Mum Helps My Panty Fetish - Complete!

Mum Helps My Panty Fetish 1

I've been trying to remember when it was I first developed an interest in women's panties. I mean a REAL interest, not just what k**s think about naughty things, bottoms and farts and so on, but an early sexual thrill associated with them, and I guess, what they covered. Why were they so much more interesting than my pants? Certainly they were always displayed, either in newspapers or my step-mother's shopping catalogue, in a way that men's underwear wasn't. The girls were young and curvy, often there'd be two or more of them lounging around in their knickers. That wasn't how men were portrayed! I suspect I began by being a combination of intrigued and aroused, maybe without understanding what it was that was arousing me, and making me have dreams and fantasies about women wearing panties. If my Mum (I called her Mum, she'd been my step-mother since I was three, my birth mother having abandoned me and my Dad) was sitting at the kitchen table with her sewing machine, I'd deliberately be playing with my toy cars under her feet, often affording me wonderful views up above her stocking tops. I could often just lie under her gazing up and she'd be so lost in her sewing that she was blissfully unaware, bonus time when she let her knees drift apart. At those times I'd feel a stirring in my willy that I didn't fully understand.

I loved looking at the pictures in my Mum's catalogues. Strangely I wasn't so interested in bras and breasts, it was the panties that got me. Over time, some years later, looking at pictures wasn't enough, I yearned to see and feel, if possible, the real thing. I can remember feeling really scared and bold the first time I ventured into my Mum's underwear drawer. She was downstairs in the kitchen and I was supposed to be in my room when I tiptoed into her bedroom. It took me a few failed attempts to find the right drawer and I felt my heart beating loudly in my chest as at last I gently pulled open the treasure trove. Bras were on the left, but on the right side were a collection of all my mother's knickers, neatly piled up. My initial feeling of elation soon turned into a mild disappointment as I realised they were not as exotic as the ones I had admired in the pictures. They had all been shiny, erotic in the stitching and patterns on the front panels, and in such fascinating colours – purples, reds, black. These ones by contrast were, even at that stage I felt it, boring! Everyday cotton in pastel shades. They had one thing in common, all were plain, standard, workaday garments. I had become a bit of a connoisseur, actually a panty-snob, even at my tender age I was nonplussed at my Mum's taste.

At that moment Mum called up from the bottom of the stairs, “are you all right up there Alan?” I felt a chill go through me as I closed the drawer as quickly and silently as I could and hastened back out of her room. “Yes, Mum, just going to the toilet” I called down, hoping she wouldn't be suspicious that I wasn't in my own bedroom. “OK lovey, just worried about you, you'd gone quiet!”

Phew! I'd aroused suspicion through being too quiet! Still, I'd got away with it, though the reward didn't seem that great. I'd built up my hopes and taken a risk and felt let down now! But I'd made a move, even at my young age, and I was determined to keep on, my panty fetish wasn't over, in fact it was stronger than ever. What to do?

Well, one positive thing was that Mum was not all suspicious of my perversion. I'd never let her see me ogling her catalogues but I was becoming more interested in her, as a woman, with panties, rather than as my mother, puberty had taken a toll. I realised she was a very attractive woman – a nice figure, a proper waist, no surplus fat, long brown hair and a pretty face. I decided to exploit her innocence about me. I dogged her footsteps more, asking questions about whatever she was doing and feigning an interest in everything from making beds, washing clothes and ironing! After a while she was so used to me being around wherever she was that I think I became invisible. Me, I was watching her closely, taking any chance for a peek up her skirt or down her blouse, but mainly up her skirt! Gradually she became less concerned about me, I'd often have a comic book and appear to be immersed in it, but I was always on the watch. Highlights were when she would adjust her stockings, pulling up the hem of her skirt, adjusting a suspender belt, straightening her seams and so on.

Once I was with her in her bedroom and she was sorting out clothes for washing. I had my book and made sure I seemed engrossed in it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her glance at me, checking I wasn't looking at her, and she proceeded to remove her skirt and blouse and put them in the wash! I could see her in her bra, panties, stockings and suspenders clearly in her dressing-table mirror! It was wonderful. I kept up the comic act as she put on replacements and I hoped this may be a regular thing. But it had given me an idea...the washing! Why hadn't I thought of it before?

So a new regular treat, a daily visit to the washing basket to find Mum's most recently discarded cotton panties, still boring plain and cotton, but with a new dimension, her aroma! Oh, the memory of the first sniff, the discovery of heavenly delights in the gusset! The thrill of delving into the dirty washing pile, retrieving her knickers, opening them up and turning them inside-out, holding the crotch-piece to my nose and the long slow inhale!

And the instant erection! I would spend as many minutes as I could in the wash-room next to the kitchen, usually when Mum was in the toilet, so I would be alone with the panties for a matter of minutes. Fabulous. Then putting them back, making sure they were well buried again in the pile. Best days were when we had been away from home on a visit to relatives, or best of all a week's holiday. Why? Because then there would be up to a week's worth of panties to enjoy! I luxuriated in the smells, noting how some days the aroma would be stronger than others. I recognised that the strongest were when the gusset was a bit crispy, a bit stiffer – as was I! Those were great experiences, but of course I'd only get a short time to savour them.

And so, some time later, I moved on to the next stage. When there were a few panties in the wash, I took one out and put it in my pocket. The first time I did this I was in a state of suppressed panic for days – would she notice the loss? To my relief she did not – she had so many bland knickers she probably couldn't tell them apart, they just went back in the drawer. For my part, the challenge was where to keep them? Over a few weeks I acquired three pairs and hid them inside a model yacht I had in my bedroom. I probably overdosed on panty-sniffing! I would put them over my face, gusset to my nose and just lie on my bed taking deep breaths. Kept me happy for weeks!

It was a short time after this that everything changed.

My guard slipped. I was supposed to be doing homework in my bedroom after school, but had a pair of Mum's panties in my hand, exploring them, examining the gusset, looking intently at a little damp patch, when she walked in! I didn't see her at first, she'd stopped at the door and was clearly watching what I was doing as I held them and felt them, fortunately not sniffing at them. “Alan,” she said and I nearly fell off my bed, “are they my knickers? What's the matter?”

I couldn't speak. My face was beetroot red. My heart pounded. She sat down next to me. A pause. “Do you like my knickers?” she asked quietly.

“I'm s-sorry Mum,” I replied with a tremble in my voice, “y-yes I do like them. I'm s-sorry.” I was searching for something to say. She was looking intently at me.

“Do you want to wear them?” She asked. I shook my head – strangely that wasn't my desire, though I know many do like to. “Can you tell me why you like them?” she continued.

“I... I... just like them. They're my Mum's. They're yours.” I stumbled and said no more.

“Well, its OK, I don't mind. You just like your Mum's knickers, nothing to worry about. You can keep them in your drawer, with your pants. If you like I can buy you some nice ones to keep for yourself. Would you like that?”

“Oh, yes please Mum.”

“We'll go to the shops tomorrow after school, and I'll buy some pairs for you. It'll be a little secret for us both!”

I didn't sleep well that night. All sorts of thoughts occupied my mind, why was she so unbothered? Was she going to have second thoughts? Was she just indulging me, this being a phase I'd grow out of? What would happen at the shops? Would I go red and look silly in front of shop assistants? But my willy was very stiff and I had many thoughts of Mum in panties, not the boring cotton ones, but lovely silky ones like in the magazines, black or red in colour. I took one of her pairs from my drawer and held it next to my face as I drifted eventually off to sleep.

Next afternoon Mum and I went to the large department store in town. We went to the ladies underwear section, fortunately the store wasn't busy, and Mum went directly to the knickers section. I looked around, there were panties of all types, big drawers, tiny little things that seemed to have no fabric to them, lovely silky ones like I'd loved in the catalogues. Mum lead me to ones that were just like hers. They came in a pack of five and my heart dropped. “Here we are then, let's get you one of these packs shall we? We'd better get small for you.” Oh gosh, she still thought I wanted to wear them? She hadn't picked up on the interest I had in them being worn, being full of her secret scent.

“Mum, c-can we g-get some d-different ones?” I stammered. “Like the ones over there..” I indicated the sexy shiny nylon panties, the red or black ones.

“Oh my goodness!” she seemed shocked, but composed herself, “well, I suppose so – they're the ones you like are they? Well they're very pretty, not everyday knickers I think, a bit more expensive. But, yes OK, we'll get a few pairs of those – show me the ones you like best.” I picked out three pairs. A red nylon pair with contrasting stitching on the front, like an inverted triangle, a black silky pair with an embroidered panel on the front and a larger white nylon pair that Mum said was actually a panty-girdle, this too was nylon and had a flat panel on the front and stitching at the back that divided the back in two, like half for each bottom cheek I thought. “You've picked the wrong size, lovey, these are too big for you!”

