Part II of more thoughts

Read the previous post first:

Voyeur Boyers - Part II

It was Saturday morning and Allie and Ryan had returned home from their sleepovers and were packing while their mom went shopping. тАЬAre you two ready to go, I want to get on the road,тАЭ Brooke called up the stairs to her son and daughter when she returned, anxious to begin the three hour drive to her parentsтАЩ lakefront log cabin for a four night getaway.

тАЬYes mom,тАЭ they answered almost simultaneously.

As both of them descended the stairs Ryan asked, тАЬMom, are you sure Jared canтАЩt come?тАЭ

тАЬHoney, I told you another time, and besides, you just stayed at his house last night,тАЬ Brooke said, and then she added, тАЬI know you and Allie have gotten close, but weтАЩve only been a full-time family for less than a month and I think the peace and quiet at the lake will really give us a chance to get to know each other better.тАЭ

What Brooke said was partly true. She really did want them to get to know each other, especially the k1ds, but there was another reason she wanted it to be just the family, and it was related to what had happened the previous day. In fact, the last few days had changed the dynamic of the new Boyer house, filling it with unexpected sexual undertones.

It all started a few days earlier when Allie had accidentally flashed Ryan a side boob. It was innocent and unintentional, but when she saw an erection forming in her brotherтАЩs pajama bottoms she got turned on and purposely kept her breast exposed. As soon as he left the room the thought of giving him an erection had her so aroused that she had to masturbate.

What Allie didnтАЩt realize was her breast was the first Ryan had ever seen, and it almost inspired her na├пve half brother to jerk off for the first time. He had rushed to his room after seeing her perfectly shaped tit and started stroking his hard dick without realizing what he was doing, but when the feeling got too intense he got scared and stopped himself.

Then just yesterday things intensified for Ryan. He was staying overnight at his best friendтАЩs, but they returned to his house to get some video games. As Ryan searched through his games, Jared looked out the second floor bedroom window and saw his friendтАЩs beautiful mom reading a book and sunning herself in the tiniest bathing suit he had ever seen.

Ryan joined Jared at the window and was shocked to see Brooke wearing such a skimpy bathing suit, and even though she was his mother, both he and his friend quickly sprouted erections. Then they watched as Brooke, thinking she was alone, slip her hand inside her suit and begin fingering herself. At first Ryan didnтАЩt understand what his mom was doing, but after Jared explained, the b0ys started jerking off too.

It wasnтАЩt long before BrookeтАЩs body convulsed in a massive climax, and the sight caused both boys to fill two washcloths with jets of spunk, the first ever orgasm for Ryan, but after they had cum they looked out the window and realized Brooke was gone, and must have come into the house, so they pulled up their shorts and stashed the two sperm filled cloths under RyanтАЩs bed. As they ran down the steps Brooke came around the corner and was startled, not knowing they were in the house.

After being surprised by the boys, Brooke remembered she was practically naked and considered covering herself, but for some reason she decided to have some fun and actually engaged the boys in conversation, getting a kick out of how they were trying and failing to pull their eyes from her nearly nude body. Then she climbed the stairs, showing her suit was a thong, and when she looked over her shoulder she could see their eyes locked on her exposed assтАж and the obvious bulges in their gym shorts the sight had caused.

Brooke was confusingly aroused by the boysтАЩ and headed to her room to masturbate again, but as she walked past RyanтАЩs room she saw a tiny piece of blue cloth sticking out from under his bed. She lifted the dust ruffle and found the two cum-filled washcloths, and after seeing the view from RyanтАЩs window she put two and two together and realized the boys had just jerked off while watching her masturbate.

Oddly, knowing what the boys had done hadnтАЩt angered or embarrassed herтАж it aroused her even more. She was so turned on she took the two washcloths to her room and used her vibrator to cum again, even tasting the spunk in both cloths as she did. She now knew her son masturbated, but that wasnтАЩt enough. She wanted to see him do it. She wanted to see his erection. She wanted to see him stroke it. She wanted to watch him shoot his thick load. She had unwittingly become obsessed with seeing her son jerk off, and she had a plan.

After loading the car, the Boyer family began the three-hour trek to BrookeтАЩs parentsтАЩ cabin. On the way they chatted, and really did begin to get to know more about the years they spent apart. Both Allie and Ryan expressed some sorrow that they hadnтАЩt grown up as br0ther and s1ster, but how grateful they were to now be together. Brooke shared her regrets over the choices she had made that had kept them apart, especially her marriage to RyanтАЩs abusive father, but also how overjoyed she was that they were finally a family.

