
I'd stopped in the car park at a popular cruising spot because I was busting for a piss on my way home from a meet. I often stopped there, sometimes looking for action, but mostly to get phone messages, or just have a piss, as on this occasion. It was evening, but light enough to see clearly - ideal for popping into the bushes for a quick piss. There was just one car there - at the far end, so I just headed into the trees and bushes right next to where my car was parked. I stopped a few yards in, and took my cock out, when I heard a noise nearby - very heavy breathing. Cock still out, I… Διαβάστε περισσότερα

Δημοσιεύτηκε από Daddy7x6 Πριν από 1 έτος 12

Making a fist of it

I'd arranged to meet a mature gay bottom guy (his words on his profile!) at his place in a town not far from mine. When I arrived, I parked discreetly round the corner, walked to his door, and rang the bell. The door opened almost immediately, revealing.... no-one! A voice said "come inside and shut the door". As I went in, I could see a slim guy of about 60 or so wearing leather briefs heading for the stairs. I shut the door and followed him up to a bedroom with a big double bed covered in large towels. As I undressed he eyed my stiffening cock with satisfaction, and then unzipped a zipper go… Διαβάστε περισσότερα

Δημοσιεύτηκε από Daddy7x6 Πριν από 1 έτος 3