“No Mum, you don't understand, I don't want to wear them! I like them, to feel them, and I like knickers that are yours, that YOU wear!” I blurted all this out. There, I'd said it. I waited for the response, bracing myself.

“Oh! You want me to buy these to fit me, and you want me to wear them, and then let you have them! That's why you had my knickers hidden, they hadn't been washed? Oh my goodness.” She looked worried and was quiet for a while, while I just stood rooted to the spot, red-faced and worrying if I could breathe. Then, after what seemed like ages, “I think you've grown up more than I thought, young man. I don't know if this is right, but I can see this means a lot to you. OK, let me think.” Another pause. “Right, we'll get these and when we get home, I think we'll both have a little chat about it, alright?” I nodded, unable to speak.

On the bus, we didn't speak, Mum was lost in thought. When we got home Mum and I sat down on the sofa and she wanted me to explain what it was I liked about the panties. “Don't worry, I'm not cross, but I want to understand how you feel, you need to say a bit more than you have.”

So I confessed. I told her how I couldn't stop thinking about her wearing the panties. That I couldn't really explain it, but I got lovely feelings when I thought of her in them. How I loved to feel them as I imagined feeling them while she wore them. How I liked the nice ones in the catalogue, and wished I could see her in them, how much nicer they are than the ones I got from the washing basket (I didn't tell her about looking in her drawer!) She listened patiently as I got the words out.

“So what you really want is to see me wearing them, and ideally to feel them while I am? You actually want to see me in my underwear and for me to let you feel me up? Wow, that's a bit of a shock. Your Dad doesn't even seem to bother about that. Actually I shouldn't have said that!” She blushed. “You know that isn't appropriate, don't you?”

I must have looked dejected and crestfallen at this. I bowed my head in shame, yes she must be ashamed of me. She studied me intently. Then, “Oh, don't look so down! I don't know. I'm confused. This isn't something I was prepared for! Look, I need to think about this. Don't worry I won't tell your Dad, but I need to sleep on it. We'll not talk about it any more now, I'll give it some thought and we'll have another chat tomorrow.”

I had another restless night. Nothing was said at breakfast, Dad went off to work and I went to school, I found it hard to concentrate though. What was Mum going to say? I got home as soon as I could and she was waiting for me.

“Well, Alan, I've thought about our recent chats and our purchases and I've come to a decision. I hope I don't regret it. Come upstairs,” she commanded. I gulped. She turned around and proceeded upstairs to her bedroom, I followed, my eyes on her longish skirt and the seams of her stockings. As we entered the room, she switched on the light, went across to the window and closed the curtains. Then “I think this is what you wanted to see” and so saying she lifted the front hem of the skirt, and kept on raising it, above her knees, higher and higher, exposing her stocking-tops and then the suspenders until slowly she raised it to waist height. My eyes opened wide. She was wearing the white panty-girdle. It was pulled over the suspender belt, tightly encasing her and making my dreams come true. My willy was getting harder by the second and I had to adjust my trousers and pants as it pointed vertically. I thought I was going to faint. She looked wonderful, and I couldn't believe this was happening!

“There we are, you wanted to see me in them, do you like them?” she asked, smiling at me.

“Oh Mum, thank you. They look wonderful, thank you so much, you look lovely. They make me feel all hot and funny. Can I look closer, can I see the back?”

“Well, in for a penny, in for a pound I suppose!” she smiled, and reached behind herself, unzipped the skirt and let it fall off. She stepped out of it and turned around slowly, displaying the panties fully for me.

I stepped forward and gazed intently as the tight shiny fabric stretched over her womanly curves. I loved the way the panties stretched over a little mound just above where her legs met, and then curved down to a point. As she turned and her legs parted slightly, I was imagining the way the panty-gusset would be as it went over her crotch and that lovely little patch that always had the best aroma. I kept focused on that area as she turned and was fascinated by the way the panty-girdle divided her bottom-cheeks and then disappeared into the most secret part of her. I gazed as she turned back to face me, and she followed my gaze at her pubic area.

“Well, do they meet with your approval? ” she asked. “I'm not sure I understand this for you, and you seem very focused on them. Is anything the matter?”

“Mum, can I see the rest of them, the bit that goes between your legs?”

“What, you mean the gusset? I'm not sure that would be right!”

“Why not Mum, I've seen all the rest of them, what's wrong with that part?”

“Well it means that I have to open my legs to show you there, and that isn't lady-like!”

“I don't understand. I don't mind if its not lady-like. I like that part.”

She hesitated, looking like she was turning thoughts out in her mind, she looked at me. “Oh go on then, I can see you won't be satisfied until you've seen them from every direction. This really is a strange interest you have!” And with that she sat on the edge of the bed, lay back and opened her legs and raised them. The sight of her panty gusset, covering her crotch, the source of her wonderful aromas, was so exciting I almost passed out. “Take a good look then!” she commanded.

I intended to, This was fabulous, amazing. My Mum was sitting in front of me, legs splayed open and the crotch of the panty-girdle open to my gaze, her upper thighs open, stocking-tops and stockings all presented to me in a lascivious display. My willy was tingling with pleasure.

“Mum you look amazing. I love your knickers, your panty-girdle. You look so good like that, it makes me feel all nice, I have strange lovely feelings in me. Can I feel them?”

“Look Alan, not right now, I'm not ready for that. I tell you what, I'll try on the other pairs we bought and you can look at those, then we'll see. Alright?” I nodded. “Pop into your room and I'll come in with the next pair on.”

So I reluctantly left her and went and sat on my own bed. Mum came in a couple of minutes later, this time wearing the silky red panties. She had removed the stockings and suspenders but still had a blouse on. The panties looked great. “I suppose you want to see these from all directions too?” she asked. I smiled in approval and once again she turned all ways for my inspection.

These were smaller than the panty-girdle, but were full-cut and quite tight. They were exciting me once again, and this time, without another word, Mum sat at the other end of the bed and lifted her legs up and apart, displaying the gusset for me. I was very close to her and leant forward to get a closer view. As I did so she put a hand over her crotch, spoiling my view, but I could feel heat from her legs.

“That's enough of these, I think,” she said. “I'll get the black ones on now.” She stood and left me. Without making a sound I followed her to her bedroom, she was unaware. I peeped around the door frame (she left the door open, no doubt believing I was still sitting in my bedroom) and watched as she removed the panties. For the first time in my life I saw a mature woman naked from the waist down, only her rear, but wow it was good. Her bottom was nice and firm (it clearly hadn't needed any support from the panty-girdle) and for a split-second I got the briefest glimpse of something between her legs, it looked a bit like hair, but there seemed to be folds of skin. I was intrigued. She pulled on the final pair of panties and I ducked back to my room to avoid being spotted.

I made sure I was sitting as she had left me, and a couple of minutes passed before she came into the room wearing the new shiny black nylon panties. But this time she had made some other changes too. She now had on black stockings, high heels, and a black suspender-belt and, to my surprise and joy, she had removed her blouse and sported a black bra, an almost perfect match for the panties. Blimey! She was a revelation! This was beyond my fantasies!

“I must me mad, dressing myself up like this for you. I can't believe I'm doing it! But I'm glad you appreciate it, your Dad seems to have lost interest lately – maybe his job is stressing him too much. Alan, this IS inappropriate, and you must NOT tell anyone about it! Understand?” I nodded agreement. Crikey it was alright with me! “This is a classic underwear outfit, and I must say I love it myself, so I can understand how a young man like yourself will appreciate it.” With that she turned around to show me the back view, then, with her legs about two feel apart, she bent forward and touched her toes! This gave me a superb view of the panty-gusset, the sweat forming on the tops of her legs, the border between her thigh flesh and the panties, the seams of her stocking. Oh my god it was phenomenal! She posed for me in all sorts of positions, then finally she stood up and turned to face me again.

“And I know what you want next, you want to feel the knickers don't you? Well, if you still do, then go ahead, come and feel them, they feel nice to me wearing them I must say. They make me feel nice too, not like my normal knickers! Come on then!”

So, like a shot I went up to her, but I didn't feel the panties immediately, instead I just embraced her, I put my arms around her waist and hugged her. She bent slightly and I found my head nestling between the cups of her brassiere. The flesh of her chest and tops of her breasts was warm against my cheek and I kissed her there and whispered that I loved her. In return she put a hand on the back of my head, kissed my hair and drew me closer to her chest. Then she stepped back from me and spread her arms out wide. “Feel away!”