They were about an hour from their destination when Ryan asked, тАЬWhatтАЩs the cabin like?тАЭ

Allie was sitting in the front with Brooke, and when she saw the sadness in her momтАЩs face that her half-brother had never been to the cabin, she quickly perked up and said, тАЬYouтАЩre gonna love it Ry, itтАЩs a three bedroom log cabin right on the lake with a private dock, kayaks, fireplaces, a golf cart and a huge community pool too.тАЭ

тАЬWow, that sounds greatтАж but a log cabin,тАЭ Ryan asked.

тАЬYes, but donтАЩt worry honey, it has running water and air conditioning,тАЭ Brooke replied with a laugh, and then she added, тАЬAnd IтАЩm sorry youтАЩve never been there.тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩs okay mom, I know my father did his best to keep us away from your family and Allie,тАЭ Ryan said, and then he said something his mom had never brought up when he asked, тАЬWhat was your father like Allie?тАЭ

Ryan was sitting in the back seat, and could see AllieтАЩs head drop down, and when Brooke pulled to the side of the road and he could hear her fighting back tears he asked, тАЬIтАЩm sorry, did I say something wrong?

Brooke tried to speak but was having a hard time, so Allie said, тАЬI donтАЩt know who my father is Ryan.тАЭ

At that moment Brooke broke down, and through her sobs she said, тАЬI guess I never told you that Ryan, IтАЩm so sorry I failed you both.тАЭ

Allie hugged her mother, and once she regained her composure Brooke explained every-thing to Ryan, even telling him how Allie tried to live with them when she was a little girl but couldnтАЩt take how Robert treated her, so she moved back with her grandparents.

Both mother and daughter fought back the tears as Brooke shared with Ryan what Allie already knew, and then Ryan said something that showed maturity beyond his years when he said, тАЬAllie, I knew my father, and he abused me and mom and drove you away, so you might be better off not knowing yoursтАж IтАЩm just glad I have a s1ster.тАЭ

Allie practically leaped over the bucket seat to hug her brother, saying тАЬI love you Ryan,тАЭ as tears filled her eyes.

тАЬI love you too,тАЭ Ryan said as his own tears welled.

Finally they both looked at their mother and Allie said, тАЬMom, it doesnтАЩt matter how we got here, just that we are here, and thatтАЩs because of you.тАЭ

тАЬYou two are really something,тАЭ Brooke said as she wiped away her tears and pulled the car back onto the road.

As they neared their destination Allie asked, тАЬSo mom, what did you need to get from the store this morning?тАЭ

тАЬWell, I picked up a few things, including a new bathing suit,тАЭ Brooke replied. What she didnтАЩt say was she had also made another purchase that, combined with the bathing suit, would help satisfy her new sexual obsession, and even though she had just shared an emotional moment with her k1ds, the thought of fulfilling her desire was already making her wet.

Finally they pulled off of the highway and proceeded past a few cabins and homes until they reached theirs, and Ryan said, тАЬWow,тАЭ as they pulled into the paved driveway.

It really was a log cabin, with a large front porch that held two rocking chairs and a porch swing. They all pulled their bags from the car and went inside. Brooke turned on the central air while Ryan checked out the interior for the first time. There was a large stone fireplace for the fall and winter, and even though it was rustic, there was a large TV hanging on one wall, with a couch and a couple of recliners facing it.

Then he looked down the hall and saw the doors to the bedrooms on the right and the bathroom on the left before his mom said, тАЬCтАЩmon guys, letтАЩs get the bags to our rooms.тАЭ

As they wheeled their bags down the hallway Brooke opened the first door and said, тАЬThis one is mine, the last one down the hall is AllieтАЩs and Ryan, you get the middle room.тАЭ

Brooke entered her room and had to turn on the light because even during the day the thick window shade made it pitch black. Ryan stuck his head and saw the room was really nice, with a king sized bed, ceiling fan, a bedside table, a dresser under the window and two corner shelves holding family pictures and plastic flowers. What Ryan thought was really cool was the even the inside walls that separated the bedrooms were logs.

Next he entered his room, and had to flip his light on too. His bed was a queen size with the head on the wall that separated his room from AllieтАЩs. Like his momтАЩs room he also had a ceiling fan, a small dresser below his window, a bedside table and two tall corner units with tchotchkes and plastic flowers, but the walls that separated his room from the others were the flat side of the split logs, held together by large vertical half logs.

