WHEN THE WAR IS OVER author unknown

"Well, if that isn't a sight for sore eyes, sir."

I could only grunt my agreement as we relaxed against the railing, the steam ship approaching the gap leading towards the harbour. It had been a long trip from Southampton. From leaving the south of Britain, we'd journeyed down the Channel then south along the edge of Atlantic, crossed the Mediterranean for the Suez Canal, through the Gulf of Aden out into the Arabian Sea, south-east across the Indian Ocean into the Timor Sea, journeying the gap between homeland and the Dutch East Indies, before arriving in the Coral Sea and finally heading south, the shore always within what felt like touching distance. Hell of a journey, lasting over a month, and the only real problem for all the men was boredom. Most of us had been in Europe fighting since the early days of the war. I'd joined up as soon as Australia had declared war on Nazi Germany, September 3rd, 1939.

My grandfather had fought in the Great War, and warned me of what I might face when I decided to join up. The family knew he was still haunted by all that he'd seen, the fact he was lucky to escape with barely a scratch despite spending two years on the Western Front. Being his only grandson, I could understand his caution. My father, while not urging, insisted it was the right thing to do. Britain had rallied its colonies to its flag, and all Australians would answer her call. We lived near a small town a couple of hundred miles north-west of Sydney, our farm producing wool and meat for King and country. Thankfully, despite living on a rural farmstead, I had an education, but it was my mechanical know-how which I knew would help when it came to what I wanted to do.

I joined up hoping to be a pilot. By the grace of God, I was accepted into the Royal Australian Air Force. Training was through the Empire Air Training Scheme, I ended up being one of thousands of Australians who was sent to North Africa as part of the Commonwealth forces that faced Rommel's AfrikaKorps.

I spent five years in North Africa then Europe, seeing action for the first time in late 1940, most Australian units amalgamated into those of the Royal Air Force. I hesitate to say we enjoyed nearly two years in North Africa, flying numerous sorties every week, pitting my wits against the best Nazi Germany had to offer. The Italian Air Force was effective at times, but it was always the Krauts we worried about.

After victory was practically confirmed in North Africa, myself and thousands of compatriots were transferred to Britain and placed under the authority of Bomber Command. All I remember is that we were afforded good food for the first time in years, and there were plenty of pretty ladies about. Being pilots, wearing wings on our uniforms, we were certainly popular, and it was during my break before seeing action over Europe for the first time that I had sex with only my second partner. More partners followed during my time overseas as men in uniform were rather popular in Britain. Particularly men in uniform with accents from the other side of the world.

I saw action in the sky before and during D-Day, but my luck was about to run out. Flying my Spitfire back to my base in Hampshire, one of the things most pilots fear is the landing gear failing. Coming in to land, mine failed. That meant a belly landing, but before that, I had to fly around to ensure the fuel tanks were empty. Crashing upon landing with fuel in the tanks usually meant disaster. The one fear we all lived was fire. Being burned was... horrific.

I managed to land my plane, but the propeller dug into the ground, tipping the plane. I survived, and thankfully the fire was small. But my left leg was smashed to bits, along with numerous other wounds. I ended up spending six months convalescing. I was never in danger of losing my leg, but my worry was not being able to fly again.

Thankfully, despite needing a cane to walk and shooting pains from time to time, I managed to prove I could still fly, and spent the last months of the war escorting bombers into German air space. By now, the Luftwaffe could barely muster a defence, though we did witness their new jet-powered fighters. They were so fast, it was unreal. But there were very few of them, and we knew the Germans now lacked critical supplies, including fuel.

My last sortie over Europe was two days before Victory in Europe Day. Didn't see an enemy fighter in the sky. No bombers either. It was simply a patrol as the Germans had stopped firing into the sky.

With thousands of Australians now in Europe with nothing to do, there were rumours that we'd all be sent east to fight the Japs. Thankfully, while a few thousand did end up flying over Asia, my length of service and injury had me receiving my transfer papers home.

Having spent over five years away from home, the only way I'd kept in touch was by post, and that took forever to arrive. Think I'd received ten letters in total from home. I wrote back more often, but I'm sure a lot of what I said was censored, just in case it ended up in enemy hands. Most of the news I received was bad. The death of friends. The deaths of my grandparents. The death of my father, leaving my mother a widow, and three sisters without any male presence on the farm.

No matter what, I was looking forward to going home and seeing my family. I'd left the farm as a fresh-faced eighteen-year-old. I was now returning as a war veteran of twenty-four, with a bad leg, plenty of medals on my uniform and a lot of memories, some of them good, a lot of them the sort that meant I didn't want to close my eyes and dream.

A soft elbow into my side broke me out of my reverie. "There she is, sir. The bridge! The fucking bridge!"

Sydney Harbour Bridge came into view, and I could see the docks in the distance, and the vast crowds waiting to meet us. Many of the men were in my position, having been in Europe for up to five years. I knew many Australians had chosen to remain in Europe, finding themselves a British, French, Italian, even German wife.

"Your family waiting for you, Smithy?" I wondered.

"Aye, sir. Was sent a cable during the voyage. You?"

"No, they know I'm coming home, but with the farm and everything, I'm going to surprise them by just knocking on the front door."

"You're from out west, sir. Quite the journey home, right?"

"North-west, near Tamworth."

"Long journey home, sir."

"Aye, but it'll be worth it."

It took a couple of hours for the ship to dock, and then even longer for the men to start disembarking. I saw numerous tearful reunions before returning to my shared quarters to grab my few possessions. I had two uniforms, two pairs of casual clothes, a bit of cash, my shaving kit, and a few other bits and pieces to see me home.

Making my way through the crowds, I received salutes and smiles, many stopping just to shake my hand. It felt good to be home, hearing accents in abundance that I hadn't heard in years, far too used to hearing Pommie and Yankie accents. Someone hailed me a cab, seeing me strolling along with my limp, relying on my cane, asking to be taken to Central Station.

It was heaving with people, standing in line for at least an hour until I could finally ask about a ticket home. Thankfully, there was a train heading north the next day, so after buying one, I asked about a hotel for the night. Wearing my uniform certainly helped open doors for me, being escorted by a rail employee to a nearby hotel. It was simple but just what I needed.

The steam train was waiting early the next morning, boarding my carriage for the long journey home. I'd only been to Sydney once before, after I'd signed up and was sent to the war in North Africa. Other than that, the largest town I'd been to was Newcastle, a couple of hours north of the state capital. I saw London from the air and its sheer size beggared belief. I'd flown over other cities in Europe, and was amazed at how large these could be. Sydney didn't feel anywhere as large from my window seat. Then again, it was only 1945. Maybe it would grow larger in the next few decades?

Sydney to Tamworth is around 260 miles. The steam train I was riding on probably averaged 40 miles an hour due to all the stops it made, seeing many fellows servicemen leave with their families, receiving plenty of salutes as years in the service had seen me rise in the ranks. I'd had offers to remain in Europe as part of the post-war process, but I wanted to go home to the farm and my family.

It was late afternoon by the time the train finally arrived at Tamworth station, surprised I was one of a few to disembark. Heading towards the main street, I received plenty of stares as I had a feeling few men in uniform were around. The farm was still a good half an hour away by car, and there were no such things as taxi's in a small place like Tamworth. I'd have to try and thumb a lift if possible.

What I needed to do first was wet my whistle so headed for the best hotel and pub in town. Standing at the bar, I ordered a cold beer. Taking my first sip, it didn't take long to be inundated with questions or have my hand shaken. When asking about getting back to the farm, one of the older patrons asked, "What's your name, son?"

"Robert Smith, sir."

His face lit up. "You're Maggie's son!" He held out his hand. "Not surprised you don't remember me. Harold. Harold Peterson."

I knew who it was, feeling the smile form. "Mister Peterson. Apologies, it's just... been a while."

"Your mother and sisters don't know you're here?"

"They know I'm coming home, but I was looking to surprise them."

He jerked his head to the door. "My vehicle is outside. I'll give you a lift home. They'll be delighted to see you."

"Thank you, sir."

Joining him in his cab, we were soon on the old road leading to our farm. It was nowhere near the largest in the area, but we had space for a few thousand sheep and cattle. I did wonder how mother had managed since my father died, and without her parents or his, I wondered how much of a struggle it had been.

As we drove along, I made small talk with Harold. He asked a few questions but seemed to know what not to ask. I remembered he was a veteran of the Great War himself. Small towns across Australia were full of remembrance plaques, memorials to the dead. Some small towns had seen their male populations almost wiped out. I had no idea what this war had done to us this time. All I know is that I'd seen many friends die over the years. Too many...

Harold dropped me at the end of the drive, the house still a good walk away, but I didn't want them to hear the vehicle, as it was a noisy old thing. Still plenty of light in the sky. Shaking his hand, he just said, "Thank you," before he put his car into drive and headed off to his homestead another twenty minutes or so away.

The walk to the homestead took another twenty minutes or so. Would have been far quicker without my bad leg. Stepping up onto the porch, I simply closed my eyes a moment, took a deep breath. There was a little noise from inside, but overriding that was the sound of the countryside. Or the lack of it. The word I used was serenity. After five years of having my ears pounded, the silence was actually a little disturbing. I knew it was going to take time to readjust.

Knocking on the door, I put my cap on and made sure my suit was unwrinkled, looking like the officer I was. Mum answered the door and she nearly fainted. "Oh my god!" she cried before collapsing into my arms, immediately sobbing away.

Feeling her head against my chest, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. My mother was a hard woman. Life on the farm would do that to anyone, but I guess not seeing me since 1939 would provoke that sort of reaction. Then my sisters appeared and I was soon enveloped by all four of them.

"When did you get back?"

"How long have you been back?"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

They were just some of the questions I was asked, unable to stop chuckling as I found my cheeks kissed by all four of them before Mum took my hand and led me inside. It was a little deflating that the old man wasn't around to see me return home, but as I looked around, everything looked about the same as before I'd left.

Beckoned to sit down at the table, Mum disappeared and returned with a bottle of hooch, chuckling away as my sisters gathered close by, all of them wiping their cheeks but their smiles were infectious. All of them were younger than me, most of them dead-ringers for our mother. My mother, Margaret, though she preferred Maggie, was only 43 years old. Though life had been hard, she was still slim and rather attractive, her hair still brunette without any real grey, blue eyes that had always sparkled. One of my sisters was a year old than me, Elizabeth, though she preferred Lizbeth. Brunette, blue eyes, intelligent, but being a woman, her options were limited in a place like this. My second sister was twenty-one, Mary. had almost raven black hair with big brown eyes, the sort of face that reminded me of the girls I saw on the side of bombers back in Blighty. My youngest sister of nineteen, Rose, was perhaps the best lookalike in regards to our mother.

Knocking back a drink, I immediately sighed and sagged back into the chair, removing my cap. I had a couple of scars on my face, reminders of my accident, but the bad leg and other scars on my body were the real reminders. "How did you get here?" Mum asked.

