She Had Had Them Enlarged

He'd noticed her every day. The same time of day, leaving the same office building. The woman wore proper office attire with a few small exceptions. Her business suit skirts were too tight, several inches too short and she always wore high heels and hose. Once when she bent down, he could see her nylons had tears or "runs" at the knees. That was unusual, although he thought little of it at first, until he noticed at other times her nylons always had fabric damage at the knees. She was very pretty. And she spent a lot of time on her knees. That could mean only one thing.

What had REALLY caught his attention was that the woman was extremely top heavy. Her chest was incongruously mismatched with her thin torso and body frame. The suit tops must have been specially altered to ensemble with the narrow skirts. Her chest was so large it swayed as she moved. A bra is supposed to hold a woman's breasts in place. THIS had been engineered for movement. In fact, there was so much overhang he marveled that she was able to stand upright at all. Nature couldn't have developed a chest like this! He had to know how it got this way...and why!

She went straight to her car every day. She always took some kind of overnight bag and makeup kit from the trunk and placed it in the passenger seat. No one ever rode away with her. He was determined to be in that passenger seat the day he approached her.

Riding down in the elevator, he maneuvered next to her and when the car stopped at the second to last floor they were alone. "I know you," he said with calm directness. " I just can't remember where we met."

"I don't know. I think I would remember meeting you," she replied.

" I should remember every detail, if we'd been introduced," he went on.

He knew the car would lurch when it started up. They were half facing and he made it appear an accident when he bumped her hard. His chest to her chest. He felt her tits "give." Then he JABBED her tits with his elbow. GOD, they were REAL! His poke would have hurt any woman. She didn't flinch or pull back. He didn't apologize.

"I have to get to know you better," he said. "Half an hour will do. We have something important in common. We have to talk, over a drink or in your car."

She simply nodded, obviously intrigued by the way the conversation led and she acted unafraid. She was bold. She took his hand and they went to the dimly lit parking garage.

They went to her car. As always she retrieved the two cases. "Work clothes for my other job. The nighttime one. I could show you. I...I'd like to."

"I want to see," he said. Surprised, he watched as she opened the makeup case. "There's a lot in there,"he said.

"I wear a lot of makeup at night."
As she opened the other, she volunteered, "I'm a dancer. A lapdancer. Men say I'm a "tit tease stripper. Does that bother you?"

"Hardly," he said. "I already know what goes on in your head." He grew bolder. "You fantasize men brutalizing you and your big tits. You daydream about being stuck in an elevator with a sadist, don't you. You want the attention of these men but can't break free of your inbred fears to engage in the rough sex with a stranger, the deviant sex you so desperately need. You wear your tits in clothes that practically advertise you for bondage sex. So you come on to men, but they don't actually have sex with you. I am going to change that."

"Yes, Yes, so many men want to. But I rarely let them. Most don't know how to approach a woman like me. But YOU'RE DIFFERENT. The instant you "bumped" me I began imagining how your hands and fingers would feel holding my tits."

She was so BAD right then. "Unfasten my bra!! Touch them. Tell me if my tits are big enough. Please!! Then, tell me what you want of me."

"Get out of the car. Stand in the driver's doorway with your back to me. Hold your arms and hands behind you and open my fly." he was firm.

She complied and he reached up under the back of her business suit top and felt bare flesh. With clawed fingers, he tore open the back of her skimpy, thin blouse, exposing her bra strap. He ripped that open as well, in two hard tugs. He reached up to where her tits had been. They had fallen below her waist while partly confined in the torn bra. She gasped. She moaned, " AT LAST!" " I knew a man like you would come along." She had his cock in both her hands, stroking it with shaking hands.

"That's enough for now. You will be jacking me off later. And doing a lot MORE."

He looked into the overnight bag. It contained some scraps of bikini tops and, underneath, a collection of clamps for nipples, paddles and thin leather straps.

She WAS a masochist. He had gambled on it in the elevator, and he was right. She had given off the "signs,"and he told her, " I'll go to your club, watch your show, then take you to your home and then over to mine for more 'detailed work'. You will tell me why your breasts are so big, why you want them this way and what you've done with them to MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE THIS. Later, I will give you the kind of "treatment" you've obviously been looking for.'

She DROVE. He was in the seat behind her. His hands were constantly in motion, plucking, feeling and twisting her magnificent tits. He gathered up handsful and twisted them. He was hurting her and she didn't push his hands away.

"Tell me their size!" he said. "HOW BIG! Only big titted women interest me. These'll be bruised by the time you do your "show." You won't care. You have a "WHORE'S TITS" and they've never been properly handled. Until I came along. You have been using them to turn men on all your adult life. NOW, we are going to do something about it."

Then, he left her no doubt what would happen, when he told her, "You're trembling all over and your nipples are hard, You want this more than anything on earth right now." He twisted one of her breasts in his oversized hand.

She was getting light headed. "Whore's tits", he had said. Yes, that's what she had. "Big Enhanced Whore Tits" to attract men. It was time someone disciplined them.

Her voice was faint as she responded to him. "Yes, we both know I have tits you expect on a whore. YES, I want them mistreated by you, more than anything. It is long overdue."

He went on," Your tit-strip-teasing will be extra special tonight because you are going to finally face what you've really been looking for. You want a man to dominate your tits. I will do it. HOW BIG ARE THEY?"

