A Harley Quinn Story - Only in English


Harley Quinn, the woman behind all of Jokers good ideas finally is on her own after the breakup. With nothing better to do, and the scum of Gotham wanting to kill her, Harley does the only thing she knows. Y/n Wayne, respected daughter of Bruce Wayne AKA Batman (a secret certain people know) has secrets of her own. Harley is out on the job of her life, but playing with fire is a dangerous game and if played wrongly, will result poorly. Will the fire burn brighter? Or will it die down to ash?

Warning! Before you read further, I must warn you. This story has more than 392587 characters. I have done from every 5 Kapietel a separation by Lienen. So that you can divide the story.

Chapter One

Léa's POV:

The nightclub was packed during this time of night. The music the dj was playing got the girls dancing as the melodies booked throughout the club. I took a sip of my bourbon, looking around the crowd from the balcony.

Ever since I bought the Eclipse nightclub, fixed it up and turned it around, it's been packed since the grand opening. My father, Bruce Wayne, didn't understand why I'd invest in such a business, claiming nightclubs were just traps to lure woman inside for men to pray on them.

I begged to differ. My nightclub was clean, despite being used for various mob business I had going for myself. If a man, or woman for that matter, wanted to put their hands on someone who didn't enjoy the feeling, well... they weren't heard from again.

"Bruno is waiting out back. Says he has the payment." My right hand woman, Sasha, whispered lowly.

I nodded, finishing off my bourbon before exiting my club.

Harley's POV:

My mind drifted off, tuning out the conversation I was trying to have with a random girl I met in this club. But, just like everyone else, she brought up Mr. J. Why couldn't people read my mind and know we weren't together anymore?

Why did they have to assume, just because I still wore the 'J' necklace, that him and I were together?! Ugh, I really only wore this thing now because it was shiny and looked good on me. But let's face it, Mr. J and I were over and I was a free, independent woman.

Although I wasn't sure how to exactly be that, especially when I've spent my entire life infatuated and in love with him. I changed my entire life for him, jumped out of planes for him! Of course I never got the credit for anything, and I think that's where the problem started.

I mean a little thanks would have been nice. But he wasn't like that. I downed the rest of whatever was in my glass, standing to my feet and ignoring the rush of dizziness that fell over me. Maybe I should lighten up in the drinks.. nah!

I stumbled down the sidewalk, pushing people out of my way and enjoying the semi fresh air Gotham had to offer. Up in the sky the bat signal went off and I rolled my eyes, looks like batsy was still kicking.

Why couldn't he ever do something, anything, else? Didn't fighting crime get boring? Especially since he was a multi billionaire with his own company. Wayne enterprise was the ugliest building in Gotham.

Imagine the power one would have if he were out of the picture. If he were locked up behind a cell or six feet underground. The first thing I would do would be to smash that dreaded bat signal. I mean, the thing was tacky. Not to mention clunky.

A lightbulb went off in my head and I smirked, laughing to myself. I would be the one to take down the bat, ruling over Gotham city! Nobody would dare touch me now, especially when they find out that Mr. J and I aren't together. I'd have eternal immunity! Not to mention a hearty fortune to spend.

"This is going to be fun!" I cackled, stumbling inside another nightclub and rushing over to the bar.

Léa's POV:

"Another bourbon please, Sid." I ordered, plopping down on the barstool.

Sid set my drink down in front of me before walking around the bar to take other orders. I took a drink, feeling the alcohol slide easily down my throat.

"So," I started, glancing over at the pale woman beside me, "Never thought I'd see Harley Quinn inside my club."

"You know who I am?" Harley turned, giving me her full attention with a lopsided smile.

I hummed, "Recognize the clown makeup anywhere."

Harley scoffed, pushing me and I had to grip the bar counter to steady myself. I let out a small laugh, catching her small smile.

"I'm only k**ding. The bedazzled eyebrow really suits you." I teased, bringing my cup to my lips.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, because I know it's great." She stuck her tongue out at me, grabbing her beverage off the bar top.

"No Joker tonight?" I asked, swirling my liquid around in my cup.

Harley shook her head, pursing her lips together before downing her drink in just two gulps. I gave her an impressed look, telling Sid to put all her drinks on my tab.

"A girl can't go out and have fun by herself?! I mean is that all I am to people, just the jokers little toy! Can't I just be Harley?! Just Harley, not Joker and Harley Quinn."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." I scratched back of my neck, downing the rest of my strong liquor and ordering us another round.

Harley sighed heavily, "Mr. J and I broke up."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I knew by the way she told me, the sadness and anger in her tone told me that this was recent and she wasn't over it fully yet.

"You're the first person I've told." Quinn mumbled I almost didn't hear what she said.

"Eh, who needs men anyways? As far as I'm concerned, this is a woman's world."

"Yeah, you're right!" Harley grinned, laughing loudly, "I wasn't put on this world to be held back by some man! I'm Harley fucking Quinn!"

I watched the woman stand up, a new wave of confidence washing over her or maybe it was just the amount of drinks she had in her system. Either way, she looked like she was ready to take on the world.

Harley's POV:

The mysterious woman and I had a few more drinks, talking animatedly while the hustle and bustle of the club seemed to drown out the more shots I gulped down.

"Léa Wayne, my how much you've grown!"

My head perked up as I intently watched a man dressed in a suit, shake her hand. I've been having drinks with Batsys daughter the entire time?! When did he have a daughter? And why was she actually attractive compared to her father?

Wait, if she was his daughter then that means my plan was finally going to come together. And I knew exactly what I was going to do. The smirk I wore was hidden behind another two shots I downed, getting up from the bar and heading outside once more.

There was something I had to do first. This was a new era for Harley fucking Quinn and Gotham better watch out.


Chapter Two

Harley's POV:

I strutted out of the bar, a random cup full of alcohol in hand. This was the new beginning for me, all of Gotham would soon know who I was, living my life away from Mr. J.

I ripped off the 'J' necklace, tossing it behind me as I strutted down the road. I stole some random mans semi truck, and slammed on the gas right towards Ace Chemicals.

My fingers pressed down on the radio dial, the heavy rock station blaring as I sang the words to some AC/DC. Right before the truck slammed into the plant, I jumped out just in time, marveling at the enormous explosion.

A dreamy sigh left my lips, laughing as I pushed myself off the wet cement. If the people of Gotham didn't know that Joker and I weren't together, they would now. And if they wanted to find me, then they could find me in Wayne enterprise, standing over Batman.

Now to go and make friends with Bats daughter.

Léa's POV:

"Last night the Ace Chemical plant went up in a large explosion that shook Gotham city. Some people said they saw Batman lurking around, making people speculate that the vigilante had a hand in this. We'll have more on the story later."

I snorted, turning around to smirk playfully at my father, "So? Did you blow up the Ace Chemical plant?"

My father chuckled, buttoning up his raven black suit jacket, "Afraid someone beat me to it."

I hummed, pouring myself some bourbon, "You planning on going after her?"

Bruce gave me a questioning look and I rolled my eyes, "Harley Quinn, dad. Come on, you can't be that oblivious to know that she just told all of Gotham her and Joker aren't together."

"I won't have to, all of Gotham will be after her. The joker pissed a lot of people off, I'm sure they'll want to take their anger out on her while they can touch her."

"But you plan to go after her, right?" I asked.

"Why the sudden interest?" My father laughed, "But, yes, eventually she'll be sent to Arkham."

I nodded, gulping down the rest of the bourbon in my glass as my phone buzzed in my back pocket. My jaw ticked at the message Sasha sent me and I set my empty cup down on the table.

"I have to go. I'll be back in time for dinner, unless you'll be out and it'll just be Alfred and me?"

Bruce shook his head, smiling tightly, "I'll be home in time... thought maybe we could order in."

I nodded, grabbing my leather jacket and snatching the keys to the Benz. I pulled into the warehouse where most of the day to day operations ran, nodding my head towards a few workers.

"Found him trying to make off with the cash from our buyer. Almost got away with it too, seems like you need a better security team." Sasha whistled lowly.

"Who was on watch?" I asked, stepping inside my office.

"Jones and Sims."

I sighed, "Bring then in. Where's the thief?"

Sasha smirked, pushing some of her purple hair behind her ear, "Dangling above the shark tank."

A small smirk twitched up my lips and I nodded, slipping the all black bandanna around the lower half of my face, hiding my identity. Nobody knew who I was except Sasha, perks of being a c***dhood friend.

Jones and Sims stepped into my office, shifting on their feet.

"I just want you to know that this isn't going to go as bad as you think. My money is still here and the guy didn't get away. But he almost did." I stepped around to the front of my desk, crossing my arms over my chest, "I pay you nicely, take care of your families and, for the most part, give you free reign. And this, this is how you repay me?"

"Ember, we're-"

"Sorry, I know." I shook my head, waving off their half ass apology, "The thief is dangling above my shark tank, and I'm tempted to have you join him."

"Boss, please!" Sims begged, clasping his hands together in a praying position.

"But.. I'm a firm believer in second chances." I smoothed out my leather jacket, "You're both free to go."

"Thank you!" Sims praised. The man turned to leave through the door and I slammed his skull against the wall, my arm erupting in fire.

Sims yelped in pain as I burned his skin, "You can have your second chance in hell."

I dropped the man to the ground, his body twitching before he let out his finally breath of air.

I turned towards Jones, the Polynesian holding his hands out in surrender.

"Take care of his body, and don't even think about fucking up again or it will be worse." I spat.

"Yes, boss!" Jones squeaked, picking Sims body up and rushing out of my office. Sasha strolled in after him with a small laugh.

"After we take care of the thief, want to go for a couple drinks?"

"Let him dangle over the sharks for a few more hours."

"I'll arrange a car." Sasha pulled out her phone but I shook my head, interlocking our arms as we strolled out of my office, "No need. I drove."

We made it to my club a few minutes later, having one of the valet guys park my car. I gave him an extra hundred dollar tip as Sasha and I slipped inside. I removed my mask, stuffing it inside my back pocket.

I liked to keep my life and my other alias separate. I didn't like to mix business with other business because someway or another it got messy.

My eyes immediately snapped towards Harley, who was laughing loudly while she danced on the stripper pole. Sasha handed me my drink of choice and I thanked her.

"Your father know Harley Quinn hangs out at your nightclub?" Sasha asked, swallowing her whiskey neat.

I shook my head, "Doesn't seem important to mention."

"I'm just saying that after the stunt she pulled last night, wouldn't be surprised if your club suffers a few casualties."

I sighed softly, "She'll be locked up in Arkham soon."

"Really?" Sasha gave me a look.

I hummed, glancing at her, "I may have an interesting line of work, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be hanging out with one of Gotham's most wanted."

"Then why is she coming over here?" Sasha asked and sure enough she was strutting over here.

"Léa!!" Harley cheesed drunkenly, "We should get some shots!"

I didn't have time to answer before Harley dragged me over to the bar and proceeded to order a round of vodka shots.

When they were set in front of us, Harley immediately downed three one after the other.

"So, this morning, I was on the news! Well, what I did was one the news I wasn't actually there. But now all of Gotham knows that Harley Quinn is a single woman!"

"You have a pretty big target in your back now, Quinzel." I smirked, downing one of the shots.

"Nobody's called me that in a long time, I like it!" Harley nudged me, "That means I have to pick out a nickname for you!"

I laughed, adjusting myself on the bar stool, "Go for it."

"What about Léa, or shot buyer?"

I almost spit out the rest of my shot when I heard the second name, swallowing the burning alcohol.

"I'm your own personal plug now, huh?" I teased.

Harley smirked, "Maybeeee. You're pretty."

I shook my head, "You're drunk."

Harley pinched her pointer finger and thumb close together, only leaving a millimeter of space between them, "Just a little, itty bitty, tiny bit drunk."

"Well," I sighed, raising another shot to my lips, "I'm not drunk enough so would you like another round?"

"Duh!" Harley breathed out, downing the rest of the vodka shots as I ordered another round.

Getting drunk with Harley Quinn, what could possibly go wrong.


Chapter Three

Léa's POV:

"Did you know that Psychology states falling in love has a similar neurological effect as getting high on cocaine?" Harley asked while we sat up in the VIP area.

I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head, "I didn't know that."

"Yeah... I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. It was just random and sometimes I just blurt things out." Harley cleared her throat.

"You don't have to apologize, Harley. It was an interesting fact." I smiled kindly at the woman.

"Mr. J hated when I told him random facts. He said that, that wasn't who I was anymore. I wasn't some woman with a college degree. This was a new life, a new beginning." Harley explained, sitting criss cross in the booth.

I nodded to show I was listening, taking a sip of my glass of water, "You're broken up now so you're free to do and say whatever you want. Fuck him."

"Yeah! Fuck him!" Harley giggled, drinking the fruity drink she ordered through her straw.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked softly, tearing my eyes away from the night scene downstairs.

"Yeah, I thought Mr. J was the one. I've also done a lot of cocaine though so I can confirm the fact is true."

I laughed, "Thats great. I want to hear another fact."

"Okay," Harley hummed, "I really want to dance right now."

"Then what are you still sitting up here for?" I asked.

Harley stood up, out stretching her hand towards me, "I want to dance with you, silly! Come on, we're both drunk and I want to have some more fun!"

I blew out a breath, shrugging my shoulders while I took her hand. Harley squealed and pulled me to my feet, dragging me to the dance floor.

Harley shoved people of out our way, making it dead center while the dj switched up the music. Both of us danced to the music, feeling the bass vibrate in my chest as Harley turned around and started grinding against me. My hands fell to her hips, both of us lost in a drunken haze.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo!" Harley slurred, rolling my sleeve up the rest of the way to reveal the Medusa portrait with roses.

"Got it when I turned sixteen." I told her, looking at the ink on my skin.

Harley traced her fingers along the line work, sweaty bodies of people of all ages dancing around us.

"You got any plans tomorrow, shot buyer?" Harley grinned.

I snorted at the nickname, rolling my sleeve back down to cover the ink, "Nursing a hangover I'm sure."

"Perfect! I know a cute little sandwich shop that makes the best egg sandwiches. Wanna go?" Harley bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

I bit the inside of my cheek contemplating on what I should do. Go out in the city with one of Gotham's most wanted, and strike the possibility of my father finding out... or, say fuck it and grab a bite to eat anyways.

My father did say that he was going to put Harley in Arkham at some point, maybe I could help. Maybe it didn't have to come down to a fight between the two, resulting in her running away or something worse happening. Maybe I could do this the easy way.

I shrugged, "Sure, sounds fun."

Harley jumped up and down, shooting her hands in the air, "Yes! I'll see you there, Léa."

Harley patted my chest before disappearing further into the crowd. I made my way off the dance floor, finding a more secluded spot in the club to take a breather.

"Now would be a good time to tell your father." Sasha plopped down next to me.

I groaned lightly, slinging my arm over my eyes, "Still not that important to bring up. Even if he finds out-"

"-which he will." She stated matter of fact.

I lifted my arm away from my eyes and gave her a look, covering my eyes once more, "Then I'll be doing him a favor."

"Which is?" Sasha pressed.

I sighed, sitting up in the booth and giving her my full attention, "He's going to put her in Arkham at some point, I'm thinking it might go a lot smoother if I befriend her."

Sasha let out a surprised gasp, "You want to befriend one of Gotham's most wanted? You do remember she dated the joker, right?"

I rolled my eyes, "Sash, I have control over fire, I'm sure I'll be fine. And it's not like we'll be best friends forever, or that she's replacing you-"

Sasha flipped her hair over her shoulder, "I know she's not, I'm the only one that can put up with you."

I laughed, "True. Anyways, once she's behind bars again I won't have to worry about her. If certain groups of people are after her, then in a cell is the safest place she is going to be."

"Yeah, try getting her to understand that." My best friend scoffed.

"It's not a full proof plan but at least it's something."

My best friend sighed lowly, nodding her head along to my plan, "Alright, but I hope you know what you're doing."

"Me too." I muttered lowly under my breath, resting my head on top of my friends shoulder. Sasha cooed, patting my cheek, "Someone is drunk. Let's get you home."


My eyes peeled open and I instantly snapped them shut when my blinds were drawn, letting the sunlight leak through.

"Master Léa, it is two in the afternoon. I've let you sleep in long enough." Alfred gave me a pointed look, setting some Ibuprofen and a water bottle on my nightstand.

"I'm up, I'm up." I croaked, my head pounding as I sat up against my headboard. I popped the pain relievers and washed it down with some water, "Anything on my schedule for today?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Your father is finishing up some business in Singapore and won't be home till Monday."

I nodded absentmindedly, pushing myself from the warm sheets to start a hot a shower. I walked back into my room and grabbed some casual clothes, but also keeping comfort in mind. Some light grey sweats, a white t shirt and a light denim jacket would be the look for today.

"I'm meeting a friend for breakfast so I'll be gone for a few hours."

"Don't you mean lunch?" Alfred quirked an eyebrow up.

I waved him off, closing the bathroom door behind me and stripping off my clothes. The steaming water made me flinch but once I was used to the temperature, my muscles relaxed. Both of my shower heads, one on each side of the walk in shower, sprayed all the soapy bubbles off my skin before being swallowed up by the drain.

When I was done in the shower, I finished off the rest of my routine before grabbing the keys to the Benz and heading into the city. There was only one sandwich shop in all of Gotham that made savory egg sandwiches.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed Harley wasn't exactly trying to blend in. Even if she did try to, I wasn't sure how well that would work out for her. If her pale skin and eccentric fashion choices weren't a dead give away, her different died tips of hair certainly would.

Harley waved at me while I walked towards her, stuffing my hands in my denim pockets.

"Well look at you in your grey sweatpants." Harley purred.

"glitter and feathers today? you really went all out." I shot back, letting my eyes take her in. My gaze lingered a little longer on her legs, which looked great in those high waisted booty shorts she was wearing.

Harley raised my head up with her finger, smirking at me, "Eyes up here, Léa. Come on, I'm starving!"

I followed Harley inside, her ordering two sandwiches and she practically drooled while watching it be made. When the order was done, Harley slapped a ten dollar bill on the table and handed me my food.

"You know I would marry this sandwich if I could." Harley licked her lips, peeling back the aluminum foil.

I snickered, "I know a guy if you're interested."

Harley wiped a fake tear from under her eye, "That is the nicest thing anyone has ever offered to do for me. But you can't have sex with a sandwich and sex is too good to pass up."

"Got me beat there." I pulled back the foil from my sandwich and took a bite, sighing in content as the hunger soon began fading.

"I think I know why these things are so damn good." Harley moaned. I gave her a questioning look and she continued to explain, "The cheese slices are like six weeks past the expiration date. Gives it that added flavor."

"and they tell us to throw away expired food." I teased, taking another bite of my food. Seriously, these things were the cure to hangovers.

"what a bunch of dummies." Harley scrunched up her nose and my heart fluttered momentarily, "Come on, I'm not done with you just yet."


Chapter Four

Léa's POV:

"Where are we going?" I asked trailing behind her as we climbed up another set of stairs. Harley tossed me a smile from over her shoulder, stopping in front of room numbered twelve.

Harley pushed open the stuck door, closing it behind me when I went through the threshold.

"So I'm guessing pink is your favorite color?" I gestured towards the pink walls of her apartment.

Harley giggled, "Blue too, silly. Bruce!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when she yelled my fathers name, a large hyena trotting towards her and my eyes bugged out of my head.

"You have a hyena?" I audibly sucked in my breath when 'Bruce' began sniffing my hand. I was stiff, not daring to even breath the wrong way in case he wanted to bite a chunk out of me.

"It's okay, Brucey, we like her." Harley nudged the exotic a****l and I almost lost my resolve when it licked the back of my hand. When the hyena trotted back into the living room, I turned to look at Harley to find her already smiling at me.

"He likes you!" She cheered, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the black couch.

Harley turned on some Tom and Jerry, grabbing the fruit loops box that sat on her coffee table and shook it, "Want some?"

I laughed breathlessly, nodding my head, "Sure."

Harley poured some in a bowl for each of us, and instead of using milk, she poured Smirnoff Vodka into the bowl for the replacement. I gave her a questioning look at the concoction she made since I've never tried this.

"It's good. I promise." Harley assured me and I nodded, turning to look at the fruit loops floating in the alcohol. I took a hesitant bite, the burn of the alcohol mixing with the artificial flavor of the cereal.

"Well?" Harley asked when I swallowed down my first bite.

"It's actually not that bad. Here I thought you were trying to kill me." I joked.

Harley nudged me, "And then who would buy me shots?"

"So that's why you keep me around." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Harley tossed her head back with an infectious laugh spilling past her plump lips.

"You wound me, Quinzel." I held my chest, falling back on the couch.

Harley stuck her tongue out at me, the playfulness soon fading, "So, does the darling of Gotham city have a girlfriend? boyfriend?"

I shook my head, taking another bite of the cereal and swallowing before giving my reply, "Nope. Been single for about two years."

Harley hummed, "Interesting."

I snorted, "Why do you ask?"

"Just figured you might have someone. I'm sure a lot of people go for you just for your money."

I nodded, knowing what she spoke was the cold truth.

"And I kind of thought that one girl was your girlfriend." She continued on.

"Who? Sasha?" I laughed, wiping fake tears from under my eyes at the thought of dating her, "She's my c***dhood friend and she likes dick soo."

"Lesbians with strap ons do it a lot better. Just saying." Harley chirped around a mouthful of her cereal.

I agreed with her, finishing off the rest of my cereal. Harley and I spent the next three hours watching cartoons, laughing our asses off and getting to know each other a little better.

My phone began ringing in my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing my father was calling.

"You gonna get that?" Harley asked. The ringing stopped and I stood up from the couch, "I should go. It's getting late."

"Let me put my number in your phone." Harley held out her hand and I handed her the iPhone. After a few clicks she handed it back with a smile, waving goodbye as I exited her apartment.

My phone pinged in my hand and I smiled in amusement when I read the text.

Quinzel: we should have a sleepover sometime! I've always wanted to have one :)

Another notification popped up on my phone, this time it was my father telling me to call him when I had the chance. Stuffing my phone back in my pocket, I left the building and weaved my way through the busy streets of Gotham.

I yelped when I felt two iron grips on my biceps, fidgeting and fighting to get out of their holds. A black pillow case was slung over my head and I elbowed one goon in the ribs. The person grunted and I swung around and gave the other a right hook.

I tore the pillow case off and booked it down the street, turning down an alleyway. I hissed when I felt a sharp pain travel up my leg, looking down to see blood staining my sweatpants.

The two men wearing clown masks advanced on me and I didn't want to use my powers and risk people finding out I was Ember. So, I let them take me, tossing me inside a van and even let them press a small pistol to my temple.

The entire drive I couldn't help but wonder who my father pissed off now, k**napping me to get a hefty ransom fee.

One of the goons turned around, taking off the clown mask. Joker smirked at me, slicking back his neon green hair.

"Léa Wayne." He smirked.

"Joker." I husked, "What do I owe the pleasure of being k**napped?"

"I'm glad you asked!" He cackled, "You're the daughter of a multi millionaire, owner of your own nightclub and... well, I'm sure you've had more than a few one night stands."

"Your point?" I huffed.

Joker pulled out a freshly sharpened pencil, slamming it down into the muscle of my thigh and I opened my mouth in a scream that never came.

"My point is... you're exactly the type of person Harley Quinn would go for." Joker twisted the pencil further in my thigh.

My teeth sunk into my bottom lip, letting out a whimper when he broke the pencil in half, leaving one part of it embedded in my thigh.

"Harley goes after people who will order her around. She can't function without another person."

"How long have you been stalking me?" I hissed.

"Long enough to know a thing or two about you and my girlfriend." Joker licked his lips.

I whistled lowly, "This is awkward. Harley made your breakup public sooo you guys aren't together."

He scrunched his face up in disgust, "Yes, the chemical plant. Aw well, she'll come crawling back to me in time."

The van came to a halt and the doors swung open. Joker leaned in so close I could smell the strong Jack Daniels on his breath.

"I promise to let you live if, and only if, you stay away from Harley. Deal?"

"Fine." I mumbled.

Joker clapped his hands together, his mood changing in the blink of an eye, "I knew you'd agree!!"

My body flew out of the van, face planting on the sidewalk as Joker waved goodbye while his van sped off.

I sighed heavily, pushing myself to my feet despite the pain that shot through my veins. Turning around, I dusted my jacket off and was actually impressed he had some decency to drop me off at my own club.

I sent a quick text to Sasha to meet me here if she wasn't already, sneaking towards my office in the very back. My phone rang in my pocket just as I sat down in the office chair. I groaned, clicking the green button.

"Hey." I husked.

"Hey? That's all you have to say?! What are you doing hanging out with Harley Quinn?!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not hanging out with Harley Quinn. Don't be ridiculous."

"Well the news made a story about it! Gotham's darling hanging out with one of their most wanted. Léa, what are you doing?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, leaning my head back against the cushion, "You want to put her in Arkham and that can happen without a fight."

"you have no idea what you're getting into, Léa." Bruce warned.

Yeah, no shit! I just got k**napped and stabbed with a fucking number two pencil by her ex!

"Thanks for the advice. Got to go. Love you." I ended the call before he could say anything else, Sasha walking in the door a moment later.

"What the hell happened to you!?" She rushed over, inspecting my leg and bleeding ankle.

"Met the Joker. Super fun guy." I replied sarcastically.

"Léa!" Sasha shrieked in bewilderment.

I sighed softly, giving her a pleading glance, "Please save your 'I told you so' spill for another time."

"Fine. But just this once."

Nodding, I sat up further in my chair while holding my breath and ripping the pencil out of my thigh.


Chapter Five

Léa's POV:

"You have no idea what you're doing, Léa!" My father snapped, throwing a punch. I blocked it, holding my gloves up while bounced on my feet, ready to step in the other direction.

I jumped to the side, hitting my father square in his ribs.

"Dad, I think I'm more than capable to defend myself." I scoffed, jumping to the left and tripping him up while I grabbed his arm. My father used the momentum and slammed my back against the foam mat.

"It's not just about the physicality, more so the strong mentality. Harley dated Joker, the deranged lunatic, who used fear to control people." He held his hand out for me and I took it, both of us touching gloves once more before throwing hits.

"Harley is, well, becoming her own person outside of him. Maybe she's different." I threw a punch but he caught my wrist and twisted my arm behind my back.

I hissed, kicking his leg out from under him so it would throw him off balance. I slammed us back into the mat, acting quick and putting my legs around his head and twisting.

My father wheezed and tapped my leg. I let him go and he laughed lightly at me, touching gloves with me.

"Don't be so naive, Léa." He hit me in the ribs and I sputtered and coughed, "How many times have you seen her?"

"Can't you pretend to trust me." I rolled my eyes, walking over towards my half full water bottle, disregarding the training session.

"Just answer these question." Bruce sighed, stripping off his faded red boxing gloves.

I huffed, swallowing down the large gulp of water, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, "She comes to my club every night. It's not like I'm alone with her."

"You don't have to be. Do you honestly think Harley Quinn cares about anyone other than herself? Every minutes she spends with you, she's using you. It's probably a money issue. Léa, let me handle this. I'm not allowing you to risk your life just so I don't have to fight a villain."


"That's all I wish to say about it." He cut me off.


"That's all I wish to say about it!" He snapped a little more sternly and I shut my mouth, narrowing my eyes at him.

The billionaire shook his head, grabbing his water bottle and quickly exiting the home gym. I blew out a breath, rubbing my forehead while my shoulders sagged. If Alfred were here he'd probably say something to lighten the mood, then give us both a talk. He'd probably tell me to sit up straight too.

But he's playing golf with some other friends, only after my father and I repeatedly told him that it was okay he have fun. Lord knows he needed it.

After a few moments I put away the gloves and turned the lights off. I made it to my room and instantly headed for the shower.

My phone pinged on the bathroom counter, interrupting the music I had just started. I groaned, pressing the screen to see a message from Harley.

Quinzel: hey! Wanna come over and hang out? Maybe we can have a sleep over!

Quinzel: I think Bruce misses you

My fingers quickly tapped across the keyboard, sending the short response of 'Can't '. I bit my lip when I saw the three little bubbles pop up, letting me know Harley was going to reply. Quickly I exited my messages and resumed playing my shower playlist.

I sighed in content when the hot shower water made quick work of soothing my aching body. Was I being naive, really? I didn't really have another reason to distrust the woman other than she was one of Gothams most wanted. Well, and she dated the Joker but I'm sure she didn't plan that one so I'm not going to count that.

I mean, was this woman really worth fighting with my father over? My father and I got along relatively fine, other than the few occasional petty fights. He didn't even know I was Ember, let alone knew that I had fire powers. He would flip a gasket, probably dragging my to every Private scientist/doctors to cure me.

I knew my dad could handle himself in a fight, but somehow I knew that Harley was unpredictable. I'm sure she was always going to surprise you in one way or another. My father has come home in shit shape, on the brink of death. I don't want to lose him, and what if Harley was goin to finally be the one to kill him?


But I could prevent this maybe death if I befriend her and take her in myself. No fight (maybe) and my dad lives.

Ugh, this thing was so stressful to think about. I was arguing with myself over one woman. Part of me felt like I was in too deep already, that my very first word uttered towards Quinn set off a chain of events. Hell, I already got k**napped by her ex! What was next for me.

I needed a few days to think about my options, maybe talk to Sasha and see what she thought about it. I'll invest myself in my work to try and take my mind off some of it, I just hope I can figure it out soon.


The next night I was sitting at a table, my eyes lingering on Harley every so often. She was here when I arrived and she hasn't noticed me yet. I'd catch her eyes scan the crowd and I'd duck my head so she wouldn't see me.

Maybe it was c***dish, but I didn't think I could face her right now. I hadn't done much thinking about my choices and I really didn't want too. Why did she pick me to hang out with? I'm sure if she wanted my money, that conversation would have happened long before this new friendship...? Were we friends? I'm sure Harley would say yes, but what did I feel?

Great, more things to think about. I tossed back the rest of my bourbon when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I must have been too lost in my thoughts to see her approach.

"Was wondering when you'd show up!" Harley nudged me, "Want some shots? I'll buy!"

As if to prove her point, the crazily dressed woman pulled out a crisp fifty dollar bill and waved it around.

Abruptly I stood from my chair, shaking my head, "Can't. I actually have to go."

Harley grabbed my wrist when I brushed past her and I turned around to look into her soft eyes, "But you just got here.."

I shrugged stiffly, setting my empty glass on the bar counter. I practically burst through the front doors, slumping inside the drivers seat in the Benz.

I ran my hands down my face, wanting to bang my head against the steering wheel. If avoiding her was what I was doing, then I had to really try at it. I could do it. But then I was only protecting myself, the image of my father dying at her hands weighing on my mind.

I needed to talk to Sasha, maybe even Alfred about this. A second opinion seemed like a good idea.

Harley's POV:

I'm not going to lie and say that didn't hurt my feelings a little, but I didn't understand why. I'm planning on killing her father for Jesus Christmas sake!

Why did I care that she brushed me off to get drunk and talk? This was her club, I'm sure I'd be seeing her again tomorrow. She was probably stressed out and I caught her at a bad time.

"Yeah, that's it." I mumbled to myself, grabbing a drink out of some woman's hands and downing it in seconds. I flipped her off when she gave me a nasty look.

I stole another drink off another table and made my way onto the dance floor. I was going to have a good time whether Léa was here or not.

Annotation. Don't worry, there will be plenty of eroticism to come. This is just the beginning of the story.

Chapter Six

Harley's POV:

It was a few nights later when I entered Léa's packed club. This place always had business inside, even during the day it was almost to max capacity. My eyes scanned the bar and then the VIP balcony area.

When I spotted Sasha in the far end of the balcony, I rushed up the stairs and towards her.

"Harley." Sasha greeted without taking her eyes off the dance floor.

"Do you know where Léa is?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

Sasha nodded, finally looking at me, "She's dealing with some things."

"Did I do something wrong?" I blurted out, my skin starting to feel hot while white anger bubbled up my stomach.

"Beats me. Léa hasn't brought you up." Sasha shrugged nonchalantly. My heart couldn't help but ache right down the middle. She didn't mention me? Did Léa not talk about me at all?

Maybe she was afraid to tell people we were friends given my reputation. Was that all she saw me as?

"Sorry, Harley. I don't think y/n wants to talk." Sasha smiled apologetically before walking down to the bottom floor.

My lips fell down into a frown while I slumped against the railing. A bartender was walking by with a tray full of drinks and I grabbed one, welcoming the bitter taste.

My eyes drifted down towards the crowded dance floor, clenching my cocktail harshly when I noticed y/n dancing around with a few other woman.

I watched her dance for a few more minutes, a beaming smile plastered on her face and it made me even angrier. Why the hell was she ignoring me? What did I even do to her?

Storming down to the bar I saw her head for, I grabbed her arm and dragged her outside. The cool breeze felt nice against my heated skin, and I wanted nothing more than to slap her perfect face.

"Harley what the hell?" Léa hissed.

"What did I do to you?" I snapped, pushing her chest, "What the hell did I do to make you ignore me?"

"Harley, go home." Léa sighed, running a hand through her messy hair from all the dancing she was doing.

I clenched my jaw, cocking my arm back and slapping her hard across the cheek. A angry red scratch appeared on her cheek, small crimson dots beading up from where my gold ring cut her.

I almost felt bad when her blue eyes softened, her palm reaching up to hold her puffy cheek.

"Fine. I'll go somewhere where I feel wanted." I sneered, turning in my heel and walking away from the nightclub.

Fuck Léa Wayne and Damn her to hell! Maybe I would go and visit her father, leave a trail of his blood for her to come home too. I didn't need Léa Wayne or anybody else in Gotham. A queen could rule on her own and this city was as good as mine.

I walked a few more blocks before stumbling upon my good friend Romis club. This one was more laid back, still upbeat but upbeat and classy.

I plopped down to the bar and ordered several vodka shots. Downing the first four, I ordered three more rounds. I didn't want to remember this day at all.

When my fifth shot was down, the lights dimmed to a softer glow, soft guitar and piano melodies playing through the speakers. Goosebumps arose on my skin when the velvety voice of a seasoned female singer came through the speakers.

Myself, along with most of the club, couldn't keep their eyes off the woman. She sang with such emotion, hitting certain notes I didn't think was possible.

The entire time I heard her singing, I couldn't help but start to think about Léa and how different her club was. I missed the adrenaline of it all and getting drunk together.

But she didn't want to speak to me and I had nothing good to say to her. The more time I could spend at this club, the better off I would be.

I had to look out for number one from here on out. I had a city to run.

Léa's POV:

After Harley left, I wasn't in the partying mood. All I wanted to do was go home to shower and then sleep.

I drove home without the aux, wanting to just sit in silence and try and find some peace in it. I wish I could talk to my father about how I was feeling, but if he knew it was about Harley then he wouldn't want to talk anymore.

I snuck through the mansion like a zombie, knowing it was well into the late night. I wasn't sure how much sleep I was going to get tonight, and wondered when Harley Quinn fucked up my sleep schedule.

I made a pit stop in the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with ice and water. The alcohol taste living on my tastes buds made me sick to my stomach and I needed to wash it down.

"Master Léa, what are you doing at this time of night?" Alfred looked down on me, fixing his satin robe.

"There's a lot on my mind." I blew out, setting my empty glass in the dishwasher.

"Does it have anything to do with your father?"

I nodded, "I'm sure he's told you the news. He's mad I spent the day with Harley Quinn."

Alfred clicked his tongue, "He's just worried for your safety."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm twenty two! I'm not a c***d."

"You'll always be his little girl, Léa." The butler chuckled, "It's hard for him to accept you as an adult."

"Maybe he should try harder." I grumbled.

"Why the sudden interest in Ms. Quinn?"

"I don't know. She's different. Unique." I replied after a beat.

"If she brings you even the slightest spark of happiness, then I say she's worth hanging on to." Alfred squeezed my arm before bidding me goodnight.

I leaned against the counter, dropping my head onto the deep marble top. Why couldn't things be simple? Why did I have to go and hangout with the anti hero and create this dilemma.

I just need a few more days.


"What do you think about hiring a stage performer?" I asked Sasha while swirling around in my office chair.

"It's your club. You can do whatever the hell you want." Sasha snorted.

I chuckled lightly, "You're right. Because I kinda already did."

Sasha rose an eyebrow in question and I stood up from my chair, gripping my desk until the dizziness faded.

I led her out to the VIP area, a great view of the stage in front of us and our new performer.

"Who is she?" Sasha asked.

"Dinah Lance. Her stage name is Black Canary."


Chapter Seven

Léa's POV:

One week later.

"So what are you thinking?" I set down a glass of whiskey in front of Sasha, both of us sitting in my office while the bass shook the walls.

"About?" Sasha licked the whiskey off her lips.

"Harley. I'm sure you have something to say about it." I took a swig of my liquor.

"She's clingy. Seems to always want to be with you."

I nodded, looking at the brown liquor in my glass before setting it down in front of me.

"I think I kinda like it? The clinginess I guess. I mean, she's different and more herself?"

"The joker did a number on her. I'm sure you're a different change of pace for her. You allow her to be... crazier?" Sasha chuckled, shaking her head, "I'm not sure if that's the right word, but you get what I mean."

I hummed, "Yeah. I just don't want to risk my fathers life. Even if he is an ass half the time. What if this is the fight that kills him?"

Sasha set her drink aside and leaned forward, placing her hand over top of mine, "You're father knew what he was getting into when he chose to play the role of Batman. At the end of the day you have to do what's best for you. So maybe you like having Harley around, just be cautious."

"You might be right. Alfred told me that if she brought me some sort of happiness that I shouldn't let that go."

"Well he is right. He has a lot of life experience and all that." Sasha teased. I snorted, grabbing my glass again to finish it off.

"Ugh, he's so old. He needs to retire and play golf for the rest of his life or something." I cackled.

Sasha spat out her drink, holding her hand underneath her chin to catch the drops of liquor from staining her clothes.

"Black Canary is drawing in an even bigger crowd than before." Sasha changed the subject.

"Probably one of the best investments I've made." I snorted.

"You're probably right." Sasha snickered, raising her glass to clink it with mine.

"As much as I don't want you to hangout with Harley, I know that it's your life to live. What I'm trying to say is that I know you aren't good with expressing your feelings, especially when you care about someone. It's okay to admit that you miss her."

I felt like I did one thing, thinking I made progress, when in reality I was heading back to square one. At some point I had to bite the bullet and actually say the words out loud.

Sasha gave me a warm smile in reassurance before excusing herself to go get us some more drinks. I knew getting drunk to try and forget things wasn't the best option, but so far it was the one I was sticking with. God why couldn't I just say the words? Right, because that would make it real. Did I want it to be real? Or was I fine living my life like this?

I glanced out the bouncing club from behind my tinted office window. The vibes felt off when Harley wasn't here, maybe it's because she spent most of her time next to me or dancing somewhere. Out of all the people that came to have a good time here, Harley was the one that stuck out the most.

Damn you Quinzel.


I groaned when my father threw my body down on the mat. He gave me a certain look I couldn't quite read, helping me to my feet.

"You've been very distracted. I've knocked you down four times now." He unstrapped his boxing gloves.

"I've been thinking a lot." I shrugged, grabbing the sweat towel to wipe the sticky sweat off my neck.

An awkward tension settled upon us while I cleared my throat. I glanced over at my father to see him standing still. He looked like he was deep in thought while zoning out. Both of us knew it was about Harley and my phone buzzed next to my water bottle. I picked it up, seeing it was a text from Sasha.

I couldn't help but feel disappointed it wasn't Harley. But why would she text me? Maybe she really didn't need me after all.

Sash: your girls been hanging out at Romans club... just thought you would want to know

I blew out a breath, locking my phone and stuffing it my pocket. I noticed my father left the home gym so I did the same, turning the lights off as I did so.

After my shower, I made myself a fruit bowl and plopped down on the couch. I flipped through the channels and stopped when I saw my father at some press conference. My eyebrows furrowed when my name was brought up, wondering why he didn't tell me he was had a conference.

"Oh dear." Alfred mumbled walking into the living room.

I turned the volume up a few more notches, leaning forward on the black leather couch.

"Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne! What do you have to say about the reports of your daughter hanging with one of Gotham's crazies?"

My father tapped his fingers on the podium, "Does anyone have any questions not regarding my daughter?"

The room fell silent and I scoffed, the camera zooming in on my fathers red face.

"Fine. The only thing I have to say about those reports, is that my daughter is a c***d. She's acting out, obviously. I'm sure this phase of wanting to try new things will go away. We've talked about this, but I have no doubt that she will come to her senses. Thank you."

"A c***d?!" I hissed abruptly standing to my feet and spilling fruit all over the floor.

"Master y/n, maybe you can try and think rationally about this." Alfred gulped.

I clenched my jaw, "He thinks I'm acting out? He hasn't seen nothing yet."

I grabbed a pair of vans, a jacket and the keys to my Benz before rushing out of the mansion. While I hopped in my car, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Sashas number.


"I miss Harley Quinn so much it scares me."

"Then why are you calling me? Go and talk to her!"