"Mister Peterson. He was in the Central Hotel when I walked in for a beer."

"I'm guessing you wanted to surprise us?"

"Yeah. I've been gone a long time. I've received all your letters, those that made it anyway." I looked around the table. "You were still at school when I left, Rose. You were verging on adulthood, Mary. And Lizbeth..."

"After father... It didn't feel right to leave."

I nodded. "Aye. One of the issues with being so far away. Never going to get leave to come all the way back here for it."

Mum took my hand. "He was ever so proud of you, Robert. Ever so proud." She gestured with her head. "Your photo still takes pride of place next to your grandfather."

"Are you hungry, Robbie?" Lizbeth wondered.

"Honestly, I'm starving. I had lunch prepared by the hotel I stayed in, but it wasn't all that much."

"I think tonight will be one for celebration," Mum exclaimed.

I didn't want to sit inside, suggesting we go sit out on the back veranda. I wanted to see the view for the first time in over half a decade. It was just like I remembered, trees in the distance, green fields otherwise, sheep and cattle grazing. I wondered if men were still working on the farm for mother or if they'd been sent off to fight the Japs. The war had ended during our voyage back home, but it took time for units to be demobilised. I knew many men in Europe might not make it back to Australia until 1946.

Rose cuddled into my left, Mary to my right. No surprise my youngest sisters had missed me. I knew Lizbeth would have done too, but being their older brother, I'd always looked after them. And while they'd remember me, I was certainly a different man to the one who'd left the farm with an idealised view of the world and the war I'd fight in. Reality didn't match expectations. I guess, in war, it never would.

Sighing again, I hugged both of them tightly. "It's good to be home," I said softly, "Damned good to be home."

"We missed you," Rose replied, barely above a whisper.

"We kept all your letters," Mary added, "We've probably read each of them hundreds of times, just imagining what you were up to. Mother has always said we're not to ask too many questions when you got home though. Just like with Pop and his war."

I sighed again. "You won't want to hear about a lot of it. In fact, most of it." I kissed both on the forehead. "Let's talk about nicer things for now."

They told me about life for the past six years. Thankfully, it hadn't been one of deprivation as, though rationing was in effect, the farm produced enough that only certain products were hard to come by. But the vegetable patch and certain trees had provided enough to keep everyone relatively healthy. Being in the service, my diet had certainly been better than civilians, but as long as I had cigarettes, coffee, and liquor, I was generally happy.

Mum and Lizbeth prepared a meal in very quick time, heading inside to be greeted by electric light. Electricity had come to the town before the turn of the century, and was quickly spread out to the farms. Our farm had been in the family for generations, and already had electricity by the time I was born. Sitting at the head of the table, Mum said grace before we tucked in, simply thanking God that I'd returned home, safe and sound.

Though it had been a long day, I wasn't tired, heading outside to enjoy a drink and a cigarette, taking a seat on the swing chair. Lizbeth joined me, sitting close to me. When her hand rested on my thigh, I took the cigarette from my lips and glanced at her.

"My feelings haven't changed, Robbie," she whispered.

I sighed, because even after nearly six years away from home, mine hadn't either.


Lizbeth and I had always been close growing up, considering we were barely a year apart in age. We attended the small school in Tamworth, nearly all the students in one classroom. We spent all day at school together, would sit side by side on the bus to and from school, and spent most of our time together at home.

It was mid-1939 when things changed between us. I would always insist for the better, and Lizbeth was adamant it was what always what she wanted to. We'd both long finished school by this time, both of us working on the farm. Lizbeth should have been married off by then, but she had showed no interest in any of the men who tried to court her. Father was oblivious to it, but I'd always believed our mother knew why.

"Bloody Germans are going to start another war," my father muttered while reading the paper. He glanced across the table at me. "That means you might be conscripted, son."

"I'll join up before that's necessary."

My father nodded his approval before turning his attention back to the newspaper. Glancing at Lizbeth, she looked worried and a little upset. Carefully sliding my hand towards hers, I took it in my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, returning a half-smile at least.

The nights were dark and quiet on the farm. I'd sometimes lie out on the grass and gaze up at the stars. Knew a little about astronomy. I could recognise one or two constellations. Lizbeth would sometimes join me, the only time we felt safe cuddling in the darkness. It was during one of those times we enjoyed our first kiss. Deep down, we knew what we might end up doing was wrong, against the law, against God. But the attraction was overwhelming, and I knew I loved her far more than I should have done.

That night, after I'd admitted to wanting to join up should it happen, we headed out to look at the stars, taking Lizbeth by the hand some distance from the homestead. Lying back in the darkness, it took barely a minute before we shared our first kiss, sliding my tongue into her mouth quickly, moulding her body into mine. She whimpered within a few seconds, as though we were both eager to go further, we hadn't had the courage to do so yet. But I had a feeling things might be changing rather quickly regarding that.

My hand slid up under her nightgown, grabbing a breast that I'd already felt more than once, feeling the nipple grow hard as I brushed my fingers over it. Gently squeezing one, rubbing my thumb over it, I moved down to her neck, having learned that made her make cute little noises.

"Touch me," she whimpered.

That we'd never done before. There'd been a little groping, but I'd never touched between her legs. I knew, once we did that, we wouldn't stop. "Are you sure?" I whispered into her ear.

"Please touch me, Robbie." Running my fingers back down her body, her skin soft and supple at my touch, I felt her open her legs, running my fingers through the hair above her sex before I felt the warmth of her pussy. "God, please touch me, Robbie," she whimpered again.

I enjoyed teasing her, but I also wanted to touch her, running my fingers along her hot, wet slit. She jolted in my arm, biting my shoulder to cover the moan that she released. Fondling her for a few seconds, I finally found what I was looking for, sliding a digit into her pussy. She moaned again into my shoulder, feeling her hips start moving as my finger slid in and out of her.

"Robbie," she whispered.

Sliding a second finger inside her made her moan, and in the silence, it seemed to echo across the farm. I shushed her, but with her hips now bucking against my fingers now thrusting into her, she covered any further moans by simply focusing on kissing me. The only thing I wanted was to see her naked. Feeling her arm around me, her fingers digging into my back, I didn't really know what I was doing, but whatever I was, it was certainly getting a good reaction.

"Oooh, right there," she moaned, "What you're doing now."

While my fingers were busy inside her, she hiked up her nightgown and I felt her hand near mine. She released another soft moan as my lips sought hers again. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I touch this as well and I'll orgasm, Robbie," she whispered, "It's my clitoris."

"Oh... I've heard of that."

We were not taught about this in school so it was a learning experience for both of us. Father certainly didn't talk about sex with his c***dren, but mother had sat me down one day and explained what she called the birds and the bees. I certainly masturbated, despite it apparently being a sin. I was a god-fearing young man like any other, but something that enjoyable certainly couldn't be a sin. Then I wondered if my sister did such things.

"Do you... touch yourself?" I wondered.

"How do you think I learned this?" she breathed.

"I'd like to see it," I blurted out.

That made her giggle. "Help me orgasm first, Robbie."

I knew men orgasmed. I knew women orgasmed. Mother had been very honest about sex. Men had sex with women, orgasmed, and if they were then with c***d, it took nine months. As for women, yes, they did orgasm too, but... the faraway look on mother's face suggested something I didn't understand. Then she patted my hand, assured me if I had questions she'd be honest, then left me alone in my small room.

Lizbeth enjoyed an orgasm, moaning into my mouth as she kissed me just in time to cover the noise she made. Her pussy clamped around my fingers as I didn't stop thrusting them into her, feeling her hips move, wanting my fingers as deep inside her as possible, feeling her fingers continuing to move against her clit before she slowly stopped, asking me to do the same.

Taking my fingers from inside her, I lifted them up to my face, seeing them glisten with her juices in the moonlight before I cleaned them off with my mouth. My sister... tasted delightful, sliding my fingers back inside her again, making her giggle. "Like it, did you?" she murmured, hearing the tease in her voice.

"Mother said some men would... use their mouths down there..."

Lizbeth brushed her fingers against my cock. "I want this there instead, Robbie. I want to make love with you."

I took a deep breath. "I do too, Lizbeth. We'll sin together."

She snorted. "Fuck sin, Robbie. I feel wonderful right now. Why would God want us to stop us feeling like this?"

She had a good point. I believed in God, but I'll be honest, I had found Sunday school dull and struggled staying awake during most services. But I did believe, and the idea of hell, fire and brimstone, scared most young men. But most of us also had desires of a sexual nature, and many of us probably thought the pursuit would be worth the cost to your soul.

Lizbeth got to her feet, taking off her nightgown, before offering her hand. "Come, I know the perfect place."

Standing up, I took off my shirt and shorts so I was naked too, and she escorted me to one of the barns nearby. Thankfully, she had selected one that was currently empty, fresh hay in the stalls, ready for the new batch of cattle that father would soon have ready. Making sure the barn door was closed, she found an oil lamp and lit the flame, only enough to provide enough light so we could see each other. Certainly not bright enough to attracted attention from the homestead.

Finding a clean stall, she put the lamp down and lay down, spreading her legs before bending her knees. Sitting on my knees between her legs, I leaned down and kissed her. "I want you to fuck me, Robbie."

I couldn't help chuckle. I'd never heard her curse before this evening. Father cursed like a sailor, as mother liked to say. I'd picked it up at a young age, copping more than one clip around the ear. Once I turned 18, he no longer cared. Lifting the lamp, I held it so I could see her body. She was pale all over, milky white skin, pink nipples, no real muscular definition but, to me, she was absolutely perfect. What we were doing was something I'd thought for far too long.

"You're fucking beautiful, Lizbeth."

She smiled. "Just what I wanted to hear," she replied, looking down my body, the smile broadening as she saw my cock for the first time, "And my brother has a good looking cock."

I looked down, and I don't think I'd been harder in my life. Putting the lamp down in position so I could see her properly, I relaxed above her, guiding my cock for her entrance. Took a couple of attempts to find the right one, but when the head of my cock slid inside her, we both moaned.

"Don't cum in me," she warned.

"I'll do my best."

I slowly buried my cock inside the pussy of my sister, groaning loudly once my entire length had disappeared. Meeting her eyes, the smile hadn't left her face, and her eyes lit up once I started to slowly thrust into her. It was the best five minutes of my life, her pussy so warm, tight and slick. I looked down, smiling to see my cock disappearing inside her, gazing up her body before meeting her eyes again.

"Fuck... fuck..." she moaned.

"Good?" I wondered.

"Keep fucking me, brother."

I had a feeling she was liking the fact it was me. I'll admit, I enjoyed the idea of being like this with my sister. If we were going to burn for it, so be it. This first time was going to be worth it. And I was already hoping this wouldn't be the only time.