My willy was straining in my underpants as I advanced on her, first putting my palms on the back of the panties and luxuriating in the soft, smooth and warm sensations. Then I stood behind her and put my hands around to the front of the panties. She flinched slightly as I explored the stitched panel and then felt down the side seams. I knew exactly what I wanted to do next, but it seemed so extreme that I was frightened that she wouldn't allow it, so instead I bought time by caressing her tummy, just above the waist-band of the panties. She purred slightly, she seemed to be enjoying it. I was! Then, it was decision time and I didn't hesitate further, I put one had on the front panel again, and the other hand on her buttocks, over the smooth material, then let them drift downwards towards her crotch. I was dripping with sweat as she let her legs open slightly and I felt the heat from her gusset as I rubbed gently. She was breathing heavily now and her legs opened further and I explored greedily, rhythmically massaging her, feeling heat and dampness, and aware of the sublime feeling, through the panties, of her front bottom. I let my fingers extend the attention to the skin of her inner thighs, and she seemed to buckle slightly. “Don't stop, don't stop!” she sighed. I kissed her shoulder and continued.

She had dropped her arms earlier and now I watched as she pulled at the panty waist-band, fascinated as pulled it away from her body so I could look down inside. I could see dark hair, and was aware of a warm musky scent. Without thinking I moved my hand, which had been caressing the front of her panty-gusset, and inserted it down the inside of the panties. She gasped and sighed with pleasure as I discovered hidden wonders. My hand rubbed the hairs a while, then advanced further, down between her legs, into the heat of her front-bottom and her panty-crotch, then my fingers entered her, warm and wet and tight they slipped up inside her and I frigged her gently.

Then with my other hand I pulled down the back of the panties and let that hand go down too, between her open buttock cheeks, meeting the other fingers, transferring juices all around her sacred area and then discovering her bottom-hole, and a finger going in there too. Mum began to buck her hips and collapsed onto the bed on her side, my fingers still inside her. I thought I'd hurt her as she continued to shake, but she looked at me with love and I pulled her panties completely off her, and opened her legs wide to take in the best view of my life.

Her front-bottom was wide open and dripping wet. She had lips around it that were puffy and swollen. Her bottom-hole was wet and slightly open where my fingers had been. Her lips and folds were intriguing, so wet, oozing juices and smelling so enticing that I couldn't help myself and just put my head down to her crotch and inhaled, then I licked and licked like my life depended on it. Then I had an amazing sensation in my willy and my testicles and I realised I was spurting out, almost like having a pee, but a naughty, wonderful feeling. My hips rocked as the fluid escaped. A damp patch appeared on the front of my school trousers and Mum looked at me in the eyes and said “Alan, we've both just cum! You've given me an orgasm and you've ejaculated in your pants. You're a man now!”

I wasn't all that sure what she meant, but remembered biology lessons that covered reproduction in a clinical way, and realised that what had happened was me producing seed. I didn't know women did something similar. “It was wonderful Mum” I smiled. “It was the best thing ever! Can we do it again, I loved it!”

“Well, you won't be able to for a little while. Let's get those clothes off you and I clean you up, then we can have a little cuddle and you and I can explore properly!” She stood up, now just in her bra, stockings, suspenders and heels, and I marvelled at her anew. Then she undid the bra and for the first time saw her beautiful naked breasts and their dark nipples.

She was very firm and I began to feel stirrings in my wet pants again. “OK, off with that shirt and those trousers, step out of them, hold my shoulder. Now let's get those pants off shall we? Oh, your cock's interested isn't it! It seems to be growing, let's have a look at it. Wow, you have developed haven't you? I haven't seen that for years, since you decided to wanted me and your Dad out of the room when you had a bath. Goodness, that's bigger than your Dad's! I wonder if you've stopped growing yet, not for a few years I think! And its growing in stature right now! You are a lucky boy, and I think I'm a lucky, naughty step-mother!”

I hadn't realised that my willy, or cock as Mum called it, was a good size, though it had annoyed me sometimes when it seemed to get out of control and used to wonder if people noticed it bulging when I got nice thoughts. Mum was still gazing at it after she had stripped me naked. Then she held in her hand and, as it grew rock-hard, she just kissed the tip and then put it right in her mouth. The sensation was indescribable and she seemed able to take it right down her throat. My cock was throbbing as she took me in and out of her. I reached out for her breasts, taking one in each hand. She sighed with pleasure as she sucked me. Then she stopped, saying that she didn't want me to cum too soon.

“Come and feel me again, lick me anywhere you like!” she said, so I lay her down on my bed and went for her breasts first, teasing the nipples with my tongue, cupping each breast and fondling gently. Then I licked her tummy-button and she shivered slightly. Slowly I continued down towards her hairy triangle, slowly slowly advancing towards that most enticing area, her aroma heady in my nostrils and she began breathing hard again, her legs spreading and her hips rising as I approached her wetness. Then I got my hands under her upper thighs, spread them and pulled her upwards towards my mouth, sucking furiously at her opening. “Oh, suck my pussy, finger it, ream it out, oh, that's fabulous” she screamed. I lay fully over her body, head between her thighs and she encouraged me to turn ourselves over. “That's it – sixty-nine me!” I wasn't sure what that meant, but I enjoyed it. It meant that she was sitting on my face, my nose was in her bottom-hole and she was dripping juices everywhere, my face covered in deliciousness!

Then I felt her taking my cock into her mouth again. Ecstasy!

“Now its time to have your Mum. I'm on the pill, get that lovely big fat cock up my puss!” I didn't need asking twice, Mum was looking at my willy hungrily, her legs wide and her hands holding her sopping pussy open. I went in, up, right up her as far as it would go. She gasped. “Fuck, that's big, that's bigger than anything I've ever had in there! Oh god, do me, do me, pump in me, give me all you have! Fuck your dirty mother, make up for your lousy indifferent father!”

I fucked away, harder and harder, faster and faster. Then, abruptly, with a wicked look on her face, she pushed me out of her, lifted her legs and thighs against her chest, pulled her buttocks apart and put a few fingers in her pussy, then she smeared the juices into her bottom-hole and pulled it open, “now come up my arse!” My cock was surely too big, but I didn't decline. “Go careful” she said, “not all at once, just the head first, see how it goes”. I pushed at her little brown ring and her eyes opened wide as she looked directly at me. “Yes!” I pushed further and felt my cock go inside a little. She dipped in her pussy and smeared more juice along my shaft, then groaned as I went in further, She was exceedingly tight, her bottom gripped me hard, but I continued shafting her. Her eyes glazed over and she seemed to open further, as if her whole body was open for me. She seemed in a daze, almost a trance as I in turn luxuriated in the feelings, the smells, the experience.

She began thrusting and bucking again, as before, then, without warning, I had the lovely feeling again and I exploded up her bottom and exhausted fell down across her, still inside her as far as it would go. I held her close to me and we must have both fallen asleep.

Some time later I awoke and we cuddled awhile. “Let's get cleaned up and tidy this room. Your Dad will be home later, we don't want him to know what we've been up to, do we?” So together, me naked, she in just stockings and suspenders, tidied up both rooms, straightened the beds, and got everything ship-shape. Mum took me into the bathroom and let me watch as she peed into the toilet.

This was the icing on the cake, as she squatted facing the back of the toilet, hovering about the seat. I saw her pussy lips open until they were almost a circle, then from a little hole above her pussy, a stream of pee came out, her bottom-hole opening slightly as she relaxed into the flow. As she still dripped I felt her lips and slipped three fingers up her, then put one up her bottom. She smiled, rose and embraced me, with a long lingering kiss on the lips. “Help me get dressed,” she smiled, and I followed her into her bedroom, helped her put on her bra and panties, feeling all over her and her undies as I did so. Then I helped her with her skirt and blouse. I dressed in my bedroom, while Mum went down to cook the evening meal. Dad came home a bit later and we all watched TV until it was my bedtime.

Mum came up to see if I was Ok and to put my light out (she always did that, even as I grew up). She winked at me, “Your Dad is in danger of driving me away, like he did to your birth-mother,” she said,” but you've given me a reason to stay! I think we can manage something similar two or three times a week if you fancy it!” I nodded vigorously.

“Sweet dreams!” she said...

(Post-Script: Over the years Mum has let me take photographs of her. I have illustrated this memory with pictures that Mum and I have chosen to display the kinds of poses and underwear that featured on this wonderful occasion, although, obviously, they were not taken at the time! I have to say that taking photos of her over the year has been one of the highlights of our relationship, her body shape has changed and her pussy has matured, she has occasionally shaved it for my pleasure too. It has been fantastic, the pictures just give you a flavour!)


Mum Helps My Panty Fetish 2

Well, due to the feedback I received about my first reminiscences of my relationship with my step-mother, and my panty fetish, I realise you might be interested to hear more about us. I'll start the very next morning.