Chapter Eight

Léa's POV:

It was strange to admit those words out loud, but I didn't realize how much I actually enjoyed her company until she was gone. The words of my father just spurred me on, and I wanted to act out all the more.

I disobeyed every traffic law, ending up in front of Romans high end club in record time. I never really liked this guy, always rubbed me the wrong way, so I felt more than uncomfortable entering his club. We were both mob bosses for Pete's sake.

My entire body shook with jitters while I rushed around trying to find the eccentric woman. I smiled when I spotted her, seeing her jump down off the stage and onto some guys legs. I cringed visibly, hearing his screams of pain while she laughed, telling him to walk it off.

I pushed through people until I was standing in front of her. Harley bumped into me when she went to walk forward, her eyes flashing anger, then they softened, before reverting back to anger.

"Can we talk?" I scratched the back of my neck.

"I have nothing to say to you." She stuck her nose up in the air and pushed past me. I grabbed her wrist, but she spun around and slapped me again.

"I deserved that." I mumbled holding my cheek.

"And a hell of a lot more!" She snapped.

"I came to apologize." I said picking at the skin around my thumb.

Harley flipped me off and ripped her hand out of my grasp. I ran after her, rain pelting down upon us.

"Harley please!" I begged, pushing my wet hair back out of my eyes. Harley whipped around so fast I took a step back.

"You don't just get to toss me to the side when you don't want me anymore. I'm not trash, y/n! I don't know what I did to make you upset with me, but I tried to fix it and you didn't seem to care. So now I don't care."

"Can we talk about this inside? It's raining and we're going to get sick." My teeth chattered from the cold rain soaking my clothes.

"No. If you want to talk then we're doing it out here, where I can walk away from you without someone getting in the way." Harley glared at me.

"Okay." I agreed reluctantly, taking a small pause to gather myself and figure out what I wanted to say, "I didn't mean to make you feel like shit. Or that you did something wrong. I just- fuck. You're you and I'm-"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm fucking great!"

I sighed in frustration, "I just meant that we're two very different people. My father isn't exactly the most understanding person so he got... he hates you to be blunt. He doesn't want me to hang out with you."

"So you listened to your daddy because you were scared to be my friend? Is Gotham's darling too much of a daddy's little girl that she does what everyone else tells her?" Harley narrowed her eyes at me.

I glared at her, "I don't do what everyone tells me to do. Hypocritical coming from you when you did everything the Joker told you."

Harley smacked her lips, punching my chest repeatedly and spitting curse words at me. I grabbed her wrists in my hands, pushing them down by her sides, my eyes following a rain drop dance down her face. It trailed down the curve of her nose, landing on her red lipstick stained lips, before dropping off her bottom lip.

Her makeup was running down her cheeks, leaving trails of colors in the wake. Her platinum blonde hair clung to her face while the blue and pink dye in her pigtails began washing out.

My tongue poked out and licked my lips, her eyes snapping down to my lips as I did the same.

"I fucking missed you, Quinzel." I muttered before smashing our lips together. Our chests rose and fell heavily, her fingers threading themselves in my hair. She pushed herself further into me while my hands fell upon her tiny hips.

"You kissed me." Harley muttered in shock, touching her lips with her fingers.

I chuckled lowly, "Kissing says a lot more than words ever could."

"You kissed me!" Harley beamed, bringing my head back down and smashing our lips together once more. Her tongue traced my bottom lip and I dug my fingers deeper into her pale flesh.

When air became and issue we pulled back with hooded eyes and swollen lips. I smirked internally when I noticed how bruised her lips were.

The moment of satisfaction was short lived when Harley pushed me back away from her, grabbing her hair in her hands.

"You kissed me?! How dare you! You just ruined everything!"

My eyebrows furrowed. What did she mean? What did I do?

"I thought you enjoyed the kiss?" I huffed, feeling the frustration start to blind me. Steam arose from around my arms where the fire was trying to break free. I couldn't lose control. Especially right now.

Harley took a step back and I took a step towards her. Harley shook her head at me and I thought she was going to hit me again. Thankfully she didn't.

"I just need some space." Harley told me before taking off down the street, thunder and lightning booming behind the thick grey clouds.

The moment almost felt bittersweet. Like this was a turning point for us in some way. The saying about letting something go to see if it'll come back to you stuck in my mind. Maybe I needed to let her go to see if she'd come back.

She had to come back, right? Right?

I mentally slapped myself, tugging the ends of my soggy hair in frustration. At this point I didn't even care if I got sick from being under the pouring rain. The only thing keeping me here was the tingling feeling I still had in my lips, letting me know that what just happened wasn't a dream.

I kissed Harley Quinn and she kissed me back. She kissed me again and I kissed her back and here I was wanting nothing more to do it again, and again, and again. Was I crazy? Or was kissing her like coming up for air?

Call me cliche for thinking such things after kissing someone in the rain. But there was no other way to describe it. Maybe my father was right when he said I was acting out, but now I most certainly didn't care.

I couldn't let her walk away now. She needed space and I was going to respect that and give her some, but sooner or later we were going to have to talk again.


Chapter Nine

Harley's POV:

My lips still tingled hours after the kiss ended. I sat inside my apartment, eating my feelings away and pouring the spray cheese in my mouth. The kiss was unexpected but I wasn't complaining about how good of a kisser she was. Serious toe curling action.

But she went and sprung that on me and fucked everything up! How was I supposed to to kill Batsy when she made me start to feel things I didn't want to feel. I knew that y/n was different than Mr. J, but a Harley Quinn is only put on this earth to be somebody's toy. At least that's what it felt like.

I didn't want to go down the same heartbreak trail with Léa. I didn't want to feel that I needed her like people needed air. She made me feel free and yet I was still scared to fully be myself with her. Because when things start looking up, it means it'll just come crashing down and I wasn't ready for the impact.

I didn't want to fall and have her not fall with me.

Léa's POV:

Three weeks later.

"You've reaches Harleen Quinzel, if you're not calling to give me a free egg sandwich then I don't care!"

I tossed my phone down on my bed, sitting down with my head in my hands. It had been three weeks and it was like Harley just disappeared off the face of the planet.

My brain started overthinking, getting the idea in my head that Harley was k**napped by the Joker. A small part of me thought maybe she found him and decided she wanted him. But I tried not to think about that one.

It's been silent from him too. Here I was thinking that he was going to send more of his goons after me and finish the job this time.

My father and I haven't much spoken in the three weeks I've been moving around, trying to focus on my work by I always found myself thinking about her. What was she doing? Was she okay?

I was conflicted with myself. Part of me wishes I didn't kiss her so that maybe we would be talking again, but the other part was patting myself on the back. At least I got a kiss before she fell off the planet.

Picking up my phone again, I quickly tapped on the messages between her and I. I typed out a new message and hit send.

Me: Just please tell me if you're okay

I tossed my phone away again and shot off the bed, needing to do something to distract my mind.

Seconds later my phone pinged and I rushed over towards my bed. I grabbed my phone, smile diminishing when it wasn't her that texted.

Sash: you need to come down to the warehouse... it's not good

Sash: I'm sorry

Now my curiosity was peaked. I was hoping it wasn't as bad as she was letting on. Maybe Jones went after my money and I needed to deal with it accordingly. So I grabbed a jacket and slipped on some shoes and got in my car.

I slipped my mask on and approached the large barn doors. The two guards in watch greeted me with a curt nod before letting me in. Sasha was standing on the other side of the door, biting her nails.

"Jones go after the rest of my money?" I asked while we began walking further into the building.

Sasha shook her head, "No, you're money is all safe and Jones has stepped it up. This is something a lot... bigger.."

"Just tell me."

"See for yourself." My best friend gestured in front of her and I followed her gaze.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat and I almost pulled down my mask. I couldn't. I had to play it cool.

"We found her snooping around outside late last night." One of the guards spoke up.

"And you didn't call me sooner?!" I hissed lowly towards the purple haired woman.

Sasha sent me a quick apologetic glance before her expression changed to stoic. I stepped under the fluorescent lights, Harley Quinn strapped for a metal chair in front of me.

"You know this isn't the first time I've been k**napped." Harley looked around the warehouse.

"Shut it!" A guard spat, hitting her with the butt of his gun.

"Enough!" I snarled, my finger tips dancing with fire. The guard coward and stepped back.

"Did she take anything?" I turned to look at Sasha.

Sasha shook her head in reply.

"What do you want to do with her boss?" Jones asked, cocking his shotgun.

"Let her go." I shrugged.

"Let me go?!" Harley squeaked.

I nodded, "You didn't take anything. You're free to go."

"Boss, she was snooping around! She knows too much-"

"I said LET HER GO!" I snapped, my arms all the way up to my shoulders erupting in fire.

Jones held his hands up in surrender, the few guards untying her from the itchy ropes. Harley stood up, rubbing her raw wrists to alleviate the pain.

"Come on, ill escort you out." I told Harley softly.

Harley bounded over to me and I allowed myself to relax, the fire on my arms vanishing. Harley cooed, reaching out to touch my arm but hissed lowly when she burned herself.

"Cool party trick! Can you make a bunny appear out of a hat?" Harley danced around me while we walked towards the exit.

I chuckled lowly, "No. Can you?"

Harley shook her head, "Nope! I do play a mean game of Go Fish, though!"

I snorted, the guards sliding open the barn doors for us. I thanked them and they shut it behind us.

"Do you want me to call you a ride?" I asked.

Harley shook her head, "No. I think I'll just walk. Got some things to think about in my brain anyways."

"Okay. Listen, don't come back here. These guys like to shoot on sight... you got off lucky."

Harley saluted me, "Aye, aye captain! I make no promises though!"

She made some finger guns at me before skipping down the long driveway. I watched her until she disappeared from my sights. The guards opened the door for me once more as I headed up to my puffier, Sasha already waiting.


"What?" I glanced at her.

"So you didn't tell her you're ember?" Sasha scoffed, "Léa, she was snooping around. You're lucky you got here in time because some of the guys were getting antsy."

"They would have been burned to death if they touched her." I couldn't help but growl at the thought of them hurting her.

"And raise suspicion on why one of the baddest mob bosses didn't kill Gotham's most wanted? Honestly you're better off just telling her."

I rubbed my temples, feeling so on edge about everything not even getting black out drunk seemed to help me anymore.

"Why don't you tell her? I'm just saying that you're not really putting her in any danger by doing so. She's a villain, who, I'm sure, can handle herself in a fight."

I shrugged stiffly, "I don't know. There would probably would be a higher bounty on her head if there isn't one already, and anyone I have beef with will want her to get to me. I just don't want to risk it I guess."

Sasha came behind me and dug her fingers into my shoulders. I moaned at the feeling.

"You can't make Léa and Ember two separate people. More people will get hurt that way. You are Ember and Ember is Léa. If you want Harley to get to know you, then you have to let her get to know Ember as well."

I let her words sink in, wondering how the hell I got so lucky to have a best friend like her. She knew my dad was Batman after I told her, I couldn't keep a secret like that inside forever and I needed someone to talk too. Sasha knew more about me than I did myself so I knew what she was saying was the truth.

We were always looking out for each others best interests.

My phone rang in my back pocket and I huffed, pulling it out but almost dropping it in shock when I seen Harley was calling. I glanced at Sasha and she squeezed my shoulder one last time before exiting my office.

"Hey, pumpkin."

"Harley, thank god! Are you okay?"

Of course I knew she was, but I had to act like a concerned friend.

"Besides the voices in my head, yeah. I wanted to talk to you.. about the kiss you laid on me."

"I'm s-Sorry about that, I-"

"Don't be! It was a damn good kiss and I want to do it.. a lot more actually." I grinned when Harley started giggling.

"Me too." I rushed out a little too excitedly. Harley giggled some more, and I'm sure her nose was scrunching up. The visual made my heart flutter.

"Guess we have some stuff to talk about?"

"Yeah. I guess we do."

"Meet me at that sandwich place and we can talk there. I'll buy."

I was already out of the warehouse by the time she said sandwich place. I got in my car just as Harley hung up and sped out of the long driveway.

I got here before Harley so I took the booth in the back, bouncing my leg up and down in anticipation. I made her my mask was off beforehand, really not wanting to start the conversation off about any of that.

The bell above the door tinged and in walked Harley. My mouth dropped open slightly when her long, pale legs were on display. She was wearing some very glittery knee high boots with a white crop top, finished off with some bright pink suspenders. Harley sent me a wink when she saw me, ordering our food and bringing it over when it was done.

"Hey." I husked, thanking her for the sandwich.

"Hey." Harley breathed out more timidly. I unraveled the tinfoil from my sandwich to keep my hands from fidgeting. I heard her mumble something under her breath before my sandwich fell out of my hands.

Harley pulled me over towards her by the collar of my shirt, smashing our lips together in a much more heated kiss. Harley moaned softly when I gently bit down on her bottom lip and I wanted to hear more of it.

When air became an issue we both pulled away and Harley let go of my shirt.

"I had to do that again." Harley grinned bashfully.

"No complaints." I smirked, "So..."


I cleared my throat, "I really like you Harley. I know I probably shouldn't but I do."

"I really like you too."

A wide grin curled back my lips when she said those simple words. There was definitely no going back now.

"Go on a date with me."

Harley nodded, smiling as she suddenly became shy and it dawned on me that she probably never went on dates with Joker. I had to do this right.


Chapter Ten

Harley's POV:

What was I supposed to wear?! Léa texted me and told me to wear whatever I wanted, but now that I was looking at my clothes, I felt like none of them were good enough! Should I wear something that shows off my legs? I caught Léa staring at them a times. Or should I wear something that makes my boobs look good?

I needed to put clothes on soon because I definitely couldn't stand in my apartment naked all day. I'm sure I could. Would Léa mind?

I hadn't been on a real date in so long. I felt like I wanted to throw up. Mr. J never took me on any dates, he always told me the heists (ones he always took the credit for) were our dates and I should enjoy them. I did in the beginning, but looking back I couldn't help but hate how much he mistreated me.

After a few more minutes of deciding what I wanted to wear, I just picked out a golden colored dress that stopped mid thigh and had a slit down the chest area. I was killing two birds with one stone and still setting fashion trends.

Léa's POV:

I was incredibly nervous. I hadn't been on a date in so long that I almost forgot how it went. Sasha helped me plan the date, showing me nothing but support the entire time.

I made sure I had my keys and my wallet before exiting my bedroom. On the way out I bumped into Alfred, apologizing.

"Well don't you look gorgeous!" Alfred twirled me around and I laughed, "There was a letter addressed to you in the mail."

"Thanks." I grabbed the letter from his outstretched hand. The envelope only had my name and address on it, no sign of who it could be from.

I pulled the letter out, the entire thing stained in neon green dye and I knew who it was from instantly. I opened the letter, half expecting for something to come shooting out of it. Nothing did and I was thankful.

Tsk tsk, little Wayne. There's no going back on our deal.

xoxo Joker

I crumpled the paper up and burned it in my hand, dusting my hands free of the ash. I wasn't planning on telling Harley her ex was trying to take me out of the picture, or that he was even back in Gotham. I'd worry about him later, he wasn't going to get in the way of Harley and me.

If he cared about her as much as he did right now, he should have showed her. He didn't want her, and it was time she was treated like a person and not some play thing.


I knocked on the door and it opened instantly, seeing Harley standing there with a large grin plastered on her face. Bruce knocked past her and charged at me, licking my hands and my face when I bent down.

"Told you he missed you." Harley scratched behind his ears.

I laughed, patting his head before he trotted back inside.

"You look gorgeous." I breathed out, eyes raking up her legs and all her curves. Harley did a little spin for me, giggling as she did. I knew she loved the attention and I wasn't going to stop giving it to her.

"You don't look too bad yourself, pumpkin." Harley kissed my cheek before we left her apartment building.

It wasn't a far drive to the movie theatre, the entire time Harley had my hand on her thigh so she could fiddle with my fingers. I'd catch her smiling to herself every so often and I wonder what she was thinking about in that head of hers.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"You." She breathed, the confession catching me off guard, "I didn't know this level of happiness was even possible. I used to think I was happy with Mr. J, but it turns out I wasn't. With you it's genuine."

I parked the car in the parking lot and helped her out of the car, catching a few stares from stray civilians. I let her pick the movie, it being some action film, and payed for the tickets and snacks.

Harley led me all the way up to the top and we took our spots right in the middle.

We were about a half hour into the movie now, when Harley leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Is he a bad guy too?"

I shrugged, "Maybe."

"Sh!" Some woman turned around and glared at us.

Harley stuck her tongue out at her and the woman turned around with a scowl on her face. I giggled, shoving some more popcorn in my mouth.

Harley opened her pack of skittles and began eating some, making audible gasps when something interesting happened. One of the characters got shot and Harley about shot out of her chair.

"What the hell?!" She scoffed.

"Hey, lady! Shut up!" Another random man hissed from the row below us.

Harley grabbed the popcorn bucket and slammed it on his head, and I burst out laughing. I couldn't help myself.

"Enjoy getting acne from all the butter!" She cackled.

I snickered, grabbing her arm and exiting the theatre.

"You are something else, Quinzel." I laughed.

"Someone had to do it. Just so happens that it was me." She started matter of factly. I shook my head at her, a teasing smile tugging at my lips. This girl really kept you on your toes.


"I had a really fun time tonight, Léa. Thank you." Harley beamed up at me, acting all shy.

"You're welcome." I gave her a lopsided smile.

"Do you want to go on another one? I'll plan it this time?" Harley fiddled with her fingers.

"Wouldn't miss it." I gently lifted her head up, getting lost in her stunning blue eyes. Harley sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and my eyes darkened.

"If you're going to kiss me, do it already. It's not nice to keep a girl waiting." Harley mumbled against my lips, her minty breath fanning my face.

I cupped her cheeks in my hand and captured her lips in a soft kiss. Harley wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself flush against my front.

I don't think I'd ever get tired of kissing her, and the way she was kissing me I don't think she would either. I groaned when her teeth sank into my bottom lip, biting down harshly and then sucking it into her mouth. Harley gently pushed on my chest and separated us.

"Any longer and I'd be stripping down naked for you." Harley blushed.

I snickered, shaking my head at the woman. I leaned in and gave her a small peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Quinzel."

"Goodnight, pumpkin."

Harley's POV:

I had no idea how to plan a date! It was harder than it looked and it wasn't like I had any friends to ask for help. But Léa does! I rushed out of my apartment and made it to y/n's club.

When I entered, I noticed Canary was here. I didn't know y/n hired her. She must really need the money if she's working at two high end clubs.

"Léa's not here at the moment." Sasha appeared next to me and I jumped in my skin.

"Don't scare me like that!" I hissed, slapping her arm.

Sasha chuckled, "Sorry, sorry. If you're looking for Léa I can tell you where she is."

I shook my head, "I'm here to talk to you actually. I don't know how to plan a date, let alone where I would take her."

"There's a carnival tonight. It's small but I'm sure it's enough. Léa likes elephant ears so maybe you can get her one." Sasha told me, giving me ideas for the rest of the night.

"Thank you! You're a life saver!" I kissed her cheek and ran back to my apartment.


Léa and I made it to the carnival, the casual vintage-grunge look making it extremely hard for me to not to jump her. What? A girl has needs!

I loved watching her eyes light up when she saw something cool, or the way her perfectly sculpted, and yet still bushy, eyebrows would crease slightly when she didn't understand something.

"You want an elephant ear?" I asked when I saw the food stands up ahead.

"Sure." She smiled, one that was contagious. I grinned back and we both ran over to the stand. When I ordered, we both sat down on a bench and began eating.

"Ask me something." She randomly said.


"People on dates ask the other person stuff to get to know them." Léa shrugged, taking another bite of the treat.

I nodded, "Okay. Are you an only c***d?"

"Yeah. My mother passed away giving birth to me. I feel bad because Alfred told me my father wanted to have a few k**s running around. I just feel like I took that away from him."

I placed my hand on her forearm, "I'm sure that's not how he views it. I'm sure he adores you."

"Yeah, he has a funny way of showing it. Enough about him, Whats your favorite color?"

"I don't have a favorite color. I feel like if I chose I'd hurt the other colors feelings."

Léa smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with the sun.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked.


We finished off our food and got up to walk around, looking for a ride that we could go on. We talked the entire time, getting deeper with each question. I talked about my past, something I rarely did, and she told me about hers.

She told me all about her and Sasha and the things they used to do as k**s until now. I told her about some of the other villains I met, calling ourselves the Suicide Squad.

Léa even won me a stuffed unicorn wearing a tutu, so I won her a little stuffed shark. Léa brought me so much happiness I didn't know what to do with it all. And that scared me. What if this ends badly and all my happiness will die out. And damnit, what about my plan to rule the city?


Annotation. Do not be impatient, my dear men. It will become erotic in the next chapter. I promise.

Chapter Eleven

Léa's POV:

I made it home late, lingering too long at Harley's apartment but she didn't mind. She told me I could stay the night if I wanted too, but I told her I should probably get home.

And now that I was I regretted my decision. My father was sitting on the couch, a fresh bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on the coffee table. He didn't look happy in the slightest and I was already dreading this argument.

"Do you not care about your safety? Do you not care that her enemies could go after you?" Bruce spat.

"Maybe I'll get lucky and one will come in right now and shoot me. Then I won't have to listen to you yell at me." I rolled my eyes.

The thick vein on my fathers forehead protruded out so far I thought it was going to burst.

"You are such a c***d! Harley isn't someone you get romantically involved with! You've seen what the joker did to her, how long before she does the same thing to you!?" He screamed at me.

My jaw tightly shut while I pinned my father against the wall, my arms erupting in fire at all the anger I was feeling. My father hissed and whimpered and when the smell of his burning flesh hit my nose, I let him go.

"Y-y-you're Ember?!" He squeaked out before he turned sour, "You have powers and didn't think to tell me?!"

I scoffed, "Why so you can go and take me to every private doctor and scientist to cure me?!"


"AND YOU DRESS UP IN A BAT COSTUME!" I screamed back, the fire on my arms taking over every inch of my body the angrier I became.


"HARLEY QUINN JUST WANTS SOMEONE TO TREAT HER LIKE A PERSON! SHE'S NOT SO SICK AND TWISTED WHEN YOU GET TO KNOW HER!" My entire body, right up to my head and down to my feet, was covered in the orange flames.

I hissed when a blast of coldness hit me and the flames died out in clouds of steam. I glared over at Alfred who held the fire extinguisher. I shook off the white foam and stormed out of the mansion.

I was livid, wanting nothing more than to hit something really hard, preferably my father. I know he was just looking out for me, but at some point he was going to have to realize I'm and adult who can make her own decisions. I'm not some c***d that needs the safety locks on everything.

He spent countless hours training with me in the home gym so I would know how to defend myself. Even if I wasn't seeing Harley, my father was Batman! My life was already in danger if some villain found out his secret. How was this any different??

I pulled out the Ember mask I kept in my back pocket at all times, bumping into someone before I could put it on.



I turned around and forced a smile when I saw Harley.

"Hey, Harles."

"You look like shit!" She gave me a look of concern, "Is everything okay?"

I shook my head no, and Harley cupped my cheek.

"Tell me about it, pumpkin."

"What are you doing out this late?" I changed the subject, taking a step back from her.

"You left your phone at my place so I came to give it back. Here." She outstretched her hand to give me the iPhone.

I grabbed my phone and thanked her, stuffing the device in my back pocket.

"Where are you off to?" Harley asked.

"Just on a walk." I replied, my heart hammering in my chest. Please don't see the mask. Please don't-

"What's that in your hand?"


"Nothing." I tried to reply smoothly but this woman did things to me it was hard to think straight half the time.

"If it's nothing then let me see it."

"Harley, really. It's nothing." I backed up a few steps when she came closer. Harley grabbed my arm and lifted it up.

Harley stared at the mask for what felt like a long while, before glaring at me.

"You're goons k**napped me!"

I hushed her, dragging her into a nearby alleyway, "They didn't k**nap you! You were snooping around!"

"It's a warehouse in the outskirts of Gotham! Who wouldn't look inside?" Harley defended, "I told you everything about me. I told you all the things the joker did to me and you kept this from me?! I may not know anything about a heathy relationship, but I do know that you have to trust the other person!"

"Do you not trust me?" I scoffed.

"Depends on who's asking; Léa or Ember." Harley shot back.


"Don't call me that." Harley hissed, brushing past me and running out of the alleyway.

"Fucking hell!" I hissed, slamming my fist against the brick wall.

Why did everything have to go to complete shit in a matter of seconds?


Chapter Twelve

Léa's POV:

Just when I thought things couldn't become worse, it started raining.

"Just great." I muttered, running back to the mansion to grab my Benz. I hopped inside, not caring if I was getting the seats all wet. I didn't want to go inside and face my father, or Alfred, and now that Harley and I were fighting (again) I knew I couldn't crash there.

So I reversed out of the garage and squealed my tires all the way down to Sashas loft. I knew it was nearing two in the morning, but I hoped she was up. And if she wasn't, I really hoped she wasn't going to get mad if I woke her up.

When I parked my car in the driveway, I ran up to her floor. I stopped in my tracks, my head falling against the wall when I seen a sock covering her door handle.

Great, she had company. I slid down the wall, curling myself in a ball on the floor. My body shivered from my rain soaked clothes and I looked down the hallway to see if anyone was watching. When the coast was clear, I used my powers to help warm myself up.



I groaned when someone nudged me.

"Léa, you look pathetic right now." Sasha laughed and I peeled my eyes open, standing to my feet while running the sleep from my eyes.

"Did your friend leave?" I croaked.

"Yeah he's gone. Wasn't very good let me tell you. Come on, I'll pour us a drink." Sasha grabbed my hand and led me inside her loft, shutting the door behind us.

I hadn't been over in awhile, she certainly had more plants than last time. The d**g and the flower kind.

"You want to smoke?" She asked holding up a joint.

"Sure." I hummed, peeling off my still moist sweatshirt.

"Care to explain why you were sleeping outside my door like a little puppy, soaked in rain?" Sasha set down a glass of bourbon in front of me, lighting up the joint.

I took a swig of my liquor before answering, "My dad and I got into a major fight. Then I ran into Harley and we also got into a fight."

"Why did you and Harley fight? I thought you had a date today and it went well?"

I nodded, "We did and it went well. We walked around Gotham and just talked before going back to her place to hangout."

Sasha wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I laughed lightly.

"We didn't have sex." I rolled my eyes, "We just watched cartoons and cuddled. She told me I could stay but I told her I should get home. That's when my dad was in the living room and he went off on me. It was the same bullshit about how I'm a c***d who doesn't care about my safety. He pissed me off to the point where I couldn't control my anger."

"Did you.."

I nodded and Sasha handed me the joint, "You need that more than I do. I take it he didn't take the news well?"

I took a hit off the joint, allowing the smoke to linger in my mouth before exhaling, "Nope. I'm probably some freak c***d in his eyes now. After the fight with him I stormed out, that's when I ran into Harley. She was on her way to return my phone when she saw the mask. She put two and two together and wasn't happy either."

"I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. She thinks you don't trust her enough to open up about these things. I'm sure she's an open book if you ask the right questions."

"She told me that even if she didn't know what a healthy relationship was supposed to be like, she at least knew you had to trust the other person. She doesn't trust me anymore, Sash. I really like this girl and I fucked it up." I took another large inhale off the joint, flicking off the ash when I was done.

"All you have to do is apologize. You guys have gone on three dates, I don't think you're going to let this argument stop you from going on more, right?"

I shook my head, handing her the joint.

"That's what I thought. You can stay here for as long as you like, but please listen to me when I tell you that you need to talk to Harley as soon as possible. You don't want things to get worse."

Sasha and I finished off the joint and drank a bottle and a half of liquor before calling it a night. I crashed on her futon while she went to her room. I was going to fix things with Harley, after I tried talking to my dad.


I shut the mansion door behind me, not hearing any noise coming from the living room. Alfred soon appeared and looked relieved to see me.

"Where's my father?" I asked.

Alfred sighed, "He's in his study. Try and be patient with him, Léa."

I nodded stiffly, deciding to take a shower first before going to talk to my father. After my shower, I made my way there. Cracking open the door, I saw him half asleep with a stack of papers in front of him.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. His head shot up and his tired eyes became more awake when he saw me.


I shuffled into the room and shut the door behind me, walking closer to his desk.

"I want this conversation to be serious. We are adults and I think we should both act like them."

Bruce nodded and poured us both a glass of wine. He set my cup in front of me and I took a seat in the chair.

"I'm not a c***d, dad. I'm twenty two and own my own business. I have responsibilities. What I do with my life, or who I choose to see in my life, shouldn't concern you as much as it does. I understand you're looking out for me, but I can take care of myself."

"Then I hope you can take my responses seriously and not become defensive so quickly." He took a swig of his wine before continuing, "Did Harley make you choose the life of Ember?"

I held back a roll of my eyes, of course he was trying to find ways to blame Harley.

"No. I've been Ember since I found out I had these powers. And I found out when I was eighteen."

"Does Harley know?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"Then I hope you can come to your senses-"


"No, Léa! I hope you can come to your senses and realize that she is using you. You are a mob boss, very powerful from what people on this side of town tell me, so you can protect her. People will be afraid to touch her if they know she's your girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes, "Harley wouldn't use me like that. She can handle herself just fine I'm sure. There's been no problems."

"Not yet! Why can't you see the reality of it?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking down on me like some c***d.

"The reality of this is, you just can't accept that I could my happiness from someone lower than your standards. You'd probably want me to date some doctor or lawyer, not someone who's a real interesting person! She's different and I don't like normal."

"You know what your problem is?!" He hissed, narrowing his eyes at me like some snake.

"What?" I gritted our through clenched teeth.

"You try and fix people. You take the most damaged out of the lot and think that you can change them! Harley Quinn is mentally unstable and can't be fixed! You are not her savior."

My posture slacked in heaviness. There was no way I was getting through to him.

"I'm moving out of the mansion."

"Gonna move in with her now?!"

"No! I'm getting my own god damn place! Not everything needs to be about her! I've said what I've needed to say and I want you to respect that. But you can't." I blew out in one breath, heading towards the door of his office.

"I'll make sure to her your address! That way I can send you a postcard that says 'I told you so'." He yelled after me.


Chapter Thirteen

Harley's POV:

When I made it back to my apartment, I tossed the stuffed unicorn across the room and let out a loud angry yell. After that my legs swayed under me and the floor hit my knees. Tears ran down my face and Bruce trotted over to me with the stuffed unicorn.

I was just so frustrated about it! I mean that was a big deal and she couldn't think to tell me? I think I would tell whoever I was going on dates with that I was a mob boss with fire powers!

It all came down to trust and if she didn't trust me enough to tell me that, why should I trust her to catch me if I start falling?

I hugged the stuffed unicorn to my chest and cried silently. Bruce rested his head on my shoulder to comfort me.

Léa's POV:

One week later.

I had officially moved into my own apartment with roof access a few days ago. My father was there the entire time Sasha and I were moving my stuff out, but he just talked to her. I didn't tell my dad Sasha was apart of my little mob, because I knew they had a good relationship and I didn't want to ruin that.

My father was the closest thing Sasha had to one and I knew she cared about him too. I've been moping around my place since, trying to think of a good way to apologize to Harley. I should have told her from the beginning, maybe sooner. I guess I thought I was just doing the right thing. I didn't know what was going to happen between us, and didn't want to tell her my alias.

I guess I didn't know if I could trust her.

Harley's POV:

I jumped in my skin when there was a knock on my apartment door. I set my bowl of cereal down and wrapped the blanket tighter around my shoulders. I peaked through the eye hole and my breath hitched in my throat when I saw who it was. She looked like she hadn't slept.

I swung the door open and Léa locked eyes with me. Yeah, she definitely looked like she hadn't slept. Purple bags practically hung under her sunken eyes.

"H-hey." Léa stuttered and my heart pounded in my chest.

"You look like shit." I commented. Léa nodded, her chapped lips tugging upwards.

"I came to apologize. I should have told you I was Ember. I was just trying to protect myself."

"I don't accept apologies unless they're sealed with kisses." I huffed. Léa smiled, leaning forward and catching my lips in a soft kiss. God it's been too long since my lips have been on hers. My heart nearly beat out of my chest, a zoo of butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"I really like you Harley and I didn't want something like that to come between us." Léa spoke lowly, licking her lips.

I nodded, "I really like you too, pumpkin."

"Then, I'm hoping you say yes if I ask you to be my girlfriend?" Léa sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and I gasped.


Léa chuckled, "I hope so."

"I-I don't know, y/n... I'm scared." I fidgeted in my spot.

"Of what?"

"Of being happy. I'm scared that I'll just be what everyone is always talking about. You know psychologically, it's normal for people to be afraid to be happy again after they get their heart broken."

Léa gave me a look of complete adoration and I had never seen that look before. Ever. It made me start to tear up, her hands placed on either side of my cheeks. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine.

"Who cares what other people think. You're Harley fucking Quinn. You're a bad bitch who tells facts and slams popcorn buckets on people's heads." She explained with a laugh.

I let out a watery laugh of my own, crying harder when y/n wiped my tears away.

"I like you as you are. I like you with all the baggage you carry and I'll certainly like you if you were the person everyone talks about."

"Will you feel the same way about me in a few years?" I asked shyly.

"No, I'll feel even more for you in a few years. If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be here."

"Okay." I nodded, leaning up to ghost my lips over hers, "Just... no promises of forever. Promise me right now instead."

"Then I promise." Y/n whispered before closing the gap between us in a sweet kiss.


Chapter f******n

• "⚠️⚠️" marks the start of the smut and "✅✅" means the kinky shit is over •

Léa's POV:

A month and a half later.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Canary asked, sitting down in the bar stool next to me.

"Sure." I shrugged, never one to turn down a free drink."

"You've got a nice club." The singer commented, looking around the place.

"Thanks. You've helped a lot with business." I grabbed the drink that was set in front of me, loving the burn down my throat.

Canary laughed, "I'm sure business was booming long before I showed up."

I just laughed in response, taking another sip.

"How long have you and Quinn been together?"

"New travels that fast?" I asked incredulously.

Canary gestured her head towards a part of the club, "well when she's glaring daggers at me I figured there's more to it."

I leaned back a little, noticing Harley was glaring daggers at Canary, but smiled brightly when she saw me.

"we've only gotten together recently, but it's going really well." I smiled.

"mmhmm, I'm barely flirting with you and she's already jealous." Canary smirked.

I snorted, "so you were flirting with me to begin with?"

"who wouldn't, I mean look at you!" The singer gestured up and down.

"I'm your boss." I turned away while my face became hot.

Canary smirked, "I've been off the clock for about twenty minutes now."

"I'm with Harley."

"what's wrong with a little harmless flirting? I'm sure people flirt with her all the time. Oh! Like that guy for instance."

I leaned back in my chair and saw Harley talking with some guy, laughing and smiling. I narrowed my eyes at the guy before turning back to my conversation.

"so what'd you do before this?" I asked, ordering us another drink and telling Sid to leave the bottle.

"you're my boss shouldn't you already know this?"

My lips tugged up and I shook my head, "I never read it, I got word you were a good singer so I hired you."

"so you like my voice?"

"The best singing I've heard." I smirked, filling our glasses up.

"I've been told I can hit an even higher octave range when I moan."

"you must be very proud."

The singer leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "we can try it out if you'd like."


"should turn down that offer before your girlfriend gets upset." Harley had a fake smile plastered on her face while she sat down in the stool next to me, grabbing my drink and taking a swig.

"-I was going to say no. Thanks for the offer but I'm going to refuse." I told Canary.

"mm, yeah I totally believe you." Harley rolled her eyes, grabbing my arm and slinging it over her shoulders.

"well that didn't go as planned." Canary chuckled.

I laughed, "and what was your plan?"

"to get you into bed, I'm bored, you're hot."

"watch it, Canary. there's plenty of other girls in this club. this one's mine." Harley growled, putting her hand on my thigh.

"shit maybe I should have asked for a threesome instead." The woman sputtered in a joking manner.

"somehow I think that would have gone slightly better." I mumbled, grabbing my cup and taking another drink.

"knock it off, Léa or I'm not kissing you for a week." Harley warned.

I turned towards her and cooed, "awe, baby, what happened to Pumpkin?"

Harley glared at me in response, grabbing the bottle off the bar counter and keeping it all to herself.

"kissing huh? So you guys haven't..." canary trailed off.

Harley shook her head and rolled her eyes, "no we haven't found the right moment."

Canary giggled a little drunkenly, "girl, I would have jumped her the moment we kissed."

I smiled when I thought back on our first kiss, "our first kiss was in the rain, I wasn't about to get it on in the middle of the rain."

"would've been a good story to tell."

"maybe.. but eh.. plenty more chances right, Harles? Where'd she go?" My eyebrows furrowed when I didn't see my girlfriend sitting next to me anymore.

"maybe the bathroom or something. I'm sure she's fine."

"yeah." I frowned.

"you and Harley are an odd couple." She commented randomly.

"we're both very different people, I guess that's why we work." I replied.

"but don't couples break up cause they're just too different?"

I shook my head, "not me and Harles, we're different from them."

"well, if you and Quinn break up you know where I am." She smirked, leaving a tip on the bar top.

"somehow I feel like you'll be there." I smiled in amusement.

"A girl like yourself on the market doesn't come around too often... but maybe you should talk to your girlfriend. She's dancing with some guy. Tell her I'm sorry."

My eyes snapped to the dance floor and sure enough she was, "yeah.. will do."

I downed the rest of my drink and walked over towards Harley. When Harley noticed me walking over towards her, she smirked and began grinding on the guy.

"beat it dude." I hissed.

"hey what?! I'm dancing here." He huffed, getting in my face.

I glared at him and he scurried off. Harley wrapped her arms around my neck and pouted, her bottom lip jutted out.

"awh pumpkin you finally decided to pay attention to me."

"what was that?" I asked.

"what was what?" Harley batted her eyelashes at me.

"you really thought I was going to tell her yes?" I scoffed.

"some part of me did.." Harley glanced down to the dance floor.

"Harles..." I trailed off.

"why didn't you say yes? A lot of people would."

"I'm also not a lot of people."

"Mr.J used to cheat on me all the time, and said it was cause I couldn't satisfy him." The pale woman mumbled sadly.

I shook my head, raising her head up so I could look her in the eyes, "baby, I'm not Joker either. I'm loyal to you and only you."

Harley grinned and kissed me, "I'm happy to hear that, otherwise I would have had to do bad things to you."

"oh yeah? Like what?" I giggled.

Her expression went from joyful to full on lust blown eyes and dilated pupils, "first, I'd kiss you in all the spots you love. Did you know there was a certain vulnerability to kissing someone's neck?" As if to prove her point she began to softly kiss my neck, "I wonder if you'd beg me to continue after I make you squirm. after I'd get you all hot and bothered you'd need to cool down, so I'll use ice. I'll trail it down your body, around your breasts.. Mhm, imagine. But I don't, so more shots?"

"h-Harley." I stuttered out.

Harley trailed her thumb over my bottom lip, "yes, pumpkin?"

"maybe we should get out of here, go back to your place o-or mine I don't mind."

She giggled, going back to her joyful expression, "but I'm having fun here."

My eyes darkened, "I guarantee we'll have more fun elsewhere."

Harley pouts before smirking once more, "I'm staying and drinking, are you staying?"

"What if I cut you off?" I challenged.

"there's other clubs."

"are you denying sex?" I gasped.

Harley shook her head no, "I never said I was denying it."

A sly smirk tugged at my lips as I looked at her under the red club lights, "guess all your talk will just be talk after all, I don't think you'd really do those things."

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "you really think that pumpkin? If you do that you really haven't had a taste of Harley Quinn."

"you're right, I've only tasted her lips when there's so much more to taste." I proceeded to grab her ass, hearing her squeal in surprise.

"Baby you're gonna get me all hot infront of everybody." She sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

"let them see how I make you feel, just like they can see how you make me feel."

Harley whimpered at my words and I felt her body fall to putty in my hands.

"we either leave this club, or I fuck you right here in front of everybody."

"s-shit Léa." Harley moaned.

"Mhmm what do you want, Harleen?"

"okay pumpkin let's go." Harley breathed out, like she just ran a marathon.

I smirked and grabbed her hand, taking her outside of the club before we both got into my car. My tires squealed out of the club parking lot and onto the streets of Gotham. In the passenger side Harley was rubbing her thighs together, a whimpering mess.

"Baby hurry up, it's taking too long." Harley whined.

"I'm getting there as fast as I can, Harley."


I rested my hand on top of her exposed thigh, squeezing her flesh under my fingertips. I sped through the yellow light before it turned red, earning honks from a few people. My eyes snapped towards Harley when I felt her guide my hand to her center.

That's when I noticed her shorts were unbuckled and I was rubbing her slick folds through her underwear. I turned my eyes back to the road, moving her thong to the side and gathering her wetness in my fingers.

Harley panted as I slowly entered two of my fingers inside of her, her slick arousal flooding under my nose.

"That feels g-good, pumpkin." Harley groaned, bucking into my hand. I fingered her the few blocks to my place, her walls clenching around my digits and with one more curl of my fingers, she was cumming all over my leather seats and fingers. I pulled my fingers out of her, sucking her essence off.

