The club xxx

I didn’t hear from Ron or auntie Mary for a couple of days, which wasn’t in itself unusual and to be fair I’d sort of forgot about Errol’s invitation to go to the Brunswick club, but on, I think, the Thursday, I bumped into Ron and he asked me if I was going? I have to say that I wasn’t that keen especially as, like I’d told you before, that Errol actually did think I was auntie Mary’s daughter and I had seen Errol’s huge cock and how he’d fucked her the weekend before!! Ron didn’t think I ought to go but apparently Mary was VERY keen for me to accompany her and was already talking of what sexy outfit she thought I should wear and what she wanted me to do, sex wise.

I should also mention that around this time I’d started seeing a girl called Carol who I’ve mentioned before (see my recollections about her ‘pet’ and what happened after walking in the park) and we didn’t have any secrets at all and I mean NO secrets!!! She was seriously hot, sex wise and when I broached the subject of my invitation to the Brunswick club she wasn’t keen on me going, well that’s not really the truth. What she really meant that she wasn’t keen on me going without her!!! Things would change in my relationship later but at that time I was ‘sort’ of protecting her regards sex!! Anyway I decided I wasn’t going to go although I did agree to accompany auntie Mary when Ron took her to the club on the Saturday night in the car.

I need to digress a little and tell you a bit more about Ron as it’s part of the story later. Ron helped run a youth boxing club with another man called Mr Roberts who was the trainer and fitness man whereas Ron was in charge of ‘first aid/medical’ and Ron took it quite serious often wearing a long white coat complete with pen and stethoscope around his neck. After training we’d all shower and then stand naked around the changing room wall on the wooden benches whilst Ron ‘inspected’ our bodies and made sure we were dry especially our cocks, bums and balls using his towel if we weren’t. Most of the lads just laughed it off but if any of the boys, especially newer ones I’d recruited for him, showed any feelings, interest or even arousal I’d accompany the pair of them to his medical room complete with couch, scales, ointments and all the usual equipment of such a room. Ron was very clever at luring boys into his depraved sexual web and initially it would just be a cursory inspection of the lads body, the next time a bit more intimate and touchy then the rubber gloves, Vaseline and fingers up his bum before, usually with my assistance and egging on Ron would wank the lad off. After that I’d not be needed to accompany the lad and Ron would now have him under his control and be added to his young playthings to be used and abused at will.

Anyway back to my recollections of that time. When I turned up that evening Mary was ready and clearly on a sexual high, wearing a long white tench coat which when she undid the belt and pulled it open exposed the sexy outfit she was wearing for the evening. I must say I was a bit shocked and surprised as, as usual, she was wearing her trademark black stockings, suspenders and high heels together with a purple half cup bustier, making her breasts looking even bigger, her black nipples like organ stops but the most surprising thing were the pink skimpy skin tight satin hot pants she was wearing. What was most striking though was her pussy which, in the tight hot pants, was obviously ‘enlarged’ and looked totally abnormal !!! Mary was ‘hot’ and couldn’t wait to pull down her hot pants to show me her pussy which looked so different and amazing although I’m nor sure that’s the right word. While I stood staring at Mary’s cunt, Ron explained how he’d spent the day preparing Mary, insomuch that Mary’s cunt was now clean shaven and the lips totally distended and enlarged massively. As I’d explained Ron liked medical things and he showed me the appliance that he’d modified and used on Mary’s pussy which was like the mouthpiece dentists used when you had ‘gas’ but had been modified to give a vacuum effect causing the extended lips on her cunt. Ron told me later that Mary had been on a sexual high all day and that he’d been working on her cunt, first shaving her completely smooth, using the vacuum pump on her several times and even fucking her twice besides using various other ‘medical’ implements on her body which, it transpired, often happened.

I must say that I’m not sure if I liked the appearance of her ‘new’ cunt but it obviously had the desired effect on my cock as, with Ron watching on, I fucked Mary’s ‘new’ cunt up against the living room door before we left. It was a strange feeling, more like an anal fuck rather than a pussy, but nice anyway. Mary loved a spunky pussy and after I’d dumped my load up her she quickly pulled on her skimpy hot pants, a large wet spunky stain appearing immediately on her hot pants !!!!