You can imagine I had a very pleasant night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Really I'd been overwhelmed by it all, and I had to sort of explain it all to myself. I reckon my Mum (I'll continue to call her that, as I have ever since) had begun by indulging me over finding me with her panties. Not having c***dren of her own I think she was maybe over-compensating and allowing me headroom where really she should have told me off and said I was to keep my hands to myself as far as her panties were concerned. Then, after allowing me to accompany her to buy panties and then to find out about my need to have had her wear them, she was compromised and not wanting to upset me. She'd crossed a line, and, since her relationship with my father was clearly rocky, I'd woken something in her and before she knew it, she'd really, really gone too far. Much too far. Thank goodness! I just hoped she wouldn't have had second thoughts, though I didn't see how she could back down now, imagine if my Father found out!

Anyway, next morning the three of us had breakfast, and then Dad went off to work. Mum came over to me, lifted up her skirt and showed me what she had chosen to wear – the new red panties, teamed with a pair of tan stockings and a white suspender belt! She hadn't had second thoughts!

She put a hand behind my head and pulled my face into her panty-covered mound, I felt the heat form her, and could smell her sexual femininity. “That's to keep you satisfied until after school” she grinned at me. Then, she turned around and bend down to touch her toes, pulled the skirt up at the back and backed onto my face with her legs slightly apart so that this time I was treated to a soft panty-gusset over my nose, and a stronger smell of pussy and anus. I was hugely erect in my school trousers and was in danger of ejaculating, but managed to contain myself. She squirmed around a bit, rubbing the crotch-piece in my face, before she stood up. “Off to school now, work hard, concentrate on your lessons and we'll have fun after you've done your home-work!”

Well, to my amazement, I did manage to concentrate on my lessons, but I kept getting hard every time I thought about what might await when I got home. I almost ran from the school gates and was frustrated that the bus home wasn't going faster! Once home, my Mum made me go and do my homework before finally, I came down and she was waiting for me.

“You'll be pleased to know that I went back to the store today, back to the ladies underwear department, and I bought myself, well ourselves, some nice new things. Sit yourself down while I close the curtains.” She went ahead and closed them, then put the lights on and put an LP on the HiFi. “I'm going to show you some of the new things, and thought a nice little striptease would go down well!”

“Oh yes please, Mum!” I blurted out.

“Ha ha, I thought it might. Here we go..” and she started to move around the room in time to the music, which was slow and sensuous. She came over to me and moved my knees apart then, resting her arms on them, leant right down to me so that her blouse, which had the top buttons undone, gaped open and I could see down her front. This was extremely pleasant, she had what looked like a white nylon brassiere on, and the tops of her breasts where visible, rather a lot of them actually, and a very deep cleavage that disappeared into darkness and wonder. She got me to fondle her chest with my hands and I complied, my willy straining in my pants. Then she stood up and started to unbutton the rest of the blouse, turning her back to me as the undid the last one. Then she removed the blouse and I was surprised to see that it wasn't a white bra, but the top of a corset. She turned do that I could appreciate the front of it. The cups were low cut, what I believe is called balconette, but not something I knew at the time. They lifted her bosoms up wonderfully, and I realised that part of the nipples were just visible, just a hint of a darker brown, just the very edge was beginning to show. It was luscious. She smiled at me and unzipped the skirt, letting it fall so that I could see the entire garment.

“Its an open-bottom corset, do you see, it doesn't go between my legs like the panty-girdle did, but it has the suspenders on it to hold up the nice new stockings. They're nice too, fully-fashioned and seamed, they make my legs look longer don't' they?” I nodded, wide-eyed. “I'll turn around so you can see the back, they go well with my heels. What do you think?”

“Mum, I think they're fabulous, I think YOU'RE fabulous! I love looking at you, you have a lovely shape. You're a wonderful Mum!” I paused before I spoke, as Mum just kept sensuously swaying to the music, Eventually I plucked up courage, “Mum, are you wearing knickers with that?” I asked, shyly.

“Ah, yes, you love my knickers don't you? Yes, Alan, I am wearing knickers, another new pair I bought today. You'll have to wait a bit to see them fully, but I know that you like to hold and feel them when I've taken them off, and I think you like to inhale me from them don't you?”

She'd guessed! She'd worked out that I liked to smell her gusset! I went red. Bright red!

“Oh its alright, I reckoned that was the real reason you like my worn knickers. And as a special treat I've had these on all day, getting them nice and warm for you. I've also rubbed myself a few times during the day since I bought them. And you can rub them too, soon! But now... take a look!”

She sat down on the carpet, leant back on her arms and opened her legs wide, so I could see right up into the opening in the corset, and there was the gusset of a nice blue shiny pair of panties. I couldn't remain sitting, I went up to her, between her thighs for a closer look. Heaven. Although I was two feet away I could feel the heat from her crotch, and she began to move back and forth, making the corset pull at the stockings and tightening and loosening the gusset as I watched. I reached out and she didn't resist as my fingers went up the inside of her stocking-covered thighs, then onto her bare leg and finally onto the outside of the gusset. It was damp and I rubbed it gently with the palm of my hand as she sighed and gasped with pleasure. I wanted to get my hand inside, but that was impossible with the corset. I looked her in the eyes pleadingly and she sensed what I wanted.

She rose above me and I lay back on the carpet, she straddled me and I gazed longingly up between her thighs at the panty-gusset. Then she lowered her crotch onto my face and I inhaled deeply, taking in the full aroma of her and her ripe panties. She moved around a little to enhance the smells and then stood up, reached down and unclipped the stockings, then peeled off the corset, leaving her naked from the waist up, her breasts once more available to me, her nipples firm and dark, poking forward, calling out to be licked. But not yet, I was transfixed at the blue panties. These were works of art, electric blue, shiny silk, a beautiful stitched panel on the front and stitching at the back dividing the buttocks. Little ribbons on the front and sides. So sexy and so well-fitting, they enhanced my Mother's womanly shape, her lovely bottom, her front mound. Fabulous.

She took off her heels and rolled off the stockings, now she was just in the panties and I remained on my back, looking up at her as she showed them off to me, turning this way and that, bending and opening her legs. Then once again she lowered herself onto my face and I got the full benefit of her new purchase. She was wetter now, the gusset really damp and aromatic. I put my hands up to feel the front and back of the panties as she ground herself against my nose and mouth. The I felt her opening my flies and she freed my willy which was concrete hard. She held it in her hand for a moment before taking me fully into her mouth. I was quivering on the brink of cumming, but was determined to enjoy the smells and sensations of her panties. Then, with my willy still in her mouth she reached down to the side of the panties and I realised the ribbons on the side were being undone and the panty fronts and backs fell away across my face! Now the panties were off and her intimate places were naked and available. But my view was obscured by the panties. She reached down and, rather than pulling the panties off, she surprised me by just turning them over, so that the panty-gusset that had been nestling all day against her front-bottom was now right on my nose and mouth. The smell was intense! I couldn't hold back any longer and I spunked long and hard into her throat. She swallowed greedily as I bucked against her face, and I sucked at the wet panty-crotch-piece like it was a d**g. As I did so, the rest of the panty fell aside and I looked right up into her womb. Her lips were red and glistening, her bottom-hole was slightly open and the little puckered hole seemed to wink at me as she rocked on my face. My willy was still in her mouth and I spat the panty out and transferred my tasting to her bottoms, once again luxuriating in the tastes and smells of her, then concentrating on licking her anal ring, which seemed so rude and disgusting, but just right at the same time. That was it for Mum, that sent her over the edge and she began to rock and heave over my face as she came. That set me off again and I couldn't believe it but I shot another load into her mouth.

“Oh, oh, Alan, Oh my god. Oh my god, hold on. Sorry!” she was screaming now as she thrashed and bucked. Then, as I looked right at her intimate places, her little pee hole opened and she peed all over my face and chest. “Oh sorry, Alan, so sorry, couldn't help it! Oh dear! Oh dear!”

I was overwhelmed, I was covered in pee, all over my school shirt, there was a big wet area on the carpet, but I was just in paradise! I rubbed my face all over her crotch, letting juices wipe all over me. Mum was still rocking with having cum, and she was licking and sucking my willy, pulled down my trousers and kissed and licked my balls, my thighs and anywhere she could reach.

Eventually we both calmed down and were able to get up and embrace each other. “Well, that went a bit differently to what I imagined” she said. “I thought I'd do a little strip to show you the new undies and then we'd have a cuddle and see how things went. They certainly went didn't they?”