Then he stuck his head in his sisterтАЩs room where she had already turned on the light and saw that it was furnished almost exactly like his, but the wall that separated their rooms and the outside wall, where the head of her bed was, were logs like his momтАЩs room.

As he looked around Allie opened her suitcase and began putting her clothes in the dresser and the small hanging closet that was built into the corner of each room. Just then his mom stuck her head in and said, тАЬWell Ryan, what do you think?тАЭ

тАЬItтАЩs really nice mom, and itтАЩs cool how yours and AllieтАЩs rooms have two walls made of split logs, it really makes it feel like an old-time log cabin,тАЭ Ryan replied.

тАЬYeah, your grandfather designed it that way, and the vertical half logs in your room hold them all together,тАЭ Brooke said, explaining the architecture to her son, then she said, тАЬCome and see the back porch.тАЭ

Ryan followed his mom down the hall towards the kitchen and then they made a U turn towards the back door. When they stepped through the door Ryan just said, тАЬWow.тАЭ

The back porch was furnished with three more rocking chairs, another porch swing, a hammock and a small table and four chairs for outside dining. It was screened in to keep the insects out, but that didnтАЩt impede the incredible view of the lake and their private dock.

тАЬThis is really amazing mom,тАЭ Ryan said as he admired the view.

тАЬIтАЩm glad you like it,тАЭ Brooke replied, then added, тАЬIтАЩm just sorry youтАЩve never been here.тАЭ

тАЬIt wasnтАЩt your fault mom, but we donтАЩt have to worry about that any more,тАЭ he said.

Brooke gave her son a hug of gratitude and then she said, тАЬWell thereтАЩs plenty of sun left today so IтАЩm going to unpack my suitcase and then put on my new swimsuit and enjoy it.тАЭ

тАЬSounds good to me,тАЭ Ryan said, and then they both headed back inside.

Ryan walked past his room, stuck his head in AllieтАЩs and said, тАЬHey, mom said sheтАЩs going to put her suit on and get some sun after unpacking and I think IтАЩm going to go swimming.тАЭ

тАЬCool, IтАЩll be out in a little bit,тАЭ his s1ster replied.

Ryan quickly put away his clothes, changed into his trunks and grabbed a beach towel. He went out to the kitchen where Allie was still in her clothes having a snack. Just then their motherтАЩs door opened and out she came in her new, bright green bathing suit, and both RyanтАЩs and AllieтАЩs eyes almost popped out of their heads.

The suit consisted of two triangles that barely encased BrookeтАЩs ample breasts, leaving a lot of cleavage and ample side boob exposed, and you could see her nipples poking out. The only thing holding the triangles together were two stringsтАж one that behind around her neck, and the other tied behind her back, and the bottom triangle was so small that the experienced Allie knew that her mom had very little pubic hair, if any at all.

When Brooke saw her k1ds staring in amazement at her she stopped and did a slow spin, and thatтАЩs when Ryan and Allie saw that the suit was a thong, and their motherтАЩs plump, perfectly shaped ass was completely exposed.

тАЬWell, what do you think,тАЭ Brooke asked with a smile.

Ryan was too mesmerized to speak, but Allie said, тАЬWow, thatтАЩs ummmтАж quite a suit mom,тАЭ amazed at the fact that she would wear something that skimpy, especially in front of Ryan.

тАЬWell, I really donтАЩt want tan lines, and for my whole adult life I was forced to cover myself from head to toe, so I decided to live a little,тАЭ Brooke said, and then she added, тАЬAnd besides, RyanтАЩs seen me in a suit smaller than thisтАж right Ry?тАЭ

тАЬHuhтАж I mean yeah, I guess,тАЭ he replied, being snapped out of his trance.

тАЬYou have a suit smaller than thatтАж IS there a suit smaller than that,тАЭ Allie said with a laugh.

тАЬWell there is, and I was wearing it yesterday in the back yard for maximum sun because you were both supposed to be at sleepovers and I was supposed to be by myself, but then Ryan and Jared came to the house and scared the living daylights out me,тАЭ Brooke said.

тАЬSo Jared saw you in it too, he must have loved that,тАЭ Allie said with a giggle, then she said, тАЬOkay, IтАЩm going to go put my suit on.тАЭ

тАЬWait Allie,тАЭ Brooke said, and then she walked to her room with both her son and daughter admiring her amazing ass, then when she came out she handed Allie a bag and said, тАЬI got this for you, I think I got your size right.тАЭ

тАЬThanks mom,тАЭ Allie said as she walked back to her room to change.