Harley practically pulled me out of the car, rubbing and kissing on me as I tried to unlock my door. I pushed Harley into the wall as soon as I unlocked the door, helping her shrug off my bomber jacket.

We made out in the living room before I walked us towards my room. Harley pushed me down on my king size bed, her lips swollen and bruised.

"Stay." Harley smirked, disappearing into my bathroom. A few moments later she walked out in a nurse get up and my eyes bugged out of my skull.

"how are you doing today, Ms. Wayne?" Harley roleplayed.

I couldn't help but check her out, loving the way she pulled off the costume, "you're not my usual doctor."

Harley smirked, walking closer to the bed, "I can assure you I'm one of the best."

"is that so?"

"Mhmm, you can ask anyone around here. Now what can I help you with today?"

"Well you see, I'm running a bit hot, hot a fever." I husked.

Harley felt my forehead with the back of her hand, "you don't feel that hot to me."

"I am, and my stomach kinda hurts." I held my stomach, watching her hand travel to my lower stomach before pressing lightly.


"yeah there, maybe lower."

Harley had a ghost of a smirk on her face, trailing her hand to my thigh instead of where I wanted her, "Here?"

I trailed my hand up her thigh and rested it on the heat of her core. Harley gasped when I pressed down lightly, "More like here. You okay doc?"

My girlfriend moaned and stood up abruptly, "use your powers."

"w-what?" I choked out.

"you're a firefighter so show me the fire!"

My lips fell into a frown, "baby I don't want to hurt you."

"you won't hurt me, I trust you."

I took a moment to think about it before nodding. Harley continued off on the role play.

"I'm fine, I'm just trying to help you. You save people from fires and I try to save you."

"try and save me from what?" I smirked, then releasing a small flame from my hand, "this?"

Harley watched my hand with lust blown pupils, my hand trailing closer to her heat once more before she pushed my hand away.

"darling I'm not supposed to be fraternising with my patients."

"You check me out, give me the okay to go back to work and I'm not your patient anymore. you can tell me to stop right now and I'll stop."

Quinn sunk her teeth into her bottom lip when I put my warm hand on her pale thigh.

"I could get fired." Harley let out shakily.

I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, "and then I can drench your boss in fire.. come on, nurse, tell me what to do."

"fuck it." She muttered before smashing our lips together.

I moaned, "we gotta be quiet, don't wanna be caught."

"be warned, I'm a screamer, you might have to gag me."

I raised my hand to her ass and gripped it in my palm, "I'll take my chances."

"you're so fucking hot." Harley moaned, straddling my lap.

I pulled her hair back, peppering kisses along her neck, "I can get hotter."

My girlfriend grabbed my hands and placed them around her throat while she continued grinding our centers together.

"tell me I'm a good girl."

"not until you scream for me.. tell me, when's the last time someone made you cum?" I put more pressure on her throat.

"N-never, Mr. J never let me finish.. said I didn't deserve to if I couldn't make him."

I chuckled lowly, "maybe we will need the gag."

"you gonna make me cum or are you all talk?" Harley huffed.

"well aren't you being all bratty?" I growled, flipping our positions so Harley was laying down on the bed now.

"I just wanna be a good girl for you pumpkin." She pulled me down into a heated kiss.

I began sucking on her neck, making sure to leave plenty of marks. I knew they would show up rather easily on her flesh.

"use your fire baby." Harley moaned. I conjured a small flame in my hand and lowered it close to Harley's skin before extinguishing the flame and touching Harley with my heated hand. Harley moaned rather loudly at the action.

I pulled back, "you sure I'm not hurting you?"

Harley huffs in sexual frustration, "pumpkin, i'll tell you if you hurt me but right now I don't want you to be nice. fuck me, use me, make me yours."

I couldn't help but moan at her words as I slowly teased her entrance, "baby you're soaked."


I heated up two fingers and slowly entered her slick core. She dug her nails in my back while moaning in pleasure.

"that's a good girl, taking my fingers. I want you to cum all over them."

Harley tried to kiss me but I pulled away, "no no, I want to hear you scream baby, I want the neighbours to hear. Be a good girl for me.l

I kept pumping my fingers in and out of her, the woman moaning loudly and squirming under me as I did so. I brought my head down and went back to sucking and biting on her neck.

"baby, Léa, I can't take it, oh my god this is so good." Her back arched up into me.

"cum whenever you want baby, you're allowed to have pleasure Mr.J means nothing." I told her softly.

"oh god, you're so much better than Mr.J pumpkin."

Her words sparked something primal inside of me and I practically fucked her into oblivion. Her moans started coming out quicker and I knew she was close. I removed my fingers and Harley whined, screaming in pleasure when I entered my tongue inside of her.

"oh my god! you're fucking me so good!" Harley yelled.

with some tongue tricks Harley orgasms with a loud cry all over my face.

I moaned when I tasted her, "you taste so fucking good."

"pumpkin, I'm so sensitive." She whimpered, trying to push my head away but I held her arms down.

"I'm not done with you yet, Quinzel. There's so much more I want to do to you." I licked my lips.


"be a good girl harles and sit back and enjoy it."

I began to eat her out once more, loving how she tasted. Harley moaned at the feeling, almost trying to back away from how sensitive she was.

I moaned causing vibrations to go to harleys core, "you like that baby?"

"yes. Mmm yes! Léa!" Her body wriggled under me.

I moved us at an angle so that her legs were now over my shoulders. I used one arm to stop harley from squirming too much and the other to begin fingering her whilst I used my tongue in her engorged clit.

"baby, I think I'm gonna cum again." Harley could barely speak; she was moaning so much.

"go ahead harles, I'm here." I reassured her.

Harley came again once more and I leaned my head up to smash our lips together. Harley moaned, bringing my face close together while she tasted herself on my tongue.

"You are too good to me." She mumbled in a daze.

I chuckled lowly, "because I made you cum three times?"

Harley cupped my cheek, "because you take care of me in general."

I smiled and passionately kissed my girlfriend, "next time I want to fuck you in some diamonds. Brings a new meaning to wet diamonds."

Harley groaned, "I'm so sensitive but I want you again. in every way possible."

"what does that include?" I asked, wanting to fulfill her wishes.

Harley scratched her nails down my back and bucked her hips into me, "choke me, tie me up... the works."

My hand trailed down Harley's thigh, as I gazed at her, "are you sure you'll be able to handle it baby? You're already so sensitive."

"I'm a good girl, good girls get rewards." She state's matter of factly.

My hand moved down and gently pressed on her clit. Harley jerked away reflexively from how sensitive she was.

"I want you pumpkin, you give me everything Mr.J couldn't give me and more." Harley kissed my nose.

"strip for me, Princess. I want to see you." I commanded.

Harley did as I asked, teasingly taking off the nurse outfit and I marveled at the sight of her pale curvy body. Her perky breast and glistening center on display for me. After a heavy makeout session and many hickeys left by Harley, Harley straddles me once more.

"I want to watch you eat me out." She told me.

"I got you, princess." I guided her over my face, lowering her down and easily sliding my tongue into her wet folds. Harley jerked and spasms but moaned loudly.

She grabbed onto my hair and then headboard for leverage before rocking back and forth slowly, riding my tongue while moans spilled from her lips.

"You like that baby? You like when I eat you out like this?" I asked, tongue fucking her.

"oh my god yes, it's so good." Her eyes fluttered back into her skull.

I used some tongue tricks, paying attention to her clit the most. Harley squealed as another orgasm began to wash over her. Before she could quite reach it, I pulled my mouth away.

"pumpkin put your mouth back there or I swear to god-"

"it's called edging sweetheart, if I do it a couple of times, when you finally come it'll be amazing."

Her body began twitching, waiting for release after I edged her two more times. And when her release came, it was explosive. I couldn't practically see the stars in her eyes.

She screams my name the loudest she has yet. When the orgasm passed, her body slumped forward and I gently pulled her to my chest. Harley smiled softly at me, pecking my lips.

"what about you pumpkin? you need to be check over." Harley leaned up in her elbows, getting back into her nurse character.

I laughed, pushing back a strand of her hair, "you don't have too, Harles. I wanted to make you feel good."

"and you did.. is it a crime to want to return the favor?"

"no, but I don't mind if you're a pillow princess sometimes."

Harley gasped at my words, "you may be the dedicated top in this relationship but I refuse to be called a pillow princess."

I giggled and pulled my girlfriend closer, "I won't, I just want the aftercare to be good, baby, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. Why don't we go back to sleep and pick it up tomorrow?"

Of course she ignored my comment and slowly trailed her hand up my thigh, earning a small quiet moan from me.

"I think it's time I showed you what I wanted to do earlier, that it wasn't just all talk." She smirked.

"you'll have to jog my memory." I teased.

Harley began attaching her lips to my neck, making sure to leave more marks, "you starting to remember now pumpkin?"

All I could do was moan.

"use your words baby."


Her kisses trailed further down my body and I jerked when her tongue swirled around my clit.

Harley's POV:

"harles you're gonna be the death of me." Léa mumbled while I fired my arms to spread her legs further apart before diving in completely.

"oh my god! Harley stop or I'll cum too quickly."

I chuckled, "well that isn't such a bad thing is it pumpkin?"

I added two fingers inside of her cunt, curling them and finding her g spot quickly. As soon as I found it, y/n was putty in my hands.

"I like watching you come undone for me... nobody else can make you feel like this." I confessed.

"only you Harley!" Léa moaned, gripping the bed sheets tighter.

I removed my fingers and Léa shot me a glare. The glare was quickly wiped away when I pulled out a vibrator, pressing it on her clit and slipped two fingers inside her again.

"o-oh shit!" She gasped, her walls clenching around my fingers.

I leaned down and captured one of her perky nipples in my mouth, lightly biting down on the bud. When Léa came, I didn't hesitate to keep it going. Just before her second orgasm, I pulled away again.

Léa whined, "Harley please I can't take it."

"do you regret calling me a pillow princess baby?"

She nodded ferociously and I couldn't help but feel smug.

"beg for me baby. Beg that I fuck you with this vibrator and let you cum and I'll let you cum as many time's as you want."

Léa looked me straight in the eyes and my heart skipped a beat, "please harley, I'll do anything if you let me cum again, please."

I thought about it for a moment before putting the vibrator on her clit once more, turning it up to full speed.

"Joker was never as good as you Léa, you're better than him at everything. One day, if he ever comes back into our lives, you'll defeat him with ease and we'll have some great victory sex." I muttered, peppering kisses along her jaw.

Léa came again and I licked up all her juices, kissing her passionately so she could taste herself. Both of us made out feverishly while I straddled y/n again. I slowly grinded our centers together, moaning loudly when Léa slammed me down on her.

"yes baby! right there!" I squealed.

"fuck Harley." Léa groaned.

I sped up my movements, chasing not only my orgasm but y/n's too. We came at the same time and I tiredly rested my head on my girlfriends shoulder.


Léa's POV:

"god can you imagine the victory sex we'll have? Or angry sex.. I bet morning sex is fun! Some breakfast and head?" Harley giggled while I pulled her closer to my chest again.

"you're silent. Did I not satisfy you? Was I bad? I'm sorry I can do better, I-"

I cut Harley off before she got lost inside her head, "you were more than amazing, baby. best sex I've ever had."

"Then what's on your mind pumpkin?" She looked at me full of concern.

I blew out a breath, "dont worry about it, Harles. Kay? Let's just enjoy this."

"I like to know what you're thinking.. I don't want to shut me out." She squeezes my hand.

"if I say it then the vibes will be ruined." I frowned.

"I don't mind pumpkin, I don't want you overthinking whilst we're supposed to be relaxing, let it out."

"it's fine, just go to sleep."

Harley pouted, "you promised me you wouldn't lie to me after the whole ember thing."

I sighed, "I'm not lying to you Harles."

"then tell me what's on your mind."

"The Joker is back." I deadpanned.

"w-what? how? When?"

I shrugged at her questions, "I don't know when, but he k**napped me, stabbed me in the leg with a pencil and told me to stay away from you."

Harley gasped, "how long ago was this?"

"when we first started hanging out."

"you've known for that long? and you didn't tell me.. he could have killed you!" She began to breathe heavier and I rubbed my hands over her thighs to calm her down.

"relax baby, I've got it handled."

"why didn't you tell me?" Harley looked hurt.

"because I was scared that if you knew he was back you'd go running after him." I fiddled with a loose string on the blanket.

"you really think that low of me pumpkin?" Harley frowned.

I shook my head quickly, "no, but back then we were only just getting together. I didn't know how much you felt for him compared to me, I didn't know who you'd choose."

"so he wants you to stay away from me but he won't come and see me himself? I swear that man wants to torture me! Maybe I'll go find him-"

"no, if you go after him he could kill you, I can't risk that."

"and he could kill you for even being with me. I'm not losing you either."

"He sent me a letter before our first date. He's watching us." I became angry at the thought.

"that pervert!" Harley hissed, covering both of us up with the blanket so nobody could see us.

"I know what he did to you was wrong, but he was your first love. Most people go running back to their first love."

"I wouldn't ever leave you for him, there's no comparison." Harley reassured me.

"everyone else thinks you're going to leave me, or that you're just using me." I mumbled, letting my insecurities get the better of me.

"how could you think that?! Are you really questioning my loyalty to you right now? Screw what everyone else says, I'm here aren't I?"

"I'm just worried that there is a chance that you could choose him over me because I'll never side with him Harley, never."

Harley shook her head, "and i'd never want you to side with him. I'm yours Léa, not his, we established that the night I publicly ended our relationship."

I sighed, "I know you're right, but I just wish he could accept that. It's hard seeing other people go after your girlfriend."

Harley nodded, "you make me a better me, pumpkin. you've shown me nothing but adoration, and I know we've had our fights, but we always come back stronger than before. I know it's probably too soon to say, but I think I'm falling, Léa."

I smiled softly, "then fall, baby. I'll be there to catch you."

"but I'm scared." She confessed.

I gave a confused look, "why are you scared baby?"

"because when I fell for the joker I got so obsessed, everything I did was to please him. I don't want that because that's toxic."

"that's the difference here, Princess, Joker always thought he was above you. You and I we're equals, I'll please you, you please me, that's how it works." I explained softly.

Harley hummed, "I know it sounds crazy, but if I lost you I think I might die of heartbreak."

"can't have that now can we? I'm not perfect, nobody is, so I can't promise that we won't have our fights.. but I'm in this for the long run as long as you are too."

"you agreed we weren't promising each other forever."

"I know, I'm promising you right now. I'll keep promising you right now, for forever."

Harley snuggled closer to me, "thank you,"

"you don't need to thank me, baby." I kissed her temple.

Harley yawned, "okay pumpkin, let's go to sleep."

"warning I didn't put a sock on the door, if Sasha has a problem she will just walk in." I snorted.

Harley stuffed her face in my neck, "let her, I don't mind her seeing your sexy ass."

I snorted, "you're crazy, Quinzel."

"Mhmm, crazy for you!"

"wouldn't have it any other way."


Chapter Fifteen

• Entire chapter is all kinky smut •

Léa's POV:

I was sitting in my club, after hours type of deal and was signing off a few checks and looking over other documents. My eyes drifted up when I heard my office door open and in walked my sexy girlfriend in a pantsuit.

"I'm almost done with these and we can go get some food." I told her glancing back down at the papers.

"I actually had an issue I wanted to discuss with you.. you being my boss and all."

"what- oh, I see," I smirked, "what's the issue?"

"I demand a raise, I work so hard around here which definitely deserves a raise."

I nodded, "yeah you're right, you work very hard."

Harley did a double take, "Wait what? I didn't expect you to actually give me a raise."

I placed my hand on her ass, pulling her closer to me, "you've worked very hard for it."

"have I been a good girl?" Harley asked innocently while straddling me in the chair.

I rubbed her thighs, "I'd have to punish you if you weren't."

Harley moaned lowly, "I think I've done so much for this place, I think I deserve a reward."

"yeah? what did you have in mind."

"it would be a shame for this desk to go to such a waste." She smirked, running her hands up and down my chest.

I glanced over at the desk with raised eyebrows, leaning over and sweeping everything off.

Harley giggled at my eagerness, "Someone's eager."

"I just want you to get your reward for being such a good employee."

She leaned down to give me a kiss, but just as our lips were about to touch, she pulls away biting her lips and using her thumb to trail over her bottom lip, "I want you to fuck me into that desk like the good girl I am."

I didn't waste any time picking Harley up and sitting her on the desk. I ghosted my lips over hers before pulling back to go and lock the door.

"keep it unlocked, I like the adrenaline of being caught." Harley said, following my every move as I stalked back to her.

I stood in between her legs, running smooth circles on her exposed thighs, "Mhmm, I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk."

My hand trailed further up her thigh, her wetness costing her skin and I gasped, "no thong? you were just waiting to be fucked."

"I'm just being prepared for when my boss needs me." Harley batted her eyelashes at me.

"well your boss needs you right now." I ghosted my lips over hers again, rubbing her clit while she moaned in my mouth.

"how do you want it baby? Soft, gentle? Hard, rough?" I husked.

Harley moaned, biting my lip, "oh god pumpkin, I want you to use me completely, fuck me until I lose my voice."

I growled, rippling open her shirt and the buttons flew everywhere.

"god you're so hot." Harley breathed, biting down harshly on my bottom lip that blood started surfacing. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me closer.

"ride my face, Princess." I panted.

Harley bunched up her skirt and I laid down so my back was on the desk, Harley's dripping core soon on my mouth. I heated up my hands, knowing how much she loved the fire okay, and ran them under her shirt and up her stomach.

I ate her out, devouring all her juices. Harley moaned, bucking her hips. I moved my warm hands to her clit, paying good attention to it.

"hey Léa did you- oh my god." Sasha gasped, standing in the doorway in utter shock.

"Oh hey Sasha." Harley casually replied.

Sasha covered her eyes and spun around, "I'll leave, lock the door next time damn it!"

"Do we stop or?" I giggled.

"god no keep going pumpkin."

I did a few tongue tricks to make her feel good, still running slow heated circles on her clit. Harley gripped my hair tightly in her hand and I groaned, catching her gaze when she looked down to watch me fuck her.

"Léa, fuck please let me cum." Harley begged when I got out from under her.

"I'm not ready to let you cum yet." I rummaged through my desk drawer and pulled out a purple strap. Harley groaned when she saw it, biting her lower lip.

"Fuck me, pumpkin." She begged.

"I don't know how I want to fuck you first." I smirked, putting the toy on, "I definitely want to leave hand prints on your ass."

As if knowing what I wanted, I watched my girlfriend strip off her skirt and let it pool by her feet. She was left only in her black Gucci heels. She turned around and placed her palms on the desk so her back was facing me, spreading her legs slightly.

My mouth watered at the sight, "you look so sexy like that baby."

"mm pumpkin, please fuck me."

I walked behind her, moving her hair to the side before using my hand to trail her naked asscheek. Heating up my hand, Harley moaned as I ever so lightly burned her skin before spanking her.

"do it again, pumpkin!" Harley cried.

I softly rubbed her asscheek, "I want you to count for me, baby."

I slapped her ass again.


After I slapped her ass ten more times, Harley was a dripping and moaning mess. She kept begging for me to just fuck her on the desk and oh how that was music to my ears.

"baby I just want you to make me cum, please please let me pumpkin."

"I like it when you beg." I snuck my arm around her and gripped her throat, pulling her flush against my chest. Harley grabbed my face, giving me a feverish kiss. I sunk my teeth into her neck to leave fresh hickeys, feeling Harley buck into me.

With a quick motion, I inserted the strap into her heat. Harley moaned at the feeling. I slammed her back onto the desk, grabbing her hands and holding them behind her back while I thrusted into her quickly.

"I wanna see you sitting uncomfortably tomorrow princess, and I want you to tell me how good I fucked you that you can't even sit down." I growled.

Harley arched her back off the desk, "oh my god pumpkin you're so deep. I need you to rub my clit, I wanna cum."

"I need you to really beg for me to let you cum."

"Please pumpkin, I want to scream your name so loud I lose my voice, please just let me cum! I want to cum all over your cock."

"good girl." I purred, rubbing her clit with a heated hand. Harley came with a loud scream of my name and her voice cracked. Her body slumped forward on the desk, whimpering when I removed the strap.

"want a round two, Princess?" I asked softly, kissing her plump lips.

Harley blinked slowly at me, "I don't know if I can pumpkin, I'm so sensitive."

"that just makes it more fun, baby."

I turned her around so that she was laying with her back on the desk, kissing her heatedly. We made out for a while before I entered the strap back into her. Harley groaned into my mouth.

"you think you'll be able to walk after this princess?" My thrusts were slow.

Harley shook her head, "no, I'm gonna be so sore baby."

She wrapped her legs tighter around my waist, pulling me closer and deeper. I moaned when the friction hit my own clit.

"you have my marks all over you baby. Everyone's gonna know you're mine." I mumbled against her flesh, biting her collarbone.

Harley moaned loudly, "I'm all yours pumpkin, only yours."

"fuck Harley, you're so tight!"

Harley pulled my body down flush against her and sunk her teeth into my shoulder to stifle a moan. I left more marks on her while snapping my hips against hers.

"fuck fuck pumpkin I'm close again!" She panted.

"I'm gonna make you squirt baby."

The woman under me moaned loudly when the tip of the strap brushed against her g spot, my fingers feverishly working her clit. I picked up the pace, slamming into her like an a****l. Her walls clenched around me and I knew she wasn't going to last much longer.

"oh my god I think I need to pee." Harley moaned.

"you're gonna squirt baby, it's okay."

I leaned down and sucked on one of her perky breasts, adding the extra stimulation as Halrey came once more with a high pitched scream. My thighs were covered in her juices as she squirted.

I groaned at how hot that was, "damn princess, that was so hot."

"you fuck me so good pumpkin." Harley grinned, lazily kissing me.

I bit the shell of her ear, "I want to taste you... feel you on my tongue."

"you have the highest sex drive ever." She giggled, "but I love to watch you devour me like it's the last time."

"I like to make sure you're throughly fucked, so that you know how I can make you feel. You're my queen, baby. I just want to take care of you."

I trailed my kissed down her stomach and licked a broad strip up to her clit. Harley jerked away before gripping my hair. I sat in the desk chair, wrapping her legs over my shoulders while gently sucking on her clit, savoring the juices like this was my last meal.

"oh god I won't last long baby." Harley gasped.

I swirled my tongue around her clit then slowly entering my tongue inside her what. Her back arched and with a few more strokes, she came hard all over my chin.

Harley pulled my face down to hers and licked my lips clean of her juices as her nails scratched down my back. Harley removed the strap from my hips and tossed it somewhere in the room before I felt her fingers rub my clit.

"baby you've already made me feel so good."

"and now I'm gonna make you feel even better." She kissed me heatedly while entering two fingers in me.

"you're really power bottoming right now." I gasped.

Harley's POV:

I put my index finger over her lips, "Sh pumpkin. Just enjoy it."

I smashed our lips together while pumping my fingers in harder. Léa dropped her head to my neck, sucking on my flesh.

"Fuck Harley." She moaned my name and a zoo of butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"I'm so close Harley"

"maybe I should tease you, like how you did me.. should I let you cum? I don't know."

"you're such a brat." Léa moaned.

I shook my head, "no I'm a good girl just like you said."

Léa smirked, "you wanna be a good girl you're gonna let me cum."

"Is that a threat?"

"no, I'm simply stating facts."

I curled my fingers a few more times and Léa's eyes fluttered back into her skull as she came hard over my digits.

"I like watching you cum.. you're so beautiful." I confessed seeing her face heat up.

"must have fucked you good you're giving out compliments." She laughed breathlessly.

"I can't compliment my girlfriend?"

Léa shook her head, "you can, just was unexpected is all... you're beautiful too princess."

"thanks pumpkin." I rubbed her cheek while we stared into each other's eyes.

"we should probably get out of here soon, it's pretty late." Léa mumbled and I nodded, "I'm so tired and I'm pretty sure I can't walk."

Léa grinned, "I really did fuck you good."

My eyes fluttered closed, "so good baby, so good."

"I just want to jump you anytime I see you so I enjoy the multiple orgasms." I smiled lopsided.

"I want you to top me." Léa blurted out.

I scratched her scalp, "I have before baby."

Léa shook her head, "you've never topped me like I have you, I'm talking about using me."

I gave her a questioning look, "you'd let me use you?"

Léa hummed, "you could kill me and I'd still swoon."

"next time we have enough time for more than a quickie I'll totally top you, use you in anyway possible."

"that sounds good. For future reference, I want you to choke me."

"what? Like this?" I brought my hand up around her throat and squeezed.

Léa nodded and wrapped her hand around my wrist, "yeah just like that baby. The idea of you topping me really gets me going."

"what if I fucked you into this desk?" I asked, earning a groan of approval from my girlfriend, "I'd let you."

I smirked, "next time pumpkin."

"There's handcuffs in the desk drawer."

I sunk my teeth into my lower lip while Léa gave me a challenging look. Once I made up my mind I pushed Léa off me nicely so that I could grab the handcuffs. My legs ached when I stood on them.

I told her to sit in the chair and put her hands behind her back. When she did I handcuffed her to the chair, peppering kisses on her inner thighs to tease her. She almost lost it when I entered two fingers in her.

"these handcuffs were a bad idea, because I really want to touch you." Léa whined.

I smirked, looking up at her through my lashes, "that's the fun of it, pumpkin. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to touch me."

"this is going to be torture, I love touching your body princess."

"you asked me to use you, I'm using you." I lifted my free hand up to her neck and squeezed whilst peppering kisses along her jaw and the corner of her mouth, but not her lips.

"I'm gonna own your body pumpkin." I told her.

"please Harley!"

I connected our lips together, shoving my tongue in her mouth. I entered another finger inside of her and Léa moaned loudly, yanking on the handcuffs. When she was about to cum I pulled away, hearing her huff.

"Harley I need you to make me cum, please I can't take it anymore." She begged.

I waved my finger at her, grabbing the clit stimulator she had and using it on her.

"Harley I will melt these handcuffs if you don't make me cum." Léa huffed.

I pulled back, "nope that's not how this work, you melt those cuffs and I won't have sex with you for a week."

"and how're you gonna get yourself off?"

"I'll use my vibrator, duh." I giggled evilly.

When she was close again I pulled the stimulator away. Léa clenched her first as she growled.

"I swear to god Harles."

I smirked, quoting the words from her from the last time we had sex, "edging, baby, the orgasm will be so much better."

Léa whimpered and tossed her head back when I licked up her neck. I put the stimulator on the highest setting and brought it back on her clit. When I allowed Léa to cum, the orgasm hit her hard while her body shook and spasmed.

When she was calm enough I removed the handcuffs. My eyes widened when I saw all the blood on them.

Léa's POV:

"pumpkin you cut yourself! there's a deep gash on your wrist."

"it's fine Harles, totally worth it." I smiled softly.

Harley lifted up my hand and kissed the wound, a little bit of the metallic blood on her lips. I wiped the blood off from her bottom lip, Halrey ducking my thumb into her mouth.

Harley smirked at me as she sat on her knees in front of me, "we've gotta be good with the aftercare right baby?"

"Harles, I'm so sensitive." I gulped.

"trust me baby, you want me to keep going. your my entire world and I want to worship you, lick you dry.. or what if I fucked you like you did me, while I choke you. would you like that?"

Léa whimpered in response.

"you gotta use your words baby."

"I'm yours Harley, do whatever you want to do to me."

All I could think about was how the tables turned when she told me to sit on the desk, pulling the strap on her hips.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard pumpkin, you're gonna forget your own name." Halrey stated and I knew that was a promise.

Harley roughly entered me while she gripped my throat. I was a moaning mess with my legs wrapped around her waist so she would go deeper.

She kissed me while fucking me fasyer, chasing my orgasm and hers too. She snuck her hand between us, rubbing my clit to add more stimulation. With a few more hard thrusts , we both came with a moan of the others' names.

I slowly kissed Halrey, "I just realized that I've never made love to you.. I've never been slow and passionate. I'm sure the clown wasn't exactly nice.. so you might not know. I'm sorry baby I didn't realize sooner."

"no, no baby. This is perfect, I love it. It's exciting and makes my blood pump. Mr. J never even let me cum, you're gentle with me and only rough when I tell you that. That's making love to me." Harley cupped my cheeks in her hand while rubbed my thumb along her lower lip.

"I promise we'll make love and it will be epic."

Harley grinned, resting our foreheads together, "I don't know what can top this pumpkin."


I hope you all enjoyed it? I will upload the next few days, the other chapters.

Chapter Sixteen

Léa's POV

"You guys are into some kinky shit. Please put a sock on your apartment door so I don't walk in on that when I come over." Sasha laughed, sliding me over a bottle of beer.

I laughed, licking the joint paper and finished rolling it before sparking it up.

"We have an active sex life." I shrugged, taking a long puff before handing it to Sasha.

"I can see that." She took a hit, ashed it and then handed it to me.

"Cops are working on a new investigation. There's some crossbow killer killing some of Romans guys."

My eyes widened at the news, inhaling the smoke and let it settle on my tongue before blowing it out.

"That's big news. We'll have to make sure we're ready at all times if the killer decides to come after us."

Sasha nodded, bringing the bottle to her lips. I glanced over at my girlfriend, seeing her dance wildly on the stripper pole.

"I think I'm in love." I sighed blissfully.

"Damn." Sasha whistled, "You're a lucky son of a bitch."

I grinned, "I know."

Sasha and I took a few more hits off the joint before Harley plopped down in my lap. She took the joint from my fingers and brought it to her lips, staring at me the entire time she did. She brushed her thumb over my bottom lip and slowly exhaled the smoke in my mouth.

"Léa Wayne."

"Kinda having a moment with my girlfriend here. What is it?" I husked, looking up to see Roman Sionis.

"Girlfriend? Well that's news.." Roman chuckled.

"Where you been for the last two months? I blew up the chemical plant." Harley grinned, leaning into my chest.

"Well, I was wondering if any of you know who's been killing off my men." Roman adjusted the collar of his jacket.

I scoffed, "I look like I use a crossbow?"

Roman chuckled bitterly, "No need to get yourself wound up. I'm just here to get some answers."

"I don't have any to give. Personally I don't much care about you and your guys to kill." I shrugged, rubbing Harley's thigh.

"Well, Harley, give the Joker my best regards- oh, wait," he laughed, "I'm sorry. Come on, let's go."

I rolled my eyes when they left and Sasha relaxed.

"I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out you're Ember, the one he's been having a few problems with." Sasha laughed, finishing her beer.

I smirked, "Me too."

"Pumpkin, I want to dance." Harley pouted, cupping my cheeks.

I grinned, picking her up as I stood up and set her down, kissing her lips, "I'll be there in a second."

"Don't keep me waiting." Harley purred, winking at me.

Sasha smirked at me and shook her head, "I need a boyfriend. Hell, maybe I'll just go full lesbian."

I chuckled, "Girls do it better."

"Hey! Get your hands off me!" Harley squealed and Sasha and I ran out to the dance floor, her pulling out the small pistol she kept in the waistband of her jeans.

There was some guy trying to feel up my girlfriend but Harley pushed him away with a hard slap. I stalked over to him with fists clenched and punched him in the nose.

"What the fuck bitch?!" He screamed, holding his gushing nose.

"You want to try and put your hands on my girlfriend again?" I snarled, stepping in front of Harley. I felt her hands rest on my back, whispering things in my ear.

The guy scoffed, "I don't see a ring on her finger. I didn't see you around her, and I certainly don't see your name on her."

I pulled out the pistol I kept in my waistband and pressed it to his forehead, "Go ahead, talk some more shit."

The man shot his hands into the air and cowered, the crotch area of his jeans becoming a darker color as he pissed himself.

"That's what I thought. Now leave and if I see you in my club again, I know people who can clean up the mess I make and it'll be like you never existed."

"I-I'm sorry!" He scurried off and I stuffed the gun back in my waistband, turning around just in time to catch Harley.

Harley launched herself in my arms and smashed our lips together.

"That was so hot pumpkin." She purred.

I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip, "Wanna get out of here?"

"Take me in your office. I want to be fucked on the desk again."

I groaned at her words, grabbing her hand and dragging her towards my office.

Roman's POV:

"Harley Quinn and the Joker are broken up." I marveled at the reality of it.

"What do you have in mind, boss? You wanna kill her?" My personal bodyguard, and whatever else I needed him to be, Victor said.

"I've been waiting so long to just get my hands on her. Léa Wayne will be easy enough to deal with, just another casualty. Get some men and tell them to bring me Harley Quinn alive."

"And what about Léa?"

"If she gets in the way, shoot her." I smirked.

Victor laughed, "Consider it done, boss."


Chapter Six-teen

Léa's POV:

"Everyone needs to be on alert at all times. Until we know more about this crossbow killer, be on guard. We don't know what they want other than to kill Romans guys. They could come after us next. I want upped security and immediate contact if something happens."

"Yes, boss." They all said and I nodded, dismissing everyone to go back to their jobs.

"If I can't be with Harley I need to make sure I can count on you to be. I know it might be a little much, but I don't want to risk anything." I told Sasha while we walked through the warehouse.

"I gotchu, Léa. So how are things with your dad?"

I sighed heavily, "They're still shit. We haven't spoken in awhile. He's probably hunting down this killer too for all I know. Our last conversation didn't end well."

"I hope you guys resolve it. I know he cares for you." She gave me an apologetic look.

I scoffed, "The only way he'll talk to me now is if I dump Harley. I'm not doing that so he's the one who has to apologize."

Sasha nodded, patting my shoulder, "Both of you are as stubborn as a bull."

Harley's POV:

I was on my way to Léa's apartment with a bag full of egg sandwiches in my hand. She said she wanted to hangout and watch movies, just have a relaxing evening in and i couldn't be more excited.

The normalcy of it all made me smile, but just to be inside with her after partying and being out and about for a few days made my legs weak. I couldn't get enough of her. I wanted to jump her every time I saw her.

I squeaked and dropped the bag of sandwiches when I felt two iron grips on my bicep before something sharp stabbed into my neck. My body fell heavy as I was carried into the trunk of an SUV.

Who did I piss off now? The car ride seemed to last forever and the effect of the tranquilizer dart was still in my system so I couldn't text Léa for some help.

The trunk opened and I was dragged into a basement of some kind, being tied to a metal chair with itchy rope.

"Harleen Quinzel, how lovely to see you again. And so soon." Roman smirked, trailing his finger down my cheek.

I jerked away from him, "only Léa can call me that!"

"Right, the girlfriend. We'll have to deal with her too." Roman sighed, telling one of his guys to call her up and get her here.

"The fun will begin as soon as she arrives. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I peel yours off. Or maybe I'll have you watch while I torture your girlfriend."

I growled at him, tugging and pulling at the itchy rope.

"Fuck you, Romi!" I snarled, my head turning to the side from his harsh backhand. I licked my lips, glaring up at him as my lip bled.

"Never thought I'd see the day where Harley Quinn's immunity was gone." The mob boss smirked evilly.

Léa's POV:

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I tiredly held it up to my ear while I unlocked my apartment door.


"1515 west blue dr. Come alone. We've got your little princess." The voice on the other line cackled and I took off out of my apartment and made it inside the Benz. I sent a quick text to Sasha telling her where I would be if things went south and she didn't hear from me.

My fingers bounced up and down on the steering wheel while I ran three red lights to get to the destination. I recognized the address, it was Romans pent house apartment.

I rushed inside, not evening taking the keys out of the benz. I slammed one of the guys against the wall and burned his throat, not caring if I didn't have my mask on. These guys would be dead anyways.

I rushed down the stairs to the basement after taking out the few guards standing by.

"HARLEY!" I yelled running down the stairs, hissing when I felt the butt of a gun hit my jaw.

"Pumpkin!" Harley gasped.

Four of his guys advanced on me and I pushed one into two of them, punching the fourth guy in the jaw. I stumbled forward when they hit the back of my head, sweeping my legs out from underneath me.

My face slammed against the concrete floor and I bit my bottom lip on accident, feeling the blood gush out. I spat some at one of the guys feet.

I grunted and wheezed as they began kicking my stomach, one kick hitting me square in the nose and the bone cracked.

"Fuck." I hissed, clenching my jaw in anger, "That's enough!"

My arms erupted in flames, scorching the four guys that were beating me. I walked over towards the chair they had Harley strapped to and stopped when a gun was pointed at my head.

"Well," Roman gasped, "What a surprise! You didn't tell us your little secret!"

I snarled, "Shut the hell up and let her go or I'm not going to be nice!"

Roman rolled his eyes before I felt a sharp pain in my neck, glaring at the shooter in the corner. My hand reached up and ripped the tranquilizer dart out of my flesh. Two other goons grabbed my arms and handcuffed me.

"You know this day couldn't be more perfect. I finally get to kill Harley Quinn, and I get to kill off one of my rival neighbors. This day has been so sweet." Roman sat down in the leather chair, grabbing the popcorn that was handed to him.

Harley jerked at the rope, looking at me worriedly. I still couldn't move from the dosage of the paralyzer.

"Peel off her face." Roman grinned.

"Wait! Before you kill me, what if I helped you find your missing diamond?? I heard you talking about it earlier." Harley gulped, "I'm really good as finding things. And then after I find your diamond, your boys can get back to killing me. But leave Léa alone and I promise I'll go willingly."

Roman stood in front of her, backhanding her before harshly pulling her face up, "Fine. But if you fuck this up I will put your girlfriend through all the torture chambers until she breaks. Deal?"

Harley glanced at me, "Deal."

"Escort them out." Roman ordered as Harley was untied. She rushed over to me, grabbing my face in her hands. I smiled weakly at her, regaining the feeling in my body as I hobbled out, leaning against her for support.

"You okay pumpkin?" Harley looked me over, trailing her thumb over my bleeding lip. I winced as I held my aching ribs.

"I'll be okay. What about you?"

Harley smirked softly, pecking my lips, "I'll be okay too."

"So much for a relaxing day." I huffed. Harley giggled and that's when I noticed Canary sitting outside Romans place, trying to hide her face so she wouldn't be seen.

"Canary? What the hell are you doing here?"


Chapter Eighteen

Léa's POV:

Canary gulped when she saw Harley and me, scratching the back of her neck.

"Are you working for Roman Sionis too?!" I spat.

"I sang here before I went to your club. You should have read my file. But that's not important right now. What is, is both of you finding a little girl named Cassandra Cain. She's a pickpocket and has the diamond. They took her to the police station."

"Come on pumpkin." Harley tugged on my hand.

I narrowed my eyes at Canary, "You're so fired, Lance."

Harley pulled me towards the soft yellow convertible and hot wired it, speeding towards her apartment. When we got there, she rushed inside saying she was getting some of her guns. My phone rang in my pocket and I pulled it out to see Sasha calling me.

"Léa, are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, Sash. I'm just a little banged up. Listen, Roman knows I'm Ember so make sure everything's locked down at the warehouse and be ready to move with the cash if things go south. I feel like a war is going to start."

"We're working on it now. Léa what's going on?"

I sighed, "I don't know. Harley told him she would find him his diamond he lost. When I know more I'll let you know."

"Be careful. Both of you."

"You too." I said before ending the call just in time for Harley to toss her shotgun labeled 'Fun Gun' in the backseat.

"What's going on? Why did he k**nap you?" I asked while she squealed out of the parking lot.

"He said it was because Mr. J and I are broken up. My immunity was gone."

I nodded, "And the diamond?"

"I don't really know. He lost it to that k** and wants it back."

I sucked in a breath when I read the text Sasha just sent me. It was a screenshot of a forwarded message sent out by Roman. It was a contract on Cassandra Cains head, guaranteed half a million dollars to whoever brought her in alive. Reading lower I scoffed when it said an additional hundred grand would be added on if they brought both Harley and me in dead.

"Well we aren't going to be the only ones out looking for it." I showed her the text and she clenched her jaw.

"That slimy bastard!"

We made it to the station and got out. Harley grabbed her gun and we rushed inside, taking care of all the officers who tried to take us down. We were then pointed in the direction of where they were holding the girl. I opened the door to the holding cells and Harley walked in, getting soaked by the sprinkler system.

The guys in the cages started whistling lowly and glaring at Harley as she walked through. Harley giggled, hiding her face as the sprinklers pelted down upon us.

"Are you Cassandra Cain?" I asked rushing over towards the steel cage she was sitting inside.

"Who's asking?" She huffed, walking over towards the bars.

"We-" I was cut off when the door to her cage opened, looking around the rest of the cell doors opened letting the inmates out.

"Take her and get out of here. Meet me back at the apartment." Harley said, smacking a guy across the jaw with her fun gun.

"Harley, I'm not leaving you!" I shook my head, being pushed out of the way as Cassandra escaped.

"That little shit!" Harley hissed giving me a look before fighting off some of the guys. I twisted one of their arms behind his back, hearing a pop. He screamed and punched me across the face.

"Pumpkin use your fire!" Harley grunted.