“Mum, thank you so much for that, I love smelling your panties and feeling you. And you sucking me and me sucking you was lovely. I didn't even get my willy inside you, but it was still fabulous. You are wonderful, Mum!”

“Oh you like to call my knickers, panties do you? Well I have to say I enjoyed it too, and I like to call your willy your cock! How's that? Maybe you can have your cock up me again next time. But now, I need to get this carpet dry, and get your clothes in the wash. We'll tell your Dad that I spilled my drink. Off you go, now. I'll tidy up. Dad'll be home later, I'm loving our little secret!” And with that she kissed me on the lips, fondled my cock, and I had a nice feel of her breasts and nipples, before putting a finger up each hole for a little frig (she smiled again) and went off the get changed.

That evening she treated me to a night-time kiss routine that continues ever since. My bedtime now consists of saying goodnight to Mum and Dad then I go upstairs, undress and get into bed. Mum comes up to say a final goodnight, stands by my bed and pulls up her skirt for me to admire her panties. She straddles me and I lick and inhale her gusset, she pulls down the bed clothes, gets my willy out and sucks me off, swallowing my cum so all is neat and tidy, no mess on my sheets. Then, she pulls her gusset aside and pulls out of her pussy, a pair of panties that have been stuffed up inside her all day! These are damp and smelly – the wonderful aroma of her that has been generated though a full day of absorbing her pussy juices. Sometimes she has a panty inserted in both her holes, though that was a development that came some time later. One end of the panty deep inside her puss, the other end in her anus! The bit left out of her body absorbing the sweat and heat and drips of her. Wherever they have been, I take them from her, inhale deeply and fall asleep with them plastered over my face. Sweet dreams!

Happy days!


Mum Helps My Panty Fetish 3

Well my memories of my time with Mum (my step-mum really) seem to be popular, so I shall continue to relate some of the fun times we've had together over the years.

I was a young and inexperienced boy, but with a raging urge for sex, and my Mum, clearly, had been frustrated for years by my Dad and his indifference to her needs. We really were a perfect combination, both keen to shag each other senseless but also to explore new ways of getting satisfaction. One of the arliest explorations was photography. In those days there were no digital cameras, Polaroid instant cameras had just come on the scene, but they were expensive, as was the film. Dad had a nice SLR camera that took 35mm film, so we had that available, but the issue for Mum was, how to get the films processed?

I solved this after talking to one of the boys at school who was a keen amateur photographer. From him I leaned all about what equipment you needed, and how to turn a room (in his case a small downstairs toilet) into a darkroom. I managed to convince my Dad that I had become very interested in photography by borrowing his camera and shooting films of the local countryside and a****ls. I got him to buy me a developer kit and an enlarger for my birthday – I was all set to print.

Of course in the meantime Mum and I had been continuing our after-school fun. She had acquired some fabulous underwear, including a really sexy basque, and many pairs of silky and shiny panties. She even had managed to get some without a gusset, split-crotch panties she said they are called. Also Mum was pretty good on a sewing machine and her creativity had extended to her panties too. For example she had converted a pair of knickers to incorporate a silky tube that went up inside her. This was great fun for me, I could put my fingers up her and be treated to soft silky panty-smoothness as I frigged her. Obviously she lets me frig her anyway, but this was a nice change and they looked superb as they were pushed up inside her. I could fuck her in them too, that felt nice as well.

“How about making a pair that will go up both holes?” I suggested, so a few days later when I came home from school, she told me she had something to show me. She sat on the edge of the sofa, lifted her skirt and opened her legs to show me, in addition to the usual stockings and suspenders, her splayed panty crotch complete with two insertion points stuffed in her pussy and her anus.

Wow! I was on her like a shot, two fingers in the pussy tube, one up her bum. She was wet as hell, obviously she'd been wearing them a while anticipating my return. The sounds and sensations on my fingers were fabulous as she squelched and dripped around the fabric. She was immediately in the throes of ecstasy as I frigged away mercilessly. She was begging for more and harder. So then I put my four fingers deep in her twat and my thumb up her arse as she tossed and thrashed around. After she'd finished cumming I pulled the panties off her, spread them across my face, sucked the gusset part that had been in her puss and then cocked her in the anus as far as I could go. “Oh, when you get set up with your photo stuff, we need pictures of that!” she cried. Yes indeed!

It took a while, with help from Dad, to get the downstairs toilet capable of being converted into a darkroom. I used to smile to myself about how he'd react if he knew how I was going to use it! The work mainly involved a removable seal around the door and a seal-able blackout blind over the small window. We managed to fit in a small table and a wall rack to hang wet prints while they dried. And most important? A good lock on the door! – I also got him to fit one on the outside of the door so I could keep his prying eyes out of it while my dirty pics dried off – I told him it was an extra safeguard, sort of belt and braces; someone could inadvertently open the door at the wrong time for the prints.... He accepted the argument. Phew!

Dad was away the coming weekend, giving me lots of time to get used to the processes, and for Mum and me to have some fun for the camera. And oh my did we have fun? Yes we did!

We used my bedroom for the first shots. We brought extra lights in from the lounge and my parents bedroom. My room isn't overlooked so I could open the curtains fully for good natural light. I knew my bed would come in useful, plus a nice armchair. I arranged lots of cushions and brought in a nice wide bowl, you'll never guess what for! (yes, I know, you're ahead of me aren't you?)

Mum said she had some underwear surprises for me, she'd been looking forward to this too. She got prepared for the shoot in her bedroom, while I made sure the camera was set up and the light was focused where I wanted it. Mum came in, she looked amazing in a new set of matching black underwear. Fully fashioned seamed stockings, a deep suspender belt, black nylon panties over these and a really nice black half-cup bra! I resisted the temptation to bury my face in her crotch, just told her wonderful she looked and asked her to get into a nice pose.

“Like this, Alan?” she asked as she sat on the edge of the chair, spread her legs over its arms and stared wantonly at the camera, panty-gusset to the fore.

“Oh yes Mum, that will do VERY nicely!” I took the first picture, but just had to make some contact with those panties, so I knelt in front of her and finally allowed my face to rub against her hot, damp, panty-covered crotch. She got wetter as I licked and let my nose plough along the line of her pussy. In response she opened even further and moved right to the very edge of the chair seat, her knees more tightly against her chest so that my nose could intrude over her anus. I moved away to take another picture and Mum put fingers each side of the gusset and inside her puss, but obscured from the camera's view. A very sexy shot, I just hoped it would come out. Then I stood the camera on the table and moved it into position so I could use the timer (“must get a tripod” I thought to myself).

And so began a series of shots where I opened her up, put my hand down her panties, stuffed them up inside her, each hole getting a turn, then the panties had to come off and I had lots of her on her knees, bottom to the camera, with me pulling her cheeks open, my fingers up her and, of course, me having her in each hole, or with fingers in one hole while my cock was in the other. Then we utilised the bowl. First I took a series of her peeing from behind, then, after some more penetration shots and Mum having a nice long cold drink, she was able to pee again, this time squatting over the bowl; her puss really opened up extremely wide in that position... I was really looking forward to the results and hoped I'd got the exposure correct. Mum was certainly exposed correctly to me! I next took shots of her taking my cock down her throat and her sitting over my face, her pussy lips just in tongue reach and her anus fully open and dilated. She'd had another drink in the mean time, and after some shots of my cock between her boobs and me licking and sucking her nipples, she was ready for a final pee shot. This needed the timer delay as I got her to pee while I held her lips apart, that was going to make a very nice picture. Finally Mum held the camera at arms length as I wanked off over her tummy. I was satisfied but Mum hadn't cum yet, so I frigged her hard and fast and she squirted as I brought her off. Fabulous.

It was after our first photoshoot that Mum and I embarked on our most outrageous exploit to date. The friend at school who told me all about film processing and so on, Raymond, had asked me how I was getting on. I told him I was learning as I went along but was having good results. To my shock, Ray told me that he and his family were shortly moving to another part of the country, he was leaving the school, and I would no longer have his helpful advice! I liked Ray, and I was disappointed that he was going, but as I was telling him about technical aspects and not going into any detail about subject matter (!) I started forming an idea. A bit later I turned the subject onto matters sexual, never far from the minds of teenage boys, and innocently asked if he'd ever seen his mother unclothed. I got a long response about how he'd become aware of his mother as a sexual being when he'd reached puberty, and how this seemed to coincide with her being coy about being seen in any state of undress. He told me that he imagined seeing her in her underwear and how frustrated he got when he found her bras and panties discarded in the bathroom – I listened with interest and stored his thoughts away for later to develop a little plan...