We arrived at the club and Ron escorted Mary in, where she was met by Errol and all that follows next, is what Mary told myself and Ron the next day. Mary did exaggerate a little but I’m sure most of what she told us was the truth. Basically there were two ‘black’ clubs in Bristol, the Bamboo club (later to gain much notoriety during the riots) which had a spattering of white female patrons and the Brunswick club which was almost totally black. Mary was escorted, by Errol, through the main bar, along a corridor and down some stairs to a large room where she was introduced to six other girls who were obviously part of the entertainment!!! Five of the girls were black and Mary knew two of them from her time working the streets and the sixth girl was a very young petite white girl and very nervous. All the girls were much younger than Mary, in fact at least half her age, and all dressed provocatively, the two prostitutes wearing just heels, thongs and bras. The other two black girls were like chalk and cheese, insomuch as one was very slim and wearing white stockings, no knickers and a half cup bra and looked absolutely stunning whilst the other girl was big, big bum and big breasts about three times the size of Mary’s and hers were big and was also completely nude. The young white girl was dressed as a schoolgirl, white knee socks, very short grey skirt and white cotton bra, very nervous and shaking like a leaf!!!

In the centre of the room was a large bed covered in a blue plastic sheet and around the walls several armchairs and settees occupied, at least when Mary arrived, by about a dozen or so friends of Errol, who seemed to be in charge of the proceedings. Mary had by now removed her hot pants and her puffed up huge pussy lips were now, not only gaining attention from the others girls, but also by the ogling punters lusting over the girls. More men were arriving all the time and within minutes the action started when one of the men who’d just arrived headed over to the stunning tall slim girl and pulled her over onto the ‘bed’ and with no finesse starting giving her a good fucking. This seemed to be the signal for more action and within seconds one of the prostitutes and the naked fat girl were both grabbed and like the other girl, both being fucked on the bed although the fat girl was being fucked anally and, from the noise she was making, finding it quite painful and not surprisingly so, by the size of the cock the guy had. Errol had his huge cock out wanking and called over to Mary to go down on him, which she was more than happy to do, taking his large cock in her mouth, the guy next to him was leaning over and groping her tits and cunt. Errol then passed Mary over to the guy who then got out his cock and started fucking her over the arm of his armchair. He had a lovely big cock and, according to Mary, was quite a stallion, fucking her for what seemed ages before eventually shooting yet another load of spunk up her still swollen pussy.

After he’d finished with her, Mary made her way back to the other girls, well two of them actually, the fat girl, who was still crying and one of the other prostitutes. The stunning slim girl was being fucked for at least the third or fourth time, according to the prostitute and the other prostitute for the second time. Mary actually felt a bit left out of it!!!! Errol and two other guys, all with massive cocks, we’re taking it in turn to fuck the young white girl, who was being held, spreadeagled, by a couple of other guys, over a small table in a small recess. She looked so tiny compared to the huge muscular guys and their enormous cocks but, credit to her, she was taking it a lot better than the fat black girl who was beginning to get on Mary’s nerves. Eventually two of the guys, not Errol though, spunked up and over the young girls, by now, naked body, but to her despair there were already three or four more guys, besides the ones holding her down, who were now, hard black cocks out, lining up behind her and eager to sample her tight pink pussy and add to the spunk already covering a large part of her body.

Mary, watching, got the impression that Errol wanted to have a go at the stunning girl who was being fucked by yet another guy on the bed but seeing that he’d have to wait his turn and he wasn’t going to do that, with all the other pussy available, made his way over to Mary, her prostitute friend and the crying fat girl. Errol’s cock was rock hard, still wet from the young girls pussy and stuck out from his boxer shorts like a ramrod and Mary was having it, come he’ll or high water. She made her desires plain to Errol and soon he was fucking her wet, swollen and shaven cunt with as much gusto as he had the last time they’d fucked, up against the wall, in the yard, his huge cock filling her cunt with pleasure. Mary gave it her best shot but Errol was insatiable and after a couple of minutes turned his attention and wet cock to Mary’s prostitute friend and, pulling his cock out of Mary, started on fucking her instead and, much to Mary’s dissatisfaction, cum with a huge flood of spunk over the girls black belly and cunt.