"The sprinklers are on, Harley! I can't!" I kneed the man I was fighting in the gut, smashing his face against my knee. I took off towards the doorway the k** went, grunting when one of the inmates grabbed my ankle and tripped me.

I kicked him across the face with my foot, yelping when he slammed his fist into my thigh.

"That's my girlfriend!" Harley snarled, grabbing his neck and snapping it, helping me stand to my feet with a smile.

"Thanks." I breathed out, both of us wasting no time in running after her. We made it inside a small mechanic shop and I saw Cassandra hiding under some shelves. She pointed at something in the far corner when she saw me and I nodded.

Harley ran after her when she saw her and I tried to grab her and pull her back when I saw a few guys with some sub machine guns.

I conjured up my fire and quickly ended them all. Harley walked over to me, holding onto the k** so she wouldn't run away.

"Are you gonna run away some more?" I asked.

"Tell me why you want me and I'll think about it." Cassandra challenged.

"k**, theres half a million on your head. If you give us the diamond, we'll make sure you're protected."

Cassandra stiffened and looked down, "I, uh... swallowed it."

"Great." I huffed, "Come on, we should get out of here."


"You hungry k**?" Harley asked as soon as we entered her pink apartment.

"I could eat." She hummed, Bruce rushing over to greet me. Harley softly pecked my lips, rubbing her thumb over my cheek.

"I'm gonna go call Sasha." I mumbled against her lips, pulling her closer to me. Harley moaned in my mouth and Cassandra coughed loudly.

Harley glared at her when we pulled back and I chuckled pulling out my phone to call Sasha.

"Thank god. I was getting worried."

"We got the k**. We're at Harley's apartment." I shut the bathroom door behind me.

"Okay. Everything's ready to go here."

"Okay." I nodded even though she couldn't see me, "She swallowed the diamond so..."

"Oh shit!" Sasha laughed. "Good luck with that."

I snorted, "Thanks."

The door opened and shut behind me and Harley sunk her teeth into her bottom lip, raking her eyes over my body.

"Hey I-I got to go." I ended the call and shoved my phone in my pocket. Harley slowly walked towards me and smoothed her hands over my chest, pulling me towards her by my shirt.

"You are so incredibly hot when you're fighting. Did you know that?" Her hooded eyes looked up at me.

I licked my lips, catching her eyes drift downwards.

"I want you so bad." She moaned breathlessly in my ear and I dug my fingers into her hips.

We both jumped when the bathroom door was pounded on, hearing Cassandra on the other end telling us she had to piss.

Harley groaned in frustration, opening the bathroom door. I plopped down on Harley's couch, feeling her body cuddle into my side. I smiled when I felt her place a kiss on my neck.

"I'm tired." I mumbled.

"Rest pumpkin." Harley said softly, stretching out and laying her head in my lap. I threaded my fingers in her hair, scratching her scalp before sleep consumed me.


Chapter Nineteen

Harley's POV:

There was a loud pounding on the door and I spilled my cereal all over my floor. I pouted, seeing y/n rub the tiredness from her eyes.

"We know you're in there!" A deep voice growled from behind my door. Léa gave me a look before walking towards my window, pulling back the curtains.

"Shit! Get down!" She yelled, grabbing me and the k** just as an RPG flew into my apartment. The floor shook as everything blew up.

"Bruce! Bruce where are you?!" I shot up and began sifting through the rubble to try and find him.

"Harles, we gotta go." Léa said softly. I whimpered, hugging her close as I cried into her chest.

Léa rubbed my back softly, letting me cry before we left the building. Léa took Cassandra and they both sat down on the bench while I went inside the phone booth to call Roman.

"I've got the girl. But I want you to promise me that the girl won't be harmed."

"You have my word." His smooth voice sent a shiver down my spine.

"And that you won't kill Léa when this is done." I said, watching my girlfriend interact with Cassandra. It made my heart flutter to see how well she got on with k**s, and I could picture my belly swollen with Léa's c***d, waking up to her face every morning and being able to have a family with her.


"Good. Meet us at the old amusement park, the booby trap."

Léa's POV:

"So you're really dating Harley Quinn?" Cassandra asked.

I chuckled, "Yep. I still don't understand it either."

"She looks really happy with you." She commented, looking over towards the phone booth where Harley was.

I grinned, "I really like her."

"Oooo you have the 'I'm in love' face." The pre teen nudged me.

I grinned wider, "Good. I'm a simp and I'm proud."

"Does she know?"

I shook my head, "No."

"You should tell her... in case this doesn't end how we want."

"I'm not letting you die, k**." I nudged her, "okay?"

Cassie smiled, "Okay."

Harley walked out of the booth, holding her hand out for Cassie to take, "Let's get you somewhere safe."

Third Person POV:

"Black Mask." Joker purred strutting over your where Roman was having dinner, "Do I have a deal for you."

Roman wiped his mouth off with his napkin, smiling at the Joker, "I'm intrigued."

"My darling Harley is currently looking for your diamond. With Léa Wayne. Now, I know how much you want to kill my little doll, but, I'll have to kill you if you do. And I want to kill Léa Wayne, so the way I see it, you can kill Léa and I can take Harley back." Joker smirked.

Roman nodded slowly, allowing the words to sink in. Roman grinned, "You've got yourself a deal. They're headed towards the old amusement parks. The Booby Trap."

Léa's POV:

We made it to the amusement park and Harley duct tapped Cassandra to the toilet.

"Harley what the hell are you doing?" I hissed.

"It's for our own good. I'm doing this so neither one of us die pumpkin." Harley wiped her hands on her yellow jumpsuit.

"She's got half a mill on her head! She's not going to last the rest of the night if she gets to Roman Sionis."


The rest of her words died on her tongue when we heard some voices outside. Harley and I peaked out the window and saw an army of Romans guys.

"Shit." I groaned. I pulled out my phone and texted Sasha to get a group of my guys together and come help.

The door to the room we were in burst open and Canary and Victor walked in. He shot a paralyzing dart at Harley and I jumped out of the way before he could get me. I tossed a fireball over the back of the couch I dove behind, hearing some rummaging before it was quiet. I stood up slowly, seeing a woman holding a crossbow at Victors dead body. She also had a cop with her.

I pulled the dart out of Harley's neck, helping her stand to her feet as she leaned against me.

"Who are you?" I asked the bow strapped woman, "The Crossbow killer?"

"I am not the crossbow killer!" She yelled in anger, "Sorry. That's just not my name. It's huntress."

Once we all got acquainted with each other, we all started thinking of a plan that would not get us all killed.

"I have connections to Batman." I mumbled, not really liking the idea. He probably wouldn't even pick up if I called.

"Yeah, you're also a fire bearing mob boss." The cop huffed, then continued when I gave her a surprised look, "The incident at the police station! All of Gotham is talking about it."

"That's hot." Huntress commented, blushing a bright red, "I-I didn't mean to make it a pun, I-I swear."

Harley fake laughed, "Great. Anyone else want to flirt with my girlfriend?" She pointed her eyes at Canary who coughed.

Cassandra snorted before we all began gearing up from the weapons that were in here. Harley said all this stuff was from the suicide squad she was in, even her old costume was in there. She grabbed the shirt, tucking it in her back pocket before winking, "I'm definitely saving this."

I couldn't help but lick my lips in anticipation for what she had planned. I opened the bathroom door, eyes widening in surprise when Huntress was in there. Her eyes were closed as she leaned over the bathroom sink.

"You can stay." She said, "I won't look."

I nodded after a moment and began stripping off my clothes to change into these new ones, ones that seemed more breathable if I was going to be using my powers.

"So do you come here often?" Huntress awkwardly drew out.

I snorted, "Going into spooky abandoned amusement parks? Oh all the time."

"Sorry. I'm not very good at flirting." She cleared her throat.

"You do know Harley and I are together right?"

"Yeah I just figured it wasn't that serious with her being in love with joker and all." She shrugged.

I scoffed, "she's not in love with the joker. they've been broken up."

"they've had a lot of ons and offs... I'd be careful if I were you." She advised, turning around just as I pulled the thermal shirt over my head.

I raised an eyebrow in question, "I'm pretty sure Harley isn't going to go running off to him anytime soon."

Huntress held her hands up in defense, "all I'm saying is that she and Joker have broken up before. Everyone thought it was serious but it wasn't."

"but that was before..."

"before you? I'm just saying you could do way better." The woman inquired with a small smile.

"what like you?" I rolled my eyes.

She shrugged, "why not? I'm sure you and I have more than a few things in common. I just don't want to see you get hurt is all."

"Harley's different." I huffed.

"do you believe that? what do you think she's going to choose between you and my fortune? she'll make off with the jewel and leave you in the dust. Wouldn't be surprised if her and the joker were working together this entire time."

I looked away from her when her words stung, "no, harleys not like that."

"she's a murderer, she's a thief. I mean you told me you had connections to batman right? How do you know she's not using you so she can kill Batman and run free with Joker?"

I scoffed, glaring at her for wanting to act like she was innocent, "and you're any better? You literally became an assassin to Avenge your family. Who does that?!"

"I was hurting! those scum didn't deserve to live. they took everything away from me and I returned the favor. Harley kills and steals because it's fun!"

"she doesn't kill people anymore!" I growled, my fists heating up.

"and when the joker kills you, your blood will be on her hands. you're just going to stay with her while she ruins you?" Huntress shook her head as she gave me a pleading gaze.

"Joker would never kill me. Harley wouldn't let him." I hissed.

"what? Because you're Bruce Wayne's daughter? Because you have power? Money? That means nothing to the joker. You steal his girl, he'll come after you."

"no! She is my girl! MINE. He lost his right to her when he broke her heart and left her alone!" I snarled.

"If it came down to a decision, if you and Joker were hanging off a cliff, who do you think Harley would choose? I don't think you truly believe she would save you." The assassin said softly and my fire diminished as her words struck me.

"she would save me. I know she would. I make her happy." I nodded, wondering if I was trying to convince her or myself.

"the joker used to make her happy too and look how that turned out. there's no future with Harley. you think you can bring her home to your father and have him not hate you after? she's not the type of girl you waste your time on."

"I'm not wasting my time on her. I really like her." I mumbled.

"like not love? Why are you hesitating? Just think about it, Harley's loyalty will always lie with him. Before all of this, she was a boring psychiatrist. He made her who she is today, she's like a puppy. One minute she's all fascinated with you, the next she's fawning over the next person that can give her some good dick." Huntress ranted angrily.

I clenched my jaw, "that's the difference here. Joker made her who she is, forced her to be someone she didn't want to be. I let her free."

"but she's not really. you date her you date him. He's apart of her, deep down to her heart. she doesn't know how to love, let alone care."

"she doesn't have to love me. not even tomorrow, but I know she cares about me."

"she's an actress Léa!! her feelings are fake! didn't you think from day one how suspicious it was that she started hanging with you?" Huntress scoffed.

"yeah, but-"

Huntress groaned in anger, "she was using you and you let her play you!"

I hesitated and jumped out of my skin when there was a loud banging on the door.

"I heard everything! You're so going down." Harley hissed as she swung the door open, holding her mallet in her hand as she lunged. I caught her and pushed her back, shaking my head.

"Harls, calm down, it's fine."

"it's not fine! she doesn't get to say those things like she knows us!" Harley huffed, breaking out of my arms and tackling Huntress to the ground.

"Harley, come on get off her." I sighed pulling my girlfriend off the woman.

"you don't believe those things do you?" Harley pouted.

"I-um-i." I stuttered out, scratching my neck awkwardly. Why was I just now questioning her loyalty?

"oh my god! You do! Pumpkin why don't you believe me?" Her bottom lip jutted out further.

I sighed, "Why did you talk to me in my bar the night we met?"

"I wanted free drinks."

"I know that's not just it."

Harley sank her teeth into her bottom lip, "at first you were just there and then I found out who you were."

"and then?" I said softly, afraid of finding out the truth.

"pumpkin I don't really want to get into this. you and I are happy and that's all that matters." Harley whined.

"and then Harley." I said sternly.

Harley huffed, "I made a plan to rule Gotham city and get rid of Batman."

My face fell slightly before I gathered myself and hid my emotions, "and how were you planning on doing that through me?"

"because I found out that Bruce Wayne, your dad, was batman." She didn't dare look at me.

"wait what?!" Huntress gasped.

I gritted my teeth and grabbed Harley by her arm and taking her out of the room.

Harley whined, "pumpkinnn you're hurting me."

"So what? You were just using me this whole time?" I hissed quietly.

Harley sniffled, "in the beginning yeah.. but then everything changed."

"well now what the hell am I supposed to do?! Did you think that if you killed my dad that I would still care about you?!"

"I-I don't know what I was thinking!"

I punched the wall by her head, "that's the problem! You weren't thinking!!"

"but pumpkin-" she whimpered.

"don't harley! You literally screwed me over."

Harley grabbed my wrists, "Let's go get something to eat and we can talk about this."

I ripped my hands out of her grasp and took a step back, "you can't fix this with some food harley! This is serious!"

"but everything can be fixed with food!" She groaned.

"you're so c***dish! can't you take anything seriously?" I scoffed.

Harley started crying, the makeup on her face starting to run down her cheeks, "you've never yelled at me before.."

"I'm pissed off!!"

"I know and I'm sorry." Harley whispered.

"you used me to try and kill my dad! I don't know if I can trust you again." I shook my head sadly.

"pumpkin, don't leave me, please." Harley shot her head up and gave me big pleading, watery eyes. She looked broken.

"I just need to think Harley." I whispered, feeling my voice cracked as I got a little choked up.

"What's there to think about?" Harley asked a little more harshly.

I scoffed, "everything?"

"I really like you Léa!"

"I'm sorry Harley."

"Do you not like me back pumpkin?" Her eyes watered again and I had to look away so I wouldn't cry.

"not anymore. I don't even think I can look at you. You tried to kill my dad."

"but then I got to know you and I realized that I didn't need to kill Bruce."

"because I could give you power... immunity." I trailed off.

"no not like that." Harley cried.

"exactly like that! Every way we put this, you used me!"

"baby-" Harley tried to reach out to me, her body shaking with sobs. She looked too weak to even stand.

"god, I should have listened to my father. He warned me about this. you fucked me over." I ran my fingers through my hair, hating myself for even thinking this was a good idea. That us was a good idea.

"I only had good intentions!" Harley defended.

"I'm sure. I gave you freedom and you went and stabbed me in the back. Real nice."

"I know how you're feeling. Statistically-"

"- don't try to psychoanalyse me right now harley. I'm not in the mood to be told I'm mentally unstable."

"but you like when I say fun facts about psychology, you even said it was cute." She frowned.

"not anymore." I muttered.

"So that's it then? you're done with me."

"yeah. Romans guys are gonna storm the place.You should get in there."

"Wait Léa-"

"I'm not risking my life with Joker when you love him and not me! Go! I want nothing to do with you!"


"this is what's best."

"maybe for you. I don't want you to be without you." Harley held her arms around her middle.

I gave her one last look before taking the back ways out of the attraction we were in. My body stumbled as something hard hit the back of my neck before the corners of my vision turned blue.


Chapter Twenty

Harley's POV:

I walked back into the room the rest of the girls were in, not daring to look any of them in the eyes. I knew they heard the entire thing anyway.

"Okay people. Let's protect the girl." I smiled as best as I could despite all the makeup running down my face. I lost my pumpkin, but I was gonna get her back. I was going to fix things with her if I made it through tonight.

Léa's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and they squinted, water getting in them. I looked to my left and my right, air bubbles rising to the surface as I screamed. Water went inside my lungs as I choked on it, inside a glass coffin.

I punched the glass above me but hissed in pain. I punched it again with a greater force, trying not to think about how bruised my knuckles were going to be.

"Fuck!" I gurgled, the anxiety settling inside my stomach as the walls seemed to get closer. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing heart beat. This was going to hurt like a bitch.

I used my powers, putting all my strength and effort into it as I boiled the water to try and shatter the glass. My skin burned and hissed, the steaming water burning holes in the clothes I wore.

Steam fogged up the entire glass case and I jumped when I heard a gun shot. The top was flipped open as the leviathan steam cloud danced out.

I pulled myself out of the coffin, sputtering and coughing out salty water. I laid on my back, my chest heaving as Sasha stood over me.

"Tryna die on me, Wayne?" Sasha teased, out stretching her hand for me.

I laughed breathlessly, taking her hand gratefully, "Wasn't on the bucket list for today. Sorry."

"And here I thought I almost got rid of you." Sasha nudged me. I playfully rolled my eyes, thankful to her for saving my life and being the one constant thing in my life.

"Where's the girlfriend?" Sasha asked.

"Oh, uh- protecting the k**." I mumbled, glancing back at all the gunfire I heard.

Sasha raised one of her eyebrows at me and I looked away from her.

"It's gonna be okay." Sasha assured me before she gasped sharply, eyes fluttering closed as she fell in my arms.

"Sash?!" I yelled, patting her cheek. I hissed when something sliced down the middle of my back, stumbling forward as Sashas body fell out of my arms.

"Don't worry, she's not dead. Yet." Joker smirked, a small army of his goons standing around him and I, "You on the other hand.. a different story. Right now Harley just killed Roman, well, the k** with the diamond did and she'll be searching for you any second. Heard there was a breakup." Joker cackled, nodding his head at one of his goons.

I jumped back to avoid the swing of his mallet, feeling two sets of arms grab me to hold me in place. I spat out a glob of blood when his mallet smashed across my face.

"Sorry to miss all the fun, but Harley could use some.. cheering up if you know what I mean. Bye bye little Wayne." Joker laughed manically

I screamed in pain when they slowly stabbed a long machete tip under my ribs, twisting it so my rib snapped in half. I fell down onto one knee, eventually slamming against the pavement brutally. I was too weak to use my powers, too weak to fight back. I zoned out on Sashas u*********s body as they beat me within an inch of my life.

Harley's POV:

"Pumpkin?!" I called out, the others yelling for Léa too. I knew that if I didn't do something, I was about to beat both Canary and Huntress to the ground.

"Pumpkin is new."

My breath hitched in my throat when my ex boyfriend stepped out from the shadows, sporting his famous insane smile.

"What did you do to Léa?!" I snarled, raising my mallet.

"Little Wayne isn't dead. Yet. My guys are just, letting her know what happens when you mess with the Jokers girl." He reaches out to stroke my cheek but I slapped it away. He glared his snake eyes at me but I didn't flinch.

"I'm not your girl." I hissed.

"You will be if you want your precious Léa to live. And if you refuse to break up with her, to crush her heart in the worst way possible, then I'll hold a gun to your head while you hold a gun to hers. Do we have a deal, baby?" Joker gripped my cheeks tightly in his hand.

I spat in his eyes and he turned around and backhanded me.

"You've had your fun, doll. But it's my turn now. Do you want Léa to die?"

"No." I whimpered.

"Then come home with me and I'll show her mercy."

"Fine." I gritted out.

"Ah ah ah! Remember you also have to break her little heart. Show her that you never cared about her at all." He sneered before smashing his lips against mine hastily.

Léa's POV:

I woke up and instantly recognized Sashas place. I groaned, holding my head and wincing when I sat up. I lifted the white t shirt up slowly, seeing a large gauze wrapped around my k** section.

"Here." Sasha breathed, handing me a cup of warm coffee and a joint.

"Thanks." I mumbled, lighting the blunt and taking a sip of my coffee. "Shit, are you okay?" I blurted out, wiping the coffee off my chin.

"I'm fine. It was just a paralyzing dart is all. You on the other hand.. I woke up and you were on the brink of death in a pool of your own blood. I-I don't want to see you like that again Léa. Ever." Sasha quickly wiped the tears away before they rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Sash. I'm sorry for everything. If I had just not gotten involved, this wouldn't have gone down the way it did." I mentally cursed myself, taking a long puff off the joint.

"What went down between you and... you know what, it's not my business." Sasha shook her head, sipping her coffee.

"She was just using me. Everyone was right. I was stupid to think she'd care." I scoffed, "She knew my father was Batman. She wanted to kill him to rule over Gotham."

"Shit. A girl like that belongs on the streets. But you can't blame yourself for what happened. You really liked her and you tried it... how many people can say they've dated Harley Quinn and lived to tell about it."

I shot her a warning glare and Sasha clamped her mouth closed.

"Sorry, I know I'm not helping. If you ever get lonely at your apartment then you can always come stay here."

"Thanks. And thanks for having my back too."

"Hey, ride or die remember?"


It was the next evening and despite Sasha telling me I should rest more, I told her I wanted to go back to my club and check on things. I wanted to jump right back into living my life before it got all fucked up. Of course Harley fucked it up in a wonderful way in the beginning, but I was too naive to see how it was really going to end.

Maybe I was just hurt, no, I was heartbroken. Something changed inside me and I could lie to myself and say I wanted to get back into the normalcy of things, but I really just wanted to get drunk enough to forget her.

"Sid, give me the bottle of Bacardi and Crown Royal. And keep the drinks coming." I plopped down at the bar, looking around to see where Sasha went. I couldn't spot her and figured she'd text me if she needed me.

I had just cracked open the fresh bottle of Bacardi when the entire club fell silent, even the DJ track stopped spinning. I looked towards where everyone else seemed to be looking and almost smashed the bottle when I saw the familiar neon green hair.

"There she is!" Joker smirked, walking over towards me with Harley tucked into his side.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I growled.

"This is a public place, is it not?" Joker lowly laughed, "Now, mind escorting us to the VIP area?"

"I'm sure you're girlfriend remembers where it is? Don't you, Princess? The booth in the very back." I smirked, watching her body shudder at the memory of us fucking in the back area one night.

Joker glared at me, his hand twitching for his knife but it didn't phase me. I could burn him alive right here if I wanted.

Joker grabbed the bottle of Bacardi out of my hands and took a large gulp, "Doll, I'll be up in the VIP area. I know you had something to say to your pet."

I rolled my eyes when he grabbed her face and kissed her hungrily and sloppy.

"Harley what the hell are you doing?" I hissed lowly when he was far enough away, "You're back with him!?"

"I love him." She stated firmly. My heart shattered, taking a step back as I couldn't find the words to say. I bumped her shoulder as I walked past her, catching Jokers smirk from the balcony as I burst out the back door.

My tires squealed against the road as I swerved out in front of an oncoming car. I turned down another road, my thoughts attacking me from every direction. The leather of my steering wheel began to melt as my hands erupted in the fire, spreading up my arms before it encompassed my whole body.

I didn't even flinch when I rammed the front end of the Benz into a brick wall going 175mph. I was kinda disappointed it didn't kill me.

"FUCK!" I screamed, heating up the entire car before it exploded, parts flying everywhere. The fire vanished as I stood there in the wreckage of my car.


I hope you like the story so far?

Chapter Twenty One

Léa's POV:

I pushed through the crowd of people near the stairwell to my office, catching Sasha throw an entire cup of water at Harley.

One of Jokers guards had her pinned against the wall in seconds. I clambered up the rest of the stairs, rushing over towards them.

"Enough!" I snarled, glaring at Joker. Harley didn't even spare me a glance.

"You come into my club, take up my entire VIP area for free, and order my drinks. Let go of her or I will-"

"Go ahead, Ember. Show us all your little fire tricks." Joker teased, waving his man off and he let go of Sasha. Sasha coughed, pulling out her pistol but I lowered her hand down.

"Léa, let me pop this motherfucker!" Sasha hissed.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Joker gasped. Sasha growled and I stuck my arm out in front of her to stop her from lunging.

I blew out a breath, shaking my head in defeat before grabbing Sasha and steering her towards my office.

"What the hell Léa? Why didn't you blow his clown ass up?!"

"Next time just let me handle my own shit, alright? Before you get a bullet in the head." I snarled, slamming my fists down on my desk, splitting the wood down the center.

Sasha clenched her jaw before storming out of my office. I flipped over my desk, kicking my office chair into the wall before collapsing back in the love seat.

I needed a drink, maybe even a good fuck. I need to just stop thinking for once. I needed my mind to shut off. Shouldn't I be crying? Shouldn't I be distraught? Maybe it's because she wasn't. Maybe since she didn't seem to care for me, I wasn't going to cry and show her I was weak without her.

I missed her. I think anyway. Maybe I just hate the way it ended. Maybe an ending where I wasn't so stupid and actual saw things clearly. Blowing out a breath I shook my head, exiting my office and going back down to the bar. I couldn't sit there and let the negative thoughts take over. So when they suggested I drink I agreed.

"Next rounds on me." Canary took a seat next to me and I turned to her with an emotionless expression.

"I thought I fired you, Lance."

"Well then consider this me coming to ask for it back. Romans dead, I need to make some money." She thanked Sid before turning towards me.

"Thought you and a few girls were in that little hero gang." I gulped down a shot.

"Birds of Prey? Yeah, but I love singing." Canary smirked.

"Fine. You're hired." I sighed reluctantly.

"Yay!" She leaned over and hugged me, kissing my cheek repeatedly and I let out a small laugh.

Harley's POV:

I shifted uncomfortably in the booth, being stared down by one of Mr. Js guards. My eyes scanned over the entire club as Mr. J talked to some new guy who was gonna take over Romis club for him.

My heart clenched when I saw Léa and Canary happily chatting away at the bar. They exchanged lingering touches and I almost whimpered when she leaned in to whisper something in her ear.

I winced when I felt Mr. J grip my thigh tight. A small whimper escaped my lips as he caught my gaze towards Léa.

"you're mine forever, baby. your little pumpkin hates you now." Joker husked against my neck, tugging on the collar that said 'Puddin' on it.

Mr. J was right, pumpkin did hate me. She never caught my eye when I tried to catch her attention. And now she was spending all this time in a club where more than one woman wanted to spend a night in bed with her. It made me angry that other people looked at her the way I did. I should gouge our their eyes or something.

I wanted to rule Gotham with her, side by side like partners in crime. I wanted to be her mob wife or something.

But the more I looked at y/n and Canary laugh and talked, the more I realized that Léa and Canary actually looked hot together. She looked a lot better with Léa than I did and maybe Batsy would like her much more than me. I ruined everything for pumpkin.

I was the second choice now, a feeling I hadn't felt since being with Léa. I actually felt that I was back with Mr. J and I wished I had never fallen for that man in the first place.

Léa's POV:

I still had all this pent up aggression inside and it wasn't going away. No matter how many times I blew stuff up, fought people, or drank, it didn't go away. It was like a pit in my chest that just kept growing and infecting everything inside me.

It was probably from the depression I had, mix that with anxiety and you've got one fucked up, not taken seriously by society, person. So I went the one place I thought might get rid of it.

"Léa! It's so good to see you!" Alfred rushes towards me, setting down the feather duster.

"Hey, old man." I hugged him back, "My father around?"

"I believe he's in the home gym." He informed.

I patted his back as I broke the hug, "Make sure to have the fire department on standby, this might go differently."

I peaked in through the windows that looked into the gym, seeing my mother punching the punching bag in the corner. The door clicked shut behind me, making my presence known.

My father didn't say anything to me when he looked up, going back to hitting bag a moment later. I shrugged off my sweatshirt and walked behind the bag to hold it.

"How's the new place working out for you?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Fine. There's a lot more space in it than I remember." I cleared my throat awkwardly, remembering Harley practically living with me from how much time she spent over at my place when we were dating.

"Nothing that can't be filled back up again." He mumbled. I chose to ignore his comment, steadying the bag.

"Harley and I broke up." I mumbled and he stopped his assault on the bag.


"Harley and I broke up!" I said louder, "Is that what I have to tell you just to get you to look at me? Can you not look me in the eyes anymore? Afraid to see your freak of a daughter?"

"I-I never said-"

"you didn't have too! you were right, and I'm sure you're smug to hear me say that but.. you were right. She was just using me. And you can't even see that I'm in pain because you refuse to look at me. Some father you are." I spat.


I took a step away from him, "Don't even bother. Why don't you go put on the costume, I'm sure the city needs saving."


Chapter Twenty Two

Léa's POV:

One week later.

I tossed my head back, downing the rest of my last shot, smirking at Canary as she did the same.

"Want another round?" I asked already getting up from our booth.

"Sure." Canary shrugged loosely. I winked at her and made my way towards the bar.

"Another round please, Sid." I ordered, making sure to put it on my tab to pay at the end of the night.

My mind drifted off as I watched Sid take orders and make another round of drinks for me. My hands were shaking and I knew they'd calm down once I had a drink in my hand. I was slipping, I could feel it. I couldn't bring myself to apologize to Sasha for snapping at her, and maybe I wasn't as real as I thought I was.

Sasha would die for me and I couldn't even apologize to her. Maybe that's why I spent all my time with Canary. She didn't ask too many questions and she seemed to take the hint when I didn't want to talk about something. There was some sexual tension that lingered in the air between us and I was waiting on the day we'd both get too drunk to remember fucking.

She was into me, something she made very clear, but I couldn't bring myself to spend a night with her. I left my one night stands, and I didn't see her as a one night stand. I'm not saying I saw her as a romantic partner either, I don't think I'd ever get back into the dating scene.

I rolled my eyes when I heard Jokers insane laugh from the VIP area. Him and Harley both spent all their time here, there wasn't a day I didn't see them. I became numb to it eventually but I knew it wasn't smart for me to push down all my feelings. One day it would all come out and I was a little uneasy thinking about what could happen. Every minute I was losing control of myself.

"Don't worry, k**, it happens to the best of us." Some random man slapped my back, making me spit out the gulp I had just taken.

"For fucks sake, man!" I huffed, looking down at all the liquor spilled on my shirt.

"Sorry." He handed me some napkins, not at all phased that he just spilled my drink on me, "What was it like being with Jokers girl?"

My jaw clenched tight as I grabbed the napkin and tried to clean up some of the alcohol.

"Come on, give me something! You fucked the prince of crimes woman! I'm surprised he didn't kill-ack!"

I slammed him against the bar counter by his throat, literally lifting him out of his chair and slamming him back down. My palms got hotter the angrier I had become. The man under me tried to claw and kick me, only making the fire burn up my arms.

I could hear everyone around me, shuffling to get a closer look as I burned this mans throat. I couldn't stop, I don't even know if I tried to make myself stop. The smell of his burning flesh wafted under my nose, the sticky essence of his blood coating my fingers as it bubbles out.

"Léa!" Sasha yelled, whimpering when she grabbed my shoulder from how hot my skin was.

The fire died out quickly as the man coughed up some blood before he was gone.

Harley's POV:

I watched Léa from the VIP area every time we came here. Mr. J liked to hurt me and coming to your exes club everyday certainly made my heart wrench.

I noticed Léa was becoming irritated by the man talking to her but she stood her ground. Was I the only one who noticed the little steam arise from her when she was mad? Or the way her chiseled jaw would clench together tightly.

She slammed him on the bar top and I shot up from my seat when she killed him. Joker laughed when he saw Léa run out of the bar, grabbing my wrist before I could run after her.

"Sit, doll face." He growled lowly, slicking back his neon green hair.

I wanted to slap that stupid grin right off his clown face! Pumpkin needed me and I couldn't be there!

Léa's POV:

My chest rose and fell rapidly while I slumped against the wall in the alleyway. My hands shook violently I didn't think they'd ever stop. His blood still smeared over my hands.

"Hey, hey, Sh." Sasha pulled my head on her shoulder as she rocked us back and forth.

"N-no, Sasha! Stay away." I scurried away from her, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Léa, look at me." She grabbed my face in her hands and smiled softly, "I know you would never hurt me."

"I-I killed him. I didn't want to kill him. I didn't- Sasha, please believe me." I whimpered.

"I believe you, Léa." Sasha breathed out, and I launched myself into her arms.

"I feel like I just got my powers for the first time again. I can't control them and I don't know how. Harley kept me calm and now s-s-she's-"

"Sh. You're gonna be fine."

"I miss her." I cried, "I don't like who I am anymore."

"Then fight for her, Léa. If you miss her that much, then maybe you should fight for her. Which I can't believe I'm even saying... but I don't like seeing you so broken up."

"She loves him." I told her with no emotion in my voice.

Sasha snorted, "Bullshit. I've been keeping an eye on them and if you look closer, he's just using her Léa."

"But she loves him."

"Maybe she used too. But I think all the love she has to give is reserved for you and only you. You're her little pecan."

"It's pumpkin." I giggled and Sasha laughed with me.

"Same thing."

I snorted, "No it's not!"

"Whatever!" My best friend laughed before things turned serious.

"I don't want these powers anymore, Sash." I mumbled.

Sasha intertwined our fingers together and squeezed in reassurance, "I know babe. But these powers are apart of you and if you learned to control them once, I know you can do it again."

I nodded slowly, "Yeah.."


Chapter Twenty Three

Third Person POV:

"This is Dr. Wong with our volunteer number 607. Alright, go ahead and proceed with test one." Dr. Wong spoke into his tape recorder. The other scientist in the lab on the other side of the glass, nodded and pressed a button, sending bolts of electricity into the chamber Léa was in.

Léa hissed, dropping down to her knee inside the chamber when the pain hit her all at once. Eventually she became angry enough and her entire body was lit on fire. Her body started floating up into the air, getting hotter and hotter the metal chamber started bending and deforming.

Léa hissed when Dr. Wong pressed a button and globs of foam extinguished the growing flame.

Dr Wong gulped when he read the reading on the dial, "Subject was shut down at 4,000K. 607 has the ability to become Supernova hot."

Harley's POV:

My eyes snapped to the door when I saw Léa walk in wearing sun glasses over her tired face. Her face looked skinnier, more defined like she hadn't really been eating. I noticed she pulled down her sleeves to cover her marked up arms.

My anxiety spiked in my stomach, worried for her health as I watched her destroy herself right in front of me.

"Well I have to leave, honey." Joker grumbled, "business to take care of. don't even think about running off either, I'll leave a few guards for protection."

I gagged when he kissed me harshly on the lips, but I had to kiss back because if I didn't, things would end badly.

When I made sure he was gone, I turned towards his guard watching me and smiled, "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Hurry up." He grumbled.

I ducked down towards where I saw Léa go, seeing she was talking to Sasha.

"I'm not using, Sasha!" Léa hissed covering her arms.

"Then what the fuck are you doing to yourself?" Sasha huffed.

"Léa.." I called out softly, lightly touching her back and I felt her muscles stiffen before they relaxed. A soft smile played on my lips at how my touch still effected her.

Sasha sent me a small glare before brushing past me. Léa turned around, gasping sharply when she saw me.

"C-can we talk?" I shifted on my feet.

Léa nodded silently before I started walking towards the back door. I smiled softly when Léa placed her hand on the small of my back to lead me around a large group of guys.

I blew out a breath, wringing my hands when we made it outside. I turned around and Léa's lips were on mine in an instant. I moaned into her mouth, missing her kisses and her touches.

My back softly hit the brick wall as she deepened the kiss, trailing her hands up my body until her palms rested on either side of my head.

"I know I should hate you, but I can't find myself to. You used me to get to my dad, but I know you cared about me. So I'm going to fight for you. I want you, Harles." Léa mumbled softly, resting her forehead against mine.

Those words made my heart leap and sore. It felt nice to be wanted, to be loved enough to be something to fight for.

"I still care about you. I love you, pumpkin." I softly kissed her lips.

"Then why are you with him?" Léa whimpered, "He treats you like shit. Look at the bruises on your thighs and arms baby." Léa softly caressed her warm hand on my thigh and I sighed in content.

"What are you doing to yourself Léa?" I asked, lifting up her sweatshirt sleeves.

Léa blew out a shaky breath, taking a step back from me and I whimpered at the loss of contact.

"I killed someone. I burned his throat, and I didn't even flinch. I don't want these powers anymore."

"Baby.." I cooed softly, wrapping my arms around her neck and bringing her sobbing body down. Her arms wrapped around my small frame and Ive never felt so safe in my life.

"I'm a monster."

I shook my head, lifting her head up to wipe away her tears, "No you're not pumpkin. You're putting yourself through pain by trying to get rid of something that makes up you. You don't have to change yourself."

"I've been a mess without you, Harles." Léa mumbled, rubbing her thumbs on my hips, "We're gonna be okay, right?"

My breath hitched at the vulnerability in her tone. I had never seen her look so small and weak.

"We're gonna be just fine, pumpkin." I captured her lips in mine, savoring these last few moments with her before I had to get back inside, "I promise."

"Okay." Léa hummed, pecking my lips a few times. She grabbed my hand and led us back in the bar, kissing me one last time, "I love you too."


Chapter Twenty Four

• "⚠️⚠️" start of smut "✅✅" the end •

Léa's POV:

I sat around in my apartment, the blinds were closed and the tv was playing some random show. The apartment was so empty now that Harley was no longer here. It felt nice to kiss her yesterday, but I didn't want to sneak around to do it. There was a loud knock on the door and I stood up cautiously, setting down my popcorn bowl and grabbed the pistol.

I took the safety off the gun and swung the door open, shocked to see Harley standing over the threshold.

"Harles what're you-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before she brought my face down to capture my lips in a heated and passionate kiss.

"I couldn't stay away any longer." Harley mumbled against my lips.

"what about him?" I muttered.

Harley shook her head, "I don't care about him."

"you said you loved him."

Harley brought my face down to hers to softly kiss me, "I love you pumpkin. He threatened to kill you if I didn't break up with him. I couldn't lose you."

"you're fucking crazy Harley Quinn." I smiled softly.

Harley giggled, gripping a handful of my shirt, "I know. Now make me forget about him and everything he did to me."


We kissed heatedly as I led her into the apartment, shutting the door behind us. Harley refused to break the kiss as I walked her backwards till her legs hit the bed. I fell on top of her, holding myself up so I wouldn't crush her.

"Oh my god baby, I missed your touch." Harley moaned when my hands roamed her body, squeezing her clothed breast.

"I've missed you, I've missed your body princess." I kissed down her jaw.

"I'm all yours pumpkin, my body is all yours."

Harley moaned when I softly sucked on her nipple through her shirt, trailing my hand up and down her thigh, ghosting my fingers over her clit.

Harley began bucking her body into my hand, moaning and groaning under her breath, "god I've missed the heat of you."

"did he touch you Harley?"

"y-yes." She whimpered.

"then I'm going to take care of you, make sure you cum as many times before you're so overstimulated you cum with one stroke of my tongue."

Harley opened her legs wider and my eyes darkened as she offered herself to me, "don't waste any time pumpkin."

Aggressively I tore off her lacy bra, hearing her moan. Then I began to suck on her breast while my fingers stroked her clit painfully slow.

"You can't leave marks pumpkin. He can't know about this." Harley pushed my head away from her neck.

I growled lowly, "I want him to see that you're mine, only I can make you feel this way."

"it is you baby, it's only ever been you. But if he finds out he could hurt me or even worse, hurt you."

I pulled back completely, stopping my ministrations on her clit. Harley gave me a sad glance and pulled me back down so my weight was on top of her.

"I don't want to see you hurt." She mumbled sadly, tugging at my ears.

"I don't care about me." I whispered, "I want you in bed with me every night again, waking up to you always on my side of the bed."

Harley sighed heavily, "I know pumpkin, but let's just have this right now. let's just pretend it's forever this time."

I nodded and slowly kissed her, putting her hands above her head and then trailed kisses down her stomach. I swirled my tongue around her belly button, hearing her groan. Harley moaned louder when I kissed her covered core.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good princess."

"I know you will pumpkin."

I didn't bother teasing her since it's been awhile since we've had sex. Harley bucked into me when I sucked on her clit. I made sure to watch her eyes roll back into her skull, memorizing the pleasurable expressions.

"don't stop Léa please don't stop." She panted.

I slowly inserted two fingers inside her dripping heat, stretching her out after not being with her for so long. Harley whimpered and arched her back when I curled my fingers. Her fingers threaded into my hair and slowly rocked her hips against my face.

Harley sank her teeth into her bottom lip hard enough to break skin, "fuck pumpkin. just like baby."

I moaned sending the vibrations right into her core. Harley's hips jerked.

"I'm so close-" she panted.

I added a third finger and picked up the pace, biting slightly on her bundle of nerves.

"oh my god." She tugged on my hair before she came all over my mouth.

I let her ride out her organs before Harley pulled me into a heated kiss, "I love you."

I grinned, "I love you too."

The kiss became more slow as Harley flipped our positions so she was straddling me. She leaned down so we were chest to chest and began rocking her hips. I reached around and slapped her ass firmly, moaning when her hips bucked into me.

Our clits kept rubbing together, the friction making me moan into her mouth.

"I love it when you moan for me pumpkin." Harley husked.

"only for you." I grunted, gripping her hips as I guided her to grind against me, both of us heatedly kissing while doing so.

I hissed when she dug her fingers into my shoulders to steady herself, loving the pain and pleasure mixing. Carefully I sucked on her neck so I wouldn't leave any marks.

"s-shit!" I moaned when Harley started bouncing up and down, our cores slamming together as the waves of pleasure washed over us. Her eyes rolled back into her skull when I gripped her bouncing breast in my palms.

"I'm so close baby." Harley shrieked.

"scream my name Harley." I snaked my hand between our bodies and rubbed her clit in quick circles.

Harley began riding me faster, both of us moaning each other's names louder until I pressed down on her clit, her barreling over the edge right with me.


"that was so hot Harles." I panted.