And so, a short time later I asked Ray round one afternoon after school, an evening when my Father was away on business, to join me and Mum for tea, and to demonstrate my home-made darkroom to him. I had told Mum about how Ray had helped me, and the news that he was leaving and that I wouldn't be seeing him again and she had agreed to my little plan. Mum was looking her most demure when we got home from school, and Ray and I were soon locked in the cloakroom/darkroom, where I had set up the enlarger to print off some photos. I had chosen what I wanted to print carefully. I didn't choose any of the extremely explicit shots of Mum's open pussy, or me buried up to the hilt in her anus; no, that would have been too much of a shock for him. I chose a film reel that Mum and I had made especially for this evening, in fact we'd shot it a couple of days earlier and I had processed the film but not printed it. They were a selection of initially clothed poses, gradually becoming more erotic and finally resulting in shots where she had removed her blouse and sat proudly displaying her bra-encased bust.

As matter-of-factly as I could, I began to go through the proess of printing off the shots, and Ray was becoming more and more intrigued. “Blimey, Alan, your Mum's a good sport posing for you – she's a great model.” Then later: “Wow, Alan, your Mum is pulling some pretty sexy poses in that one – look how she's pushing her chest out!” And even later: “Shit, Alan, she's undoing her blouse, how did you get her to do that? God she's sexy!” Finally: “Fucking hell, mate, she's posing in just her bra! You lucky sod! Are you sure you took these?”

“Yes, Ray, I took them, good aren't they? I thought you'd like them, after you told me about your Mum never letting you see anything. Mum has enjoyed posing for me, she likes displaying her body. Anyway, let's just hang these up to dry and we'll finish up now.”

“I'm not sure I'm going to be able to see your Mum, Alan, now I've seen these. I'll be too embarrassed to talk! Does she know you'd be showing them to me?”

“Oh yes, she knows. Don't worry, you'll be OK. As long as you tell her you liked them if she asks!” And I ushered him out.

To his shock and surprise (but not mine), Mum was waiting outside. No longer demure, she was dressed to please: a very low-cut blouse, massive cleavage from a push-up underwired bra, an extremely tiny mini-skirt that failed to go far enough down her legs to hide the tops of her seamed black stockings, and finally a pair of black patent high heels. “Hi boys, did Ray like the photos?”

“Oh, y-yes Mrs Jones, they are really good. You do some very good poses. Thank you for letting me see them!”

“Oh, happy to, Ray. Alan says your Mum never lets you see her in her underwear, that seems such a shame. I know how young boys appreciate such things. I think that not showing what is natural must be very frustrating, it can't be good for you in the long term!”

“N-no, Mrs Jones, it is frustrating, I have dreams and, well, naughty thoughts. I can't help it!”

Mum reached out and took his hand, “well, let's see how I can help, shall we?” and she led him into our lounge and sat him down on my Father's preferred armchair. Then she stood in front of him while I watched them both from behind his chair.

“Do you like my stockings, Ray, does your Mum wear ones like these? Does she let you see her adjusting them, like this..” and with that she lifted the hem of her little skirt and exposed the suspender attached to one of her stockings and her white flesh visible above the darker stocking-top. Ray was red faced and managed to shake his head as he feasted on the vision before him. “Ha ha, I guessed she wouldn't!” she smiled, then ran her hand along her leg, rubbing seductively while looking directly at Ray.

“Your Mum probably doesn't do this either, I expect,” and she turned her back to him and bent forward from the waist, her dress rode up and her black panty-covered bottom came into view, along with the suspenders and her white upper thighs, “which is a shame, 'cos its a lovely view isn't it?”

“Oh gosh, yes Mrs Jones, its a fabulous view!” I noticed he had to adjust himself in his grey school trousers.

Then Mum stood upright and faced us both again, then, saying “I'm finding it a bit warm in here, do you mind if I take this blouse off?” Ray nodded furiously, it was OK with him! Mum slowly unbuttoned the blouse and it fell open, the cleavage and the under-wired brassiere, black and lacy, peeped out. The cups were full of my Mum's flesh, and Ray began to breathe hard as the blouse was removed and discarded. “Oh that's better,” Mum sighed. “Cooler. Its one of my favourite bras, this one, you see how its almost see-through? That's because of the lace, it holds my breasts up well doesn't it? I like how it lifts them up and gives me this nice cleavage, you see?” and she began to cup herself and then ran a finger or two between her globes. “When I bend forward it gives a great view, Alan really likes it!”

This she demonstrated by coming close to Ray and stooping down in front of him so that her bra and breasts were inches from his face. “Its not fully see-through though, you can't see my nipples through it. But it's very low cut, so the areolae are only just covered. Do you know what areolae are? They're the dark brown part around my nipples. Alan likes it when I pull the front of the bra down a bit, and lift my boobs up a bit, so that the areolae peep over the top. Rude isn't he, but it does look sexy, he says he wants me to go out with him one day, with my blouse open and my bra low enough so they can be seen! I don't know if I have the nerve... Would you like to see what I mean, Ray?”


(A slight digression here, while I remember. Mum was right in what she said to Ray, this was a sight I really liked. It first occurred accidentally when Mum didn't get her bra on quite right one day after one of our after-school sessions, so part of a nipple was showing over the edge of her bra. It became another fetish of mine, along with panties generally. Anyway, a few days after our fun with Ray, Mum bought a special bra while she was in London shopping, she found a sexy lingerie shop, not like we have round our way, and bought some outfits, including a black bra that only came up a short way, leaving her nipples completely uncovered, but lifting her boobs beautifully, and a white one that came about half-way up them, leaving just the top of her areolae exposed. Yum!

Anyway, one summer evening after school, Mum and I went into town and walked around the park. She had a lightweight jacket on over a low-cut sheer white blouse, which she had left unbuttoned quite a long way down, and under it she had the half-cup white bra, nipples partially visible. She was wearing a shortish mini, quite a bit above the knees, no stockings or tights as it was a warm day. There were people picnicking in the park, usually on rugs they had brought with them, some just lounging on the grass. Mum and I sat down on a bench and Mum removed her jacket and we chatted together, nonchalantly. I was mesmerised by her breasts, the tops very exposed, the cleavage clear and the dark areolae tempting anyone who spotted them. And they were soon spotted! A guy came walking past and I saw him glance our way, then a double-take as he realised what was on display. He went on for a few paces before making a show of stopping and looking around, all innocently. Then he retraced his steps and chose a spot on the grass a few paces away from us. He produced a newspaper from under his arm and pretended to start reading it, but he was certainly looking directly at mum's chest. Who could blame him?

We continued chatting and we smiled at each other and nodded as we did so; she knew she was being closely observed. Mum made it even easier for him to see by leaning forwards slightly, in his direction, while ignoring him completely. Then she fiddled a bit with her blouse, making sure it opened further, the bra almost completely visible. As she continued to play we realised about four more men had stationed themselves in our vicinity. Occasionally a woman or a family group would walk past, they'd look over at us, probably intrigued by the concentration of people around us. We got some filthy looks from the women! A young schoolboy sitting there with an older woman showing most of her brassiere and a lot of flesh, including nipple peeks! Shameful! Wonderful actually!

We were in danger of causing too much attention though, at least Mum was, so we agreed it was time to go. But as a final treat, Mum pulled up her skirt, making out she was scratching her leg, and opened her knees wide. I knew she was wearing nice shiny white panties, and now all the guys around us knew too. She stood up to go, lifted up the back of her skirt for a final flash, and we left the park, giggling together at what she'd done. She told me she had loved it, and had made her very wet at the effect she had had on the men. Her panties that night were lovely and damp and aromatic for me to inhale as I went to bed, but not before I'd fucked her hard as soon as we got home... We had further flashing exploits later, and still do, I'll maybe tell you about them sometime!)


Anyway, back to our fun time with Ray.

Ray swallowed, “Oh yes please Mrs Jones, yes I'd really love to see what that's like!” I thought he might.

“Well, here goes, I'll just put my hand down into each cup and lift a breast up a little, see, now you can see the edge of the nipple, just showing over the top of the bra, just the outer brown area, not the full nipple. Its sexy isn't it? Women wearing low cut tops and dresses always have to check that they're not TOO low cut, its not acceptable to look like this, so its avoided; but Alan and I think its a great look. Doesn't show everything but shows enough to be intriguing...”

At this point I have to admit that her teasing Ray in this way was turning me on big-time. I couldn't resist going up to her and gently touching the tops of her breasts, just tickling the little parts of areolae that were on display with my fingers. “Sorry Mum, just had to have a little play, can't resist them!” I said. As I fiddled, her nipples hardened and pushed against the fabric of the bra: “Do you see that Ray, she likes it too!”

“Oh God, Alan, you are a lucky boy!” he said, “I'm so glad you invited me over, this is wonderful! Thank you Mrs Jones!”