Brooke could tell Ryan was doing his best to not look at her, but she was intentionally engaging him in conversation so he would have to, and as she did she would purposely turn and flash her ass at him, even bending over to pick up an imaginary item from the floor so he could see the thin string between her ass cheeks that barely covered her pink sphincter.

Just then Allie emerged from her room, and both Brooke and Ryan were stunned at how amazing she looked. Her suit was yellow, and like her momтАЩs, the top was barely able to contain her breasts, and her hard nipples could be seen poking out the thin material. The bottom triangle minimally covered her clean shaven mound, and when she turned Ryan saw it was a thong, and he couldnтАЩt believe his s1sterтАЩs ass was even better than his momтАЩs.

тАЬYou look fantastic honey,тАЭ Brooke said, and then she walked over and stood next to her daughter and asked, тАЬWell Ryan, what do you think, could we enter a mother daughter swimsuit contest,тАЭ before the two turned to show their incredible derrieres side by side.

тАЬYou both look nice,тАЭ Ryan said before crossing his hands in front of him and saying, тАЬIтАЩm going to go for a swim,тАЭ before quickly making his way out the door.

тАЬOoops, I think we embarrassed him,тАЭ Brooke said, secretly loving it.

тАЬYeah, because I think he was getting an erection,тАЭ Allie said with a giggle, but what she didnтАЩt say was being so exposed to her br0ther and his reaction had her pussy quaking.

Brooke was also feeling the warmth building between her legs when she said, тАЬWell can you blame himтАж I mean I know youтАЩre his s1ster but you look incredible in that suit.тАЭ

тАЬMeтАж what about you,тАЭ Allie challenged, and then she said, тАЬI know girls my age that would kill for your body.тАЭ

тАЬWell thatтАЩs sweet honey,тАЭ Brooke said, thinking her daughter was just being nice.

тАЬNo mom, IтАЩm serious, my college friends that came to the house to swim all think youтАЩre hot, and IтАЩm pretty sure Rachel has a crush on you,тАЭ Allie said.

тАЬReally, Rachel, the pretty girl with the big green eyesтАж is she gay,тАЭ Brooke asked.

тАЬNo, she loves boys, she just likes to change it up sometimes,тАЭ Allie said.

тАЬWow, she told you that,тАЭ Brooke inquired.

тАЬWell we were drinking a little wine one night and it came up,тАЭ Allie said with a grin.

тАЬOkay, first of all youтАЩre not old enough to drink wine, and second of all, what do you mean it тАШcame upтАЩ,тАЭ Brooke asked.

тАЬItтАЩs college, we party sometimes mom, but I donтАЩt overdo itтАж and just leave the Rachel thing alone mom,тАЭ Allie said with a knowing grin.

тАЬWell I went to a fundamentalist college so there was no drinking,тАЭ Brooke said, and then she asked, тАЬSo you and RachelтАж are you bi Allie?тАЭ

тАЬI donтАЩt think so, it was more of an тАШin the momentтАЩ thing, but I really did enjoy it,тАЭ Allie replied, and then she asked, тАЬWhat about you mom, have you ever been with a woman?тАЭ

тАЬLetтАЩs see, I had you at s1xteen, finished high school at a strict catholic school, went to a bible college and spent fifteen years married to a man who believed women who enjoyed sex were whoresтАж so that would be a big no,тАЭ Brooke chuckled, and then she added, тАЬBut IтАЩd be lying if I didnтАЩt say IтАЩve fantasized about it, I do have a pretty high sex drive.тАЭ

тАЬYeah, I guess I have that too, and I know you were repressed for years so IтАЩm glad youтАЩre expressing yourself nowтАж I was just surprised youтАЩd wear a suit like this in front of Ryan,тАЭ Allie said.

тАЬWell heтАЩs been deprived of anything that would even hint that sex was for pleasure as well as procreation, I mean even when the k1ds went swimming at the church pool the boys and girls were kept separate, so I donтАЩt think letting him know the human body and sexuality arenтАЩt bad things,тАЭ Brooke said with a giggle.

тАЬSo you bought these suits purposely to do that,тАЭ Allie said with a grin.