Harley laid down on top of me completely out of breath, "it really was pumpkin."

"You'd look hot in glasses." I commented while I rubbed her back.

She giggled, "I used to wear them."

I groaned just thinking about it, "you know.. you can be your old self with me. I don't think he completely changed you."

"you just want to eat me out." She kissed the underside of my jaw.

"that too."

We both decided to go to sleep after that, wrapped up in the sheets as our hot bodies cooled down.

I actually got a good nights sleep since I slept with Harley on top of me, wrapped around me like she was afraid I'd disappear. The sun streamed in through the window as I looked down at Harley just waking up on my chest, her sex hair all over the place.

"I've gotta go pumpkin, he'll notice I'm gone soon." Her morning voice was raspy.

I pulled her closer to me, "no, just stay with me, we can get through it together."

Her eyes began tearing up, "I want to, I really do, but I can't risk your life."

I shook my head as I began tearing up myself, "I don't care about my life, Princess. Not when I'm protecting you, you and Sasha are about the only thing I got to live for."

Harley cupped my cheeks, "you make me sane, Léa Wayne. I love you, and that's why I have to go."

"and I love you which is why I'm asking you to stay." I flipped us over so that she was lying on her back. I ducked down, ghosting my lips over hers in a toe curling kiss.

"besides, you're really gonna leave before I can taste you. I want to see him and remember I had your cum dripping down my chin."

"pumpkin." She whimpered.

"one last time because I know it's going to be a while until our next."


She nodded, not tearing her eyes away from me while I lowered myself under the sheets before flattening my tongue against her heat.

"o-oh Léa."

"I'm gonna miss hearing you moan my name, begging me to let you cum."

"shit pumpkin." Her back arched off the natures when I swirled my tongue around her clit.

"I like waking up like this." She moaned, tugging on my hair.

"and if you stayed." I kissed her inner thighs, "we smoke a blunt, fuck some more, I'd cook us some food, fuck some more, then we could take a nap only to wake up and fuck some more."

"Mhmm baby.."

I went back to licking her core slowly, savoring the taste of her heat.

"as good as that sounds, I'm not risking you, you're mine and I'm not losing you."

I bit down on her inner thigh, smirking at the small red mark I made, "fine but when you're with Joker, when he's forcing you to fuck him, think about me, only me."

"always pumpkin, always."

"you're mine, Harley Quinn." I shoved my tongue inside of her, writing the alphabet against her g spot.

"oh fuck baby, I'm yours, I'm yours pumpin just please don't stop."

By the time I got to the letter N, Harley squirted all over my chin and sheets with a loud scream of my name. I didn't let up, diving right back into her center.

"Léa baby I've gotta go." Harley whimpered.

I ignored her, aiming to get another orgasm out of her. Harley mewled, "p-please pumpkin."

I placed my warm hand on her sensitive clit, while I stuck my tongue back inside her, hitting the g spot once more.

"Léa I can't- I can't-" another scream ripped from her throat as she came again, her juices running all down my chin and onto the bed sheets.


I took my head out from under the sheets and kissed Harley softly, a few tears dripping on her cheeks.

"pumpkin..." Harley's striking eyes started watering too.

"I hate it when you're not with me, Harley. I hate it that I left you. I hated how I treated you. And now he has you again and I hate it. I hate watching him touch you."

"You treated me nothing less than a queen, pumpkin, don't even doubt that. I got through this once and I'll get through this again, he'll get bored and move on pretty soon."

"until he comes back again. Harles we can't keep going on like this, he needs to be gone. For good."

Harley wiped the tears off my face, "I know pumpkin, but the mans a cockroach, he manages to survive everything. I promise you we'll be together soon."

"and what if he touches you, takes you again and again. I'll never forgive myself." I shook my head.

"but you wouldn't love me any less."

"I'd love you more because you're surviving. Just know I'm here. For you."

"that's why I love you. I'll come back later tonight pumpkin."

I dropped my head into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent, "I wish you could lay with me a little longer.."

"me too pumpkin."

After Harley left I cleaned up my apartment and took a shower, contemplating on what I wanted to do about Joker. I was going to get Harley back, no matter what it took. The question was if she was still going to care about me if I killed him.

I had to get rid of him, even if it was for good.


Chapter Twenty Five

Léa's POV:

Two weeks later.

I shut the door behind Harley, pinning her up against the back of it and connected our lips in a feverish kiss. We had been sneaking around for the last two weeks, even getting risky and sharing kisses in the bar when we could.

She'd sneak out of the place her and Joker lived to come here. We'd savor each other's company, doing as much as we could. Some nights we wouldn't even go to sleep, not wanting to waste a second to fix things and get back to being us.

Harley threaded her fingers in my hair as I deepened the kiss, feeling her body jump up so she could wrap her legs around my waist.

"Would you still love me if I killed Joker?" I panted heavily, ghosting my lips over hers.

"Of course I would." She mumbled against my lips, her nails scratching down the back of my neck, "But he's really powerful, pumpkin. Do you even have a plan?"

"Light him on fire." I chuckled.

Harley captured her bottom lip between her teeth, "I don't know pumpkin. He survived a helicopter blowing up and I just don't want to lose you."

I shook my head, "I still got so much more stuff to do with you, I'm not gonna die on you. That'd be a dick move. I want to live my life with you Harley, and we can't do that if you're with him."

"It's what's best for both of us. You're safe and I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe."

"By having to sneak around? Every time you're away from me my anxiety spikes. I'm on edge all day until you're here in my arms. I hate when we can only spend a few hours together before you have to leave and I don't know if you'll come back." I explained emotionally, stroking my thumb over her cheek, "And even if I did die killing that asshole, at least I know you'd be safe from him."

"I don't want to think about losing you. We're supposed to fuck up the streets of Gotham."

I hummed, dropping my head down into the crook of her neck to place kisses on her flesh.

"I wish I could mark you, then everyone would know you're mine again."

"I've never not been yours." Harley purred lowly before biting down on my bottom lip, "Make love to me, Léa."

I smiled softly, pecking her nose before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss.


"You have a big ass hickey on the side of your neck so I take it things went well." Sasha teased from behind her beer.

I offered a dopey smile, "Yeah.. just sucks we have to sneak around."

Sasha hummed and I clenched my jaw, looking up to the VIP area but not seeing Joker or Harley. They were just there a second ago-

"Joker requests your presence outside." One of his clown mask wearing goons pressed the barrel of his pistol against my back. Sasha reached for her own gun but I subtly shook my head.

"and if I refuse?" I husked.

"It's not up for debate." He snarled, pushing me out of the chair. I caught myself before I could face plant the ground, pushing myself off and dusting my olive green bomber jacket off.

"Alright. Take me to the circus." I rolled my eyes, being shoved in the middle of the two beefy guys. The one behind me kept a tight grip on my bicep while he held his pistol to my lower back.

I glanced over at Sasha and dropped my hand down, holding up three fingers. She nodded and pulled out her phone to call the gang. I was then shoved through the back alleyway door forcefully, throwing a glare over my shoulder at the goons.

"Watch it." I snarled.

"I'm so glad you decided to join me. Aren't you happy, Harley?" Joker cackled, stepping out of the way to reveal Harley, a busted lip and nose, looking beaten.

My jaw clenched and I rushed forward, hissing when I felt a bullet graze my shoulder.

"Pumpkin!" Harley yelled, crawling over to me but Joker kicked her across the face.

I growled, lunging for him but he pointed his gun at Harley's head and I stopped in my tracks.

"You know, I've never liked you Léa. But I thought maybe we could be friends, I spent so much time in your club and you didn't even say hello. You took my girl, Wayne, and maybe it was Harley's fault the first time, but you chose to go after her again. I don't like people stealing my things, Léa."

"She's not a piece of of property!" I hissed.

"Then I don't know who you were seeing this entire time, because it certainly wasn't my Harley. You ruined her, tainted her sweet flavor and had the nerve to mark her as yours. Now it's gonna be all over." The crazed man growled, turning his gun back to Harley before pulling the trigger. He shot her in the leg and then turned the gun on her head, her loud screams of agony ringing in my ears.

I burned the goons that were holding me back, lunging towards Joker and knocking him to the ground. The gun clattered out of his hand and popped off, the bullet bouncing off the brick wall.

I cocked my fist back and gave him a mean right hook. His flesh was burnt black on his cheekbones, before he kicked me off of him and sent the rest of his guys after me.

I turned back towards the small army of guys in masks, shooting my hands out in front of me and shooting fire at them. My entire body burned brighter, fire covering me from head to toe now.

I turned back towards Joker to see him running off, leaving Harley slumped against the brick wall. I ran over to her, my fire vanishing.


"I'm fine, pumpkin. Make sure to tell him I said fuck you."

I giggled, "Okay." I kissed her forehead before taking off after the deranged man. The fire took over my entire body once again and I smiled, seeing how I was starting to get the hang of things.

All I could see was red as I tackled the man to the pavement, his clothes and skin singeing under me. He pulled out a small knife and a smaller pistol and shot the fire hydrant that was next to us.

I screamed as the water blasted me, soaking my clothes in cold water. The steam arose quickly into the air, the smoke entering my lungs as I coughed. I stumble through the cloud, catching Joker just as he turned down a corner.

I bolted after him, straining myself to use my powers again. My legs burned and ached as I pushed myself past my limits. My heart thumped in my ears as the adrenaline coursed through my veins.

I managed to catch him, throwing him up against the pillar of the bridge we were on. My hands ignited in fire as I began burning his shoulders. Joker hissed, head butting me and I stumbled back. He kicked me in the gut and my body fell over the railing of the bridge, but I managed to grab his suit jacket and pulling him over the edge with me.

On the way down we both exchanged a fair amount of punches each, my knuckles aching and feeling bruised.

"Good luck getting rid of me. I made her! She is who she is because of me!" He cackled.

"No!" I snarled, my entire body igniting on fire, "She's Harley fucking Quinn and she isn't made by anyone."

Our bodies shot up further into the sky and that's when I realized we were flying, I could fly with these powers. The achievement was quick to end when the flames flickered and the joker and I were sent falling back down.

I grabbed him as we neared the ground, using him to cushion my fall. I yelped when we hit the ground, feeling his knife stab into my stomach and he died with a smirk on his face. I rolled off him as best I could, spitting up blood as I watched the stars shine.

I wonder what death was like. Was it as peaceful as it seemed? Or was it torture being forgotten in time.

My arm was shattered, I'm sure along with the rest of the bones in my body. My vision blurred but even through the obscurity I could still make out Harley.

"Pumpkin, no! Please don't do this to me!" She cried, ripping the knife out of my stomach.

I whimpered weakly, turned my head to offer her a gentle smile.

"If you die, then I die Léa." Harley sobbed.

"N-no. Y-you're Harley fucking Quinn... you'll be just f-fine."

Harley smiled sadly, digging in her back pocket to pull out a small business card that read Harleen Quinzel and Léa Wayne.

"It's kinda hard to be Harley fucking Quinn when she doesn't have her pumpkin."

I squeezed her hand, coughing up some blood onto the pavement.

"Léa?!" Sasha ran over and knelt at my side.

"H-hey." I wheezed.

"The medic guys are coming, we're gonna get you to the hospital." Sasha said as tears fell down her face.

I winced but nodded, looking back up at the stars as everything faded around me. My eyes fluttered closed and the last thing I remember was hearing Harley's soul shaking scream, while she pounded on my chest.


• Twenty Six •

• "⚠️⚠️" start of smut "✅✅" end of smut. •

Sasha's POV:

I sat in the chair in the corner of the hospital room watching over Léa while Harley, after putting up a fight, finally left to go get some food. I told her Léa wouldn't want her to starve herself and she should get some food, after that she went without a complaint.

I leaned forward and rubbing my hands down my face, glancing up at Léa. I cracked a smile seeing how peaceful she looked.. after all this time. She had this chaotic weapon inside of her and yet she managed to look peaceful on the outside, like she didn't literally have fire brewing inside her.

That's why I loved her. Yeah, maybe I should have said something sooner, but I knew she didn't feel the same. She would always see me as a friend, and up until a few months ago I thought I was straight.

Harley walked in the room and I tore my gaze away from Léa, feeling guilty if I stared at Harley's girl too long. Léa loved Harley and Harley felt the same, you could see it in everything they did. Léa wasn't going to like me back because she already found her soulmate.

"Any change?" Harley asked so softly I almost didn't catch it. I know she was torn up about the entire thing.

I shook my head, "No."

Harley's face fell and she frowned deeply, nodding her head, "She'll pull through. She has too."

I hoped so. Because as soon as she woke up I was going to tell her exactly how I felt about her. I needed to get it off my chest and out into the open.

Léa's POV:

I groaned softly, cringing at the dryness of my throat. My eyes fluttered open and then clamped shut due to the harsh fluorescent lights. Slowly I peeled my eyes open as they adjusted. Looking around the room I saw Sasha knocked out in the hospital chair, mouth hung open and everything.

Next to me I smiled when I noticed Harley curled into my side carefully, her head tucked under my chin. I reached out and softly caressed her pale flesh, kissing her forehead.

"Glad you're awake." Sasha whispered. I smiled, nodding my head.

"Didn't doubt me did you? Easiest fight of my life." I chuckled lowly.

Sasha snorted, "You fell from the sky."

"So I like to be dramatic." I whispered in a teasing manner. Sasha laughed silently, crossing her arms over her chest.

"How long have I been out?"

"A little over twelve hours."

I nodded, "How are you holding up?"

Sasha released a shaky breath, "I actually need to tell you something."


"I'm in love with you. And I know you don't feel the same way back, I just had to get it off my chest. I told you to fight for Harley when I so badly wanted to fight for you."

My body went rigid at her confession. Sasha was in love with me? When did this happen?


Sasha shook her head, "Please don't say anything."

I nodded, clearing my throat as an awkward silence fell upon us.

"Does my father know I'm here?" I asked softly.

"He does. He's in Prague at the moment on some Bat business I guess."

I scoffed, "Nice."

"I'm gonna go get the Doctor." Sasha mumbled before leaving the room swiftly.

I turned towards Harley, brushing some of her hair out of her face while she slept peacefully.

"Harles." I mumbled, kissing her face, "Wake up princess."

Harley grumbled before her eyes peeled open, bugging out of her skull when she saw I was awake.

"Pumpkin!" She grinned, hugging me as she cried, "I'm so glad you're awake. You had me worried."

I wiped some of her tears away, Harley leaning into my hand and kissing my palm.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Quinzel."

"Holy shit, bro!" Cassandra laughed bursting into the hospital room, the birds of prey right behind her.

"I'm gonna say it Léa, you're pretty bad ass." Canary smirked.

Harley kissed my jaw, "Isn't she?"

We all spent the next few hours talking and catching up. Sasha didn't come back and I didn't blame her. I was a little glad she didn't come back, because I didn't know how to take her confession. She was in love with me and she kept this hidden? How did she do it?

The doctor told me I should take it easy due to my broken arm, shoulder and rib before saying I was free to go. He wrote me a prescription for pain meds that I was gonna grab later.

I smirked, licking my lips, "so about that shirt."

Harley giggled, "just one of my old costumes.. i wouldn't mind putting it on for you."

"what do you say we go back to our place?" I suggested, pulling her body closer to mine.

"Mhmm I can't wait for you to play with me pumpkin." Harley purred.

I grabbed her hand and helped her into the Benz before getting into the drivers side. I started the engine and sped onto the street. Harley grabbed my hand and placed it in her lap, intertwining our fingers together.

"so what was it like, the suicide squad." I asked stopping at a red light.

Harley paused, a lack of words to describe the experience, "Crazy." She breathed out and I pressed the gas.

"there was a guy in there, El Diablo, he's got the same powers as you but can turn into this creature." Harley explained.

"that sounds amazing.. wish I could turn into something. You know.. if you're going to put on the old costume.. I wouldn't mind seeing your crazy side come out." I glanced over at her, turning down the street.

Harley smirked over at me, "you sure you want to party with the demons pumpkin?"

I hummed, "of course I would princess, you know I'm secretly a bottom."

Harley chuckled, "secretly? Everyone already knows."

I huffed, "Canary doesn't, she's hoping I'd top her."

"you'd ruin her pumpkin, me however, I love it when you ruin me."

I groaned, pulling into the parking lot of my apartment building, "always a way with words."

Harley smirked, taking my hand when we got out of the car and slowly led me inside and up to place. She swayed her hips as she walked in front of me, occasionally looking at me over her shoulder and batting her eyelashes at me.


As soon as we made it inside, Harley pushed me against the wall softly and ghosted her lips over mine, pulling away with a giggle. I watched her saunter towards the bathroom. It wasn't long before she came out and my jaw dropped. There she stood in her crop top, bikini shorts and black stockings.

My eyes bugged out of my skull when she did a little turn, allowing me to see just how nicely the bottoms cupped her ass.

"Holy shit-"

"Close your mouth pumpkin, you're drooling." Harley chuckled lowly, pressing my jaw closed. She dragged me over towards a chair and sat me down, straddling my thighs. I placed my hands in her hips, feeling her soft skin under my fingertips.

"you don't realize what you do to me baby." I husked.

Harley leaned in with a smirk, "I think I do."

"you look so fucking good in this." I rubbed her thighs.

Harley smirked wider and wrapped her arms around my neck, fiddling with my baby hairs. she ghosted her lips over mine, refusing to kiss me just as the tension between us kept building up.

I got tired of her teasing and pulled her closer to me by her hips. Harley gasped audibly and I captured her plump lips with mine, kissing her deeply.

"What are you gonna do Harleen?" I husked.

"show Canary what kind of bottom you are, and then have you rip these clothes off me and fuck me hard." Harley groaned.

"and what if I just wanna make love to you?" I asked.

Harley shrugged in response, "we can do that after."

I pulled her into a deep kiss, biting her bottom lip, "well I like the sound of that."

Harley pulled away, "that's not how this works pumpkin, I'm in charge now."

I groaned lowly, digging my fingers deeper into her hips.

Harley started grinding down on me slowly, "you know we should hang a mirror on the ceiling so I can watch you fuck me or me fuck you."

"that's a good idea." I panted.

Harley abruptly stood up and walked over to turn my stereo on. The sex playlist we made began playing as The Take by Tory Lanez came on.

"Do you want me pumpkin? do you want to play with me?" Harley ran her hands down her body, sauntering over towards me.

"y-yes Harley." I moaned.

"then you have to obey everything I say. can you do that?" Halrey asked, straddling me again.

"yes baby just please kiss me." I groaned, waiting for her to do something.

"where do you want me to kiss you?" She kissed my lips, "here?" She then kissed my cheek, "here?" She went on to kiss my jaw, "here?" "or how about here?" She smirked and kissed my neck. "hmm, I know you like me kissing you here."

"oh god, Harley you're killing me here." I panted.

Her lips nipped and sucked on the flesh of my neck as the song changed to Dip by David Correy.

"and now canary knows you're mine." Harley purred, admiring her marks.

"I'm all yours Harley, I always have been."

She captured my lips in hers as we began making out for a few minutes. She pulled away with a smack, pulling up to give me a lap dance.

"make sure people know you killed me, because I'm dying here Harles." I tossed my head back with a groan.

Harley grinned and stands up after a moment more of dancing, "get on the bed for me pumpkin, hands around the headboard."

"Shit," I cursed, "why do you do this.. I love touching you."

"I'm not playing fair today baby, you wanted the crazy side, so you're gonna get the crazy side." She squeezed my thigh.

I did as my girlfriend said, kissing her here and there as she stripped me of my clothes. She then handcuffed me to the headboard and wetness soaked my core.

Harley looked at me like a predator, like she was going to play with me before devouring me. Something told me she had some things planned. Her smirk said it all.

"now that you're stuck there, you're gonna watch whilst I get myself off." She straddled my thigh.

"I can get you off baby." I whined

"but that's not as fun as torturing you." She grinned, rocking her hips, "I'm gonna ride your thigh baby."

The song changed as Harley moaned, Earned It by The Weeknd coming on.

"you're using me to get off.. thats so hot." I moaned.

Harley smirked when I tugged at the restraints, waving her finger at me. She sped up her moves and I moved my leg up in rhythm with her thrusts to help get her off.

"make sure you keep this costume, we're so using it again." I licked my lips.

Harley leaned over and captured my bottom lip between her teeth, "these stockings turn you on pumpkin? imagine me wearing some lingerie for you."

I groaned, "you'd look so hot. God harley I really want you."

She tapped her chin like she was thinking about it, "Nope."

The brat kept grinding against my thigh until she came undone with my name rolling off her lips. Her wetness seeped through her small shorts and on my thigh.

"that was amazing." I chuckled. Harley hummed, scrunching her nose up, "I'm not done with you yet, baby.. clean me up."

Harley teasingly removed her poor excuse for shorts, but kept the stockings on. She lowered herself down on my lips and I greedily began eating her out, trying not to melt the cuffs off.

"shit pumpkin! I love your tongue. make me cum again." Harley moaned loudly, rocking her hips against my face.

I hummed, agreeing with her and the vibrations shot straight to her core. Harley moaned in pleasure, "oh god baby, just like that. I like using you for my own pleasure, what do you think pumpkin?"

When I hummed again, Harley screamed loudly, moving her hips to try and chase her orgasm. I kept eating her out feverishly, savoring her taste.

"I love you pumpkin." Harley confesses breathlessly.

I wrapped my lips around her throbbing clit, Harley exploding all over her thigh and my chin as she came. I let her ride out her orgasm, and when she came down from the high, she got off my face and sat on my stomach to kiss me.

"I love you too, Harles. But please for the love of god let me touch you, I want to feel you." I pulled at the cuffs.

"Mhmm I suppose you've been good." Harley booped my nose before leaning over to unshackle the cuffs. When my hands were free I instantly began caressing her body.

"I'm gonna be rough, and then I'm gonna be slow and sensual, make you come undone all over." I husked.

"that better be a promise." Harley peppered kisses along my jaw.

"oh it is."

As I was sucking on Harley's neck, Don't by Bryson Tiller came on. I inserted two fingers inside her slick beat unexpectedly, hearing her suck in a breath.

"faster pumpkin!" She squealed.

I picked up the pace, adding a third finger to stretch her pink cunt out more.

"You like that harley? The way I'm fucking you so hard." I bit down her shoulder while she arched into me.

Harley tossed her head back and panted, "fuck Léa, you stretch me out so good! you take care of me baby."

Harley started riding my fingers sloppily and I flipped us over so she was on her back, ramming my fingers into her hard as the bass shook the room.

"you're such a good girl harles." I kissed her lips softly.

"I'm close baby."

I pulled my fingers out of her dripping core, smirking as I grabbed a blindfold. Harley sank her teeth into her lower lip when she saw it. I grabbed her hips and flipped her so her ass was in the air. I smacked it hard and Harley moaned, a gush of wetness running down her thighs.

"hands on the headboard." I commanded, pulling the handcuffs out.

Harley did what she was told and I handcuffed her to the bead, putting the blindfold over her eyes.

"What are you going to do to me pumpkin? I need you so bad." She wiggled her ass in the air.

"I'm gonna overstimulate so bad you're gonna be begging me to stop baby." I smacked her ass before leaning over and grabbing a large strap and a vibrator. I put the strap on and placed my palms on her asscheeks.

"Count for me baby." I rubbed my palm over her smooth cheek.

I began spanking her, Harley counting each time I do so. After each spank is marvel at the red handprints forming in her ass, the possessiveness sparks in me.

"princess, tell me that you hate joker, that I'm so much better than him."

Shameless by Camila Cabello came on and the song really fit the mood, especially when the bass dropped.

"you're so much better than him pumpkin! you take care of me so good." Harley whimpered.

I slapped her ass, burning her a little with my fire, "tell me again baby."

"I hate him pumpkin, he could never be you, he could never fuck me like this, so hard and deep."

I swept her hair over the other side of her neck, leaving a large dark hickey before ramming the long strap into her tight core.

"f-fuck me." She moaned loudly.

I bottomed the toy out inside her heat and turned the vibrator on the lowest setting before placing it over her clit. Harley whimpered at the slow strokes.

"please baby I need you to go faster." Harley begged trying to buck her hips.

I smirked, "that's not how this works. You had your turn now it's mine."

The woman kept whimpering while I kept up my painfully slow pace. Sometimes I would bottom out and not move for awhile. Other times I would take away the vibrator and Harley would whimper more.

"baby- baby please I need you."

Eventually I felt like I had tortured her enough and used my spare hand to dig into her hip, then went at a shockingly fast pace, upping the vibrator as I did so.

Harley's body would ram forward each time, moaning at the top of her lungs every time the tip of the toy hit her g spot.

"I'm gonna squirt again pumpkin!" Harley let out a guttural moan.

When We by Tank came on. I grabbed a fistful of her bleached hair and made a makeshift ponytail. The bed creaked under us the faster I slammed into her.

"squirt for me baby." I bit the shell of her ear.

With a few more strokes, the bed Fran under us broke under our weight, Harley squirting all over her thighs and the toy.


"almost feel like fucking you in the pool just to cool you down." I mumbled, kissing down her back as her chest rose and fell heavily.

Harley sighed tiredly, "I don't know if I can go again pumpkin."

I undid the cuffs and pulled the blindfold off her eyes.

"Cmon a swim won't hurt." I pecked her cheek.

Harley looked extremely disoriented from the fucking I just gave her. She nodded and got up with shaky legs. I held her up steady as we laughed at the broken bed on the floor. I got in the pool first, helping her in the shallow end because I knew she had a fear of water.

Harley sighed in content, "this is nice pumpkin."

I hummed, "yeah, I like sharing my life with you."

She leaned forward and softly kissed me, "the joker left me to drown once."

"you deserved better." I placed feather light kisses on her exposed collarbone.

Quinn wrapped her arms around my neck, "and I got it. make love to me pumpkin."

"okay princess." I pecked her lips again.

Harley backed up against the wall of the pool. I kissed both of her shoulders before moving her hair out of her face. I gave her an adoring look, pouring all my emotion and feelings into it.

"I love you."

"I love you too pumpkin."


I pulled her into a kiss, a different kiss dull of passion and love. I placed my hands on her face, gently stroking her cheek whilst we kissed carefully.

Her nails scratched my scalp as my hands slowly roamed down till they were placed loosely on her hips.

"you're beautiful." I kissed her nose, "Your mind is beautiful." I kissed her forehead, "and I love you."

Quinn sniffled from all the affection I was giving her, "I love you pumpkin. thank you for making me a better person."

I smiled, capturing her lips once more, wrapping her pale legs around my waist.

"I love everything about you harles, from your tattoos, to the scars you got from saving the world."

Harley blushed, eyes watering, "stop complimenting me pumpkin, I can't take it."

"I love you, we're gonna do this together." I picked up her hand and rested it on my own core, before placing my hand on hers.

Harley nodded, "Together."

A groan slipped past my lips when she entered two fingers inside of me. I pinched and flicked her clit, leaning down to kiss the tops of her breasts. Harley captured my lips, sighing into the kiss as she curled her fingers.

I curled my fingers inside her too, "I love all your little flaws too.. and the way your nose scrunches."

"baby." She whimpered when I made a scissor motion with my fingers.

The water rippled around us at all the moving we were doing.

"in my eyes, you're perfect." I told her lovingly.

"I'm far from perfect."

I shook my head no, "I love your eyes, so beautiful, your skin is flawless. I love your smile. I love the way you make me laugh."

Her pale skin became a deep crimson as I continued to compliment her but also from the pleasure she was receiving. Harley ghosted her thumb over my clit and I let out a low moan.

"I like the way you make me smile too, and the way you've let me be myself. you've shown me what real love is like pumpkin." She kissed along my jaw.

"I'd spend the rest of my life showing you."

Harley grinned against my cheek, "I know you would.. I'd do the same for you. I love how you protect me and reassure me."

I rubbed her bundle of nerves faster with my thumb, pinching her nipples to add more pleasure.

"marry me." She blurted out, causing my movements to falter.

"What?" I gasped.

"not now, but in the future. would you say yes?"

"yes of course I would." I said with a hundred percent honesty.

"we could invite Canary and show her we're the real deal." She grinned, clearly proud of her idea.

"Sure." I chuckled, picking up the pace. Harley leaned forward and rested her head on my shoulder as the overwhelming amount of pleasure hit her head on.

"I'm gonna cum baby."

"me too. C'mon look at me I wanna see you cum."

My breathing came out in quick pants from her working me. She lifted her head up and we both stared into each other's eyes as we came undone. I watched Harley's face as she came. She scrunched her face up, her eyes rolling back into her skull.

She placed her head on my shoulder once again when she came down from her orgasm, "that was amazing."


"baby? Are you crying?"

Slowly I lifted her head off my shoulder, her makeup running down her cheeks.

"I'm such a terrible person that I don't know what I did to deserve a woman like you, but i don't want to know what life without you is like. I'm crazy and you keep me sane, you get protective and I've never felt so wanted by somebody who didn't just want sex. Mr. J would have me fuck some of his guys and they'd call me all these nasty names. I hated every second of it but I did it because it made him happy. I have all these nightmares and done all these bad things, but you're the only thing I've done right in my life."

My heart exploded while she bared her emotions to me, knowing I was her safe haven.

"I would never even let you have sex with anyone else. You're mine and I'm yours. Fuck Joker, Fuck everything he did to you. You're better than him, all those names are irrelevant now because they're probably dead in a ditch somewhere and you're here with me. I'm sorry about the nightmares and hopefully one day we can overcome them together. I'm glad I'm right for you just like you're right for me."

"I want to take care of Cassandra with you.. let her be our apprentice. I want to take on the world with you."

I kissed her lips softly, "what my queen wants, she gets."

"I'm getting all hot again thinking about you impregnating me." She giggled.

"we need to fix the bed first." I giggled.

"there's other places in the apartment." She batted her lashes at me.

"how am I gonna impregnate you?" I chuckled.

"with the way you're fucking me, I'd be surprised if I wasn't pregnant. Imagine it baby, with feeling my stomach swell with your baby. Yours. Our little prince or princess."

I awed at the imagines I was getting in my head, wondering what kind of things Harley would crave in the middle of the night. God if our sex drives were this high, imagine what all the hormones would do.

"if only that was possible." I pouted.

"Cmon," she squeezed my hip, "we gotta go to the kitchen."

"the kitchen?"

"I want you to fuck me on the counter."

Harley winked devilishly at me, nipping my bottom lips before pushing herself out of the pool. She ran away in a fit of laughter. I smirked, racing after her.

"when I catch you Harleen!"

I heard her giggle, "come on pumpkin, don't you want me all spread out for you on the counter?"

She dodged me and I watched her duck into a room. I made her think the coast was clear, and when she came out of the room, she bumped right into my chest.

"Caught you." I smirked down at her.

Harley squealed in surprise when I picked her up bridal style, laying her down on the marble counter.


"isn't this what you wanted?"

"mm yeah it is." She moaned.

I ducked my head and kissed her soaked core and then her thighs.

"How many orgasms would this be? 5?"

Harley moaned, "I lost count pumpkin."

"you're gushing baby." My teeth sank into my bottom lip when I felt out wet she was.

"you make me feel so good baby I wanna cum again."

"how do you want it?." I asked sucking on her thigh.

"make me pass out."

"I'm not sure-"

"I know you can do it pumpkin."

Without warning her I latched my mouth on her clit. Harley squeaks in surprise and places her hand in my hair, pulling on it.

After I made her cum, I continued eating her out like a crazed woman. Harley whimper because she hadn't even gotten over the first orgasm and another was already.

"L-Léa I can't take it." Harley whimpered, writhing under me.

"yes you can Harley. You're gonna be a good girl and take my fingers, my tongue everything."

"s-so sensitive." Her back arched up while she gripped my hair tighter.

I dug my fingers into her thigh, using my powers to burn her skin enough to leave a handprint. Harley let out a guttural man as her sixth orgasm hit her like a truck. I still didn't want to let up. I couldn't get enough of her.

"baby I-I can't I'm-"

I bit down on her clit and made her cub for the seventh time tonight. Her striking eyes fluttered behind her skull as her breathing even out. She actually passed out.


I removed my fingers with a sigh, a content smile on my face. I lifted Harley close to my chest and carried her down the hall and to our room. Gently I placed her on the broken bed and went to the bathroom to wet a towel. When I came back I cleaned her up before slipping in next to her once I cleaned myself up.

I wrapped my arm around her naked body, only the sheet covering us as the moonlight streamed in through the curtains.

I kissed her temple, "I love you princess."


One month later.

"Is it recording?" I asked Cassie as she held the expensive camera.

"Yeah, you're good." She cheesed at me. I nodding clapping my hands together, taking a few deep breaths.

"Attempt one at trying to fly." I ignited my entire body on fire.

"You should come up with a catch phrase before you do that." The k** blurted out.

"Like what?" I laughed.

Cassie shrugged, "Like flame on or something."

"That sounds stupid."

"Shut up and try and fly, hot head."

I nodded, focusing on lifting myself into the air.

"Are you supposed to be flying?" Cassie yawned.

"Shut up!" I hissed, "I'm trying to concentrate."

I tried to make myself fly again, losing control and shooting myself back into the dumpsters.

"I'm so glad I caught that on camera." Cassandra cackled, rushing over to me and shoving the camera in my face.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust when I tossed a rotten banana peel off my head. I stood up, pushing the camera out of my face.

"You smell like shit." She snickered, ending the recording.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Yay you're home!" Harley rushed over toward me, backing away when she caught the garbage smell.

She pouted, "I want to kiss you but you smell like you went dumpster diving."

"Sorry. I was trying to fly again and I kinda fell into the dumpsters."

"Like fly as in using your powers to fly?" She gave me a confused look.

"Yeah. I did it once and then-"

"Just be carful. I don't like the thought of you doing this because of what happened last time when you fought Mr. J.."

"I know, baby, but practice makes it better and I want to be able to try and control this."

Harley modded, "Promise me, Léa."

I held out my pinky, "I promise to be careful."

Harley interlocked our pinky's before smiling.

"Now go take a shower so I can kiss you."

• twenty seven •

• "⚠️⚠️" start of smut "✅✅" end of ittttt •

Léa's POV:

"Is it rolling?" I asked Cassandra, yawning into my hand.

"You look like shit." She mumbled, yawning in her arm.

"I had a late night." I shrugged with a smirk.

Cassandra gagged, "Please spare me the details."

I chuckled and nodded, stripping off my off white hoodie.

"Camera is rolling now." She said, giving me a thumbs up.

I stretched my arms over my head before igniting my whole body. I shut my eyes and focused on lifting myself up but I wasn't moving.

"Maybe you need to get angry."

"I had morning sex with my incredibly gorgeous girlfriend. I'm on cloud nine." I grinned.

"Congratulations. I'll make sure you get an award." She replied sarcastically, "Surprised she hasn't given you something yet."

"What the hell?" I hissed.

"I'm just saying it's not a secret she has slept around. If it wasn't her choice it was her crazy exes. She could have something." The k** shrugged.

"You're basically calling her a slut!" I snarled.

"And my plan worked! You're flying!" She grinned.

I looked down towards the ground and lost all concentration. The fire vanished and I slammed the few feet I managed to get, on the ground. I yelped and held my wrist when I felt something snap.

"Oh shit!" Cassie cackled, wiping her tears from her eyes.

"I think I broke my wrist. Oh my god!" I sat straight up, quickly grabbing my sweatshirt and put it on with difficulty, "Harley is going to murder me if she founds out I broke my wrist."

"Relax, maybe you didn't break it." She grabbed my wrist and I yelped, glaring at her.

"Maybe you did.." she grimaced, turning the camera off.

I took a deep breath in through my nose, exhaling it five seconds later.

"It's okay. We just won't tell her."

"That's a stupid plan. But it's the only one we got so okay. Can we get something to eat or do you want to break another bone?"

I slapped the back of her head, "Shut up."

"Food it is!" She grinned.


I slowly entered the apartment, my broken wrist stuffed in the pocket of the sweatshirt. Harley grinned widely when she saw me, her hair set up in some curlers and she had black, thick rimmed glasses on her face. She shut the book she was reading on Cooking with THC, and tossed it on the couch next to her.

"Pumpkin!" She beamed, making little grabby hands at me. It's been nice since she moved in with me. Waking up next to her every morning was a blessing. Her naked back looked like a sculpture when the sun shined against her toned body.

"hey baby." I smiled, gulping down the lump in my throat.

"are you gonna come over here and give me a kiss or what?"


I crept over towards her and leaned down for a quick kiss. Before she could deepen it, I pulled away.

"I'm uh gonna go upstairs and change, I'm all sweaty." I chuckled.

Harley lowered the glasses down her nose and looked at me, a smirk tugging up the corners of her lips, "want me to join you and get sweaty with you?"

"no! No, I'm not in the mood at the moment princess, maybe later."

Harley pouted, "you're always in the mood."

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, "not today baby, sorry."

Harley's pout deepened, "But I bought some new toys."

"o-oh! G-great! I'm gonna go and shower, don't wait up!"

I hissed when she grabbed my bad wrist, turning me around and pointing to her lips. I kissed her lips quickly.

"what's wrong with your arm baby?"

"nothing, you just grabbed it at a weird point is all." I gulped nervously.

My girlfriend stood from the couch with a raised eyebrow, backing me into the wall. I looked away from her intense gaze, feeling my palms start to sweat.



"why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not! I'm perfectly fine see!" I lifted my non broken wrist and waved it around, "I'm fine princess."

I turned on my heel to head towards the bedroom when she grabbed my wrist again. I clenched my jaw tightly so I wouldn't yell at the pain.

"Léa." Harley growled lowly.

I gulped because Harley rarely ever used my first name and said it so sternly. I scratched the back of my neck, letting out a shaky breath, "baby... you know I don't really listen... and Cassandra was hyping me up so much I couldn't let the k** down!"

"what did you do?"

"broke my wrist." I rushed out quickly.

Harley clenched her jaw, "say that again, y/n. I didn't catch that."

I sucked in a breath, "I broke my wrist."

"have you been to the hospital?" Harley shot her eyebrows up in surprise.


"Léa I'm asking you have you been to the hospital to check if you're okay?"

"Cassandra broke her wrist once! She told me it was so cool. I was just messing around. I didn't think I'd actually break my wrist."

Harley glared at me as I cowered under her stare.

"and what were you doing?" She growled.

"uh, well.. you see.. I might have been trying to use my powers to fly again."

"damnit y/n! You know how I feel about that! You almost died when you first did it!" Harley hissed, pushing me back against the wall.

"yeah but it was my first time! No ones good at anything the first time! I was just practicing cause practice makes perfect." I huffed.

"we just got Joker out of our lives and now you're parading around like your life means nothing!"

"Harley that's not it I promise. I was just practicing. If anything you should blame Cassandra, she begged me to do it. You love it when I play nice with Cassandra." I smiled cheekily.

"because you acting all soft and cute towards k**s makes me want you to impregnate me but that's not the point. you're not an immortal pumpkin." Harley sighed sadly.

I lifted her chin up with my thumb, "I know, baby. but I have to get this down."

"I mean what were you thinking?! Please don't tell me that was your dominant hand!"


Harley gasped, "how else are we going to have sex now?!"

"baby-" I tried to cut in but she kept ranting off.

"On average it takes 6 weeks for someone's hand to heal after they've broken it. No sex for 6 weeks! Are you k**ding me?!"

I playfully rolled my eyes at her thoughts, "baby I could fuck you with no hands."

My breath hitched in my throat when her eyes darkened until they were almost a pitch black, "is that a challenge?"

"more like a promise, just like I promise to make your legs shake bad." I smirked.

"I don't believe you." She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a challenging look.



Harley smirked, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, "no. In fact, I bet your bodyguard Jones could fuck me better."

"you better stop Harleen. You're playing with fire." I growled.

"mhm, I bet he could take me anywhere in the club, maybe the bathroom."

I used my non broken hand and pushed Harley against the wall, choking her.

Harley smirked when I applied more pressure, "maybe your desk."

My heat began to rise and I knew it was beginning to burn Harley's neck, leaving a mark on her throat.

Harley whimpered, rubbing her legs together, "I bet he would fuck me so hard, that I'd break."

"is that what you want? you want Jones to fuck you? Well, I'm not Jones and I can tell you right now, I'd fuck you ten times better than he ever could. I know you're body, baby. I know when you're about to cum, and I know what spots to hit to make you tremble." I hissed lowly.

"prove it."

"are you gonna shut up about Jones?" I mumbled, my eyes dark with lust.

"why don't you make me?"

I chuckled lowly, turning Harley around so she was bent over the couch. My hand rubbed her core through her tight shorts.

"I'll make you alright."

My girlfriend whimpered in pleasure when I continued rubbing her core, kissing the back of her neck.

"by the way, nice glasses." I mumbled, biting the shell of her ear.

I licked my lips, "oh, I'm gonna buried in your heat all night."

I moved my hand down to her clit, already feeling how soaked her core was.

"You got this wet from me choking you?" I asked incredulously.

"you marked me pumpkin, that'll never cease to get me wet, everyone's gonna know I'm yours."

Something primal inside of me snapped as I tugged her hair, "yes they will baby. I love seeing my marks on you, knowing what happened. How I made you writhe beneath me."

