ.

I began to breathe more easily, and then I started to think about what I had done. I felt quilt to start with, then less so, then I thought what the hell I enjoyed it. "Wow, I say WOW that my boy was fucking amazing. The best dam fucking I have had in my life"

We both got cleaned up and tidied up, before spending the rest of the day in his basement getting the arse well and truly fucked off me. When Ian returned with Trey, TJ and I were sat outside in the sun as if butter wouldn't melt. Little did they know I had to douche myself four times to get all of TJ's cum out off my sore pussy. In all that first day, I swallowed three loads - if I burped I could taste it - had three loads dumped inside my womb, my cervix was fucking sore by end of day one. I also had a load sprayed over my face and let TJ take some pictures for his own pleasure.

That was day one, we were there for a week, and in that week there wasn't a day I didn't get screwed, fucked, banged or swallowed several loads. When we left I was glad in a sense to get a rest after all I am fifty. However TJ made me feel like a thirty year old.

His father and he are coming over soon, and I have asked my husband Ian, if I can show TJ the sights over here. I hope it involves his large cock, and loads of delicious black young cum!
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टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
प्रति debslut : I agree we need a partIV.
जवाब दें मूल टिप्पणी दिखाएं छपाएं
superb       SSequel?
जवाब दें
great story
जवाब दें
please finish part 4 of "no way was he gay" i am so horny for Jamaland his black cock!!!!!
जवाब दें
I love it.
जवाब दें
Great story,  look forward to part two 
जवाब दें