тАЬNo, it was to get sun, but at the same time it shows him that you donтАЩt need to be embarrassed by your body,тАЭ Brooke said, and then she asked, тАЬAre you okay with that?тАЭ

тАЬSure, after what he and you had to put up with from his father, let him have a little fun,тАЭ Allie said, and after thinking for a second she asked, тАЬCan I tell you a little secret?тАЭ

тАЬAbsolutely,тАЭ her mother replied.

тАЬWell, the other day I was in my room drying my hair in just a loose fitting tank top and shorts and Ryan walked into my roomтАж I had my hands raised over my head and realized that he could see right through the arm hole in my shirt, and my entire boob was exposed,тАЭ Allie said.

тАЬSo what did he do,тАЭ Brooke asked as another jolt of arousal shot to her groin.

тАЬAt first he just stood there, kind of transfixed, and thatтАЩs when I realized what he could see, but for some reason instead of dropping my arm I actually held it upтАж even talking to him to keep him there, and thatтАЩs when I saw the tent in his pajama bottoms and when he saw me looking at it he crossed his hands in front of him and bolted,тАЭ Allie said with a chuckle.

тАЬOh my God, he had an erection,тАЭ Brooke asked.

тАЬHe sure did,тАЭ Allie replied, and then she asked, тАЬWas I wrong doing that mom?тАЭ

тАЬWell honey, I kind of paraded myself in front of him and Jared yesterday in a suit smaller than these, and when I saw they both had erections I felt kind of flattered, I mean I know heтАЩs your br0ther and my son what woman doesnтАЩt want to be made to feel attractive by a man, even one as young and inexperienced as Ryan,тАЭ Brooke replied.

тАЬYeah I guess, and I was pretty flattered by his erection too,тАЭ Allie confessed, and then she asked, тАЬMom, do you think he even knows how to masturbate?тАЭ

тАЬI just recently found some evidence that he does,тАЭ Brooke replied, not going into detail on what she had found, and then she added, тАЬIтАЩm sure Jared is teaching him a few things.тАЭ

тАЬI know, that JaredтАЩs a walking erection, IтАЩve caught him checking you and I both out and sporting a bulge in his pantsтАж itтАЩs actually kind of cute and a little exciting,тАЭ Allie said.

тАЬAfter being imprisoned by RyanтАЩs father for f1fteen years the fact that I can give any young guy an erection is a turn on, even if one of them is my s0n,тАЭ Brooke said unapologetically.

тАЬWell I wasnтАЩt imprisoned but I still like that I can turn on guys Ryan and JaredтАЩs age, even if one is my br0ther,тАЭ Allie laughed, and then she said, тАЬSpeaking of which, we should get out there, heтАЩs probably lost his erection by now.тАЭ

тАЬYeah we should,тАЭ Brooke said, and then she added, тАЬYou go ahead, I just need to use the bathroom.тАЭ

тАЬOkay,тАЭ Allie said and then turned and walked towards the door leading to the dock, and as she did Brooke couldnтАЩt resist admiring her daughterтАЩs perfect ass before heading down the hall, not to the bathroom, but to her bedroom to put her plan in motion.

Brooke retrieved a bag that was hidden in her suitcase, and after checking to make sure the k1ds were still outside she made her way to RyanтАЩs room. She reached into the bag and pulled out two small, easily concealable security cameras. She strategically hid them in the corner units, and then she went to her room and pulled out her laptop.

She had already downloaded the software and when she clicked on the link she could see both cameras had perfect views of RyanтАЩs bed and the rest of the room from two different angles. The two cameras also had тАШnight visionтАЩ technology that gave her a perfect picture regardless of available light, and she could record them as well.

Her heart was racing at the thought of what she might witness at some point that week, and she could actually feel and ache deep in her pussy at the prospect of seeing her s0n jerk off. She had been obsessed with it since finding the two sperm-filled washcloths, and it was also the main reason she had bought the two very revealing bathing suits for her and Allie. She knew they would keep him aroused to the point where he would eventually need a release.

For the rest of the day they swam, kayaked, and laid out in the sun, and on more than one occasion the skimpy bathing suits the girls were wearing caused Ryan to have to hide an erection. A couple of times he said he had to use the bathroom but Brooke, fearful he might jerk off, told him to just jump in the water and pee in the lake. And when he said he needed to go тАШnumber twoтАЩ, Brooke followed him in and continually walked past the bathroom door to distract him.