Her fingers ran up and down my back, whispered comments about the fact I already felt strong. I'd been helping father on the farm for years and was now helping him full-time after leaving school at 14. It was my destiny to take over the farm once father needed to stop. And no doubt it was the desire for me to have a son to pass it on to him. At 18, and Lizbeth 19, most would have expected us to be both married by now, but I was too busy with the farm, and Lizbeth... well, it was easy to figure out why now.

"Oh god," I moaned.

"Not in me, Robbie, not in me..."

I pulled out just in time, stroking my cock barely half a dozen times before I coated her stomach and chest in ropes of white cum, groaning loudly. Lizbeth giggled as each landed on her, and I was startled when she immediately used a finger to scoop up one line and put it straight in her mouth. My cock throbbed at seeing such... debauchery.

"Some girls at school told me about women who would suck cock..."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'll do everything for you, Robbie. I love you."

I leaned down and kissed her softly. "I love you too."

Lizbeth needed to clean up first before leaving the barn, and we managed to sneak back into the house without being seen, hearing the snores of father from our parents' bedroom. Though I would have loved to spend the rest of the night with Lizbeth, the idea of being caught by our parents put that idea out of our minds, sharing one last lingering kiss before I returned to my room, and she joined the one she shared with her sisters.

After that night together, we used every opportunity to have sex. During the day, it was almost impossible. I rarely if ever had a day off, and with so many jobs to complete every day, it was only through my sheer natural fitness I didn't collapse upon returning to the homestead each evening. It was only during the night we could make our escape for our illicit rendezvous, and each time got better and better. The first time I licked her pussy and made her orgasm ended up making her cry, while I assured her that was something I would love doing for a long time to come. She was eager to return the favour, and she slowly learned how to suck my cock. When she made me cum, she even swallowed it the third time I finished in her mouth. I stood there, slack-jawed, as she sat there on her knees, looking rather proud of herself.

As for the sex, it just got better and better. We knew sex was far more than just the missionary position, my sister proving rather knowledgeable about such acts, admitting she still talked to friends when meeting them shopping in town. It seemed women liked to gossip about their sex lives, and whatever Lizbeth learned from them, she put into practice with me. Getting onto her hands and knees for the first time, her perfectly pale arse in sight, sliding my cock inside her, I was amazed I didn't cum immediately.

When she had me lie back and ride me, I was mesmerised by the swaying of her breasts. They were beautiful. Utterly perfect on her body. I loved touching them. Definitely loved sucking on them, making her nipples get hard as that always made her moan.

The best thing, though, was when she figured it was safe for me to cum inside her. Mother had obviously explained to Lizbeth the womanly version of the birds and bees. The first time I did cum inside her, she wept, holding me tightly. "Now I'm definitely yours," she whispered. But when it wasn't safe to cum in her, I had no problem pulling out and finishing on her. She loved it too.

Our affair was brought to a shuddering halt by news on the radio. Germany had invaded a country called Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain had declared war on September 3, 1939, and our country followed suit, declaring war the same day.

At dinner the next evening, I told everyone I would be leaving immediately to sign up. I couldn't bear look at Lizbeth, seeing the heartache in her eyes. Father was oblivious. Mother.... I'm sure mother knew. I thought the fact we were in love would have been obvious. Maybe father just didn't want to see it.

But while I wanted to go serve, there was a second reason for me to go. If I left, our feelings for each other would hopefully diminish. If the war continued for some time, Lizbeth would eventually meet a man and move on. And that would mean I would have to do the same thing too.

A recruiting office sprang up in Tamworth within a week of the declaration of war. Heading into town, I was accepted immediately, or at least I was after a quick medical. I would be shipped out to Sydney for further evaluation in three days.

Lizbeth did not come to me those last nights I was home. I didn't blame her. I knew I'd broken her heart. More than once, I walked into the living room, aware she'd been crying. But she did not look at me with any sort of hatred. She still loved me as much as I loved her. I think, at heart, she knew why I was going, the dual reason to serve my country but also protect each other in the long run.

The family escorted me to the station for the morning train that would head south to the state capital. Father shook my hand, stating he was proud of me, and that he hoped I would serve my country with honour and pride. Mother doted, ensuring I looked respectable, before she hugged me, knowing this hard woman who had raised me needed a little cry. My two younger sisters simply knew their brother was leaving, my parents making sure they understood what I was doing. Then there was Lizbeth. I wanted to hold her in my arms, kiss her like I did during all those nights, tell her how much I loved her.

But I couldn't, not in front of my parents. I hugged her tightly, whispered into her ear I loved her, and wished her all the best. She cried, barely able to say anything except she loved me, before she turned and ran away. Father was oblivious, hearing him mutter about her over-reacting. Mother met my eyes and nodded. She knew...

It was the middle of September, 1939, when I boarded that train to Sydney. It would be the middle of October, 1945, when I returned to the farm. Over six years I hadn't seen her. Hadn't talked to her. But I'd thought of her nearly every day I was away.

Our feelings hadn't changed at all.


"Can I have one?" she asked.

I offered her the pack. I'd only picked up the habit while serving, pilots surviving on a diet of cigarettes, coffee and liquor. Taking a cigarette, she put it between her lips as I lit it for her, then she surprised me by leaning forward and kissed me. It was brief but I felt the immediate urge to take her hand towards the barn.

Sitting back, enjoying a smoke, she asked, "Were you with women?"

"I was."

"Father introduced me to a man while you were away. The sex with him was... awful. He cared nothing about me. I was to just lie there and let him fuck me. Barely got me wet half the time. I ended it when father died as mother wanted me to come home and help. She knew I was miserable too."

"Never stopped thinking about you," I admitted, "I thought the time away would help. Guess the old adage 'absence makes the heart go fonder' rings true."

"I've never stopped, Robbie. All I do is masturbate nearly every night, thinking about what we've done, and when you came home, what we would do together."

I finished my cigarette, flinging the butt into the nearby bucket. "I'm not the same man, Lizbeth. I've got a bad leg, scars inside and out, and I don't sleep well anymore. I love being back here, but it's going to take time to adapt to this life again, being around all of you..."

She took my hand in hers. "Do you want to be with me again?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "More than anything, Lizbeth. I knew it the moment I saw you again."

She flicked her cigarette into the bucket and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tonight," she whispered before heading back inside. I sat by myself for a few more minutes, listening to the wind through the distant trees, enjoying the sounds of silence, except for the chirping of insects. At least the little bastards shut up at night... mostly...

Heading inside, I gave myself a quick wash with a soap and cloth from the basin, wiping down all the important bits, before returning to my bedroom. It hadn't changed since I left, I guess my mother always hoping, or assuming, I'd return home one day. Hanging up my uniforms in the wardrobe, I placed my other knick-knacks around the room before I lay back on the bed and relaxed, absent-mindedly rubbing my leg. It wasn't sore, it was just a habit by now.

I was on the verge of drifting off when my door opened and Lizbeth appeared. Hearing her bare feet pad across the wooden floor, she lifted off her nightgown to reveal her naked body. I was hard within seconds, sitting and then standing up as I removed my shirt, though had to be careful when removing my shorts.

That first kiss was full of all the love we still held for each other, our tongues playfully duelling as I pulled her body into mine. She'd definitely given herself a wash and applied a little perfume. My hard, scarred body was almost opposite to hers. Despite hard work on the farm, she still felt soft and feminine against me.

"Thought about this since the day you left. That day... It was the worst day of my life, Robbie," she whispered.

"Coming back is the best?"

She smiled. "Can't think of many that beat it."

Leading her back to my bed, I laid her down and carefully got between her legs. I could bend the knee of my bad leg, but I knew I couldn't stay in that position for too long without feeling agony, but I had to give her body attention. I found all those zones I remembered. She loved it when I kissed all over her neck, provoking soft moans. Her breasts were still magnificent, pale pink nipples, already hard enough to cut glass. Her fingers ran through my hair as I sucked at those, my fingers already busy between her legs, feeling her body move.

"Still so wet for me, Lizbeth," I said with humour.

Moving down to her pussy, I was surprised to see her hair was rather trimmed. It had never been what we'd call wild back in the service, but I had to meet her eyes in surprise. "The girls talked about keeping it neat, so that's what I've done."

"Not complaining," I muttered before I placed a hand behind each knee, pushing her legs back, before I ran my tongue up her slit, enjoying her taste for the first time in six years. She covered her mouth to cover the loud moan that would have escaped her. I remembered her pussy fondly, and certainly all the little things I knew came flooding back. Her taste hadn't changed, taking a moment to just savour that, making sure I kept looking up as my tongue got to work.

"Robbie," she whimpered. I had a feeling she wasn't going to last long. She'd probably been touching herself before joining me so she came quickly.

"Love you, Lizbeth. Want to make you orgasm," I murmured.

She covered her mouth again, nodding eagerly, as I slid two fingers into her, making that motion we'd learned together, while I started to gently press my tongue against her clit. We'd learned all I needed to do was tease that while moving my fingers for her to orgasm. She was soon writhing at my ministrations, body jerking, hips moving in relation to my fingers.

"Oh god!" she cried, thankful she kept her mouth covered.

By God, she was as wonderful as I remembered. I would have served regardless, but I regretted the time we'd spent apart otherwise. How it would have worked, I don't know, but her body was wonderful, she was utterly beautiful, the smartest person I knew, and the fact she loved sex as much as me was the strawberry on top.

I moved my fingers faster, finding that special spot all the time. She kept her mouth covered though I would have loved her voice to echo around all the way back to Tamworth, even Sydney. She whimpered my name again, begging me to flick her clit ever faster. She shuddered a couple of times, the sign she was getting ever so close.

"Ooooooh..." she moaned, watching her eyes almost roll back in her head. Her back arched slightly, the walls of her pussy clamping against my fingers, body shaking even more as the orgasm hit her hard. She tried to squash me with her thighs as always, hearing her whimper for me to keep going. My fingers remained inside her as I kissed back up her body, our lips meeting in a soft kiss before we just gazed at each other.

"I've missed you so much," she whispered. Then her lip started to tremble as she started to cry. "Don't stop. Make me orgasm again."


"Love, Robbie. Feeling nothing but love. Orgasm, then we'll make love."

With my fingers doing what they did so well, her next orgasm didn't take long in arriving, my tongue and mouth this time focusing on her upper body. She loved it when I focused on her breasts, having confessed she'd pinch her nipples hard when she was masturbating. It made her orgasm even better. I'd been a young man before I'd left, so didn't really know much about the ways of women. Being in Europe had opened my eyes to the fact women loved sex as much as men. And when I learned of that, I had thought of Lizbeth, and that just made me smile.

"Oh Robbie," she cried softly as her second orgasm hit her. Removing my fingers from her pussy, I lifted them up to between our face. Raising my eyebrows, she took my wrist and slipped them into her mouth, moaning softly. "I love the taste of my pussy, Robbie," she moaned.