Things were really heating up now and Mary guessed there must have been well over fifty men in the room, many having been satisfied by using, at least one or two of the girls but a few had fucked three or four and obviously there were quite a few still needing to be satisfied. After Errol had let Mary down she’d been fucked by a couple of newcomers in quick succession, both leaving her cunt and thighs plastered in spunk, the second guy, quite young compared to the rest was a very heavy cummer. It seemed as though there was almost a brief interlude in the action when both fuckers and fucked had a bit of a breather from all the frantic sexual action and even Mary told me later that she appreciated the break. The young girl, being gang banged over the table, was even allowed a quick drink, a towel down and a pause from the seemly constant stream of fresh cock lining up to fuck her, by now, gaping red raw pussy!!! In fairness, according to Mary, she’d not had much experience and it was definitely her first time having ‘that’ much cock unlike Mary and her two prostitute friends who were taking it all in their stride. The stunning slim girl who, in the beginning, everyone wanted to fuck was now looking very much the worse for wear, her white stockings ripped to shreds and generally looking a mess. She’d been fucked by probably twenty men at least but that was only about half as many as the young white girl had had and she was definitely looking in better shape and seemed ready and eager for even more cock!!! Mary didn’t see the stunning girl again that evening.

After a couple of minutes the action started all over again, being kicked off by the young white girl, stretching herself over the table and inviting the first man, of the reformed queue, to start fucking her all over again. The fat crying girl seemed to have disappeared too, which pleased Mary, however the two remaining prostitutes and Mary were now in great demand and soon queues had formed behind each of them as they knelt in line along the edge of the bed. All three women were now being fucked repeatedly sometimes by men just moving from one cunt to another seamlessly and eventually deciding which of the three to dump their spunk into. Mary thought that quite a few of the guys she saw were not wearing any protective and everyone and everything seemed to be either covered or smelling sweetly of spent spunk especially the four girls left standing, kneeling or stretched out and the floor was littered with used condoms !!!

After what seemed a lifetime to Mary the action obviously slowed, mainly due, in part, to the stamina of the guys and the quantity of guys too but not, according to Mary, the desire and availability of the girls dripping wet pussies. Even the young white girl had now run out of ‘customers’ and was towelling herself down and not very successfully trying to remove nearly three hours worth of masculine seed from her cunt and body. Mary and the two others girls were manfully seeing off the last stragglers, most of whom it seemed were quite drunk and finding it hard to ‘rise’ to the occasion!!!

After the last punter had finished fucking one of the prostitutes, Errol came over to thank them and gave the three of them a crisp fifty pond note each for their services. Mary had arranged for both myself and Ron to ‘rescue’ her at around eleven thirty although I’m sure on this occasion she didn’t need rescuing at all!!! Ron and I had had a lovely evening lusting and wanking each other whilst looking at the sexy whorey prostitutes on offer that evening. We’ gone straight to the red light area when we’d dropped off Mary and we’d both wanked each other off looking at a particularly sexy young whore wearing nothing much more than a ‘belt’, bra and a ridiculously high pair of heels. We gave it an hour or so before cruising around the area again before going to pick up Mary and once again bringing each other off, this time just enjoying the wanking and pleasuring each other to completion.

When we picked up auntie Mary she had the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face, although she did look a bit dishevelled but still, definitely, had a bit of a spring in her step. She had to keep her coat on as her hot pants had gone awol but she did introduce Ron and myself to her two new ‘friends’ who, I personally thought, looked amazing and definitely my sort of girls, certainly in the whore stakes, especially the younger of the two. I’d have loved to have fucked her spunk soiled cunt!! Of course we were desperate to know all that had gone on and, it goes without saying, that Mary, to start with, was on a high and just couldn’t stop talking about what she’d got up too and who’d fucked who and all that but after only about five minutes she’d collapsed Sound asleep on the back seat so we had to wait till the next morning to get the full story!!!!
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joannacd1 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 9 μήνες
σε Loveofporn1970 : ❤️❤️❤️
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Loveofporn1970 Πριν από 9 μήνες
Live it xx
joannacd1 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 1 έτος
σε YuiMinami : Good girl xxx enjoy xxx
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YuiMinami Πριν από 1 έτος
Stroking to this story right now. 
joannacd1 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 1 έτος
σε sissykathy : That’s really lovely darling xxx I’m so glad you enjoy them xxx 
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sissykathy Πριν από 1 έτος
Had another lovely cum reading your story. I really look forward to them. Thank you darling xx
joannacd1 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 1 έτος
σε PossibleChase6 : ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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PossibleChase6 Πριν από 1 έτος
That was intense, Love it
joannacd1 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 1 έτος
σε MissLesley : Thank you darling xxx so kind xxxx
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MissLesley Πριν από 1 έτος
Another wonderful recollection darling. Thinking about your lovely clit as I read it xx