"I...i...had them made bigger. My bra is only 32 inches around. I'm skinny and my ribcage is narrow. So big tits look even bigger on me. My bra cups are a DOUBLE E! They used to be a D Cup until I had them enhanced. I HAD THEM ENHANCED three times. I couldn't stop having them made BIGGER. It made men notice me and grab me. Like you did in the elevator. with them. I imagine a man fucking them. I GO LOOKING FOR MEN ALL THE TIME HOPING TO FIND ONE WHO WILL WANT TO TO HURT MY BREASTS. IT'S SO FRUSTRATING WHEN I CAN'T FIND ONE! They're afraid the bouncers at the club will beat them up."

Yes, he thought, "Double E felt about right. He had never had a pair of DOUBLE E's to work on."

His cock got harder. "They are almost big enough. Big enough for me to fuck. Bouncers don't worry me. I used to be one. After your tit show on stage at the pole, you are going to jerk me off with your tits in your dressing room. I don't care who watches. You won't either, because we both want men from the audience, men you teased, to come back and watch you be tit-fucked. You will invite a half dozen of them to watch how well you "perform" offstage. When we leave they will come back to your house and you will jack the cum out of them while I beat your tits. Imagine how much "fun" they will have. And then the two of us will go to my place where your tits will properly submit themselves to me.

You can't imagine the things I will do to you and these big knockers. You will be unable to go to work tomorrow and the next day. We will see what your tits look like by then. The barest movements will cause them exquisite pain. I might even invite some of them to come back later to join us. You'd like that wouldn't you. Six men working over your big tits as you BEG them for more. Eventually you will be unable to beg any more. You will just endure what they do to you."

He had her panting.

The car stopped in the lot of a "Gentlemens' Club" where she performed. She rose and he felt the car seat. It was wet with female sex juices. Sopping. She was READY and now both of them knew it.

As an afterthought before she went inside, he stunned her with, " Your EE Cups are too little. With enough bruising and internal stress, I'll make them so even an F Cup won't fit you. If that won't do, some bigger implants will be necessary. Your tit skin will be paper thin from stretching by then. All the sub-surface veins will be raised and prominent for the real sadists to drool over. Then you'll be ready for some "serious tit teasing" onstage. You will attract the lowest kind of perverts. I'll have you working the grunge bars and trucker hangouts." She groaned and almost orgasmed at the thought of being displayed for dirty old men and deviants.

The thought of having even further enlargements and its effect on "customers" would stay on her mind all night at the club. She would swing and jiggle her EE Cup tits right in front of the men who would be invited backstage. She had never been this excited before a show.


It was so easy. No one questioned him when he slipped into the club office and told the thickset operator that he was her current manager. And were there a half dozen regular customers the club would like to keep happy, and keep spending, by granting them a special favor? Were they men with money and the lowest kind of morals? Did they include men who liked to be rough with their women and, most especially, were they attracted to busty women endowed with the largest tits growing off of very slender bodies? Without much hesitation the answer was "yes."

"I'm going to pick them on your recommendation and invite them to her dressing room for an hour after she gets them worked up." The men were pointed out at tables at front of the stage. He had a scantily clad waitress slip each of the men a note during her dance. It read: The slut on stage has asked her manager to invite you backstage. A semi private performance. Then she wants you at her house for a group 'party.' Leave your inhibitions at the door. ALL of them. Make sure to bring your aggression."

Even from the back of the room they could see splotches and bruising and fingermarks he'd put on the swaying tits slung in the tiny showgirl bra. She intentionally didn't cover them with makeup. In her dance, she held back nothing. It was the most sexually provoking dance-display most of them had ever seen. She knelt at the edge of the little stage, leaning forward and flopping her tits in her hands. She looked every man in the eye as she displayed herself. Men were rubbing their crotches under the tables.

Other dancers scurried out of the way as the men followed her into the dressing room where he waited. "Watch!" he told them. "You'll get a chance to take part at her house, after I'm done with her here. She's spent the last fifteen minutes asking for this." And then, to her, "KNEEL ON THE STOOL and take what you've been asking for. FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG DIRTY TITS!" She knelt and he slapped her, hard, a dozen times. Her tears and his palms made her eye makeup run. He glanced at the red faced men, " SOFTEN UP HER TITS. DIG YOUR FINGERS IN. SHE NEEDS IT." The men swarmed on her as he watched with his cock out. A beefy character slammed her tits from side to side with a closed fist. Others grabbed her, pulling and pinching her glowing tits as they bounced in the showoff bra. She held her hands behind her and pushed her chest forward to them. "She was hoping for this when she swung her tits around out there. Now you're giving her just what she needs."

He stepped forward. She wrapped her tits around his cock and they felt hot on him. She lurched her torso up and down on his dick moaning like some kind of hurt a****l. She kept saying one word, over and over. "PLEASE!" He said only one word and said it once. "WHORE!" Then he came on her chest. As his jizm drooled down her body he told her, "Get in the car. Don't change. They're coming to your place to teach you some lessons." The men didn't hesitate and headed to their cars and the address he'd given them.

When the men came in her front door they found her kneeling in her ripped nylons on a stack of concrete blocks, raising her to tit-fucking height. She still wore her torn little showgirl shelf-bra. She was exposed in the middle of her living room. The curtains were pulled back so anyone could look in and see. She would give a sex show in an unlikely place. There were several leather belts and leather straps laid over a chair.

Δημοσιεύτηκε από ashtheslut
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That is hot Ash, I could never do this to a woman. But if she asked for it and encouraged me, it would be a dream come true.
how big her breasts were?
Amazing, I wish I could meet a tit pain slut like her, I've got so many things I'd love to do to hurt some big tits.
Mmmmmmm that's gotta ash!!
A whores life is rewarded
Just what the big tit slut wanted and deserved.