Slowly I pressed down on her throbbing clit, a guttural moan escaping her lips.

"mark me more pumpkin, I want to be covered. don't make me go and get Jo-"

Before she could finish saying his name, I slammed three of my fingers into her without warning, wanting to edge her first. Harely shuddered, choking out a moan.

"you don't get to moan his name. mine is the only name that will ever be spoken, Princess."

My eyes drifted towards her plump lips, noticing she was biting on her knuckles to suppress her loud moans. I stopped my ministrations causing her to whimper.

"We can't have that harley. I want to hear you screaming."

"please baby but make me cum. Stretch me out so good." She begged.

I didn't reply as I thrusted my three digits back inside her, thrusting them in and out quickly.

"you gonna tell me about those new toys your brought Harley?"

Her breathing quickened when I slammed my fingers into her tight heat, "I-I bought a clit vibrator. It goes in your underwear and t-there's a little remote. I-I bought some whip cream too, wanted to see if it would taste better licking it off you."

"anything else?"

"there's a vibrating dildo too."

I smirked, nipping her neck, "good girl."

Her slick walls clenched around me and I knew she was going to cum. Just before she could get her release, I pulled my fingers out and spanked her round ass.

"W-what?" Harley stuttered out in shock.

"you were a good girl for telling me, but not for teasing me about fucking Jones. Bad girls don't get to cum that easy."

I watched her stand up from being bent over the couch, her legs wobbly from the fact that she was so close to release and I smiled when she reminded me of Bambi. I knew one touch to her clit would send her over the edge.

"please pumpkin. I'm sorry, I'll be a good girl please let me cum. I'll do anything." She pouted, the glasses on her face were crooked.

I smiled lovingly at her, fixing her glasses so they were on her nose properly. I leaned down and kissed her softly, "I'm gonna shower. Do not touch yourself or it's going to be so much worse Princess."

"you can't leave me like this pumpkin! I'm so wet I'm dripping down my thighs, all for you. I need you. I need you to fuck me." Harley whined.

"you think you can wear some tiny lingerie and think I'm not going to prolong this? I hope you don't have anything planned tomorrow."

"you're talking up a big for someone who's gonna go shower." She mumbled.

My lips tugged up into a cocky smirk, "I'm enjoying myself."

I left the room for a long shower knowing that if I prolonged it, it would torture her all the more. However five minutes into the shower I was shocked when I turned around to see Harley joined me.

"baby I'm not gonna let you cum until I'm done showering."

Harley raked her eyes up and down my naked body, "I know pumpkin, I'm here to make you feel good."

My breath hitched when she got down on her knees in front of me. My head fell back against the shower wall when she took my clit in her mouth.

"can definitely check shower sex off the list."

Harley giggled, the vibrations adding to the pleasure while I gripped her hair.

"I like pleasing you. you like seeing me on my knees, batting my eyelashes up at you?"

I groaned, pulling her up and into a sloppy kiss.

"just relax baby, I've got this." Harley smiled proudly before leaning down to kiss both my breasts delicately whilst pumping two fingers into my core.

"Oh that's good princess, I like that." I moaned.

"open your eyes pumpkin. Watch me while I eat you out."

My breath caught in my throat when Harley batted her striking eyes up at me, pulling her fingers back to show me all the wetness. She dove back in, curling her fingers inside me and then biting my inner thighs. I was a moaning mess, and when she curled her fingers inside me, I came undone.

Harley allowed me to ride out my orgasm before slipping her fingers out of me, sucking my juices off and making sure to maintain eye contact with me. Before I could say anything, she pulled me into a heated kiss and I could taste myself on her lips.

"I'll see you when you're finished here pumpkin." She winked before leaving the shower and ultimately the bathroom.

"what. The. Fuck." I mumbled to myself before finishing my shower.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the shared bedroom in a towel, finding Harley laying in her front on the bed in some matching red lace underwear.

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath while Harley waved around the small clit stimulator remote.

"so I was thinking, you can stimulate me with this remote, and I can lick whip cream off your stomach, breasts, your neck." As if to prove her point, she shook the cab of cream and sat up in the bed, spraying a thick line of cream along the top of her breasts.

"come and taste me pumpkin."

I licked my lips while pushing my girlfriend back on the bed, starting the simulator on the lowest setting. My tongue darted out and licked the cream off her heated flesh. Harley moaned and pressed my face further in her chest.

"you're not allowed to cum until I say so."

"I know pumpkin."

I ran my tonge along the top of her breasts, savoring the taste of the cream. I felt Harley move as she sprayed cream on the side of my neck, sitting up and licking the cream off.

"mm you gonna mark me like I marked you baby?"

Harley hummed, "mhm, show everyone you're mine."

I noticed she was rubbing her thighs together to try and gain friction between her legs. I pushed her thighs apart and she whined, sinking her teeth hard on my neck, hard enough to draw blood and leave teeth marks.

I grabbed the cream and pulled the corset down just enough so her breasts popped out. I sprayed the cream around her taut nipples, slowly licking it off.

"save s-some for me pumpkin." She moaned, flipping us over so I was now on my back. She sprayed some whip cream on my throat, cleaning up the sweet treat before biting my throat hard in the same manner.

"mm baby you're really marking me tonight." I groaned.

"you hurt yourself pumpkin, I'm just trying to make you feel better."

Harley's POV:

I peeled the towel off Léa, showing me her naked body before I sprayed the rest of the cream on her breasts. I sucked the cream off and left more marks.

My body froze for a moment when there was a vibration in my underwear, knowing Léa turned the clit stimulator up.

I scrunched my eyes together and held off from cumming, not wanting to upset Léa by doing it without permission. I made little hearts as I scratched down her abdomen, bucking my hips.

"shit harles." She whimpered when I slid the new dildo inside her tight cunt.

"that's it pumpkin, let me take care of you like you do me." I thrusted the dildo inside of her core at the highest vibration, marking up her inner thighs before latching onto her clit, sucking on the swollen nub.

"princess that feels so good. Go faster."

"am I being a good girl pumpkin?"

"So good Harles, so good." My girlfriend moaned, arching her back off the mattress.

I hummed in satisfaction, love pleasing her as she screamed my name. I thrust the dildo inside her slick head faster. Léa moaned my name loudly as she came undone under me.

"can I cum now, baby? I've been such a good girl." I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, whimpering as the stimulator assaulted my clit.

"Mhmm." Léa smirked, pulling me into her lap while her hands trailed down to my soaked core. My red lace thong was completely soaked through.

"I love how wet you get for me." Léa mumbled.

I giggled, dipping my fingers into my soaked core before coating y/n's lips in my wetness. Her eyes darkened leaving them pitch black. Y/n licked her lips before slowly slid the dildo inside.

"o-oh my." I grinded down against the vibrations, already feeling overstimulated.

"I'm gonna make you cum so many times. When I'm done with you I'll be able to touch your clit and you'll cum."

I whimpered at her dirty talk, "p-please Léa."

"please what?" She smirked.

"faster." I begged.

I could barely moan as she took the toy out till just the head of it was inside me before slamming it back in. I choked on a moan when she hit my g spot each time. I was squirming in her lap when she turned the clit stimulator on the highest setting and rubbed it on my bundle of nerves.

"you gonna squirt for me baby girl."

"oh god yeah I am!" I squirmed in her lap.

"do it. show me how I make you feel." She slammed the dildo inside me again and captured one of my nipples in her mouth. She pulled away and blew a breath on the bus and I shivered.

"Oh god I'm almost there pumpkin! Can I squirt baby? Please let me!"

"go ahead princess, you've earned it."

Léa pressed down on the clit stimulator the same time she slammed the toy inside of me for the third time. My body convulsed and I screamed, squirting all over her and me. My legs shook as the powerful orgasm hit me like a truck. Léa removed the toys after she let me ride out my orgasm while my legs still shook and I knew I wouldn't be able to walk.

Léa's POV:

I smirked down at Harley's flushed body, brushing my fingers over her clit and she came again.

"b-baby-" Harley whimpered.

"Sh. It's okay. Relax baby. I have you." I cooed.

I hovered over her, kissing her lips, cheeks, jaw, neck and breasts. I kissed every part of her that would make her calmed down. I couldn't help but feel mischievous as I kissed down her body, flicking my finger over her bundle of nerves and she came undone almost immediately, her back arching off the bed as a small fish of liquid escaped her.

"How am I gonna clean you up princess if everytime I touch you you cum?" I smirked.

Harley groaned, "I guess you can't clean me up."

"but I don't want you laying here all dirty." My smirk widened.

"That's your fault. you fuck me too good for it to be legal."

"You in a cop outfit. Shit." I groaned.

Harley giggled while I felt her tug on my ears, "we should have a sex room."

"Like fifty shades?" I snorted.

Harley shrugged loosely, "Why not? There's so many things I want to do to you."

I lowered my head and slowly kitten licked her dripping center, "like what princess?"

She moaned since she was so sensitive, "I wanna tie you up and have my way with you. Use you. Whip that pretty little ass of yours. And when that's over I want you to have your way with me, choke me, make me scream until I lose my voice, make me pass out."

"that sounds like something we can arrange." I pressed a little harder on her clit and she moaned loudly, gripping my hair in her hands.

"stop it pumpkin I really can't do it anymore."

I applied a little more pressure and she came undone, glaring playfully at me.

"pumpkin, I'm serious."


I hummed, nodding before kissing her lips, collapsing down next to her and she cuddled into my side while we took a breather.

"I know I didn't fuck you with no hands, but I did with one and I feel like that seals the deal."

Harley shook her head, leaning up on her elbow to look at me, "we'll have to do it another time."

I laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "okay we can do it another time."


I leaned my head back against the brick wall, taking a puff off the blunt I was smoking. My phone pinged in my hand and I held the blunt between my lips.

Jones: money is transferred successfully and the funeral as been arranged. they give their thanks

I texted back and told him he could take the rest of the night off, go home and see his wife and k**s. I took some money, a large chunk of it, and paid for the man I.. I hired funeral planners for his family and took care of all the funds. I even gave them a little extra because I've had a guilty conscience since.

I ashed the blunt and took another hit. The back door swung open and I tensed up when I saw Sasha come out, rubbing her hands down her face. When she saw me I noticed she tensed a little too.

I cleared my throat and looked back down at the blunt. I walked towards her and handed it to her before sneaking by her.

"You can't avoid me forever, Léa." Sasha mumbled. I bit the inside of my cheek and made my way inside the club. When I made it inside I let out a deep breath.

"You okay, pumpkin?" Harley wrapped her arms around my shoulders, kissing the underside of my jaw.

My hands fell to her hips on instinct, "Sasha told me she loved me that night I was in the hospital."

Harley's breath hitched and her fingers dug softly into the back of my neck. I leaned down and captured her lips in a soft kiss, pecking her nose and then forehead when I pulled away.

"She's your best friend, you should talk to her."

I nodded, "I know. But, since I have you here, want to get out of here? We can have a little date night."

Harley grinned and kissed me slowly, "Last one to the car is a rotten egg!"

I laughed when she ran towards the doors, running after her. I scooped her up in my arms and Harley squealed, wrapping her arms around my neck as I walked us the rest of the way to the car.

"I love you pumpkin."

I smiled, "I love you too, Quinzel."

• twenty eight •

Sasha's POV:

I was tired of Léa ignoring me. If I was in the same room as her she would find an excuse to leave, it's part of the reason I stopped showing up at the warehouse.

But I was on the last straw with her. I knew she didn't like me back because she was in love with Harley, and I've had time to deal with that. But now she was being ridiculous, running from her problems. I just wanted to get back to how things were before.

So I did the one thing I knew would catch her attention.

I kissed her girlfriend.

Léa's POV:

I tossed a dart towards the board, hitting dead center and earning points for my small team. I turned back towards the table to grab my bourbon cup, when I saw Sasha slam her lips against Harley's

My drink fell out of my hand , spilling all over the floor as I stalked towards them, noticing Harley looking rigid but kissing back none the less.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed pulled Sasha away from Harley.

Sasha wiped her lips off with the back of her hand and I dragged them both up to the office, closing the small curtain.

"I had to get your attention one way or another. Figured this would have done it." Sasha huffed.

"Had you been anyone else I would have burned you alive for touching my girlfriend." I snarled before taking a deep breath, "I don't like you the way you want me too Sasha. I'm sorry. I still want to be friends though."

"I still want to be your friend too, I just wanted you to stop ignoring me!" Sasha laughed lightly.

"Go buy yourself a drink and we'll catch up." I handed her a twenty and she smiled, apologizing to Harley before leaving my office. When she left I glanced at Harley, seeing her pick at the skin around her nails.

"I'm sorry I kissed her back." Harley apologized, giving me a pleading glance like I was going to hit her or something.

"I'm not mad, baby. It was Sasha and she was acting out." I shook my head.

"I just can't help myself from kissing back. Mr. J always got mad at me if I didn't kiss him back when he kissed me. He would do bad things to me if I denied him. It was instinctive."

I pulled her close to me as we sat down in the small couch I had in here. I kissed the crown of her head while she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm not mad, Harles. I promise. I'm not him."

Harley kissed the underside of my jaw and I smiled, intertwining our fingers together.

"Maybe we can set her up with someone." Harley suggested.

"Like who?"

"Maybe Canary so she can stop eye fucking you."

I snorted, kissing her temple, "I'll talk to her about it."

"Okay pumpkin. Can we go and get some food? I'm really craving some ketchup chips and a pickle covered in peanut butter."

I scrunched my face up at her requests before complying. I stood up and then helped her up, leading us out of my office and the club all together.


I knocked on the door and Sasha let me in her apartment, shutting the door behind me. Harley and Cassandra were spending the day together, probably up to something they shouldn't be but Harley was really excited to teach Cassie some things and I wasn't going to say no.

"Just made another pot of coffee if you want some." Sasha said, curling back on her spot on her sofa. After pouring myself a cup I sat next to her on the sofa, criss cross.

"How have you managed to keep something like that in all this time?" I asked her softly, not wanting to upset her.

"Because I knew in real life you wouldn't feel the same there was no point in confessing something that wouldn't change your feelings. I liked seeing you happy and didn't want to ruin that." She explained, "But then you almost died and I had the urge to tell you whether you felt the same or not. I had to get it off my chest in case you didn't come out of that hospital alive."

"I am sorry I don't feel the same, Sash. Rejection hurts."

"It's okay, Léa. We grew up together, it was bound to happen."

"I could always try and set you up with Lance." I sipped my coffee.

"Thanks but no thanks. Nothing against her at all, but I want to find someone on my own. I don't want it to feel forced." The woman smiled kindly, the smile disappearing behind her coffee mug.

"I understand. Hurry and find them though, okay? I want to go on double dates with you." I laughed. Sasha giggled, "Okay. So what's next for you and Harley now that her ex is gone for good?"

I shrugged, taking another drink of the hot beverage in my hand, "I don't really know. I think we're comfortable where we are. She moved in with me and we've been hanging out with Cassandra. The k**s her apprentice."

"You ever think about pulling some strings and getting all the people from the suicide squad to come hang out?" Sasha asked and a lightbulb went off in my head.

"No! You're a genius! She said there was a guy who had the same powers as me, maybe he can show me some cool meditating tricks to help me control my powers. Maybe you'll even meet your future girlfriend." I smirked.

Sasha playfully rolled her eyes before she kicked me off the couch. Somehow I managed not to spill my coffee all over myself and the floor, laughing and Sasha joined in.

"Go make us some popcorn and I'll hook up the old NES and GameCube, like old times."

I snorted, "I distinctly remember your cousin buying us some alcohol to mix in our coke back then."

Sasha smirked, "Well then its a good thing we're of age now."

"Yep," I grinned, "We can support our own addictions until we die."

"That's the plan."

• twenty nine •

Léa's POV:

One month later.

My eyes slowly peeled open when Harley rushed out of bed and into the bathroom. I glanced over at the clock to see it was three in the morning. It had been about a month and she was throwing up at ungodly hours of the morning.

I sighed and tossed the covers off me, padding into the bathroom and rubbed her back softly, holding her hair back so she wouldn't get puke in it.

"Baby." I cooed while she continued to throw up and heave. When she was done, she flushed the toilet and began crying.

"I-I hate puking!" She sobbed.

"Do you feel okay besides the morning sickness?" I asked, looking her body up and down. Her eating habits had changed drastically, she was always craving some weird stuff so maybe her diet changing was the cause.

"I just have cramp pains sometimes." Harley mumbled, rubbing her stomach. I helped her off the floor and put tooth paste on her toothbrush.

"Maybe you're gonna start your period soon. It's around that time of the month isn't it?" I asked, walking back into the bedroom to check the calendar on my phone. I liked to know when she was supposed to start her cycle, because then I could get all the snacks I knew she loved before hand.

My breath hitched in my throat when I checked the calendar. She was almost a full two weeks past when she was supposed to start her period. Harley came back in the room and I locked my phone.

I kissed her cheek before we both settled in bed again. While she fell asleep, my mind wouldn't shut off. She couldn't be pregnant could she? Because that would mean.. fuck no!

I glanced over and when I knew she was deep in slumber, I got out of bed and put on my running clothes before grabbing my headphones.

I put my music on shuffle and started my jog, gradually increasing speed the more I thought about the possibility she was pregnant with Jokers k**.

I stopped on the bridge I fought him on, gripping the railing in my hands and melting the bars. I took a step back, calming myself down as much as I could.

Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. Morning sickness was a sign of pregnancy, and she's been throwing up for the past month.

I didn't even know if I wanted k**s, maybe I did but how would I feel raising the Jokers baby? I'd practically be inviting the spawn of satan in my home.

Taking a few more breaths, I ran the rest of the way back to my apartment at a slow pace, seeing it was a little past four. I slipped my clothes off and took a quick hot shower before climbing in next to Harley.


"Look at the puppies!" Harley cooed while we watched tv on the couch. Cassandra was over, eating all my food but I had enough money to last me ten lifetimes so I didn't mind. I knew she was having a tough time with her new foster parents so she spent most of time either here, or with the birds of prey.

My phone pinged in my pocket, a text from Sasha telling me she was bored and wanted to hang.

"Oo Léa's texting her side hoe!" Cassandra joked around a mouthful of crackers.

"What?" Harley furrowed her eyebrows. I glared at Cassandra, shaking my head at Harley while I stuffed my phone in my pocket.

"It's just Sasha. Something happened at the warehouse and I have to make sure they didn't fuck up the shipment." I mumbled.

Harley pouted, looking like she didn't really believe me but chose to let it go, "Okay. Hurry back, we haven't spent that much time together."

I hummed, already halfway out the door.


"Do you think I would be a good mom?" I asked out of the blue, higher than a kite as Sasha and I laid on her living room floor.

"Nobody is ever really a good mom. But, I think it would be cute to see you try. You and Harley thinking of adopting or?"

I shook my head, "Do you think she's pregnant?"

Sasha gave me a confused look, "Is she?"

I shrugged, "She's been getting sick for the past month. I don't know."

"Well then if she is, you know it's his right?"

My jaw clenched and I nodded, "Yeah, that's the shitty part."

"Maybe you should make an appointment to see? It might ease your worries."

"If she is then it's confirmed it's Jokers, I don't know if I want that to be real." I mumbled, uncapping my water before taking a sip.

"Have you talked to Harley about it?"

I shook my head, "I've been distancing myself while I think about it."

Sasha snorted, "Well that's stupid of you."

I groaned, sitting up and packing a bowl.

"I'll talk to her after I smoke this."


"Harles, can we talk?" I called out to her as I leaned against the doorframe.

"That sounds serious. Is everything okay?" She turned off the tv and patted the spot next to her. I slowly walked over towards her, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"This is going to be really out there.. but I think you might be pregnant."

Harley sucked in a breath, "But then if I was that would mean-"

"-I know."

Harley nodded, looking away from me, "we should get a test done to see."

I nodded, pulling out my phone to make the call. Harley watched me as I spoke to the person at the doctors office, ending it when the call was over.

"We have an appointment tomorrow at three."

Harley nodded and mumbled out a small okay before she turned on her side so her back was facing me. I blew out a breath and shrugged off my jacket, curling in beside her.

"We're going to be okay, right?" Harley asked. I kissed the back of her neck and hesitantly nodded. I felt like I was going to be sick myself.

Harley placed her hands on top of mine and rested then on her stomach. I wanted to flinch back, not wanting to think about Jokers spawn being inside her stomach, leeching off her.

"I hope so." I mumbled.


"Léa Wayne and Harleen Quinzel?" The nurse called and we both stood up. Harley squeezed my hand and I gave her a weak smile. My entire body was shaking I was so nervous, scared, on edge.

Of course he would get her pregnant. Did he know? Is that why he looked at me the way he did before he died? Because he knew that this would destroy me? That he would finally have won and succeed in making Harley his in every way?

The doctor walked in and when Harley squeezed my hand again is when I paid attention.

"It's okay, baby." I whispered before kissing her temple.

"I'm just going to place some gel on your stomach. It's going to be cold." The doctor said squeezing some gel on Harley's toned stomach, using a wand and rubbing it around.

The ebony doctor pushed up her glasses and turned the screen towards us, "Thats your baby. Looks like you're about six and half weeks along. The heartbeat is great and steady."

Harley smiled, tears falling down her face, "Thats our baby."

"We can set up an appointment and talk about what kinds of things you should eat and things you should stay away from. Have you been having morning sickness at all?"

Harley nodded, "Yeah. It's been happening for about a month."

"It should go away after the first trimester. In the meantime you guys are all set to leave, I'll have some pamphlets for you so that you can read."

"Thank you, Doctor." Harley smiled, squeezing my hand again and I nodded my head towards the Doctor.

"You're welcome guys, look forward to seeing you again soon."

• thirty •

Harley's POV:

I wish the baby wasn't Jokers, I wish he didn't impregnate me, but I was choosing to look at this more positively. Léa was here and we were finally going to be a family. Looking at the ultrasound made my heart swell with joy I was already so in love with our little one.

I couldn't wait to see how things would turn out, raising a c***d together with the love of my life. I never expected my life to become so full and important. I also thought I was put on this earth to please when it turns out I was meant for so much more.

Léa's POV:

"We're going to be a family." Harley mumbled joyfully.

"Don't say that. That thing isn't mine." I shook my head.

"Why can't you call it a baby?!"

"B-because it's his! That man is literally the spawn of Satan, anything he conceives will only follow on from that!" I spat.

"my dna is apart of this baby too! am I a spawn of Satan??!" Harley hissed.

"no, Harley but this is basically a **** baby! Do you want the k** to grow up and find out who it's father is?"

"why does it matter who it's father is? you're here and he's not!" Harley rolled her eyes.

"what if he didn't die? What if he somehow miraculously survived the fall?! God knows he's survived a lot of things."

"he didn't pumpkin, he's dead and disintegrated. He didn't even get a funeral and you watched as they cremated him."

"I-I just don't know harley. This thing will never be mine. God! It's like he's haunting me even from the damn grave." I tugged at the ends of my hair in frustration.

"you can't think about it like that.." Harley tried to reach for my hand but I pulled back.

"I don't have any other way of thinking about it!"

Harley clenched her jaw, "you could try and be happy! you know how much having a family is important to me."

"but it's not mine! how can I be happy when my girlfriend is getting the baby she's always wanted, with her dead ex!?"

"it's not with my dead ex though it's with you, my pumpkin, my everything." She grabbed my hands easily this time.

I shook my head, eyes welling up with tears, "I don't know harley-"

"we can have that family we always thought about. We might be a little crazy but we're together and we're there for each other no matter what."

"and what if it has a psychotic break? Something that makes it snap just like joker. What if his psychoticism is genetic and he passes that onto it?" I asked.

Harley caressed the back of my hands, "then we will love the baby all the same. They can't help who their family is, and we will make sure they know we love them."

"and what are you supposed to do when he starts killing people? It's not like there's a book on that."

Harley sighed heavily, "can you try and think about this positively? Please baby.."

"harles, I love you, but maybe.. fuck, I don't think I'm meant to have k**s. We're both a little fucked up in the head, I mean just look at our lifestyle, do you honestly think we could raise a baby in a safe environment? It almost doesn't seem worth it.." I mumbled sadly.

Harley's eyes bugged out of her head as her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "so are you telling me that every time I fantasized about my plans with you about getting married and possibly wanting k**s you didn't mean it?"


She pushed my chest, "no Léa! Damnit did you see any future with me?! Did you seriously think I was too crazy to have any kind of normal life? You really think I'm not worth it?"

"baby, that's not what I meant. At all. I want to have a life with you, I wouldn't have killed Joker if I didn't. I wouldn't have made love to you if I didn't and I certainly wouldn't have gone back to you if I didn't. I'm just.. at one point I'm sure you wanted a normal life with Joker, and I just feel like you're still getting it and I'm just some insert in the story."

"you're not some insert pumpkin, you're the hero. You've loved me in a way I didn't know existed."

"I'm scared, Harles. My mom died giving birth to me, who's to say Jokers k** won't do the same to you?" I whispered.

"it's not his k**, it's yours." She lifted her hands up to my cheeks, "things like that rarely happen in places like this. What happened to your mom was unfortunate pumpkin, but not common. And even if the k** killed me I know you'd still raise it because you're good. You're good in your heart and you will pass that on to our baby."

"I don't know harley. This whole situation is so messed up."

"and we're messed up."

"the k**s not mine." I blew out in a defeated breath.

"it's ours. It has nothing to do with him. That day when I came over to you when I was still being held captive by joker, when we had that passionate love making. That's when this baby was conceived, out of love, together."

She guided my hands to her stomach and I softly caressed her belly with my thumb, a few tears slipping out of my eyes, "I don't know how to be a parent. I'm not the homework helper or the parent who writes little notes for their lunch box. I don't do any of that."

Harley squeezed my hands, "I don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing either, but I know that we're going to figure this out together. We're practically raising Cassandra and we're doing an okay job."

"she's like 15 and can wipe her own ass. She can take care of herself just fine. This baby.. this baby depends on us to survive." I huffed.

Harley dropped my hands and I let them fall to my sides, "do you want this baby yes or no?" She asked.

"I-I don't know."

Harley shook her head sadly, "that's not good enough Léa. I got this baby growing inside me and I need to know whether you want it or not."

"and what if I said no?"

I heard her breath hitch in her throat before she gathered herself, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, "I'd go to the clinic and get an abortion if it meant I could keep you."

My mouth hung open in shock, "I-I think I'd rather just have you break up with me than do that."

"you'd rather us break up?! What the hell, Léa." She frowned deeply.

"you're talking about aborting the baby, and I know it's your body and your choice, but you shouldn't take away something that you want just to make me happy. Maybe this is where things end for us.. fuck I don't know Harley!"

"you mean more to me than anything else pumpkin." Harley whimpered.

"and that's why we're not ready for c***dren! You're supposed to give your everything to your c***dren. You would put them above anyone else! You're not doing that right now harley."

"and now you're proving to me how great of a mom you would be. Up here," she pointed to her head, "I'm still a little crazy. Joker literally electrocuted my brain, so yeah I'm a little messed up. But you Léa you're pure, I can't do any of this without you. So yes I'd do anything so I wouldn't lose you because there is no one better for our baby than you."

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, "well now I feel trapped! If I say no then I'm killing your dream but if I say yes, then I'm not thinking for myself. I'm thinking for you because I don't want to be the one who crushes your dreams."

"pumpkin, it's not that hard of a question to answer. If you want a future with me as much as you say you do, then you'd say yes. If you don't, then," she breathed shakily, "I'll abort the baby and we'll go from there."

"I need a drink." I muttered.

Harley huffed, "so what? You're gonna walk away from the situation?"

"yes I am Harley because this whole situation is messing with my mind and there's a big damn decision to be made!"


"you need to start thinking for yourself harley! You said it yourself that you didn't want to depend on me like you did Joker. I told you that it wouldn't be like that because I'll be giving to you too, but somehow you've still managed to put me in a position where you depend on me." I hissed.

"I'm growing a fucking c***d in my stomach! For the first time might I add! Excuse me for needing a little guidance!" She snarled back.

"I don't have any tips for you! You know how I feel.."

Harley rolled her eyes, "yeah, I'm getting the impression that you'll always see this baby as Mr. Js and you won't love me if I have it, or was I missing something?"

"I'm going for a drink now."

"don't worry, I'll make it home safe. Wouldn't want to depend on you to drive me home." She hissed sarcastically at me.

"are you being serious right now?!" I growled.

"yeah I am, because instead of focusing on the problem at hand you avoid it! You did it with Sasha when she told you she loved you. You did it when Joker forced me to be with him. Let's face it Léa when times get tough you run!"

My fists clenched tight together, "you're right, I run so I can actually think about this because you don't wanna hear what I'm thinking right now."

"well now you have to say it. Come on y/n, let's hear what you have to say!" She nagged on.

I sucked in a breath when my hands ignited in fire, "I think that you're scared to be alone. I think you don't want to abort the baby but you would because you're scared that you're not going to find anyone again, where I could date anybody I wanted in this city. I could find a new girlfriend tomorrow if I wanted. I think no matter how much freedom I give you, you're afraid to be your own person because you can't stand on your own. You act like some little girl who needs to hold hands with someone. And honestly, I don't think you're fit to be a mother. But neither am I. Do you want me to continue, Princess?"

My head whipped to the side when she slapped me, tears in her eyes, "I can be alone!"

"you can't and now you can't handle the truth! You broke up with Joker and immediately fell into my arms! I was your rebound that you stuck with and now you're scared to leave. I'm setting you free harley! Prove to me that you can be on your own." I spat, taking a few steps away from her towards the door.

"a-are you breaking up with me?" She gasped, tears now freely falling down her cheeks.

"yeah, I think I am." I shrugged loosely.

"fuck you Léa!" She slapped me across the face again, "I hate you! You're no better than Mr. J! I wish I would have just killed your dad like I planned and then I wouldn't be here loving you!"

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists so I wouldn't do something I would regret, "sorry things didn't go as planned."

Harley glared at me before grabbing the keys to my car and running out of the house. I sighed, flipping over the glass coffee table and watched it shatter. I ran my fingers through my hair as I plopped down on the sofa, standing up a minute later and exiting the apartment, deciding to just walk to Sashas.

I knocked on her door and when she opened it I walked through, heading towards her liquor cabinet and poured myself a drink.

"woah. you okay?" Sasha asked leaning against the island.

"she's pregnant."

"and it's his?!"

I nodded, pouring myself some more alcohol, "yeah it is."

"what did you say?"

"I said I needed to think about it. She told me that If I said yes to being the mother of this c***d we'd have our happily ever after. But if I said no, she would abort it." I tossed the liquor back.

"shit that's deep." Sasha mumbled, pouring herself a glass of Scotch.

"yeah. it's fucked up." I hummed

"I think I would have-"

I shook my head, "it's not my baby."


"it's not my baby." I repeated.

Sasha huffed, "damnit Léa! Just listen to me!"

"I didn't even want a k**, Sash. And then I realized Harley was pregnant and then suddenly I wanted to be a mom if it meant Harley was the other mom. And then I realized how we would never have that, and that this fetus inside her isn't my bloodline. This k** is going to look nothing like me and I'll get to watch Harley have her happy ever after and I won't be in it. That shit hurts so I need a smok."

"I don't know my dad. I've never known my dad. As far as I know he could have been the richest man alive, the nicest man alive, a serial killer, a psychopath. I. Don't. Know. But when I was growing up, I had your dad. He taught me right from wrong, he brought me up alongside you. I'm pretty sure I turned out okay. And let's face it Léa you and harley are both women, any c***dren you guys would have had wouldn't have been blood to both of you. People always say people who have the same blood as you are the most important, I don't believe that. I believe the people who are willing to spill blood for you are the most important. Now, I don't want to know anything about my biological dad, because I don't need to. You don't have to be related to the c***d to be it's mom, Léa." She explained delicately, squeezing my hand.

"what if they become exactly like their dad? What if they hate me because I'm not him? what if-"

"you can spend your entire life thinking about what ifs. I know this was the last thing you were expecting, especially since you just killed the guy. Maybe you feel bad that you killed his dad, so that he won't ever get to meet him. It probably comes from you not growing up with a mom, but that c***d is going to have two moms. Who needs dads!"

"as much as me and my dad don't get along. I don't know what I would have done without him." I blew out.

"and that's because he was the only parental figure you had in your life. This baby, your baby is gonna have two moms in their life who's gonna love them no matter what."

"do you remember that night I told you about, when harley was still with joker and she showed up at the apartment and we had sex?"

Sasha shivered, "yeah, you went into some detail that I'd rather have not heard."

"she wants to pretend that that was when the baby was conceived. When we missed each other so much that so much love was put into that sex. She wants to pretend the baby was made out of love."

"Léa, you can't blame her for trying to make something good out of the situation. She's choosing to see the baby as something different than what it is-"

"-and that's the problem! This baby is the spawn of joker! It's ridiculous!" I rolled my eyes.

"it's a gift Léa. Harley is choosing to see this baby as a blessing. Can you imagine what she felt when she figured out it was her crazy exes? The one who tortured her and ****d her? And she did it all just to keep your ass alive and you can't even choose to see it from her point of view. You're selfish and you run. So if you want my advice, don't go back to her if you're just gonna run again."

"Everyone's been telling me I run today." I scoffed.

Sasha rolled her eyes, "it's because you do Léa. When things get hard you run away from it because you overthink the outcome. You've always done it and it's never flawed you until now."

"I don't have enough room in the apartment for a baby."

Sasha grinned, "then buy a house."

"I don't know how to care for a baby."

"then read some books, go to baby classes with Harley. Ask your dad! The man raised you!"

I snorted, "yeah I can see the conversation now. Hey dad, Harley is pregnant with Jokers-"

"-your baby."

"right, Harleys baby-"

"you gotta admit the baby is equally your k** too!"

"look, I'm not talking to my dad about this!"

She smirked, "let's face the truth here Léa. You and harley had sweet passionate makeup sex and you didn't wear protection and now here you are. Most people would go to their dad about advice over this."

I playfully rolled my eyes with a laugh, "I just don't know what to do."

"you have a choice right now. You either give up, fuck a few girls and probably be quite miserable. Or you go get your girl, who is probably at home packing her stuff right now, and tell her you're ready to start a family with her and your c***d."

"y-yeah." I stuttered.

"go!" Sasha nudged me.

"right! I have to go get my baby mama.. holy shit, I'm gonna be a mom." I smiled widely.

"Léa, stop standing here and go!" She pushed me towards the door with a laugh.

"I'm gonna be sick.. I'm gonna have to change diapers." I held my stomach.

"yep! Now go before Harley leaves for good and I have to eat Ben and Jerry's with you on the couch."

"thank you!" I called over my shoulder before running back towards my apartment. When I made it inside, I found Harley struggling to zip her suitcase.

*Léa rushes back to the apartment and saw Harley struggling to zip up her suitcase*

"let me guess, you're drunk and you're here to yell at me some more." Harley turned around and my breath hitched when I saw the tear stains on her face.

"I haven't drank anything and I'm not here to yell at you." I shook my head.

"here to see me out then?" She scoffed.

"Sasha talked some sense into me. I guess that kiss she gave you a while ago changed her." I laughed, scratching the back of my neck.

"then maybe I'll go and see if Sasha can talk some sense into me so I don't kill you."

"I deserve it and I know I do. The entire thing shocked me and it made me angry. I guess I was upset because I felt like he still had a claim on you. But I know how much you want this, and I realize how much I want this. I want this baby with you, Harles."

"Do you really want it or are you just saying that to make me happy?"

I shook my head, "I thought about it. The thought of raising a baby with you, our c***d. It makes me happy. Cassandra would be it's aunt along with Sasha. The birds of prey can... to be honest I don't know if I want them around my c***d."

"they're not that bad to be around." She tried to hold back a smile that threatened to spill.

"I know I run from my problems, I just hate that other people know I do and point it out. But I promise I'm not going to run away from you or our baby."

Harley started to tear up, "I'm so used to being lied to Léa.."

"I know.. which is why I'm giving you a pinky promise. These are the most strong types of promises because they don't break."

"really?" She looked at my pinky skeptically.

"yeah." I hummed.

Harley hesitantly linked here pinky with mine and I kissed them, "I love you harley."

"I love you so much pumpkin, it hurts." She mumbled into my chest after rushing into my arms.

"I'm gonna love our baby so much too." I pulled back from the hug and placed my open hand on her stomach, Harley smiled widely at the action.

Harley placed her hand over mine and leaned up to kiss me softly.

"I'm sorry for acting like a dick. If you need to depend on me, then I'm okay with that. I know a stable relationship is new to you, and I just want to make sure you're taken care of."

"you always take care of me pumpkin, I won't ever doubt that."

"Sasha told me that you and I made passionate love and I forgot to wear a condom and now here we are." I giggled.

Harley jokingly slapped my chest, "how dare you not use protection. Now look at us."

"so we're really gonna do this?" I shuffled on my feet nervously.

Harley pecked my lips and nodded, "I think we are pumpkin."

"okay.. I guess that means we need to go house hunting."

Harley beamed and jumped into my arms, "this is really the start of our future, pumpkin."

I pecked her lips, "yeah, it is. so what do we want to name them if it's a boy or girl?"

"If it's a boy I want to name him Tobias, and if it's a girl we should name her Nova."

"Those are nice names." I smiled, "what do you wanna do? I can order some food, we can watch movies."

"sounds good pumpkin! can you get some more of those one chips I like."

I giggled, "the ketchup ones? Sure Harles."

"you know what's going to be so great about this baby?" She smirked blissfully.


"all the sex we can have!"

I laughed loudly, "we have sex all the time anyway, I'm sure it won't be that different."

"mhm it will because we'll be trying to have sex anytime we can get. The baby's asleep, have sex, 5 minutes later the baby wakes up and we both have blue balls. It's gonna be edging to the extreme."

"I can make you cum in 5 minutes." I deadpanned.

Harley rolled her eyes, "I'm sure you could pumpkin. But just think about how fun it'll be, all the sneaking around so we don't scar our c***d."

"Guess we'll just have to see for ourselves. Come on, I'll go get you those snacks you like. Maybe even throw in a foot rub." I kissed her forehead.


• Thirty One •

Léa's POV:

"How much of a say do I have for the house you're buying?" Cassandra asked popping her gum.

"None." I smiled, helping Harley out of the car. Harley kissed my lips quickly while we admired the outside of the first house.

"Welcome!" The real estate agent, Tony, grinned, fixing his red tie, "Would you like to start in the inside or the outside?"

"Let's look at the inside first." Harley grabbed my hand and we followed the man inside. It was spacious for the most part, but nothing was standing out to me so far.

"So this house has four bedrooms and three and a half baths. The kitchen was re done and-"

"I don't like it." Harley commented coming to my side.

"We haven't even seen the rest of the house yet, Harles." I laughed.

"We don't have too. There's not enough surfaces for us to fuck on." Harley shrugged. I choked on my own spit and Cassandra cackled, falling to the floor she was laughing so hard.

Tony cleared his throat awkwardly, his face beat red, "I-I'll send you the directions to the other house."


"What do you think about Quinn for the k**s middle names?" I smiled softly at Harley while I stopped at a red light.

Harley grinned, "That sounds perfect! Tobias Quinn Wayne and Nova Quinn Wayne."

"You guys are having twins?!" Cassandra squealed from the back.

"No." Harley shook her head.

"Thank god." I mumbled, wincing when my girlfriend hit my arm, "It's too early to see the sex of the baby so we wanted to be prepared either way."

"I think twins would be cool." Cassie sighed, slumping back in the seat.

"I can't imagine having two at the same time." I said, trying to wrap my head around it but I just couldn't. I knew some people had seven at once, not sure how common that actually was, but having one baby was scary enough I couldn't imagine having two.

It would ruin the entire point of seeing where you fucked up on the first k** and made sure you didn't fuck up on the second k**. If we fucked up on both of them then we had to wait till the third k** to make it right.

We pulled up to the next house and Harley didn't even wait till the car fully stopped to get out. I laughed to myself, turning the engine off and shoving the keys in my pocket.

"Let's make a bet." Cassandra rubbed her hands together.

I snorted, "You just want my money."

"Maybe. I bet you fifty bucks that you won't be able to find me."

"We're playing hide and go seek now?" I teased, both of us getting out of the car.

"Are you in or not?" Cassandra huffed.

"Fine. Now go hide." I gently nudged her towards the house before following in after her.

"Pumpkin I love it! This is the one!" Harley squealed rushing towards me. I smiled and kissed her forehead before she grabbed my hand and led me over to Tony.

"This house has five bedrooms and four and half bathrooms. This house was just put on the market and the pool in the backyard is brand new." Tony explained with a smile.

"Five bedrooms." I whistled under my breath.

"Ours, the babies, and three guest bedrooms." Harley giggled. I smiled at how happy she seemed to be and it made my heart swell with joy.

"We'll take it." I grinned at Tony.

"Perfect! I'll get the paperwork in order and you can sign."

Harley pulled me down into a heated kiss, breaking it only to lead me to one of the bedrooms.

"Our first house." Harley sighed in content, running her hands down my chest.