Even though Ryan spent most of it hiding an erection, they had a great day and after dinner they were all pretty tired. Ryan announced he was going to take a shower and Brooke informed him the guys used the outdoor shower off of the porch, which wasnтАЩt a total lie. His grandfather only used the outdoor shower to leave the inside one for the girls, but it was also because Brooke knew he probably wouldnтАЩt do a quick jerk in the less private shower.

After Ryan and Brooke showered, Allie announced she was going to take one, and as she headed for the bathroom Ryan said he was going to bed. Brooke said she was doing the same, so after their goodnights they went to their separate rooms.

Brooke closed her door and quickly opened her laptop and clicked on the cameras. She was amazed at how clear the two pictures were, and quickly focused on the one with the best angle on her sonтАЩs bed. Her heart was pounding and her pussy was already heating up so she quickly shucked off her shorts and pulled her vibrator from the makeup case.

After turning out her light she refocused on her laptop. Ryan had turned out his light too but the night vision was still giving her a very clear view of him sitting on his bed and pulling down his PJ bottoms. After a day spent with two nearly nude women she was sure he was going to masturbate, and she dragged a finger along her sodden pussy lips, waiting for him to start, but before she even glimpsed his cock he pulled his blanket up to his neck.

She was disappointed when she thought he was just going to sleep, but her heart sank when she saw the covers above his hips start rising and falling rhythmically, and she knew he was stroking his cock under them. тАШPlease just kick off the covers,тАЩ Brooke thought as she teased her cunt lips, but it wasnтАЩt looking good. Then as he reached over his head for a towel she figured was going to be used to clean up after ejaculating, something caught his eye.

Brooke watched as her son rolled onto his side and held his hand close to the wall, and he seemed to see something. He then shifted his body to the left and pressed his eye towards the wall, and she suddenly realized what had happenedтАж Ryan had discovered something in the wall that separated his room from AllieтАЩs.

Brooke remembered her father telling her that with changes in temperature the logs that separated the bedrooms would sometimes develop small gaps between them that would have to be resealed on the sides in the room Ryan was in, and it seemed he had found one.

Brooke hadnтАЩt heard Allie leave the bathroom so she assumed she was still in the shower. Then she watched as her son maneuvered himself until he was lying on his side, across his bed with his eye pressed to the crack. BrookeтАЩs pulse also began pounding in her ears when she realized her sonтАЩs hard cock was now fully exposed to the cameraтАЩs lens.

тАЬYesssss,тАЭ she hissed softly to herself as she got her first look at RyanтАЩs hard penis sticking straight out from his body. He hadnтАЩt started stroking it again so she was able to take in its dimensions. It looked to be a very respectable 6-plus inches, certainly larger than the last time she had seen it, and the shaft looked to have the girth of something between a hot dog and a bratwurst. She already knew he was circumcised, and the puffy head looked like a mushroom cap.

As she was examining her sonтАЩs tool both Brooke and Ryan could hear the bathroom door open, and thatтАЩs when RyanтАЩs heart started racing. The gap he was looking through was perfectly positioned, giving him a clear look at most of AllieтАЩs roomтАж including from the foot of her bed all the way to where her pillows propped against the far wall.

Just then his s1ster entered the room, with one white terrycloth towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair. She closed the door behind her, and to RyanтАЩs delight, she left the bright overhead light on. That was when he returned to slowly stroking his erect prick, telling his spying mother he must be seeing something exciting.

Now Brooke picked up her vibrator but didnтАЩt turn it on, instead she just pushed it deep into her dripping wet snatch as she watched her son masturbate on the laptop screen. Then after making sure the camera was recording she slowly began fucking herself. As perfect as everything was, the only thing she wished was she could see what her son was seeingтАж but it was about to get better.

Ryan was stroking his cock slowly, not wanting to cum before seeing his gorgeous s1ster without the towel. He was holding his erection as Jared had showed him, with his thumb just behind the swollen head and his four fingertips lined up along the tube that would soon be throbbing as it propelled his sperm up through his shaft before spurting from the tip.

As Ryan watched, Allie put her wireless ear buds in, and he could see his s1sterтАЩs hips moving to whatever song was playing. Then she took the towel from her head and began rubbing her hair, drying it carefully as to not knock out her ear buds, and when she stood up with her hands still drying her hair, gravity took over and the towel around her torso unraveled and fell to the floorтАж leaving her completely naked.