“Well I'm sure I can show you a bit more Ray, since you're here, and your mother has been so unhelpful. It's the least I can do, no trouble for me at all!” said Mum. “Alan has a thing for my knickers, I suppose you'd like to see them too, is that right?”

“Oh gosh yes, Mrs Jones. Anything at all, you are wonderful!”

“Well I think I'd better get this skirt off first, then you can get a good look at them, and my stockings and suspender belt.” She turned her back to him as I stood alongside. “Unzip me please Ray.” And with fumbling hands, Ray complied. The skirt fell away, leaving Mum standing in front of him with her nipples almost out of her bra, her legs straight in her patent heels, her seamed stockings and suspenders immaculate and her shiny black panties radiating heat. I was erect and it looked like Ray was bursting at his trouser front.

“Such a shame you Mum doesn't offer you any naughty entertainment Ray, Alan and I have a lot of fun. Alan just adores my panties, don't you Alan? Come and show him...”

So I went over to her and stood behind her, I looked over her shoulder at my friend, sitting there looking entranced, as I put my hands on her hips and then moved them to encircle her waist. Mum shifted her weight from leg to leg, sensuously moving her hips as I moved my hands up until they were just below her bra. Then I cupped them and eased the fronts down so that her breasts were fully displayed for Ray, nipples erect. Ray licked his lips and reddened as I played with my Mother's ripe tits. I gently squeezed her little brown buds and lifted and caressed her boobs. I came round to the front and sucked at each nipple in turn. Ray was rubbing the front of his trousers.

“Its the panties I love best, Ray,” I said. “Mum, turn around and let me fondle them at the back.”

She turned and I placed a hand on her nylon-covered behind. “Ooh lovely!” she sighed as I run my hand down over the panties tracing the line of her bum-crack.

“Spread your legs a bit Mum, I want to rub your crotch, I want to feel your panty-gusset. That's great, bend your knees a bit, wonderful, nice and wide for my hand to get access. Oh, you're damp aren't you?”

She smiled over her shoulder at Ray. “Yes, you know, I always get wet when he does that! Are you enjoying this Ray?”

“Wow, not half Mrs Jones! I just can't believe this is happening!”

“Bend forward and touch your toes, Mum” I commanded, and, as she did so, she spread her legs a bit further so her complete panty-crotch was nicely available for Ray to examine. I ran a finger along it. “This is where her pussy is, look I can push in a little, so it goes up her a little. Here's her bumhole, look at how I can push the panties up there a little bit too! Oh, this is what I really love, Ray, the feel of Mum's pussy and anus through the damp shiny panties, its fabulous. Oh, just have to give it a good rub for a while. Enjoying that Mum?”

“Oh god yes, Alan, you know I do, I'm just gushing with juice, can you feel it? Actually Ray, can you see how wet my knickers are getting? Your Mum really is missing out if she doesn't get anyone doing this to her!”

“Yes, Mrs Jones,” said Ray, moving close to get a really good look as I rubbed my mother's panty gusset into her crotch, “they really are wet, you must be really dripping. Its amazing..”

“Let's show him from a different angle, Mum, sit on that chair and lean back. That's it, legs up, knees back, nice an splayed. Look at that, Ray, Mum's panty gusset right on the edge of the chair, all stretched over her pussy and bum-hole, damp and sticky with her juices, squelching as I rub it. Mum, keep them nice and open while I slip a finger past the gusset. Wow, you are sopping! I think Ray needs to see this, time to get those panties off!”

I got Mum to close her legs and then pulled down her panties. I was between her and Ray, and was determined to give him a nice treat as I revealed Mum's private and sacred parts to him. I lifted them away from her, after negotiating the tricky part of getting them past her shoes, and held them in one hand as I instructed Mum to get wide open again. Ray was trying to look past me but I kept in his way until Mum was fully open and in the most disgusting and wanton pose he could imagine, bum-hole and wide open pussy to the fore, legs wide, wide, wide open, up and apart, then I stood aside for Ray to take it all in.

“Oh, fuck! Oh Mrs Jones, that's beautifu... oh no, I've cum off in my pants!” It was true, he was jerking involuntarily and a wet patch now appeared on his school trousers. But he couldn't tear his eyes away from the magnificent sight in front of him.

“Never mind Ray, I don't blame you, I nearly cum every time I see Mum's open holes. Just look at this...” and with that I reached across to my Mother's sordid display and pulled her outer lips apart and put a finger into her pussy from each side, opening her up even more fully, as Ray sank down on his knees and peered into her love tube. He was still shaking and sweating with excitement, as I inserted a finger right up her rectum and then put two more in her pussy, slowly frigging both holes. “I bet you're hard again aren't you Ray, I bet you could cum again seeing that!”

“Oh fuck, yes I could! Oh my God! Oh Mrs Jones I can't believe you let him do these things, you are so wonderful.”

“No, I don't think I'm like most Mums, although I am really a step-mother, but in any case I love the effect it has on Alan, and I'm enjoying seeing your pleasure too. Why don't you get your cock out, you must be dying to wank it. I don't mind... Alan, give him my wet panties so he can inhale me!”

I passed them to Ray, who held them to his face and breathed in their aroma, while he unzipped his trousers deftly with one hand and pulled them and his underpants down, sporting a red erect cock that he began to strop.

“You can cum over me if you like, Ray!” said Mum, “Why don't you both have a go?”

I didn't really need to be told, but I hadn't wanted to get wanking until Ray had had a chance, it didn't seem fair. So I got my cock out too and began a slow strop myself.

“You can put your fingers up me if you like, Ray!”

He was clearly about to cum anyway, but Mum's invitation hastened the end. Ray dropped the panties and put fingers deep into both Mum's holes, both of them to the hilt, while simultaneously splashing vast gobbets of cum all over her chest. It was too much for me and I fed my cock into Mum's throat and she swallowed my ejaculate greedily. For his part, Ray just knelt there with his fingers still up my Mum. He stared down at her business end with wonder and joy and kept up his fingering, as if this was something he never wanted to end. Who could blame him?

“Why don't you enjoy looking up me, Ray?” said Mum, “and maybe Alan can bring me off, I haven't had my full pleasure yet you know!”

Ray reluctantly took his fingers out of her but still focused on her glistening crotch as Mum brought her legs back fully. I picked up her discarded panties, held them to my nose and then began to insert them into her puss. Ray looked at me questioningly “Is that OK? Mrs Jones, do you like that?”

“Oh yes, Ray, I love the feel of nylon knickers in me, I usually have a pair inside me during the day, so Alan can have them with him at night, so he can lick and sniff them when I can't be with him!”

I continued to hold her lips apart as I pushed them up Mum's twat. Then, when they were fully inside, I put a finger knuckle deep in her small hole while I attended to her clitoris. I made sure Ray got a good look as I licked and then rubbed her, while Mum relaxed back a little, but with legs fully akimbo. Her breathing deepened and a short while later she began thrashing her orgasm. Then, to Ray's and my delight, she started involuntarily pissing. I made sure most of it went on me, easier to clean up than on the carpet. Ray was dumbfounded, lost for words. He was just luxuriating in it all.

“Oh Fuck, thanks Alan, that was good one. Made better knowing Ray was watching I think!” Said Mum.

Finally Ray composed himself, “I can't believe what has happened today!” he said, “this has been wonderful. And Mrs Jones, seeing your body, your lovely underwear, your private parts and being able to put my fingers inside you... I'll never forget it! Never in all my life!”

“Well now Ray, I know that you are leaving the school and the area,” said Mum, “that's why Alan wanted to bring you round, that and knowing you never had seen your Mum naked or in her underwear, we wanted to give you a treat. But since we've had such a good time, and you've been a good boy, and because we won't be seeing you again, I think I can do a bit more for you. Tell me, if you could do anything with or to me, what would it be?”

Ray look astonished. He gulped, went bright crimson and said: “Oh Mrs Jones. I..I.. oh gosh! I'd love to strip all my clothes off and cuddle you, I want to feel your boobs, and lick and suck your lovely nipples. And... and I.. I want to lick all of you down there – your pussy, and your bottom, I want to look up inside you some more, to hold you open and put my fingers up you, both your holes, and I want to put my cock up both holes and cum inside you. Then, then.. oh I cant believe I'm saying this, then I'd like to pee up inside you, pee in your pussy as you hold it open for me... Oh God, is that too much? I'm sorry, I can't believe that all came out, I can't believe I actually said it!”

Mum and I just stared at him. We were both a bit shocked and surprised at his fantasies coming out like that. I wondered what Mum would say. She stared at Ray, then looked at me before she spoke.

“OK Ray, let's do it. Alan, get the camera and adjust the lights, while Ray gets his clothes off!”