I wasted no time sliding my cock inside her, knowing I wasn't going to last long. Feeling her legs wrap around me, I thrust into her for all of five minutes, savouring the feeling of her tight, warm pussy once again, trying not to groan too much, though my bed certainly squeaked the entire time. Our eyes met and we both chuckled. "Mum will think you're masturbating hopefully," Lizbeth whispered.

When I came inside her, that's when I did release a low groan. I could have spent all night making love to her, but it had been a long day, and I did feel tired. Pulling out of her, all she did was turn onto her side and spoon back against me. We'd never slept together in such a manner, always afraid of being caught, even if we'd gone to bed dressed and it looked somewhat innocent.

"I missed you so much, Robbie," she whispered, "And I've never stopped loving you."

"I feel exactly the same way, Lizbeth."


I was asleep within a few minutes.


Part of me wanted to wake up with Lizbeth still asleep in my arms, but when I did wake up alone, I think there was a small wave of relief that she wouldn't walk out of my room in the morning. I was fairly sure we'd made enough noise the night before that someone would have heard us, but as I lay there as sunlight started to filter through the window, I'd cross that bridge when it came.

Sitting up on the edge of my bed, rubbing my bad leg for a few minutes as it was always stiff in the morning, I dressed in civvies before heading out into the living room. Mum was already up and busy making breakfast, glancing my way and smiling. Limping over, she turned so I could cuddle her.

"My boy is home," she whispered, "Does it hurt?"

"Occasionally. They did a good job fixing it up, at least. Better than not having the leg at all. At least I can get back to work on the farm."

"Is this what you want to do?"

"Of course. My intention was always to come back here in the end. I'm assuming father..."

Mother nodded. "It's been left for you... and your sisters." She leaned back and smiled. "Guess your father was a little ahead of his time in that regard. Your sisters all want to stay here and work on the farm. With men returning from the war, we'll be able to re-hire some farmhands, though the old boys that work for us will remain as long as they wish."

I sat down, a mug of tea placed in front of me within a couple of minutes with an accompanying kiss on the cheek. As I heard the pan sizzle and the scent of bacon and eggs wafting towards us, the farm producing plenty of the latter as every farm in the area kept chickens, I was joined by my two younger sisters. Both smiled at me, but there was no missing the blushes at the same time. I was left thinking they definitely heard Lizbeth and I. And if they did, mother certainly did too.

Lizbeth was the last to join us, just as mother was serving up breakfast. She beamed a smile in our direction before sitting close to me. Mary and Rose blushed even brighter as the look on Lizbeth's face was of a woman who'd made love the night before. Seen it myself more than once. Mother served breakfast before she sat down, lowering our heads to say Grace. Again, it was a simple prayer, thanking God for the fact I was home alive, and that we were a family once again.

We ate breakfast in silence, though I noticed the glances from all three of my sisters in my direction. I put it down to Lizbeth being in love, the other two happy I was home, and also a little embarrassed about what they'd heard the night before. Mother also smiled at me, and I knew why. Her son was back home. I'd seen plenty of mothers clutching their sons in floods of tears after disembarking the ship.

"Girls, you should head out and get ready for the morning. I'm sure the men have already got the routines in motion. I need to talk to your brother."

Lizbeth shot me a concerned glance. I smiled before opening my pack of cigarettes, placing one between my lips before pouring myself some more tea. "Go on, girls. Mother and I probably have a lot to talk about now that I'm home," I said. Lizbeth took a deep breath before standing up, the three heading to their bedroom to change.

Mother remained where she was, waiting until they'd headed outside before she motioned me to follow her. Surprisingly, she led me into her bedroom, somewhere I rarely ventured. Gesturing for me to sit on the edge of her bed, she shut the door before sitting next to me.

"I've always known, Robbie," she whispered, taking my hand in hers, "I've always known. And I think your father did too. He wasn't oblivious, he wasn't blind, but I think he just told himself it wasn't possible, so he just ignored it."

"You want me to go?"

"Oh baby, why would I want you to go? For loving your sister?"

"But... it's... it's a sin. It's i****t. We're breaking every law and moral we know."

She snorted. "Look, Robbie, I'm a god-fearing woman as much as anyone else, but they tell me it's a sin when I love to make myself cum. Well, if something that feels so good is wrong, then fuck it, I'll burn with everyone else." I looked at my mum, feeling my jaw drop. I mean, she was a woman, and I figured most women did do such things, but for her to admit it to me...

I chuckled, feeling her bump into me. "Well, that's not the reaction I expected," I admitted.

"I haven't had sex since your father died, Robbie. I've been a widow for four years, not having felt the touch of a man. So I have to touch myself to feel good. Your father was a good man, a great provider, and he raised our c***dren well. But... in the bedroom, he was selfish. He was of the old school. I was there to provide for his needs. I know for a fact you care for your sister and make her cum. No woman walks out of the bedroom with that sort of smile in the morning without having enjoyed one hell of an orgasm the night before."

"We learned together... We were each other's firsts."

"Robbie, it's why I made sure she came home. The man your father set her up with was... cruel. She returned here to visit more than once with bruises." I squeezed her hand, but she squeezed it back. "Trust me on this one, he was sorted out after that by certain people we know well and can trust. But I knew about you two, and I wanted her home for when you finally arrived back."

"So you're okay with this?"

She turned my chin so I met her eyes, seeing a soft smile on her face. Then she closed the distance and kissed me on the lips. Not quite like the kisses I'd share with Lizbeth, but certainly no chaste motherly kiss either. "I haven't been touched in years, Robbie," she whispered, "My daughter is happier than I've seen her in years. And I know what you're both going through." She kissed me again. "Remember your Uncle Bruce?"


She smiled. "He was my first."

"What? Really?"

She kissed me again, a deeper kiss. I should have been horrified by kissing my mother in such a manner, but... it felt really nice to be close with her like that. "He wasn't the only brother I fucked, Robbie. I fucked all my brothers."

I was rock hard in seconds. There was something so... wrong, but also so exciting about hearing my mother in such a manner. She obviously noticed my shuffle as I needed to readjust. Her hand moved down to caress my tented cock. "Mother," I whispered.

"Do you like that, Robbie? To hear your mother has such a sordid past? The fact Bruce was my first and I let him cum in my pussy that very first time? The fact I sucked off Matthew behind the barn nearly every day, swallowing his cum, or taking it on the face or my breasts? The fact Henry loved to eat my pussy whenever he got the chance? Or maybe you'd like to hear the times that all three fucked me at once, filling all my holes? My brothers loved fucking me together." She paused and whispered into my ear, "I was a wanton whore for my brothers."

I kissed her hard for that one, her mouth opening to accept my tongue. She whimpered as I pulled her close, feeling her grab my wrist and run my hand up her thigh to her pussy. Feeling her not wearing underwear... Instead, I felt her hot, wet pussy, and she must have been incredibly turned one. "Oh god," I moaned, "Mother..."

"I loved knowing you were fucking Lizbeth, Robbie," she whispered into my ear, "It reminded me of my life. Your father was a good man, but he was nothing like my brothers. My god, the way we would fuck sometimes. It's a shame only Henry is left and he's married with his own family. We agreed to stop once I was married off to your father. The past four years, I'd had to rely on my memories."

I kissed her again before leaning back, meeting her eyes. "Mother... are you... are we..."

"Robbie, your sisters all love you. And you're my son, and I love you with all my heart. I've always been proud of you, but you've now returned a man, but with wounds on your mind, your soul, your body. And all I want to do is take care of you, as do your sisters." She lifted a hand to my cheek, feeling her gentle caress. "And I want to be with my son intimately. I wanted to before, when I knew you were with Lizbeth, and understood you'd be open-minded. But I couldn't do that when your father was alive. He was a good man and did not deserve his wife to sleep with his own son behind his back. But he's now gone, you're here now..." She kissed me again, feeling her tongue slide into my mouth, making her chuckle as I was always playful. I enjoyed making women feel good from just a simple kiss. "Does that interest you, Robbie? Would you like to fuck your mother?"

"Get naked," I said.

She was rather excited when standing up, and she was naked rather quickly. I stood up and held her to me, feeling her excitement as she shook slightly. Though excited, she was definitely nervous at the same time, making sure we ended up gently falling back on the bed. I undressed quickly, if awkwardly, as mother scooted back on the bed. She spread her legs, a thick patch of hair at her pussy, but she was dripping wet with excitement. It was a sight I had never thought I'd see, but I licked my lips before moving my eyes up her body, her chest rising and falling with anticipation, her breasts smaller than Lizbeth and still in good condition.

"Make love to your mother, Robbie," she whispered.

While I'd have loved to fool around, I think mother wanted to make love as it had been so long for her. Getting into position between her legs, I was surprised at how hard my cock was at the thought of what I was about to do. Gently sliding inside her, I was amazed at how hot and tight she was, feeling her fingers dig into my back as I slowly buried myself.

"Oh my god, Robbie," she cried softly, "Such a big cock!"

I felt myself blush at the compliment from my own mother. "Mother, your pussy is... so tight..."

"Oh baby, I'm so glad you think so."

Thrusting into her slowly, I felt moved her legs so her knees were bent, her thighs pressed against my torso, changing the angle before I groaned, immediately feeling even deeper. She released a long moan of herself, her face lighting up in a smile. "Like that?"

"I've... Robbie, your father was lights off, I lay there until he came in me, then he rolled off and went to sleep."

My heart broke for her. I loved my father, he had been a good man, but sex should have been something so much more. I'd always adored my mother. Sure, I'd never considered having sex with her until the past few minutes, but considering I had sex with my sister, I guess this wasn't a particularly big leap. I think telling me about her own past was her way of signalling her real intentions.


"Call my 'Mummy' when we're like this, Robbie."

I grinned. Despite the fact I was twenty-four, calling her that in such an intimate setting, I'm sure I got excited even further. "Mummy, we are going to have a lot of fun."

"We'll talk later, Robbie. Fuck Mummy like I know you can. Make me cum as hard as your sister."

I picked up the tempo of my thrusts, changing the angle from time to time, watching her face light up as I was doing all I could to help her orgasm at the same time. Asking her to wrap her legs around me, she moaned loudly, stating it felt even better, grabbing her with one hand on her arse as I really started to fuck her.

"Love my thick cock, Mummy?" I grunted, meeting her eyes, the amount of lust and desire in her own urging me on to fuck her harder.

"Give me that cock!" she cried, "Fill my pussy with your seed."

Dear God, we were going to burn in hell for this, but it was going to be worth it. Or I'd just confess all my sins on my deathbed and I'd be forgiven. But considering how great my sister felt, and now my mother was proving a sexual being in her own right, I'd sin every day the rest of my life if necessary. She released her legs, and I suggested she spread them as wide as possible.

"Oh fuck me, son. Fuck your mother's pussy!"