I hummed, pulling her closer to me, "The first of many things for us. Which reminds me, I was wondering if you wanted to have joint ownership of the club with Sasha and me?"

"You mean that?" She gasped.

"Yeah. We're having a family together, I think it's only right that my money is your money. We can have a joint account or something and whatever ideas you have for the club, you can do."

"I love you." Harley mumbled before pulling my face down to hers.

"Nope! Not in front of my virgin eyes!" Cassandra said over dramatically, coming out of the closet, "You owe me fifty bucks Lèa!"

I playfully rolled my eyes, pulling out my wallet and throwing a fifty at her retreating form. Harley giggled, kissing me softly.

"Let's go sign those papers."


I hired some movers to move all the stuff out of my current apartment and move them into my house. While they were doing that, I was on my way to my fathers mansion, hoping that I could smooth things over with him and tell him the news about the baby.

I parked the car and made my way inside, stopping in my tracks when the entire justice league was in the living room.

"Oh, um.." I cleared my throat.

"It's okay. We were just finishing up." My father half smiled at me. I nodded and awkwardly stood off to the side until they left.

"It's been awhile." I commented.

"Yeah." My Father hummed, "Want a drink?"

I shook my head no, stuffing my hands in my pockets, "Harley and I bought a house together.. maybe we can have dinner sometime."

"I don't know how well that would go." My father laughed, sitting down on the couch.

I clenched my jaw, blowing out a breath, "We're also.. expecting a baby."

I watched him spit out his drink everywhere, wiping his chin off with the back of his hand, "What?!"

"It came as a surprise to me too." I scratched the back of my neck, "It's a long story but yeah. We're finding out the gender in a few weeks and we already have names picked out and-"

My father started laughing humorously and I gave him a confused look.

"You're going to have a baby with one of Gotham's most notorious criminals, being a mob boss yourself. I mean, wow."

I rolled my eyes, "It's not like I'm incapable of protecting my c***d."

"Yeah, because you're Ember. The entire city knows your secret and you can't burn people alive just because they've wronged you. You'll burn the entire city down." He scoffed.

My jaw clenched tight, "You know this is why I stopped calling and visiting. I thought maybe you could be happy for me, but you're just determined to ruin or relationship. I'm happy with my life and I'll be even happier when you're no longer in it."

"If you want to smooth things over with me then you'll come to your senses and drop Quinn."

"Then I guess things won't be smoothed over because I plan on marrying that girl."

• Thirty Two •

Léa's POV:

I dribbled the ball a few times, crossing it between my legs before leaning back and shooting. The ball swished through the net and I jogged towards it to shoot around some more.

"Hey." Cassandra said glumly, tossing her backpack off to the side.

"Hey. You good?" I asked, noticing how glum and out of it she looked.

She shrugged half heartedly and I used my shirt to wipe the sweat off my face.

"I'm back in the system again. My foster parents didn't want me anymore." The teen shook her head.

My lips curled down into a frown before I nudged her, "Want to eat our feelings?"

Cassandra tried to hide the smile on her face before nodding. She grabbed her backpack and we entered my fully furnished home. The movers finished putting all our stuff inside, even the new furniture Harley and I picked out, this morning. It looked really nice all put together.

I tossed the ball on the couch and headed into the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks. I set them all on the coffee table and told her I was going to take a quick shower.

While the warm water soothed my muscles and rinsed the sweat off my body, I started to think about Cassandra and how many homes she's been in and out of and she's only fifteen. Sure I grew up with a semi distant father but at least I had one. I felt bad for her because she's never known what real family love is like and no k** should ever feel unwanted by the people who are supposed to love and raise them.

After I washed and rinsed myself, I got dressed in some basketball shorts and a random graphic tee.

"What are we watching?" I asked hopping over the couch next to her.

"Since we are bad bitches, we are watching Shrek."

I giggled, grabbing my water bottle off the coffee table and taking a sip, throwing a blanket over my body.

"What would you say if I asked you to live with Harley and me?" I inquired after a moment of silence.

"I'd say yes in a heartbeat."

"Okay. What would you say if I told you that I, along with Harley I'm sure, would like to adopt you?"

Cassandra froze, the snacks in her hand being brought down by gravity. Slowly she turned to look at me, a beaming smile on her face that made the corners of her eyes crinkle.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?!"

I smiled, nodding my head, "Yeah."

The teen squealed, jumping on top of me and I groaned when her knee hit my stomach.

"Oh my god! This is amazing news!"

"Yeah? I mean my name would have to be on the papers because I don't think they'll let Harley adopt you since she's a wanted woman, but my name will be on there." I rambled on.

"I would be so happy." The k** began tearing up.

"We'll do that tomorrow then." I smiled.

Cassandra leaned down and hugged me, "Thank you y/n. I promise I'll be good sometimes, and I'll help you with the baby as much as you need. But please make sure you soundproof my room so I don't have to hear you and Harley at the ungodly hours of the night."

I rolled my eyes, "We're not that bad."

"Yes you are." She shook her head, "I think at this point it's more of an addiction and you should get help."

I smirked, "It's not my fault she tastes-"

"OKAY!" She slapped her hand over my mouth and I licked her palm. Cassie grimaced and retracted her hand.

"But okay, I'll soundproof your room." I complied.

"Thank you." She patted my cheek before curling up back in her own spot with a blanket, a content smile on her face.

"Honey, I'm home!" Harley giggled, coming into the living room with two duffle bags full of god knows what, looking like they were about to burst.

"What's in the bags?" I asked sitting up on the couch.

Harley grinned, tossing them on the floor before unzipping them to show the vast amount of money inside.

"You're robbing banks while you're pregnant?!"

"All the pregnancy books I've read say you need to exercise!" Harley defended quickly, moving to straddle my lap.

I shook my head, a teasing smile on my lips, "Only you, Quinzel, only you."

Harley pecked my lips quickly, "I'm going to shower, want to join?"

I pouted, "I already showered."

"Ugh, you suck." Harley kissed my lips a few times before leaving to shower. My gaze drifted back to the bags of money and I laughed under my breath.

"Your k** is going to have a wild life." Cassandra commented.

"I know. It's gonna be great." I said before standing up, making my way towards my room where Harley was showering.

I entered the bathroom after she said I could come in, sitting on top of the bathroom counter.

"Showering alone is weird." Harley giggled.

I chuckled, leaning back against the mirror, "Babe?"


"I know we have a baby on the way, but what do you think about adopting Cassandra?"

Her head popped out from behind the Louis Vuitton shower curtain she insisted we have, "I think it's a great idea! You know she's my little apprentice and now she can be my daughter! You honestly didn't have to ask pumpkin."

"I know," I nodded, "But I figured I should talk to you about it anyway."

The water turned off a second later and she pushed back the shower curtain. I grabbed her towel and opened it up for her, wrapping it around her body when she stepped out of the shower. Harley slowly kissed me, leaving me wanting more each time.

"I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too."

I placed my hand on her stomach, the excitement swarming around like butterflies at the anticipation of meeting our little bundle of joy.

"I love our baby too."

Harley placed her hand on top of mine, the smile she wore never faltering, "Our little family keeps getting bigger."

• Thirty Three •

• "⚠️⚠️" you're about to fuck, "✅✅" kinky shit is over •

Léa's POV:

The clock read five in the morning when Harley rushed off to throw up. I followed after her, rubbing her back and holding her hair so she wouldn't get puke in it.

When she was done emptying the contents of her stomach, I helped her stand and prepared her toothbrush for her. She thanked me tiredly before brushing her teeth. While she brushed her teeth, I grabbed her hairbrush and began gently brushing her platinum blonde hair.

"When do you think we should tell the others?" Harley mumbled, spitting out the toothpaste.

"Whenever you want. Sasha and my dad know."

"Your dad knows?" She turned around after rinsing out her mouth.

I nodded, "I thought maybe he would be happy for me, maybe give me some advice. Guess I'll have to look shit up on Google."

"I'm sorry your relationship with him is ruined because of me."

I shook my head, squeezing her hand in reassurance, "It's not because of you. He's just mad that I am the way I am and that I didn't fall in love with a lawyer or something."

"Will you still love me when I'm fat?" She asked with tears already welling in her eyes.

I kissed her forehead, "Of course I'll still love you. Harley, you're growing another human inside of you, I'm not going to not love you just because you'll gain a few pounds."

When a few tears fell, I wiped them away, leading her back towards the bed and wrapping my arms around her when she nestled into my side.

"You promise?" My girlfriend mumbled.

"I promise. You're always going to be gorgeous to me, even when you're mad and hate me, or when I'm pissed at you, you'll still be insanely attractive."

Harley smiled in the crook of my neck, kissing the skin a few times, "God I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too, Harles."


"Harles, you gotta keep your eyes closed." I laughed, leading her inside the club.

"I'm just excited! You said you had a surprise for me." Harley huffed impatiently.

I led her over towards one of the larger booths in the VIP area, smiling when I saw all the members of the suicide squad talking to the birds of prey and Sasha.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." I grinned, taking my hands away from her closed eyes. Harley gasped and then turned around, kissing me quickly before rushing over towards her friends.

I watched with a smile as she talked to them, hugging DeadShot and then grabbing my hand to introduce me to them.

"This is my girlfriend, Léa. Léa these are.."

After all of the introductions were made, I ordered us a round of drinks and a normal lemonade for Harley to sip on.

"Not going to drink?" Floyd nudged her playfully.

"No," she smiled, "I can't."

Floyd trailed his gaze down to her stomach before his eyes bugged out of his head. He looked at Harley and then at me and I nodded with a smile.

"Congrats." He grinned before chugging down his beer.

"Who are we congratulating?" Canary asked.

"Harley and I are expecting." I said casually.

"Really?! Oh my god! That's amazing!" June smiled, giving her congratulations.

Harley beamed at all the love and support she was getting and it made me happy I could reunite her with her friends. They all even exchanged numbers and I knew I would be seeing more of them, which didn't bother me, Harley was allowed to have friends and be her own person.

"Halloween is this weekend, any plans?" Floyd asked.

I shrugged, "Not at the moment. Probably getting the nursery ready early."

Floyd nodded, "If you need some help just hit me up."

"Thanks man."

"We should throw a party! Then everyone can see our new house!" Harley clapped her hands together.

"Never thought I'd see Harley settle down with anyone but Joker." Flag chuckled into his glass, dampening the mood some.

"Anyways," I cleared my throat, "A party sounds fun."

"Yay!" Harley giggled.


"what are you supposed to be?" Sasha asked.

"that one guy from the Fantastic Four."

"how original of you." She laughed, "where's your girl?"

"she got ready with the other girls, but she seemed very excited for me to see her costume." I grinned excitedly.

Sasha playfully rolled her eyes, "knowing you two it's probably some lingerie or something."

I smirked, rubbing my hands together, "that's for later."

Sasha gagged, "gross, keep your bedroom stuff to yourself."

"don't lie, you love hearing about how me and Harley get it on. You're just jealous." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"jealous of your freaky sex. Sureeee."

I laughed, looking around at all the guests partying and having fun, "no but in all honesty, I have no idea what she's gonna wear."

"she could wear a trash bag and you'd still fuck her."

"you're absolutely right and I have no shame."

"she should get here soon before that hoe in the corner comes over here." Sasha pointed towards a woman in the corner and I gasped when I saw who it was.

"holy shit! That's Katie McGrath! You did not just call her a hoe!"

"hm, I still don't trust her."

"Awh look at you getting all protective over mine and harleys relationship." I cooed, grabbing her cheek.

Sasha pushed my hand away, "I've seen you two together, I don't want anything to ruin that."

"I love her sash, you don't have to worry about me."

"you're such a sap. I remember when you were all tough."

"I still am tough!" I pouted.

Sasha snickered, "sure, because your girl just walked in and I know you're gonna drool."

My eyes snapped towards the door where Harley and the other birds of prey girls walked in. My mouth dropped open in shock when I saw the vampire costume she was wearing, the red contacts and fake blood decorating her face.

"oh my-"

"I can see your boner through your pants."

"yeah that's just my dick." I blurted, seeing Harley look for me in the crowd.


"I'll speak later, Sash." I called over my shoulder while I began walking over towards my girlfriend.

"hi pumpkin." Harley grinned.

"hi princess" I licked my lips, trying to hide the fact I was still drooling.

"Do you like my costume?" She spun around slowly, letting me get a good look at her.

"Mhm." I hummed.

Quinn giggled, pushing my face up, "eyes up here baby."

"you look so fucking good in this, why didn't you just get ready at the house?" I pouted.

"because you and I know there wouldn't have been much getting ready." She smirked.

"well you're not wrong there."

"well we've gotta party pumpkin."

"can't we just go upstairs now?" My eyes trailed down her to her cleavage.

"We have guests." She husked, lifted my head up again, "I want something to drink, what do we have?"

"I'll get you some fruit punch." I kissed her cheek.

"I love our little bundle of joy but I miss drinking." Harley rubbed her stomach, following me to the punch bowl.

I filled up a solo cup and handed it to her, "here you go baby, now can we go upstairs?"

"you're so eager, makes me want to prolong this even more."

"I mean if you want to prolong being fucked into the mattress, you do you."

Harley groaned under her breath, "as much as I want to, I think it will be more fun if we prolong it."

I smiled and rubbed her baby bump, " okay princess. I'll try to keep my hands off you."

My hands traveled to her waist, pulling her closer to me. Harley giggled and gently stepped away from me, "hands off handsy or ill handcuff you."

"that doesn't seem like a bad idea." I teased.

"come on little Wayne, Lauren Jauregui is here." Sasha grabbed my arm.

"oh shit really?!"

Sasha smirked, "hmm, she's been asking for you."

"really!?" I gasped.

"Wait, why-" Harley started but I cut her off with a kiss before Sasha quickly dragged me off.

"thought you were about to fuck by the punch bowl for a sec." she laughed.

"we're prolonging fucking and I don't think we've ever done that before." I poured myself a drink and took a sip.

"think about it, it'll be fun. The wait will just make you hornier."

I glanced back over at Harley, biting my bottom lip, "I don't think I could be more turned on by her."

"okay you need a cold shower." Sasha cackled.

"sh, I'm just admiring the love of my life." I waved her off. Harley waved at me when she caught me staring, turning around and sticking her ass out more.

"I'm gonna fuck her." I husked.

Sasha took my drink from my hand, "and this is when we start drinking water. she just got here, let her mingle around with everyone."

I huffed lowly, "fine but you're not talking me out of it next time."

After a good hour of partying and talking to the guests, even doing a few tricks off the roof into the pool, I made my way back inside to change back into my costume. When I came back down I walked over to Harley who was chatting with June and Flag, wrapping my arms around her from behind and kissing her neck lightly.

"mhm pumpkin what're you doing?" Harley groaned under her breath.

"you wanna go upstairs?" I whispered in her ear.

"I'm talking to my friends." Harles giggled.

"I could fuck you right here right now if you want to." I rasped, nipping her neck.

Harley rubbed her legs together while June and Flag left somewhere else, a small moan leaving her lips, "p-pumpkin."

I trailed my hand down her body, teasing the waistband of her costume before slipping my hand inside, my fingers brushing over her clit. I pulled away abruptly with a sly smirk on my face.

"I'm gonna get a refill, you and the baby want anything?" I asked.

"why are you so hot when you act like that." Harley licked her lipstick stained lips, her eyes dark with lust.

I raised my hands in defense, "I have no idea what you're talking about. More punch?"

I grabbed her cup, seeing that it was empty before leaving to get her a refill.

"Léa!" Harley called after me. I ignored her, a smirk on my face knowing I teased her.

"I saw that. Y'all are nasty." Sasha laughed.

"hush, we just have an active sex life."

"she used your first name! doesn't that scare you?" She asked.

I shrugged and filled up the cup with more non alcoholic punch, "not when she's moaning it."

Sasha lightly shoved me, "you are addicted."

I grinned, "I know."

When the cup was a little more than halfway full, I turned around and almost bumped into my girlfriend, "here you go baby."

"I am so mad at you." Harley clenched her jaw.

"I didn't do anything!" I batted my eyelashes at her.

"you got me all ready for you and then left me!" She jutted out her bottom lip.

"you seriously wanted me to take you here in front of all these people?!"

"yeah I'm out." Sasha tossed up a peace sign before leaving.

"yes I did! This is our house and they can leave."

"our house." I grinned.

Harley smiled and pushed my chest softly, "stop being cute when I'm trying to be mad at you."

I turned around and heard Harley whine, "what are you doing?"

"I turned around so you wouldn't have to see me be cute."

"you're such a headass Wayne." She huffed.

"I may be, but you love it."

"hm," she turned me around before kissing me, "I do love it."

"I love you." I sighed in content.

Harley smiled, "I love you too."

Harley kissed me once more, more deeply this time before turning and leaving with a smirk on her face.

"did she just-" I gasped, still tasting her lipstick.

"are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna go after her?" Canary asked, scaring me.


"you're in the way of the punch so imma need you to go after her."

I took off towards Harley, picking her up bridal style as I ran towards our room.

"you know I didn't think you'd chase after me." She bit her bottom lip, her nails scratching the back of my neck.

"are you k**ding? I'd be stupid not to chase after you." I snorted.

Harley giggled before biting down into my neck hard, most likely drawing blood.

"harles save it for the bedroom." I hissed.

Harley lightly kissed my neck, "we'll be there in a moment pumpkin."


I unlocked our bedroom door (it being locked so no one else would get frisky inside) and locking back up behind us.

"now that we're alone, we can do whatever we want, and be as loud as we want." Harley bit the shell of my ear.

"maybe now I don't want to fuck, maybe I just want to admire my sexy vampire girlfriend." I mumbled, pinning her against the door while my hands rested on her hips.

Harley smirked, her nails scratching down my chest, "then I guess I'm gonna go downstairs and enjoy the party, I only just got here and all."

"we can have our own party up here."

"but you said you just wanted to admire me. You could admire me downstairs." She batted her eyelashes innocently.

"as much as I do like admiring you in that outfit, I think it would look much better on the floor." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"why don't you show me?"

My lips tugged up into a kiss, lifting the blonde up so her legs could wrap around my legs. I walked us over towards the bed, both of us falling down and I held myself above bed so I wouldn't crush the baby.

"you look ten times more beautiful with your belly swollen with my k**." I breathed out, pulling up to admire her.

Harley smiles adoringly at me, "are we going to make love or are you going to fuck me into the mattress like you said. I don't want you to play nice, because then I just might have to bite you."

Her teeth grazed the flesh of my neck before she bit down hard enough to draw blood again.

I hissed, "as much as making love to you sounds fun, I think fucking you into the mattress sounds a lot better."

"go ahead." She moaned.

I leaned down and captured her lips in a rough kiss, moving my hands down to her core to press on her clot through her clothes. Harley's hips bucked up into my hand

"you're not allowed to cum unless I tell you." I rasped.

Harley whimpered, "but pumpkin you fuck me so good, how am I gonna hold off from cumming?"

"you will if you're a good girl. if you're bad, then I have no problem going back down to enjoy the party."

"I'm a good girl." Harley whimpered.

I nipped and left marks on the underside of her jaw, "you're gonna have to try harder to be more convincing, I think you like it when I punish you."

I pushed her legs apart when I noticed she was trying to rub them together to gain friction.

"pumpkin please do something." She begged.

"promise you won't cum?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

Harley gasped when I began sucking on her neck, "I promise, I promise I'll be a good girl."

I smirked, satisfied with her answer, "I'll accept that."

When Harley was left in nothing but the corset to the costume and some blood red high heels, I stood up and began taking off my clothes.

"I love doing that part." Harley pouted.

"more things to tease you with." I chuckled lowly, beginning to kiss up her pale legs and kissing each tattoo that was on her thighs, avoiding the place she wanted me the most.

"please pumpkin, I need you." Harley whimpered.

"I know." I grinned.

I kissed her stomach, my heart fluttering at the fact that my c***d was inside there. My kisses got lower until I was facing her core. Harley tried to rub her legs together again but I stopped her.

"I'm pleasuring you now. Not you."

Without warning I flattened my tongue and licked a broad stroke up her wet center, moaning at how sweet she tasted.

"o-oh my god"

"not god, Princess, Léa." I teased her clit with my thumb.

"shut up and fuck me like this is the last time you'll fuck me. claim me, mark, fuck I want the entire party to hear us over the music." Harley growled.

"okay princess." An oily smirk tugged up my lips as I slammed three fingers in her dripping core, thrusting them up to hit her g-spot with ease.

"Léa! Oh my-" Harley screamed.

I picked up my thrusts so hard that the bed started creaking back and forth.

"you think it's okay to come to this party dressed like you were and tease me?" I growled lowly.

"n-no! it wasn't okay. I just like teasing you pumpkin." Harely moaned, her back arching off the mattress.

"yeah? You like knowing I'm gonna fuck you?" My fingers curled against her g-spot.


I pulled my fingers out so now they were teasing her wet entrance, "answer me Harleen."

Harley grabbed my wrist and tried to slide my fingers back in, but I pulled away completely before she could, "y-yes, I like knowing you're gonna fuck me hard."

"do you get off on teasing me, baby?"

"god yes." Harley whimpered.

"get on your hands and knees." I ordered.

Harley did what I asked, moaning when I slapped her right asscheek hard. Her wetness dripped down her thighs as I began eating her out from the back. I pushed her forward, her head hitting the headboard as I licked and sucked her swollen pussy.

"oh shit baby, I'm gonna cum." Harley cried in pleasure.

"princess if you cum I won't let you cum for the whole night." I mumbled.

Harley groaned and bit her arm to stop herself from cunning. I continued eating her out with no remorse, every once in awhile I would spank her ass, relishing in hearing her scream my name.

"baby please, please let me cum I can't- FUCK" she screamed loudly, gripping the headboard until I heard a crack as I slammed three fingers inside her heat.

"I mean it, Harleen."

"fuck pumpkin, say my name again." Harley panted.

I smirked, slowly moving my fingers in and and out at an agonizingly slow pace, "Harleen."

"oh my god. I love you so much Léa I do. Please let me cum."

"not yet."

I picked up the pace at random points, slowing it down in others to edge her and make her orgasm that much better.

"I like seeing you all spread out for me, wet and flushed from being fucked." I growled, kissing the back of her neck.

"Léa I swear to god! If you don't let me cum, I won't let you cum." Harley hissed.

"is dominant Harley trying to come out and play?" I chuckled.

"you don't even know the things I'm gonna do to you." Harley moaned as I picked up the pace of my fingers, deciding I had enough of teasing her.

"oh my-fuck p-pumpkin I can hold off any longer." Harley cried in pleasure.

"cum princess."

Harley gushed all over, sweat beading at her forehead. I slid my fingers out and sucked the juices off, laying next to her.

"Was that worth the wait princess?"

"of course it was. I was sure I was gonna burst." Harley smiled widely.

"I knew you'd be a good girl." I murmured.

Harley leaned over and bit my neck, "my turn."

Harley's POV:

I kissed down Léa's body, her neck, her jaw and her chest, biting so hard that the deep red marks turned purple.

"you don't get to cum until I say so either." I smirked against her skin.

Léa whimpered under my touch while I ghosted my lips over her nipples. I kissed every inch of her body, making sure to leave plenty of marks.

"I don't know what I want to do to you first. Do I want to tie you up and make you beg, or do I want to make this as slow as possible." I grinned.

"thought we were fucking, making love comes after." Léa smirked teasingly.

"you're right." I stood up to grab some ties and tied her hands to the broken headboard.

"you really think that's gonna keep my hands off you?" Léa scoffed.

"if you touch me, I won't let you cum."

Léa groaned, "so many rules. When did sex get so complicated?"

"when you revealed you were a kinky bitch just like me." I giggled.

"fair enough, but I could flip the roles and make you overstimulated again." Léa wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'd hate to half to put my costume back on and dance without you." I pouted.

Léa gasped, "you wouldn't.."

I giggled innocently and reached for the lack of sour gummy bears in the nightstand.

"what do you plan on doing with those?" Léa asked.

"gonna eat them off your stomach, lick the sourness off."

"you with food and sex. I'm starting to think you're using me cause you're hungry."

"I am hungry, the babies take all my food." I placed some of the gummies in her stomach, hearing her sharp intake of breath when I ate them off her stomach, sensually licking her skin.

"hm food and sex is a good thing."

"I'm glad you agree, pumpkin." I placed more gummy bears going up to her neck, hearing her groan. When I reached the last gummy bear that was between her breasts, I reached my hand down to brush her clit, kissing her sensually and slowly shoving my tongue in her mouth.

Léa moaned softly, going to reach for me but the ties stopped her.

"you're so cute when you're frustrated." I cooed.

"you use my weakness against me woman! I love touching you and your smooth skin. Your breasts are definitely bigger."

I smirked teasingly after her, trailing my hand up my body and cupped my own breast, moaning and making Léa growl. My hand trailed down to my clit where I then massaged it slowly.

"if you wanted to get off, I could've gotten you off." Léa groaned.

I grinded down on Léa while I continued pleasuring myself, "I like making you watch while I pleasure myself."

"Harleen." Léa moaned.

"that's not my name, it's baby."

"fine, baby, you're dripping on my thigh and I want to take care of you." Léa whimpered.

"Nope! I'm gonna use you and then I'll see if I want to make you cum." I smirked devilishly.

"Mhmm, you're not my good girl anymore. Canary can be my good girl." Léa challenged.

My eyes darkened at her words, "take that back."

"stop torturing me."

"you really wanna challenge a pregnant woman?" My eyebrows shot up in shock and she just smirked, "I wonder what Canary's doing right now."

I gritted my teeth before taking my fingers out of my core and slamming them in hers, her eyes bugging out of her head.

"take it back." I hissed.

"I wonder how she tastes." Léa continued on, riling me up further. I curled my fingers inside her and she bit her bottom lip to stifle a moan.

"take. it. back."

"Mhmm why?"

"I'm your only girl. I'm your good girl." I huffed.

"why should I call you a good girl when you've been anything but good."

I kneel down and ghosted my lips over Léa's, "I've only ever been good. You wanna see bad? I'll be bad."

I walked over to the drawer and grabbed the vibrating strap on I bought recently. I put it on and walked back over to pumpkin.

"you gonna be a bad girl harleen?" Léa smirked.

"I've always been good at being bad." I grinned, slowly teasing her entrance with the strap, smirking when she bit down on her bottom lip to stifle her moans.

I pulled her bottom lip out from her teeth, "can't have that, pumpkin. I want to hear you."

"b-baby." She whimpered. I slowly slid the toy in so just the tip was inside, relishing in the whimpers coming from her.

"go all the way in princess."

"hm, I don't think I will."

I started playing with her clit, moans of my name leaving her mouth and without warning, bottomed out in her tight cunt.

"You like that pumpkin? You like me being bad?" I slammed into her.

"shit, i-I think you're holding back."

"really? you want me to break you like you break me?"

"I don't think you have it in you." She challenged me.

"aw, you don't think I've been bad all my life?" I cooed, slamming into her at a record speed, then stopping moments later.

"why'd you stop harles?!?!" Her head shot up.

I only smirked while turning on the vibrating setting, thrusting back into her.

"oh my god I'm gonna cum."

"if you cum I'll stop. I'll get changed and leave. No aftercare."

"I at least give you aftercare." Léa pouted, tugging on the ties around her wrists.

"but you're not the one in charge are you? you can't make demands when you're a little tied up."

My eyes rolled back in my skull when the strap brushed against my own clit as I slammed the toy into my girlfriend.

"I'm gonna-" Léa moaned.

I stopped again, shaking my head, "nope, I can do this all night baby."

Léa narrowed her eyes at me, "you're pure evil harleen."

"you pushed me too. Bringing up canary." I rolled my eyes.

"is that what you want? You want me to say i didn't mean it? I was just trying to rile you up, I love you and no one else. No please let me cum."

I was satisfied with her begging, slamming into her once again, Léa shouting my name as her release came. I came not long after her, letting us both ride out our orgasms before taking the strap off and collapsing next to Léa.


"I'm sorry I made you feel insecure. I love you, Harles. You're having our baby and we're having a family together, I wouldn't jeopardize that." Léa kissed me softly.

"I know that pumpkin but sometimes I have a hard time believing that you're mine and you love me." I admitted.

"then I'll start showing you more, that I love you and that I want to be with you and only you."

I watched with tears in my eyes as y/n placed her hands on the baby bump, a proud grin on her face as she talked to the bump. My heart swelled at the sight.

"I love you so much pumpkin. I don't even know why I'm crying."

Léa smiled and kissed me lovingly, "I love you too princess, and I love our babies. I'd do anything for you guys."

• Thirty Four •

Léa's POV:

"Alright this gel is going to be cold but let's take a look at the little one." The doctor smiled, squirting some gel on Harleys baby bump, using the wand to rub it around.

I leaned down and kissed Harleys forehead, squeezing her hand as we waited with anticipation to hear what the doctor had to say.

"Well this is a surprise." The doctor laughed lightly.

"Is the baby okay? What's wrong?" I rushed out, feeling Harley grip my hand in panic.

"The babies are fine, perfectly healthy." The OB grinned.

"Wait, babies?" Harley asked to make sure she heard correctly.

"Yep. You're having twins!"

The floor swayed under me and the last thing I remember is hearing Harley call out my name before everything went black.


I groaned, fluttering my eyes open softly and looking around the hospital room I was in. I sat up a little further and relaxed instantly when I seen Harley lying in the bed next to me.

"Hey." I husked.

Harley softly caressed my cheek, her eyes swimming with worry, "You fainted, pumpkin."

"The good news is that your blood work came back normal so there's nothing to worry about. Your body probably felt overwhelmed and shocked that it had to shut down for a moment."

I nodded at the doctors words, seeing an IV in my arm which she removed.

"I wanted to find out the sex of the baby, well, babies now," she giggled, "Do you want to be surprised or do you want to know?"

"You don't know?" I asked her.

Harley shook her head, "I wanted to find out with you, silly."

"Then sure, even though I'll still love them both the same no matter their gender."

The OB nodded with a smile, "You're having a boy and and a girl! Congratulations!"

Harley sniffled, stuffing her face in my neck and cried tears of joy. I smiled, tears streaming down my face before I kissed her passionately.

"Here's your updated ultrasound picture and I'll have the nurse come give you the release forms and you'll be free to go."

"Thank you, Doctor." I smiled warmly.


"We should have a date night." Harley grinned, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck as she straddled my lap.

My hands fell to her thighs as I muted the flatscreen mounted on our bedroom wall.

"We haven't gone on a date in awhile." I hummed.

"I know. And now that we're having twins, we're not going to have very many." Harley sighed.

I nodded, rubbing her thighs softly, my heart swelling with love for this woman.

"I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you too, pumpkin." Harley kissed my lips and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'll run a bath and light some candles, then I can cook us some dinner if you want." I suggested.

"that sounds perfect."

I kissed her cheek before standing up, Harley koala hugging my body as I walked into the bathroom connected to our room. I set her on the counter and turned the water on, grabbing some clothes for both of us and making sure I grabbed one of my hoodies that Harley loved so much.

When the water was warm enough, I lit some candles and turned the lights off, playing some soothing music from my phone. We both stripped and I helped Harley in the tub before sliding in behind her.

"I was thinking that we could start a bank account for Tobias and Nova, even one for Cassandra now that she is officially our daughter." I kissed her naked shoulder.

"That's a good idea, and then if they decide to go to college in the future it could be a college fund."

"I'll go do that tomorrow then." I said, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"We should go shopping for baby clothes and some stuff for the nursery." Harley looked up at me, kissing the underside of my jaw.

I nodded, digging my fingers in her shoulders to release the tension she had. Harley sighed in content, leaning further back against my chest. Both of us stayed in the water until it turned cold before getting out and getting dressed.

I gave Harley a piggy back ride to the kitchen and set her on the counter, handing her my phone so she could connect it to the speaker.

I turned the water on so it would heat up and grabbed the other things I would need to make some spaghetti and meatballs. I even grabbed the brownie mix out of the pantry because I knew Harley had been craving chocolate all day.

After I put the pan on the stove so the water could boil, I turned towards Harley and rested my hands on her thighs, smoothing the skin with my thumbs.

"I love you." I mumbled, ghosting my lips over hers.

Harley smiled against my lips, closing the small gap between us in a small passionate kiss.

"I love you too, pumpkin."

I smiled at her before crouching down so I was level with her growing belly, kissing the bump ever so delicately, "I love you guys too. I can't wait to meet you and hold you, teach you how to play catch. You're gonna have a good life, I promise."

When I heard Harley sniffle, I stood up and wiped her tears from her cheeks, pecking her forehead.

"I don't deserve you." Harley whimpered.

"Baby, you deserve happiness." I told her softly.

"If I could live my life all over again, making the same choices, I would do it all again if I knew that I was going to end up with you and our little babies." Harley cupped my cheeks, "Maybe without all the fighting though. I didn't like being broken up."

I kissed her lips quickly, "No relationship is perfect."

Harley and I danced around the kitchen, even having a food fight with the brownie mix before having to go and take another shower. We ate, curled up on the balcony together and watched the sunset blend colors together like an oil painting before we called it a night.

Harley's POV:

"Would you jump in that vat of chemicals for me?" Joker asked

"I would." I said instantly.

"I don't think you know what you'd be doing to yourself. Do you want to be like me, baby, do you want to live your life alongside me?"

"I do." I said instantly, without any hesitation.

I jumped off the platform and fell into the chemicals, sinking to the bottom before I was pulled up by Mr. J. He smiled at me before his smile transformed into a thin line, his hands gripping my throat as he choked me.


I shot up with a whimper, seeing Léa looking at me worriedly. When I saw her I launched myself in her arms and let her hold me until I stopped shaking.

"Do you want to talk about-"

"Would you jump in a vat of chemicals for me?" I cut her off, thinking about my nightmare.

It was silent for a moment until she spoke, "I would if you needed me to."

"But I don't want you to. I don't want you to change who you are, and I'm not saying I wouldn't love you if you did, I just want you to stay you. I jumped in those chemicals for Mr. J, to be like him and please him because I thought he wouldn't love me any other way."

"You jumped in because you wanted to prove a point to him, I said I'd jump in if you needed me to. If you were drowning in it I would want to save you. You've changed me for the better, just like I've changed you in some ways. Change can be a good thing."

I nodded silently at her words, blowing out a breath as I turned to straddle her, "I'm sorry I woke you up, my nightmares are starting again."

Léa kissed me softly and I smiled weakly, "Don't be sorry."

"Can you just hold me until I fall asleep again?"

"Of course."

• Thirty Five •

Léa's POV:

Harley was twenty two weeks pregnant now and Sasha and I were setting up the few balloons and getting the snack table ready for the baby shower in a few hours.

June, Cassandra and the Birds of Prey ladies wanted to take Harley out for lunch so Sasha and I could set up. We were also going to be revealing the gender of our babies and break the news that we were having twins. Of course Sasha and Cassandra knew, but they promised to keep it a secret.

"You nervous?" Sasha asked tossing me a water.

I took a sip to quench my dry throat, shrugging my shoulders, "Yes and no. I think I'm just getting anxiety about the whole birthing thing because I want everything to go smoothly, I don't want anything to happen to the k**s or Harley. But.. the twins are in the safest place they'll ever be right now. We know where they are at all times and when they get into the real world, there's danger everywhere and I just don't want anything to happen to them."

"The twins are going to be well protected, I mean you have a bunch of people looking out for them but I can see where you're coming from. Being a parent isn't going to be easy, but you'll have to let your k**s fall and get hurt sometime."

"I wish my mom were here. I think she would have really loved Harley and the k**s." I mumbled, taking another sip of my water.

Sasha nudged me gently, "I know she would have loved her grandc***dren. She would have loved Cassandra too. She'd be proud of you."

I sniffled, wiping my eyes free of tears, "I miss her so much."

Sasha huffed me, rubbing my back while I cried. There wasn't a day that went by the I didn't miss my mom and even though I didn't get to know her, I liked to picture what she would be like when I see pictures of her and my dad.

When my emotions were in check (for the most part) we finished setting up just as the others came walking inside. Cassandra bounded over towards me and dangled the Rollie she pickpocketed.

"As your new parent, I'm upset with you. As your friend, nice!" I gave her a high five and she grinned, clasping the watch on her non broken wrist.

"This looks amazing!" Harley grinned walked over to me, kissing my cheek. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"How was lunch?" I asked.

"I ate so much food!" Harley groaned, rubbing her belly, "And yet these babies are still hungry. Can we have cake now?"

I giggled, "Sure."

Once the others came over towards the table where the cake was, Harley and I both cut into it to reveal half pink half blue sponge.

"No way!" Floyd gasped, "Y'all are having twins?!"

I nodded, a proud smile on both mine and Harleys face.

"I'm so happy for y'all!" He grinned, "And if you ever need a babysitter, I gotchu."

"Thanks, Floyd." I smiled appreciatively, putting a piece of cake on a plate for Harley.



I dropped the spatula I was using to cook us breakfast with and took off down the hall towards the bedroom when I heard Harley scream.

"What? Are you okay?" I burst into our room, ready to kill someone.

"The twins kicked!" Harley looked up at me with tears in her eyes and my knees felt weak as I walked over to her. I sat down slowly on the bed next to her, tears welling in my own eyes.

Harley giggled when they did it again and gently placed my hand on her stomach. A watery laugh escaped my lips when I felt them kick under my palms.

"Oh my.." I trailed off, not having the words to explain the amount of joy I was feeling. She was about thirty five weeks pregnant now, and her belly looked like it was going to burst soon. She had that pregnancy glow about her and her hormones were raging all the time, but I would take all her mood swings and weird middle of the night cravings any day of the week to feel this amount of joy.

I placed my other hand on her stomach and Harley placed her hands over top of mine, feeling the babies kick.

"It's your momma." I cooed, "I can't wait to meet you."

They kicked again and Harley rubbed her thumbs over the backs of my hands, "They like hearing your voice."

I choked on a sob, kissing her protruding belly through my baggy sweatshirt, hoping the twins felt all the love I was trying to give. I leaned up and kissed my girlfriend sweetly, "I love you so much."

Harley cupped my cheeks and kissed me again, a new set of tears falling freely down her cheeks, "I love you. Thank you for everything you do for me pumpkin."


Quinzel: can you please get me and the babies some pickles!!!! We're all out :(

I giggled, texting back that I would before stuffing my phone in my pocket. I left the club through the back way since I parked out here, hissing when I felt a hard right hook to my face.

Another masked goon grabbed my arm and I ignited my fire, hearing the goon hiss in pain before punching the other guy in the head. I dropped down to one knee when they kicked my leg out from under me, slamming the second goon over my shoulder and on the ground. I punched them in the throat, yelping when I felt something sharp poke my neck before everything became fuzzy and obscure.

• Thirty Six •

Third Person POV:

"I want the payment in full." A Russian scientist told Bruce.

"I'll have it transferred to your account. Just... please help my daughter." Bruce sighed heavily.

The Russian smirked, "We'll do more than help her, Wayne. Don't worry, she'll be well taken care of."

Harley's POV:

I groaned, tossing my phone next to me when y/n hadn't texted me since this morning. It was 6pm and she still wasn't home, usually she would text me and let me know what was happening, but my phones been dry.

"I hope your mommas okay." I mumbled to my stomach.

With a huff, I decided to get out of bed and do something so I wouldn't sit and overthink. Hopefully she was just really caught up in work and not lying in a ditch... bleeding out..

I jumped when I seen Sasha burst into the house out of the corner of my eye, Cassandra walking out of her room a few seconds later.

"Have you heard from Léa?" She panted out of breath.

"Not since this morning." I shook my head.

Sasha frowned, "She isn't answering any of my calls. I checked the warehouse and she isn't there and she's not at the club."

"Maybe she's talking to her dad?" I said, trying to convince myself that that's where she was.

"Léa's missing?!" Cassandra gasped.

I shook my head quickly, "No, no! She's just not here."

"Yeah, and you guys don't know where she is. Sounds like she's missing because I know she wouldn't cheat on you."

"I'll try calling her again. You mind if I stay until she comes back?" Sasha asked.

"Not at all. It would make me feel better actually." I told her, rummaging through the fridge to grab the leftovers from dinner last night.

Léa's POV:

A man and a woman in lab coats sedated me in the small cage I was in, wrapping large chain cuffs around my wrists and throat, tugging me forward and leading me into another room with a dentist chair in the center.

I growled when the woman pulled harder on my chains, chaining me down in the chair. The harsh fluorescent beat down on me, making me squint my eyes to see another man, one who carried himself with arrogance, stepped forward.

"Your father paid us good money to help cure you. I say that you don't need to be cured, simply reborn. You have a magnificent gift that I wish to harness." His Russian accent was thick.

"I'm not going to be made a weapon willingly." I snarled, tugging on the chains.

The Russian smirked, "I'd hope not, would ruin all the fun. I wish to study you, and I can only study you when you're using your powers. I wish to see the extent you can reach, how powerful you can be."

"And if I melted these chains and killed every single person in this building?"

"There would be so much data to collect. What's a few casualties in the name of science." The hobbit of a man smirked, whistling to himself as he walked over towards the tray of tools laid out for him.