And that was the beginning of what was, then, the most debauched thing that Mum and I did. I set up the camera and made sure Mum was in focus and well illuminated, while Ray stripped off, actually Mum did most of that, she helped him off with his shirt, undid his trousers, pulled them down off him, socks next then his messy underpants, still wet with his cum on the front. His erection was hard and she had to manoeuvre his pants over it and as she pulled them down, she gave his cock a lick along the shaft and, if he hadn't cum twice already, he would have shot off then I realised.

Mum took him in her arms and her held her as they both hugged and cuddled. He caressed her bottom, and her boobs and she fonled his cock as I took some shots. Then Mum got down on the carpet and opened her legs as Ray knelt over her and licked her body: her armpits, her throat, her tummy button and, of course her breasts and nipples, before finally she opened wide and his head was down at her crotch and he straddled her, his legs wide open and her head between them, but his cock hard against her cleavage.

He was away. He was puling her apart and licking and sucking; drinking her pussy. He pulled her knees up to get better access and Mum pushed her head forward and splayed his legs more, so she began to lick his inner thighs in turn. Ray responded by putting his arms fully round her thighs and pulling her holes up off the floor and right into his mouth. I knew where he was going to probe next with his tongue! But Mum was in tune with him, and she raised him up so there was space between his crotch and her chest, she pulled him a bit closer and then, to my amazement, she started to lick his anal ring-piece, just as he did the same to her!

I was on the brink of cumming again myself, watching this sight unfurl before me, but I kept up the camera work. Ray was sweating and clearly in the throes of advanced sexual intoxication. Would he be able to last any longer? Yes, and he remembered what else he wanted to do! He climbed off Mum, re-positioned himself in a classic missionary position between Mum's thighs as she smiled at him and held her pussy lips open, then.. he was up her to the hilt. He pounded away like there was no tomorrow and Mum was flushed and panting. Then, out of her pussy he cam, lifted her legs up so her knees were almost fully against her chest, pulled her lips apart and frigged her with three fingers, getting them fully covered in her juices and sweat. Then he smeared them onto her ring-piece, put two fingers up there and reamed her awhile, getting her ready for penetration. Finally he was ready and I watched fascinated as my friends cock drove fully down into my Mother's colon! I caught it on camera but my hands were shaking so I hoped it was a clear shot. He pumped away.

This must be his climax I thought, but then Mum cried out: “Alan, do me in my pussy while Ray is buggering me!” Fuck! I almost came at the very thought, this was SO dirty. Ray stopped and looked at me quizzically, a questioning look on his face. I nodded at him agreeing we should do her together. How to arrange it though? Mum took charge. “Get on your back, Alan, I'll get on top of you and then Ray can go up my bottom from behind!” We didn't need telling twice. I lay on my back, Mum knelt down across me and my cock slipped easily up into her vagina, then she leant forward with her face close to mine and her bottom open and ready for Ray. He knelt behind her and I could feel him spreading her juices back into her bum-hole. “Put some saliva in there Ray if you don't think its wet enough” she advised, and Ray slurped spit onto her fingers before I could feel a couple of digits going up Mum's anus through the diving wall between her holes. Then, when he was satisfied she and he were ready, his cock went back up her arse, and I could feel him as he shafted her. I did so too, trying to thrust in unison. Mum was beginning to lose it, she was thrashing around and shouting in ecstasy as she had her first ever double-penetration. (Plot spoiler alert – it wasn't the last one she and I participated in!)

As she exploded with orgasm but Ray and I did too, coming up her together for a shattering and memorable conclusion. Especially for Ray – what an initiation it had been for him!

We climbed off each other and stood up. “I think there was one other thing you wanted wasn't there Ray?” asked Mum, smiling directly at him. “Alan, get a couple of the nice big bath towels from the airing cupboard will you?”

Ah Ha, I thought to myself, I know what these are for! Following Mum's instructions I put both of the towels down on the floor. Mum sat on them, leant back, opened her legs and lifted he knees, pulled her pussy lips apart and told Ray to pee inside. I got the camera ready again as Ray got into position and, with his cock looking like it was in danger of getting too erect any second, he began to pee, and he went on for quite a while, aiming it right inside Mum's open vagina. Finally, still peeing, he managed to get his stiffening cock inside her, flooding her out. He managed a few thrusts and the sucking wet sounds were fantastic! Finally he was finished and he came out of her. He and I and the camera took in the sight of Mum splayed open, pee dripping from her pussy, running over her anus onto the towels. She had a lusty, satisfied look on her face. So, to be fair, did Ray!

And so the session came to an end, Mum went out of the room and Ray and I got dressed and did our best to clear up and put away the lights and the camera. This took a few minutes before Mum returned.

“Well Ray, you can have a little souvenir,” she replied, putting her fingers up inside herself. “Here, you can have these knickers, they havent been up me for long now, but they were the ones I've had up me earlier today, ready for this little session, so they should smell nice. They are a bit damp, so enjoy them and remember today when you inhale!” And she pulled them out of her pussy, then rubbed them all along her wet open crotch, finally pushing them into her anus for a while, before she sniffed them and handed them to a grateful Ray.

A few days later it was the end of term and Ray and his family moved away. We corresponded in coded letter from then on, he was so grateful to me and Mum and he never forgot our session. Years later we made contact again and Mum was still happy to see him...
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spec1410 Πριν από 4 μήνες
What a fantastic horny turn on so so sexeeeeeeeeeeeee
crzs Πριν από 6 μήνες
not the first time reading this , and enjoyed it again this morning 
magenta100 Πριν από 7 μήνες
very nice story
fdj Πριν από 7 μήνες
Fucking wonderful story.
Ukchris56 Πριν από 1 έτος
Wish I could meet her as well 
RollenSpielen Πριν από 1 έτος
Sehr gute Geschichte und sehr heiß 
sloggijohan Πριν από 1 έτος
Delicious story. 
AngelababysDaddy Πριν από 1 έτος
Very tantalising great story
bandaazul Πριν από 1 έτος
Just soo horny.
thighfan Πριν από 1 έτος chronicled every boy's desire!
Camisole123 Πριν από 1 έτος
great stories I loved wearing my mums knickers
silkypantyhose20 Πριν από 1 έτος
Omg that was really an amazing story so hot and horny xx
nevenaryan Πριν από 1 έτος
Wow.. 💓 exciting and lovely one 💓
fdj Πριν από 1 έτος
Fucking wonderful.
Micki18 Πριν από 1 έτος
radionpg Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 1 έτος
σε merlinhamster : Can you tell me when I used the "step" word in my mum's presence?  She used it at one point, but I cannot see when I used it in front of her.  Many thanks.
Απάντηση Εμφάνιση αρχικού σχολίου
jimmcd Πριν από 1 έτος
Has to be one of the hottest well written stories on this site. I myself have practised a lot of what he did on his mum but it was with my wife,,,,lol. Hardly the same,,,  more please,,, 
jimmcd Πριν από 1 έτος
Wowww,, what a session,,,, I am as hard as fuck,,,,every young guys dream and old guy too.  May I pm you sometime?
nevenaryan Πριν από 1 έτος
Exciting story💓
jimmcd Πριν από 1 έτος
I am alone and have just read the second parf.. It just vets better and better. Visualising you mum dressed in a corset did it fkr me,,,Now onto part 3
jimmcd Πριν από 1 έτος
I have just read the first part. The  first few paragraphs caused me remember my own first delights of playing with my older sister's panties and other undies. It is a wonderful and erotic tale that gave me quite a few erections.  I will comment on the second part as soon as I read it,,,,  10 / 10 so far
jrgenhenry Πριν από 1 έτος
Wonderful story you and I have one ting in common, you fucked your stepmother I fucked my real mother, a mothers love is the greatest love in the World
Wonderful...thanks for sharing
longleg57 Πριν από 1 έτος
thabk you
merlinhamster Πριν από 2 έτη
I have just red the first part and i give 5 stars out of 5. sorry you used the step word later in front of mum. Since the shy boy adn shy mother part was just getting so well explained and written... Gee it is anyway a faboulous written story. mostly men seem to appreciate it and no ladies i see. but what the hec.  it is just great. thanks. you are a talent. look forward to more stories.
denierfan2 Πριν από 2 έτη
Awes9me stories 
Great stories thanks and now very randy for anything
madjack1 Πριν από 2 έτη
Fuck what a story I'm so hard I'm going upstairs to fuck the cleaner
sam_barford Πριν από 2 έτη
Fantastic as always! Really gets me hard reading these! 
radionpg Άτομο δημοσίευσης Πριν από 2 έτη
Part 4 just published.  Comments on that one please!