Ryan almost shot his load on the spot, and quickly released his dick to let the twitching behind his balls calm down. His s1ster was gorgeous. Years of competitive swimming had left her in incredible shape. She was facing towards him, giving him a full frontal view from her beautiful face down past her where her damp blonde hair cascaded over her squared shoulders. Her breasts were smaller than her motherтАЩs, but perfectly shaped and capped with pink nipples that were as hard as pencil erasers. Then he scanned down over her taught tummy to a pubic mound that was completely devoid of any hair.

Once again he gripped his hard shaft. He could feel the tube underneath his fingertips had puffed up, and he knew the intense tightness building at the base of his prick would soon give way to hard spasms that would eject his load. As he gently stroked he continued his visual scan down his s1sterтАЩs body, from her rounded hips to the vee of her crotch to her strong thighs and perfectly shaped legs, and then, almost on cue, Allie turned around.

Ryan inhaled as once again his eyes moved down her body. Her shoulders and back were incredibly toned thanks to her swimming, and her waist was slim before gradually flaring out to her hips and legs. Then there was her ass. It was sheer perfection in shape and size, and Ryan marveled at it. Then Allie did something he wasnтАЩt prepared for when she bent all the way over at the waist, letting her long blonde hair hang so she could dry it, and that gave Ryan an unimpeded view of her pink pussy and tiny, puckered anus only a few feet away.

In a matter of seconds Ryan went from never seeing a naked female to seeing an incredible specimen in all its glory. And while he was no expert, based on things Jared had told him, it looked like AllieтАЩs pussy lips were swollen and shining with lubrication, and he couldnтАЩt help but wonder if it was from the shower or because she was excited. He would soon find out.

Ryan was far from alone in being incredibly aroused by what he was seeing. Brooke had managed to take off her shirt and prop pillows under her shoulders, and now she was lying naked with her legs spread wide, using one hand to fuck the vibrator in and out of her tight canal and the other to pinch her nipples as she watched her son masturbate.

After Allie had patted her hair dry, Ryan watched as she stood in front of a floor length mirror that was on the back of her bedroom door. She was moving to the music as she assessed her nude body, first from the front, and then turning her back as far as she could and looking over her shoulder, and judging by the smile on her face, she liked what she saw.

Just as Ryan thought she was going to turn out the light, leaving him with the memory of her nude body to get himself off, he watched his s1ster cup her breasts, flicking and pinching her nipples. RyanтАЩs suspicions were correct, her pussy was wet because of excitement, but what he didnтАЩt know was it was because of him. During her shower, all she could think of was the erections she had given him all day, and that thought had her cunt aching.

Ryan began stroking his cock faster as he watched one of AllieтАЩs hands leave her breasts and slide down over her flat tummy until the fingers disappeared between her legs, then he could see it moving as his s1ster began rubbing her pussy.

Now all three people in the house were masturbating at the same time thanks to the sexual tension that had built over the last few days. Brooke had extracted the vibrator from her cunt, twisted the base to its lowest speed and pressed the tip to her pleasure pebble. Ryan was varying the speed of his stroking to hold of his climax as he watched his s1ster in front of her mirror, and Allie could feel her own orgasm building as she stroked her clit.

Ryan knew he wasnтАЩt going to last much longer, and then his s1ster ensured it when she backed up until she fell onto her bed, and then she raised her legs and spread them wide, giving her br0ther a perfect view of her glistening pink pussy as her middle finger vigorously frigged her nerve-filled button.

Brooke wasnтАЩt sure what her son was seeing, but she knew it must have been something really good as she saw the pace of is stroking increase, and thatтАЩs when she reached down and twisted the base of her vibrator until it was at its highest speed, anxiously waiting to see RyanтАЩs milky ejaculate burst from his burgeoning prick.

Even though she had started masturbating last, Allie was approaching orgasm first, and as she thought about the possibility that Ryan might have actually masturbated because of her teasing, she came.

Ryan could see his s1sterтАЩs face as she lifted her head from the bed. Her eyes were shut tight and her mouth was open wide in a silent scream as her body lurched forward. Her hand was a blur and he could see the muscles around her pussy and asshole flexing, and even with his limited experience he knew she was having an orgasm, and he joined her.

Ryan felt the pressure building in his taint, and just as AllieтАЩs climax overwhelmed her, he rolled his hips and his mother watched on screen as the first hard burst of spunk exploded into the air and then landed on his stomach, followed by another, and another. It took all of the teenтАЩs strength not to scream in ecstasy as over-stimulated nerve endings caused the muscles in his groin to begin wildly contracting, launching ribbons of fluid into the air that Brooke could clearly see, and that was all she could take.