I barely lasted another couple of minutes. I was desperate to make her orgasm at the same time, but I wasn't sure she was going to. Warning I was close, she kept her legs wide, moving one hand to my cheek, gazing into my eyes. Her look urged me on, almost pleading with me to finish inside her. With one loud groan, I felt my cock throb, that tingling sensation one gets, before I felt that first spurt deep into her pussy. It felt just as wonderful as it did with Lizbeth, pumping and cumming deep inside her until I was spent. Relaxing on my forearms, I felt her legs wrap around me, her fingers trailing up and down my back, a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Mummy," I whispered.

"That was wonderful, baby. But I need to cum. Want to help me? Put those fingers to good use?"

"I'd love to make you cum, Mummy."

She kissed my cheek. "Next time, maybe you'd like to eat Mummy's pussy?"

I would have done it then, but... Look, I was open-minded, but I'll admit, I didn't particularly want to taste my own cum. I knew one or two men I'd served with who had certain kinks, but I figured I had a big enough kink in that I was now fucking family members. Sliding out of her pussy, I did have to sit back and just gaze at her. That's when she did start to blink rapidly. "Mother..."

She shook her head. "God no, Robbie. I'm not thinking anything wrong. I just love how my son looks at me like this."

Lying beside her, I trailed my fingers down her body from her cheek, running them over her small breasts, enjoying at how hard her nipples felt. She watched me as my hands moved over her stomach down to the hair above her pussy, before finally dipping two fingers into her pussy. I chuckled immediately. "Well, your pussy is hot, Mummy, but having my cum mixed in with it is different."

"I love feeling you cum in me already, Robbie."

When I moved my fingers in a certain way, her face lit up in the sort of smile I normally I only saw on Lizbeth's. But considering I now had at least some experience, she shouldn't have been that surprised. Resting one of her legs over my body, hers was now open for me to tease, position my hand in such a manner than I could thrust into her with fingers while also fondling her clit.

Her orgasm hit her hard within five minutes, needing to kiss me deeply to cover the loud moan that would have escaped her, though anyone close to the house would have heard us fucking. I didn't relent either, and when she broke the kiss, she started to giggle. "Oh fuck, keep going," she moaned.

"I know already that I love making Mummy orgasm," I whispered.

"Oh baby... you're going to make all of us so happy."

I focused on making her orgasm again but wondered what she meant. Did she mean herself and Lizbeth? Or had she insinuated that my other sisters wanted to be intimate with me too? Maybe they were already aware of the fact I'd been with Lizbeth? Had she told them? Or had they just figured it out for themselves?

I put those thoughts to the side when she enjoyed another orgasm. I would have kept going as my arm wasn't going to get sore anytime soon, but she leaned down to grab my wrist, taking my fingers from inside her. Just like her daughter, she lifted my fingers to her mouth, meeting my eyes as she sucked on them, moaning seductively. "Could taste my pussy and my son's cum," she murmured.

Turning onto her side, she cuddled into me, her hand again caressing my cheek as she met my eyes. "Are you okay with this, Robbie? Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I love my sister and I love my mother."

"What about Mary and Rosie?"

"I love them too."

"Would you like to make love with them?"

"Would they want to?" She gave me a look as if I was being stupid. "You're serious?"

"I'm not sure if they've figured it out or not. Rosie has had this ideal of who you are while you were gone. She's now nineteen and her own woman, and I can see the way her eyes have already lingered on you. As for Mary, she definitely had a crush on her older brother before you left. I think it's safe to say that the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree when it comes to my c***dren and their desires for each other."

"I'll think about it. Being with you and Lizbeth... What will I tell her?"

She kissed my forehead. "I'll talk to your sister. Don't worry about that. I'll make sure she understands."

We need to wipe ourselves down after our lovemaking. Joining each other on the veranda a few minutes later, I had to walk with my cane once back outside. Introduced to the farmhands, many were those who had been friends of my fathers, too old to be conscripted. My sisters dressed like men when doing farm work. Trousers. Shirts. Boots. Hats. No-one would care, not on the farm. Life was different out in the bush. Even in Tamworth, still not even considered a town, a woman would be expected to be a woman, dress and behave, the traditional way. I'd learned that morning mother was anything but, and that our lives might end up not being particularly traditional at all.

Mother took Lizbeth by the arm and they were soon mounted on horses, riding away in the direction of the lake that sat on the very edge of our property. Our farm wasn't large, but it would still take a horse an hour to get there. Whether they ended up there, or were simply going for a ride, I didn't know.

"Where are they going?" Rose wondered.

"I don't know," I replied, simply because I didn't, though I could assume what the discussion would be about.

"Glad to be home?" Mary asked, hearing the hope in her tone.

I hugged her tightly, hearing her sigh straight away. "Definitely," I whispered, making sure I hugged Rose at the same time, "And definitely be glad to be with my two cute little sisters again."

That earned me a warm smile from both, kissing each of them on the cheek, which had them both blushing, Rose adding a very cute giggle. She was barely a teenager when I'd left, so I could certainly understand any infatuation with the long lost brother. As for Mary, she was simply the same as Lizbeth, but it was perhaps just for the best we'd never done anything since before I'd left.

I couldn't help out all that much with what everyone was doing, spending most of my time what I called supervising. Seeing the cane in my cane in my hand, the chain around my neck, even the old farmhands ended up calling me 'sir' though I prefer Robert or Robbie. I think the fact I'd been gone so long, served King and Country, and had been wounded for it, would earn the respect of most people.

Mother and Lizbeth returned in time for lunch, returning to the farmstead for a simple meal compared to breakfast. Once we were done, my two younger sisters returned to their chores as mother sat to one side of me, Lizbeth to the other. "I explained everything," mother said.

I looked at Lizbeth. "The idea of you fucking our mother... I want to watch!" I raised my eyebrows in surprise at that. "Then mother wants to watch you fuck me in return."

I glanced at mother. "My daughter and I are rather alike, I think."

"Then there's Mary and Rosie," Lizbeth added, "I have no doubt they both want to be intimate."

Mother grinned. "As I said, Robbie, my daughters definitely take after their mother."


Pilots were a superstitious bunch. Generally had a set routine before climbing into the cockpit. Always entered it in a certain manner. If you shot down an enemy aircraft, you'd do exactly the same things the next day, thinking that was what had brought you good luck. In addition to superstition, we all believed in God. Most of us wore a cross, whether you were catholic, protestant or one of the other Christian ideologies. I still wore mine, though after six years of war, faith had started to wane after all the discoveries made. The Nazi's had been godless bastards, but would have our beloved God allowed such atrocities to happen?

It raised questions, and I found none at church on Sundays. It was the same dreary sermons. The only difference now was being sat between my mother and Lizbeth. Nothing looked untoward, except for my hands caressing their inner thighs. Mother had already taken to not wearing panties so I could fuck her whenever we desired. Lizbeth slept with me nearly every night after we made love, waking up early enough that she would start preparing breakfast so she was never discovered by Mary and Rose leaving my room.

Limping outside on my cane, I always attended Sunday service in my uniform. A few other fighting men had returned to Tamworth. Most had been in the army, but while there was good natured ribbing between the different branches, there was respect, and all of us had seen shit that would live with us until our dying days. I rarely ventured into town, but I was now recognised thanks to the uniform, being stopped and having my hand shaken every time I wandered about. It was a nice feeling, though I'd been no-one special. Just one of millions who had joined up to fight evil bastards.

Due to my bad leg, I couldn't drive, the clutch simply requiring the strength I no longer had. That meant mother drove us to and from the farm, sitting in the middle, Rose and Mary sitting in the back. Thankfully, they couldn't hear our conversation in the front cab.

"I wanted you to finger me so badly in church," mother stated, "Just feeling you caress my thighs was getting me wet."

She managed to shimmy her skirt up so I could almost see her pussy. Reaching down to touch her, she wasn't lying about being turned on. "Mummy is very wet," I whispered.

"Mummy wants her son's cock buried in her cunt."

I'd learned mother had a filthy mouth on her, which I simply loved. She confessed to repressing her sexuality while being with our father. She'd gone into graphic detail with both Lizbeth and I about her life with her brothers, all the things they'd enjoyed together. All of them filled her pussy with their cocks and cum. She loved sucking all them off together. She'd taken all of them in her arse. I knew certain women seemed to enjoy that. She'd loved fucking her brothers, and they'd loved fucking her. But she knew it was a secret that could blow her family apart. Her brothers kept fucking her until they met a woman they could move on with. And once mother met our father, that ended that part of her life. She closed it off, buried all her feelings deep, and played the dutiful wife ever since.

"You ever wonder about fucking your father?" Lizbeth wondered.

"I thought about it. But he was a pious man. He'd have thrown me out, or beaten me to an inch of my life. I think I take after your grandmother. I heard rumour she had enjoyed more than one dalliance with a woman before meeting your grandfather."

"Really?" I asked. I guess our family had plenty of secrets.

"I never found out the truth before she passed. But while my father was a good provider, there is no doubt he was boring. Little wonder he chose your father as a suitable husband for me." She sighed. "I don't wish to speak ill of him, I really don't. But I'm not the only woman who has to carry around certain burdens. But that's the time we live in. Maybe things will improve in the future." She glanced at me. "Play with your sister while I'm driving, Robbie."

"Yes, Mummy."

I wasn't left handed, but that didn't matter. While staring ahead, Lizbeth managed to get her underwear down enough, then slide down the seat so I could get to her pussy. Her being wet wasn't a surprise either, my fingers soon fondling her. Glancing back, our sisters were sitting with their heads resting facing back where we were coming from, so I turned and switched to my right hand, burying two fingers in the tight pussy of my sister.

"Robbie," she moaned.

"That's it, baby. Make your sister cum."

Thankfully, the truck was so noisy, Lizbeth could make all the noise she wanted and they liked wouldn't hear a thing. Palming her pussy, I positioned my hand perfectly so I could thrust a pair of fingers into her while also tickle her clit. Her hips were quickly moving to my finger movements, turning her head to gaze into my eyes. I wanted to kiss her, glancing and checking it was fine, before doing just that.

"I love you so much," she whimpered.

"Oh god," Mum moaned next to me. I think she was driving one handed. The road was straight so she didn't need to change gear.

She'd definitely been turned on for a while as her orgasm didn't take long to arrive, kissing me hard to cover the whimpers that would have escaped her otherwise. I kept on pumping my fingers into her until she asked me to stop, taking them out and sucking on them immediately, my eyes gazing into hers the entire time. Soon as my mouth was empty, she kissed me hard. "My brother knows my pussy so well," she murmured.

"Always said the same thing to mine, sweetie," mother said.

Settling back into my seat, the cabin had the scent of pussy, making them both chuckle as I inhaled their scent. Mother glanced back then slid her fingers into my mouth to taste her before she focused on driving us home.

Sunday was the day of rest, so we relaxed upon returning home. I'm sure many thought farming was a 24/7 job, but I'd learned before and after the war that men, nor women, had to sacrifice every waking moment to the farm. With a few farmhands issued instructions, we could relax at home at least one day a week.