Harley's POV:

"Sasha!" I yelled for the woman, huffing when I couldn't reach my legs to shave.

"Yeah?" She answered from the other side of the bathroom door.

"You can come in." I told her, giggling to myself when she came in the bathroom, both of her hands slapped over her face, "You can open your eyes. It's not like you haven't seen me naked before."

"That's the problem, I have seen you naked before." Sasha grumbled.

"Can you shave my legs for me? I can't reach them." I pouted.

"Wouldn't Léa-"

"-not care. You're helping me out and I need to not stress out so I don't stress the twins out but I can't stop stressing out because I don't know where my pumpkin is!" I rushed out in one fatal breath.

Slowly Sasha removed her hands, not letting her eyes linger on my body more than she had too. I smiled when she kneeled down on the other side of the tub, taking the razor from me and began shaving my legs.

"I'm not shaving your coochie." She muttered.

I laughed, "I wasn't going to ask you to."

"Good." Sasha breathed a sigh of relief, "You're due in a couple weeks, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm so excited to finally meet my babies."

"I'm glad you both found your happiness in each other. Your little family is going to be adorable."

I awed at her nice words, "Thank you. I just hope we can find pumpkin soon."

Sasha hummed, "It's not like her to disappear like this, especially without telling anyone."

"I just hope she's okay." My lips tugged down into a frown.

"I'm sure she is. Léa would fight tooth and nail to make sure she got back home to you and the k**s. That girl would take a bullet for you."

"That's what I'm worried about." I mumbled.

"Come on, get dressed and we can go visit her father at the mansion. Maybe he knows where she is."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU PAID GUYS TO EXPERIMENT ON HER?!" I roared, slapping my bat against my hand.

"She needs help! I'm trying to get her the help she needs!" Bruce defended.

"SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!" Sasha hissed.

"I'm just trying to protect her from herself! She needs help and I'm determined to get her the help that she needs no matter the cost."

I swung the bat against his head and knocked him down, going to hit him again but Sasha grabbed the bat before I could.

"Where is she?" I snarled.

"I don't know. They didn't give me a location."

I yelled in anger, smashing things in the mansion with my bat.

"I can't believe you betrayed her like this. You could have fixed things with her, but now you'll be lucky if she even still talks to you." Sasha spat.

• Thirty Seven •

Léa's POV:

Five weeks later.

How long have I been here? How long have I been dangling from chains around my wrists, my blood staining the floor under me in layers. I could only see out of one eye, the other being swollen shut and I had many cuts and gashes on my face and body, most likely infected.

Harley was going to have our babies soon, I'm sure of it. God I missed her. I knew nothing about these people other than they were a secret Russian science division that experimented on non humans. I became their new pet project, they beat me and tortured me just for a little spark of fire.

I was so tired, so weak that even conjuring up a small flame left me breathless. My chest was tight, my breathing was ragged and there was definitely more than a few broken bones. I didn't know how I was going to get out of here, but if I had to level the building then that's what I was going to do.

Harley's POV:

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasha spit out her coffee. For the past five weeks she's done nothing but try and track down pumpkin, and helping me with the babies. We went shopping for clothes, shoes, all of that stuff, and while I enjoyed it, I wish I was doing it with Léa. I know there would be more opportunities to go, but the first time was always special.

I'm glad Léa had a friend like Sasha, and I'm glad they could remain friends after Sasha confessed her feelings.

"Harley I think I found Léa!" Sasha gasped and I shot off the couch as fast as I could while pregnant.


"A power plant just blew up in Atlanta, a random explosion. I mean that's got to be Léa."

"It's worth checking out. This is the first lead we've gotten."


Sasha pulled the car up as close as she could until the police stopped us. We got out of the car and I ducked under their arms before they could grab me, running straight towards the crater in the ground.

I slowly slid down into it, hearing people yell after me to stop. When I made it to the center, I lifted up every piece of debris I could, stopping when I seen Léa, shakily stand to her feet. I gasped audibly and my eyes welled up with tears.

She looked so beaten, a swollen eye, a deeply split lip. There were cuts and dark bruises littering her face, and a light sheen of blood and sweat coated her skin.

I rushed towards her, immediately the tears spilling onto my cheeks when I wrapped my arms around her. Léa wrapped her arms around me, a few sobs shaking her body. I looked up at her, capturing her lips in a passionate and longing kiss.

"I missed you so much pumpkin." I mumbled against her lips.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry I made you worry." Léa mumbled, caressing my cheek.

I shook my head, "It's not like you planned on being k**napped. Your father.. Léa, he sold you out."

Léa sighed heavily, "Yeah... they kinda mentioned him. I've lost all respect for that man."

"We should-" my words died on my tongue when I looked down to see that my water had broken.

"Did-" Léa started and I nodded.

Léa's POV:

Harley was wheeled to a room and I followed right beside her, holding her hand while Sasha and Cassandra stayed in the waiting room.

"Contraction!" Harley yelped in pain as the doctors rushed around. Everything seemed to go so fast, the doctors telling her to push as a nurse stepped in front of me.

"We should look at your wounds, get a few scans." The nurse said worriedly, touching a cut on my face making me flinch.

"If you take her out of this room then I'm going to hurt you! I'm having her baby!" Harley screamed, pushing just like the doctors told her before she took a breath.

I grabbed her hand, ignoring the nurse and kissing Harley's sweaty forehead.

"You're doing good, Harles." I mumbled.

"Fuck these k**s!" Harley groaned, "I love them but they're ripping apart my vagina!"

I chuckled lowly and with a few more pushes, our little girl was born. Nova came out crying and tears slid down my face. My daughter was born, and she was going to be a firecracker.

"Time for you to cut the cord, mom." The doctor grinned, handing me some scissors and I cut the cord, watching in awe as they cleaned Nova up.

"One more good push for me! He's almost out!"

Harley screamed and pushed again, our little boy being born this time.

"Why isn't he crying?!" I asked frantically, feeling Harley weakly squeeze my hand. My eyes couldn't stray away from my sons small lifeless body, no cries spilling out of him.

"Page OB and set up OR three!"

"L-Léa." Harley whispered and I looked down at her, seeing how pale her cheeks were compared to normal, a vast amount of blood soaking through the chair and dripping onto the floor.

"It's gonna be okay-"

The heart monitor flatlined and I was immediately pushed out of the room while the doctors could work. I pounded on the door, seeing them try and restart Harley's heart and the anxiety bubbled up my throat, it was cutting off my airway.

I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose her.

I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling like I was the only one moving in time and everything was going slow around me. It was a weird feeling and only made my anxiety sky rocket.

"Léa Wayne?"

I nodded weakly, "That's me."

"Your son was rushed to surgery, he has a tiny hole in his heart that the doctors are patching up right now. Would you like to see him?"

"What about my daughter?"

The doctor smiled, "Shes in perfect health and is in the NICU under supervision. Would you like to hold her?"

I nodded, following her towards the NICU where the other babies were. More tears fell down my face when I seen her cleaned up from all the blood, wrapped in a light pink blanket.

The nurse handed me her birth certificate for me to sign, before carefully picking Nova up and handing me her. I looked down upon my newborn c***d, and was in awe of how small she was. Was I this small? Her big blue eyes opened and she stared up at me, her tiny nose scrunching up every so often.

"It's just me and you, Nova." I sniffled, hoping and praying to whatever god was up there that Harley and Tobias would make it out alive.

The nurse led me towards the waiting room and promised to update me again soon. I slowly walked over towards Sasha and Cassie, never tearing my eyes away from my daughter.

"She's adorable." Cassandra cooed. I smiled softly, looking towards the girl.

"You want to hold your sister?" I asked softly, seeing my older daughter light up.

She carefully and gently took Nova from my arms, making sure to support her head as she went to sit back down. I finally turned towards Sasha and smiled weakly.

"You look like shit." She blew out, her eyes swimming with worry.

I nodded, "Life happens."

"How's Harley and Tobias?"

My gaze locked towards the stack of magazines lying neatly on the table, "S-she flatlined after Tobias and so t-they're trying to get her b-back. Tobias is in surgery because he has a small hole in his.. heart.."

"Jesus, Léa.." Sasha gasped, "Maybe you should sit down.. take a little rest."

I shook my head, "I can't. I can't rest and I'm not getting my injuries checked until I'm more than certain Harley and Tobias are gonna be okay." I hissed, tears streaming down my face, "I can't lose either one of them, Sash. I can't pretend to hold it together, to be happy for Nova and Cassandra."

"I know, but the nights not over yet so good news could still come. Don't jump to conclusions so fast, Kay?"

I nodded after a moment, running my hands tiredly down my face. The exhaustion was already setting in and I felt gross, all bloody and sweaty, dirt under my nails. I wanted nothing more than to be home with Harley, taking care of the twins with Cassie by our side.

"Mrs. Wayne?"


"It's Harley, she's-"

• Thirty Eight •

Léa's POV:

"She's alive and she's stable." The doctor smiled, the tiredness evident in his eyes.

My heart leapt for joy and I nodded towards Cassandra to follow me with Nova. We entered Harley's room and she smiled weakly when she saw us.

"Hey." I rasped, kissing her lips softly.

"Hey." She grinned.

"Do you want to hold our daughter?" I took Nova from Cassies arms, smiling down at her. Harley nodded, tears already falling down her cheeks as I set Nova in her arms. Harley smiled down at the infant, kissing her forehead tenderly.

"She's beautiful." Harley mumbled.

I nodded, admiring them both. It was such a soft moment to capture and I knew this would be a memory I'd look back on in the future.

"She looks just like you." I chuckled, hearing Harley laugh waterly.

"Wheres Tobias?"

I licked my lips, a lump forming in my throat, "He was rushed to surgery because he has a small hole in his heart."

"Is he going to be okay?" Harley rushed out.

"The doctors said they were going to inform me soon." I sighed, not liking having to sit with my thoughts, but I also understood. They were saving my sons life, they couldn't be out here holding my hand. I just hope that he was going to be alright.

Harley nodded, "You should get your injuries looked at now before the infection gets worse."

I gave her a hesitant look, wondering if she wanted me to stray for a little bit. Harley nodded, being able to know what I was thinking.

"we'll be okay. If I need you, you'll know."

I nodded, getting up and kissing her lips and then kissing Novas head. Cassandra rushed over and hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm glad you're back." She mumbled in my shirt. I smiled softly, ruffling her hair and she pouted, fixing it before I left the room. Before I went to find a nurse, I went back to the waiting room to grab Sasha.

"You want to talk about what happened?" Sasha asked softly, leading me towards and empty hall.

I blew out a breath, shaking my head.

"Léa, you're shaking right now." Sasha stepped forward and grabbed my cheeks so I would look at her.

"I don't know what happened. They kept hitting me and putting me through all these tests. I didn't know how I was going to get out and then I started thinking about how shitty of a mom I'd be if I didn't watch my k**s be born. I had to escape and it all built up to the point where I exploded. Literally. I blew up a power plant and left a crater in the ground."

"If you hadn't you don't know that you would be here right now." Sasha mumbled.

"This is exactly why I wanted to get rid of my powers. What if everything gets to me again and I explode and kill you or Harley, the twins for god sake!"

"I don't think you'd let yourself hurt the ones you love. That's not who you are."

I scoffed, "Look at who my father is. He paid those men to k**nap and experiment on me."

"You're not your father. You are so much better than him and I know you'll be a good mother and partner to Harley. You have two beautiful c***dren and you adopted another beautiful c***d. You're doing far better than your father is."

"What makes you say that?" I asked softly.

"Because you're not alone." She replied firmly.

After a moment I nodded my head, pulling my best friend into a tight hug.

"Come on, let's get a nurse to look at your wounds."


We were finally clear from the hospital and Tobias was in good shape, the hole in his heart fixed with no complications what so ever. Nova was also healthy too, and Harley was feeling much better now that we were home.

It felt nice to shower, to scrub off all the blood and sweat from my skin. I felt human again, and yet at the same time I didn't know who I was when I looked in the mirror. I didn't look like me, and maybe what I could do, the power I had inside of me, scared me.

The first night home I didn't sleep, I couldn't. Nova and Tobias cried and I got up to put them back down so Harley could rest. After that I laid back down with Harley cuddled tightly against me. I couldn't shut my eyes for the life of me.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Harley asked, hopping onto the kitchen counter where the twins sat in their little car seats.

I yawned, beginning to make some coffee, "I haven't had a chance to sleep yet."

"Pumpkin." Harley sighed. I shook my head and smiled at her, "It's okay, Harles. Our k**s are home, you're home and I'm home.. I'm just excited."

Harley grinned, "Me too."

I poured myself some coffee while Harley took the twins to feed them in the living room. I smiled fondly at them, greeting Cassandra when she came out of her room, freshly waking up.

"Morning." She yawned.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

She nodded, "I'm thinking some waffles."

"Good choice." I smirked, taking a sip of my coffee and setting the cup down to grab the things I needed to cook with.

"Thank you." Cassie blurted out, "For adopting me and taking care of me. I know I'm a handful and it's not easy, so thank you. And thank you for loving me even though I'm different, and for giving me siblings."

I nudged her gently, smiling at her, "You're welcome. I'm gonna support you no matter what type of person you become and what you want to do with your life. I love you, k**."

Cassie sniffled, her face hiding behind her bed head hair, hugging me, "I love you too."

Harley smiled coming into the kitchen carrying both the twins. I smiled and took Nova out of her arms, kissing her cheek lightly.

"My beautiful girl."

• Thirty Nine •

Léa's POV:

Four years later.

"Tobias! Don't put that in your mouth!" I ran after the naked four year old, trying to grab the tv remote he was chewing on.

Harley came around the corner and scooped our son up, and I turned around when I felt Nova run into my leg. She smiled up at me and raised her arms.

"Up, up!" She giggled. I smiled, picking her up and kissing her cheek. Tobias stuffed his face in Harleys neck, giggling. I chuckled breathlessly, rubbing Novas back while Harley softly pecked my lips.

"The girls will be here soon to help set up for the party." Harley smiled.

" 'm gonna be four today!" Tobias squealed, making Nova squeal too.

"I'm gonna put clothes on firecracker here before the girls come." Harley giggled, kissing me one more time before disappearing down the hall.

I sighed blissfully, lifting Nova up in the air and she laughed.

"Throw me!" She laughed. I tossed her up in the air and caught her, her joyous laughs spilling from her lips. I did it a few more times before I blew raspberries on her stomach.

"Mommy, s-Stop!" She giggled. I laughed, setting her down and ruffling her hair. She groaned and frantically fixed her platinum blonde hair. I was so happy to see how much Nova and Tobias looked like Harley, although there were some features in Tobias that looked like Joker.

Cassandra came in from outside, wiping the sweat off her forehead, "I finished bringing the chairs out for the table."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"S-sissy!" Nova squealed, running towards Cassandra and I caught her before she fell on the floor. Cassie grinned and scooped her little sister up, kissing her cheek.

There was a knock on the front door and I opened it, letting inside Sasha and the birds of prey, all of them bearing a shit ton of gifts.

"My k**s are so spoiled." I chuckled, shutting the door behind them.

"Where's my little Toby?" Canary called in a baby voice and he waddled out with Harley right behind him trying to put his shirt over his head. He hid behind Canary's legs and we all giggled.

Canary picked him up and let Harley put his shirt over his head. Nova and Cassandra came over and they all said their hellos to her too. There was another knock on the door and I opened it, grinning when the suicide squad showed up and all said their hellos to the twins.

"Wassup, girl!" Floyd and I fist bumped and I smiled when June and Sasha shared a loving kiss. I was happy my best friend found someone. June and Flag broke up a year and a half ago and then a few months after that, June and Sasha started hanging out more and eventually started dating.

"Hey man."

"How you been? You finally getting some sleep?"

I nodded, "I still have nightmares."

Floyd blew out a breath, "You gotta talk to her, Léa. You gotta communicate shit."

"I know, I know." I sighed, "But I wanted to tell you I think I'm going to propose soon."

"Finally!" Floyd nudged me, "Damn she pops out two k**s for you, sorta gives up on crime, and four years later y'all still ain't married!"

I playfully pushed him, "I know, I know! I'm slacking."

"So how you gonna do it?" Floyd smirked and followed me outside.

"I bought some shirts for the twins that say 'Will you marry mommy?' and when she turns around, I'll be kneeling."

Floyd placed his hand in my shoulder and pretended to wipe away a tear, "I am so proud."

I laughed, handing him a drink, "Thanks."

The girls came out, Sasha carrying the twins while Harley came over and kissed my cheek. Harley grabbed my hand and led me towards the picnic table next to us, gently pushing me down before sitting on my lap.

For the rest of the day we ate, had some cake and the twins got to open their vast amount of presents. They loved everything they got, showing Harley and I everything they opened. We cleaned everything up and said goodbye to everyone before getting the twins ready for bed.

Cassie said goodnight as Harley started a warm bath, slowly leading me into the bathroom. She kissed me slowly and my hands fell to her hips, setting her on the bathroom counter.

"I love you." Harley mumbled against my lips, tugging at the end of my shirt. She slowly lifted it over my head, kissing down my neck and my chest, capturing my lips again.

I sighed in content, both of us sharing gentle kisses as we undressed before stepping in the warm water. Harley leaned against my chest while my arms wrapped around her.

"The twins are growing up so fast." Harley sighed. I hummed, kissing her shoulder.



"Do you not want to marry me?"

I gasped sharply, "Of course I do, Harles."

"It's been four years and I've been waiting, and then I started thinking you didn't ever want to get married."

"I promise I want to get married. I want it to be special for you, for us."

Harley cupped my cheek, "Pumpkin I don't care how you propose, it'll be special no matter what."

I kissed her lips softly, "Wait here."

Harley giggled, sitting up and I stood from the tub, grabbing the towel and rushing to grab the diamond ring. I entered the bathroom and cleared my throat, seeing Harley sitting up in the tub, the soapy bubbles running down the valley of her breasts.

Slowly I got down on one knee, holding the ring, "Harleen, you came into my life and fucked it up in a wonderful way. You've given me two beautiful c***dren, and shown me so much love. Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and be my wife?"

"Yes!" Harleys hands shot up, bubbles flying into the air. I grinned, kissing her lips and sliding the diamond ring on her finger.

Harley kissed me hard, gripping the back of my neck and pulling me closer to her. I lifted her up from the tub. Her legs wrapped around my waist while I blindly drained the tub, walking us into our room and laying her down on her back.

"I can't wait to be your wife." Harley mumbled breathlessly, "Now make love to me."


• Forty •

• "⚠️⚠️" start of smut "✅✅" the end •

Léa's POV:

"you're not getting cold feet are you Wayne?" Sasha nudged me and I chuckled breathlessly, looking at myself in my wedding attire, ready to be married to an incredible woman.

"Never." I grinned softly, trying not to run my fingers through my hair and mess it up.

"how is she?" I asked turning around to face my friend.

Sasha smiled warmly, "Nervous, but in love. She's ready and she looks gorgeous."

I smiled shyly picturing Harley in her wedding dress, a wide grin on her face while she told everyone we were getting married. I didn't tell my father I was marrying her, because I didn't want to hear his shit opinion. He probably wouldn't have even shown up if I did invite him. This was mine and Harley's day and I didn't want to taint it with negativity.

"Are you ready?" Sasha asked softly and I straightened my posture.

I nodded loosely, "Sometimes I marvel things and it hits me that this is my life. I'm getting married to the love of my life today, and we're going to fuck up Gotham and raise three amazing k**s together."

"yeah, you got it good." Sasha nudged me playfully.

"yeah." I laughed breathlessly, "and I know I do."

"I'm sure your dad sends his congratulations."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't want him here."

"I know." She hummed, "But I'm sure there's a small part of him that's happy for you." She kissed my cheek before I followed her out of the room, getting ready to stand at the alter and wait for Harley to walk down the isle.

I wonder how she felt about her parents not being at her wedding, she didn't really talk about them much but she told me it's because she didn't need to, that she already processed that trauma. I admire how strong she is.

The music started and I instantly felt tears spring in my eyes when Harley came around the corner, escorted by Floyd. Floyd was on the verge of tears and Harley looked like she wanted to run down the rest of isle and to me.

When she was up here, we took hands and I noticed the tears now falling down her face. She beamed at me, her pearly teeth shining. The priest said his lines and soon it was time for both Harley and I to say our vows.

"Shot buyer, Léa, ember, pumpkin, I love you. I didn't expect to fall head over heels in love with you, and while I may not be the best at romance, I promise to love you till the end of my life. I promise to always be there for you and our c***dren. You're my life line, Léa. Thank you for loving me past my flaws and my insecurities, for loving me past the person everyone thinks I am. Thank you for saving me." Harley said her vows passionately, fresh tears streaming down her face while she squeezed my hands.

I smiled fondly, clearing my throat since it was my turn to say my vows.

"I didn't expect to fall in love with you either, but the more I spent time with you, the more I began to see who you really are. You're crazy, and you have your days where you just want to stay in bed, but despite everything, there isn't a single thing I would change about you. I love you as Harley Quinn and I love you as Harleen Quinzel. You say you're far from perfect, but I think you already are. I promise to love and cherish you and our k**s, to always be with you and protect you."

"Do you, Léa Wayne, take Harley Quinn to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." I grinned, sniffling back my emotions.

"And do you, Harley Quinn, take Léa Wayne to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Harley beamed, bouncing on her feet in anticipation.

"Then I pronounce you wife and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

Harley launched herself at me, my arms circling around her waist as hers went around my neck. She smashed our lips together and the crowd cheered wildly. I lifted her up off the floor some and she giggled against my lips, breaking the kiss to smile at me. I set her down and we walked down the isle hand in hand, Nova and Tobias running over to us.

Harley and I scooped them up, Harley testing Nova on her hip and I rested Tobias on mine. I waved Cassandra over and she jogged over towards us, all of us walking down the rest of the isle together.

Harley's POV:

I was married! I never thought that I, Harley Quinn, well, Wayne now, would ever get married! I was married to my best friend, my soulmate and I couldn't be happier. Sasha was watching the twins with the help of Cassandra while Léa drove us towards our honeymoon spot. Of course she wasn't telling me where it was, but it made it all that more exciting.

I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers, resting our joined hands in my lap. I smiled shyly when Léa caressed the back of my hand with her thumb.

"I'm officially your wife!" I giggled, admiring the diamond ring on my finger. Léa beamed, the corners of her eyes crinkling up.

After some more driving, we made it to some docks and took a small speed boat somewhere. We were only on the boat for about an hour, and I sat in y/n's lap while she drove us, her arm secure around my waist. The salty sea breeze washed against my skin while Léa docked the boat and helped me out, going back to get out stuff.

My breath hitched in my throat when I saw the extravagant cabin on the island. Léa kissed my temple and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Before we cross the threshold and start our married life together... I think we need to talk about some things." Léa fidgeted and I grabbed her hands and squeezed them in reassurance, letting her lead me towards the dock where we sat down.

"Okay." I nodded, knowing this was something that was probably long over due.

Léa's POV:

I cleared my throat, looking over at my wife, admiring the moons ivory rays on her pale skin.

"I think we should talk about the fire thing first. When they k**napped me, I realized just how powerful I actually was. I blew up the entire building and left a crater in the earth. What if that happens again? Or what if I accidentally hurt the k**s or you?" I sunk my teeth in my bottom lip, glancing over at Harley.

Harley smiled softly, taking both my hands in hers and caressing them, "I don't think you would ever hurt me or the k**s. I know you better than that, more than you know yourself. I love you and I trust you."

I looked away from her when tears welled in my eyes, feeling choked up. Harley turned my head towards her and softly kissed my lips.

"I trust you." She mumbled against my lips.

"Okay." I breathed out shakily, smiling at my wife.

"If we're getting stuff all out, I think we should talk about my insecurities. I'm probably always going to be insecure when other girls even give you attention and you look their way, and I'm saying that in more than a romantic way. I mean also in a friend way. I know you wouldn't cheat on me, and I wouldn't cheat on you, but.. there's always going to be a part of me that feels unworthy of your love, that you'll be another Mr. J."

"I'm not him, Harles." I whispered.

Harley nodded, "I know, pumpkin. I'm just afraid to be too happy and with you I'm always too happy, ecstatic more so. I'm all cloud nine all the time when I'm with you, and I get goosies when you kiss and touch me. I'm just scared."

I lifted her hand up and pointed to her rock of a wedding ring, "We're married now, you're my wife and I'm yours. I meant what I said in my vows and I meant when I said I do. I do promise to love only you. Forever. I know we're dancing around the promise of it, but you had me for life when I started worrying about you. When I loved seeing you smile and be care free. I know you have issues, but we all do. But I'll love those too."

Harley kissed me more fiercely, threading her fingers in my hair, "Is there anything else we should talk about?"

I shook my head, "I don't think so. If there is, we'll get through it."

Harley smiled, "Then carry me through the threshold and make love to me, wife."

I grinned, kissing her nose, "Of course, wife. I love you, Harley Wayne."

Harley giggled cheerfully, looking at me with so much love and adoration it made my heart skip a few beats, "I love you, Léa Wayne."

I scooped Harley up in my arms, carrying her bridal style through her threshold of the island cabin.

"I'm gonna go put something on for you. You stay here." Harley smirked and ran out of the room, "do you think the k**s are okay?"

I laughed, taking my shirt off and hopped on the bed, "the k**s are fine."

"I miss them." I heard her pout, "You sure they're okay?"

"yes, Harles. We can call them before we go to sleep." I playfully rolled my eyes, my smile dropping when Harley came out of the bathroom with her hair down in waves, sporting lacy black lingerie with garter belts and stockings.

I groaned under my breath and licked my lips, "damn, Princess."


Harley smirked while she stopped at the end of the bed and began trailing her hands up her body sensually, grabbing her breasts in her hands.

"hey hey, hold on. It's supposed to be me making love to you." I smirked.

Harley giggled, "you like the outfit?"

"like? I love it." My eyes tracked towards her breasts, drool practically dripping out of the corner of my mouth.

Harley lifted my head up to meet her eyes, "my eyes are here pumpkin."

I licked my lips in anticipation, pulling Harley into my lap while my hands fell to her waist, "it's just you and me for four whole days."

"I know.. whatever are we gonna do." She giggled, kissing my neck lightly.

"I'm gonna have you in so many positions."I groaned lowly, pulling Harley closer to me.

Harley moaned breathlessly and captured my lips in hers, the kiss becoming more heated and passionate. Eventually she broke the kiss by pushing me back so I was lying on the bed. I groaned under my breath when Harley started grinding on me.

"you're so hot." I husked.

"I feel even hotter now I'm your wife. All yours."

"yeah you're all mine as I am yours." I placed my hands on her thighs, Harley still grinding against me and I pulled her down to kiss her.

Harley grabbed my hand and placed them on her breasts, moaning when I squeezed them. I broke the kiss, sucking and nipping on Harley's neck while she continued to grind our cores against me.

"fuck pumpkin." Harley moaned, slowing down her pace.

"next time you go and buy another one of these, I want to go with you." I tugged one the lingerie.

"we'd end up fucking in the dressing room." Harley giggled, pulling my face up to hers, both of our lips swollen and bruised.

I moaned loudly when Harley sucked on my neck, surely leaving a dark bruise. I dug my nails in her hips and started guiding her movements.

I was pushed back against the bed again, Harley kissing down my body while I threaded my fingers into her wavy hair. My eyes rolled back in my skull when Harley wrapped her lips around my clit.

"fuck harles." I moaned blissfully.

Harley kissed my inner thighs before slowly sliding in two fingers.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good pumpkin, and then when we're done, I'm gonna let you have your way with me."

"shit princess, I'm gonna burn this lingerie off you and fuck you slowly and mark you."

Harley moaned at my words, adding a third finger to stretch me out, kissing my breasts and marking them up too.

"Harley, you make me feel so good." I moaned.

"I love you pumpkin, I want you to feel amazing."

Harley kept up her relentless pace, hitting my f spot every time.

"h-harles, I'm gonna cum."

"cum for me pumpkin." She husked.

My orgasm washed over and me and Harley let me ride it out before I flipped our positions and kissed her passionately.

"I need you to touch me, kiss my body baby." Harley whimpered.

I nipped at her exposed collar bone, trailing her hand down to the corset, slowly igniting the material and watching the top half burn off her, ashes resting on her pale skin.

"that was so hot." Harkey sank her teeth in my bottom lip so hard it started bleeding. I watched in awe as she seductively licked my lips, stopping them bleeding.

"god I'm gonna fuck you so hard." I growled.

"I'm counting on it." Harley smirked.

I slid my knee between her legs, grinding down to give Harley some friction while I marked her. I burned the stockings off her legs, my hand wrapping around her throat as I lightly burned her flesh.

"fuck pumpkin, yes mark me!" Harley bucked her hips against my knee, her nails digging into my shoulders and back. I stood up and pulled Harley towards the end of the bed so her ass was hanging over, rubbing my fingers through her wetness.

I gathered some of her juices up and Harley sucked it off my fingers seductively, winking at me.

"I'm gonna grab the strap and fuck you so hard."

Harley wrapped her legs around my waist, a small moan leaving her lips, "take me with you."

Without hesitation I picked my wife up and leaned against the wall while I grabbed the strap, Harley's wetness smearing on my abdomen. As soon as the strap was on, I lowered Harley against the wall and pushed the strap in her heat with ease.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard against this wall. I'm glad this place is secluded otherwise our neighbors will be complaining."

She whimpered and wrapped her arms around my neck, "fuck me pumpkin, stretch me out and make me scream."

I thrusted in her tight cunt, picking up the pace while biting down on her neck. Harley's chest rose and fell heavily, smashing our lips together in a sloppy kiss.

"you're so tight, Princess." I groaned in pleasure.

"god you make me feel so good!"

Without breaking the kiss, I pushed everything that was on the counter to the floor. I plopped Harley down so she was sitting and thrusting into her roughly, the tip of the strap coming out only for it to slam back in her heat a second later.

"oh god that feels so good." Harley moaned loudly, "make me cum baby, please please make me cum!"

"you're gonna cum so many times princess, I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk." I took a taunt nipple in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the bud.

I thrusted my hips even faster, her mouth dropping open as silent moans escaped. Her back slammed against the wall and a crack formed from the force. Harley gripped my hair, bouncing up and down on the strap.

"god pumpkin! I love when you get rough! Choke me."

My hand quickly wrapped around her throat, catching her smirk as I did so. I heated up my hand and my wife moaned loudly, loving when I marked her. I slowed down my pace only to speed it back up again, switching between the two to prolong her orgasm. Harley was a moaning and begging mess, cumming all over the strap with a scream of my name.

Harley's legs shook as I helped her ride out her orgasm, cupping her cheek and kissing her tenderly when I was done.


"I love how soft you get after rough sex." My wife smiled softly.

"I like taking care of you, soft or rough."

I pulled the strap out of her heat, the toy coated in her juices as I let it drop to the floor.

"carry me out to the ocean? we could have a dip." Harley sighed in content, kissing my neck, my breast, behind my ear and the corners of my mouth.

I smiled, carrying my wife bridal style out to the private beach. I walked us both to the water until Harley let go of me.

"I love you so much pumpkin." Harley mumbled before pulling me down into a loving kiss, pouring all her emotions into it.

I grinned, "I love you too princess. You're my wife, my baby mama, I don't think I could love you more, and yet you make me fall more in love with you everyday."

I kissed the tears of joy that ran down her face, rubbing her hips softly before she grabbed my hand.

"I want to go in the water.. in the deep part till it's just up to our shoulders." She exhaled nervously. I squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"then I got you, I'll teach you how to swim and if you need to hold onto me I'll be there."

Harley smiled adoringly, kissing me slowly before we both walked into the salty water. She held onto me as we got towards the deeper part, then slowly letting go when I told her how to float.

"I'm doing it!" Harley exclaimed.

"yeah you are baby. I've got you." I grinned.

"I was always terrified of water."

"I know, I'm glad you've overcome your fear."

"you make me better." Harley sighed happily and my face felt hot.

"as do you to me, Harles. I'm nothing without you."

We both held each other, stealing a few kisses as the moon and stars shone in the sky.

Harley's POV:

I looked over towards my wife, wow it felt amazing to say that! My wife! I was really married to my best friend and I couldn't be happier. Being with Léa made all the pain I've gone through in my life worth it, to know that I'm experiencing true happiness.

My gaze trailed over to her, admiring how ethereal she looked in the moonlight, the scar on her cheek bone showing more prominently.

"What?" Léa giggled, catching my gaze.

"you're an angle and I'm a demon, a match that's forbidden and yet, even as I dragged you through my hell, you still allowed me up in your heaven, and now you're my wife." I explained.

Léa playfully rolled her eyes, "if anything you're the angel. You say you dragged me through hell, but I dragged you with me in my hell too. We get through things together, it makes us stronger."

"our k**s are gonna grow up to be so amazing." I smiled big.

"that's because they have you as their mama."

I scoffed, "you're the whole reason I'm not having a breakdown. I don't think I could raise them on my own. You're the best mommy they could ever have."

Léa smiled softly, hugging my body closer to her chest as she leaned down to kiss me softly. Léa smirked at me before holding her breath and disappearing in the ocean depths. I gulped, looking around to try and spot her. I squealed in surprise when my body was hoisted up, looking down to see I was on Léa's shoulders. Léa grinned looking up at me and I couldn't help but giggle, pushing her wet hair out of her eyes.

I leaned down and kissed her, "take me back to the cabin and make love to me, Léa."

Léa pecked my lips and lifted my body off her shoulders while I koala hugged her, kissing her neck and jaw while she walked us back into the cabin, laying me down gently on the bed.

We kissed passionately while the sheets soaked through from the water we had on our body's. I shivered when my wife placed her hand on my thigh, using her other hand to hold herself above me.

"I love you, so much. I can't wait to see what our future is like. Maybe more k**s, definitely lots of sex," Léa chuckled, "I imagine maybe getting a dog, I've always wanted a dog. I'd do anything for you harley. You name it, i'd do it."

Tears welled in my eyes, "I'm so sorry for pretending to not love you, I just didn't want him to kill me."

I was taken back when Léa crashed our lips together in a bruising kiss, quickly melting into it.

"he's gone, we never have to talk about him again." Léa mumbled, wiping the tears from under my eyes and kissing down my body, putting my legs on her shoulders.


"close your eyes princess, just focus on how I make you feel."

"okay pumpkin." My fingers threaded in y/n's hair while she licked a strip up my slit.

"I love everything about you, don't ever think otherwise."

"I-I won't. I know you love me, you're mine and I'm yours." I gasped when my wife started using her tongue tricks that made my eyes roll back into my skull.

Léa continued her slow pace, my orgasm building as my wife's tongue massages my walls deliciously. My entire body shuddered as my orgasm got closer and closer, "Can I um pumpkin?"

"let me taste you." Léa hummed, the vibrations sending me over the edge with a moan of Léa's name. Léa slowed down her movements and cleaned me up, kissing up my body and captured my lips with hers. Léa kissed my nose before collapsing next to me.


Quickly I wrapped myself around her, wanting to be close.

"I love you pumpkin, I'll never get sick of saying that." I hummed.

"I love you too princess."

I smiled and then groaned when I realized the sheets were still soaking wet, "don't wanna get up but we can't sleep in this bed it's all wet."

Léa laughed and I judged her, playfully rolling my eyes, "not like that. We got it wet from being in the sea."

"I know princess. We can get up in a moment. We can shower, go in the other bedroom and call the k**s."

Léa's POV:

After a few more moments of us lying naked on the sheets, I got off the bed and scooped Harley up bridal style. Harley kissed my neck before resting her head on my chest. I set my wife on the bathroom counter and started the water, feeling my wife's arms circle around my stomach and a light kiss placed on my back.

"I know I just said it, but I love you. I can't express how much I care about you. I'm proud to be your wife, I'm proud to have your name." Harley explained passionately.

"careful harles, you'll make me cry." I teased.

Harley grinned as I turned around, "I love you," she kissed me on the lips after each word.

"I love you too princess, now come on we got saltwater all over us."

Once we were both inside I shut the glass shower door, the glass being fogged up by the hot water.

"I'm gonna show you how much I care about you." Harley said and I wiggled my eyebrows.

"This time without sex." The pale woman giggled.

"oh yeah? What are you gonna do to me?"

Her pale cheeks turned a bright rose red, "I'm gonna wash you."

She slowly pushed my back till I was standing under the steady stream of water. I watched her grab the washcloth and lather it with scented body wash. Harley gently tugged me out from the stream of water and began washing my arms.

"how did I get so lucky is a question I'm going to be asking myself for the rest of my life." I sighed blissfully.

"oh pumpkin." Harley blushed, getting all shy.

We both shared intimate kisses as she washed my chest and the rest of my body. When she was finished, I stepped under the water and rinsed while Harley grabbed the shampoo bottle.

"mm that feels good." I groaned as her fingers dug into my scalp.

Harley kissed my shoulder blade, "enjoy it pumpkin. I want us to cuddle naked later."

"I think I can arrange that. You want me to big spoon?"

"yeah, I love when you big spoon me."

When Harley was done shampoo and conditioning my hair, I washed her body and her hair, kissing her shoulders as I did so. When we were both done, I turned the water off and stepped out, drying off before wrapping Harley in a towel. While Harley was brushing her hair, I went to quickly change the sheets so they wouldn't be wet anymore.

"oh shit! We cracked the wall!" I laughed.

"we always break things." My wife snorted, disappearing in the kitchen and coming back out with a bowl full of various fruits, joining me on the bed. Harley fed me a strawberry, sucking the juices off her thumb.

"you wanna call the k**s?" I asked after swallowing my food.

Harley kissed instantly, "mhm, I miss them so much."

I picked up my phone and dialed Sasha, putting the phone on loudspeaker.

"why aren't you FaceTiming?" Sasha asked.

"we're naked." I laughed.

"no fair I wanted to see the damage you guys did to your room."

"don't lie, you wanted to see us naked." Harley teased.

Sasha hummed, "that too. I assume you want to see your spawns?"

"yeah." I giggled. There was some rustling around before I heard the twins squeal.

"mommy! Mama!" Nova squealed.

Harley cooed, "hi baby, how are you?"

"we're gwood." Nova giggled and my heart melted.

"mama!" Tobias squealed now.

"hi Toby!"

"You come home soon?" He asked.

"not yet buddy, soon." I licked my lips.

"Why can't we s-see you? I want to see you!" Nova began sniffling and I frowned, not wanting to upset her. I told Sasha I was going to FaceTime her and Harley and I got under the covers so the k**s wouldn't see us naked, and when the k**s' faces showed up on the screen I cooed.

"see babies, you can see us now." Harley smiled. The toddlers waved at us and I grinned proudly.

"if you ever need us just ask aunt Sasha to call us and we'll answer okay?"

Nova nodded, "I love you mama."

Tobias giggled, "I wove you mama!"

"Okay guys, I'm gonna talk to your mama's over there, play with your toys and I'll put you to bed in a moment."

A half hour went by and we all said our good nights before I ended the FaceTime call, setting my phone on the table next to the bed and then turning around to wrap my arms around my beautiful wife.

"I like being in your arms, I feel safe and warm. You make me feel like it's okay to break down and to be myself, you don't make me scared."

My heart fluttered at her words as I heated up my arms, feeling her snuggle closer to my chest, "all I ever want to make you feel is safe and secure."

"well you've succeeded."

"that's good." I hummed.

"have I made you feel the same way?"

"definitely. I struggle to open up a lot, but with you it's easy because I know you'll stand by me no matter what."

"you're right. I don't think I could ever disagree with you. It's like we were made for each other." Harley kissed my arm.

"I like that, being made for each other. It's like soulmates in our own messed up way." I whispered softly.

Harkey turned around in my arms so that we were chest to chest, "all of our broken pieces fit perfectly together and no matter where this life takes us, I'd die for you and our c***dren."

"I'd do the same, you three are the only thing keeping me tethered to the earth. I didn't know what to do when I saw you die on that table giving birth, everything started moving so slow and I didn't know what to do. You were gone, you were leaving me and I couldn't get you back, and I know you don't need protecting but this was something I couldn't protect you from. I know this is supposed to be a happy moment, but I'm so glad you're alive. I'm glad I can hold you and I'm proud to be your wife too, Quinzel." Tears streamed down my cheeks and Harley brushed them away with a sad smile on her face.

"Remember when we first started dating and I said for you to not promise me forever?"


"I'm promising you forever right now. No matter what I'll always be here," Harley moved her hand to feel my heartbeat and I quickly pulled her into a loving kiss.

"I love you so damn much. I hope that this is our happy ever after."

• Fin •
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SirSonnybandland Πριν από 1 έτος
I like it too!
A very beautifully written story my dear.
Lea-1991 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 1 έτος
σε Allegro_Forte : Thank you very much, I appreciate it very much that you like my little story.
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Allegro_Forte Πριν από 1 έτος
σε GoonerPornAddict : Me too
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Lea-1991 Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 2 έτη
σε GoonerPornAddict : I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far ^_^ 
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GoonerPornAddict Πριν από 2 έτη
Love this :smile: