My Sports Injury

Monday is the day that the school football team get together for a training session and a kick about and I always look forward to it as football is my passion and I am told I am good enough to play for the year above so these summer training sessions are important to me for various reasons but mostly to keep fit and try to impress the year above me. There was about 20 or so lads turn up covering the two years and the two trainers and a few other coaching staff along with Mr Wagstaff who was the physio should anyone pick up any knocks. Mr Wagstaff was in his 60’s who was a retired doctor so knew all about sports injuries and even had a home surgery where he would treat any of the lads who picked up knocks, he was quite harmless really and I always got on well with him as we always used to joke about and he always said “When you play for England just remember how old Waggy kept you fit” which was a running joke amongst some of the better lads.
He was a good physio and often would ask the lads who wanted a massage but got very few takers as the word was that he just liked touching the boys but for some reason I never really thought of him like that as whenever I’d got injured he was always respectful and treated me correctly so I had no reason to doubt his professionalism as all and to be honest I never really got injured that much as I was always quite a fit lad.
We started off today just limbering up doing a few circuits of the school pitch to warm up and as I was about to complete the first circuit I felt my hamstring pull and pulled up just a few yards from old Waggy who quickly grabbed his magic sponge and ran over to me, “What’s up son?” he asked in a concerned voice and I told him I felt my hamstring so he put his hand up the back of my thigh which his touch in itself caused a bit of pain.

After a quick diagnosis he told me that he wanted to have a better look on the treatment table and as he didn’t live too far away it was decided by old Waggy and the coaches for him to take a look at it quickly before it escalated into something more serious.
I hobbled to his car which was nearby and he grabbed my stuff from the changing rooms and we drove off to his little bungalow and we were both making jokes about my injury and the lack of time I had spent on the treatment table in recent months, “Don’t worry son, let old Waggy’s magic hands get at ya and we’ll have you right as rain” he said and I think he was enjoying this more than me.

Mr Wagstaff helped me out of the car as he didn’t want me to put too much weight on my leg and he put his arm around my waist helping me into his bungalow and into his treatment room where there was all sorts of charts up on the wall and a long massage table in the middle of the room where he sat me on while he got himself sorted.
He helped me off with my trainers and socks and then suggested I take my shirt off as I would be more comfortable laying on the soft fluffy towels that covered the table and not knowing any better I just went along with whatever he said so laid down on my front with my hands down by my side while he walked around me to the top and made some adjustments to the table getting it at the right height so he could work on my leg without having to bend too much.

As he came round the side he must have realised the lack of underpants under my shorts, “Oh so you don’t wear pants then son” he commented giving my arse a gentle pat, “Never have done sir” I replied with a giggle, “No nor me son, prefer to be comfortable” he replied returning my giggle and in a way I was glad as it made me feel quite normal. Although my shorts were short they weren’t very tight and I was worried that when he widened my legs putting a foot in each corner that my balls would be on show but he didn’t mention it so I didn’t worry about it plus with him being a sports physio I was sure he’s seen men or even boys in a much more naked state than I was so I felt ok and nothing to worry about.

Waggy started running his hands up the back of my thigh and even up inside my shorts before returning down and repeating the process up the inside of my thigh and it was then as his fingers touched my balls that I knew they were on display and the fact he didn’t comment made me feel comfortable and to stop reading too much into it. He repeated the process on the other leg running his hand up the back of my shorts before lingering a few seconds and then again up the inside of my thigh and again lingering when I felt his fingers touch my balls, it was obvious he knew what he was doing as he kept mumbling under his breath, “Hmm that’s good” he would say so I knew things weren’t too bad.

He then went back to the bad leg and again ran his hand up the back of my thigh and again inside the back of my shorts but this time he stopped and gave my cheek a little squeeze and as he came back down he ran his fingers down my crack to my balls, held it for a few seconds before coming back down the inside of my thigh, “Hmm that’s interesting” he said as he then repeated the process with my good leg and again stopping inside my shorts, squeezing and then running his fingers down my crack to my balls before running back down the inside of my thigh, “Hmm that’s very interesting” he said softly which did give me a little cause for concern.