Mother cooked a roast with all the trimmings that Sunday, a tradition that seemingly carried on since I was a c***d, all the way through the war, despite the rationing regarding certain products. Knowing I could relax, I grabbed a book from the collection my parents had gathered over the years, heading outside to the veranda, sitting back and reading, smoking one cigarette after the other, while mother wandered out occasionally with a fresh cup of tea, leaving a soft kiss on my cheek each time.

Lizbeth and mother sat next to me once the sun was going down and that's when I finally asked, "What the hell am I going to do here?" Glancing from one to the other, I added, "Be honest."

Mother cuddled into me immediately. "You'll look after us, Robbie."

"But I can't...." I sighed, frustrated by my bad leg, frustrated by... everything... "You need a man in your life, and I'm barely..."

"Shut your mouth, Robert Williams," my mouth stated, keeping her voice low but I heard the emotion, "You've done more than any of us could have asked. You've earned the life you live right now."

I looked away, blinking rapidly, as I recognised the emotion in her tone. I finally sighed again. "I just feel useless," I admitted, "I've gone from flying Spitfires over Europe to... whatever I'm doing now."

"You are far from useless, Robbie," Lizbeth whispered, kissing me softly on the lips before cuddling into me.

I wasn't quite sure I believed her, but it still felt nice to hear. I could satisfy my sister and mother in bed, but whenever it came to working on the farm, I was exhausted far too quickly and could barely do even menial tasks with my bad leg. But even the farmhands almost insisted I sit down and relax. I knew it was about respect, but... I didn't want to feel I was taking advantage. My sisters and mother almost fawned over me. The farmhands went out of their way to ensure I barely lifted a finger. I was a man of action, or at least I had been for nearly six years. And I thought that would continue returning home. But it wasn't just my bad leg. I'd woken most nights due to nightmares. It wasn't utter terror, but waking up in a cold sweat then woke Lizbeth, who did need rest. She'd pulled me back down, cuddle into me, and whisper how much she loved me. At least that always made me feel better.

Heading to my bedroom alone that evening, as Lizbeth would only join me later, while I rarely slept at night with mother, at least not yet. Stripping down to just my underwear, I lay back with a book, ready for Lizbeth to eventually come join me. Hearing the door open, I placed my book down to be greeted by the vision of my youngest sister, Rose.

Getting out of bed, she wasted no time shaking off her nightgown to reveal her slim, pale body. "Do you think I'm beautiful, Robbie?" she asked softly.

I could have asked plenty of questions, such as what was she doing in my room, and why was she now naked in my room, but it had been insinuated enough that my younger sisters were attracted to me. "Always thought my little sister was cute, but now she is definitely beautiful," I replied, stepping towards her.

She didn't have a large bust, but she'd been quite the tight little butt instead. Long brunette hair that she rarely cut, but had to keep tied up when working. Blue eyes that sparkled with mischief all the time. The sort of lips that were just made for kissing. Dimples whenever she smiled. She might have been slim, but there was an edge of definition from all the work she did on the farm. All my sisters got stuck in alongside the farm hands.

"I'm a virgin," she whispered, "Mother has always known, Robbie. Always known you were the one." I took her in my arms, feeling her head rest against my naked chest. "I always wanted you to be my first. I wanted you to come home and take me, just like Lizbeth." She started to giggle. "Mary and I have always known about that too. It wasn't our place to say anything, obviously."

"Has mother..."

"She sat all three of us down not long after you returned and asked what we wanted. She wasn't surprised to hear all three of us want to be with you." She glanced up. "Is that strange?"

"Rosie, Lizbeth and I were intimate for months before I left, and we've been intimate ever since I returned. It's been insinuated you and Mary..."

"I'm nearly twenty years old, Robbie. I can't wait any longer. Mary feels even worse but she's got a good heart, my older sister. She's willing to wait a little longer. Lizbeth... She knew we knew, so has no problem sharing particular details with us now."

"And... mother..."

She giggled again. "Oh, we figured out the very first time you had sex with her. We haven't seen her smile like that in years, Robbie. Trust me, none of us care."

It was obvious the first time our lips met that she'd kissed before at least, blushing when she admitted that Mary had been her first kiss. Both were curious so they practiced together. We ended up on my bed once I'd taken off my underwear, Rose blushing again once she saw my cock. She'd obviously never see one before. Sitting on my knees, which hurt like hell with my bad leg, she sat on hers in front of me, feeling her hands caress my body. Didn't take her very long to gently grasp my cock.

"Wow, it feels so... hard, yet... soft... weird..."

I needed to get off my knees rather quickly, lying her down as I rested next to her, running my fingers up and down her body. She was desperate to kiss me, sliding my tongue into her mouth, feeling hers play with mine in return. Giving her nipples a little squeeze earned a joint moan and giggle, breaking the kiss to take one in my mouth straight away. Might not have had as large a bust as her sister, but they were perfect on her slim frame.

"I love you, Robbie," she murmured, "Are you going to lick my pussy?" I met her eyes, definitely with eyebrows raised. "Lizbeth said... you loved doing it, and I'd love it too."

"I'd love to lick your pussy, Rosie. You masturbate?" Another blush formed but she nodded. "Make yourself orgasm?"

"I love it when I orgasm really hard. Mary and I do it at night together. Not in bed together, but we'll masturbate at the same time."

"I do love how open-minded my sisters are."

"Robbie, you're my brother and I've wanted to have sex with you for... a long time. I think that's beyond being open-minded."

"So what's Lizbeth doing tonight?"

"She's... um... fooling around with Mary." I definitely would have looked surprised at that. "Your sisters like each other too, just differently. They're not going to have sex, you'll be her first, so they'll do other things."

Okay, the idea of my sisters fooling around with each other was more of a turn on than I'd care to admit. Little wonder I was quickly kissing down her body towards her sex. She had dark hair above her sex, and her scent was an even bigger turn on. I put my nose to her pussy and simply inhaled, which earned another cute giggle. Spreading her legs wider, I got comfortable and teased her pussy with my tongue. She might have touched herself before but the moan she released immediately suggested she'd walked in turned on.

Wrapping an arm around each thigh, everything I'd learned with Lizbeth, and certain tips mother had given me as well, I applied to my youngest sister. There was no need for her to be silent as I had no doubt mother and sisters knew she'd be coming to join me that evening, though she spent more time whimpering, begging me to make her cum, rather than crying out loudly.

"Oh god... oh god..." she muttered again and again, particularly once I started to tickle her clit. The first few times I did that, her entire body shuddered until she got used to someone else doing it for her, at least. Letting go of her thigh, I slid couple of fingers inside her, hoping to locate that special spot. Once I did, she lifted her head, eyes wide as she cried, "Oh god, Robbie!"

I would have liked to keep teasing her, but her orgasm hit far quicker than I anticipated, breathing quickly, the walls of her pussy clamping on my fingers before she released an almost guttural moan. Her hips bucked as my tongue was now relentless on her clit, my fingers hitting that perfect spot all the time. Watching my little sister orgasm was something I knew I'd never forget, but I'd also do it every night the rest of my life if possible.

"Keep going," she whimpered, "Another one..."

"What my little sister wants," I whispered.

"I love you so much," she added, hearing the emotion in her voice.

Leaving her clit alone, I kept my fingers busy inside her as I kissed up her body, taking one of her nipples in my mouth, sucking on that, which earned more moans, before I moved up to kiss her again. She was much smaller than me, her tight little body reacting to each thrust of my fingers. My cock now felt like steel and, once I made her orgasm again, we both knew what would happen next.

She lifted her legs back, her eyes gazing into mine, my fingers feeling incredibly thick, her pussy tighter than I could imagine. "Oh god, Robbie," she moaned, "Going to... again..."

I kissed her as she came again, her entire body bucking against my fingers, which were now pumping into her even faster. Her fingers ended up digging into my back, not breaking the kiss until I felt her calm down beneath me, and only then did I finally slow my fingers down and remove them, lifting them to my mouth and sucking them clean.

She surprised me by grabbing my cock and placing it at her sex. "I need my brother," she whispered, "I need him inside me."

I groaned when sliding inside her. She was so incredibly tight, it was unreal. I took my time sliding my cock inside her, feeling her fingers digging into my back again, hoping it wasn't hurting her, though the smile that immediately appeared suggesting she was already loving the feeling. Gently thrusting into her, I kept my gaze on her blue eyes. The love returned to me was now different to how she looked at me before.

I knew I wasn't going to last long. Her pussy felt incredible, but the fact I was taking the virginity of a second sister also meant a hell of a lot to me as well. What I figured out rather quickly is that she must have been given some tips herself, whether from Lizbeth or mother, I'm not sure, but she certainly knew what to do with her legs for it to feel even better for both of us.

"Oh god, you're so fucking deep," she cried, before I stopped as we both needed to laugh.

"Well, they know we're making love now, Rosie."

"I'm walking out of your room tomorrow morning and letting them know exactly how well you fucked me tonight." I'd never heard my little sister curse until that moment. She'd done it on purpose. "Are you going to fuck your little sister all night?"

I kissed her hard. And then I fucked her. Lasted all of two minutes. I worried about hurting her, but all she did was spread her legs wide, dig her fingers into my back, and begged me to keep going until I came, and she insisted I cum inside her. By that stage, any worries about the after effects of doing it had disappeared from my mind. I wanted to cum in her every single time.

"Fuck me," she moaned, "Fuck me."

"Oh god," I groaned, feeling an imminent orgasm and I knew it was going to be good.

"Fill my pussy, Robbie. I want to feel my brother fill my womb."

God, there was something so taboo about that sentence that it was probably what set me off, groaning loudly as I felt that first spurt deep inside her, practically grunting as I slammed my cock into her a few more times before I just felt empty of both cum and energy, immediately halting inside her, resting on my forearms. Her legs wrapped around me, feeling soft kisses on my cheek, as I sucked in some deep breaths.

I gave myself ten minutes to recover, before rolling onto my back. Rose figured out what I was doing, pleased she wasted no time straddling my lap before sliding down my cock. Watching her petite but perfect body impale itself on my cock was wonderful to see, and she rode with me a smile on her face. And just like her sister and mother, she figured out a way to ride me until orgasm. The surprise on her face when she realised made me chuckle, and when she rode me hard all the way to orgasm, only once it had passed did she need to relax on my chest and have a little weep. That was my chance to just hold her in my arms, caressing her back, whispering how much I loved her in return.

We made love one more time, Rose lying on her back against, just wanting to feel my cock sliding in and out of her again, hoping to feel me cum in her one last time before we went to sleep. I loved the feeling of being inside Lizbeth and my mother, but my youngest sister was something else entirely. Maybe it was due to the fact she was the smallest out of them all, I don't know.

I always made sure I had things in my room so we could at least clean up, Rose learning that sex was at least a little messy. When she was cuddled back against me, I did have to ask a certain question about her first time. "Oh, that broke while riding a horse years ago," she admitted, "Did you want..."