As she watched the fountain of sperm arching up from her sonтАЩs pulsing dick, Brooke jammed the vibrator deep into her slippery tunnel and came. Like Allie and Ryan, it took everything in her power to not scream with pleasure as one of the most powerful orgasms she ever experienced took her over. She could feel the muscles in her vaginal walls gripping the synthetic phallus buried deep inside her cunt as her climax rolled over her in waves.

While they didnтАЩt realize it, mother, son and daughter were all experiencing simultaneous orgasms. Brooke was watching Ryan spray fountains of spunk into the air while Ryan watched Allie have an incredible body wracked by a climax. But unfortunately for Allie, her only inspiration was imagining her br0ther jerking off to her as she came.

Finally all of their orgasms waned. Brooke slowly pumped her vibrator in and out of her spent cunt while watching Ryan milk the last dregs of sperm onto his stomach, and Ryan finished his climax watching Allie slide two fingers in and out of her still twitching pussy before slipping them into her mouth and sucking them clean. Then he got one more look at her beautiful nude body as she got out of bed, slipped on a tee shirt and turned off the light.

Both Allie and Ryan drifted off to a deep sleep, but for Brooke it was a restless night. She had achieved what she wanted, she had watched her son masturbate and shoot his cum everywhereтАж but it hadnтАЩt satisfied her arousal as much as she hoped, it seemed like it only intensified it. She wasnтАЩt sure what she wanted, but she knew she wanted more.


Still more to cum...
рджреНрд╡рд╛рд░рд╛ рдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд╢рд┐рдд DizzyD427
2 рд╡рд░реНрд╖реЛ рдкреВрд░реНрд╡
рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгрд┐рдпрд╛рдБ рдкреЛрд╕реНрдЯ рдХрд░рдиреЗ рдХреЗ рд▓рд┐рдП рдХреГрдкрдпрд╛ рдпрд╛ рдХрд░реЗрдВ
That Was Very Hot!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Such awesome mind pictures! Every paragraph is an intense scene from a lewd xxx rated fantasy. Super hot!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Ohhhhh can't wait for Part 3
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ Cactus36 : Over 21K┬а covid cases here now.┬а ┬а:frowning:
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ X_PAC6969 : yep just heard it on the radio !!!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ Cactus36 : Sure have 5715 today 23/12/21┬а ┬аonly going to go higher.
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ X_PAC6969 : i think you hit a record today 18/12/21, im in WA i think we have only a cpl cases
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ DizzyD427 : Hi there! ┬аHow is part v coming. Love your writing! ┬аYou have many fans!!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
Thanks so much for all the kind words... Parts III and IV are now available.
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
will have to move 1 camera to Allies room┬а
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
ъзБсГжтК▒тЩе тЭд тЩб тЭд тЩб тЭд.тЩетК▒сГжъзВ
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ DizzyD427 : Your welcome.┬а Hope all this Covid hasnt affected your writting to much.Were still in lockdown and 466 possitive cases here in NSW┬а today┬а 14/08/21
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ DizzyD427 : It is great!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ yeoman73 : Thanks old friend
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ pixzy : It's ready to go sweet friend
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ X_PAC6969 : It's up my loyal friend... thanks for checking in
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ tommy523 : Thanks Tommy... Part III is up. ┬аStroke away my friend, the greatest compliment an erotic author could receive.
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ crzs : Thanks old friend... your comments always inspired me to keep writing.
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ рдореВрд▓ рдЯрд┐рдкреНрдкрдгреА рджрд┐рдЦрд╛рдПрдВ рдЫрдкрд╛рдПрдВ
рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ modelmaker : Thank for checking in... I miss the old days my friend
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рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ dmf399 : Great to hear from you old friend... I hope you enjoy
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рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ akasteve : It's up
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рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ trythisonenow : Thanks old friend... Part III is up\
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рдкреНрд░рддрд┐ Baqcrc : Part III is up... hope you enjoy it┬а
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Thanks so much
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Cannot wait!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
been awhile since I've┬а read one of your stories, loved it!
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Fabulous, can't wait for more.
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Great cant wait for III
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Wow, so crazy hot!┬а Thanks for sharing.┬а Looking forward to more.
рдЬрд╡рд╛рдм рджреЗрдВ
Love this, can't wait for next part, it has so many possibilities.
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