“What’s up sir?” I asked, “Is everything ok?” I added and he came around the front running his hand along my back as he did so, “Oh it’s ok son, I think your glutes are very tight which may be the cause of your hamstring issue” he said and as I glanced at him I could see there was a bulge appearing in the front of his shorts which may just be his cock flopping about rather than an erection as I hadn’t really noticed before, “I hate to ask this son but in order to work on your glutes I will need to remove your shorts, is that ok son?” he asked and to be honest I knew I suffered from tight glutes as my mother had found out a few days ago and I also knew that a good massage would ease it so I readily agreed to him removing my shorts.

“Good lad” he said as he gently eased my shorts down exposing my now fully naked body laying on the table, luckily I didn’t have a boner so they came off quite easily however with my legs spread as wide as the table would allow I knew my balls were on display but I trusted Mr Wagstaff’s integrity and knew he would do a good job.
“You ever had a proper sports massage son?” he asked as he oiled up his hands and I had to tell him that I hadn’t and was looking forward to feeling his magic healing hands on my young body, a comment he giggled at, “Oh I’ve done a few in my time sone, client always leaves feeling better I’m glad to say” he replied which made me feel totally at ease. I kept my hands down by my side and he put a pillow under my chin telling me to keep my head straight as it will keep my spine aligned, which all told me he know what he was doing.

“Right son, lets get started.. I am going to work on your thighs and glutes first to let the oil penetrate and then I will come up and work on your back and shoulders before returning to your glutes and thighs” he said just keeping me informed of the process which I felt was nice of him, “Oh and it does get a bit warm in here doing this so you don’t mind if I take me shirt off do you?” he said with a giggle and the last thing I wanted was him to feel uncomfortable so I nodded my approval, “And keep ya head straight son, its very important as I will be working on your spine and a twisted head could have disastrous consequences” he added which was good to know as I didn’t want to end up all crooked.

“Now just relax and let your body move under my hands” he said and to be honest I was feeling very relaxed already as Mr Wagstaff was telling me what he was doing and why, it was nothing like I had imagined. He started off by dripping a few drops of oil on each arse cheek and it felt quite warm however some did run into my crack, “Ooops” he said with a giggle, “I put a bit too much on there, don’t worry though I will make sure its all rubbed in” he said and I just giggled as I’m sure he knew what he was doing, “It’s all good sir, I am totally in your very capable hands” I replied trying to add some humour to the situation.
He rubbed his hands gently over my arse cheeks hard enough to let the oil soak in and then dropped a few drops on the top of my right thigh and started to rub around the damaged area working his way very gently up my thigh and with each forward stroke his fingers brushed my protruding balls but he just carried on like it was normal so I assumed it was normal although I have to say it did feel rather nice.

He spent a few minutes doing this and was standing right up close to the table, so close in fact that my fingers were pushing against the front of his shorts and I could definitely feel the old man’s cock under his shorts but again as nothing was said I just put it down to accidental touching and when he had rubbed my thigh for a good few minutes he then ran his hand up and started to work my tight glutes.
As he ran his hands in circular motions around just one cheek his fingers ran down my crack obviously trying to work the oil that had slipped in there or whatever the reason it still felt rather nice and as he pressed his groin against my fingers I was sure I could feel it getting stiffer, maybe I was reading too much into it and I had to try and train my mind against thinking this was sexual in order to avoid the inevitable boner.

I did notice that as his fingers completed the circle they were going deeper and slower into my crack and while I was still convinced he knew what he was doing I was beginning to enjoy it, “How does it feel son?” he asked in a soft voice as he moved to the other side of the sable and dropped a few drops of oil onto my left thigh, “Oooh it does feel good sir, thank you sir” I replied softly as he started to work the oil into my thigh and again running his hands down the inside of my thigh as he got to the top and again definitely making contact with my balls.
I could feel my cock starting to stiffen and had to adjust my position slightly and I think he knew exactly the reason why, “Everything ok down there son?” he asked with a giggle and as I adjusted myself I replied, “It is now”
And it was obvious he knew I had got a boner and was trying to make myself more comfortable. I was also sure I wasn’t the first person to get a boner on his table and sure as hell wont be the last and he just continued with his strokes down the inside of my thigh and as he touched my balls I think he could feel the hardness as his fingers ran across. I wasn’t the only one getting aroused as he pressed his groin against my hand and I could definitely feel him as he started to again work on my other arse cheek using the same circular motions but this time as he ran his fingers slowly down the crack he used his other hand to push my cheeks apart, I think it was just to work in any excess oil but even so it felt good.

“Right son, we’ll let that oil soak in a bit, lets have a look at your shoulders and how well your back is lined up” he said coming to the top of the table and with the table the height it was and with him standing close I could clearly see his boner under his shorts as it was just inches from my face, his hairy belly just above the waistband of his shorts looked pretty toned for a guy of his age.
I kept my head straight and pointing out front as he started to work my shoulders and I could see his bulge pressing against his waistband and was slightly angled and I knew the discomfort that caused from my own experiences however it wasn’t for me to comment as I’m sure he’s done this plenty of times before.

He had a good touch as he worked on my shoulders and I could feel he was finding some knots but in general it was good especially as I had his enclosed boner right in front of my face which because he didn’t comment I thought was perfectly natural.
“I am going to run down your spine now son and check each vertebrae as I go so apologies if I get too close son, you MUST keep your head straight though” he said and I was too scared to move as he started to work down my spine one vertebrae at a time and with my head up straight it wasn’t long before his boner was pressing against my face and from where his hands were I think he had a long way to go yet.

I don’t know how the hell it happened but somehow his cock head had poked out the top of his shorts and his shorts were slipping down a little and now his wonderful cock was almost out in the open and the only way he could get closer was to force his cock into my mouth, it wasn’t exceptionally long but it was pretty thick and he made no comment as it slipped between my lips as he continued to work down my back. Damn his cock tasted nice and I was swirling my tongue around the shaft as he stretched about as far as he could.
“Right son, your spine is good but I just need to do a few up and down strokes to condition it, hand in there son” he said softly as he started to move his hands up and down my spine which caused his body to rock back and forth hence it was like he was fucking my mouth, damn this old guy certainly did know what he was doing but the fact I had a thing for old men I didn’t mind a bit and decided to carry on playing the game, after all its not like it will become public knowledge what has taken place.

He started to really work my spine with longer strokes and my only question was would he cum in my mouth, I actually wanted him to and I think he wanted to as well but tried to keep it professional, “Ah that’s it son, your back is looking good son, just a little bit longer son” he said and I could feel he was trying to stretch down to my arse but couldn’t quite reach so he just concentrated on my lower back but I could tell that with him having a willing mouth I knew he wasn’t going to last too long.
I was right as after a few more strokes I felt his warm juice in my mouth which I quickly swallowed and even sucked a little more to get it all out, damn it tasted nice.

“Good lad” he said as he stepped back and now I could see his cock starting to hang down, “Your back seems good now” he added, “But we may need to look at it again once we have sorted out your glutes” he continued and was hesitant about pulling up his shorts, “Damn hot in here son isn’t it, mind if I slip my shorts off” he asked in a soft professional voice, “Sure sir, whatever makes you comfortable sir” I replied totally playing down the fact he had just jazzed in my mouth. Now that we were both as god intended he slipped back around the side gently running his hands down my back to my arse cheeks however now that he was also naked I felt his cock pressing against my hands which I didn’t mind at all.

Mr Wagstaff stood by the side of the table and added a few more drops of oil to my arse cheeks before slowly rubbing it in but this time he seemed to widen my cheeks with every circular motion and his fingers seemed to linger and pushed against my sphincter which actually caused me to groan so he knew I liked it and seemed to linger a bit longer each time until he started work again on my bad leg running his hands first along the top and then slowly from the knee up the inside of my thigh except this time he ran his hands under my balls and I felt him grip the base of my now solid cock before pulling back and returning and then holding my cock under my body for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was just a few seconds.

“Could you turn over for me please son” he asked and although I was a little embarrassed knowing that I had a boner I was sure it wasn’t the first boner he had seen on a young lad so I eased myself on to my back and saw his eyes light up when he saw the size of my erection. “That’s it son, very good” he said and came to the top of the table and put the small pillow under my neck so my head was tilted slightly back and then returned to the side of my injury and widened my legs as far as possible.
He then worked my injured thigh running his hands in all directions but it was when he ran his hands up the inside and when he got to the top he seemed to cup my balls giving them a little squeeze before running his hand along the top of my stiff shaft and then back again which did send a shiver through my body and as he cupped my balls again he let out a soft sigh, “Hmm that’s interesting” he said softly, I raised my head with a quizzical look on my face.

“Have you ever had groin problems son?” he asked and to my knowledge I don’t think I had before so I shook my head, “Hmm, well we may have dodged a bullet here then” he said as he carried on massaging my balls.
“Ok, here’s what we do, I want you to hang your left leg over the edge and I will work on your right leg first” he said so I did as he asked and then her raised my injured leg from the knee and as he pulled it wide his fingers slipped under my arse and I could definitely feel him pushing it against my arsehole as he ran the other hand up and down the inside of my thigh, it actually felt good as he widened my legs, “I am just going to loosen you up a bit son, nothing to worry about” he said softly as my arse was getting close to the edge of the table and his finger started to push into my anus.

I could feel with my hand that he had got another erection which I didn’t mind and as his finger pushed inside me I let out a pleasant moan which must have given him some encouragement and it then crossed my mind that he was going to fuck me, I just laid back and closed my eyes telling myself that once again I was over thinking it.
He lifted my legs high and I felt his finger slip out of me but it seemed he was just lining up his cock and when I felt him push in I had a moment of discomfort but then as his cock slid into my oily arsehole it felt rather good and forced me to moan softly, “That’s it son, just relax and we’ll get this sorted” he sighed as he started to thrust pushing himself further into my arse, damn it did feel good.

As he held one leg up high he used his other hand to squeeze my balls putting his hand on my shaft and then gently wrapping his fingers around it and gently easing the foreskin back exposing the swollen head which was easing a little precum and as his thrusts got harder and quicker I wondered how long it would take the old sod to empty his seed and it wasn’t long before his breathing increased and he let out a few muffled grunts and then I felt the warmth of his cum deep inside my arsehole, it felt so good and I thought I was going to cum myself as I was so close. He kept his cock in me and started to wank me off which I knew wouldn’t take long, “Just need to release a little pressure son” he said softly and before he could finish his sentence I let out a rather loud moan as my jizz shot out up my stomach and chest, “There you go son” he said feeling rather pleased with himself.
He pulled out and cleaned me up, “All done son” he said helping me to sit upright, “Rest it for a couple of days and if you need to please come back” he added as I got dressed and left thinking that although a little unorthodox I did feel better for the experience.
द्वारा प्रकाशित britguy
3 वर्षो पूर्व
टिप्पणियाँ पोस्ट करने के लिए कृपया या करें
SancheZ069 1 वर्ष पूर्व
Hot :smile: luv to be coach Waggy :smile:
जवाब दें
snrcurious 1 वर्ष पूर्व
Brilliant! Can't stop massaging myself reading this....
जवाब दें
Taras73 1 वर्ष पूर्व
A good soothing massage.
जवाब दें
hornybusdriver 2 वर्षो पूर्व
Wish i was good at sports now. 
जवाब दें
wonderful hamstring and more massage.  
जवाब दें
mountainman1011 3 वर्षो पूर्व
I'm massaging my cock right now
जवाब दें
mikehuntloves69 3 वर्षो पूर्व
Bet you went back !!! 
जवाब दें
tommy523 3 वर्षो पूर्व
love a good massage.
जवाब दें
Madone1962 3 वर्षो पूर्व
Great story 
जवाब दें
ogr_uk 3 वर्षो पूर्व
Reading that caused me to have a tight hamstring too
जवाब दें