"No, I'm not worried about that. Just, with Lizbeth, she still... never mind, it's not important, just curious."

She kissed the tip of my nose. "You were the first big cock I've had inside me, Robbie, and will be the last one too. I'll never want anyone else." She grabbed my hand, placing it on her belly. "There's a part of me that wants to do something that goes against all we believe," she whispered, "But that's something we might have to discuss as a family. Though I want you to cum in me every single time. Plus, I'll learn to suck your cock. Mother said I'll love it as much as you."

."Well, mother is talented," I admitted, "Couldn't ask for a better teacher."

Rose was still in my bed the next morning when I woke up, the first rays of the day's sun filtering through the thin curtains. She was used to waking early, opening her eyes to see me watching her sleep. I was greeted with a broad grin before we kissed, whispering good morning before confessing our love for each other again.

Then we made love again, Rose aware my leg was sore in the mornings, so she straddled my lap and happily rode my cock. She was in the middle of getting to orgasm when my door opened slightly, mother poking her head in to see my little sister enjoying herself. She slipped inside and shut the door, Rose glancing back and smiling. "I love his cock, mother," she moaned.

"So do I," she said, sitting on the edge of the bed near me so I could caress her thigh, "You like my youngest daughter's pussy, Robbie?"

"Love it, Mummy," I moaned as Rose was definitely growing more excited now that our mother was watching her.

"Okay, both of you cum then join us for breakfast. And you have to be with Mary soon, Robbie. I don't want her growing jealous."

"I will."

Mother kissed me deeply, hearing Rose giggle, before she stood up and headed outside. Rose leaned forward so I could kiss her, then she started to really ride me. "Oh god, Lizbeth was right about this," she moaned softly, "So glad you two have had so much sex and that I could ask questions."

Running my hands down to her firm little arse, she smiled as I gave each cheek a gentle squeeze. Riding me faster, I bent my right leg but my left one still hurt, but Rose's tight pussy was helping take my mind off it for now. Kissing me again, she was definitely growing more excited, whimpering away more than once, eager to enjoy another orgasm with my cock inside her.

"How can my brother's cock feel so good?" she murmured, "Something this good shouldn't be wrong."

"Far as I'm concerned, we're not doing anything wrong," I stated quietly.

She met my eyes and smiled again. "What if I were to be with c***d?"

"Then we deal with it if it happens." I caressed her cheek. "And I don't mean in any sort of bad way whatsoever," I added firmly, earning another deep kiss.

She enjoyed another orgasm a couple of minutes later, moaning loudly, neither of us caring who heard us in the other rooms by now. Rose practically slammed her pussy down on my cock and demanded I cum inside her before we joined the others for breakfast. Five minutes later, she was back in her nightgown, giggling that she could feel my cum dripping out of her. Throwing on a pair of slacks and thin shirt, I took her hand and led her out to join the others.

Lizbeth gave us a knowing look, mother smiled, Mary looked pleased but I could see the desire in her eyes. Making sure Rose was sat down first, I took Mary by the hand and helped her to her feet before cuddling her. "Soon," I whispered into her ear. The fact she near enough started to cry told me how she felt. Same as her sisters and mother. "Sorry, I just... didn't know you all felt the same way."

"I had the biggest crush, Robbie. I wanted to say something before you left, but... I knew it wouldn't change anything."

"Next Sunday, Robbie. When we get back from church, we can ride out to the lake for some real privacy," mother suggested, "I'll prepare a picnic for us. And you can make love to your third sister."

"You'll watch?" I asked, a little surprise.

"I'd love nothing more than to see my c***dren make love to each other, Robbie. It brings back so many good memories."

Sitting down for breakfast before the start of the working day, I look over the four women in my life and couldn't help feel content.


"Fuck me, Robbie," mother moaned.

We'd been on the way to town for church when she'd stopped halfway there, pulling the truck to the side, asking me to join her outside. Getting down on her hands and knees in the tall grass, she lifted her dress, exposing her rather firm arse. Taking out my cock, I got behind her and slid inside, my sister keeping an eye out for anyone approaching.

Hand grabbing her hair, the other slapped her arse occasionally. "I want to feel your cum dripping out of me all through the service," she moaned.

"Fuck... Mummy..." I grunted.

"Fill my pussy, son," she cried. Mother had no problem expressing herself since we'd started being intimate, "God, the thought of you filling me so often, I'm always wet nowadays."

"Bloody hell, mother," Lizbeth said, chuckling away, though she was clearly fondling herself at the same time.

Pulling her head back by her hair, I fucked her even harder, making her cry out, the sound of my groin slapping against her arse seeming to echo all the way to Tamworth. It was also the sign that I was getting very close to climax. Leaning forward, I put my lips near her ear. "Love you, Mummy," I breathed.

"Love you too, baby. Want my arse soon? I'd love my son in my arse."

The idea of doing that with my mother was such a thrill, it set off my orgasm, spurt after spurt ending up buried deep inside her. All mother did was turn her head and kiss me, moaning away as all she wanted was my cock and cum for now. Considering the idea of the lake, I figured my mother and three sisters would all be enjoying more than one orgasm later that day.

Pulling out, mother turned around and immediately swallowed my cock, her head bobbing up and down as I ran my fingers through her hair. That last only a couple of minutes before she moved up to kiss me, holding her tight to my body. "I loved it, baby," she whispered, "Publicly fucking your own mother."

The five of us arrived at church half an hour later grinning away. Before entering the building, she took my arm so I leaned closer to her. "It's dripping down my thighs, baby," she whispered, "They'll probably smell how turned on I am and the scent of your cum leaking out of me."

"God, mother... I love this new part of your personality."

"I can be who I want now, and I have a lot of time to make up for. Plus, your sisters need guidance as well."

Taking out seats in the usual pew, mother to my right, Lizbeth to my left with Rose and Mary next to her, we all sat there apparently listening intently, but my mind was elsewhere. Mother kept squirming next to me, as I knew she was actually desperate for orgasm. But this was her own way of teasing herself. My sisters sat there, looking prim and proper, but there was no missing the colour to their cheeks. The three of them were completely turned on, Lizbeth having brought herself close to orgasm before stopping. Rose looked ready to go off, squirming more than mother.

That week had been perhaps the best of my life. After another chat with mother, she helped put my mind at ease about my new life. I couldn't get involved in the physical side of farming so she suggested I take over all the bookwork and financials. She'd been doing it ever since father died, and she was confident I'd be good at it too. I agreed, and it would give us plenty of time together. Time spent bending her over the desk and fucking her, for instance.

Lizbeth and Rose alternated nights with me otherwise. Mary wanted to spend the night but she wanted our first time to be by the lake, admitting she found the idea rather romantic. Saturday night, I slept in the same bed as my mother for perhaps only the third time since I'd returned home and started our sexual relationship. Waking up that morning with her in my arms, she looked at me with such a mixture of love and lust, no surprise we ended up fucking for at least half an hour before heading out for breakfast.

"I'm going to have the biggest fucking orgasm later," mother whispered into my ear.

I kept my eyes focused ahead but I was definitely grinning away. Lizbeth leaned her head against my shoulder, looking innocent enough, but her hand was busy stroking my thigh. Far too many around for anything risky, but just her touch was enough to excite me. "I love you," she whispered, only loud enough for me to hear.

Kissing the top of her head was safe. Everyone knew I was close with my sisters and also protected them. I'd already seen her previous partner. I might have approached him, limping along with a cane, but the fact I approach wearing my uniform made him rather deferential. No warning, no threats, at least not in the beginning, just a conversation about what happened. I left him in no doubt that, if he approached her or my family, my service revolver would be used.

Mother didn't want to hang about once the service ended. She couldn't exactly drag me along with my limp and my cane, but I could see the urgency in the way she walked in front of me. I did stop and shake hands with a couple of people, but cut any conversations short, as my sisters and mothers were already in or on the truck, ready to go.

Lizbeth made sure I sat in the middle as always, mother ensuring we were out of town and on the road back to the farm as quickly as possible. About five minutes later, she pulled over and asked Lizbeth to drive. Mary and Rose had never learned, but I'd already seen Lizbeth behind the wheel of a tractor, and father had ensured at least two women in the household were capable of driving the truck. Very rare to see women behind the wheel otherwise.

Once Lizbeth had the truck moving again, mother ordered me to drop my trousers. Pushing those down, along with my underwear, mother straddled my lap, my cock sliding inside her hot, tight pussy, both of us groaning as she ensured I was buried. "Oh god, I need this," she whimpered. Then I heard her giggle. "Hey, girls."

"They're watching?"

"Intently. Lizbeth, keep your eyes on the road."

"I'll do my best, mother, but you're very distracting."

"It's why I'm not stripping off, otherwise you'll definitely crash."

I wasn't worried about an orgasm, this was just for my mother, riding me hard and fast straight away. God, she felt great though, her head resting against my shoulder, desperate to achieve the orgasm she'd denied herself earlier. I lifted her dress enough so I could feel the soft skin of her arse, whispering sweet words of love into her ear. She whimpered. She moaned. She groaned. She told me how great my cock felt inside her.

"So much better than your father," she murmured.

I still loved my old man, but I'd learned enough that, when it came to this act, he had been incredibly selfish. It was only in those moments my mother ever compared us. And, I'll admit, I did like hearing that I was better at my father at something that meant so much to my mother.

"I love your cock so much," she cried, now really driving herself down onto it. I could feel her squeezing my cock with her pussy, no doubt needing to orgasm but holding it back as long as she can. "Perfect length. Perfect thickness. Perfect for my pussy."

"God, mother, you're completely turning me on here," Lizbeth breathed.

She rode me for perhaps five more minutes before she simply couldn't hold back her orgasm any longer. Her pussy squeezed my cock so tightly, I wondered if she wouldn't just snap it off. But the noise she made as the orgasm hit her was almost biblical. She kept riding me until she simply couldn't get keep, coming to a halt, hearing her breathing deeply, resting her head on my shoulder.

Then she started to cry. No great racking sobs, but I felt her start to shake. Wrapping an arm around her, caressing her back with the other, I whispered how much I loved her. "My son shouldn't feel this good inside me," she murmured, "He shouldn't be a better lover than my own husband." Leaning back, she wiped her cheeks before kissing me softly on the lips. "I loved your father, but I find myself falling even more for you, Robbie."

"Already there, mother," Lizbeth whispered.

"I don't mean to..."

"Mother, trust me, the four of us feel exactly the same way. Robert Williams is just going to be a very lucky man for the rest of his life."

Mother didn't move from my lap until we arrived back at the farm, happy to leave my hard cock inside her, simply cuddling against me the entire time. Heading into the farmstead, once we were dressed again, mother immediately started to prepare our picnic as the rest of us changed out of our church clothes into riding gear. Joining mother quicker the others, I lifted her dress and pressed my body against her, making her giggle. "I can't get enough of you, Robbie," she said softly.

"I love the fact my mother enjoys sex as much as I do," I replied, my fingers finding their way to her pussy. She moaned softly as I started to fondle her, Lizbeth appearing and giggling away as she saw what I was doing. "Mother, you need to change too. Robbie, leave mother alone for now. I'll finish up and you can fondle me instead."

I fondled her long enough to give my older sister an orgasm before we grabbed what we needed for a picnic and headed out to the stables. I needed help mounting up but, once I was in the saddle, I had very little pain from my leg, which was a relief. My sisters had their horses cantering away within a couple of minutes. I trotted along with my mother, laughing away as the three raced ahead before trotting back, then cantering on ahead again.

Took roughly the expected hour to make it the lake. There wasn't another soul around for miles. As soon as we'd dismounted, my sisters and mother prepared the picnic spot then started to strip off their clothes. I sat down and watched with amusement as four naked bodies soon appeared. I hadn't seen Mary naked yet, and she surprised with her confidence as she wandered over to me, straddling my lap. She wasn't a slim as Rose, definitely had curves. Her raven black hair against her pale skin simply accentuated her beauty. The dark patch of hair above her pussy made it look even better.

Our first kiss was something else. Breath-taking really. I could feel the love and passion she had for me in that first kiss, before she leaned back. "Time for a paddle, I think," she said, leaping up, my three sisters quickly diving into the lake. Mother sat down next to me, laughing away.

"Going to join them?" she wondered.

"I will in a minute. I just like watching them."

"My daughters are beautiful," she said softly, taking my hand, "Robbie, what I said in the truck... about..."

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry about it. I've learned enough that father was a good man, a good provider, did his best raising us, but there were certain features which made you unhappy."

"I hadn't enjoyed good sex since my last time with Henry. That first night with you, Robbie... The fact you cared about me so much, the joy I sensed in you when you made me cum..."

"I think the fact Lizbeth was my first. I love my sister, and I wanted her to feel as good as I did each and every time. Plus, there's part of me as a man that takes pride in the fact I can make my sisters and mother feel so good. You're right, I do feel joy in making you orgasm, preferably constantly if I'm capable."

She kissed my cheek. "Want to eat my pussy later?"

"I'm going to eat all your pussies later, Mummy."

"Good boy. Now, get naked and join your sisters."

I stripped off before limping down to the edge of the lake. The cold water was certainly a shock to the system. Thankfully, the water wasn't too deep. Enough I couldn't touch the bottom, and while none of us were perfect swimmers, we had spent long summer days at the lake so we were at least used to being in the water.

It was a rather relaxing way to spend an hour or two, plenty of giggling and teasing, splashing away or talking about life in general. Mary couldn't keep her eyes off me. I could sense how keen she was to make love with me. I was just as keen, no doubt about that. I did wonder how enjoying a sexual relationship with my three sisters and mother would work in the future, but I tried not to think too much about it. I figured we'd be adults and deal with any issues.

Finally getting out of the lake, mother was lying back, enjoying a little sun, as the four of us dried off. My sisters sat down, resting back on their forearms, spreading their legs rather provocatively. My mother chose to do the same thing. I was already hard, but my cock simply throbbed at what I could see.

I had to have Mary first, getting down onto my knees and spent plenty of times kissing up and down her body. Her breasts were roughly the same size as Lizbeth, but her areolas were larger, her nipples standing out further when turned on. My fingers fondled her sex as I enjoyed her breasts, enjoying the moans she released as, although she had kisses Rose, and they'd masturbated together, they'd never touched each other. Lizbeth said that's all they'd done together when I was with Rose, neither wanting to be touched by anyone except me for their first time.

Moving down her body with my mouth, she gasped as my tongue ran slowly along her wet slit. Her scent was gorgeous, similar to her sisters and mother. "I'm going to love eating your pussy, Mary," I whispered. Rose and Lizbeth had turned onto their side, their fingers caressing her body.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum so fast," Mary giggled.

"I hope you cum hard and often," I said before my I got to work. I relied only on my tongue first, lapping at her pussy, using all tricks I'd learned with Lizbeth, while mother had given me even more tips on how to turn a woman on, keep her very turned on, then definitely make her cum hard by the end. Rose and Lizbeth then helped me by pulling her legs back, completely exposing her pussy to me. Mother then surprised me by lying down next to me. "My daughter has a beautiful pussy," she said, "I love watching you treat your sisters this way."

I kissed mother and made her smile. "Well, maybe you might like to taste one of your daughters too."

She grinned in a way I recognised. "Which one though?"

"Mummy," Rose whimpered, looking at her with such longing in her eyes, mother relented easily.

As I focused on Mary, mother spread Rose's legs wide and proved she knew how to eat pussy as she had Rose purring within minutes. Lizbeth was happy to watch, making out with Mary while I continued to eat her out. She was divine, and was soon moaning loudly into Lizbeth's mouth.

Sliding a finger inside her, making that same come hither motion, the orgasm that hit her within a minute surprised even me. She broke the kiss and had no problem crying out loudly. Mother has told them all to make all the noise they wanted. No-one was going to hear us.

"Oh fuck, Robbie," she cried, "Make me cum again and again!"

I hadn't even touched her clit, so when my tongue found its way to that, she cried out again, Lizbeth keeping her leg back so she wouldn't squash my head, my fingers now thrusting into her quickly. Her breathing grew rapid again, arching her back as she started to squeeze my fingers again. "Cum for Robbie, Mary," Lizbeth whispered.

"Not yet... not yet..."

"Cum for him, Mary. Then he'll make love to you."

"Not yet... I want it big..."

Rose was whimpering away next to us, glancing to see her pulling her legs back, mother's face buried between her legs. She glanced my way and smiled. "My little girl has a wonderful cunt, Robbie," she said before her tongue got back to work.

Focusing on her clit again, Mary couldn't hold back forever, not with my attention only on that and with my fingers touching that special inside her constantly. She released the sort of moan that came from the depths of her very soul, her back arching but her eyes gazing down at me, full of all the love and lust she felt, her walls clamping on my fingers so tightly, I just stopped moving them. I relented immediately as she cried out, her entire body seeming to spasm for a few seconds, before she went still.

"Holy shit, I think she passed out," Lizbeth whispered, giggling away.

She hadn't, her eyes opening as I kissed up her body before I kissed her softly on the lips. Feeling my cock at her entrance, I slid it inside slowly, watching her face light up as I wasted no time burying myself completely. I knew I'd barely last five minutes as I'd been turned on for a couple of hours by now.

"Fuck me," she moaned.

"Fuck your sister," mother stated.

"Make me cum again, Mummy!" Rose cried.

I fucked my sister, just like she wanted. And she felt just as wonderful as her sisters and mother. Deliciously hot and tight, my cock loving the feeling of her pussy within seconds, and I could feel that usual tingle within a couple of minutes. I warned her, actually a little embarrassed, but she must have been told what to do, wrapping her legs around my hips and kissing me. "Cum in me," she breathed, "God, I want to feel you cum in me."

I grunted and groaned for at least two more minutes before I just needed to feel that release. It was another great orgasm, made even better by the fact I'd shared it with someone I loved so much already. Having been wanting to cum for so long, I needed at least a couple of minutes just to relax, feeling two pairs of lips kissing me, while Rose was making plenty of noise next to us as mother gave her another orgasm.

"I think we need to learn how to eat pussy," Lizbeth whispered, "So we can have fun when you're with someone, Robbie."

"I'd be delighted to teach my daughter," mother stated.

"Oh god, Mummy... again..." Rose cried.

I pulled out and lay down next to Mary, Lizbeth leaving me space, giving her a soft kiss as Mary wasted no time mounting me. That's when mother and Rose stopped to watch, snuggling into my other side, all of us watching Mary enjoying my cock. She looked as beautiful as the others, figuring out what felt good for her, and what would work in regards to enjoying another orgasm. Mother eventually got up and sat behind her, wrapping an arm around her chest while moving a hand down to her clit. When she started to touch that, Mary almost leapt off my cock.

"Mummy," Mary whispered.

"Keep riding him, sweetie. I want you to have the biggest orgasm."

"I can feel it already."

Mary was soon riding me hard and fast, impressive considering it was her first time. No doubt her barrier had been broken when horse riding too. Like with Rose, it didn't bother me at all. I knew there was nonsense about virgins and such, but time in Europe spent with girls in Britain had changed my view of women and sex. I wouldn't call girls in Britain easy but... Let's just say it hadn't been difficult finding a companion for an evening. I think the uniform helped though.

When her orgasm hit, it was wonderful for both of us. She cried out, hearing it echo around us, her body shaking and shuddering as she didn't want to stop moving, and mother was relentless on her clit, soft kisses at her neck at the same time. "Keep going, sweetie, keep going."

"Mummy... Robbie..."

"Have another one, then you can rest."

She had another one barely a couple of minutes later and it practically knocked her out. As soon as it passed, mother released her so she could relax back on my chest, her head resting under my chin as I hugged her tightly. Her sisters hugged into either side of me as mother sat on her knees, smiling at us.

"I love my c***dren," she whispered.

After we enjoyed some lunch, I kept my word about what I'd said earlier. I had all four line up on the blanket and spent at least an hour eating them out, moving from one to the other after I'd made them orgasm. After making them each orgasm at least a couple of times, mother had me stand up and show Mary and Rose how to give a good blowjob. Lizbeth watched on, though she'd blown me plenty of times, though knew she could always learn new things.

Mother blew me long enough that I needed to cum, and she surprised me by wanting it on her face. I covered her face in cum, Lizbeth not shocked as I'd done it with her, but Mary and Rose broke into fits of giggles. "Mother, that's so..."

"I love it, girls. And I think you'd love it too. But it's even better when you swallow it. I've swallowed a lot of my son's cum already, if it's not left in my pussy."

Resting back on the blanket, I needed a few minutes. Mother eventually suggested it was time to head back as we wouldn't want to ride in the darkness. We packed up then dressed, walking our horses back together. My sisters chatted away happily, while mother rode along with a content smile on her face. Seeing my glance, her smile broadened.

"We're going to have a wonderful life together, Robbie. I just know it."
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great story
this is without doubt the best story i have read on hamster
what a spectacular peace of writing - so, so erotic, and believable - it makes me wish that i had been as close as that with the female members of my family
This is an amazing piece of literature, filled with history, family, taboo, sex, emotions, and sexually maturing family. Well done ,great story, loved it.
very erotic and well written , showing the emotions that made the sex even better 
eine der besten geschichten die ich je gelesen habe - danke dafür
I dripped soooo much pre cum, my cock is wet in my panties
great story well done thanks
Your right. Far too good a Story, to not share . 😉👍👍
thanks for posting your stories
I didn't even finish it yet,but so many memories flooding back about my life with my mother. Thanks for posting it!